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为高水平全面建成小康社会补短板筑底板 被引量:2
作者 战炤磊 《群众》 2019年第7期16-17,共2页
2019年是全面建成小康社会关键之年。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记对全面建成小康社会提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新要求,并且多次对江苏全面小康社会建设作出明确指示,为高水平全面建成小康社会提供了根本遵循。当前,江苏以系统谋划... 2019年是全面建成小康社会关键之年。党的十八大以来,习近平总书记对全面建成小康社会提出了一系列新思想、新论断、新要求,并且多次对江苏全面小康社会建设作出明确指示,为高水平全面建成小康社会提供了根本遵循。当前,江苏以系统谋划高质量发展为主线,遵循经济社会发展规律,顺应人民群众对美好生活的向往,既通过精准施策补齐短板. 展开更多
关键词 板筑 短板 江苏 小康社会 全面 发展 规律
作者 周松方 《中国农村金融》 2016年第7期10-12,共3页
创新开发信息系统,探索困难企业"帮扶八法",试点"三张清单一张网",推出逃废债三项惩戒机制等,有效防控信用风险风险防控事关银行业改革发展稳定的大局,浙江银监局以新思路、新举措、新风貌,严守风险底线、落实监管... 创新开发信息系统,探索困难企业"帮扶八法",试点"三张清单一张网",推出逃废债三项惩戒机制等,有效防控信用风险风险防控事关银行业改革发展稳定的大局,浙江银监局以新思路、新举措、新风貌,严守风险底线、落实监管责任、强化信用风险防控体系、补好四块短板,创新推出押品交易信息平台、困难企业"帮扶八法"等信用风险防控措施,化解不良贷款金额居全国前列。 展开更多
关键词 风险防控 银行业改革 创新开发 八法 板筑 有效防控 交易信息 信息系统 金融机构 信贷文化
现代夯土墙体建造技艺研究——以板筑墙为例 被引量:1
作者 邱瑾 安鼎昌 李子园 《艺术教育》 2021年第11期243-246,共4页
古人利用原状土营建房屋的工艺有着悠久的历史,早在殷商时代就出现了,代表着我国独特的建筑文化。在当今工业化钢筋混凝土建筑盛行的时代,夯土建筑独特的营建技术及其质感特征给人们以别样的感官冲击。板筑墙作为我国应用最早的夯筑墙... 古人利用原状土营建房屋的工艺有着悠久的历史,早在殷商时代就出现了,代表着我国独特的建筑文化。在当今工业化钢筋混凝土建筑盛行的时代,夯土建筑独特的营建技术及其质感特征给人们以别样的感官冲击。板筑墙作为我国应用最早的夯筑墙体的方法一直沿用至今,并且伴随着现代科学技术的发展逐步完善。文章对现代板筑墙的建前准备、施工工艺、构造做法和肌理艺术四个方面进行了梳理,并对夯土建筑未来的发展提出一些见解。 展开更多
关键词 板筑 建前准备 施工工艺 构造做法 肌理艺术
甘肃境内的明长城 被引量:1
作者 陈守忠 《社科纵横》 1990年第4期41-43,共3页
提起明长城,必先从嘉峪关说起。因为先有此雄关,然后有明长城。这座雄关,建于明初,至今己有六百多年了。它与秦皇岛附近的山海关,屹立于长城的两端,东西对应,都悬有“天下第一关”的大匾额,而嘉峪关建筑早,历史长,名不虚传,它巍然雄峙,... 提起明长城,必先从嘉峪关说起。因为先有此雄关,然后有明长城。这座雄关,建于明初,至今己有六百多年了。它与秦皇岛附近的山海关,屹立于长城的两端,东西对应,都悬有“天下第一关”的大匾额,而嘉峪关建筑早,历史长,名不虚传,它巍然雄峙,城垣壮伟,城上四面都有阁楼高耸,飞檐凌空,城中一组官衙建筑,也完好保存,现均经政府拨款整修,焕然一新,是长城西部的关城中保存最完整的一座,每年吸引着众多的中外游客,不愧为“长城主宰”(东门外庙宇上悬有此四字匾额)。 展开更多
关键词 明长城 关城 明初 东门外 城中 三边总制 傅友德 真武庙 沈儿峪 板筑
万里长城西部起首于今临洮辩 被引量:4
作者 孙益民 王楷 《兰州学刊》 1982年第1期69-81,107,共14页
秦代所修建的长城,长一万多华里,历史上叫“万里长城”,它象一条矫健的巨龙,盘旋于群山之中,奔腾于万山之巅,气势磅礴,雄伟壮观,举世无双,是世界上最伟大的军事防御工程之一。它是我国古代建筑工程技术的高度成就,是我国古代劳动人民高... 秦代所修建的长城,长一万多华里,历史上叫“万里长城”,它象一条矫健的巨龙,盘旋于群山之中,奔腾于万山之巅,气势磅礴,雄伟壮观,举世无双,是世界上最伟大的军事防御工程之一。它是我国古代建筑工程技术的高度成就,是我国古代劳动人民高度智慧的结晶,也是我们祖国的象征。 这样伟大的工程,它东止辽东,已无争议,当然,具体止于辽东何地,尚待进一步考察。但是,“万里长城”西起何地,却有争论。有进一步弄清的必要。 展开更多
关键词 军事防御 城坡 建筑工程技术 陇西郡 板筑 狄道 中说 寺工 潘家庄 华夷图
潞盐生产的奥秘探析 被引量:2
作者 柴继光 《运城学院学报》 1991年第3期61-64,共4页
运城盐池古称盬、解池、河东盐池;她出产的盐曾名苦盐、颗盐、大盐、解盐;又因潞村而得名为潞盐,并沿用至今,潞盐在生产过程中有几个独特之处,历来为人们所乐道。其一是:在硝板筑成的结晶畦上结晶;其二是:卤水须搭配淡水;其三是:借助于... 运城盐池古称盬、解池、河东盐池;她出产的盐曾名苦盐、颗盐、大盐、解盐;又因潞村而得名为潞盐,并沿用至今,潞盐在生产过程中有几个独特之处,历来为人们所乐道。其一是:在硝板筑成的结晶畦上结晶;其二是:卤水须搭配淡水;其三是:借助于南风,本文试就这三个问题进行一些探析。 硝板上晒盐之奥妙 据记载:运城盐池“古惟集工捞采,收自然之利,李唐以后,有治畦浇晒之法.”①对于唐代的治畦浇晒法,唐人张守节有这样的描叙:“河东盐池是畦盐,作畦若种韭一畦,天雨下池中,咸淡得均,即畎池中水上畔中,深一尺许,日暴之,五、六日则成盐,若白矾石,大小若双陆,及暮则呼为畦盐。”②宋人亦说:“垦地为畦,引池水沃之,谓之种盐,水耗则盐成。”③ 由上可见,运城盐池垦畦浇晒法由来已久,但是,过去的史书,对晒盐畦地的构造却没有具体记载。事实上,潞盐的结晶畦是建造在硝板之上的。 展开更多
关键词 张守节 板筑 颗盐 解池 下池 池中 李唐 水上 解盐 种盐
元上都遗址 被引量:1
作者 张文芳 《内蒙古文物考古》 1994年第1期116-122,共7页
元上都遗址张文芳元上都遗址,蒙古语称之为“兆奈曼苏默” ̄[1]。该遗址位于约北纬42°,东径116°,行政区划属内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗。其西南距正蓝旗旗政府所在地─—敦达浩特镇约20公里,北依连绵起伏的... 元上都遗址张文芳元上都遗址,蒙古语称之为“兆奈曼苏默” ̄[1]。该遗址位于约北纬42°,东径116°,行政区划属内蒙古自治区锡林郭勒盟正蓝旗。其西南距正蓝旗旗政府所在地─—敦达浩特镇约20公里,北依连绵起伏的南屏山,南临滦河(又称闪电河)之水,东西两... 展开更多
关键词 元上都 宫城 蒙古语 连绵起伏 闪电河 诈马宴 板筑 蒙元 元大都 内蒙古文物
作者 咏馥 《苏州科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 1987年第1期49-49,共1页
鞔,音mn,相当于今天“瞒”字的读音,《说文解字》注云:“鞔,如今人言鞋帮也。”《吕氏春秋·召类》云:“南家,工人也,为鞔者也。”则知“鞔”字作名字用时乃鞋帮之义,或者泛指鞋子。此外,该字尚可用作动词,即“用皮蒙鼓”之义,《酉... 鞔,音mn,相当于今天“瞒”字的读音,《说文解字》注云:“鞔,如今人言鞋帮也。”《吕氏春秋·召类》云:“南家,工人也,为鞔者也。”则知“鞔”字作名字用时乃鞋帮之义,或者泛指鞋子。此外,该字尚可用作动词,即“用皮蒙鼓”之义,《酉阳杂俎·语资》云:“宁王常夏中挥汗鞔鼓”;另外,将布蒙在鞋帮上,也称“鞔”。最后的这一用法至今在苏州地区的口语中仍然存在,例如,把布复在鞋面上或者衣服上面缝纫,即称之为“鞔”或“鞔一鞔”。不过,在当代的青年——尤其是城市青年——中,这一用法已不多见;此外,即使有人谈话中用了此字,也难得知道它是如何书写的了。 展开更多
关键词 酉阳杂俎 夏中 南家 苏州地区 城市青年 吕氏春秋 文解 板筑 十年 南燕
作者 陶亮生 《中国书画》 2004年第3期141-141,共1页
关键词 柴桑 女郎花 板筑 冯唐 我爱 头孔 陶家
《绿色中国》 2007年第5X期76-81,共6页
北京仟禧亿隆服饰有限公司是一家集生产、销售于一体的现代化企业,自一九九九年成立以来,不断引进国内外先进的生产设备和各类专业人才。凭借“高起点、高标准、高质量”的制作理念,本着“专业、创新、服务”的精神,使经典女装SPREAD(蔓... 北京仟禧亿隆服饰有限公司是一家集生产、销售于一体的现代化企业,自一九九九年成立以来,不断引进国内外先进的生产设备和各类专业人才。凭借“高起点、高标准、高质量”的制作理念,本着“专业、创新、服务”的精神,使经典女装SPREAD(蔓延)推广至国内各大城市,并受到目标消费群的青睐。 展开更多
关键词 大城市 目标消费群 生产设备 制作理念 家集 专业人才 大皿 板筑 二形 翔之
作者 徐志贤 《丝绸之路》 1995年第2期34-36,共3页
黄土塬上黄土窑徐志贤黄土窑,即窑洞,是利用生土的特性创造的一种居室。同时也是建筑艺术和旅游事业待开发的的荒原窑,是在人工掘成的崖上,由靠地面部分纵向挖成的洞。和盖房相比较,“崖”就是屋架。“崖”的组合,叫“庄”或“庄... 黄土塬上黄土窑徐志贤黄土窑,即窑洞,是利用生土的特性创造的一种居室。同时也是建筑艺术和旅游事业待开发的的荒原窑,是在人工掘成的崖上,由靠地面部分纵向挖成的洞。和盖房相比较,“崖”就是屋架。“崖”的组合,叫“庄”或“庄子”、“庄基”、“院庄”。“庄”的... 展开更多
关键词 黄土塬 窑口 半明半暗 庄子 窑主 气候特征 崖面 生活污水 土的可塑性 板筑土墙
作者 杨盛 许健 《电气传动自动化》 2002年第6期39-40,共2页
关键词 PLC 级式编程技术 板筑热弯机 应用 可编程序控制器
作者 吴立新 王金庄 +1 位作者 赵学胜 李邦三 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 1994年第2期74-85,共12页
This paper systematiedy expounds the history and present situation of tbe research &application of strip-parttal mining at home and abroad. Tbe prospect of using strip-parttal miningmcthod to mine under balldings ... This paper systematiedy expounds the history and present situation of tbe research &application of strip-parttal mining at home and abroad. Tbe prospect of using strip-parttal miningmcthod to mine under balldings (structures) at the present situation of market economy is also expounded here Strata & surface subsidence mechanism of atrip-partni mining the optimization ofthe width of unit goaf & coal pillar as well as the calculation method of surface subsidence pridictionbased on Holding-Ptate Control Theory and Coal Pillar Long-term Stability, which are our researchachivements in recent years about strata & surface subsidence control in strip-partial mining, arethe main points introdued bere. 展开更多
关键词 strip-partial mining Holding-Plate Theory coal pillar subsidence mechanism subsidence control dimension optimization
Retrofitting of RC Slabs Against Explosive Loads 被引量:1
作者 WU Chengqing 0EHLERS Deric John XIA Shaohua 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2006年第B09期88-93,共6页
With the increase of terrorist bomb attacks on buildings, there is a need to develop advanced retrofitting techniques to strengthen structures against blast loads. Currently, several guidelines including an Australian... With the increase of terrorist bomb attacks on buildings, there is a need to develop advanced retrofitting techniques to strengthen structures against blast loads. Currently, several guidelines including an Australian version for retrofitting reinforced concrete (RC) structures are available for the design of retrofitting systems against seismic and monotonic loads using steel or fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) plates that can be either adhesively bonded to the surface or near surface mounted to the concrete cover. However, none of these guidelines provide advice suitable for retrofitting structures subjected to blast loads. In this paper, numerical models are used to simulate the performance of retrofitted RC slabs subjected to blast loads. Airblast pressure distributions on the surface of the slabs estimated in a previous study are used as input in the analysis. A material damage model developed previously for concrete and an elastoplastic model for steel bars are employed in this research for modelling reinforced concrete behaviour due to explosive loads. The material models and blast loading are coded into a finite element computer program LS-DYNA3D to do the analysis. With the numerical model, parametric studies are conducted to investigate RC slabs retrofitted by either externally bonded or near-surface mounted plates or GFRP sheets subjected to blast loads. Discussion is made on the effectiveness of the retrofitting system for RC slabs against blast loads. 展开更多
关键词 RETROFIT explosion fibre reinforced polymer SLAB
Spring constitutive model of rigid pile composite foundation and application in design of raft foundation 被引量:1
作者 韩小雷 肖成安 +1 位作者 李稼轩 冯杰强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期1079-1084,共6页
The simplified analysis method based on the static equilibrium is generally adopted for raft design. The secondary stress of superstructure due to the differential settlement of the foundation is neglected, which lead... The simplified analysis method based on the static equilibrium is generally adopted for raft design. The secondary stress of superstructure due to the differential settlement of the foundation is neglected, which leads to larger support moments and longitudinal bending of raft compared with real values. The spring constitutive relation of composite foundation is obtained by the flat plate loading tests in Karst region. The interaction between the spring and the raft is equivalent to the interaction between the composite foundation and the raft. The model for superstructure-raft-composite foundation interaction analysis is thus established and the raft is designed. This method not only considers the nonlinear properties of composite foundation but also analyzes the influence of superstructure on bending moment and deformation of raft. Compared with the inverted floor method, the calculated values of moment become more reasonable and uneven settlements are considered. This can be references to the design of raft foundation in similar regions. 展开更多
关键词 spring constitutive relation composite foundation RAFT INTERACTION
Hierarchical closed form solutions for plates bent by localized transverse loadings 被引量:1
作者 CARRERA E. GIUNTA G. BRISCHETTO S. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第7期1026-1037,共12页
3D and 2D closed form plate models are here applied to static analysis of simply supported square isotropic plates. 2D theories are hierarchically classified on the basis of the accuracy of the displacements and stres... 3D and 2D closed form plate models are here applied to static analysis of simply supported square isotropic plates. 2D theories are hierarchically classified on the basis of the accuracy of the displacements and stresses obtained by comparison to the 3D exact results that could be assumed by the reader as benchmark for further analyses. Attention is mainly paid on localized loading conditions, that is, piecewise constant load. Also bi-sinusoidal and uniformly distributed loadings are taken into account. All of those configurations are considered in order to investigate the behavior of the 2D models in the case of continu- ous/uncontinuous, centric or off-centric loading conditions. The ratio between the side length a and the plate thickness h has been assumed as analysis parameter. Higher order 2D models yield accurate results for any considered load condition in the case of moderately thick plates, a/h=10. In the case of thick plates, a/h=5, and continuous/uncontinuous centric loading conditions high accuracy is also obtained. For the considered off-centric load condition and thick plates good results are provided for some output quantities. A better solution could be achieved by simply increasing the polynomial approximation order of the axiomatic 2D displacement field. 展开更多
关键词 Exact 3D model Hierarchical 2D models Principle of Virtual Displacements (PVD) Localized loading Simply supported square isotropic plate
Seismic Enhancement of Existing Buildings by Means of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Diaphragms 被引量:1
作者 Alessandra Marini Giovanni Plizzari Cristina Zanotti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第3期6-14,共9页
Floor diaphragms may provide an effective solution for reducing the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings. Unfortunately, diaphragms are usually not present in historical building with wooden floors but often the... Floor diaphragms may provide an effective solution for reducing the seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings. Unfortunately, diaphragms are usually not present in historical building with wooden floors but often they are non present even in old R/C buildings where floors were made without shear reinforcement. A possible strengthening technique could be based on the application of a thin concrete plate reintbrced with a welded mesh. In order to reduce the thickness of the plate, some suitable solutions may be obtained by using Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC) since the minimum concrete cover is no longer required because the reinforcement (fibers) is spread all over the concrete matrix. The adoption of FRC floor diaphragms is proposed and discussed in this paper; the early results from a preliminary numerical study are analyzed in order to asses the feasibility of this new strengthening technique and better organize an experimental program that is currently in progress. 展开更多
关键词 Floor diaphragms seismic retrofit. Fiber Reinforced Concrete FE analysis
Spallation Mechanism of RC Slabs Under Contact Detonation 被引量:5
作者 袁林 龚顺风 金伟良 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第6期464-469,共6页
The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overal... The spallation of the concrete slabs or walls resulting from contact detonation constitutes risk to the personnel and equipment inside the structures because of the high speed concrete fragments even though the overall structures or structural members are not destroyed completely. Correctly predicting the damage caused by any potential contact detonation can lead to better fortification design to withstand the blast Ioadings. It is therefore of great significance to study the mechanism involved in the spallation of concrete slabs and walls. Existing studies on this topic often employ simplified material models and 1D wave analysis, which cannot reproduce the realistic response in the spallation process. Numerical simulations are therefore carried out under different contact blast Ioadings in the free air using LS-DYNA. Sophisticated concrete and reinforcing bar material models are adopted, taking into account the strain rate effect on both tension and compression. The erosion technique is used to model the fracture and failure of materials under tensile stress. Full processes of the deformation and dynamic damage of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs and plain concrete slabs are thus observed realistically. It is noted that with the increase of quantity of explosive, the dimensions of damage crater increase and the slabs experience four different damage patterns, namely explosive crater, spalling, perforation, and punching. Comparison between the simulation results of plain concrete slabs and those of RC slabs show that reinforcing bars can enhance the integrity and shearing resistance of the slabs to a certain extent, and meanwhile attenuate the ejection velocity and decrease the size of the concrete fragments. Therefore, optimizing reinforcement arrangement can improve the anti-spallation capability of the slabs and walls to a certain extent. 展开更多
关键词 SPALLATION contact detonation reinforced concrete slab numerical simulation
A Study on the Architectural Application of Aerogel 被引量:6
作者 Young Cheol Kwon 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第12期1494-1500,共7页
As the building energy saving is more and more important, high-performing insulation like aerogel will be required in buildings to improve their thermal environment and to save building energy. This study conducted th... As the building energy saving is more and more important, high-performing insulation like aerogel will be required in buildings to improve their thermal environment and to save building energy. This study conducted the literature survey on the aerogel blanket and presents the architectural application considering its high-insulating property. If aerogel is applied to a building as an envelope insulation, its thickness could be reduced to as half as that of existing insulation such as polystyrene foam board or glassfiber. Currently, aerogel is largely used as a thermal breaker in thermal bridges in buildings. It is still too expensive to be used as a main insulation of whole building envelopes. Thanks to the advantages of aerogel blanket such as low thermal conductivity, broad temperature range for use, excellent water repellent property and fire resistance, easiness of moving and applying, it has much possibility in the respect of its building application. 展开更多
关键词 INSULATION AEROGEL thermal conductivity aerogel blanket.
Structural Retrofitting of Old Illyria Hote
作者 Feti Selmani Musa Stavileci 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第12期1507-1513,共7页
Illyria hotel (formerly Bozhur) was built during the sixties in the heart of the actual Kosovo's capital Prishtina, according to former old Yugoslav standards in a Modernist architectural style. It represents a mas... Illyria hotel (formerly Bozhur) was built during the sixties in the heart of the actual Kosovo's capital Prishtina, according to former old Yugoslav standards in a Modernist architectural style. It represents a massive structural system with brick walls up to 54 cm thick and "avramenko" type reinforced concrete floors. The investor's aim was to add another two floors on the top of the existing ones and to build two level underground parking floors, a health spa centre, whilst at the vicinity of the existing building (the northern side) to erect a new 17 story-high brand new hotel and administration building. The retrofitting of the structure as well as construction of the new structure has been done in full accordance with the new structural Eurocodes' recommendations. 3D FEM (finite element method) modeling was used for the analysis and design, using ETABS v 9.5 nonlinear and ARSAP 2010 (Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2010). Response spectrum design according to EC 8, has been used for seismic analysis and design with a reference peak ground acceleration on type A ground Of AgR = 0.25 g. 展开更多
关键词 Structural retrofitting reinforced concrete shear walls foundation strengthening column jacketing
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