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作者 赵变龙 邢赞扬 +7 位作者 张清和 马羽璋 王勇 胡泽骏 张佼佼 王翔宇 陆盛 张端 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期70-79,共10页
极盖区等离子体云块是电子密度比背景高出2倍及以上的高密度不均匀体,极向边界点亮是夜侧极光卵极向边界亮度显著增强的极光结构。探究极盖区等离子体云块与极向边界点亮现象的形成和演化以及二者之间的关系对理解极区电离层-磁层耦合... 极盖区等离子体云块是电子密度比背景高出2倍及以上的高密度不均匀体,极向边界点亮是夜侧极光卵极向边界亮度显著增强的极光结构。探究极盖区等离子体云块与极向边界点亮现象的形成和演化以及二者之间的关系对理解极区电离层-磁层耦合具有重要意义。本文基于北极黄河站全天空极光成像仪、欧洲非相干散射雷达(EISCAT)、SuperDARN雷达和GPS TEC等多手段观测数据,揭示极盖区等离子体云块运动到夜侧极光卵极向边界,进而触发极向边界点亮的完整过程。研究结果表明,(1)高密度等离子体云块从极盖区运动到夜侧极光卵极向边界时,极向边界附近的极光强度明显增加,即出现了极向边界点亮现象。(2)极光亚暴发生后,极光卵极向膨胀,极向边界到达EISCAT Svalbard 42 m雷达观测视野。该雷达观测到了高密度、高电子和离子温度的结构,并伴随着电子密度峰值高度下降和离子上行等现象,这与高密度等离子体云块的输运和当地的极光粒子沉降密切相关。(3)从日侧向夜侧输运的等离子体云块到达夜侧极光卵极向边界附近时可能触发极向边界点亮,并且影响等离子体云块和极光粒子沉降接触区域的等离子体特征,这有助于加深我们对夜侧极区电离层-磁层耦合过程的理解。 展开更多
关键词 极盖区等离子体云块 向边界点亮 光亚暴 电离层对流
作者 王勇 张清和 +2 位作者 邢赞扬 马羽璋 张端 《地球与行星物理论评(中英文)》 2023年第4期398-416,共19页
极盖区等离子体云块是一种经常出现在极区电离层F层的高密度块状结构,其电子密度一般是背景电子密度的两倍及以上,水平尺度约为100~1000 km.极盖区等离子体云块的产生及演化过程可以示踪磁层-电离层/热层耦合过程中的能量及动量传输过程... 极盖区等离子体云块是一种经常出现在极区电离层F层的高密度块状结构,其电子密度一般是背景电子密度的两倍及以上,水平尺度约为100~1000 km.极盖区等离子体云块的产生及演化过程可以示踪磁层-电离层/热层耦合过程中的能量及动量传输过程.同时,这种电子密度不均匀体(尤其是其边沿区域)对跨极盖区的无线电波传播具有很强的干扰,经常影响无线电通讯导航定位等应用.因而,极盖区等离子体云块研究不仅是空间物理领域的热点问题,而且也是空间天气监测及准确预报等应用的重要基础.本文简述了近十年来极盖区等离子体云块的研究进展,主要内容包括:概括了极盖区等离子体云块几种可能的形成机制;提出了极盖区冷/热等离子体云块的分类研究;统计了极盖区等离子体云块的时空分布特征及其对外部条件的依赖性;追踪了极盖区等离子体云块的完整演化过程;最后,讨论了极盖区等离子体云块引起的离子上行现象及电离层闪烁效应. 展开更多
关键词 极盖区冷/热等离子体云块 发生概率 演化过程 离子上行 电离层闪烁
数值模拟日侧磁场重联对极盖等离子体云块形成的影响 被引量:3
作者 杨升高 张北辰 +4 位作者 张清和 方涵先 刘俊明 周霄林 张建彬 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期3551-3557,共7页
极盖等离子体云块是极区空间天气重要现象之一,其形成过程是当前重要研究课题.观测表明,日侧磁场重联对应的极区电离层高速流可能对舌状等离子体(TOI)形成"切割"作用,最终形成极盖等离子体云块.伴随磁场重联,同时存在极光粒... 极盖等离子体云块是极区空间天气重要现象之一,其形成过程是当前重要研究课题.观测表明,日侧磁场重联对应的极区电离层高速流可能对舌状等离子体(TOI)形成"切割"作用,最终形成极盖等离子体云块.伴随磁场重联,同时存在极光粒子沉降,会引起F层等离子体密度的增大,阻碍"切割"效应.本文利用耦合极区电离层模型,模拟研究电场和软电子沉降共同作用下F层等离子体密度的演化.结果表明,在局部电离层电场大于一定数值(80mV)的情况下,"切割"效应能有效发生.并详细分析了"切割"效应发生时等离子体各参量的演化过程,对"切割"效应的内在物理过程进行了探讨. 展开更多
关键词 极盖等离子体云块 磁重联 对流电场
反向赤道电集流与极盖驱动势 被引量:1
作者 沈长寿 资民筠 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第5期609-613,共5页
一般认为反向赤道电集流(CEJ)是一种“非”常态现象,其起因可能是潮汐风波模的特殊组合,或赤道上空局地垂直风切或重力波的作用结果。本文表明,在中性大气和水平风经验模式给出的磁静日中低纬平均条件下,CEJ应“正常”地出... 一般认为反向赤道电集流(CEJ)是一种“非”常态现象,其起因可能是潮汐风波模的特殊组合,或赤道上空局地垂直风切或重力波的作用结果。本文表明,在中性大气和水平风经验模式给出的磁静日中低纬平均条件下,CEJ应“正常”地出现。磁层-电离层耦合产生的极盖区边界驱动势(或对流电场)则是CEJ消失的可能机制。 展开更多
关键词 赤道电集流 磁层 耦合 极盖驱动势 电离层
南极中山站的f_0F2特征 被引量:4
作者 沈长寿 资民筠 +2 位作者 王劲松 刘顺林 徐寄遥 《极地研究》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期186-194,共9页
本文利用电离层数字测高仪 (DPS - 4)所测的f0 F2和从美国NOAA和DMSP卫星观测估算的半球功率指数和午夜极光区赤道侧边界纬度等资料 ,考察中山站电离层的极区特征。结果表明 ,冬季中山站电离层内的电离生成主要取决于从磁层沉降的粒子... 本文利用电离层数字测高仪 (DPS - 4)所测的f0 F2和从美国NOAA和DMSP卫星观测估算的半球功率指数和午夜极光区赤道侧边界纬度等资料 ,考察中山站电离层的极区特征。结果表明 ,冬季中山站电离层内的电离生成主要取决于从磁层沉降的粒子。在太阳活动和地磁变化宁静环境下 ,磁正午极隙区内的软粒子是最主要的电离源 ,它能使f0 F2达全天的最大值 ;上、下午各有数小时处于极光带内时 ,高能粒子的电离作用也很重要 ;夜间进入极盖区后 ,电子密度则很低。夏季太阳辐射电离效应使f0 F2值比冬季增加 1— 1 .5MHz,而其日变化的最大值时间也提前了 1— 2hr。发生很大扰动时 ,极隙区和极光带的位置均向低纬方向移动。若中山站日间也处于极盖区内时 ,电子密度会大幅度下降 ,并常接收不到电离层回波的信号。在中等扰动环境下情况更加复杂。由于高纬电离层对流速度很高 ,离子 /中性分子间的碰撞复合系数就很大。热层中性大气全球经向环流对高纬电离层电子密度的增加无显著作用。磁暴期间中午从极隙区向南的等离子体对流对中山站f0 F2的增高也无明显影响。 展开更多
关键词 中山站 电离层F层 隙区 光带 极盖 粒子电离
关于暴时电离层电流分布的南北半球不对称性 被引量:7
作者 沈长寿 资民筠 +2 位作者 王劲松 徐寄遥 刘顺林 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1573-1581,共9页
采用国际上广泛认可的高层大气和电离层经验模式提供的各种参数,通过电离层电流连续方程,计算出强磁暴条件下6月至日和12月至日内,磁纬±72°和磁地方时00:00-24:00之间电离层电场、电流等的分布,计算中考虑了地磁和地理... 采用国际上广泛认可的高层大气和电离层经验模式提供的各种参数,通过电离层电流连续方程,计算出强磁暴条件下6月至日和12月至日内,磁纬±72°和磁地方时00:00-24:00之间电离层电场、电流等的分布,计算中考虑了地磁和地理坐标间的偏离;除中性风场感生的发电机效应外,还包含了磁层耦合(极盖区边界的晨昏电场和二区场向电流)的驱动外源.结果表明,6月至日时,磁层扰动自极光区向中低纬的穿透情况在南、北半球内基本接近,北半球内略强;但12月至日时,呈现明显的不对称性,南半球的电流穿透远强于北半球,而电场的穿透则是在北半球更强.无论南北半球,在中高纬地区,午夜至黎明时段出现较强的东向电场分量。其E×B的向上漂移效应,正是解释我们以往不少研究现象中所期盼的物理机制. 展开更多
关键词 扰动电流系 电离层发电机 热层风场 电导率 磁暴 磁层耦合 极盖区边界驱动电场 场向电流
作者 杨升高 张北辰 +7 位作者 朱亚光 刘杨 任丽娜 韩菁 陈礼波 潘卫东 陈良洁 任岱祥 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期3931-3943,共13页
极盖等离子体云块是极区电离层常见特征之一,其形成演化过程是当前重要研究课题.光电离高密度等离子体在对流输送作用下从日侧穿过极隙,通过极盖到达夜侧,已成为共识.日侧磁场重联作用下的极区对流输运过程,在舌状等离子体结构(TOI)“... 极盖等离子体云块是极区电离层常见特征之一,其形成演化过程是当前重要研究课题.光电离高密度等离子体在对流输送作用下从日侧穿过极隙,通过极盖到达夜侧,已成为共识.日侧磁场重联作用下的极区对流输运过程,在舌状等离子体结构(TOI)“断裂”形成极盖等离子体云块中发挥重要作用.利用极区全域GPS/TEC观测数据,结合SuperDARN雷达实测的对流速度,对等离子体云块形成过程进行案例研究,重点分析两种TOI断裂形成等离子体云块的发生机制.研究结果显示,等离子体对流输运过程在TOI断裂形成等离子体云块过程中发挥关键性作用,对流形态或局部对流速度矢量急剧变化都可能导致TOI结构不稳定,使TOI结构断裂形成等离子体云块. 展开更多
关键词 极盖等离子体云块 对流输运 舌状电离结构
Distribution of ice thickness and subglacial topography of the "Chinese Wall" around Kunlun Station,East Antarctica 被引量:1
作者 崔祥斌 孙波 +1 位作者 苏小岗 郭井学 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期209-216,223,共9页
As fundamental parameters of the Antarctic Ice Sheet,ice thickness and subglacial topography are critical factors for studying the basal conditions and mass balance in Antarctica.During CHINARE 24(the 24 th Chinese N... As fundamental parameters of the Antarctic Ice Sheet,ice thickness and subglacial topography are critical factors for studying the basal conditions and mass balance in Antarctica.During CHINARE 24(the 24 th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition,2007/08),the research team used a deep ice-penetrating radar system to measure the ice thickness and subglacial topography of the "Chinese Wall" around Kunlun Station,East Antarctica.Preliminary results show that the ice thickness varies mostly from 1600 m to 2800 m along the "Chinese Wall",with the thickest ice being 3444 m,and the thinnest ice 1255 m.The average bedrock elevation is 1722 m,while the minimum is just 604 m.Compared with the northern side of the ice divide,the ice thickness is a little greater and the subglacial topography lower on the southern side,which is also characterized by four deep valleys.We found no basal freeze-on ice in the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains area,subglacial lakes,or water bodies along the "Chinese Wall".Ice thickness and subglacial topography data extracted from the Bedmap 2 database along the "Chinese Wall" are consistent with our results,but their resolution and accuracy are very limited in areas where the bedrock fluctuates intensely.The distribution of ice thickness and subglacial topography detected by ice-penetrating radar clarifies the features of the ice sheet in this "inaccessible" region.These results will help to advance the study of ice sheet dynamics and the determination of future locations of the GSM's geological and deep ice core drilling sites in the Dome A region. 展开更多
关键词 Antarctic Ice sheet Kunlun Station Ice thickness Subglacial topography Icepenetrating radar
作者 田伟 《消防月刊》 1994年第12期31-31,共1页
关键词 消防 血与火 训练场 岁月 口令 极盖 同流 心声 头脑
作者 李浩然 胡毓强 +1 位作者 张乐莹 刘光远 《电子技术与软件工程》 2019年第5期116-116,共1页
本文以机器学习为基础,研究了机器学习中最为经典的一种算法SVM(Supportvector machine)支持向量机算法,并通过该算法对雷达数据进行了拟合和预测。
关键词 机器学习 支持向量机 核函数 极盖电势 超级双重光雷达网络
Design and implementation of GM- APD array readout circuit for infrared imaging
作者 吴金 袁德军 +3 位作者 王灿 陈浩 郑丽霞 孙伟锋 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第1期11-15,共5页
Based on an avalanche photodiode( APD) detecting array working in Geiger mode( GM-APD), a high-performance infrared sensor readout integrated circuit( ROIC) used for infrared 3D( three-dimensional) imaging is ... Based on an avalanche photodiode( APD) detecting array working in Geiger mode( GM-APD), a high-performance infrared sensor readout integrated circuit( ROIC) used for infrared 3D( three-dimensional) imaging is proposed. The system mainly consists of three functional modules, including active quenching circuit( AQC), time-to-digital converter( TDC) circuit and other timing controller circuit. Each AQC and TDC circuit together constitutes the pixel circuit. Under the cooperation with other modules, the current signal generated by the GM-APD sensor is detected by the AQC, and the photon time-of-flight( TOF) is measured and converted to a digital signal output to achieve a better noise suppression and a higher detection sensitivity by the TDC. The ROIC circuit is fabricated by the CSMC 0. 5 μm standard CMOS technology. The array size is 8 × 8, and the center distance of two adjacent cells is 100μm. The measurement results of the chip showthat the performance of the circuit is good, and the chip can achieve 1 ns time resolution with a 250 MHz reference clock, and the circuit can be used in the array structure of the infrared detection system or focal plane array( FPA). 展开更多
关键词 infrared 3D(three-dimensional) imaging readout integrated circuit(ROIC) Geiger mode avalanche photodiode active quenching circuit(AQC) time-to-digital converter(TDC)
Internal layering structure and subglacial conditions along a traverse line from Zhongshan Station to Dome A,East Antarctica,revealed by ground-based radar sounding 被引量:1
作者 Tang Xue-Yuan Sun Bo Wang Tian-Tian 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期870-878,905,共10页
During the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE 21,2004/05),a radar dataset was collected using a ground-based radar system,along a traverse line from Zhongshan Station to DT401(130 km from the ... During the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition(CHINARE 21,2004/05),a radar dataset was collected using a ground-based radar system,along a traverse line from Zhongshan Station to DT401(130 km from the Kunlun station).The internal layering structure and subglacial conditions were revealed along the radar profi le.Continuous internal layers,disturbed layers,and echo-free zones(EFZs)along the profi le were identifi ed and classifi ed,and the spatial distribution was presented.Based on recent surface ice velocity data,we found that the internal layers at a depth of 200-300 m in the upper ice sheet are continuous,smooth,and nearly parallel to the ice surface topography.In addition,the thick band of continuous layers changes little with increasing latitude.At depths below 300 m,the geometric structure of the internal layers and the vertical width of the EFZ band are infl uenced by the surface ice velocity and bed topography.The relatively high disturbance,layer discontinuity,and larger EFZ band width directly correspond to a higher surface ice velocity and a sharper bed topography.In particular,we found that at a depth of 650-950 km,the Lambert Glacier Rift in the Gamburtsev Mountains has a higher ice fl ow;moreover,the revealed internal layers are disturbed or broken,and the maximal vertical width of the EFZ band most likely exceeds 2000 m. 展开更多
关键词 East Antarctic ice sheet Dome A Radar Internal layers Subglacial conditions
Silicon Geiger mode avalanche photodiodes 被引量:1
作者 M. Mazzillo G. Condorelli +14 位作者 D. Sanfilippo G. Fallica E. Sciacca S. Aurite S. Lombardo E. Rimini M. Belluso S. Billotta G. Bonanno A. Campisi L. Cosentino P. Finocchiaro F. Musumeci S. Privitera S. Tudisco 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2007年第3期177-180,共4页
In this letter we present the results regarding the electrical and optical characterization of Geiger mode silicon avalanche photodiodes(GMAP) fabricated by silicon standard planar technology. Low dark count rates,neg... In this letter we present the results regarding the electrical and optical characterization of Geiger mode silicon avalanche photodiodes(GMAP) fabricated by silicon standard planar technology. Low dark count rates,negligible afterpulsing effects,good timing resolution and high quantum detection efficiency in all the visible range have been measured. The very good electro-optical performances of our photodiodes make them attractive for the fabrication of arrays with a large number of GMAP to be used both in the commercial and the scientific fields,as telecommunications and nuclear medical imaging. 展开更多
关键词 硅雪崩光电二 革模式 电学特性 光学特性
Support Vector Machines for Cloud Detection over Ice-Snow Areas 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Gang E Dongchen 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2007年第2期117-120,共4页
In polar regions, cloud and underlying ice-snow areas are difficult to distinguish in satellite images because of their high albedo in the visible band and low surface temperature of ice-snow areas in the infrared ban... In polar regions, cloud and underlying ice-snow areas are difficult to distinguish in satellite images because of their high albedo in the visible band and low surface temperature of ice-snow areas in the infrared band. A cloud detection method over ice-snow covered areas in Antarctica is presented. On account of different texture features of cloud and ice-snow areas, five texture features are extracted based on GLCM. Nonlinear SVM is then used to obtain the optimal classification hyperplane from training data. The experiment results indicate that this algorithm performs well in cloud detection in Antarctica, especially for thin cirrus detection. Furthermore, when images are resampled to a quarter or 1/16 of the full size, cloud percentages are still at the same level, while the processing time decreases exponentially. 展开更多
关键词 cloud detection SVM texture analysis ice-snow covered area polar region
NO_x Release from Snow and Ice Covered Surface in Polar Regions and the Tibetan Plateau
作者 Feng Wang Weili Lin +1 位作者 Junxia Wang Tong Zhu 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期141-148,共8页
The exchanges of NOx between snow and air have significant impact on the atmospheric components and photochemical processes in the overlying boundary layer. Such exchanges increase the oxidizing capacity of the atmosp... The exchanges of NOx between snow and air have significant impact on the atmospheric components and photochemical processes in the overlying boundary layer. Such exchanges increase the oxidizing capacity of the atmosphere and may have a crucial impact on the air signals that are retrieved from ice cores. In the recent years, sunlit snow and ice have been demonstrated to be important NOx sources in the polar atmospheric boundary layer. This paper makes a thorough review on the release of NOx from snow and ice, including field observations and experimental evidences, release mechanisms and influential parameters that affect such a release process, polar NOx concentrations and fluxes, and environmental impacts of the chemical processes of NOx in the polar atmospheric boundary layer. In the Tibetan Plateau, the released NOx observed recently in the sunlit snow/ice-cover is 1-order magnitude more than that in polar regions, but further scientific research is still needed to reveal its impact on the atmospheric oxidizing capacity. 展开更多
关键词 NOx exchange between snow and air polar area atmospheric oxidizing capacity Tibetan Plateau
A Dipole Pattern of Summer Precipitation over Mid-high Latitude Asia and Related Snow Cover Anomalies in the Preceding Spring
作者 HAN Jin-Ping LIU Ge XIN Yu-Fei 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2014年第4期364-368,共5页
A dipole pattern of summer precipitation over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, which is characterized by opposing summer precipitation variations between the Mongolian and Northeast China(MNC) region and the West Siber... A dipole pattern of summer precipitation over the mid-high latitudes of Asia, which is characterized by opposing summer precipitation variations between the Mongolian and Northeast China(MNC) region and the West Siberian Plain(WSP), is found to be clear and stable on both interdecadal and interannual scales during 1981–2011. Spring snow cover anomalies over a small region within the WSP and the Heilongjiang River(HR) region are closely related to the variation of this dipole mode during the subsequent summer, and they can therefore be considered as forecasting factors. Our statistical results imply a potential process explaining the relationship between the spring snow anomalies and the summer rainfall dipole. Corresponding to the snow anomalies, Rossby waves propagate along a path from the WSP region, via the Mongolian Plateau, to the Stanovoy Range during summer. At the same time, Rossby-wave energy divergences and convergences along this path maintain and reinforce an anomalous cyclone and anticyclone pairing over the Asian continent, which is significantly linked to opposite summer precipitation anomalies between the MNC and WSP regions. Numerical experiments are needed to further confirm the above conjecture and demonstrate the detailed physical mechanisms linking the spring snow cover anomalies and summer precipitation dipole. 展开更多
关键词 precipitation snow cover climatic anomaly DIPOLE
An Assessment of the Groundwater Potential of Bayero University Kano Permanent Site Using Induced Polarization and Self-potential Methods
作者 Shehu Sani Jamaluddeen Abdulrahim Ali Bunawa Muhammad Saleh 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2014年第10期587-596,共10页
This paper centers on the investigation of the subsurface condition of Bayero University Kano Permanent Site with the aim of understanding the lithology and also mapping out the groundwater patterns within the area. T... This paper centers on the investigation of the subsurface condition of Bayero University Kano Permanent Site with the aim of understanding the lithology and also mapping out the groundwater patterns within the area. To achieve this, time domain IP (induced polarization) and SP (self-potential) methods were adopted using VES (vertical electrical sounding) technique with 49 stations sounded. The result of the interpreted and analyzed measured data shows that the area is underlain by two to five subsurface layers. These layers are top soil, laterite, weathered basement complex rocks, fractured basement complex rocks and fresh basement complex rocks. The aquiferous zone of the study area occurs in the weathered and fractured basements and its thickness ranges from 1.44 m to 70.157 m while the overburden thickness lies between 1.6 m and 72.104 m. SP values were plotted against depths of investigation in order to identify areas with greater depth of flow in the study area. From the analysis of the overburden thickness, aquifer thickness and SP values, the most favorable regions for groundwater exploitation were found around VES 6, 11, 13, 19, 26, 38, 44 and 48. The investigation also provides information about the subsurface condition with regards to engineering construction and safe place for refuse dumping in order to avoid groundwater contamination. 展开更多
关键词 SUBSURFACE induced polarization self-potential.
Steel-Tinplate as a Solar Wall Panel and Its Effectiveness
作者 Aivars Aboltins Guntis Ruskis Janis Palabinskis 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2012年第6期912-915,共4页
The aim of the research was to investigate black colored steel-tinplate use for absorber and covering material of the collector and compare the efficiency of three types of air heating collectors. This heated air can ... The aim of the research was to investigate black colored steel-tinplate use for absorber and covering material of the collector and compare the efficiency of three types of air heating collectors. This heated air can be exploited for drying of agricultural products, room ventilation and room heating etc. 0.1 × 0.5 × 1.0 meter long FPC (fiat-plate collector) with a sun following platform was built. Air velocity at the experiments was v = 0.9 m/s. Collectors of insulated and un-insulated surfaces with steel-tinplate absorber as a covering material warmed the ambient air up to 10-12 and 5-6 degrees correspondingly (at irradiance 800 W/m^2). This difference indicates the great importance of insulating the collector body. It can be explained with intense heat exchange between the absorber and ambient air which reduces the efficiency of the collector. There was good correlation with irradiance and the air heating degree. The investigations showed that more effective FPC had the collector with absorber tinplate in the middle of the collector body. At favorable weather conditions the heating degree of the ambient air at the outlet reaches 6-8 degrees more that at the outlet of the insulated collector covered by steel-tinplate. 展开更多
关键词 Solar energy air heating COLLECTOR solar wall ABSORBER steel-tinplate.
Trend of mass change in the Antarctic ice sheet recovered from the GRACE temporal gravity field 被引量:22
作者 LUO ZhiCai LI Qiong +1 位作者 ZHANG Kun WANG HaiHong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期76-82,共7页
It is important to quantify mass variations in the Antarctic ice sheet hybrid filtering scheme employing a combination of the decorrelated to study the global sea-level rise and climate change. A filter P3M6 and 300 k... It is important to quantify mass variations in the Antarctic ice sheet hybrid filtering scheme employing a combination of the decorrelated to study the global sea-level rise and climate change. A filter P3M6 and 300 km Fan filter was used, and the sur- face mass variations over the Antarctic are recovered from GRACE CSR RL04 monthly gravity field models from August 2002 to June 2010. After deduction of leakage errors using the GLDAS hydrological model and postglacial rebound effects using the glacial isostatic adjustment model IJ05, the variations in the ice sheet mass are obtained. The results reveal that the rate of melting of the Antarctic ice sheet is 80.0 Gt/a and increasing and contributes 0.22 mm/a to the global sea-level rise; the mass loss rate is 78.3 Gt/a in the West Antarctic and 1.6 Gt/a in the East Antarctic. The average mass loss rate increases from 39.3 Gt/a for the period 2002-2005 to 104.2 Gt/a for the period 2006-2010, and its corresponding contribution to the global sea-level rise increases from 0.11 to 0.29 mm/a, which indicates accelerated ice mass loss over the Antarctic since 2006. Moreover, the mass accumulation rates for Enderby Land and Wilkes Land along the coast of East Antarctica decrease for the period 2006-2008 but increase evidently after 2009. 展开更多
关键词 GRACE temporal gravity field Antarctic ice sheet mass variation
Structure of the internal isochronous layers at Dome A,East Antarctica 被引量:6
作者 TANG XueYuan SUN Bo +3 位作者 ZHANG ZhanHai ZHANG XiangPei CUI XiangBin LI Xin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期445-450,共6页
Dome A (Kunlun Station) is considered a likely place for finding an ice core record reaching back to one million years. The internal isochronous layering of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, revealed by ice radar, is a prerequ... Dome A (Kunlun Station) is considered a likely place for finding an ice core record reaching back to one million years. The internal isochronous layering of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, revealed by ice radar, is a prerequisite for selecting sites for deep ice core drilling that can be used for studying the paleoclimatic record. In 2004/2005, during the 21st Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE 21), a 200-km long, continuous radar profile was obtained across Dome A. The internal layers along the profile were derived from the stratigraphy detected by the radar. The morphology of the isochronous layers shows that: (1) The internal layers in the shallow ice sheet (0-500 m) are generally flat, with no more than 50 m of layer intervals, and have typical synclines and anticlines in some localized regions. (2) At 500-2000 m below the surface of the ice sheet, the layers appear as 'bright layers', and the width of the layer intervals expands to 50-100 m. (3) When the basal topographic wavelengths are approximate to the thickness of the ice (3 km), the traced internal layers, with localized bumps or concave folds, are asymptotic parallel to the subglacial topography. For the longer topographic wavelengths (~20 km) wider than the thickness of the ice, the layers do not rise and fall with the basal topography. The internal layers surrounding some mountain peaks representing the most extreme variation in the terrain are sharply disturbed by the subglacial topography. (4) Layer discontinuity and fracture were detected in the basal ice sheet. Finally, by combining this new information with that derived from existing data regarding ice thickness, we were able to select three potential sites for reconstructing the age-depth relationship of the ice core. 展开更多
关键词 East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dome A ice radar internal layers deep ice core
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