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中国古代文学言意构合论的承传 被引量:1
作者 胡建次 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2008年第3期107-113,共7页
我国古代文学言意构合论的承传,主要体现在两个维面:一是意主辞宾论的承传;二是言意相互依存、相互消长与相互生发论的承传。上述两个维面,各有其源远流长的承传发展线索。它们相互联系、相互影响,共构出了我国古代文学言意构合论的理... 我国古代文学言意构合论的承传,主要体现在两个维面:一是意主辞宾论的承传;二是言意相互依存、相互消长与相互生发论的承传。上述两个维面,各有其源远流长的承传发展线索。它们相互联系、相互影响,共构出了我国古代文学言意构合论的理论骨架。 展开更多
关键词 古代文论 言意构合 维面 线索 承传
作者 鲍朝云 《浙江国际海运职业技术学院学报》 2011年第2期31-36,共6页
王跃文,被称为“中国官场小说第一人”。王跃文官场小说,是暴露问题的小说,揭露淋漓,语句溜圆。细节动容。文章着重论述王跃文《国画》,借用“冰山理论”,构筑“语义场构合美”,艺术地复现出老百姓对当今官场的“陌生化”的幽魂... 王跃文,被称为“中国官场小说第一人”。王跃文官场小说,是暴露问题的小说,揭露淋漓,语句溜圆。细节动容。文章着重论述王跃文《国画》,借用“冰山理论”,构筑“语义场构合美”,艺术地复现出老百姓对当今官场的“陌生化”的幽魂,勾画出官场腐败污吏昧心的一幅国画,以引起疗救。 展开更多
关键词 语义场 构合 讽刺幽默 直刺灵魂
江苏省档案局、省档案馆两机构合一升格 省委常委、省委秘书长梁保华宣布局馆新领导班子
《档案与建设》 北大核心 1995年第10期4-5,共2页
日前,江苏省省级党政机构改革方案出台。据苏发(1995)20号文件精神,省档案馆与省档案局合并,保留档案局的牌子,为省委、省政府直属正厅级事业单位,由省委办公厅管理。 省委决定,陆军同志任省档案局局长、省档案馆馆长、党组书记;于鸿模... 日前,江苏省省级党政机构改革方案出台。据苏发(1995)20号文件精神,省档案馆与省档案局合并,保留档案局的牌子,为省委、省政府直属正厅级事业单位,由省委办公厅管理。 省委决定,陆军同志任省档案局局长、省档案馆馆长、党组书记;于鸿模、谈宝忠两同志任省档案局副局长、省档案馆副馆长、党组成员。 展开更多
关键词 省档案局 省档案馆 档案工作 改革 档案事业 秘书 改革方案 省政府 长梁 构合
作者 公孙宇 《家庭医学(上半月)》 1994年第12期38-38,共1页
关键词 膳食结 膳食营养 角珠 石粉 疼病 食物 食中 构合 士气 维生
成功的合作 丰硕的成果——加强同联合国粮农机构合作发展我国农业
作者 坚果 《中国外资》 1997年第4期26-27,共2页
中国农业的发展令世人瞩目。两个最有说服力的数字是:中国用占世界7%的耕地,养活了占世界22%的人口;绝对贫困人口从1978年的2.5亿减少到1996年的6500万。 中国农业所取得的成就,归功于邓小平同志制定的改革开放的政策和广大农民的共... 中国农业的发展令世人瞩目。两个最有说服力的数字是:中国用占世界7%的耕地,养活了占世界22%的人口;绝对贫困人口从1978年的2.5亿减少到1996年的6500万。 中国农业所取得的成就,归功于邓小平同志制定的改革开放的政策和广大农民的共同努力。其中,中国农业的对外开放和大力引进外资,特别是积极利用国际援助和各种优惠贷款,起到了重要作用。 改革开放以来,我国同世界上大多数国家和地区发展了广泛的农业合作与交流,还同世界银行、亚洲开发银行、联合国粮食与农业机构等众多国际机构进行了富有成效的农业经济科技合作,为我国农业现代化建设引进了资金、技术、人才和管理经验。我国同世界粮食计划署(WFP) 展开更多
关键词 构合 项目区 世界粮食计划署 我国农业现代化 国际农业发展基金会 农发基金 农机 中国农业 援华
纸浆模塑材料本构方程拟合的改进 被引量:3
作者 计宏伟 王怀文 郭玉花 《包装工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期11-13,共3页
对描述纸浆模塑材料经验型本构关系的拟合方程进行了改进,给出一种新的本构关系拟合方程,根据不同密度的材料在不同加载速率下的压缩实验数据,对该模型中的相关待定系数进行了拟合。验证结果表明,提出的本构方程能较好地反映材料的应力... 对描述纸浆模塑材料经验型本构关系的拟合方程进行了改进,给出一种新的本构关系拟合方程,根据不同密度的材料在不同加载速率下的压缩实验数据,对该模型中的相关待定系数进行了拟合。验证结果表明,提出的本构方程能较好地反映材料的应力-应变关系。 展开更多
关键词 纸浆模塑 压缩应力-应变曲线 方程拟
河流相储层复合砂体构型概念体系、表征方法及其在渤海油田开发中的应用探索 被引量:37
作者 胡光义 范廷恩 +4 位作者 梁旭 宋来明 井涌泉 陈飞 肖大坤 《中国海上油气》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期89-98,共10页
海上油田开发具有大井距、稀井网的特点,以往陆上油田"井-震结合、以井为主"的精细储层研究思路已不适用。提出了河流相储层复合砂体的概念,即复合砂体为某一段地质时间内由若干具有空间成因联系的亚单元组成的砂体组合;复合... 海上油田开发具有大井距、稀井网的特点,以往陆上油田"井-震结合、以井为主"的精细储层研究思路已不适用。提出了河流相储层复合砂体的概念,即复合砂体为某一段地质时间内由若干具有空间成因联系的亚单元组成的砂体组合;复合砂体具有级次性,每一级次复合砂体均是由次一级次的砂体及隔夹层共同组合而成;各级次复合砂体构型单元之间由界面所限定。探索了复合砂体构型表征基本方法及思路,提出了"轴变定界、样式定型、井点定面"的构型表征原则,确定了基于地震敏感属性表征复杂叠置河道带的三步法。以渤海Q油田为例,将本文的理论成果应用于剩余油预测和注采连通性分析中,实现了较好的挖潜效果,说明复合砂体构型理论可在一定程度上解决生产中面临的矛盾,从而支撑海上油田的高效开发需求。本文研究成果可为储层细分对比、开发层系划分、开发井位部署和井型选定提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 河流相储层 砂体 概念体系 征方法 渤海油田 发应用
作者 张丽华 《电大理工》 2010年第4期18-20,共3页
拉伸试验是一个重要的材料力学试验,当杆件材料和截面一定时,拉伸过程的变形和受力满足一定的关系。本文针对低碳钢杆件拉伸问题,根据已有的实验结果,基于神经网络的优化算法原理,建立杆件拉伸过程本构关系公式,为再现实验过程和虚拟实... 拉伸试验是一个重要的材料力学试验,当杆件材料和截面一定时,拉伸过程的变形和受力满足一定的关系。本文针对低碳钢杆件拉伸问题,根据已有的实验结果,基于神经网络的优化算法原理,建立杆件拉伸过程本构关系公式,为再现实验过程和虚拟实验提供良好的条件。 展开更多
关键词 低碳钢拉伸试验 神经网络 关系拟
作者 张维鼎 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第1期110-116,共7页
本文从认知语言学范畴理论来讨论汉字及其复合构词。论文首先讨论了意象如何是主观想象活动对认知信息进行加工的产物,意象图式是语义概念范畴里重要的成分。论文然后分析汉字由形义符和声义符构造的隐喻意象图式特性,以及范畴意象图式... 本文从认知语言学范畴理论来讨论汉字及其复合构词。论文首先讨论了意象如何是主观想象活动对认知信息进行加工的产物,意象图式是语义概念范畴里重要的成分。论文然后分析汉字由形义符和声义符构造的隐喻意象图式特性,以及范畴意象图式所揭示在单字词原型意义(本源义)。论文最后讨论汉语复合词的特点以及与范畴复合的映射,在此基础上讨论汉语复合词的词核构造里的广义形态,以及广义形态里的语义句法关系。 展开更多
关键词 意象图式 双字复 正偏 范畴构合
纸浆模塑材料压缩力学行为及其本构关系的研究 被引量:13
作者 王怀文 计宏伟 +2 位作者 苗惠 陈金龙 王和敏 《机械强度》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期382-386,共5页
对纸浆模塑材料的压缩力学行为进行较系统的实验研究,结果表明材料密度和应变率都对其力学性能有一定的影响。随着材料密度的增加,其弹性模量和强度极限都有增加的趋势。随着应变率的增加,其材料的弹性模量有减小的趋势,而强度极限有所... 对纸浆模塑材料的压缩力学行为进行较系统的实验研究,结果表明材料密度和应变率都对其力学性能有一定的影响。随着材料密度的增加,其弹性模量和强度极限都有增加的趋势。随着应变率的增加,其材料的弹性模量有减小的趋势,而强度极限有所增大。利用描述泡沫塑料的经验型本构关系框架,给出一种经验型的纸浆模塑材料本构模型,根据不同密度材料在不同应变率下的压缩实验数据对该模型中的有关系数进行拟合。验证结果表明,提出的本构方程能在一定应变率范围内反映材料的应力—应变关系。 展开更多
关键词 包装材料 纸浆模塑 压缩实验 方程拟
A novel immiscible high entropy alloy strengthened via L1_(2)-nanoprecipitate
作者 WANG Zheng-qin FAN Ming-yu +5 位作者 ZHANG Yang LI Jun-peng LIU Li-yuan HAN Ji-hong LI Xing-hao ZHANG Zhong-wu 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1808-1822,共15页
The low-cost Fe-Cu,Fe-Ni,and Cu-based high-entropy alloys exhibit a widespread utilization prospect.However,these potential applications have been limited by their low strength.In this study,a novel Fe_(31)Cu_(31)Ni_(... The low-cost Fe-Cu,Fe-Ni,and Cu-based high-entropy alloys exhibit a widespread utilization prospect.However,these potential applications have been limited by their low strength.In this study,a novel Fe_(31)Cu_(31)Ni_(28)Al_(4)Ti_(3)Co_(3) immiscible high-entropy alloy(HEA)was developed.After vacuum arc melting and copper mold suction casting,this HEA exhibits a unique phase separation microstructure,which consists of striped Cu-rich regions and Fe-rich region.Further magnification of the striped Cu-rich region reveals that it is composed of a Cu-rich dot-like phase and a Fe-rich region.The aging alloy is further strengthened by a L1_(2)-Ni_(3)(AlTi)nanoprecipitates,achieving excellent yield strength(1185 MPa)and uniform ductility(~8.8%).The differential distribution of the L1_(2) nanoprecipitate in the striped Cu-rich region and the external Fe-rich region increased the strength difference between these two regions,which increased the strain gradient and thus improved hetero-deformation induced(HDI)hardening.This work provides a new route to improve the HDI hardening of Fe-Cu alloys. 展开更多
关键词 heterogeneous microstructure precipitation strengthening high-entropy alloy phase separation mechanical property
Effect of forging on the microstructure and texture of a high Nb containing γ-TiAl alloy
作者 TAO Hui LI Hui-zhong +4 位作者 WANG Li ZHOU Rui CHE Yi-xuan CHEN Yong-hui LIANG Xiao-peng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1763-1773,共11页
The effect of forging on the microstructure and texture evolution of a high Nb containing Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.3W(at.%)alloy was investigated by X-ray diffractometer(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and transmission el... The effect of forging on the microstructure and texture evolution of a high Nb containing Ti-45Al-7Nb-0.3W(at.%)alloy was investigated by X-ray diffractometer(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),and transmission electron microscopy(TEM).The results show that the as-cast alloy is mainly composed of α_(2)/γ lamellar colonies with a mean size of 70μm,but the hot-forged pancake displays a near duplex microstructure(DP).Kinking and bending of lamellar colonies,deformation twinning and dynamic recrystallization(DRX)occur during hot forging.Meanwhile,dense dislocations in theβphase after forging suggest that the high-temperature β phase with a disordered structure is favorable for improving the hot-workability of the alloy.Unlike the common TiAl casting texture,the solidification process of the investigated as-cast alloy with high Nb content is completely via the β phase region,resulting in the formation of a<110>γ fiber texture where the<110>γ aligns parallel to the heat-flow direction.In comparison,the relatively strong<001>and weak<302>texture components in the as-forged alloy are attributed to the deformation twinning.After annealing,static recrystallization occurs at the twin boundary and intersections,which weakens the deformation texture. 展开更多
关键词 high Nb containingγ-TiAl alloy FORGING microstructure TEXTURE βphase
Changes and Adjustments:The Rule of Law Response to Medical Institution Data Compliance
作者 Long Keyu 《科技与法律(中英文)》 2024年第5期110-122,共13页
Medical institution data compliance is an exogenous product of the digital society,serving as a crucial means to maintain and balance the relationship between data protection and data sharing,as well as individual int... Medical institution data compliance is an exogenous product of the digital society,serving as a crucial means to maintain and balance the relationship between data protection and data sharing,as well as individual interests and public interests.The implementation of the Healthy China Initiative greatly benefits from its practical significance.In practice,data from medical institutions takes varied forms,including personally identifiable data collected before diagnosis and treatment,clinical medical data generated during diagnosis and treatment,medical data collected in public health management,and potential medical data generated in daily life.In the new journey of comprehensively promoting the Chinese path to modernization,it is necessary to clarify the shift from an individual-oriented to a societal-oriented value system,highlighting the reinforcing role of the trust concept.Guided by the principle of minimizing data utilization,the focus is on the new developments and changes in medical institution data in the postpandemic era.This involves a series of measures such as fulfilling the obligation of notification and consent,specifying the scope of data collection and usage,strengthening the standardized use of relevant technical measures,and establishing a sound legal responsibility system for data compliance.Through these measures,a flexible and efficient medical institution data compliance system can be constructed. 展开更多
关键词 medical institution data privacy protection data security compliance governance
Crystalline and amorphous metal sulfide composite electrode materials with long cycle life:Preparation and performance of hybrid capacitors
作者 DING Ning WANG Siyu +4 位作者 YU Shihua XU Pengcheng HAN Dandan SHI Dexin ZHANG Chao 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期1784-1794,共11页
Crystalline@amorphous NiCo_(2)S_(4)@MoS_(2)(v-NCS@MS)nanostructures were designed and constructed via an ethylene glycol-induced strategy with hydrothermal synthesis and solvothermal method,which simultaneously realiz... Crystalline@amorphous NiCo_(2)S_(4)@MoS_(2)(v-NCS@MS)nanostructures were designed and constructed via an ethylene glycol-induced strategy with hydrothermal synthesis and solvothermal method,which simultaneously realized the defect regulation of crystal NiCo_(2)S_(4) in the core.Taking advantage of the flexible protection of an amor-phous shell and the high capacity of a conductive core with defects,the v-NCS@MS electrode exhibited high specif-ic capacity(1034 mAh·g^(-1) at 1 A·g^(-1))and outstanding rate capability.Moreover,a hybrid supercapacitor was assembled with v-NCS@MS as cathode and activated carbon(AC)as anode,which can achieve remarkably high specific energy of 111 Wh·kg^(-1) at a specific power of 219 W·kg^(-1) and outstanding capacity retention of 80.5%after 15000 cycling at different current densities. 展开更多
关键词 crystalline@amorphous heterostructure NiCo2S4@MoS2 hybrid supercapacitor defect design long cycle life
Synthesis,crystal structure and photo-physical properties of tris(4-methyl-2,5-diphenylpyridine)iridium for OLED
作者 FENG Yangyang XU Mingming +4 位作者 WANG Hongyou ZHU Yunyao LUO Yuan LEI Huaidong CHEN Honglai 《贵金属》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期28-32,共5页
Organic light-emitting diodes(OLEDs)have important applications in the field of next-generation displays and lighting,and phosphorescent iridium complexes are an important class of electroluminescent phosphorescent ma... Organic light-emitting diodes(OLEDs)have important applications in the field of next-generation displays and lighting,and phosphorescent iridium complexes are an important class of electroluminescent phosphorescent materials.In this paper,Ir(bmppy)_(3),tris(4-methyl-2,5-diphenylpyridine)iridium,was synthesized and elvaluted for photo-physical characteristics.Single crystals suitale for X-ray diffraction(XRD)were grown from a mixture solvent of dichloromethane and absolute ethanol.The composition and structur of Ir(bmppy)_(3)were determined by element analysis,NMR spectra and XRD.The complex crystallizes in the monoclinic symmetry with the space group P21/c with a slightly distorted octahedral configuration.As measured by UV-Visible and photoluminescence spectra,Ir(bmppy)_(3) displays a maximum emission at at 527 nm at ambient temperature,a typical green-emitting profile.The complex has potential for application in the OLED industry. 展开更多
关键词 OLED iridium complex phosphorescent material crystal structure photo-physical properties Ir(bmppy)_(3)
超大型浮体柔性夹层连接器力学性能研究 被引量:3
作者 张浩 祁恩荣 +2 位作者 宋恒 李志伟 夏劲松 《船舶力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期200-210,共11页
考虑连接器作为超大型浮体最为薄弱的构件之一,研究带有柔性夹层连接器的力学特性,旨在明确柔性夹层对连接器的刚度和应力变化的影响。文章将钢与柔性夹层的层合本构模型与接触力学分析手段相结合建立计算理论,以提高计算效率和收敛性... 考虑连接器作为超大型浮体最为薄弱的构件之一,研究带有柔性夹层连接器的力学特性,旨在明确柔性夹层对连接器的刚度和应力变化的影响。文章将钢与柔性夹层的层合本构模型与接触力学分析手段相结合建立计算理论,以提高计算效率和收敛性。并开展验证性实验,通过对比实验与计算结果,发现该理论方法计算所得结果与实验数据吻合良好。应用该计算理论,进一步对连接器进行力学分析,分别获得超弹性橡胶和尼龙作为柔性夹层时连接器的力学特性和刚度变化曲线,并获得不同厚度,初始弹性模量和泊松比对这一结果的影响程度。分析发现,柔性夹层的软硬程度对连接器的应力水平与应力分布影响显著,同时材料参数的变化对于连接器的刚度变化影响较大,因此,连接器柔性夹层的选取是一个双因素问题,可根据实际需要,对柔性夹层材料进行参数优化,既得到合理的连接器刚度,又将连接器应力水平控制在合理范围内。 展开更多
关键词 连接器 模型 柔性夹层 接触力学
Comparison of Photosynthetic Adaptability Between Kobresia humilis and Polygonum viviparum on Qinghai Plateau 被引量:15
作者 魏捷 余辉 +2 位作者 钟泽璞 匡廷云 贲桂英 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2001年第5期486-489,共4页
The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Kobresia humilis Serg. and Polygonum viviparum L. grown at two different altitudes (3?200 m, 3?980 m) were measured and the ultrastructure of chloroplasts were observ... The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Kobresia humilis Serg. and Polygonum viviparum L. grown at two different altitudes (3?200 m, 3?980 m) were measured and the ultrastructure of chloroplasts were observed for studying the photosynthetic adaptability of plants to the influences of stress conditions in alpine environment. Rfd _values, the vitality index, in leaves of K. humilis and P.viviparum grown at 3?980 m were higher than those at 3?200 m. The higher ratio of F v/F o and F v/F m in leaves of K. humilis and P.viviparum indicated that the rate of photosynthetic conversion of light energy increased at higher altitude. Ratios of F v/F o and F v/F m and Rfd _values in K.humilis were higher than that in P.viviparum grown at the same altitude. There were more irregular chloroplasts in leaves of both species grown at higher altitude. Many irregular chloroplasts such as swollen thylakoid, deformed chloroplast envelope, were observed in P.viviparum grown at 3?980 m, but few in K. humilis . These results were discussed in relation to the photosynthetic adaptability of alpine plants and the different adaptive competence between K.humilis and P.viviparum . 展开更多
关键词 alpine plants Kobresia humilis Polygonum viviparum chlorophyll fluorescence ultrastructure of chloroplast
Fabrication and ablation property of carbon/carbon composites with novel SiC-ZrB_2 coating 被引量:6
作者 黄东 张明瑜 +4 位作者 黄启忠 王丽平 汤贤 杨鑫 童凯 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期3708-3715,共8页
A novel SiC?ZrB2 coating was prepared using a two-step technique by slurry-sintering and chemical vapor reaction on carbon/carbon (C/C) composites. The SiC?ZrB2 coating was composed of the scattered ZrB2 phase and the... A novel SiC?ZrB2 coating was prepared using a two-step technique by slurry-sintering and chemical vapor reaction on carbon/carbon (C/C) composites. The SiC?ZrB2 coating was composed of the scattered ZrB2 phase and the continuous SiC phase. It was observed that a good adhesion was built between the coating and the C/C composites. The SiC?ZrB2 coating samples exhibited a better ablation resistance in comparison with the uncoated C/C composites. The SiO2?ZrO2 barrier layer, the heat dissipation of the gaseous products and the pinning effect of ZrO2 all contributed to the good ablation resistance of the SiC?ZrB2 coated composites. 展开更多
关键词 ablation COATING MICROSTRUCTURE carbon/carbon composites
Hydrothermal synthesis, characterization and optical properties of La_2Sn_2O_7:Eu^(3+) micro-octahedra 被引量:6
作者 杨锦瑜 苏玉长 刘雪颖 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期535-543,共9页
Pyrochlore structure La2Sn2O7:Eu3+ microcrystals with uniform octahedron shape were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal route at 180 °C for 36 h. The crystal structure, particle size, morphologies, and ... Pyrochlore structure La2Sn2O7:Eu3+ microcrystals with uniform octahedron shape were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal route at 180 °C for 36 h. The crystal structure, particle size, morphologies, and optical properties of the as-synthesized products were investigated by XRD, TEM, SEM, EDS, FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy and PL. The effects of pH of precursor solution, precursor concentration, reaction temperature, and time were investigated. The results reveal that pH of the precursor solution not only plays an important role in determining the phase of the as-synthesized products, but also has a significant influence on the morphologies of the samples. High-quality and uniform octahedrons with an average size of about 700 nm could be easily obtained at the pH value of 12. The possible formation mechanism of octahedral-like La2Sn2O7:Eu3+ microcrystals was briefly proposed. The photoluminescence spectra show that La2Sn2O7:Eu3+ micro-octahedra display stronger emission in the range of 582-592 nm compared with the samples with other shapes. 展开更多
关键词 pyrochlore structure hydrothermal synthesis growth mechanism optical properties
Effect of electropulsing rolling on mechanical properties and microstructure of AZ31 magnesium alloy 被引量:2
作者 徐春 李亚楠 饶晓华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第12期3777-3784,共8页
Electropulsing rolling (ER) and warm rolling (WR) processes were performed to roll AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets. Mechanical properties, microstructure and texture evolution of these specimens were investigated afte... Electropulsing rolling (ER) and warm rolling (WR) processes were performed to roll AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets. Mechanical properties, microstructure and texture evolution of these specimens were investigated after rolling. The results indicate that electropulsing accelerates the recrystallization of AZ31 alloy sheets during hot rolling. After electropulsing rolling at a relatively low temperature, the microstructure of the sample shows fine equiaxed recrystallized grains with a lower density of dislocations and precipitates. In contrast, the microstructure of the sample after warm rolling shows elongated grain, numerous deformed twins, and a high density of dislocation and precipitates. Electropulsing rolling helps weaken the basal fiber texture. Although both the alloy sheets (ER and WR) have typical basal fiber texture, the maximum pole intensity of basal in ER sample is weaker. ER sheet has higher yield strength and elongation compared to WR sheet. As a promising technique, electropulsing rolling can be used to improve the microstructure and mechanical properties of materials. 展开更多
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