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复合区基体调控对Al_(2)O_(3)p/40Cr钢球形网络构型复合材料压缩性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 魏绍生 龚文豪 +1 位作者 张西鹏 卢德宏 《铸造技术》 CAS 2023年第4期363-370,共8页
采用金属微粉对Al_(2)O_(3)p/40Cr钢球形网络构型复合材料的复合区基体进行调控,研究了金属微粉对构型复合材料压缩性能的影响。结果表明,Fe320合金粉调控的构型复合材料压缩屈服强度、抗压强度、断裂应变,分别比还原铁粉调控复合材料... 采用金属微粉对Al_(2)O_(3)p/40Cr钢球形网络构型复合材料的复合区基体进行调控,研究了金属微粉对构型复合材料压缩性能的影响。结果表明,Fe320合金粉调控的构型复合材料压缩屈服强度、抗压强度、断裂应变,分别比还原铁粉调控复合材料提升了26.0%、25.4%、21.3%。结果表明,Fe320粉提高了构型复合材料复合区基体中Ni等合金元素含量,而还原铁粉则略微降低了复合区基体合金元素含量,因此Fe320粉强化了复合区基体。同时,球形网络复合结构中,裂纹在复合区内部纵向扩展,基体区对裂纹扩展有明显阻碍作用。因此,构型结构与复合区基体强化协同提高了构型复合材料的压缩力学性能。 展开更多
关键词 复合区基体 调控 网络构型复合材料 压缩力学性能
构型陶瓷/钢铁耐磨复合材料研究进展 被引量:13
作者 卢德宏 蒋业华 《精密成形工程》 北大核心 2021年第3期40-48,共9页
近年来,陶瓷颗粒非均匀分布增强钢铁基复合材料(构型复合材料)由于具有优异的耐磨性,成为国内外高性能耐磨材料研究和应用的热点。对构型复合材料耐磨性的研究进行了综述,认为在无冲击磨料磨损工况下,构型复合材料的耐磨性显著高于常规... 近年来,陶瓷颗粒非均匀分布增强钢铁基复合材料(构型复合材料)由于具有优异的耐磨性,成为国内外高性能耐磨材料研究和应用的热点。对构型复合材料耐磨性的研究进行了综述,认为在无冲击磨料磨损工况下,构型复合材料的耐磨性显著高于常规陶瓷颗粒均匀分布增强复合材料,其耐磨性顺序按照基体排列为:高铬铸铁基>合金钢基>高锰钢基复合材料;陶瓷/钢铁界面结合强,则复合材料耐磨性高;按照陶瓷颗粒排序是:WC>(TiC,ZTA)>Al_(2)O_(3)增强复合材料;ZTA中ZrO_(2)含量高,则耐磨性好。在高冲击磨料磨损工况下,构型复合材料耐磨性远不如无冲击工况下的耐磨性,有的甚至比基体差;合金钢基复合材料耐磨性比高锰钢基稍高。综述了不同工况下构型复合材料的磨损机理,并提出了构型陶瓷/钢铁复合材料的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷/钢铁复合材料 构型复合材料 耐磨材料 进展
烧结工艺及热挤压对纳米Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基构型复合材料组织与性能的影响 被引量:3
作者 颜庆华 徐志凯 卢德宏 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期3729-3738,共10页
采用粉末冶金与热挤压工艺制备了Al_(2)O_(3)质量分数为10%的纳米Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基构型复合材料。研究了真空与非真空下不同烧结温度、不同挤压比对复合材料微观组织、致密度、弹性模量、硬度和抗压强度的影响。结果表明:随烧结温... 采用粉末冶金与热挤压工艺制备了Al_(2)O_(3)质量分数为10%的纳米Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基构型复合材料。研究了真空与非真空下不同烧结温度、不同挤压比对复合材料微观组织、致密度、弹性模量、硬度和抗压强度的影响。结果表明:随烧结温度升高,挤压比4:1与8:1构型复合材料的硬度皆为先增加后减小,整体硬度相对基体材料均明显提高。复合材料经过挤压后的致密度均在98%以上。挤压比4:1,烧结温度为620、630、640℃时,相对于基体材料抗压强度分别提高15.3%,17.2%,14.0%,随温度升高先增大后减小。挤压比8:1时,相对于基体材料抗压强度分别提高33.2%,34.1%,31.1%,随温度升高也呈现先增大后减小。而构型复合材料的弹性模量变化不大。 展开更多
关键词 粉末冶金 热挤压 铝基复合材料 分级构型复合材料 力学性能
作者 赵一博 李专 +2 位作者 陈浩 汤志军 杨政 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期89-95,共7页
氧化锆增韧氧化铝复相陶瓷(ZTA)/高铬铸铁(HCCI)构型耐磨复合材料具有极高的耐磨性,但由于铸造态复合材料难以加工且易断裂失效,需要对其进行热处理。对ZTA/HCCI构型复合材料进行热处理,分析淬火前后复合材料的微观组织,并通过三体摩擦... 氧化锆增韧氧化铝复相陶瓷(ZTA)/高铬铸铁(HCCI)构型耐磨复合材料具有极高的耐磨性,但由于铸造态复合材料难以加工且易断裂失效,需要对其进行热处理。对ZTA/HCCI构型复合材料进行热处理,分析淬火前后复合材料的微观组织,并通过三体摩擦磨损测试研究热处理对耐磨性的影响。结果表明:热处理后HCCI基体微观组织为马氏体或回火马氏体,保证了ZTA/HCCI构型复合材料基体本身具有较高的耐磨性;与热处理后的HCCI相比,淬火和回火的ZTA/HCCI复合材料的质量损失率分别降低了53%和55%,表明材料的整体耐磨性得到了提高。在热处理后的ZTA/HCCI构型复合材料中,ZTA陶瓷在HCCI马氏体基体上钉扎,起到了“阴影效应”,增强了材料的整体耐磨性。 展开更多
关键词 ZTA/HCCI构型复合材料 淬火-回火 三体摩擦磨损 热处理
作者 范磊 冉登林 +2 位作者 耿新鸿 赵鑫哲 郝雪龙 《稀有金属》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期808-821,共14页
为改善矿山机械部件磨损和腐蚀问题,制备了蜂窝构型氧化锆增韧氧化铝颗粒增强铁基(ZTAp-Fe)复合材料,对ZTAp占比为5%,10%和15%(质量分数)的蜂窝预制体,浇铸30SiMn钢液进行复合铸造。采取X射线衍射仪(XRD)、能谱(EDS)、扫描电子显微镜(S... 为改善矿山机械部件磨损和腐蚀问题,制备了蜂窝构型氧化锆增韧氧化铝颗粒增强铁基(ZTAp-Fe)复合材料,对ZTAp占比为5%,10%和15%(质量分数)的蜂窝预制体,浇铸30SiMn钢液进行复合铸造。采取X射线衍射仪(XRD)、能谱(EDS)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、三体磨料磨损和腐蚀浸泡对其进行性能测试和表征。结果表明:ZTAp占比为5%和10%时,复合材料界面间结合情况良好,含量为15%时颗粒堆积严重,铸造过程热量传递受阻碍明显,出现气孔缺陷,使得ZTAp与铁基体间机械结合效果差;ZTAp含量由5%提升至15%,蜂窝构型ZTAp-Fe复合材料的耐磨性先增加后减弱,硬质相颗粒对磨料的阻挡作用显著,表面划痕和微犁沟减少,ZTAp含量为10%时复合材料耐磨性最佳;其相对耐磨性是HARDOX450耐磨钢的4.89倍,是NM450耐磨钢的4.81倍,是30SiMn钢的5.3倍。絮状腐蚀产物主要出现在30SiMn钢部分,随时间增加表面腐蚀产物和腐蚀程度加深,最终其表面出现黑色腐蚀坑;铁基体中含有大量Cr元素,耐腐蚀性良好,与30SiMn钢的冶金熔合区腐蚀量较少。所使用的铸造工艺可使该复合材料与矿用耐磨钢进行有效装配,显著提高其耐磨性和耐腐蚀性。 展开更多
关键词 构型复合材料 颗粒增强 磨料磨损 耐腐蚀性
作者 卢德宏 冯家玮 《昆明理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期43-49,共7页
研究了不同复合区体积分数和不同基体硬度的三维互穿网络氧化锆增韧氧化铝颗粒(ZTAp)/40Cr钢复合材料的三体磨料磨损性能.复合区体积分数分别为35%、50%、65%.通过热处理调节使基体硬度分别为235.7 HV、326.5 HV和627.3 HV.结果表明:随... 研究了不同复合区体积分数和不同基体硬度的三维互穿网络氧化锆增韧氧化铝颗粒(ZTAp)/40Cr钢复合材料的三体磨料磨损性能.复合区体积分数分别为35%、50%、65%.通过热处理调节使基体硬度分别为235.7 HV、326.5 HV和627.3 HV.结果表明:随着复合区体积分数的提高,三维互穿网络ZTAp/40Cr钢复合材料的耐磨性先升高后降低,50%的构型复合材料分别比35%和65%的复合材料提高7%和24%,比均匀分布复合材料和基体分别提高42%和47%.随着基体硬度的提高,复合材料耐磨性也提高.对复合材料的磨损机理分析表明,在三体磨料磨损时,复合区主要起到耐磨作用,而基体区可以明显提高复合材料整体强度和塑性,防止复合材料发生开裂、脱落等非正常磨损,二者相互配合体现出复合材料优异的耐磨性. 展开更多
关键词 构型复合材料 三体磨料磨损 耐磨性 体积分数 基体
构型参数及方式对Al_(2)O_(3)p/高锰钢球形网络复合材料压缩性能的影响 被引量:2
作者 寇宝弘 卢德宏 +2 位作者 龚文豪 张翼 王宇 《复合材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期499-509,共11页
传统的耐磨金属基复合材料普遍存在塑韧性低的问题。对氧化铝颗粒(Al_(2)O_(3)p)增强高锰钢复合材料进行球形网络构型设计,研究了构型方式、参数及热处理对复合材料压缩性能的影响。制备了3种构型参数(球径ϕ分别为6 mm、7 mm、8 mm)结... 传统的耐磨金属基复合材料普遍存在塑韧性低的问题。对氧化铝颗粒(Al_(2)O_(3)p)增强高锰钢复合材料进行球形网络构型设计,研究了构型方式、参数及热处理对复合材料压缩性能的影响。制备了3种构型参数(球径ϕ分别为6 mm、7 mm、8 mm)结合两种构型方式(平行、错落)的Al_(2)O_(3)p/高锰钢球形网络复合材料、均匀复合材料和基体材料。结果表明:同构型方式下,随着构型参数(复合区体积分数)的增加,材料的压缩性能降低,其中ϕ6材料的屈服强度、抗压强度和(抗压强度下)应变最佳,相比于均匀复合材料分别提升203.8%、236.1%和134.8%,屈服强度相比于基体材料提升107.5%;同构型参数下,错落排布比平行排布的屈服强度、抗压强度和应变分别提升10.9%、28.5%和16.3%;水韧处理后,错落排布材料的屈服强度降低35.2%,抗压强度提升11.0%,应变提升163.1%。裂纹易在基体区与复合区界面处萌生并进行扩展,基体能够阻碍裂纹的扩展;错落排布增大了复合区的最小间距,提升了塑性。 展开更多
关键词 金属基复合材料 构型复合材料 参数 方式 氧化铝颗粒
粗铝颗粒对Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基复合材料力学性能影响 被引量:1
作者 周明 徐志凯 +1 位作者 颜庆华 卢德宏 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第12期1549-1552,共4页
研究了粗铝颗粒含量对纳米Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基分级构型复合材料力学性能的影响。采用粉末冶金法将7075铝合金细粉(约5μm)和纳米Al_(2)O_(3)颗粒进行高能球磨,再加入0~15%的7075铝粗颗粒进行普通球磨,压坯后真空烧结,最后进行挤压制... 研究了粗铝颗粒含量对纳米Al_(2)O_(3p)/7075铝基分级构型复合材料力学性能的影响。采用粉末冶金法将7075铝合金细粉(约5μm)和纳米Al_(2)O_(3)颗粒进行高能球磨,再加入0~15%的7075铝粗颗粒进行普通球磨,压坯后真空烧结,最后进行挤压制得复合材料,在室温下测试其压缩性能和硬度。结果表明,随着粗颗粒增加,复合材料的抗压强度缓慢降低,但断裂应变显著提高;其中,粗颗粒含量为15%的复合材料强度和硬度分别比无粗颗粒的降低5.0%和7.2%,但塑性提高了27.6%。因此,在纳米陶瓷颗粒增强铝基复合材料中加入基体粗颗粒制备的分级构型复合材料,明显改善了复合材料的塑性。 展开更多
关键词 铝基复合材料 分级构型复合材料 纳米复合材料 力学性能
Microstructure of aluminum/copper clad composite fabricated by casting-cold extrusion forming 被引量:7
作者 骆俊廷 赵双敬 张春祥 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第4期1013-1017,共5页
An aluminum/copper clad composite was fabricated by the casting-cold extrusion forming technology and the microstructures of the products were observed and analyzed.It is found that aluminum grains at the interface ar... An aluminum/copper clad composite was fabricated by the casting-cold extrusion forming technology and the microstructures of the products were observed and analyzed.It is found that aluminum grains at the interface are refined in the radial profiles of cone-shaped deformation zone,but the grains in the center maintain the original state and the grain size is non-uniform.A clear boundary presents between the refined area and center area.In contrast,the copper grains in the radial profiles have been significantly refined.In the center area of the copper,the grains are bigger than those at the boundary.On the surface of the deformable body,the grain size is the smallest,but with irregular grain morphology.After the product is entirely extruded,all the copper and aluminum grains are refined with small and uniform morphology.In the center area,the average diameter of aluminum grains is smaller than 5 μm,and the copper grain on the surface is about 10 μm.At the interface,the grain size is very small,with a good combination of copper and aluminum.The thickness of interface is in the range of 10-15 μm.Energy spectrum analysis shows that CuAl3 phase presents at the interface. 展开更多
关键词 aluminum/copper clad composite CASTING cold extrusion MICROSTRUCTURE
Magnetic yolk-shell structured anatase-based microspheres loaded with Au nanoparticles for heterogeneous catalysis 被引量:7
作者 Chun Wang Junchen Chen +8 位作者 Xinran Zhou Wei Li Yong Liu Qin Yue Zhaoteng Xue Yuhui Li Ahmed A. Elzatahry Yonghui Deng Dongyuan Zhao 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期238-245,共8页
Magnetic yolk-shell structured anatase-based microspheres were fabricated through successive and facile sol-gel coating on magnetite particles, followed by annealing treatments. Upon loading with gold nanoparticles, t... Magnetic yolk-shell structured anatase-based microspheres were fabricated through successive and facile sol-gel coating on magnetite particles, followed by annealing treatments. Upon loading with gold nanoparticles, the obtained functional magnetic microspheres as heterogeneous catalysts showed superior performance in catalyzing the epoxidation of styrene with extraordinary high conversion (89.5%) and selectivity (90.8%) towards styrene oxide. It is believed that the construction process of these fascinating materials features many implications for creating other functional nanocomposites. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic microspheres TITANIA yolk-shell structure gold nanoparticles heterogeneous catalysis
Evaluating the blast mitigation performance of hard/soft composite structures through field explosion experiment and numerical analysis 被引量:6
作者 Fengyuan Yang Zhijie Li +1 位作者 Zhuo Zhuang Zhanli Liu 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期27-36,共10页
The application of hard/soft composite structure in personnel armor for blast mitigation is relatively practical and effective in realistic protection engineering,such as the shell/liner system of the helmet.However,t... The application of hard/soft composite structure in personnel armor for blast mitigation is relatively practical and effective in realistic protection engineering,such as the shell/liner system of the helmet.However,there is still lacking a reliable experi-mental methodology to effectively evaluate the blast mitigation performance when the structure directly contacts the protected target,which limits the development of protection structures.In this paper,we proposed a new method to evaluate experi-mentally and numerically the blast mitigation performance of hard/soft composite structures.The blast mitigation mechanism is analyzed.The hard/soft structures were composed of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene(UHMWPE)composite and expanded polyethylene(EPE)foam.In field explosion experiment,a 7.0 kg trinitrotoluene(TNT)spherical charge is used to generate blast waves at a 3.8 m stand-off distance.A pressure test device is designed to support the tested structure and measure the transmitted blast pressure pulses after passing through the structure.Experimental results indicate that the hard/soft structures can mitigate the blast pressure pulse into the triangular pressure pulse,through making the pulse profile flatter,reducing the pressure amplitude,and delaying the pulse arrival time.Specifically,the combination of 7 mm UHMWPE composite and 20 mm EPE foam can reduce the blast pressure amplitude by 40%.Correspondingly,the finite element simulation is also carried out to understand the blast mitigation mechanism.The numerical results indicate that the regulation for blast pressure pulses mainly complete at the hard/soft interface,which is attributed to the reflection of pressure waves at the interface and the deformation of the soft layer compressed by the hard layer possessing kinetic energy.Furthermore,based on these analyses,the corresponding theoretical model is proposed,and it can well explain the experimental and numerical results.This study is meaningful for evaluating and designing high-performance blast mitigation structures. 展开更多
关键词 Blast mitigation Composite structure Field explosion experiment Numerical simulation
Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of magneto-rheological visco-elastomers 被引量:4
作者 YING ZuGuang NI YiQing SAJJADI Masoud 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第4期878-883,共6页
The smart magneto-rheological visco-elastomer (MRVE) has a promising application to vibration control.Its dynamic characteristics are described by complex moduli which are applicable to linear dynamics.However,experim... The smart magneto-rheological visco-elastomer (MRVE) has a promising application to vibration control.Its dynamic characteristics are described by complex moduli which are applicable to linear dynamics.However,experimental results show remarkable nonlinear relations between force and deformation for certain large deformations,and the nonlinear dynamic modeling needs to be developed.The present study focuses on the nonlinear dynamic characteristics of MRVE.The MRVE was fabricated and specimens were tested to show nonlinear mechanical properties and dynamic behaviors.The nonlinear effect induced by applied magnetic fields was investigated.A phenomenological model for the dynamic behaviors of MRVE was proposed to describe the nonlinear elasticity,linear damping and hysteretic effect,and the corresponding equivalent linear model in the frequency domain was also given for small deformations.The proposed model is applicable to the dynamics and control analysis of composite structures with MRVE. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear hysteresis dynamic modeling magneto-rheological visco-elastomer complex stiffness
Continuum damage mechanics based modeling progressive failure of woven-fabric composite laminate under low velocity impact 被引量:4
作者 Zhi-gang HU Yan ZHANG 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期151-164,共14页
A continuum damage mechanics (CDM) meso-model was derived for both intraply and interply progressive failure behaviors of a 2D woven-fabric composite laminate under a transversely low velocity impact.An in-plane aniso... A continuum damage mechanics (CDM) meso-model was derived for both intraply and interply progressive failure behaviors of a 2D woven-fabric composite laminate under a transversely low velocity impact.An in-plane anisotropic damage constitutive model of a 2D woven composite ply was derived based on CDM within a thermodynamic framework,an elastic constitutive model with damage for the fibre directions and an elastic-plastic constitutive model with damage for the shear direction.The progressive failure behavior of a 2D woven composite ply is determined by the damage internal variables in different directions with appropriate damage evolution equations.The interface between two adjacent 2D woven composite plies with different ply orientations was modeled by a traction-separation law based interface element.An isotropic damage constitutive law with CDM properties was used for the interface element,and a damage surface which combines stress and fracture mechanics failure criteria was employed to derive the damage initiation and evolution for the mixed-mode delamination of the interface elements.Numerical analysis and experiments were both carried out on a 2D woven glass fibre/epoxy laminate.The simulation results are in agreement with the experimental counterparts,verifying the progressive failure model of a woven composite laminate.The proposed model will enhance the understanding of dynamic deformation and progressive failure behavior of composite laminate structures in the low velocity impact process. 展开更多
关键词 Continuum damage mechanics (CDM) Woven composite laminate Low velocity impact Interface element Cohesive zone
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