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脑动静脉畸形的血管构筑特征与使用Onyx栓塞治疗的体会 被引量:4
作者 梁建峰 何伟文 +1 位作者 伍健伟 李明昌 《中华神经医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期164-167,共4页
目的探讨脑动静脉畸形的血管构筑特征与使用Onyx进行血管内栓塞治疗的技巧。方法选择自2005年3月至2006年12月广州医学院附属第二医院神经外科收治的26例脑动静脉畸形患者,根据脑血管造影和超选择造影后脑动静脉畸形的血管构筑特征,使... 目的探讨脑动静脉畸形的血管构筑特征与使用Onyx进行血管内栓塞治疗的技巧。方法选择自2005年3月至2006年12月广州医学院附属第二医院神经外科收治的26例脑动静脉畸形患者,根据脑血管造影和超选择造影后脑动静脉畸形的血管构筑特征,使用Onyx进行血管内栓塞治疗。结果脑动静脉畸形栓塞治疗前需分析房隔结构,引流静脉数量.引流是否通畅,供血方式及混合伴有动脉瘤或静脉结构等。粗大、危险性小的供血动脉及伴发动脉瘤的脑动静脉畸形应优先栓塞,对于多支供血的脑动静脉畸形需保护引流静脉。本组栓塞治疗后畸形血管团完全消失7例,消失90%以上10例,消失70%~90%的7例,消失70%以下2例.结论全面的脑血管造影可正确指导使用Onyx栓塞治疗脑动静脉畸形,掌握一定的推注技巧可以最著提高脑动静脉畸形血管内治疗的效果。 展开更多
关键词 脑动静脉畸形 血管构筑特征 血管内治疗
作者 徐新 杨火其 +2 位作者 何昆 林一楠 杨元平 《浙江水利科技》 2024年第2期9-14,共6页
丰富涌潮景观形态的多样性能增加人们的观潮热情,促进旅游事业发展。结合钱塘江河口海塘安澜工程建设,在对钱塘江河口涌潮景观形态整理分析的基础上,发现海塘塘脚及其护塘丁坝位置,不同类型构筑物与涌潮相互作用可形成多样性的涌潮景观... 丰富涌潮景观形态的多样性能增加人们的观潮热情,促进旅游事业发展。结合钱塘江河口海塘安澜工程建设,在对钱塘江河口涌潮景观形态整理分析的基础上,发现海塘塘脚及其护塘丁坝位置,不同类型构筑物与涌潮相互作用可形成多样性的涌潮景观形态。通过室内涌潮水槽和现场试验研究,发现海塘塘脚、丁坝坝面布置的不同构筑物在涌潮水流条件下可塑造冲天、散射等多样性的涌潮景观形态。从特征构筑物激起的水体最大高度及潮景持续时间角度可知,四脚空心块、U型块体、V字型块体等特征构筑物塑造涌潮景观形态的多样性效果较佳。 展开更多
关键词 涌潮 海塘 特征构筑 潮景 多样性
大屏嶂森林公园次生常绿阔叶林树木的构筑型特征分析 被引量:1
作者 林育述 黄明钗 +2 位作者 严朝东 林观土 胡科 《林业与环境科学》 2016年第6期70-74,共5页
文章采用网格取样技术结合线路调查法,在大屏嶂森林公园次生常绿阔叶林内设置9个样地,对样地内共26个树种的乔木立木进行调查,并且初步分析构筑型特征。研究结果显示:(1)树木冠形主要有卵形、圆球形、圆柱形、伞形和圆锥形5种基本类型,... 文章采用网格取样技术结合线路调查法,在大屏嶂森林公园次生常绿阔叶林内设置9个样地,对样地内共26个树种的乔木立木进行调查,并且初步分析构筑型特征。研究结果显示:(1)树木冠形主要有卵形、圆球形、圆柱形、伞形和圆锥形5种基本类型,以圆球形冠形的树木种类比例最高,占统计总数的30%;(2)乔木冠幅多数属于中冠幅类型,并存在较小的分枝角度,其中以45°的比例最高,达到30.8%,其次是30°,占23.1%;(3)树木的分枝级数最大为7级,而以4级分枝的树种最多,占统计总数的38.5%;(4)树高与枝下高以及胸径的关系均符合幂函数关系,并且均呈正相关。 展开更多
关键词 大屏嶂森林公园 次生常绿阔叶林 乔木树种 构筑特征
作者 禄树晖 刘维彬 宋扬扬 《西藏科技》 2009年第5期69-71,共3页
藏式传统聚落,与西藏的其它文化形态一样,具有其鲜明的个性,是西藏艺术发展史上一道靓丽的文化景观。本文运用马克思主义藏学观的观点和方法,从藏式传统聚落的布局与构筑理论入手,着重就该聚落构筑的方位选择、布局特征、建筑空间结构... 藏式传统聚落,与西藏的其它文化形态一样,具有其鲜明的个性,是西藏艺术发展史上一道靓丽的文化景观。本文运用马克思主义藏学观的观点和方法,从藏式传统聚落的布局与构筑理论入手,着重就该聚落构筑的方位选择、布局特征、建筑空间结构和建筑色彩等四个方面,分析了其形态特征与特色,以期从理论层面为西藏打造精品城镇和特色城镇打下一定的基础。 展开更多
关键词 藏式传统聚落 构筑理论形态特征 建筑特色
鼠兔子宫血管铸型的光镜和扫描电镜观察 被引量:2
作者 俞诗源 《动物学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1999年第2期129-134,共6页
用光镜和扫描电镜观察了ABS丁酮溶液灌注的达乌尔鼠兔子宫血管与微血管构筑情况。子宫大部分血液来自子宫动脉,小部分来自生殖动脉。各弓状动脉进入宫壁后,即在宫壁内分支形成3个血管层:浆膜层、大血管层和粘肌层。研究发现鼠兔子宫... 用光镜和扫描电镜观察了ABS丁酮溶液灌注的达乌尔鼠兔子宫血管与微血管构筑情况。子宫大部分血液来自子宫动脉,小部分来自生殖动脉。各弓状动脉进入宫壁后,即在宫壁内分支形成3个血管层:浆膜层、大血管层和粘肌层。研究发现鼠兔子宫内膜血管呈树杆状或有轻度弯曲向腔面垂直穿行,直至浅层分支形成毛细血管网和较大的窦状毛细血管;其内膜血管形态与有月经的人子宫内膜螺旋动脉明显差异。文中还对子宫微血管构筑与月经产生机制的关系进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 达乌尔鼠兔 子宫 血管铸型 微血管 构筑特征
Study on correlation between pathology and the contrast-enhanced ultrasound characteristics of primary liver cancer 被引量:1
作者 Qin Si Xiaoli Qian +4 位作者 Shengxi Huang Xiaoping Lv Wei Tong Yanli Huang Jian Chen 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第9期506-509,共4页
Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) for blood perfusion of primary liver cancer(PHC) and investigate the correlation between microvascular architecture of PH... Objective:The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) for blood perfusion of primary liver cancer(PHC) and investigate the correlation between microvascular architecture of PHC and pathological differentiation.Methods:Two hundred and seventy-eight patients with 329 PHC lesions were examined by CEUS and analysised the contrast enhancement pattern and correlation with pathology.Results:1.CEUS patterns of PHC:71.7%(236/329) showed "swift enhancement in the arterial phase and swift expurgation in the portal phase",13.4%(44/329) for as "swift enhancement and slow expurgation",7.3%(24/329) as "swift enhancement and simultaneity expurgation",4.3%(14/329) for the "slow enhancement and swift expurgation",2.1%(7/329) as "slow enhancement and expurgation",1.2%(4/329) as "not fast forward".2.90.3%(297/329) of PHC lesions were hypervascular liver cancer and 9.7%(32/329) were hypovascular.Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) were hypervascular lesions and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma(ICC) were hypovascular lesions.3.PHC size had a significant difference on the contrast media purfusion pattern(P < 0.05),but not on the contrast media expurgation pattern.4.The accuracy of PHC by CEUS were 97.3% and compared to pathology,9 lesions of PHC were misdiagnosed.Conclusion:CEUS can show the different blood perfusion characteristics of PHC with closely related to pathological differentiation,which be valuable to diagnose liver cancer. 展开更多
关键词 primary liver cancer(PHC) contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) MICROBUBBLES blood perfusion
The Effect of Micro Air Movement on the Heat and Moisture Characteristics of Building Constructions
作者 A.W.M. (Jos) van Schijndel 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2010年第10期9-15,共7页
The research focuses on the effect of air movement through building constructions. Although the typical air movement inside building constructions is quite small (velocity is of order -10-5 m/s), this research shows... The research focuses on the effect of air movement through building constructions. Although the typical air movement inside building constructions is quite small (velocity is of order -10-5 m/s), this research shows the impact on the heat and moisture characteristics. The paper presents a case study on the modeling and simulation of 2D heat and moisture transport with and without air movement for a building construction using a state-of-art multiphysics FEM software tool. Most other heat and moisture related models don't include airflow or use a steady airflow through the construction during the simulation period. However, in this model, the wind induced pressure is dynamic and thus also the airflow through the construction is dynamic. For this particular case study, the results indicate that at the intemal surface, the vapor pressure is almost not influenced by both the 2D effect and the wind speed. The temperatures at the inner surface are mostly influenced by the 2D effect. Only at wind pressure differences above 30 Pa, the airflow has a significant effect. At the extemal surface, the temperatttres are not influenced by both the 2D effect and the wind speed. However, the vapor pressure seems to be quite dependent on the wind induced pressure. Overall it is concluded that air movement through building materials seems to have a significant impact on the heat and moisture characteristics. In order to verify this statement and validate the models, new in-depth experiments including air flow through materials are recommended. 展开更多
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