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作者 谷勇 李昆 +2 位作者 吴昊 李正红 宗绪晓 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2008年第12期12-16,共5页
在中国云南省怒江流域设计井营造木豆与不同树种的混交生态林,每年木豆结荚期样地调查各树种的生长量(株高、地径、冠幅、一级分枝等)、木豆产量(每株结荚数、产种量等)、植被变化情况、土壤剖面(造林2年後进行,并设对照剖面)... 在中国云南省怒江流域设计井营造木豆与不同树种的混交生态林,每年木豆结荚期样地调查各树种的生长量(株高、地径、冠幅、一级分枝等)、木豆产量(每株结荚数、产种量等)、植被变化情况、土壤剖面(造林2年後进行,并设对照剖面)。植株生长量及木豆干籽粒产量测定结果表明,在所测试的生态林模式中,木豆(ICP7035)/马鹿花模式最好。土壤养分含量化验结果表明,木豆生态林封维持和改善土壤肥力有较好效果。土壤剖面观测结果表明.木豆生态林对改良土壤结构和增加土壤有机质含量作用显着。林份调查结果表明,木豆生态林可以很好保护项目区域内原始植被的生物多样性。 展开更多
关键词 木豆 农业生态 模式设计 效益评价
《中国林业经济》 2008年第3期F0002-F0002,F0003,F0004,共3页
大兴安岭林田农业开发建设总公司是隶属于大兴安岭林管局北奇神绿色产业集团的农业企业,以生态建设为中心任务,生产和加工有机农产品。公司辖农场575家,经营耕地面积4.6万hm^2(69万亩),拥有员工1285人,资产2.0亿元,配套农机具... 大兴安岭林田农业开发建设总公司是隶属于大兴安岭林管局北奇神绿色产业集团的农业企业,以生态建设为中心任务,生产和加工有机农产品。公司辖农场575家,经营耕地面积4.6万hm^2(69万亩),拥有员工1285人,资产2.0亿元,配套农机具800余台套,形成农作物总生产能力12万t,主要农作物为有机大豆、有机芸豆、马铃薯、小麦、大麦等。 展开更多
关键词 有机农产品 配套农机具 农业企业 产业集团 中心任务 大兴安岭农业开发建设总公司
山东省海岸带复合农林业的经营类型及模式优化研究初报 被引量:2
作者 魏勇 赵永艳 +1 位作者 李自锋 张纪林 《南京林业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2000年第1期81-85,共5页
关键词 复合农业 经营类型 海岸带 经营模式 优化 技术 防护体系
分析我国现代林业的发展方向 被引量:1
作者 李斌 许曙升 《现代园艺》 2013年第4期19-19,共1页
伴随着经济社会的不断快速进步发展,我国林业未来发展之路也逐步受到社会的广为重视,而在科学发展观的理念指导下,确保林业的可持续发展变得十分必要。笔者结合现代化林业发展的要求,综合探讨了混农林业之路与现代林业发展方向,主要结... 伴随着经济社会的不断快速进步发展,我国林业未来发展之路也逐步受到社会的广为重视,而在科学发展观的理念指导下,确保林业的可持续发展变得十分必要。笔者结合现代化林业发展的要求,综合探讨了混农林业之路与现代林业发展方向,主要结合我国林业的发展实际,认为我国现代林业应朝林业生态化、林业社会化、林业科技信息化三方面发展。 展开更多
关键词 林农业 现代 发展方向
浅论林农复合生态系统 被引量:1
作者 邵锦锋 皮宝珍 《江西林业科技》 2001年第3期11-36,共26页
从林农复合生态系统的研究历史 ,阐述了林农复合生态系统的定义、技术类型、开发途径、功能与作用 ,并对江西发展林农复合生态系统提出了几点建议。
关键词 林农业 复合生态系统 农混作 土地综合利用
浅谈我国农林经济管理的发展现状及发展策略 被引量:1
作者 王娟 《神州》 2019年第12期285-285,共1页
目前,随着我国的科技技术发展,农林业经济逐渐的完整,农林经济管理方面还有许多问题需要完善。需要我们在根源上探索农林经济管理所存在的问题。根据我国农林经济宪法的设定,我们对问题反复探究,找到解决问题的有效措施。促进我国农业... 目前,随着我国的科技技术发展,农林业经济逐渐的完整,农林经济管理方面还有许多问题需要完善。需要我们在根源上探索农林经济管理所存在的问题。根据我国农林经济宪法的设定,我们对问题反复探究,找到解决问题的有效措施。促进我国农业经济的飞速发展。 展开更多
关键词 经济的管理 发展状况 林农业建设现代化
作者 李婧 韩锋 《绿色科技》 2017年第23期90-92,94,共4页
关键词 万峰 喀斯特农业 文化景观
作者 庞秀超 《南方农业》 2021年第27期216-217,共2页
在当前我国环境形势日渐严峻的背景下,国家颁布一系列环境保护政策并提出可持续发展战略,为恢复我国生态环境提供有利保障。自然保护区作为我国环境保护工作体系的重要内容,其资源开发及与周边社区之间关系一直是研究的主要内容。针对... 在当前我国环境形势日渐严峻的背景下,国家颁布一系列环境保护政策并提出可持续发展战略,为恢复我国生态环境提供有利保障。自然保护区作为我国环境保护工作体系的重要内容,其资源开发及与周边社区之间关系一直是研究的主要内容。针对自然保护区混农林业发展相关问题进行研究,提出采用混农林业生产模式,在确保生态环境不受破坏的情况下提升周边社区居民的经济收入。 展开更多
关键词 自然保护区 社区经济 林农业
作者 熊俊林 《农业装备技术》 1995年第5期4-4,共1页
农业部发出制止乱占耕地的通知农业部发出通知,要求各级政府及农业主管部门立即制止乱占耕地的现象,并指出,今后调整农业生产结构,一律不得毁坏耕地。通知指出,近期各地出现了大量占用耕地栽果树、挖鱼塘的现象,毁坏了不少良田,... 农业部发出制止乱占耕地的通知农业部发出通知,要求各级政府及农业主管部门立即制止乱占耕地的现象,并指出,今后调整农业生产结构,一律不得毁坏耕地。通知指出,近期各地出现了大量占用耕地栽果树、挖鱼塘的现象,毁坏了不少良田,加剧了耕地面积减少,必须引起高度重... 展开更多
关键词 农业 农业主管部门 生产计划 农田保护区 耕地面积减少 建设占用耕地 生产结构 通知 林农业 各级政府
辽宁西部地区河滩地高效林业生产技术研究 被引量:1
作者 侯国华 《沈阳农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第5期523-526,共4页
关键词 河滩地 农业 混交 互作模式 经营模式
黄土高原水土流失的现状与思考 被引量:8
作者 刘泉 陈朝镇 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2007年第2期101-105,共5页
黄土高原的水土流失是脆弱的生态系统与不合理的人类活动共同作用的结果,水土保持是该地区生态恢复和重建的基础。文章分析了黄土高原地区水土流失的基本现状,探讨水土流失的影响因素,提出黄土高原地区水土保持的建议:提倡节水型水土保... 黄土高原的水土流失是脆弱的生态系统与不合理的人类活动共同作用的结果,水土保持是该地区生态恢复和重建的基础。文章分析了黄土高原地区水土流失的基本现状,探讨水土流失的影响因素,提出黄土高原地区水土保持的建议:提倡节水型水土保持模式,鼓励发展“混林农业”,防范基础设施建设过程中的水土流失。 展开更多
关键词 水土流失 侵蚀模数 淤地坝 林农业 黄土高原
刀耕火种的变迁及其民族生态学意义--以云南元江县山苏作村为例 被引量:6
作者 赵文娟 范光桥 崔明昆 《原生态民族文化学刊》 2010年第3期33-39,共7页
通过对云南省元江县山苏作村彝族"刀耕火种"变迁历程的梳理,以及生态人类学对其生态价值的诠释,表明在所处生态系统中,这种"刀耕火种"体制是一种既合适又科学的生计方式,其中蕴涵着朴素的生态智慧,在今天的生态建... 通过对云南省元江县山苏作村彝族"刀耕火种"变迁历程的梳理,以及生态人类学对其生态价值的诠释,表明在所处生态系统中,这种"刀耕火种"体制是一种既合适又科学的生计方式,其中蕴涵着朴素的生态智慧,在今天的生态建设中仍然具有借鉴价值。核心内容包括:合理利用资源,维护人与森林生态系统的和谐;耕作中准确控制防火,建构有严格的防火体制,防范生态灾变的发生;对森林资源的利用尽可能多样化,避免单一资源的过度利用等等。随着社会的发展,山苏作村的"刀耕火种"近来虽然被"混林农业"所取代,但是当地彝族的相关生态智慧、技术和技能仍在延续,并未丧失其科学性和合理性。 展开更多
关键词 刀耕火种 民族生态学 林农业 变迁
Distribution of H-FABP mRNA in Hybrids of Songliao Black Pig×Sus scrofa
作者 秦莹 张永宏 +6 位作者 刘同欣 马倩 朱银莉 孙博兴 赵志辉 张嘉保 高妍 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期65-67,71,共4页
[ Objective] This study was to investigate the distribution of H-FABP mRNA in hybrids of Songliao black pig x Sus scrofa, so as to provide references for revealing the physiological functions of this gene. [Method] Wi... [ Objective] This study was to investigate the distribution of H-FABP mRNA in hybrids of Songliao black pig x Sus scrofa, so as to provide references for revealing the physiological functions of this gene. [Method] With the mRNA from different tissues as template, RT-PCR amplification was carried out for cloning cDNA of hybrid pig, which was then used for PCR reaction using specific primers; the amplification products were separated by gel electrophoresis and analyzed by sequencing for detecting the distribution pattern of H-FABP mRNA in hybrids of Songliao black pig x Sus scrofa. [ Result] H-FABP expressed in all the twelve tissues including subcutaneous fat, abdominal fat, mammary gland, Iongissimus dorsi muscle, dorsal deltoid muscle, heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, ileum and duodenum. [ Conclusion] The wide distribution of H-FABP gene suggests that its functions are important and multiple. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrids of Songliao black pig x Sus scrofa H-FABP mRNA Tissue distribution
作者 刘纪水 《福建农业》 1996年第1期7-7,共1页
关键词 高产大豆 东引 科技示范村 大豆品种 优良单株 大豆新品种 平均亩产 集美区 林农业 黑龙江省
作者 梅福星 《福建农业》 1995年第7期24-24,共1页
福鼎县从1993年创办农村合作基金会,目前已有6家,聚集融通资金1526万元,累计投放资金1276万元。这在促进农村三大产业发展中起到一定的作用。 这6家合作基金会都能根据本社区的特点,融集农村集体资金和闲散资金,进行融资互惠互利,缓解... 福鼎县从1993年创办农村合作基金会,目前已有6家,聚集融通资金1526万元,累计投放资金1276万元。这在促进农村三大产业发展中起到一定的作用。 这6家合作基金会都能根据本社区的特点,融集农村集体资金和闲散资金,进行融资互惠互利,缓解了资金供需矛盾,扶林农业和二、三产业的发展。在投放资金中,农业占50%,二、三产业占50%,估计增加社会效益500万元。如贯岭合作基金会贷款扶持蘑菇、茶叶和养猪业的生产。 展开更多
关键词 农村合作基金会 经济发 资金供需矛盾 集体资金 农村经济 社会效益 三大产业 春耕生产 养猪业 林农业
Allelopathic effects of leaf litters of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on some forest and agricultural crops 被引量:11
作者 Romel Ahmed A. T. M. Rafiqul Hoque Mohammed Kamal Hossain 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期19-24,共6页
Allelopathic effects of different doses of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaf litters were investigated through an experiment in the green house of Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Chittagong, Bangladesh. ... Allelopathic effects of different doses of Eucalyptus camaldulensis leaf litters were investigated through an experiment in the green house of Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Three popular agricultural crops: Falen (Vigna unguiculata), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Arhor (Cajanus cajan) and two widely used plantation trees: Sada koroi (Albizia procera) and Ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) were selected as bioassay species. Experiment was set on tray at room temperature 27℃. The effects of different doses of leaf litter extracts were compared to the control. Results suggest that leaf litters of E, camaldulesis induced inhibitory effects, It was also found that the effect depend on concentration of extract and litterfall, type of receiver species. Higher concentration of the materials had the higher effect and vice versa. Though all the bioassay species were suppressed some of them showed better performance. Vigna unguiculata, Cicer arietinum are recommended in agroforestry based on this present Experiment output. In mixed plantation, Leucaena leucochephala is a better choice while compared to Albizia procera. 展开更多
关键词 AGROFORESTRY choice of species inhibitory effect leaf litters mixed cropping mixed plantation
Phosphorus Transfer and Distribution in a Soybean-Citrus Intercropping System 被引量:12
作者 ZHOU Wei-Jun WANG Kai-Rong +2 位作者 ZHANG Yang-Zhu YIN Li-Chu LI He-Song 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期435-443,共9页
A mini-plot field experiment was conducted on a loamy clay Oxisol to compare and evaluate P absorption and transfer in plant organs and P movement in soil profile at three P application depths under the soybean-citrus... A mini-plot field experiment was conducted on a loamy clay Oxisol to compare and evaluate P absorption and transfer in plant organs and P movement in soil profile at three P application depths under the soybean-citrus intercropping versus the monoculture using a ^32p tracer technique. Total P absorption (Pt) by soybean and P accumulation (Pa) in soybean organs decreased significantly (P 〈 0.05) under the intercropping in contrast to the monoculture. With intercropping, when ^32p was applied in topsoil (15 cm soil layer), total ^32p absorption (^32pt) in soybeans was significantly lower (P 〈 0.05), but when ^32p was applied to deeper soil layers (35 or 55 cm soil layer), ^32pt in soybeans was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05). The percentage of P in leaves to total P (Pa/Pt) and 32p in leaves to total ^32p (^32pa/^32pt) for soybean were ≥ 25% and those of root ≥ 12%. When P was applied ia topsoil and 55 cm soil layer, no significant differences were found between intercropping and monoculture for Pt of citrus. The P absorbed by citrus was transferred rapidly to the growing organs of aboveground during the experiment, and the speed of transferring to the growing organs slowed when P was applied to the deeper soil layers. In intercropping, P mobility was heightened in the soil profile, and P in deeper soil layers moved up to topsoil more rapidly. 展开更多
关键词 agroforestry ecosystem CITRUS monoculture ^32p fate SOYBEAN
Comparison and Analysis of Agricultural and Forest Land Changes in Typical Agricultural Regions of Northern Mid-latitudes 被引量:3
作者 LIU Tingxiang ZHANG Shuwen +1 位作者 TANG Junmei LI Tianqi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第2期163-172,共10页
The northeastern China, the United States, and the western Europe are important agricultural regions both on the global and regional scales. The westem Europe has a longer history of agricultural land development than... The northeastern China, the United States, and the western Europe are important agricultural regions both on the global and regional scales. The westem Europe has a longer history of agricultural land development than the eastem United States. These two regions have changed from the deforestation and reclamation phase in the past to the current land abandonment and reforestation phase. Compared with the two regions, large-scale land exploitation has only been practiced in the northeastern China during the last century. After a short high-intensity deforestation and reclamation period, agricultural and forest lands are basically in a dynamic steady state. By comparing domestic and international agro-forestry development and considering the ecological environment and socio-economic bene- fits that can be derived from agro-forestry, this paper suggests that large area of reforestation would be inevitable in future though per- sistent and large agricultural demand in coming decades even more. And local reforestation at slope farmland with ecological vulner- ability should be imperative at present to avoid severer damage. At the same time, from the perspective of Land Change Science, the results demonstrate that the research on land use change in the agro-forestry ecotone is typical and critical, particularly those dealing with the analysis of spatial and temporal characteristics and the simulation of climate, hydrology, and other environmental effects. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural land change forest land change REFORESTATION agro-forestry ecotone northeastern China Europe United States
作者 ZHANG Hui-min JIANG Hui-ming 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第3期281-287,共7页
With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, thi... With the rapid development of agricultural informalization in the world, the demand of agricultural information has been a focus in the international agriculture and information fields. Based on the investigation, this paper presented the four characteristics of the demand of agricultural information in China, includingregionality, seasonality, great potential demand and variation in kind and level. The factors infuencing the demand of agricultural information were analyzed by the Optimized Less Square (OLS) method. The result shows that, of all factors influcing agricultural information demand, the most important one is economy, the second is facility of information pass, and knowledge and education of user, credit of agricultural information service system and production situation follow. Taking Jilin Province as an example, this article also elaborated the agricultural information demand status, and deduced the regression model of agricultural information demand and verified it by the survey in rural Jilin. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural information demand agricultural information service system Jilin Province
Assessment of fodder quality of leaves of multipurpose trees in subtropical humid climate of India 被引量:1
作者 Chander Datt M. Datta N. P. Singh 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第3期209-214,共6页
The leaves of 12 species (Acacia auriculiformis, Albizzia procera, Dalbergia sissoo, Gliricidia maculata, Leucaena leuco- cephala, Samanea saman, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus hybrida, Gmelina arborea, Michelia cham... The leaves of 12 species (Acacia auriculiformis, Albizzia procera, Dalbergia sissoo, Gliricidia maculata, Leucaena leuco- cephala, Samanea saman, Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus hybrida, Gmelina arborea, Michelia champaca, Morus alba, and Tectona grandis) of Multipurpose trees and shrubs (MPTs) grown in the agroforestry arboretum were evaluated for their nutritional characteristics in terms of proximate composition, cell wall constituents, total tannins, major (Ca and P) and trace minerals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn and Co), in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility (IVDMD and IVOMD) and metabolisable energy (ME) values. There were significant (P〈0.01) variations among MPTs for all parameters studied. The average values of (92.02±0.30)%, (16.00±0.74)%, (3.05±0.13)%, (18.97±1.07)%, (54.00±1.12)% and (7.98 ± 0.30)% (DM basis) were observed for OM (organic matter), CP (crude protein), EE (ether extract), CF (crude fibre), NFE (nitrogen-free extract) and total ash, respectively. Leguminous trees had high CP compared to nonleguminous ones (18.30% vs 13.70%). The mean values for cell wall constituents viz., NDF (neutral detergent fibre), ADF (acid detergent fibre), hemi cellulose, cellulose and ADL (acid detergent lignin) were found to be (52.48±1.05)%, (31.72±0.97)%, (20.76±0.88)%, (16.97±0.70)% and (9.57±0.62)%, respectively. The total tannin contents averaged (4.22±0.32)%. The ratio of Ca to P was quite wider. The levels of Fe and Mn were adequate to rich in all the MPTs while many of the tree species possessed P, Cu, Zn and Co level below the critical limits for the animals. The average IVDMD and IVOMD values were found to be (48.96±1.30)% and (50.69±1.36)%, respectively. The ME value averaged (6.95i-0.11) MJ·kg-1 DM. The CP content had significant positive correlation with IVDMD, IVOMD and ME val- ues while NDF, ADF, ADL and total tannins showed negative correlations with these three parameters. Based on the results, Leucaena Leucocephala could be considered as good quality fodder as it had the highest level of IVDMD/IVOMD (65.20%/67.66%) and ME (7.95 MJ·kg-1 DM) while G. maculata, M. alba, A. indica, D. sissoo and S. saman were of medium type and rest of poor quality. 展开更多
关键词 AGROFORESTRY cell wall composition fodder quality in vitro digestibility proximate composition macro and trace minerals total tannins metabolisable energy multipurpose tree species
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