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应用灰色控制系统予测林分产量 被引量:2
作者 罗开元 田天雄 《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》 1998年第1期16-20,共5页
关键词 灰色控制系统 予测 林分产量 模型
林分生长与产量模型系统研究综述 被引量:21
作者 秦建华 StephenJ.Titus ShongmingHuang 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期122-129,共8页
本文阐述了影响林分生长和产量的 5个因子 ,即立地指数、林分年龄、林分密度、生境类型和林分结构。介绍了林分水平、径级水平和单株木水平的林分生长和产量预测模型系统的一些代表性模型系统。还介绍了一些典型的生长和死亡模型。林木... 本文阐述了影响林分生长和产量的 5个因子 ,即立地指数、林分年龄、林分密度、生境类型和林分结构。介绍了林分水平、径级水平和单株木水平的林分生长和产量预测模型系统的一些代表性模型系统。还介绍了一些典型的生长和死亡模型。林木和林分是两级不同水平的生态系统。作者提出了建立以生态系统特性 (如系统的整体性、同时性、组成成分间交叉相关性等 )为基础的系统化模型。通过建立联立方程系统 ,用 3阶段最小二乘法拟合回归参数 。 展开更多
关键词 预测模型系统 林分生长 林分产量 影响因子
水曲柳造林密度与林分生长的关系 被引量:12
作者 田宇明 王庆成 +1 位作者 王鹏 孙静 《林业科技》 2009年第5期17-20,共4页
为确定水曲柳人工林合理的造林密度,以帽儿山实验林场10年生的水曲柳密度试验林为研究对象,分析了造林密度对林分生长的影响,结果表明:1m×1 m(A)、1.5 m×1.5 m(B)、2 m×2 m(C)、3 m×1.5m(D)4种不同造林密度对林木... 为确定水曲柳人工林合理的造林密度,以帽儿山实验林场10年生的水曲柳密度试验林为研究对象,分析了造林密度对林分生长的影响,结果表明:1m×1 m(A)、1.5 m×1.5 m(B)、2 m×2 m(C)、3 m×1.5m(D)4种不同造林密度对林木生长、林木的干形、林分的产量均有显著地影响,其中林分胸径、单株材积、冠幅、单株叶面积、冠高比随密度的减小而显著增大;造林密度对树高生长、叶面积指数无显著影响。综合比较4种密度水平林分,C水平的造林密度是最为合理的。 展开更多
关键词 水曲柳造林密度 林木生长 冠幅 叶面积指数 干形质量 林分产量
用植物气候生产力对桉树短轮伐期纸浆林作宏观产量预测 被引量:1
作者 徐伦先 《林业调查规划》 2005年第1期8-12,共5页
关键词 短轮伐期 气候生产力 桉树 纸浆林 林分产量 植物 基地 宏观 思茅 产量预测
东北林区天然林林分结构及林分生产力的研究 被引量:8
作者 田松岩 宋国华 +2 位作者 宋存彦 金淑芳 张春平 《林业科技》 北大核心 2005年第4期21-22,共2页
关键词 林分结构 林分生产力 东北林区 天然林 生长过程 生长因子 分布规律 林分直径 相互作用 经营措施 环境条件 分布结构 利用价值 林分产量 科学依据 森林经营 株数
杨桦中壮林分经营密度管理图的绘制与应用 被引量:1
作者 刘瑰琦 杜文革 游建革 《牡丹江师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第2期15-16,共2页
次生林在我省森林资源中占有极其重要的地位,其面积和蓄积占全省森林资源的58.43%和49.60%;而以山杨白桦为主的杨桦次生林面积已占全省次生林总面积的31.23%仅幼中壮林占现有杨桦林总面积的72.3%;林木的生长潜力极大,对这部分林木采取... 次生林在我省森林资源中占有极其重要的地位,其面积和蓄积占全省森林资源的58.43%和49.60%;而以山杨白桦为主的杨桦次生林面积已占全省次生林总面积的31.23%仅幼中壮林占现有杨桦林总面积的72.3%;林木的生长潜力极大,对这部分林木采取科学合理的经营是当前解决"两危"重要的措施之一. 展开更多
关键词 杨桦 林分经营密度管理图 次生林 林分生长 林分产量 林分密度
银荆林分的生长及生物生产力的初步研究 被引量:3
作者 张加正 周来法 +1 位作者 黄松秋 陈伽 《华东森林经理》 1994年第3期35-38,共4页
采用相对生长测定法对4~6年生银荆人工林的银荆个体生长规律、林分生物生产、积累和分配及林分生产力的调查分析表明:利用银荆树高、胸径、材积与年龄之间相互关系,建立回归方程,相关密切。银荆林分生物量是随年龄和环境因子的不同按... 采用相对生长测定法对4~6年生银荆人工林的银荆个体生长规律、林分生物生产、积累和分配及林分生产力的调查分析表明:利用银荆树高、胸径、材积与年龄之间相互关系,建立回归方程,相关密切。银荆林分生物量是随年龄和环境因子的不同按一定比例分配到各器官组织中去。6年生银荆林分的净生产量达 6.118吨/公顷·年,为12年生马尾松残次林的5.38倍,与9年生集约经营的杉木林分生产力接近。银荆无疑是一个速生树种。 展开更多
关键词 个体生长规律 林分生长 林分生物生产力 林分净生产量 速生树种 银荆
我国桉树人工林种群密度研究进展 被引量:6
作者 吕成群 黄宝灵 +1 位作者 韦原莲 翟素萍 《林业科技开发》 2003年第1期10-12,共3页
人工林种群密度是森林培育中的关键技术之一 ,倍受森林培育学家和生态学家的关注。近年来 ,作为外来树种 ,桉树因其速生丰产而在华南地区得到迅速发展 ,因而其人工林种群密度也引起人们的高度重视。针对这一情况 ,该文综述了近年来我国... 人工林种群密度是森林培育中的关键技术之一 ,倍受森林培育学家和生态学家的关注。近年来 ,作为外来树种 ,桉树因其速生丰产而在华南地区得到迅速发展 ,因而其人工林种群密度也引起人们的高度重视。针对这一情况 ,该文综述了近年来我国桉树人工林种群密度的研究现状和进展 ,包括密度与栽培模式、保存率、林木生长(树高、胸径、径阶分布 )、林分产量 (单株产量、蓄积量、生物量 )、冠幅、材性以及经济效益等关系问题 ,为进一步的研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 桉树 人工林 种群密度 林木生长 林分产量 材性 中国 栽培模式 保存率
Biomass, litterfall and the nutrient fluxes in Chinese fir stands of different age in subtropical China 被引量:18
作者 马祥庆 刘春江 +2 位作者 Ilvesniemi Hannu Carl J.Westman 刘爱琴 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期165-170,250,共6页
Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.), a fast-growing, ever-green conifer tree with high yield and excellent quality, is the most important tree species of timber plantations in subtropical China. We inv... Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook.), a fast-growing, ever-green conifer tree with high yield and excellent quality, is the most important tree species of timber plantations in subtropical China. We investigated the characteristics of biomass, litterfall and nutrient fluxes in the 8, 14 and 24 year-old stands, representing the young, middle-aged and mature stands. The results showed that Chinese fir plantations in central Fujian province had high productivity, and the proportion of stem mass in total biomass was between 50%-70%. Chinese fir was low nutrient-return tree species with litterfall. Nutrient withdrawal from senescing needles was a strong age-dependence for nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in Chinese fir. With a management system of such short-rotation and continuously pure-crop planting, harvesting timber can lead to great nutrient loss, which may be one of the causes for site degradation. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese fir BIOMASS PRODUCTIVITY Litter fall Nutrient flux
作者 秦莉 《河北农业科技》 2008年第1期28-28,共1页
出圃是速生杨树苗木质量检验的最后一关,从速生杨树栽培出发,在苗木出圃时,应注意对以下几个环节进行检验。 1 无性系纯度 速生杨树工业用材林的集约栽培首先要求苗木无性系化,即只用纯一的某一个无性系苗木造林。用无性系混杂的... 出圃是速生杨树苗木质量检验的最后一关,从速生杨树栽培出发,在苗木出圃时,应注意对以下几个环节进行检验。 1 无性系纯度 速生杨树工业用材林的集约栽培首先要求苗木无性系化,即只用纯一的某一个无性系苗木造林。用无性系混杂的苗木造林,容易引起林分分化,增加抚育管理的难度,降低林分产量和质量。 展开更多
关键词 苗木出圃 速生杨树 质量检验 无性系苗木 集约栽培 林分产量 工业用材林 杨树苗木
Management of black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands in Hungary
作者 Koly REI 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期260-264,共5页
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first forest tree species to be imported from North America to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is the most important fast-growing stand-forming tree speci... Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first forest tree species to be imported from North America to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is the most important fast-growing stand-forming tree species in Hungary. Black locust planta-tions can be successfully established in response to a range of economic and ecological opportunities. Plantation survival and productivity are maximized by matching the species' growth characteristics with silvicultural options and land management needs. In the paper the sequence of forest tending operations in black locust stands is proposed, based on results of long-term stand structure and forest yield trials. Implementing good silvicultural plans and models will lead to profitable black locust stands and greater ac-ceptance of the species by land managers. Black locust would also be a very useful species for energy productions as the related research results have been shown in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) MANAGEMENT YIELD
作者 朱岩峰 董百赟 +2 位作者 张来建 刘玉凤 齐雪艳 《甘肃农村科技》 1999年第6期32-33,共2页
关键词 林分改造产量 低产核桃林 坐果率
Stand structure and yield of the mixed white poplar and black locust plantations on sandy ridges between the Danube and Tisza rivers in Hungary
作者 K█oly R█EI 《Journal of Forestry Research》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期110-113,171,共5页
The paper deals with the stand structure and yield of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forests mixed with white (Populus alba L.) in various proportions, partly applying a new methodological approach. The main s... The paper deals with the stand structure and yield of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) forests mixed with white (Populus alba L.) in various proportions, partly applying a new methodological approach. The main stand structure and yield factors were determined separately for each species, measured stem by stem, using the volume functions prepared for each species. The ratio of the volumes of the species (A and B) in mixed and in pure stands (based on volume tables) was determined. A close relationship has been found between the ratio by relative total volume and the proportion (by the number of stems) of the species. The relative surplus in the volume of the mixed stands varied between 1.24-1.55 at the age of 16 compared to the control, i.e. the yield of pure stands of the species concerned. The trial has also proven that if two species have a fast initial growth rate and a similar rotation age, they can be planted in mixed stands resulting in mutual advantages. 展开更多
关键词 Mixed stands Robinia pseudoacacia L. Populus alba L. Stand structure YIELD
Soil Disturbance from Different Mechanised Harvesting in Hill Tropical Forest, Peninsular Malaysia
作者 Mohd Hasmadi Ismail Norizah Kamarudin 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第1期34-41,共8页
The impacts of mechanised forest harvesting to soil physical properties are the major concern by forest managers, which have the potential to impact soil sustainability and forest productivity. Malaysia is practicing ... The impacts of mechanised forest harvesting to soil physical properties are the major concern by forest managers, which have the potential to impact soil sustainability and forest productivity. Malaysia is practicing reduce impact logging (RIL) and applying code of forest harvest practice in forest harvesting and operations for sustainable forest resources management. In 2001, a machinery called Rimbaka Timber Harvester R2020-A was introduced for timber extraction for peat swamp forest and later on the machine was introduced to the hill tropical forest as an alternative to other machines. The study aimed to evaluate soil compaction (soil cone index, soil bulk density, soil moisture content and soil pore space) by Rimbaka Timber Harvester R2020-A and crawler tractor KOMATSU D60-A. A total of five samples were randomly taken using core sampler of 50 mm height and 50 mm diameter at the beneath a lug imprint for passes 1, 4 and 8. Altogether samples were 45. The locations of sample were to the fight and left of each rut centre for both machines. Treatment effects were evaluated using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Result showed that compaction by Rimbaka machine was increased bulk density from 1.14 to 1.43 g/cc, cone index from 1.94 to 3.45 g/cm3 decreased total pore space by 43% and decreased soil moisture content by 19%. Meanwhile compaction by KOMATSU D60-A was increased bulk density from 1.2 to 1.43 g/co, cone index from 1.24 to 1.94 g/cm3 decreased soil moisture content by 11% and total pore space by 6%, respectively. The value increased rapidly as more passes increase on the track surface. The higher soil disturbance by Rimbaka machine was due to physical design and specification of the machine. This study also observed that there was significant difference in the total passes of machinery used in harvesting operation. Although Rimbaka machine is showing more effected to soil compaction, the machine is a practical alternative to avoid skid trail and reduce road density in forest area. 展开更多
关键词 Soil disturbance bulk density cone index pore space harvesting operation Rimbaka harvester system crawler tractor.
作者 王焕臣 姚遥 《中国林业》 2012年第7期58-58,共1页
关键词 立体栽培 树高 综合经济效益 造林密度 林分产量 生产效益 杨树 适应性
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