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扬州古运河风光带林地模式的环境效应分析 被引量:2
作者 何小弟 李晓储 +5 位作者 徐梅 朱惜晨 罗英 朱月 韩翀 徐玮玮 《扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2004年第4期85-88,共4页
对扬州古运河风光带营建的生态保健型、生态环保型林地模式的环境效益指标进行了测定。结果表明:不同林地栽培模式在改变光照度、降低噪音、吸滞粉尘等环境效应上差异显著。林分内不同高度的光照度由林冠上层逐步向林地表面递减,林地模... 对扬州古运河风光带营建的生态保健型、生态环保型林地模式的环境效益指标进行了测定。结果表明:不同林地栽培模式在改变光照度、降低噪音、吸滞粉尘等环境效应上差异显著。林分内不同高度的光照度由林冠上层逐步向林地表面递减,林地模式的减噪功能与林冠的枝叶构成相关,林地树木的滞尘作用与叶幕的组成结构有关。 展开更多
关键词 扬州古运河 林地模式 环境效应分析
作者 唐健 《农村科学实验》 2024年第1期114-116,共3页
近年来,我国政府高度重视国家储备林建设,将其列为国家战略物资储备和生态环境保护的重要内容。广西作为我国南方重要的林业省份,具有丰富的森林资源和极大的发展潜力。该文以市场机制为切入点,对广西国家储备林建设的林地收购模式进行... 近年来,我国政府高度重视国家储备林建设,将其列为国家战略物资储备和生态环境保护的重要内容。广西作为我国南方重要的林业省份,具有丰富的森林资源和极大的发展潜力。该文以市场机制为切入点,对广西国家储备林建设的林地收购模式进行了研究,分析了市场机制下广西国家储备林建设需求,对林地收购模式的发展现状进行了详细探讨,同时提出了针对性的发展对策,旨在为我国广西国家储备林建设提供有益的参考和建议。 展开更多
关键词 市场机制 国家储备林 林地收购模式
后林权改革视角下林地经营模式选择影响因素分析——以陕西省宁陕县为例 被引量:8
作者 戴君华 李桦 《林业经济》 北大核心 2015年第7期50-55,共6页
基于全国林权改革百强县陕西宁陕县农户调研数据,运用二元Logit模型实证并结合林地实际经营产业类型分析了新一轮集体林权制度改革后家庭单户经营与股份合作经营的特点及其农户选择林地经营模式的影响因素。研究表明,在追求利益最大化... 基于全国林权改革百强县陕西宁陕县农户调研数据,运用二元Logit模型实证并结合林地实际经营产业类型分析了新一轮集体林权制度改革后家庭单户经营与股份合作经营的特点及其农户选择林地经营模式的影响因素。研究表明,在追求利益最大化原则下,户主受教育程度高、是否为村干部、家庭纯收入较低、劳动力数量较多、家庭林业收入较高等条件下,农户更倾向于选择家庭单户经营模式,反之更倾向于选择股份合作经营模式。在此基础上提出了森林资源富裕地区发展农户林地经营模式的相关政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 集体林权制度改革 林地经营模式 二元Logit模型
作者 黄盛怡 刘华 +1 位作者 徐文才 王斌 《安徽农学通报》 2018年第16期18-21,共4页
集体林权制度改革后,林地流转活跃,林地经营模式多样化。该研究对浙江省江山市林改后林地经营模式进行了调查,主要对公司化、合作社、村集体、大户、家庭农场和农户分散经营6种林地经营模式进行了分析,并提出了综合规划设计、深度开发... 集体林权制度改革后,林地流转活跃,林地经营模式多样化。该研究对浙江省江山市林改后林地经营模式进行了调查,主要对公司化、合作社、村集体、大户、家庭农场和农户分散经营6种林地经营模式进行了分析,并提出了综合规划设计、深度开发林地、联合投资、技术合作等针对性建议。 展开更多
关键词 江山市 集体林权制度改革 林地经营模式 分析 建议
作者 陈代昌 《林业科技开发》 1991年第3期2-4,共3页
关键词 衡阳盆地 林地开发模式 生态经济 资源布局 经济林利用 工程造林 薪炭林
世界私有林政策与法规回顾及林地联合经营问题研究综述 被引量:12
作者 《中国集体林产权制度改革主要政策问题研究》课题组 褚利明 刘璨 《林业经济》 北大核心 2010年第9期9-22,共14页
通过对德国、瑞典、芬兰及东欧各国私有林政策的回顾表明:小规模林业曾经给过渡期的国家带来了多重利益,但同时小规模林业的发展面临着种种挑战,因此在私有林政策进程中有促进联合经营的趋势。介绍了世界主要林业发达国家森林合作经营... 通过对德国、瑞典、芬兰及东欧各国私有林政策的回顾表明:小规模林业曾经给过渡期的国家带来了多重利益,但同时小规模林业的发展面临着种种挑战,因此在私有林政策进程中有促进联合经营的趋势。介绍了世界主要林业发达国家森林合作经营的历程,认为不同类型的合作组织既是私有林经营的主体力量,也是国家扶持和管理私有林的主要途径。从经济学角度、农户角度及林业管理部门角度并基于森林可持续经营、产业发展、生态保护的不同经营目的,评价了各自对经营规模的取向。在借鉴各国私有林政策的基础上提出:中国集体林地规模化经营模式可能呈现多元化特征,相应集体林经营模式相关政策的制定也要充分考虑区域的各种差异以及林业发展目标的多样性,政策需要有一定的弹性和可操作性。 展开更多
关键词 集体林权制度改革 私有林政策 林地经营模式 联合经营
不同林地恢复模式下露天煤矿排土场土壤有机碳分布特征 被引量:12
作者 文月荣 党廷辉 +1 位作者 唐骏 李俊超 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期83-90,共8页
研究露天煤矿排土场6种不同林地植被恢复模式和撂荒地0~100 cm土层土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和储量的分布特征,分析其差异性及其影响因素.结果表明:不同林地0~10 cm土层SOC含量比撂荒地(1.92g·kg^(-1))显著提高23.8%~53.2%,10~20 cm土... 研究露天煤矿排土场6种不同林地植被恢复模式和撂荒地0~100 cm土层土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和储量的分布特征,分析其差异性及其影响因素.结果表明:不同林地0~10 cm土层SOC含量比撂荒地(1.92g·kg^(-1))显著提高23.8%~53.2%,10~20 cm土层比撂荒地(1.39g·kg^(-1))显著提高5.8%~70.4%,20 cm土层以下与撂荒地相比差异不大;各土层SOC含量随土层深度增加而逐渐减小,表层(0~20 cm)减小幅度大于深层(20~100 cm).不同林地SOC储量在表层明显高于深层,随土层深度增加而逐渐减小.0~100 cm土层林地SOC储量比撂荒地(17.52 t·hm^(-2))提高18.1%~42.4%,其中,紫穗槐林地SOC储量最高,达24.95t·hm^(-2),明显高于其他林地类型,灌木林地SOC储量比乔木高12.4%.林地凋落物、细根生物量和土壤水分都与排土场SOC呈显著正相关.综上所述,不同人工林地恢复模式显著提高了排土场0~100 cm土层SOC,尤其对表层SOC提高效果明显,但排土场SOC与原地貌相比差距仍较大.从提高排土场SOC角度优先推荐紫穗槐为主要林地植被. 展开更多
关键词 露天煤矿排土场 林地恢复模式 SOC含量 SOC储量
Effects of Different Types of Chinese Fir Stands on Nu-trient Status of Soils 被引量:7
作者 YU YUAN-CHUN and ZHANG HUAN-CHAO(Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037 ( China)) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第1期45-55,共11页
The effects of different types of Chinese fir stand, including those with various composition (pure andmixed), in various cropping systems (first and continuous cropping system) and at different ages, on thenutrient s... The effects of different types of Chinese fir stand, including those with various composition (pure andmixed), in various cropping systems (first and continuous cropping system) and at different ages, on thenutrient status of soils in the hilly regions of southern Anhui Province were studied by means of ecologicalsequential comparison on the basis of similar climate and soil type. The work was carried out in the XiaoxiForest Farm of Jingxian County and the Caijiaqiao Forest Farm of Jingde County, where the soil is parayellowsoil derived from phyllite and sandstone. The results revealed that with the increase of age, Chinese fir purestand could accumulate organic matter and nitrogen in the soil but it resulted in decreasing of soil PH and baseions (especially Ca ̄(2+)) compared to its mixed stand with broad-leaf trees such as Chinese sassafra.s. In orderto improve the soil fertility, it would be better to mix Chinese fir with broad-leaf trees when afforestation.In the management of Chinese fir pure stand, base compounds and phosphates should be added to the soilfor maintaining soil fertility and raising forest productivity. 展开更多
关键词 broad-leaf tree Chinese fir mixed stand soil nutrient status
Spatial patterns in natural Picea crassifolia forests of northwestern China,as basis for close-to-nature forestry 被引量:2
作者 HE Zhi-bin FANG Shu +3 位作者 CHEN Long-fei DU Jun ZHU Xi LIN Peng-fei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1909-1919,共11页
Close-to-nature forest management has been proposed as an effective method for improving the quality of plantation forests. Knowledge of spatial distribution patterns, structure, and succession trajectories in natural... Close-to-nature forest management has been proposed as an effective method for improving the quality of plantation forests. Knowledge of spatial distribution patterns, structure, and succession trajectories in natural forests can provide guidelines for the establishment of close-to-nature forest plantations. Such knowledge is lacking in natural spruce(Picea crassifolia) forests in the Qilian Mountains of China, impeding the establishment of production forests. We conducted a case study in the Qilian Mountains to analyze the relationships between the naturally-formed forest patches and terrain factors, spatial heterogeneity of stand characteristics, and stand structure following harvesting disturbance. Our results suggested that spruce plantations will be effective on the N, NE, and NW slopes, at elevations between 2700 and 3300 m, and on slopes ranging from 15° to 45°. Further, planted forest patches should occupy 64% of the slope area on semi-shady slopes(NE, NW). Spatial patterns in the studied forest exhibited a strong scale-effect, and an area of 0.25 ha could be used as the most efficient plot scale for the management of spruce plantations. Partial logging is an effective method for the conversion of spruce planted forests into nearnatural forests, and the intensity of partial logging can be determined from the negative exponential function relationship between stand density and DBH. Our results provided critical information for the development of spruce plantations and conversion of existing plantations. 展开更多
关键词 Picea crassifolia SPRUCE Close-to-nature forestry Spatial patterns Qilian Mountains
Ecological variables influencing the diversity and distribution of macrolichens colonizing Quercus leucotrichophora in Uttarakhand forest
作者 Shashi UPADHYAY Arun K.JUGRAN +2 位作者 Yogesh JOSHI Renu SUYAL Ranbeer S.RAWAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期307-318,共12页
Ecological variables play a significant role in determining the diversity and distribution of any living organism on earth. Lichens are not exceptional and are quite sensitive in comparison to other organisms; hence t... Ecological variables play a significant role in determining the diversity and distribution of any living organism on earth. Lichens are not exceptional and are quite sensitive in comparison to other organisms; hence the present study focuses on the impact of ecological variables on the diversity and distribution of epiphytic macrolichens colonizing Quercus leucotrichophora across eight different sites(50 m × 50 m) in Thal Ke Dhar forest, Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand, India. For sampling of macrolichens, 200 trees(25 trees from each site) of Q.leucotrichophora were selected from each site and five quadrats of 5 cm × 10 cm(1000 quadrats in totality) were drawn at the tree trunk. From all the sampled trees, a total of 54 species of epiphytic macrolichens belonging to 18 genera and five families were recorded. Various ecological variables, namely altitude, aspect, slope, diameter at breast height(DBH), and lopping percent(partial cutting of the twigs as disturbance), were also analyzed to investigate their influence on macrolichen species composition and distribution pattern in the study area. For the determination of relationships between these variables, statistical analysis, namely Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, Polynomial regression analysis and Principal Component Analysis(PCA)were performed. Out of all variables, lopping was significantly correlated to species richness of epiphytic macrolichens(0.712~*, p<0.05) and it was confirmed by Pearson's Correlation Coefficient.Despite of having high anthropogenic pressure or impact through lopping, the maximum number of macrolichen species was recorded at elevation 2267 meter above sea level(m asl). The present study revealed that besides other ecological variables,lopping practices can act as a key parameter incontrolling the diversity and distribution not only of epiphytic macrolichens but also of other life forms such as bryophytes, pteridophytes, insects, birds etc.and can be either negatively or positively correlated. 展开更多
关键词 CONSERVATION Epiphytic macrolichens Kumaun Himalaya Lopping QUERCUS Banj oak
Research on the Patterns and Evolution of Ecosystem Service Consumption in the “Belt and Road” 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Changshun ZHEN Lin +1 位作者 LIU Chunlan LIANG Yihang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第6期621-631,共11页
With great significance in ecosystem protection and sustainable development,the study of ecosystem service consumption(ESC)has become a hot topic in ecological research.Based on FAOSTAT data,in this study the patterns... With great significance in ecosystem protection and sustainable development,the study of ecosystem service consumption(ESC)has become a hot topic in ecological research.Based on FAOSTAT data,in this study the patterns,composition and evolution of ESC and ecosystem service consumption patterns(ESCP)in the“Belt and Road"were revealed on the total and regional scales,taking consumed-biomass as a main indicator.Three main conclusions were reached.1)The total ESC was mainly contributed from farmland ecosystems along the"Belt and Road",followed by grassland ecosystems.The ESC indicators on the whole system scale fluctuated,but increased from year 2000 to year 2016.The total ESC increased from 12911.89 Tg yr_1 to 16810.00 Tg yr^1,and the annual per capita consumption of ecosystem services increased from 3.3228 million g p_1 yr'1 to 3.6392 million g p_1 yr'1.2)The ESC,composition and evolution varied significantly among countries,zones and ecosystems.The annual per capita ESC was highest in Mongolia on the national scale,and highest in Central and Eastern Europe and lowest in Southeast Asia on zone scale,which represented the results from the joint effects of regional resource endowments,consumption habits,levels of productive forces,and other factors.3)Higher farmland ESC was the dominant ESCP,which accounted for about 76.7%of the total area along the"Belt and Road",followed by higher farmland+higher grassland ESC,which accounted for about 19.0%of the total area.The other consumption patterns(i.e.,those of higher grassland ESC,higher forestland ESC or higher farmland+higher forest+higher grassland ESC)were found in only a few countries.The ESCP may be related to higher regional population density or the higher proportions of developing countries.Therefore,to realize sustainable social,economic and ecological development,and to improve people's well-being,countries along the,lBelt and Road"should take advantage of their own resources in developing industries,actively expand trade,achieve mutual benefits and win-win situations,and adjust and optimize consumption patterns of ecosystem services.This study can provide data support for further research on the mechanism of ESCP formation this area. 展开更多
关键词 ecosystem services ecosystem service consumption farmland ecosystem service consumption grassland ecosystem service consumption forest ecosystem service consumption ecosystem service consumption pattern
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