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《法音》 北大核心 2014年第10期32-32,共1页
首先向为成功召开第27届世界佛教徒联谊会大会而付出辛劳的中国佛教协会表示衷心的祝贺与感谢。世界上佛教徒最多的区域是中国内地,然而世界佛教徒联谊会大会至今才第一次在这里召开,本人对此稍感遗憾。今天,世界各地佛教领袖访问中国后... 首先向为成功召开第27届世界佛教徒联谊会大会而付出辛劳的中国佛教协会表示衷心的祝贺与感谢。世界上佛教徒最多的区域是中国内地,然而世界佛教徒联谊会大会至今才第一次在这里召开,本人对此稍感遗憾。今天,世界各地佛教领袖访问中国后,亲眼目睹了它的发展盛景,更加坚定了佛教世界化的信念和自信。从这一点上来看, 展开更多
关键词 世界化 中国佛教协会 世佛联 韩中 林影 贫富差异 类共生 佛心 朝鲜半岛 公益慈善
作者 邓启耀 《滇池》 2007年第7期66-75,共10页
吴家林是中国摄影界为数不多的进入世界经典摄影家行列的传奇人物。然而,坊间流语谈的不是他的作品而是他的运气,不是他的现实行走而是超现实福分。在中国的语境中,吴家林本人就是一个介于现实和超现实之间的角色。但我想谈的还是吴家... 吴家林是中国摄影界为数不多的进入世界经典摄影家行列的传奇人物。然而,坊间流语谈的不是他的作品而是他的运气,不是他的现实行走而是超现实福分。在中国的语境中,吴家林本人就是一个介于现实和超现实之间的角色。但我想谈的还是吴家林的影像,吴家林式关于现实的超现实影像。90年代初吴家林准备出版他的第一本个人摄影集。 展开更多
关键词 超现实 吴家 摄影集 中国摄影 纪实摄影 马克·吕布 家林 布列松 林影 决定性瞬间
LDP-80型林带断根铺膜机的实体设计与试验 被引量:1
作者 刘希锋 何堤 +1 位作者 郭英洲 庞爱国 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2011年第12期71-74,78,共5页
采用截林沟及断根方式治理农田林影地不但效率低、有效期短,而且还会破坏农田生态环境。为了解决此问题,创新设计了一次进地即可完成开沟、断根及垂直铺膜3项作业的林带断根铺膜机,通过机械化断根和垂直铺膜作业将林带阳性根系对附近农... 采用截林沟及断根方式治理农田林影地不但效率低、有效期短,而且还会破坏农田生态环境。为了解决此问题,创新设计了一次进地即可完成开沟、断根及垂直铺膜3项作业的林带断根铺膜机,通过机械化断根和垂直铺膜作业将林带阳性根系对附近农田造成的不良影响有效阻断。试验结果表明,采用该机对农田防护林带实施断根铺膜作业效率高,有效期长,可使绝产的农田林影地作物产量达到附近正常农田的90%以上。 展开更多
关键词 农田防护林 林影 断根铺膜
作者 郑朝晖 《语文世界(中旬刊)》 2019年第3期18-19,共2页
漾漾带山光,澄澄倒林影。那知石上喧,却忆山中静。这真的是一首很小的诗。连用语也多少有些怯怯的。作者皇甫曾出自王维门下,在那样一个偶像级的老师面前,学生的内心有时候真的是很拘谨的。如果熟悉王维诗的朋友,看到这首小诗一定会觉... 漾漾带山光,澄澄倒林影。那知石上喧,却忆山中静。这真的是一首很小的诗。连用语也多少有些怯怯的。作者皇甫曾出自王维门下,在那样一个偶像级的老师面前,学生的内心有时候真的是很拘谨的。如果熟悉王维诗的朋友,看到这首小诗一定会觉得很眼熟,原因是皇甫曾有些诗句是直接从他老师那里化用而来的——言入黄花川,每逐清溪水。随山将万转,趣途无百里。 展开更多
关键词 学生 溪水 林影 山光 魔方 老师 随山
Spatial and temporal variations of soil moisture in three types of agroforestry boundaries in the Loess Plateau, China 被引量:3
作者 尤文忠 曾德慧 +3 位作者 刘明国 云丽丽 叶彦辉 张永 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期415-422,521,共9页
Agroforestry is a ubiquitous landscape on the slopes in Loess Plateau, where soil moisture is a limiting factor for plant growth and development. The spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture were studied ... Agroforestry is a ubiquitous landscape on the slopes in Loess Plateau, where soil moisture is a limiting factor for plant growth and development. The spatial and temporal characteristics of soil moisture were studied in three types of agroforestry boundaries: forest-grassland, forest-cropland and shelterbelt-cropland. The result shows that soil moisture content decreased with soil depth increasing from the surface to 110 cm. Soil moisture content differed significantly among the three boundaries all in the rainy season (July-September), dry season (May-June) and spring (March-April). The horizontal distribution of soil moisture in different soil layers in the three types of boundaries showed different patterns with line form, wave form, scoop form or "W" form. The distance of edge influence (DEI) of soil moisture in different types of landscape boundaries was estimated by variance analysis and multiple comparisons. In dry season the DEI in 0-10 cm soil layer was 0.4 H (H, average height of trees), which ranged from 0.2 H in grassland or in cropland to 0.2 H in forest field for both forest-grassland and forest-cropland boundaries, and 0.7 H (ranged from 0.2 H in cropland to 0.5 H in forest field) for shelterbelt-cropland boundary. In rainy season the DEI at soil depth of 0-110 cm was 0.7 H for the three boundaries. The results indicated that agroforestry type should be carefully selected to maintain soil moisture in land management, especially in restoring degraded land in Loess Plateau. 展开更多
关键词 distance of edge influence forest-grassland system land use soil moisture
The features of soil aggregation and its eco-environmental effects under different subalpine forests on the east slope of Gongga Mountain, China 被引量:3
作者 张保华 何毓蓉 +1 位作者 周红艺 程根伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期80-82,共3页
Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-1... Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-10 cm) from different subalpine forest types on east slope of Gongga Mountain in the upriver area of Yangtze River China in May 2002. The soil bulk density, porosity, stable infiltration rate, aggregate distribution and particle-size distribution were analyzed by the routine methods in room, and the features and effects on eco-environment of soil aggregation were studied. The results showed that the structure of soil under mixed mature forest is in the best condition and can clearly enhance the eco-environmental function of soil, and the soil structure under the clear-cutting forest is the worst, the others are ranked between them. The study results can offer a basic guidance for the eco-environmental construction in the upper reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 Soil aggregation Eco-environmental effects Subalpine forest Gongga Mountain China
Forest Resources Management Information System for Forest Farms Based on Remote Sensing Images and Web GIS 被引量:2
作者 魏海林 黄璜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期832-835,共4页
This study was to estabIish the forest resources management information system for forest farms based on the B/S structural WebGIS with trial forest farm of Hunan Academy of Forestry as the research field, forest reso... This study was to estabIish the forest resources management information system for forest farms based on the B/S structural WebGIS with trial forest farm of Hunan Academy of Forestry as the research field, forest resources field survey da-ta, ETM+ remote sensing data and basic geographical information data as research material through the extraction of forest resource data in the forest farm, require-ment analysis on the system function and the estabIishment of required software and hardware environment, with the alm to realize the management, query, editing, analysis, statistics and other functions of forest resources information to manage the forest resources. 展开更多
关键词 WEBGIS Remote sensing image WEBGIS Forest resource Management infor-matlon system
作者 卞玉华 《黑龙江科技信息》 2008年第28期12-12,共1页
关键词 林影(歇)地 立式隔膜铺设机 利用率 养分之争
作者 琴思钢 《华文文学》 1987年第3期45-,共1页
群山含黛 青山向我召唤 潺溪欢唱的林泉 把我感情的足踝系牢 婆娑葱茏的林影 把我的思路渐次开拓 我向巍峨叠嶂的群山 由衷的唱起一阙赞歌 然而。
关键词 林影 山岔
《化工管理》 1994年第12期16-16,共1页
关键词 中国化工企业 协会秘书处 生产协调 主任科员 林影 元祯
作者 吴丽 《小学教学参考(语文版)》 1998年第1期11-11,共1页
师范生是未来的人民教师,我们特开辟“师范生园地”,目的是给师范生一个纸上谈兵的机会,以便尽早进入角色.我们这块园地不是文艺园地,而是教学园地.它欢迎师范生对小学教材教法提出自己的见解,也欢迎师范生谈实习体会.文章长短不拘.总... 师范生是未来的人民教师,我们特开辟“师范生园地”,目的是给师范生一个纸上谈兵的机会,以便尽早进入角色.我们这块园地不是文艺园地,而是教学园地.它欢迎师范生对小学教材教法提出自己的见解,也欢迎师范生谈实习体会.文章长短不拘.总而言之,有关涉及小学教学方面的稿件,我们都欢迎.春华秋实,让我们共同耕耘好自己的园地! 展开更多
关键词 小学教材 小学教学 人民教师 自己的园地 夜宿山寺 人教版 月光下 教师用书 林影
Dynamics of Slope Runoff and Soil Erosion of Different Forest Types in Karst Depression 被引量:6
作者 张喜 连宾 +2 位作者 尹洁 吴永波 崔迎春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第3期166-171,共6页
[Objective] The research was aimed to study the dynamics of slope runoff and soil erosion in different forest types in karst depression.[Method] Precipitation observation sites at the bottom of karst depression and ru... [Objective] The research was aimed to study the dynamics of slope runoff and soil erosion in different forest types in karst depression.[Method] Precipitation observation sites at the bottom of karst depression and runoff observation sites in different forest types were established to monitor regularly the main indices changes of runoff and soil erosion at fixed position in 4 years.[Result] The surface runoff of different forest types appeared singer peak from February to November,with lowest valley from June to July.The runoff coefficient appeared double peaks from February to May and from July to September.The changing coefficient of runoff appeared three peaks from March to April,from July to August and from September to November.The silt concentration appeared one peak from March to May and The erosion modulus appeared double peaks from March to May and from June to August.Runoff showed annually reduced trend with the growth of forests and the development of vegetation layer's structure.There was a positive correlation between the runoff and its silt concentration in different forest types.Precipitation and evaporation had notable positive correlation with the runoff,and similar correlation but not marked with silt concentration.The fitting analysis results of surface runoff and erosion modulus showed that rocky desertification intensified the unevenness of surface runoff and increased the surface runoff and erosion modulus.The penetrability of surface soil in new planted forest was lower than that in young forest,and that in surface soil of different forest types was higher than in bottom soil.[Conclusion] The research provided theoretical basis for the biological management technologies of water and soil conservation and the control of karst rocky desertification in karst regions. 展开更多
关键词 Karst depression Forest types RUNOFF Erosion modulus Affecting factors
作者 邓国军 张正霞 +1 位作者 陈以中 周孙煊 《红岩春秋》 2017年第7期52-57,共6页
问:请简要回顾到红岩之前的革命经历 答:我出生在四川营山县,1933年9月26日参加红四方面军。1934年5月在红四方面军学习无线电通讯。三次过草地,1936年11月到陕北保安(今志丹县)中共中央所在地。西安事变发生后,到保安建立电台,与... 问:请简要回顾到红岩之前的革命经历 答:我出生在四川营山县,1933年9月26日参加红四方面军。1934年5月在红四方面军学习无线电通讯。三次过草地,1936年11月到陕北保安(今志丹县)中共中央所在地。西安事变发生后,到保安建立电台,与西安联系。 展开更多
关键词 无线电通讯 革命经历 民生公司 营山县 林影 中共代表团 军调部 七八月 八路军办事处 国共谈判
Effects of Pigment Indicators on the Color Expression of Leaves of the Colored-leaf Garden Plants 被引量:1
作者 唐存莲 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第11期1928-1934,共7页
[Objective] In this study, the relationship between the pigments and the color expression of leaves of colored-leaf plants was discussed. [Method] The colors of leaf blades of 6 kinds of plants were analyzed with the ... [Objective] In this study, the relationship between the pigments and the color expression of leaves of colored-leaf plants was discussed. [Method] The colors of leaf blades of 6 kinds of plants were analyzed with the Royal Horticultural Soci-ety Colour Chart. The chlorophyl content, carotenoids content and anthocyanin con-tent in leaf blades were determined. In addition, the color types of leaf blades, kinds of pigments, pigment contents and pigment distributions of 6 kinds of plants were compared. [Result] The chlorophyl contents ranked as Populus canadensis Moench (green leaves) 〉 Populus deltoids cv. Zhonghuahongye (purple green leaves) 〉 Populus euramericana cv. Quanhong (red leaves); Acer palmatum Thunb. (green leaves) 〉 Acer palmatum cv. Atropurpureum (purple red leaves) 〉 Acer pal-matum Thunb. cv. Atropurpureum (red leaves). The ranking of anthocyanin contents was just opposite. The chlorophyl content was negatively related to the anthocyanin content. The leaf color of plants is determined by various pigments. The more the chlorophyl is, the greener the leaf is. The more the anthocyanin is, the redder the leaf is. In the colored-leaf plants, the chlorophyl content represents about 80% of the content of pigments, the carotenoids content represents about 17%, and the an-thocyanin represents about 3%. There is a difference in the chlorophyl content be-tween colored-leaf plants and green plants. However, the relatively low chlorophyl content wil not hamper the normal life activities of colored-leaf plants. [Conclusion] We hoped to provide reference and basis for the production and landscaping of col-ored-leaf plants. 展开更多
关键词 Pigment indicator Colored-leaf garden plant Color expression Effect
Modified method for extraction of watershed boundary with digital elevation modeling 被引量:5
作者 王殿中 郝占庆 熊在平 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期283-286,共4页
Boundary extraction of watershed is an important step in forest landscape research. The boundary of the upriver wa-tershed of the Hunhe River in the sub-alpine Qingyuan County of eastern Liaoning Province, China was e... Boundary extraction of watershed is an important step in forest landscape research. The boundary of the upriver wa-tershed of the Hunhe River in the sub-alpine Qingyuan County of eastern Liaoning Province, China was extracted by digital elevation modeling (DEM) data in ArcInfo8.1. Remote sensing image of the corresponding region was applied to help modify its copy according to Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM) image抯 profuse geomorphological structure information. Both the DEM-dependent boundary and modified copy were overlapped with county map and drainage network map to visually check the effects of result. Overlap of county map suggested a nice extraction of the boundary line since the two layers matched precisely, which indicated the DEM-dependent boundary by program was effective and precise. Further upload of drainage network showed discrepancies between the boundary and the drainage network. Altogether, there were three sections of the extraction result that needed to correct. Compared with this extraction boundary, the modified boundary had a better match to the drainage network as well as to the county map. Comprehensive analysis demonstrated that the program extraction has generally fine precision in position and excels the digitized result by hand. The errors of the DEM-dependant extraction are due to the fact that it is difficult for program to recognize sections of complex landform especially altered by human activities, but these errors are discernable and adjustable because the spatial resolution of ETM image is less than that of DEM. This study result proved that application of remote sensing information could help obtain better result when DEM method is used in extraction of watershed boundary. 展开更多
关键词 Forested watershed Boundary extraction Digital elevation modeling (DEM) Enhanced thematic mapper (ETM)
Spatial-temporal Pattern Evolution of Manufacturing Geographical Agglomeration and Influencing Factors of Old Industrial Base:A Case of Jilin Province,China 被引量:6
作者 LI Linshan MA Yanji 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期486-497,共12页
The primary object of this paper is to examine the spatial-temporal pattern evolution of manufacturing geographical agglomeration of the old industrial base.Industrial spatial agglomeration index and concentration rat... The primary object of this paper is to examine the spatial-temporal pattern evolution of manufacturing geographical agglomeration of the old industrial base.Industrial spatial agglomeration index and concentration ratio are used in this paper.Multiple linear regression models are also applied to try to explore the internal driving mechanisms on manufacturing geographical agglomeration.The results show that:1) the manufacturing agglomeration degree of Jilin Province is increasing gradually.The spatial polarization structure is visible;and the central region is the agglomeration area,in addition,the manufacturing industries of Changchun Proper present a trend of dispersion;2) the structure of manufacturing industries has changed,and the concentration ratio of labor-intensive manufacturing industry is declining,while the proportions of technology-intensive and capital-intensive manufacturing industry are relatively rising;3) marketing level,location accessibility,labor resources,capital,science and technology innovation capability,scale economy and the level of globalization affect manufacturing agglomeration with different degree.There are significant differences of the effects about employment,technology,the quality of residents and the export-oriented market on the industrial concentration ratio;4) in the future,the impact of policy and institution,export-oriented market and quality of resident on manufacturing geographical agglomeration pattern will be more profound. 展开更多
关键词 old industrial base manufacturing geographical agglomeration industrial spatial agglomeration index concentration ratio Jilin Province China
Influence of Meteorological Conditions on the Sugar Orange Industry in Guilin 被引量:1
作者 廖荣顺 李忠波 +2 位作者 谭世杰 彭碧云 白先达 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期972-976,1007,共6页
Guilin sugar orange has advantages of good taste, harvest during the Spring Festival, marketable market, and it has got swift and violent development in recent years. Sugar orange yield and quality is closely related ... Guilin sugar orange has advantages of good taste, harvest during the Spring Festival, marketable market, and it has got swift and violent development in recent years. Sugar orange yield and quality is closely related to meteorological conditions, so in order to study the effect of meteorological conditions on the Guilin sugar orange, the local conditions of each orange-planting county in Guilin is analyzed, and study is also carried out on the severe weather and its defense measures. The suitable growth temperature for sugar orange is 23-29 ℃, and sugar orange is not tolerant to waterlogging and drought, like light, and has no resistance to ice cold. The main meteorological disasters include high temperature, low temperature, flood, drought, wind, hail, etc. Reasonable selection of orchard, scientific management, especially the management of plant diseases and insect pests, is the key to ensure high-quality high sand sugar orange. 展开更多
关键词 Sugar orange Meteorological conditions Impact analysis GUILIN
Integration of remotely sensed indices for land cover changes caused by the 2009 Victorian bushfires using Landsat TM imagery
作者 GUO Li LI Xiao-jing +1 位作者 XU Xian-lei GE Lin-lin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第4期400-407,共8页
In order to minimise the bushfires negative impacts on society, an efficient andreliable bushfire detection system was proposed to assess the devastated effects of the2009 Victorian bushfires.It is possible to utilise... In order to minimise the bushfires negative impacts on society, an efficient andreliable bushfire detection system was proposed to assess the devastated effects of the2009 Victorian bushfires.It is possible to utilise the repetitive capability of satellite remotesensing imagery to identify the location of change to the Earth's surface and integrate thedifferent remotely sensed indices.The results confirm that the procedure can offer essentialspatial information for bushfire assessment. 展开更多
关键词 the 2009 Victorian bushfires landsat TM land cover change detection image differencing post-classification comparison remotely sensed indices
Spatiotemporal Variations and Influencing Factors Analysis of PM_(2.5) Concentrations in Jilin Province,Northeast China 被引量:7
作者 WEN Xin ZHANG Pingyu LIU Daqian 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期810-822,共13页
High PM_(2.5) concentrations and frequent air pollution episodes during late autumn and winter in Jilin Province have attracted attention in recent years. To describe the spatial and temporal variations of PM_(2.5) co... High PM_(2.5) concentrations and frequent air pollution episodes during late autumn and winter in Jilin Province have attracted attention in recent years. To describe the spatial and temporal variations of PM_(2.5) concentrations and identify the decisive influencing factors, a large amount of continuous daily PM_(2.5) concentration data collected from 33 monitoring stations over 2-year period from 2015 to 2016 were analyzed. Meanwhile, the relationships were investigated between PM_(2.5) concentrations and the land cover, socioeconomic and meteorological factors from the macroscopic perspective using multiple linear regressions(MLR) approach. PM_(2.5) concentrations across Jilin Province averaged 49 μg/m^3, nearly 1.5 times of the Chinese annual average standard, and exhibited seasonal patterns with generally higher levels during late autumn and over the long winter than the other seasons. Jilin Province could be divided into three kinds of sub-regions according to 2-year average PM_(2.5) concentration of each city. Most of the spatial variation in PM_(2.5) levels could be explained by forest land area, cultivated land area, urban greening rate, coal consumption and soot emissions of cement manufacturing. In addition, daily PM_(2.5) concentrations had negative correlation with daily precipitation and positive correlation with air pressure for each city, and the spread and dilution effect of wind speed on PM_(2.5) was more obvious at mountainous area in Jilin Province. These results indicated that coal consumption, cement manufacturing and straw burning were the most important emission sources for the high PM_(2.5) levels, while afforestation and urban greening could mitigate particulate air pollution. Meanwhile, the individual meteorological factors such as precipitation, air pressure, wind speed and temperature could influence local PM_(2.5) concentration indirectly. 展开更多
关键词 particulate matter PM2.5 spatial variation temporal variation Jilin Province
A Model for Estimating Total Forest Coverage with Ground-Based Digital Photography 被引量:5
作者 GU Zhu-Jun ZENG Zhi-Yuan +5 位作者 SHI Xue-Zheng LI Lin D. C. WEINDORF ZHA Yong YU Dong-Sheng LIU YongoMei 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第3期318-325,共8页
Vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) is one of the key indicators of vegetation distribution. In the work a measurement-based model was developed to derive total forest VFC (TG) as well as the VFC of trees (T) and shr... Vegetation fractional coverage (VFC) is one of the key indicators of vegetation distribution. In the work a measurement-based model was developed to derive total forest VFC (TG) as well as the VFC of trees (T) and shrub-grasses (G) separately in a subtropical forest area in Nanjing, China. Both upward and downward photographs were taken with a digital camera in 72 quadrats (10 m × 10 m each). Fifteen models were established and validated. Models jointly using both T and G performed better than those using the T and G separately. The best model, TG = T + G- 1.134 × T × G- 0.025 (R2 = 0.9115, P < 0.01, root mean squared error = 0.0789), is recommended for application. This model provides a good way to obtain total forest VFC values through taking tree and shrub-grass photos on ground below tree canopy rather than above tree canopy. 展开更多
关键词 digital camera 2-layer photography shrub-grasses trees
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