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探究林木多样性与病虫害防治的关系 被引量:2
作者 王学彬 张桂华 《吉林农业(学术版)》 2012年第10期195-195,共1页
森林是人类生存无法脱离的重要资源,同时也是生物种类最为复杂繁多的地方。森林资源虽然是可再生资源,但是其想达到可利用的地步所需要的时间是非常漫长的,而且在其成长的过程中还存在着各种各样的问题,病虫害就是限制林业发展一项非常... 森林是人类生存无法脱离的重要资源,同时也是生物种类最为复杂繁多的地方。森林资源虽然是可再生资源,但是其想达到可利用的地步所需要的时间是非常漫长的,而且在其成长的过程中还存在着各种各样的问题,病虫害就是限制林业发展一项非常严重的问题。它不仅仅危害到森林树木的正常生长,对于林木的多样性也有着很大的影响。因此,正确处理林木的多样性与病虫害之间的关系是非常重要的。 展开更多
关键词 林木多样性 病虫害 资源
基于结构方程模型的云南松次生林林木多样性影响因子 被引量:14
作者 舒树淼 赵洋毅 +2 位作者 段旭 胡慧蓉 熊好琴 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期63-67,共5页
采用结构方程模型分析了滇中地区云南松次生林的林木大小多样性与立地条件、林分结构的作用关系。结果表明:立地条件和林分结构对多样性的影响系数分别为0.85和0.71。其中,立地条件对林木大小多样性的影响除直接作用外还存在间接作用。... 采用结构方程模型分析了滇中地区云南松次生林的林木大小多样性与立地条件、林分结构的作用关系。结果表明:立地条件和林分结构对多样性的影响系数分别为0.85和0.71。其中,立地条件对林木大小多样性的影响除直接作用外还存在间接作用。对胸径多样性的直接和间接影响系数均为0.23;对树高多样性的直接或间接影响系数分别为0.77和-0.38。另外,林分空间结构和林分非空间结构对胸径、树高的多样性影响各有偏重。空间结构更多的影响树高多样性,影响系数为0.81,而非空间结构更多的影响胸径多样性,影响系数为-0.44。空间结构对多样性为正影响,非间结构对多样性为负影响,但对多样性的影响总体上是空间结构的作用大于非空间结构的作用。 展开更多
关键词 林木大小多样性 立地条件 林分结构 结构方程模型 云南松次生林
林木直径大小多样性量化测度指数的比较研究 被引量:15
作者 白超 惠刚盈 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期340-347,共8页
[目的]为了客观恰当地量化表达林分水平上的林木直径大小多样性。[方法]采用6块定位样地数据,对比分析基于直径分布的Simpson(D_N)、Shannon(H_N)及单木断面积Gini系数(GC),基于直径大小分化度的Simpson(DT)、Shannon(HT)及其均值(T-)这... [目的]为了客观恰当地量化表达林分水平上的林木直径大小多样性。[方法]采用6块定位样地数据,对比分析基于直径分布的Simpson(D_N)、Shannon(H_N)及单木断面积Gini系数(GC),基于直径大小分化度的Simpson(DT)、Shannon(HT)及其均值(T-)这6种林木直径大小多样性量化测度指数,筛选出符合逻辑排序且具有较好辨别能力的直径大小多样性量化测度指数。[结果]6块样地的林木直径大小多样性逻辑排序为吉林胡桃楸针阔混交林经营样地>吉林胡桃楸针阔混交林对照样地>甘肃锐齿栎阔叶混交林经营样地>甘肃锐齿栎阔叶混交林对照样地>北京油松落叶松人工混交林样地>北京侧柏人工纯林;林木直径大小多样性为天然林高于人工林,更为成熟的吉林老龄林样地高于甘肃中龄林样地,经过至少5年结构化经营的样地高于对照样地,人工混交林样地高于人工纯林样地。基于直径分布的DN、HN和GC测度的6块样地林木直径大小多样性排序结果与逻辑排序不一致;基于直径大小分化度的D_T、H_T和珔T测度的各林分林木直径大小多样性排序与逻辑排序一致。[结论]基于直径分布的D_N、H_N和GC量化测度指数不能恰当地表达林木直径大小多样性。基于直径大小分化度的D_T、H_T和珔T量化测度指数能恰当表达林木直径大小多样性;相对D_T和H_T,珔T是一个连续型变量的测度指数,而且能从林分整体水平上量化林木间的大小分化程度,易于解释其生物学意义。因此,认为珔T是恰当表达及区分各林分林木直径大小多样性的最优量化测度指数。 展开更多
关键词 林木直径大小多样性 直径分布 直径大小分化度
7个林木大小多样性指数表达能力比较 被引量:11
作者 娄明华 白超 +1 位作者 惠刚盈 汤孟平 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期449-456,共8页
林木大小多样性直接反映森林生态系统的健康与稳定,客观恰当地表达大小多样性对于评价天然林或人工林的经济、生态、社会价值及其经营效果至关重要。本研究选用7个林木大小多样性指数,其中4个与距离无关(Simpson大小多样性指数D_N、Shan... 林木大小多样性直接反映森林生态系统的健康与稳定,客观恰当地表达大小多样性对于评价天然林或人工林的经济、生态、社会价值及其经营效果至关重要。本研究选用7个林木大小多样性指数,其中4个与距离无关(Simpson大小多样性指数D_N、Shannon大小多样性指数H_N、断面积Gini系数GC和直径变异系数CV_d),3个与距离有关(Simpson大小分化度指数D_T、Shannon大小分化度指数H_T和大小分化度均值指数■),通过6组模拟林分和4块实测林分比较分析了它们的表达能力。结果表明:不考虑极端情况(极端情况为对比林分林木大小混交不同但林木直径构成完全相同),GC、CV_d、■、D_T和H_T能客观恰当地表达不同径级分布林分的林木大小多样性差异,其中CV_d区分能力最强,GC次之。若考虑极端情况,只有■、D_T和H_T能区分出不同大小混交程度林分的林木大小多样性差异。本研究认为CV_d和CC因计算简单,易于实际应用,在营林活动中可作为分析林木大小多样性的首选指数;■因能识别不同大小混交程度林分的空间差异,即对林分更新变化敏感,适用于动态分析林分的结构特征。 展开更多
关键词 林木大小多样性 直径分布 大小分化度 大小混交 大小隔离
森林群落多样性与空间格局研究综述 被引量:13
作者 马志波 肖文发 +2 位作者 黄清麟 庄崇洋 郑群瑞 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期35-39,共5页
物种多样性和空间格局是过去自然过程和人类干扰的结果,也是群落未来发展的起点,是生态学理论研究的中心议题,也是应用研究的热点。文中对这2个方面进行了综述,指出存在的不足并提出了建议,以适应管理更复杂森林的需求。在群落物种多样... 物种多样性和空间格局是过去自然过程和人类干扰的结果,也是群落未来发展的起点,是生态学理论研究的中心议题,也是应用研究的热点。文中对这2个方面进行了综述,指出存在的不足并提出了建议,以适应管理更复杂森林的需求。在群落物种多样性方面,针对物种的长期共存机制提出了各种不同的理论或假说,目前不同观点有整合趋势,并开始探讨不同机制在物种多样性维持方面的贡献;个体大小的多样性是多样性研究的一个新内容,最近开展了很多有关林木直径大小的研究。在空间格局方面,提出很多分析方法和检验判别统计量,在只需检验格局类型时扩散系数表现较好,而需探讨不同尺度格局类型时可以使用点格局分析。由于林木的高生长差异,多样性和格局在垂直方向有独特的表现,但是在当前研究中较少涉及垂直方向。今后应加强这方面研究,这对群落水平的天然林保护和森林近自然经营具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 森林群落 物种多样性 多样性测度 空间格局 林木大小多样性
作者 钟思琪 宁金魁 +3 位作者 黄锦程 陈鼎泸 欧阳勋志 臧颢 《森林与环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期127-135,共9页
构建杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林单木冠幅模型,可以提高杉木冠幅的预测精度,并为杉木人工林的科学经营提供参考依据。以杉木为研究对象,基于江西省崇义县杉木人工林57个样地的7198株单木数据,对基础模型进行扩展,并构建含林分... 构建杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)人工林单木冠幅模型,可以提高杉木冠幅的预测精度,并为杉木人工林的科学经营提供参考依据。以杉木为研究对象,基于江西省崇义县杉木人工林57个样地的7198株单木数据,对基础模型进行扩展,并构建含林分因子和单木因子的冠幅非线性混合效应模型;采用十折交叉验证方法,以调整后的决定系数(R_(adj)^(2))、均方根误差(E_(RMS))和平均绝对误差(E_(MA))模型评价指标对各模型的预测效果进行评价。结果表明:(1)备选模型中,Logistic模型的预测效果最佳。(2)除胸径以外,有6个指标对冠幅有显著影响(P<0.05)。6个指标分别是地位指数、林龄、基尼系数(Gini系数)、林分密度指数、枝下高和大于对象木的断面积之和。添加协变量构建的广义模型较基础模型更优,R_(adj)^(2)增加了28.53%,E_(RMS)和E_(MA)分别下降了17.80%和15.72%。(3)考虑样地水平随机效应的混合效应模型优于广义模型,R_(adj)^(2)增加了27.86%,E_(RMS)和E_(MA)分别降低了35.73%和51.87%。协变量和随机效应的加入能有效提高冠幅模型的预测精度,且反映林木大小多样性的Gini系数在冠幅模拟中表现较好,值得进一步探讨该类指标在其他类型人工林模拟中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 杉木 冠幅模型 非线性混合效应模型 基尼系数 林木大小多样性
作者 马浩 曹元帅 +3 位作者 吕延杰 徐干君 何友均 王建军 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期101-110,共10页
【目的】为准确预测内蒙古大兴安岭林区的白桦天然林单木生长并制定适应性经营管理措施,构建包含气候因子和林木大小多样性因子的白桦单木胸径生长混合效应模型。【方法】数据来源于内蒙古大兴安岭林区第8和9次森林资源清查数据,共筛选... 【目的】为准确预测内蒙古大兴安岭林区的白桦天然林单木生长并制定适应性经营管理措施,构建包含气候因子和林木大小多样性因子的白桦单木胸径生长混合效应模型。【方法】数据来源于内蒙古大兴安岭林区第8和9次森林资源清查数据,共筛选出符合要求的固定样地97块,白桦样木4785株。基于筛选的数据,运用逐步回归法,构建传统单木胸径生长模型,并在此模型的基础上,引入样地随机效应,构建白桦单木胸径生长混合效应模型。利用十折交叉验证法分别对已构建的基础模型和混合效应模型进行检验。【结果】期初胸径的对数、大于对象木的断面积和、样地内胸径标准差、生长积温和年平均降雨量对白桦单木胸径生长量存在显著影响。与基础模型相比,混合效应模型的调整决定系数提高了0.1206,均方根误差降低了0.0971 cm2,模型的预测精度显著提高。十折交叉验证的结果表明混合效应模型同样表现出较好的拟合结果。【结论】包含气候因子和林木大小多样性因子的白桦单木胸径生长混合效应模型能精准预测白桦单木胸径的生长动态,可以为内蒙古大兴安岭林区的白桦天然林的科学经营提供支持。 展开更多
关键词 森林管理 模型构建 白桦天然林 单木胸径生长 气候因子 林木大小多样性因子 线性混合效应模型
作者 袁继辉 郑长树 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2023年第7期94-97,共4页
近自然林业作为一种新型的森林管理方式,强调模拟自然生态系统的多样性和复杂性,以达到良好的经济和生态效果。本文首先阐述了近自然林业的基本定义、理念、生态优势和实施原则,以深化对其核心技术的理解。接着,通过与人工培育纯林的对... 近自然林业作为一种新型的森林管理方式,强调模拟自然生态系统的多样性和复杂性,以达到良好的经济和生态效果。本文首先阐述了近自然林业的基本定义、理念、生态优势和实施原则,以深化对其核心技术的理解。接着,通过与人工培育纯林的对比,从林木多样性、生态服务功能、经济效益等方面对两者进行了深度对比和分析,突出近自然林业的优势。最后,从地理和气候条件、森林类型和树种选择、森林健康和抵抗力、关键的管理实践和技术等方面,探讨了实施近自然林业技术的适用条件和关键因素,为其更广泛的应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 近自然林业 人工培育纯林 林木多样性 适用条件 关键因素
Woody Species Diversity and Forest Structure from Lowland to Montane Forest in Hyrcanian Forest Ecoregion 被引量:2
作者 Seyed Mohammad JAFARI Shahin ZARRE Seyed Kazem ALAVIPANAH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期609-620,共12页
Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of gre... Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ((stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,4oo m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, Central Alborz Mountains. Vegetation changes from lowland forest (LoF) to mid- altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method (PM) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased linearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody taxa compared to adjacent homogenous communities. Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly,correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studied parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and consequently diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommend using both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Alborz Mountains BIODIVERSITY ForestMensuration Hyrcanian forest DISTURBANCE
The Floristic Diversity of the Tlemcen Southern Slope Scrublands (Western Algeria)
作者 Belhacini Fatima Bouazza Mohammed 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第10期1167-1173,共7页
This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up ... This work was completed on the study of the southern slope scrublands (matorrals) of Tlemcen region in the northwest of Algeria (Western Algeria). These scrublands are under various states of degradation, made up of Quercus ilex, Juniperus oxycedrus, Thymus ciliatus, Rosmarinus officinalis. The problems sought in this study are to give the actual position of vegetable cover and in particular that of the formations to matorrals currently existing in the southern slope of the area of Tlemcen, while being based on the phytoecological aspect of the vegetable groupings which constitute this inheritance. Sampling is the first phase of work based on the analysis of the spatial variations of the structure and composition floristic and considering the nature of the problem to be treated, the authors considered to be useful to use the method Zuricho Montpeli6raine developed at the point by Braun-Blanquet, the method usually used consists to collect all the plant species and to make the list of the species on a small square of surface 100 m2 (have it minimal). The floristic readings (150 on the whole) were taken according to the method of Braun-Blanquet. Our results show that there exists a therophytisation marked by a general invasion of annual species as show us as the synergistic action of the aridity and the anthropic action generated important modifications on the level of the vegetation in the dynamic direction. This advanced degradation leads a steppisation which results in a substitution of the elements of the matorrals by species more adapted much the xericity. 展开更多
关键词 SCRUBLANDS FLORISTIC DIVERSITY phanerophyte chamaephyte anthropical Tlemcen Algeria.
Comparison of structural diversity of tree-crop associations in Peripheral and Buffer zones of Gachabari Sal forest area,Bangladesh
作者 M.M. Rahman H. Vacik +2 位作者 F. Begum A. Nishad K.K. Islam 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期23-26,共4页
The structural diversity of different tree-crop associations were studied at Gachabari Sal forest area of Madhupur Garh on Buffer and Peripheral Zone during 2006. The total density, basal area of trees in the Buffer a... The structural diversity of different tree-crop associations were studied at Gachabari Sal forest area of Madhupur Garh on Buffer and Peripheral Zone during 2006. The total density, basal area of trees in the Buffer and Peripheral Zone were 155.5 trees·hm^(-2), 795.4 trees·hm^(-2) and 3.9 m2·hm-2, 5.8 m^2·hm^(-2), respectively. No regeneration and natural trees were found in Peripheral Zone and the Zone is totally occupied by exotic species where the Buffer Zone comprised of both natural and exotic trees. The Peripheral Zone belonged to younger and smaller trees whereas the Buffer Zone belonged to mixture of smaller, taller, younger and mature trees simultaneously. For the practicing of different agroforestry systems both Zones have lost their original characters of Sal forest. 展开更多
关键词 Structural diversity Tree-crop associations Sal Peripheral and Buffer Zone.
The Potential Impacts of National, Regional and International Policies and Legislation on the Sustainable Forest Management for NTFPs: A Swaziland Case Study
作者 C. S. Dlamini J. Geldenhuys 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第2期297-310,共14页
The objective of this study entails the review and assessment of the relevance of existing and draft policies and legislation that affects the Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) sector in Swaziland. A hierarchical me... The objective of this study entails the review and assessment of the relevance of existing and draft policies and legislation that affects the Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) sector in Swaziland. A hierarchical method of policy and legislation review and analysis was devised for this study. Findings indicated that most national policies and legislation are outdated and old-fashioned, with gaps and overlaps, and there is lack of collaboration between institutions implementing these. The present national forest policy does not adequately guide the development of NTFPs. As a consequence, whilst international policies and legislation capture an excellent spectrum of elements and issues on NTFPs they still remain difficult to implement. However, national level criteria and indicators have issues and elements that are relevant to the sustainable use of NTFPs. It was recommended that national strategies, action plans, policies and legislation be reviewed and updated. The study shows that there are no existing institutional networks or formal collaboration between the institutions involved in the implementation of local, national, regional, and international policies and legislation that affect NTFPs. Government, private sector, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's), communities, individuals, and all concerned agencies should jointly develop and implement policies and legislation to provide secure access and benefits to people whose livelihood depends on/is supplemented by NTFPs and further foster networking and collaboration. The immediate adoption and implementation of the 11 policy recommendations on the sustainable management of Non-timber Forest Resources compiled by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) from the Convention on Biological Diversity is highly recommended. It is worthwhile to note that while some of the 11 recommendations were directly inherited from certain articles of the CBD some are general recommendations. 展开更多
关键词 Non-timber Forest Products (NTFP) policy LEGISLATION sustainable use sustainable management internationalconventions NATIONAL sustainable forest management biodiversity.
Implications of Anthropogenic Disturbances for Species Diversity, Recruitment and Carbon Density in the Mid-hills Forests of Nepal 被引量:3
作者 Hari Prasad PANDEY 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第1期1-10,共10页
Almost three-fourths of forests are experiencing anthropogenic disturbances globally, and more than two-thirds of the forests in Nepal receive different types of disturbances. In community forests(CFs), local communit... Almost three-fourths of forests are experiencing anthropogenic disturbances globally, and more than two-thirds of the forests in Nepal receive different types of disturbances. In community forests(CFs), local communities are dependent on the ecosystem services provided by the forests for various aspects of their livelihoods, which disturb the forests’ natural conditions and ecosystem functioning in a variety of ways. This study tested the major disturbance factors that had influential roles on plant species diversity, recruitment(seedlings and saplings), biomass, soil organic carbon(SOC) and total carbon density in two community-managed forests in the Mid-hills of Nepal. The stump number, cut-off seedlings and saplings, lopping, dropping, and grazing/trampling were used as measures of the major anthropogenic disturbances. The necessary data were collected from 89 randomly selected sample plots, each with an area of 250 m2. The responses to anthropogenic disturbances were analyzed using Generalized Linear Models(GLM). The results showed that forest lopping was the most significant anthropogenic disturbance for biomass and total carbon density balance. A higher degree of lopping in the forests resulted in a lowering of the forests’ carbon stock in the study area. SOC showed no significant response to any of the tested anthropogenic disturbances. Woody species richness and number of saplings increased with an increasing number of stumps, which signifies that intermediate disturbance was beneficial. However, a higher intensity of lopping reduced the sapling density. Grazing/trampling was the most significant disturbance for inhibiting seedling growth. Areas in the forests with a higher intensity of trampling showed lower numbers of seedlings and saplings. These results will be a guide for managing anthropogenic disturbances in multiple-use forests in Nepal, as well as those in similar socio-economic environments worldwide. 展开更多
关键词 anthropogenic disturbance biomass carbon density community-managed forest seedlings and saplings woody plants’diversity
Response of soil mite abundance and diversity to a monospecific timber Tectona grandis plantation in Ivory Coast 被引量:3
作者 Julien Kouadio N'DRI Henri Marc ANDRE +2 位作者 Jan LAGERLOEF Jerome Ebagnerin TONDOH Thierry HANCE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期633-643,共11页
This study aims to assess the impact of monospecific Tectona grandis forest plantation on the soil mite abundance and diversity. To achieve these objectives, two sites situated in Ivory Coast were investigated. The fi... This study aims to assess the impact of monospecific Tectona grandis forest plantation on the soil mite abundance and diversity. To achieve these objectives, two sites situated in Ivory Coast were investigated. The first, a primary forest was characterized by a very weak human activities whereas the second, a teak plantation was characterized by a high disturbance performed during the planting. After extracting, sorted and description, 116 mite species were described in the two sites. Mite densities were lower in teak plantation and also higher in the litter and decreased to the depth in both sites. Species richness re- corded in teak plantation (52 species) was significantly lower compared to primary forest (98 species). The same trend was ob- served for Oribatida but not for Gamasida. The lower Oribatida (5 vs. 17) and higher Oribatida (24 vs. 41) were recorded respec- tively in teak plantation and primary forest. Mite Shannon index and evenness were significantly different between sites. High Jaccard index values and the appearance of exclusive species in both habitats showed that the sites are very distinct. Total number of species recorded corresponded to 58%-63% of the total number of species estimated by ACE and Chao 1&2 estimators, indi- cating that the sampling effort was not sufficient. Mite abundance and diversity varied depending on the characteristics of habi- tats. Chemical element (Corn, Ctot, Ntot, and SOM) values were lower in teak plantation (disturbed habitat) and significantly dif- ferent to primary forest in the topsoil. Apart from litter height, soil depth, pH and C/N ratio, others variables were strongly corre- lated to mite abundance and diversity [Current Zoology 59 (5): 633-643, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Soil mite Teak plantation Diversity and community structure Disturbance.
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