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作者 王保健 李文红 赵晓敏 《吉林医学》 CAS 2004年第8期58-58,共1页
关键词 林比 下呼吸道感染 感染性疾病 不良反应 肺功能
作者 MalcolmMcKenzie 李友 《外语教学理论与实践》 1990年第4期19-22,共4页
本文所介绍的是在ESL高级阶段普通词汇教学中采用的一个实验性方法。这项方法在某些方面是受了Haggard的“词汇自我收集法”(Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy)的影响。但是,笔者所关注的是确立一项词汇选择原则,以防止随机收集的... 本文所介绍的是在ESL高级阶段普通词汇教学中采用的一个实验性方法。这项方法在某些方面是受了Haggard的“词汇自我收集法”(Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy)的影响。但是,笔者所关注的是确立一项词汇选择原则,以防止随机收集的低效率和盲目性。我认为,真是这个原则使我所介绍的方法具有可行性。 展开更多
关键词 学习过程 收集法 词性转换 林比 选词原则 外语阅读 口头交际能力 Reading 一词多义 上课时间
作者 胡宏伟 《数学小灵通(启智版)(低年级)》 2007年第12期11-,共1页
关键词 林比 后林 解法
二安替比林甲烷光度法测定工业硅中钛 被引量:12
作者 乐爱山 《冶金分析》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期50-51,共2页
用氢氟酸加硝酸溶解样品 ,加高氯酸氧化还原性物质 ,在盐酸介质中二安替比林甲烷光度法测定工业硅中的钛 ,方法简便 ,结果可靠。回收率 :95 %~ 1 0 4 % ,RSD :1 5 %
关键词 二安替林比甲烷 工业硅 测定 光度法
Variation of SPAD values in uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species in Castanopsis carlessi forest in Lingshishan National Forest Park 被引量:3
作者 王英姿 洪伟 +4 位作者 吴承祯 林晗 范海兰 陈灿 李键 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第4期362-366,I0007,共6页
The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using po... The greenness (SPAD) of uneven-aged leaves of dominant species in the Castanopsis carlessi forest at different altitude gradients in Lingshishan National Forest Park, Fujian Province, China were measured by using portable chlorophyll meter SPAD-502. In addition, the correlation between SPAD value and the concentration of chlorophyll and foliar nitrogen was also investigated. Significant variations in SPAD values were found between the uneven-aged leaves of different dominant species and different altitude gradients. Regression analysis showed that SPAD value was significantly correlated with the concentration of chlorophyll and the content of foliar nitrogen, indicating that SPAD value could be indicators for foliar chlorophyll and nitrogen. It is suggested that SPAD meter is a useful tool for forest assessments in decision-making and operational nutrient management programs. 展开更多
关键词 Castanopsis carlessi forest chlorophyll content chlorophyll meter dominant population forest nutrient of nitrogen Lingshishan specific leaf area
Preparation of TiO_2/ITO film by liquid phase deposition and its photoelectrocatalytic activity for degradation of 4-aminoantipyrine
作者 李丹 童海霞 张玲 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期3306-3311,共6页
A thin layer of TiO2 film was deposited on ITO surface via the liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. The photocurrent and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements indicated that the as-prepared L... A thin layer of TiO2 film was deposited on ITO surface via the liquid phase deposition (LPD) process. The photocurrent and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements indicated that the as-prepared LPD TiO2/ITO film had an excellent photoelectrochemical performance, which showed a sensitive and rapid response to the UV irradiation. The photogenerated electron-hole pairs could be effectively separated by applying an external bias to the TiO2 film electrode. The LPD TiO2/ITO film was employed to study the photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) degradation of 4-aminoantipyrine. Compared with other techniques, the PEC technique based on such a LPD film electrode had a synergetic effect for 4-aminoantipyrine degradation. When the applied bias potential was+0.8 V and the supporting electrolyte concentration of Na2SO4 was 0.1 mol/L, the highest degradation efficiency within 120 min could reach 95%for 0.1 mmol/L 4-aminoantipyrine solution at pH 2.0. 展开更多
关键词 liquid phase deposition TiO: film electrode PHOTOELECTROCATALYSIS 4-AMINOANTIPYRINE
作者 王瑛 侯秉琛 《天津教育》 北大核心 1991年第9期31-32,共2页
关键词 写作特点 老舍先生 双重否定句 反问句 轮读 使人 抒情散文 林比 形态相似 句段
作者 陈亚 李文乾 《党政论坛》 北大核心 1994年第10期49-49,共1页
关键词 政府大楼 “希望工程” 豪华气派 宽敞舒适 经济建设事业 专项资金 人民群众 基础设施 不可比 林比
作者 汪孝基 《语言教育》 1995年第1期50-50,共1页
population 这个词在高中英语第一册学过,其含义是“人口”,其用法要注意以下几点:一、表示某个地区的人口时,其前应受定冠词修饰。如:the population of the earth,the population of China 而不说 a populationof the earth,a populat... population 这个词在高中英语第一册学过,其含义是“人口”,其用法要注意以下几点:一、表示某个地区的人口时,其前应受定冠词修饰。如:the population of the earth,the population of China 而不说 a populationof the earth,a population of China二、表示人口的数目时,其前应受不定冠词修饰。如: 展开更多
关键词 前应 POPULATION 复数形式 五如 林比
作者 李代金 《中华家教》 2015年第7期6-6,共1页
格林是一个孤独的孩子,他没有朋友,他每天独来独往,不跟任何人说话。格林的父母听老师说他在学校很孤单,上课也从来不回答问题,从来不跟同学交流,成绩一直上不去。父母很为格林担忧,不知道这孩子是怎么了。于是,父母把格林送到医院去检... 格林是一个孤独的孩子,他没有朋友,他每天独来独往,不跟任何人说话。格林的父母听老师说他在学校很孤单,上课也从来不回答问题,从来不跟同学交流,成绩一直上不去。父母很为格林担忧,不知道这孩子是怎么了。于是,父母把格林送到医院去检查,检查的结果是格林没有任何疾病。父母束手无策,更加忧心,这可怎么办啊? 展开更多
关键词 子格 谈判专家 大型晚会 林比 门关
作者 欧阳贵明 黄卫和 《生物灾害科学》 1992年第4期40-40,共1页
关键词 马褂木 土室 预蛹 土中 林比 久效磷
作者 张冬化 《中国供销商情(村官)》 2003年第1期34-34,共1页
冬春正值豆类,薯类加工制粉的高峰时节,多用磨浆机由于连续工作,磨浆中常会出现一些故障,必须立即排除。 磨浆粗糙 原因是砂轮磨损大或砂轮间隙大。排除方法:砂轮因使用时间过长,造成轮齿磨平不锋利,此时应及早更换砂轮。如果是砂轮间... 冬春正值豆类,薯类加工制粉的高峰时节,多用磨浆机由于连续工作,磨浆中常会出现一些故障,必须立即排除。 磨浆粗糙 原因是砂轮磨损大或砂轮间隙大。排除方法:砂轮因使用时间过长,造成轮齿磨平不锋利,此时应及早更换砂轮。如果是砂轮间隙太大, 展开更多
关键词 磨浆机 薯类加工 制粉 冬化 机械负载 发热原因 术水 电器设备 一舟 林比
作者 黄在康 王晓明 《华东森林经理》 1990年第3期36-36,共1页
1.由福建省柴炭公司承担的省重点科研项目“毛竹林丰产结构试验研究”,在建阳县华家山毛竹采育场经过8年的试验研究,已基本完成。于不久前由省科委主持,召开有南林大周芳纯教授、福建省林科所所长林杰教授等省内外30多位竹类专家参加的... 1.由福建省柴炭公司承担的省重点科研项目“毛竹林丰产结构试验研究”,在建阳县华家山毛竹采育场经过8年的试验研究,已基本完成。于不久前由省科委主持,召开有南林大周芳纯教授、福建省林科所所长林杰教授等省内外30多位竹类专家参加的技术鉴定会,与会专家对该试验研究给予一致肯定。 2.林业部委托江西省林业厅对林业部下达给江西省奉新县林业局重点推广项目“低产毛竹林改造技术示范林”5500亩,进行了现场验收鉴定。测定示范林比改造前平均亩增新竹1 179.3公斤,亩增产值284.7元,共增产值1608 868.17元。 展开更多
关键词 毛竹林 重点推广项目 竹类 南林 林科所 试验研究 重点科研项目 建阳县 周芳 林比
作者 梁树军 《现代农村科技》 2017年第6期41-41,共1页
在低山丘陵地区实施森林营造中,混交林与单一林比较,不仅能够增强对森林区域空间资源的更合理利用,同时也对森林土壤营养水平的提高具有十分重要的作用。因此营造人工混交林,是位于辽宁省西部低山丘陵地区的重点林业工作。为了促进辽西... 在低山丘陵地区实施森林营造中,混交林与单一林比较,不仅能够增强对森林区域空间资源的更合理利用,同时也对森林土壤营养水平的提高具有十分重要的作用。因此营造人工混交林,是位于辽宁省西部低山丘陵地区的重点林业工作。为了促进辽西地区混交林的规模与区域,笔者对混交林的主要作用进行了分析,提出了混交林造林的主要技术与方法。1辽西地区营造混交林造林的主要作用1.1有效的利用了森林土壤的营养空间。 展开更多
关键词 辽西地区 森林土壤 低山丘陵地区 区域空间 辽宁省西部 混交造林 营养空间 营养水平 混交类型 林比
Spatial pattern of dominant tree species of the secondary monsoon rain forest in Lianjiang, Guangdong Province
作者 韩维栋 高秀梅 +1 位作者 李林锋 卢昌义 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期101-104,146-147,共4页
Based on the summed dominance ratios of species in sample plots, the first three dominant species (Litchi chinensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris and Canarium album) of the secondary monsoon rain forest of Mt. Royal Shoe in... Based on the summed dominance ratios of species in sample plots, the first three dominant species (Litchi chinensis, Elaeocarpus sylvestris and Canarium album) of the secondary monsoon rain forest of Mt. Royal Shoe in Lianjiang City, western Guangdong, were chosen for analyzing their spatial distribution pattern with the analysis methods such as frequency models of Poisson Distribution, Two Negative Items Distribution, Neyman Distribution, aggregate indexes, Taylor exponential equation and Iwao’s equation modeling. The results showed that these three species distributed in the congregate spatial pattern. Litchi chinensis and Elaeocarpus sylvestris had the characteristic of basic congregate population and attractive characteristic between their plants. The patterns for Canarium album may change and become more evenly distributed with the increase of density. The overall species spatial pattern also depended on the conservation of the secondary monsoon rain forest besides it was affected by the species reproduction characteristics and its growing environment. The congregate spatial patterns of three dominant species showed that it is important to conserve forest urgent conservation of the forest. 展开更多
关键词 Secondary monsoon rain forest Spatial pattern Summed dominance ratio Aggregate index
Comparative Advantage of Maize Production in Jilin Province 被引量:2
作者 张大瑜 吴景贵 +4 位作者 陈日曌 祝延立 吕铁彪 赵仁贵 刘武仁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期53-56,共4页
The comparative advantage of maize production in Jilin Province was analyzed based on the sow area index,unit yield index,benefit index and comprehensive comparative advantage index in this study.The results showed th... The comparative advantage of maize production in Jilin Province was analyzed based on the sow area index,unit yield index,benefit index and comprehensive comparative advantage index in this study.The results showed that compared with other provinces in China,there was obvious comparative advantage in sow area index and unit yield index of maize in Jilin,the average of which stood for the first and the fourth in China from 2002 to 2006;there was no comparative advantage of benefit index compared with the average value of the whole countries,the average of which stood for the 14th in China from 2002 to 2006;the comprehensive comparative advantage in Jilin provincial maize production showed significant comparative advantage,the average of which stood for the fourth in China from 2002 to 2006.On the basis of the above,the suggestions to develop maize production in Jilin province had been put forward. 展开更多
关键词 Sow area index Unit yield index Benefit index Comprehensive comparative advantage index MAIZE Jilin Province
Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of Five Subtropical Forests in Lingao of Hainan
作者 薛杨 宿少锋 +1 位作者 王小燕 林之盼 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1459-1464,共6页
With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosi... With 5 types of typical forests as research object, the physical and chemical properties of different types of forests were analyzed by sample plot investigation method. The results showed that: the soil total porosity was the highest in the Casuarina equisetifolia forest (46.168%), but the lowest in the Encalyptus robusta forest (39.46%). The soil capillary porosity was the highest in the Acacia mangium forest (22.57%), but the lowest in the secondary forest (18.95%). The soil water content was the highest in the C. equisetifolia forest, with a mean value of 27.85%, but the lowest in the secondary forest, with a mean value of 4.34%. The soil pH values were in the range of 4.81-6.59, the soils in the A. mangium forest, C. equisetifolia forest and E. robusta forest were strongly acidic (pH 4.5-5.5), and the soils in the secondary forest and C. nucifera forest were weakly acidic. The soils had organic matter contents in the range of 0.34-28.68 g/kg, and showed an order of A. mangium forest〉C. equisetifolia forest〉E. robusta forest〉secondary forest〉C. nucifera forest, with a decreasing trend with the soil depth increasing. The soil total N contents were in the range of 0.10-1.63 g/kg, the A. mangium forest showed the highest soil total N contents, while the C. nucifera forest exhibited the lowest soil total N contents; the soil total P contents were in the range of 0.21-1.74 g/kg, and the E. robusta forest had the highest soil total P contents; and the soil total K contents were in the range of 0.16-2.15 g/kg, and the A. mangium forest exhibited the highest soil total K contents. The soil available P contents were in the range of 0.98-132.46 mg/kg; and the secondary forests had the highest soil available P contents; and the soil rapidly available K contents were in the range of 3.03-27.35 mg/kg, and the C. nucifera forest exhibited the highest soil rapidly available K contents. The soil ammonium N contents were in the range of 1.38-5.15 mg/kg, and the nitrate N contents were in the range were in the range of 0.56 -3.51 mg/kg. The A. mangium forest showed the highest soil nitrate N contents (with a mean value of 2.29 mg/kg) and ammonium N contents (with a mean value of 3.93 mg/kg). For the same forest type, with the increase of soil depth, the nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen content also showed a decreasing trend. 展开更多
关键词 Lingao County Coastal platform Different forest types Soil physical and chemical properties COMPARISON
Triple, standard quadruple and ampicillin-sulbactam-based quadruple therapies for H pylori eradication:A comparative three-armed randomized clinical trial 被引量:3
作者 Seyed Amir Mirbagheri Mehrdad Hasibi +1 位作者 Mehdi Abouzari Armin Rashidi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第30期4888-4891,共4页
AIM: To compare the effectiveness of triple, standard quadruple and ampicillin-sulbactam-based quadruple therapies for Hpylori eradication in a comparative three-armed randomized clinical trial. METHODS: A total of ... AIM: To compare the effectiveness of triple, standard quadruple and ampicillin-sulbactam-based quadruple therapies for Hpylori eradication in a comparative three-armed randomized clinical trial. METHODS: A total of 360 H pylori-positive patients suffering from dyspepsia and aging 24-79 years with a median age of 42 years were enrolled in the study and randomly allocated into the following three groups: group A (n = 120) received a standard 1-wk triple therapy (20 mg omeprazole b.i.d., 1000 mg amoxicillin b.i.d., 500 mg clarithromycin b.i.d.), group B (n = 120) received a 10-d standard quadruple therapy (20 mg omeprazole b.i.d., 1000 mg amoxicillin b.i.d., 240 mg colloidal bismuth subcitrate b.i.d., and 500 mg metronidazole b.i.d.), group C (n = 120) received the new protocol, i.e. 375 mg sultamicillin (225 mg ampicillin plus 150 mg sulbactam) b.i.d. (before breakfast and dinner), instead of amoxicillin in the standard quadruple therapy for the same duration. Chi-square test with the consideration of P 〈 0.05 as significant was used to compare the eradication rates by intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses in the three groups.RESULTS: The per-protocol eradication rate was 91.81% (101 patients from a total of 110) in group A, 85.84% (97 patients from a total of 113) in group B, and 92.85% (104 patients from a total of 112) in group C. The intention-to-treat eradication rate was 84.17% in group A, 80.83% in group B, and 86.67% in group C. The new protocol yielded the highest eradication rates by both per-protocol and intention-to-treat analyses followed by the standard triple and quadruple regimens, respectively. However, the differences were not statistically significant between the three groups. CONCLUSION: The results of this study provide further support for the equivalence of triple and quadruple therapies in terms of effectiveness, compliance and sideeffect profile when administered as first-line treatment for H pylori infection. Moreover, the new protocol using ampicillin-sulbactam instead of amoxicillin in the quadruple regimen is a suitable first-line alternative to be used in regions with amoxicillin-resistant Hpylori strains. 展开更多
关键词 Triple therapy Quadruple therapy Ampicillin-sulbactam H pylori
Could quantitative liver function tests gain wide acceptance among hepatologists? 被引量:7
作者 Giovanni Tarantino 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第28期3457-3461,共5页
It has been emphasized that the assessment of residual liver function is of paramount importance to determine the following: severity of acute or chronic liver diseases independent of etiology; long-term prognosis; s... It has been emphasized that the assessment of residual liver function is of paramount importance to determine the following: severity of acute or chronic liver diseases independent of etiology; long-term prognosis; step-bystep disease progression; surgical risk; and efficacy of antiviral treatment. The most frequently used tools are the galactose elimination capacity to asses hepatocyte cytosol activity, plasma clearance of indocyanine green to assess excretory function, and antipyrine clearance to estimate microsomal activity. However, a widely accepted liver test (not necessarily a laboratory one) to assess quantitative functional hepatic reserve still needs to be established, although there have been various proposals. Furthermore, who are the operators that should order these tests? Advances in analytic methods are expected to allow quantitative liver function tests to be used in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic diseases Fatty liver Hepatitis viral Liver cirrhosis Liver function tests Prognosis
Crystal Structure and Geometry-Optimization Study of N-(2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldene)-4-aminoantipyrine
作者 GUO Feng BI Caifeng FAN Yuhua WANG Aidong XU Jiakun ZHANG Xia 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2008年第2期166-170,共5页
N-(2-hydroxy-l-naphthaldene)-4-aminoantipyrine has been synthesized. The structure is determined by X-ray diffraction method and elemental analysis. The crystal system belongs to orthorhombic space group P(2)2(1... N-(2-hydroxy-l-naphthaldene)-4-aminoantipyrine has been synthesized. The structure is determined by X-ray diffraction method and elemental analysis. The crystal system belongs to orthorhombic space group P(2)2(1)2(1). The geometry has been ob- tained from the density functional theory (DFT) method and the B3LYP method employing the 6-31G^* basis sets. The calculated results propose that the latter is close to the experimental data. The structural parameters from the theory are close to those of the crystal and the calculated total energy of coordination is -31677.172 eV. The energy of HOMO and LUMO and the energy gap are 5.179 eV, -1.603 eV and 3.577 eV, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Schiff base crystal structure density functional theory geometry-optimization
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