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作者 魏臻 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第7期5-8,共4页
林牙是辽朝特有的官职,汉语意为“学士”。辽朝枢密院分为北枢密院和南枢密院,设有林牙官职。北面林牙与北院林牙、左林牙是同一官职的不同写法,此官职的渊源可以追溯到唐、五代枢密直学士。《辽史·百官志一》大林牙院条下北面都... 林牙是辽朝特有的官职,汉语意为“学士”。辽朝枢密院分为北枢密院和南枢密院,设有林牙官职。北面林牙与北院林牙、左林牙是同一官职的不同写法,此官职的渊源可以追溯到唐、五代枢密直学士。《辽史·百官志一》大林牙院条下北面都林牙、北面林牙承旨、北面林牙即左林牙,均应归属北枢密院。《辽史·百官志三》翰林院条下南面林牙、《辽史·百官志一》大林牙院条下右林牙以及《辽史·百官志二》行枢密院条下右林牙,实为同一官职,即南枢密院中南院林牙。辽朝北枢密院掌群牧事务,《辽史·百官志二》总典群牧使司条下群牧都林牙归北枢密院统领。 展开更多
关键词 林牙 枢密院 林牙 翰林院
作者 王欣 《东南亚之窗》 2012年第1期45-49,共5页
二战结束之后爆发于荷兰与印度尼西亚之间的武装冲突使澳大利亚倍感紧张。澳大利亚政府从自身安全与国家利益出发,开始主动参与调节荷印尼双方的矛盾,并向印度尼西亚与荷兰双方派遣斡旋代表。作为一个西方国家,澳大利亚站在印度尼西亚... 二战结束之后爆发于荷兰与印度尼西亚之间的武装冲突使澳大利亚倍感紧张。澳大利亚政府从自身安全与国家利益出发,开始主动参与调节荷印尼双方的矛盾,并向印度尼西亚与荷兰双方派遣斡旋代表。作为一个西方国家,澳大利亚站在印度尼西亚共和国一方,支持其取得独立,反对恢复荷兰的殖民统治。最终在各方的共同努力下,荷印双方正式签署了《林牙椰蒂协议》,不仅实现了双方的停火,而且同时确立了共和国的国际地位,而澳大利亚在其中发挥了重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 林牙椰蒂协议》 澳大利亚
作者 尹志平 《党员之友(新疆)》 2020年第2期46-47,共2页
注:这首诗中所提到的大石林牙,是中国古代杰出政治家、创建西辽王朝的耶律大石。耶律大石是辽太祖耶律阿保机八世孙,从小勤奋好学,善于骑射,且兼通汉文和契丹文。天庆五年(1115年),耶律大石考中进士,入翰林院,任翰林承旨。"翰林&qu... 注:这首诗中所提到的大石林牙,是中国古代杰出政治家、创建西辽王朝的耶律大石。耶律大石是辽太祖耶律阿保机八世孙,从小勤奋好学,善于骑射,且兼通汉文和契丹文。天庆五年(1115年),耶律大石考中进士,入翰林院,任翰林承旨。"翰林"在契丹语中音为"林牙",所以人们也称他"大石林牙"或"林牙大石"。 展开更多
关键词 耶律大石 耶律阿保机 翰林院 大石林 辽太祖 契丹语 林牙
辽代翰林院探讨 被引量:7
作者 何天明 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1991年第2期42-48,共7页
在辽史研究中,官制是薄弱环节,由于辽代官制具有北、南“双轨”的特点,许多问题更易混淆。南面官系统,资料零散、残(?),国内外研究者涉足甚少,而且大多以“虚设”否定南面官系统的地位。本文从辽代翰林院的设置、演变、职掌诸方面尽可... 在辽史研究中,官制是薄弱环节,由于辽代官制具有北、南“双轨”的特点,许多问题更易混淆。南面官系统,资料零散、残(?),国内外研究者涉足甚少,而且大多以“虚设”否定南面官系统的地位。本文从辽代翰林院的设置、演变、职掌诸方面尽可能予以系统,全面的探讨,并在某些方面与唐代翰林职官做了必要的比较。笔者肯定了辽代南面官系统翰林院的地位和作用。 展开更多
关键词 中国史 辽代翰林院 林牙
近十年来我国契丹字研究 被引量:2
作者 陈乃雄 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1987年第3期105-133,共29页
契丹文字研究,历史不长。自本世纪二十年代初辽庆陵帝后哀册出土算起,不过六十几个年头。由于资料奇缺以及研究方法上的一些问题,迄至七十年代初期,整个情况还像卡拉在1972年第26卷第1期匈牙利《东方学报》发表的一篇书评里所说的那样:... 契丹文字研究,历史不长。自本世纪二十年代初辽庆陵帝后哀册出土算起,不过六十几个年头。由于资料奇缺以及研究方法上的一些问题,迄至七十年代初期,整个情况还像卡拉在1972年第26卷第1期匈牙利《东方学报》发表的一篇书评里所说的那样:“为了辨认这种难解的文字,许多国家的学者都作了巨大的努力,但是至今只解了几十个符号(主要是表意符号)的意义以及文字的结构。至于辨认语音符号的企图,则一个也没有成功。 展开更多
关键词 契丹人 辽庆陵 萧仲恭墓志 耶律 斡鲁朵 哀册 契丹文字 道宗 林牙 挞不也
作者 朱贤枚 《上饶师范学院学报》 1982年第2期78-93,共16页
关键词 官制 枢密 林牙 布政使司 夷离毕 宣徽使 宰相府 《明史》 五军都督府 正六品
Investigation on the Degradation of Natural Heritage of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring at Dunhuang City, China 被引量:1
作者 Dong Jihong 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第4期85-91,共7页
The main purpose of this study is to put forward a reasonable idea of the general protection for Singing Sand Moun- tain and Crescent Moon Spring, a rare and unique desert wonder, and of sustainable tourism developmen... The main purpose of this study is to put forward a reasonable idea of the general protection for Singing Sand Moun- tain and Crescent Moon Spring, a rare and unique desert wonder, and of sustainable tourism development based on the research on the ecological environment around. Methods of documentation, case study and comparison were employed. Finally, aiming at solving the problems of natural environment and those existing after the exploitation of Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring the author puts forward three measures: the com- prehensive treatment for Crescent Moon Spring (broadening re- sources of water and reducing expenditures, checking the de- creasing depth of Crescent Moon Spring, and improving the geo- graphical environment), the general protection envisions for Singing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Spring and establish- ing a dynamic monitoring and early-warning system of regional ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 water level of the spring an isolated green shelter-belt a National Desert Park Dunhuang
Management of black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands in Hungary
作者 Koly REI 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期260-264,共5页
Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first forest tree species to be imported from North America to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is the most important fast-growing stand-forming tree speci... Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) was the first forest tree species to be imported from North America to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is the most important fast-growing stand-forming tree species in Hungary. Black locust planta-tions can be successfully established in response to a range of economic and ecological opportunities. Plantation survival and productivity are maximized by matching the species' growth characteristics with silvicultural options and land management needs. In the paper the sequence of forest tending operations in black locust stands is proposed, based on results of long-term stand structure and forest yield trials. Implementing good silvicultural plans and models will lead to profitable black locust stands and greater ac-ceptance of the species by land managers. Black locust would also be a very useful species for energy productions as the related research results have been shown in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) MANAGEMENT YIELD
The Renascence Party and Union and Socio-Political Organization of Muslims in Spain
作者 Jose Antonio Pefia-Ramos 《Sociology Study》 2014年第2期135-149,共15页
This paper presents an overview and analyzes the impact of the Partido Renacimientoy Union de Espana (PRUNE, Renascence Party and Union in Spain) specifying in the socio-political articulation of Muslims in Spain. I... This paper presents an overview and analyzes the impact of the Partido Renacimientoy Union de Espana (PRUNE, Renascence Party and Union in Spain) specifying in the socio-political articulation of Muslims in Spain. In particular, it aims to describe and analyze the historical and political context of the emergence of these types of parties in the European Union (EU); their background in Spain, particularly in the Autonomous Cities of Ceuta and Melilla and their specific impact on socio-political movements. The main hypotheses of work are the heterogeneity of Islamic communities in Spain, its religious references and social integration are difficult and complex, implying that this will provide a strategic impact from PRUNE, which could be very limited, slow, and uncertain. 展开更多
关键词 POLITICS RELIGION ISLAM religious political party Islamic party IMMIGRATION
辽代记注官初探 被引量:2
作者 吴凤霞 《史学史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第2期10-16,共7页
辽代因修起居注而设记注官,但《辽史·百官志》南面朝官所列起居舍人、起居郎并不是记注官,所谓的“起居舍人院”也并不存在。辽代的记注官为使职化差遣之职,由牌印郎君、翰林都林牙等兼任。牌印郎君属于皇帝身边近侍,隶属于牌印局... 辽代因修起居注而设记注官,但《辽史·百官志》南面朝官所列起居舍人、起居郎并不是记注官,所谓的“起居舍人院”也并不存在。辽代的记注官为使职化差遣之职,由牌印郎君、翰林都林牙等兼任。牌印郎君属于皇帝身边近侍,隶属于牌印局,翰林都林牙(总知翰林院事)属于朝官中的文官,可能隶属于大林牙院。辽代记注官皆以契丹文化人充任,这与辽代皇帝为中心的政务运作系统普遍使用契丹语有关。辽代记注官所编《起居注》失之于略,根源在于诸司供报送录制度不健全,以及记注官听闻议政的权力有限。辽代记注官之设,既弘扬相延数代的编修《起居注》传统,也具有多民族文化交融的特点。 展开更多
关键词 辽代 记注官 牌印郎君 翰林都林牙 起居注
作者 刘岩 丰源 《优品》 2012年第11期70-73,共4页
关键词 林牙 右页 左页 洛金
Phosphatic microspherules and their geobiological implications from the Frasnian-Famennian transition at the Yangdi section, Guilin, South China 被引量:2
作者 HUANG Cheng GONG YiMing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期943-956,共14页
Abundant perfectly-preserved phosphatic microspherules have been discovered across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition from the Yangdi section in Guilin, Guangxi, South China. They are mostly spherical or ellipt... Abundant perfectly-preserved phosphatic microspherules have been discovered across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition from the Yangdi section in Guilin, Guangxi, South China. They are mostly spherical or elliptical in shape and about 150 gin in diameter with smooth exterior surfaces. Each microspherule consistently possesses a small dimple on the surface. The internal texture of microspherules consists of concentric light-colored apatite and dark-colored organic matter bands alternating around a central core. Conodonts have also been found preserved together with phosphatic microspherules in the same horizon, and the abundance of the former is obviously higher than that of the latter. Laser Raman spectral studies show close similarities in spectral patterns between the outer shells of phosphatic microspherules and the blade of the conodont genus Palmatolepis sp., as well as between the microspherule nucleus and the platform of the same conodont genus. Furthermore, the statistical results and geochemical data demonstrate that the elevated abundance of phosphatic microspherules roughly coincides with the blooms of bacteria and algae, but is later than the sharp increase of oceanic nutrients. The phosphatic microspherules are inter- preted here to be the 'otoliths' secreted by conodont animals based on the compositional similarities between phosphatic mi- crospherules and conodonts and their interrelated abundances. In addition, an analogous study reveals morphological and tex- tural similarities between fish otoliths and phosphatic microspherules. The formation of phosphatic microspherules is probably related to seawater eutrophication. We speculate that the explosive growth of bacteria and algae is probably caused by the en- richment of nutrients that is most likely associated with the increase of terrestrial inputs, submarine hydrothermal activities or the upwelling anoxic bottom waters in the late Devonian, which would stimulate the conodont animals to secrete phosphatic microspherules--the 'otoliths' of conodont animals. This study reveals the coupling relationship between organisms and envi- ronments from the perspective of phosphatic microspherules and provides new evidence for the cause of faunal crisis during the Late Devonian F-F transition. 展开更多
关键词 microspherules conodont animal otoliths EUTROPHICATION DEVONIAN F-F South China
Response of soil mite abundance and diversity to a monospecific timber Tectona grandis plantation in Ivory Coast 被引量:3
作者 Julien Kouadio N'DRI Henri Marc ANDRE +2 位作者 Jan LAGERLOEF Jerome Ebagnerin TONDOH Thierry HANCE 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期633-643,共11页
This study aims to assess the impact of monospecific Tectona grandis forest plantation on the soil mite abundance and diversity. To achieve these objectives, two sites situated in Ivory Coast were investigated. The fi... This study aims to assess the impact of monospecific Tectona grandis forest plantation on the soil mite abundance and diversity. To achieve these objectives, two sites situated in Ivory Coast were investigated. The first, a primary forest was characterized by a very weak human activities whereas the second, a teak plantation was characterized by a high disturbance performed during the planting. After extracting, sorted and description, 116 mite species were described in the two sites. Mite densities were lower in teak plantation and also higher in the litter and decreased to the depth in both sites. Species richness re- corded in teak plantation (52 species) was significantly lower compared to primary forest (98 species). The same trend was ob- served for Oribatida but not for Gamasida. The lower Oribatida (5 vs. 17) and higher Oribatida (24 vs. 41) were recorded respec- tively in teak plantation and primary forest. Mite Shannon index and evenness were significantly different between sites. High Jaccard index values and the appearance of exclusive species in both habitats showed that the sites are very distinct. Total number of species recorded corresponded to 58%-63% of the total number of species estimated by ACE and Chao 1&2 estimators, indi- cating that the sampling effort was not sufficient. Mite abundance and diversity varied depending on the characteristics of habi- tats. Chemical element (Corn, Ctot, Ntot, and SOM) values were lower in teak plantation (disturbed habitat) and significantly dif- ferent to primary forest in the topsoil. Apart from litter height, soil depth, pH and C/N ratio, others variables were strongly corre- lated to mite abundance and diversity [Current Zoology 59 (5): 633-643, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 Soil mite Teak plantation Diversity and community structure Disturbance.
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