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以科技创新为动能 引领林竹产业高质量发展
作者 《绿色天府》 2024年第10期30-31,共2页
宜宾位于四川南部,地处川、滇、黔结合部,素有“万里长江第一城”之称。近年来,宜宾市认真贯彻落实习近平总书记来川视察作出的“在推进科技创新和科技成果转化上同时发力”重要指示精神,坚定不移推动林竹产业科技创新,重点围绕竹和油... 宜宾位于四川南部,地处川、滇、黔结合部,素有“万里长江第一城”之称。近年来,宜宾市认真贯彻落实习近平总书记来川视察作出的“在推进科技创新和科技成果转化上同时发力”重要指示精神,坚定不移推动林竹产业科技创新,重点围绕竹和油樟两大主导产业,着力加强平台建设、科技研发和成果推广,促进林竹产业高质量发展。2023年林竹业综合产值达568.18亿元、居全省第二,竹产业综合产值385亿元、居全省第一。 展开更多
关键词 综合产值 主导产业 四川南部 科技成果转化 科技研发 林竹产业 成果推广 万里长江
作者 王文强 林永清 《福建金融》 2012年第12期46-48,共3页
近年来,人民银行等国家部委多次下发通知,推动集体林权制度改革与林业发展金融服务工作。福建省华安县是全国"科技兴林"示范县,本文通过对金融支持华安县林竹产业发展情况的调查,就金融支持林竹产业发展中存在的问题提出政策... 近年来,人民银行等国家部委多次下发通知,推动集体林权制度改革与林业发展金融服务工作。福建省华安县是全国"科技兴林"示范县,本文通过对金融支持华安县林竹产业发展情况的调查,就金融支持林竹产业发展中存在的问题提出政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 林竹产业 县域经济 金融支持
作者 杨冬生 《中国林业产业》 2004年第3期38-40,共3页
关键词 四川 资源优势 林竹产业 林业用地
作者 冯福忠 《现代园艺》 2015年第12期11-12,共2页
关键词 林竹 产业现状 可持续发展 明溪县
作者 余金芮 郭美斌 +3 位作者 曹婷 梅露 陶磊 赵毅军 《现代商贸工业》 2018年第2期16-18,共3页
凉山彝区是四川精准扶贫的重点地区,区域经济发展条件差,基础薄弱,主要的资源是"山"。本研究项目拟从凉山彝区实际出发,通过林竹生态旅游资源开发,将林竹生态旅游资源的开发优势转化为产业发展优势。充分挖掘山区种植养殖资... 凉山彝区是四川精准扶贫的重点地区,区域经济发展条件差,基础薄弱,主要的资源是"山"。本研究项目拟从凉山彝区实际出发,通过林竹生态旅游资源开发,将林竹生态旅游资源的开发优势转化为产业发展优势。充分挖掘山区种植养殖资源优势,在国家和地方支持民族地区经济发展政策的指引下,发挥企业主导作用,企业通过自己投资或合作投资进行林竹生态旅游产业开发和林竹生态旅游市场开发,进而带动林竹种植、加工、林下养殖、生态食品、休闲养生等产业发展,壮大地区经济,大幅度增加凉山地区人民的收入,让人民走上康庄富裕之路,让地区走上可持续发展之路。 展开更多
关键词 凉山 彝区林竹 生态旅游
作者 《世界竹藤通讯》 2022年第3期I0005-I0005,共1页
宜宾林竹产业研究院(以下简称“竹研院”)成立于2020年1月,是宜宾市委市政府为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记来川视察重要指示精神,加快建成“中华竹都、最美竹海”,推动林竹产业高质量发展而设立的公益一类事业单位。竹研院设有林竹资源保... 宜宾林竹产业研究院(以下简称“竹研院”)成立于2020年1月,是宜宾市委市政府为深入贯彻落实习近平总书记来川视察重要指示精神,加快建成“中华竹都、最美竹海”,推动林竹产业高质量发展而设立的公益一类事业单位。竹研院设有林竹资源保护培育研究所、林竹精深加工研究所、竹食品研究所、油樟研究所、竹文化研究所、实验林场管理所(宜宾市蜀南国有林场)、林竹科技服务中心(宜宾市林业科技推广站)和办公室8个机构,核定事业编制39名、政府高级雇员10名。 展开更多
关键词 林业科技推广 国有林场 林竹产业 事业编制 科技服务中心 实验林场 食品研究所 宜宾市
市科技局局长李华带队 赴林竹产业研究院调研座谈
作者 《宜宾科技》 2020年第3期8-8,共1页
关键词 科技局局长 林竹产业 副局长 沟通交流 科技创新工作 李华 宜宾
作者 《宜宾科技》 2022年第1期13-13,共1页
在新春佳节到来之际,1月18日,市科技局党组书记、局长赵兵兵一行到宜宾林竹产业研究院走访慰问宜宾市政府竹产业顾问、宜宾市林竹产业研究院院长方伟教授,并向他致以新春的祝福。在林竹产业研究院,赵兵兵局长与方伟教授促膝长谈,详细了... 在新春佳节到来之际,1月18日,市科技局党组书记、局长赵兵兵一行到宜宾林竹产业研究院走访慰问宜宾市政府竹产业顾问、宜宾市林竹产业研究院院长方伟教授,并向他致以新春的祝福。在林竹产业研究院,赵兵兵局长与方伟教授促膝长谈,详细了解了宜宾林竹产业研究院科技平台建设、科技项目实施、人才培养等情况,感谢方伟院长及其团队对宜宾竹产业高质量发展做出的贡献,并表示将一以贯之的支持林竹产业研究院开展各项科技工作,争创省级乃至国家级竹产业技术创新中心,推动我市竹产业科技创新再创佳绩。 展开更多
关键词 科技局局长 林竹产业 方伟 产业技术创新 促膝长谈 赵兵 宜宾市 人才培养
作者 雷经纬 《绿色天府》 2024年第11期36-37,共2页
宜宾市森林资源丰富,现有森林933.5万亩,是全国绿化先进单位、国家园林城市和国家森林城市。近年来,宜宾市坚持以习近平生态文明思想为指导,不断深化林业改革,加快推动林竹产业高质量发展,助推乡村振兴。2024年1-9月,宜宾林竹综合产值42... 宜宾市森林资源丰富,现有森林933.5万亩,是全国绿化先进单位、国家园林城市和国家森林城市。近年来,宜宾市坚持以习近平生态文明思想为指导,不断深化林业改革,加快推动林竹产业高质量发展,助推乡村振兴。2024年1-9月,宜宾林竹综合产值422.56亿元。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 绿化先进单位 综合产值 国家森林城市 林业改革 森林资源 林竹产业 国家园林城市
Bamboo resources,utilization and ex-situ conservation in Xishuangbanna,South-eastern China 被引量:1
作者 杨清 段柱标 +3 位作者 王正良 何开红 孙启祥 彭镇华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期79-83,共5页
This paper describes the geographical distribution, utilization, cultural value and ex-situ conservation of bamboo resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunan Province, China. Sixty species of bamboo in 19 genera are recorded i... This paper describes the geographical distribution, utilization, cultural value and ex-situ conservation of bamboo resources in Xishuangbanna, Yunan Province, China. Sixty species of bamboo in 19 genera are recorded in Xishuangbanna. The area of natural bamboo forest is 14319 ha, accounting for 5.92% of whole area of Xishuangbanna. The abundant resource of bamboo plays an important role in the economics and culture of national minorities in Xishuangbanna. Xishuangbanna Tropic Botanic Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), started to introduce bamboo species in 1961 and established the ex-situ conservation reserve (8 ha) of bamboo in 1981. Up to now, 211 species in 27 genera collected from tropic and sub-tropic of China and South-east Asia have been planted in the bamboo reserve, of which 11 species have bloomed and seeded, and their seeds were cultivated in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanic Gardens, CAS, China. 展开更多
关键词 XISHUANGBANNA bamboo resources UTILIZATION ex-situ conservation
作者 刘晓曦 《天津美术学院学报》 2003年第2期10-10,共1页
关键词 刘晓曦 油画作品 《山林竹石图》 《松藩印象之一》
作者 赵勇 《南方农业》 2017年第33期82-82,84,共2页
四川省的竹林资源丰富,宜宾市作为竹林分布的集中地,有着广阔的产业发展前景。高县凭借着优越的地理位置和自然气候为竹资源的生长奠定了基础,竹产业已成为高县经济发展的支柱之一。基于此,从高县竹资源发展现状入手,指出竹产业发展存... 四川省的竹林资源丰富,宜宾市作为竹林分布的集中地,有着广阔的产业发展前景。高县凭借着优越的地理位置和自然气候为竹资源的生长奠定了基础,竹产业已成为高县经济发展的支柱之一。基于此,从高县竹资源发展现状入手,指出竹产业发展存在的问题,并提出相应的对策,从而形成竹产业发展新格局。 展开更多
关键词 林竹资源 产业发展 对策 高县
作者 《宜宾科技》 2021年第4期2-2,共1页
10月19日,省科技厅副厅长景世刚、农村处处长蔡红赴林竹产业研究院和丝丽雅集团,调研指导竹产业精深加工科技创新工作。市科技局局长赵兵兵、副局长代德才、市林竹产业研究院副院长余英、宜宾丝丽雅集团有限公司党委书记、董事长邓传东... 10月19日,省科技厅副厅长景世刚、农村处处长蔡红赴林竹产业研究院和丝丽雅集团,调研指导竹产业精深加工科技创新工作。市科技局局长赵兵兵、副局长代德才、市林竹产业研究院副院长余英、宜宾丝丽雅集团有限公司党委书记、董事长邓传东等陪同调研。 展开更多
关键词 科技局局长 竹产业发展 副厅长 副局长 景世 林竹产业 科技创新工作 精深加工
An approach on the survivorship of giant panda in wild 被引量:1
作者 李兆华 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期59-62,共5页
The endangered giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is endemic to th e mountains of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces in China. The species had nu mbered over 2000 animals in early 1970s, but declined to no more th... The endangered giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is endemic to th e mountains of Sichuan, Gansu and Shaanxi Provinces in China. The species had nu mbered over 2000 animals in early 1970s, but declined to no more than 1,000 anim als fragmented into perhaps 32 subpopulations in late 1990s as the result of num erous detrimental forces such as habitat shrinking, poaching and bamboo flowerin g. The mass flowering and followed die-off of bamboo played key roles in the dec lination of panda population in the past three decades. It trigged the starvatio n and following high mortality of giant pandas in 1970s over Min Mountains and i n 1980s across Qionglai Mountains in Sichuan Province. The situation of survivor ship is made worse by the fact that the panda habitat is fragmented into many sm all 'islands', each containing only a few pandas. Such small, isolated panda pop ulations are rendered even more vulnerable to extinction form threats such as ha bitat degradation, natural disaster, disease, and the deleterious effects of inb reeding. So restoring the panda habitat and reintroduction pandas to their histo rical habitat might be an important issue for protecting the giant panda in wild . 展开更多
关键词 Giant panda Population dynamics Bamboo flowering SURVIVORSHIP Cons ervation REINTRODUCTION
Growth behavior of Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Bambusoideae) in Central China 被引量:4
作者 LI Zhao-hua Manfred DENICH Thomas BORSCH 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期163-168,共6页
In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm ... In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment. In May, bamboo shoots emerg- ing from the ground achieved an average density of 2.7 shoots m^-2 during the sprouting phase of 16 days. However, about 32% of the new shoots died back before maturity. Insect damage, withering death and rodent predation were responsible for 57%, 29 % and 14% of the total shoot mortality, respectively. From May to June, the shoots attained 400 ± 23 cm during the height growth phase of 34 days, with a daily rate varying from 1 to 56 cm. All branches and leaves unfolded during the branch spreading phase from June to August. Shoot production was positively related to the density of standing culms, but negatively to both coverage and height of herb layers. 展开更多
关键词 Bamboo shoot GROWTH Henon bamboo plantation Shennongjia.
The Application of Bamboo Elements in “New Chinese-Style” Landscape Design
作者 LOU Gang 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第4期72-77,共6页
Bamboo is dosdy related to Chinese traditional gardens in terms of culture and application. This research analyzed tiie application value of bamboo elements in landscapes, compared methods of using bamboo in tra... Bamboo is dosdy related to Chinese traditional gardens in terms of culture and application. This research analyzed tiie application value of bamboo elements in landscapes, compared methods of using bamboo in traditional gardens and cenew Chinese-styie" gardens, and summarised the application method of bamboo elements in the Wnew Chinese-style" landscape from three aspects of modern constitution techniques, texture blending, and landscape continuation and softening, and put forward the development and application directions of bamboo elements. 展开更多
关键词 BAMBOO "New Chinese-style" landscape Landscape design
Cultivated Characters of Nandina domestica
作者 李湉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期97-100,共4页
[Objective] This study was to systematically investigate the cultivated characters of Nandina domestica and to lay a foundatiQn for breeding, cultivating, as well as its application in landscape. [ Method] Using N. do... [Objective] This study was to systematically investigate the cultivated characters of Nandina domestica and to lay a foundatiQn for breeding, cultivating, as well as its application in landscape. [ Method] Using N. domestica populations from 13 different areas of Hunan Province as tested samples, the cultivated characters of N. domestica in both the cultivated type and wild type were systematically studied through field experiment and comparative analysis. [Resul ] The phenological features of N. domestica from different areas and germplasm resources were basically identical; the growth patterns of cultivated type and wild type were also basically identical, but the cultivated type grew faster than the wild type; both the two types grew quickly at young stage, and either the annual growth of new shoots or the growth pattern of leaves confirmed the fitting curve of the Logistic equation. [ Conclusion ] This research provided basis for the exploitation and utilization the germplasm resources of IV. domestica. 展开更多
关键词 Nandina domestica Cultivated and wild type Cultivated characters
Morphological Variation of Donax spp. from Five Beaches in Prachaupkhirikhan, Thailand
作者 S. Manatrinon O. U. Thonglor A. Boonyapakdee 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第8期1109-1111,共3页
Five hundred samples ofDonax spp. were collected from five beaches (Khao Tao, Sea Pine Garden, Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod, and Sam Phraya) in Prachaupkhirikhan province, Thailand. Five morphological variable... Five hundred samples ofDonax spp. were collected from five beaches (Khao Tao, Sea Pine Garden, Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod, and Sam Phraya) in Prachaupkhirikhan province, Thailand. Five morphological variables of each individual were measured and analyzed to reveal morphological variation. The discriminant function analysis of morphology suggested a clear separation into two groups. The individuals from Khao Tao and Sea Pine Garden were grouped together while individuals from Pran Buri Forest Park, Sam Roi Yod and Sam Phraya were classified into the same group. The classification function of discriminant function analysis suggested that 70% of Khao Tao population, 70% of Sea Pine Garden population, 67% of Pran Buri Forest Park population, 64% of Sam Roi Yod population and 34% of Sam Phraya population of Donax spp. could be correctly reassigned by morphology. The misclassification individuals of Sam Phraya population were assigned to Pran Buri Forest Park and Sam Roi Yod population with the correct assignment 38% and 27%, respectively. The results obtained in this study based on morphological variation indicated that Khao Tao and Sea Pine Garden populations ofDonax spp. should be treated as separated units from the other three populations for conservation management. However, the result should be confirmed again as genetic level. 展开更多
关键词 Morphological variation discriminant function analysis Donax spp. Prachaupkhirikhan
Carbon storage of bamboo forest ecosystem in China
作者 WANG Bing WEI Wen-jun +3 位作者 LI Shao-ning GUO Hao ZHOU Mei BAI Xiu-lan 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2008年第1期48-54,共7页
National forest inventory materials and data from China Forest Ecosystem Location Research Network (CFERN) were obtained for estimating four periods of carbon storage of Bamboo forest ecosystem from 1977 to 2003 in ... National forest inventory materials and data from China Forest Ecosystem Location Research Network (CFERN) were obtained for estimating four periods of carbon storage of Bamboo forest ecosystem from 1977 to 2003 in China. The spatial and temporal patterns, vertical distribution and potential carbon storage of the bamboo forest ecosystem were analyzed. The results showed that carbon storage of Chinese bamboo forest ecosystem was 537.6 Mt C during 1977 and 1981, 598.61 Mt C during 1984 and 1988, 710.14 Mt C during 1994 and 1998, and 837.92 Mt C during 1999 and 2003. It showed that the carbon storage was increasing during that time. Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong and Sichuan were the major carbon pools in China, with the percentages of carbon storage between 80.04 and 83.13 percent in all. The percentages of carbon storage of vegetation, litter, and soil were between 23.85 and 24.48 percent, between 0.92 and 0.96 percent, and between 74.56 and 75.23 percent respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that the carbon storage in different layers were similar vertically. Carbon storage was 837.92 Mt C from 1999 to 2003, and it will be increased to 947.54 Mt C after one age period with a rate of 54.81Mt carbons stored in ecosystem every year. 展开更多
关键词 China bamboo forest ecosystem carbon storage
作者 翁石匋 《书法》 1997年第5期48-48,54,共2页
江西信江河畔弋阳县丹霞地貌之处,峰峦叠嶂,秀丽丰姿,云烟缥缈,林竹葱郁,这就是江西省五大旅游区之一——圭峰。圭峰,古称龟峰,因有山峰似龟而得名。相传明代正德年间邑人少卿李奎在归乡途中远眺龟峰若似圭嶂,甚为喜悦,即兴将“龟峰”... 江西信江河畔弋阳县丹霞地貌之处,峰峦叠嶂,秀丽丰姿,云烟缥缈,林竹葱郁,这就是江西省五大旅游区之一——圭峰。圭峰,古称龟峰,因有山峰似龟而得名。相传明代正德年间邑人少卿李奎在归乡途中远眺龟峰若似圭嶂,甚为喜悦,即兴将“龟峰”易为“圭峰”,并延续至今。 展开更多
关键词 圭峰 龟峰 李奎 江西 林竹
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