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山地木本粮食──锥栗的开发利用 被引量:1
作者 郑金炎 《经济林研究》 1996年第A00期44-45,共2页
山地木本粮食──锥栗的开发利用郑金炎(福建省建瓯市林学会,建瓯,353100)1开发前景建瓯市是我国南方的重点林区之一,也是锥栗的原产地和主产区之一。全市栗锥栽培面积8万亩,投产面积约4万亩,今年鲜果产量达90万kg... 山地木本粮食──锥栗的开发利用郑金炎(福建省建瓯市林学会,建瓯,353100)1开发前景建瓯市是我国南方的重点林区之一,也是锥栗的原产地和主产区之一。全市栗锥栽培面积8万亩,投产面积约4万亩,今年鲜果产量达90万kg,平均亩产22.5kg,最高产量3... 展开更多
关键词 山地 林粮食 锥栗 开发利用 品种 榛子
2030年中国粮食产需研究 被引量:1
作者 顾海兵 《理论与改革》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期100-101,共2页
研究这一问题,特别是把时间定于2030年,缘于国际原因。因为美国世界观察研究所所长布朗认为,中国2030年远期粮食问题严重,中国粮食产需差率即需求量减生产量的差除以生产量,在2030年超过100%,产需缺口高达3.7... 研究这一问题,特别是把时间定于2030年,缘于国际原因。因为美国世界观察研究所所长布朗认为,中国2030年远期粮食问题严重,中国粮食产需差率即需求量减生产量的差除以生产量,在2030年超过100%,产需缺口高达3.7亿吨(《经济日报》1995年9月2... 展开更多
关键词 中国粮食 粮食单产 粮食消费 粮食总产量 复种指数 木本粮食 需求量 农作物 粮食播种面积 粮食需求
作者 顾海兵 《调研世界》 1996年第6期10-14,共5页
2030年中国粮食自给有余:产大于需10%中国人民大学教授顾海兵自古言,民以食为天,食以粮为本。古今中外皆把粮食当作战略性资源、关键性产品。作为人口大国,我国的粮食问题更为敏感。中国粮食生产的震动波及效应很大。中国粮... 2030年中国粮食自给有余:产大于需10%中国人民大学教授顾海兵自古言,民以食为天,食以粮为本。古今中外皆把粮食当作战略性资源、关键性产品。作为人口大国,我国的粮食问题更为敏感。中国粮食生产的震动波及效应很大。中国粮食生产若减产10%,则会对世界粮食... 展开更多
关键词 中国粮食生产 粮食单产 粮食消费 粮食需求 粮食总产量 复种指数 粮食播种面积 木本粮食 农作物 粮食生产量
关于我国绿化的几个问题——在政协第九届全国委员会常务委员会第六次会议闭幕式上的讲话(摘要) 被引量:2
作者 李瑞环 《国土绿化》 1999年第4期4-6,共3页
关键词 经济 全国委员会 几个问题 物质利益原则 闭幕式 环境与发展 木本粮食 绿化造 粮食产量 绿化工作
广辟木本粮油菜生产资源 被引量:1
作者 徐国锋 杨俊杰 李全新 《云南科技管理》 1997年第2期38-39,共2页
关键词 木本粮油 食用植物油 木本粮食 木本油料 食用油料 含油量 综合开发利用 基地建设 生产资源 粮食生产
作者 徐国峰 杨俊杰 李全新 《农学学报》 1997年第11期14-14,共1页
木本农业即以种植树木替代传统的粮油菜植物。木本植物为多年生树木,适应性强,主根系发达,须根萌蘖力强,可免耕抗旱,有机质丰厚,地力肥沃,光合作用能力是草木植物的3倍。树木浑身是宝,既可收获粮、油、菜、果,又可收获饲料,肥料、木材... 木本农业即以种植树木替代传统的粮油菜植物。木本植物为多年生树木,适应性强,主根系发达,须根萌蘖力强,可免耕抗旱,有机质丰厚,地力肥沃,光合作用能力是草木植物的3倍。树木浑身是宝,既可收获粮、油、菜、果,又可收获饲料,肥料、木材和其它林产品。且生态效益十分显著,可以从根本上解决温室效应、水旱失调、水土流失、大气污染、沙漠化等长期困扰农业持续发展的难题。 展开更多
关键词 树木 光合作用能力 农业持续发展 木本植物 木本农业 木本粮食 大气污染 生态效益 水土流失 温室效应
Livelihood Factors and Household Strategies for an Unexpected Climate Event in Upland Northern Laos 被引量:1
作者 Phanxay INGXAY Satoshi YOKOYAMA Isao HIROTA 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期483-500,共18页
Climate events pose major challenges to food production and the livelihoods of rural inhabitants in northern Laos, where upland rice using swidden production is an important crop. The onset of the rainy season in this... Climate events pose major challenges to food production and the livelihoods of rural inhabitants in northern Laos, where upland rice using swidden production is an important crop. The onset of the rainy season in this area is one such climate event, and it has occurred earlier and with less regularity in recent years. Not all households are able to cope with these changes. This study examines the ability of local farmers to cope with rice insufficiency. This investigation also clarifies household strategies in dealing with the climate event. We randomly interviewed 63 of 95 household heads, and performed a paired sample t test to examine the significance of differences in three household groups between the 2010 normal climate and the 2011 climate event. The groups were categorized according to rice selfsufficiency in 2011: groups I are households with rice self-sufficiency, group II are those facing a rice shortage of up to 3 months, and group III are those with insufficient rice for over 3 months. We also conducted a one-way ANOVA to examine the significance of differences in livelihood strategies among the three groups. We found that the household labor force was the most important factor in enhancing the villagers' ability to deal with the climate event and that the level of impact of that event shaped their coping strategies. Households with substantial labor force had more options for coping strategies than those with smaller ones. The villagers faced different levels of impact and adopted differentcoping strategies accordingly. Non-timber forest product collection was the principle livelihood strategy in response to non-climate factors such as education, access to health services, provision of equipment and clothing, and overcoming the impact of the climate event. Households heavily affected by the early rainy season onset tended to engage in intensive activities such as off-farm activity and outside work, rather than their major livelihood activities in the village(upland crop and livestock production). 展开更多
关键词 Climate events Livelihood factors Livelihood change Household strategy Swidden
作者 史一京 《科学中国人》 1995年第3期4-7,共4页
记者:李教授,您是我国农业方面的专家,想请您谈谈我国农业方面存在的问题。 李振声院士:农业问题是个很重要的问题,“民以食为天”嘛。我国农业生产面临的形势是十分严峻的,我国粮食产量缓慢增长已延续10年之久,从1984年到1993年粮食总... 记者:李教授,您是我国农业方面的专家,想请您谈谈我国农业方面存在的问题。 李振声院士:农业问题是个很重要的问题,“民以食为天”嘛。我国农业生产面临的形势是十分严峻的,我国粮食产量缓慢增长已延续10年之久,从1984年到1993年粮食总产由8164亿斤增至9129亿斤。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院院士 我国农业 生产发展 农学家 人均粮食占有量 粮食单产 木本粮食 粮食产量 粮食生产 木本粮油
作者 石山 《国土绿化》 1995年第6期17-20,共4页
一、一篇报道引发的思考 《经济参考报》(95.6.29)刊登了题为“黄河之水天上来,缘何奔流难到海”的报道,指出今年黄河断流时间提前、持续时间长、断流河段向上延伸,最后影响到郑州、济南两大省会城市供水普遍紧张,山东甚至不得不向河口... 一、一篇报道引发的思考 《经济参考报》(95.6.29)刊登了题为“黄河之水天上来,缘何奔流难到海”的报道,指出今年黄河断流时间提前、持续时间长、断流河段向上延伸,最后影响到郑州、济南两大省会城市供水普遍紧张,山东甚至不得不向河口地区紧急调水。情况确实是严峻的,因而作者发出了“难到海”的浩叹。这篇报道还引述了专家建议,要求对黄河水实行严格的统一管理和调度,以解决水资源紧缺和争水的矛盾。它使我久久地陷入沉思。 首先,黄河上中游用水量将不断增加,下游能用的水将不断减少,矛盾将进一步激化。 展开更多
关键词 建设山区 木本粮油 山区建设 经济 黄土高 绿色食品基地 小流域综合开发 发展战略 木本粮食 灌溉季节
Policy Review on Watershed Protection and Poverty Alleviation by the Grain for Green Program in China
作者 LIZhiyong 《Chinese Forestry Science and Technology》 2004年第2期77-83,共7页
The sustained growth of Chinese economy in the new century is a silver lining in the continuouslydepressed global economy. Meanwhile, the rapid development of Chinese economy is still confronted withconstraints from d... The sustained growth of Chinese economy in the new century is a silver lining in the continuouslydepressed global economy. Meanwhile, the rapid development of Chinese economy is still confronted withconstraints from deteriorating environment and rural poverty issues. It has become a significant policyoption in maintaining high speed, efficiency and sound development of Chinese economy to rehabilitateforest resources, improve ecological conditions, increase farmers income and get on a sustainable roadfeaturing coordinated development of population, resources and environment. The Grain for Green Program,as a CDM activity of Chinese style, launched on trial in 1999 and implemented in 2002 across the country,is the biggest land use transition, watershed management and poverty alleviation program involving thelargest population in Chinese history and across the globe. It covers 25 provinces/regions/cities and gets over1 600 counties, 15 million households and 60 million farmers were involved. Hence the Grain for Tree policyhas a significant bearing on ecological protection and farmers poverty alleviation in the soil and watererosion-prone region. A review and assessment of the background, essentials, effects, problems and trend ofthe Grain for Tree policy is of great significance for both China and the other developing countries in theworld in their efforts to combat the deteriorating environment and alleviate poverty. 展开更多
关键词 forest rehabilitation land use watershed management poverty alleviation
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