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水曲柳人工幼林高生长节律的研究 被引量:3
作者 刘强 王录 +1 位作者 马华文 端木海 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第2期17-23,共7页
通过对水曲柳人工幼林的高生长进行定时、定位观测,运用多元分析方法分析了水曲柳幼林的高生长在生长季节内的动态变化,其中,高生长量最大值出现在6月份,占全年总生长量的61.24%;在此基础上,确定了其生长速度的拐点。最后把人工水曲柳... 通过对水曲柳人工幼林的高生长进行定时、定位观测,运用多元分析方法分析了水曲柳幼林的高生长在生长季节内的动态变化,其中,高生长量最大值出现在6月份,占全年总生长量的61.24%;在此基础上,确定了其生长速度的拐点。最后把人工水曲柳幼林的高生长划分为五个生长阶段,即:初生期、缓慢期、速生期、下降期和终止期。 展开更多
关键词 水曲柳 人工林 林高 生长节律
基于极化干涉互相关矩阵的林高估计方法 被引量:2
作者 白璐 曹芳 洪文 《中国科学院研究生院学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期841-845,共5页
基于噪声影响较小的极化干涉数据的互相关矩阵,提出了一种新的林高估计方法.该方法使用互相关矩阵的奇异值分解代替ESPRIT方法中相干矩阵的特征分解,获取森林散射中心的干涉相位信息,再由森林散射中心的干涉相位差估计森林高度.该方法... 基于噪声影响较小的极化干涉数据的互相关矩阵,提出了一种新的林高估计方法.该方法使用互相关矩阵的奇异值分解代替ESPRIT方法中相干矩阵的特征分解,获取森林散射中心的干涉相位信息,再由森林散射中心的干涉相位差估计森林高度.该方法不但能抑制噪声对森林散射中心干涉相位估计的影响,还提高了运算效率.L波段松树林极化干涉仿真数据验证该方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 极化干涉合成孔径雷达 互相关矩阵 林高估计 散射中心
气候因子对樟子松人工林高生长的影响 被引量:3
作者 刘春江 米文精 崔继平 《山西林业科技》 北大核心 1995年第1期13-17,共5页
自70年代以来,山西雁北半干旱地区引种樟子松获得成功,现已大面积造林。本文在调查樟子松人工林生长状况的基础上,引用了关联度法初步分析了樟子松人工林高生长与当地气候因子的关系。结果表明:影响樟子松人工林高生长的主导气候... 自70年代以来,山西雁北半干旱地区引种樟子松获得成功,现已大面积造林。本文在调查樟子松人工林生长状况的基础上,引用了关联度法初步分析了樟子松人工林高生长与当地气候因子的关系。结果表明:影响樟子松人工林高生长的主导气候因子是年平均最高气温、蒸发量、年平均气温和降水量。 展开更多
关键词 樟子松 人工林高生长 气候因子 关联度分析
一个人文主义者的漫步——读林高《被追逐的滋味》 被引量:1
作者 石鸣 《华文文学》 2001年第2期46-50,共5页
关键词 林高 文化反思 文学化 香积寺 阅读趣味 徐治平 汪曾祺 余秋雨 叙述方式 人性光辉
24年,坚守孤岛——记国网莆田供电公司南日供电所党支部书记 林高思
作者 张云 李晓红 林挺 《国家电网》 2015年第3期72-77,共6页
风大,吹皱了天,吹浊了海,晨光晦暗。林高思在渡口等一艘船。地处福建莆田的南日岛,呈风雨欲来之势,尽显烟波浩淼、浊浪排空之色。水中零星卧着的或大或小的岛屿,皆被水雾淹没。雷声隆隆,天地混沌。林高思很焦急。船平日里只有四班,遇到... 风大,吹皱了天,吹浊了海,晨光晦暗。林高思在渡口等一艘船。地处福建莆田的南日岛,呈风雨欲来之势,尽显烟波浩淼、浊浪排空之色。水中零星卧着的或大或小的岛屿,皆被水雾淹没。雷声隆隆,天地混沌。林高思很焦急。船平日里只有四班,遇到这样的天气渡口便封船,抢修工作就会受到影响。远处,遥遥隐约可见的那座岛,以及居住在上面的6万人,是老林的全部。马达声传来,隔着风雷之音。 展开更多
关键词 林高 供电公司 南日 党支部书记 马达声 四班 输变电工程 千里之外 软接头 供电单位
作者 刘慧敏 李爱武 《内蒙古画报(蒙汉文版)》 2010年第2期20-23,共4页
在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟最东部的乌珠穆沁草原上镶嵌着一条美丽的河,它就是"乃林高勒"。在蒙语中,意为细瘦的小河,它形象地表达了在广袤的草原上那蜿蜒流淌的河流显得多么苗条婀娜。乃林高勒所在的满都胡宝拉格草原,生态环境保护... 在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟最东部的乌珠穆沁草原上镶嵌着一条美丽的河,它就是"乃林高勒"。在蒙语中,意为细瘦的小河,它形象地表达了在广袤的草原上那蜿蜒流淌的河流显得多么苗条婀娜。乃林高勒所在的满都胡宝拉格草原,生态环境保护得十分完好。犹如镶嵌在内蒙古大草原上的一颗绿宝石。 展开更多
关键词 林高 蜿蜒流淌 生态环境保护 拉格 胡宝 林河 九曲 白石山 使人 鸣叫声
作者 王金山 《大众电影》 2013年第11期39-39,共1页
老林受命后设计、绘图、制作,数月后,他即带着一台双向稳像仪来到了海南岛,经上舰试用后完全胜任。林高宸是八一厂电影机械方面的专家、人才不仅如此,他于镜头光学方面也是颇有心得,其业务能力与水平即使放到全国范围内的几家电影制片... 老林受命后设计、绘图、制作,数月后,他即带着一台双向稳像仪来到了海南岛,经上舰试用后完全胜任。林高宸是八一厂电影机械方面的专家、人才不仅如此,他于镜头光学方面也是颇有心得,其业务能力与水平即使放到全国范围内的几家电影制片厂里来比较的话,那也是超一流的。林高宸是江苏苏州人,生于1928年6月。一方山水养一方人,林高宸打小就聪慧心细,少时的他喜爱并且学习绘画,除此还对影像拍照以及影像器械等方面产生了浓厚的兴趣。1949年6月,刚满20岁的他,兴冲冲地报名参加解放军,被分配在28军政治部文工团里做摄影工作。 展开更多
关键词 林高 摄影助理 电影制片厂 电影机械 核爆 林哈夫 对我说 摄影工作 就这样 机械传动部分
作者 谭德忠 《民族大家庭》 2012年第5期37-39,共3页
在清江流域土家族聚居地,至今保留着一种用亦唱亦跳的歌舞表演来悼念亡人的习俗,谁家的老人去世后,在入土安葬的前一夜或几夜,邻近的乡邻、亲戚在亡人灵前摆一面大鼓,由一人击鼓,两人或多人对跳,亦歌亦舞,"笑着哭"来陪伴、追... 在清江流域土家族聚居地,至今保留着一种用亦唱亦跳的歌舞表演来悼念亡人的习俗,谁家的老人去世后,在入土安葬的前一夜或几夜,邻近的乡邻、亲戚在亡人灵前摆一面大鼓,由一人击鼓,两人或多人对跳,亦歌亦舞,"笑着哭"来陪伴、追悼亡人。这种习俗,土家人称之为"跳丧"、"打丧鼓" 展开更多
关键词 丧鼓 清江流域 跳丧 林高 土家人 湖北巴东 原生态唱法 撒尔嗬 电视专题片 歌舞表演
作者 王君珺 《优品》 2014年第2期129-129,共1页
你是否畅想过未来的汽车是什么样子?油耗能降低到多少?智能化程度能提高到什么级别?带着这样的疑问,我来到上海参加了"探秘车之未来"通用汽车中国公司2013年科技日系列活动。在通用汽车中国前瞻技术科尬中心,我们通过实验室... 你是否畅想过未来的汽车是什么样子?油耗能降低到多少?智能化程度能提高到什么级别?带着这样的疑问,我来到上海参加了"探秘车之未来"通用汽车中国公司2013年科技日系列活动。在通用汽车中国前瞻技术科尬中心,我们通过实验室参观、互动交流、主题沙龙等方式,深入了解了通用汽车在前瞻车辆设计、动力总成及车辆工程、信息技术以及研发等方面取得的成课,更令人兴奋的是,我采访到了通用汽车中国公司前瞻设设中心设计总监乌林高娃女士。 展开更多
关键词 设计总监 设计中心 乌林 车辆设计 动力总成 车辆工程 新能源产品 信息技术 林高 科研中心
在市场定位和细分上拓展运营优势 访法航荷航集团上海及华中地区经理林高
作者 罗克平 《航空港》 2010年第11期20-22,共3页
"法航荷航集团2009年机队规模在欧洲航空公司排名第一;集团从中国发往欧洲的航班密度在欧洲航空公司排名第一;法航荷航从上海始发至欧洲的航班每周为26个航班,在中国区内排名第一",法航荷航集团上海及华中地区经理林高如数家... "法航荷航集团2009年机队规模在欧洲航空公司排名第一;集团从中国发往欧洲的航班密度在欧洲航空公司排名第一;法航荷航从上海始发至欧洲的航班每周为26个航班,在中国区内排名第一",法航荷航集团上海及华中地区经理林高如数家珍地向记者介绍:"法国航空公司与荷兰皇家航空公司自2004年合并以来。 展开更多
关键词 法航 运营优势 机队规模 法国航空公司 公司排名 市场定位 林高 天合联盟 地面服务 达美航空
《中国汽配市场》 2009年第8期71-71,共1页
"国家不用多给我们,我们计划要120亿元就够了。120亿元就可完成国家的产业布局,一家需要资金600万元,2000家动态制造中心就成立了。这样,全中国一家静态制造厂都不需要了,全世界需要2万家动态制造中心,中国将来要占10%。"这... "国家不用多给我们,我们计划要120亿元就够了。120亿元就可完成国家的产业布局,一家需要资金600万元,2000家动态制造中心就成立了。这样,全中国一家静态制造厂都不需要了,全世界需要2万家动态制造中心,中国将来要占10%。"这是孙博林2009年3月19日在人民大会堂举行的"中国国际节能减排与社会责任高峰论坛"上的庄严承诺。ZZT技术的产业化。 展开更多
关键词 石油化工 ZZT 林高 节能减排 相关产品 新材料产业 自主知识产权 清洗油 金相结构 机械摩擦
作者 王如玉 《中国汽配市场》 2013年第4期50-53,共4页
"全世界工业部门1/3—1/2的能源消耗于机件间的摩擦,而磨损比摩擦的损失还要大12倍。解决金属摩擦、磨损自行修复是世界性难题,但ZZT工程解决了这一难题,它标志着人类由静态制造向动态制造技术方向发展,实现金属的可控"生长&q... "全世界工业部门1/3—1/2的能源消耗于机件间的摩擦,而磨损比摩擦的损失还要大12倍。解决金属摩擦、磨损自行修复是世界性难题,但ZZT工程解决了这一难题,它标志着人类由静态制造向动态制造技术方向发展,实现金属的可控"生长"。利用ZZT技术生产出的动能油可实现发动机节油3.1%以上。 展开更多
关键词 石油化工 林高 新兴产业 润滑油产品 工业部门 能源消耗 尾气污染 金相结构 制造工程 制造技术
作者 陈彦丽 《中国汽配市场》 2017年第3期28-31,共4页
孙博林中国发明家、环境战略专家、中国新能源十大领军人物,中国润滑油高端标准奠基人,博林高科(北京)石油化工有限公司董事长;对化学、物理、石油、化工、新材料、新能源、矿物能源等多学科进行数量科学研究,所领导的节能、环保、健康... 孙博林中国发明家、环境战略专家、中国新能源十大领军人物,中国润滑油高端标准奠基人,博林高科(北京)石油化工有限公司董事长;对化学、物理、石油、化工、新材料、新能源、矿物能源等多学科进行数量科学研究,所领导的节能、环保、健康新能源研究及RRTT工程及RRTT新材料润滑油的研发都有重大突破,建立世界'量级学'、'德沃会想' 展开更多
关键词 润滑油 RRTT 林高 有限公司 发动机寿命 北京 石油化工 石油化学工业 有机化工 董事长 奠基人
Some Notable Chinese in Dublin in the Mid-Twentieth Century
作者 Kevin MACKEOWN 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2024年第1期78-96,共19页
The careers of three Chinese physicists,Hu Ning,Ma Shijun,and Peng Huanwu at the Dublin Institute for Advance Studies in the 1940s,and later,are described.A brief history of the foundation and operations of the instit... The careers of three Chinese physicists,Hu Ning,Ma Shijun,and Peng Huanwu at the Dublin Institute for Advance Studies in the 1940s,and later,are described.A brief history of the foundation and operations of the institute,as well as the roles in it of Erwin Schrodinger,Walter Heitler,Max Born,and others are included.Some details are given of the works carried out there.The three men's post-institute careers are described,Ma eventually in Australia,and Hu and Peng in the People's Republic of China where they became distinguished leaders of theoretical physics research. 展开更多
关键词 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Eamon de Valera Erwin Schrodinger Paul Dirac Max Born Walter Heitle
Remote Sensing Monitoring of the Subalpine Coniferous Forests and Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristics of Succession in East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau——A Case Study With Zamtang County 被引量:5
作者 张学儒 张镱锂 +2 位作者 刘林山 张继平 高俊刚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期926-930,共5页
The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation... The study area lies in the Dadu River drainage area in upstream Yangtze River.The spatial distribution of subalpine coniferous forests in 1989 and 2009 was extracted by means of a combined method of object orientation and visual interpretation,and then the overlaying analysis of these data was conducted.The type and spatial location of succession were discovered and served as the sample of dependant variable.Meanwhile,supported by GIS technology and based on DEM and thematic data,the eight variables including altitude,slope,sin and cosin of aspect,curvity of land surface,and distance to residential area,cultivated land and road were extracted served as the sample of spatial succession of subalpine coniferous forests to fit Logistic Regression,and then the contribution of each independent variable as well as the spatial property of the occurrence probability of succession was calculated.The results suggested that,during the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to meadow,the closer to the residential area and cultivated land,the greater the contribution to succession is.In particular,when the distance to the residential area decreases by one unit,the probability for its conversion to meadow will be increased by 1.15 times.During the succession of subalpine coniferous forests to deciduous-broadleaved shrubs,the sin of aspect and distance to residential area contribute more,and the probability of succession increases with increasing degree of northwardness,i.e.when the degree of northwardness increases by one unit,the probability will be increased by 1.2 times.The quantitative analysis of spatial succession property of subalpine coniferous forests will supply scientific basis to the protection and restoration of subalpine coniferous forests. 展开更多
关键词 Subalpine Coniferous Forests Logistic Regression GIS East Mountain Area of Tibetan Plateau
Effect of Continuous Cropping on Leaf Nutrient and Growth of Different Species of Poplar Plantation 被引量:1
作者 房莉 余健 陈金林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期224-227,252,共5页
[Objective]The paper was to study the effect of continuous cropping on leaf nutrient and growth of different species of poplar plantation.[Method] The tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH),volume of different g... [Objective]The paper was to study the effect of continuous cropping on leaf nutrient and growth of different species of poplar plantation.[Method] The tree height,diameter at breast height(DBH),volume of different generations and species of poplar plantation in poplar production area in northern Jiangsu Province,as well as TN,TP and TK content in their leaves were determined through field investigation and indoor experiment.[Result] With the increasing generation,the changes of TN,TP and TK content in the leaves of different ages of two varieties of forest stand were also different.However,with the increasing tree ages,TN,TP and TK contents in leaves showed decrease trend.With the increasing generation,the changes of tree height of I-69 and I-72 poplar showed the similar trend.The effect of increasing generation on tree height of 7-year-old and 10-year-old poplar was relatively stable,showing decrease trend from generation to generation.The tree height of 4-year-old poplar first increased and then decreased with the increasing generation.The changes of DBH along with different generations were basically consistent with the changes of tree height.With the increasing cultivation generations,the volume of 7-year-old and 10-year-old poplar decreased with significant difference.[Conclusion ] The result provided basis for rational fertilization and management of poplar plantation,improvement of productivity of poplar plantation,and achievement of sustainable management of plantation. 展开更多
关键词 Poplar plantation Tree height DBH VOLUME NUTRITION
Competitive Strategies of Two Species of Co-occuring Tadpoles 被引量:3
作者 张晋东 熊晔 +3 位作者 傅之屏 李玉杰 戴强 王跃招 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期41-46,共6页
We examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans ) and frogs (Rana kukunoris ) which co-occur in natural pools in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. We measured the activity level, growth rate, ma... We examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans ) and frogs (Rana kukunoris ) which co-occur in natural pools in the Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve. We measured the activity level, growth rate, mass at metamorphosis and larval period in a laboratory experiment. Tadpoles of B. gargarizans were significantly more active when food was abundant than scarce, while there was no significant difference in the activity of R. kukunoris tadpoles at different food levels. At low food availability, mass at metamorphosis and growth rate of R. kukunoris were significantly increased in the presence of B. gargarizans, whereas the presence of R. kukunoris had no significant effect on the mass and growth rate of B. gargarizans. In all treatments, the larval period of B. gargarizans at low food availability was the shortest. These results suggest that B. gargarizans can adapt to different food levels by changing their activity rate. At high food level, B. gargarizans increased activity to gain more food. At low food level, B. gargarizans decreased activity and achieved early metamorphosis. However, when food resources were limited, R. kukunoris could gain more food than B.gargarizans . 展开更多
关键词 Activity level Mass at metamorphosis Bufo gargarizans Rana kukunoris Interspecific competition
Distribution characteristics and succession regulation of the forests in alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan Province, P.R.China 被引量:1
作者 向成华 杨玉坡 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期327-330,338,共4页
Since 1950, 700 plots were established in the alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan. The distribution charac-teristics and the relationships between forest succession and environmental gradients were studied. Th... Since 1950, 700 plots were established in the alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan. The distribution charac-teristics and the relationships between forest succession and environmental gradients were studied. The results showed that the main tree species were Picea and Abies in this region, and there were more than 90 forest types. Abies forests mainly dis-tributed in the middle and upper reaches of rivers and their branches, and Picea forests mainly distributed in wide valleys and on half-shaded and half-sunny slopes. The natural regeneration was poor under primitive spruce and fir forest canopy, but was good in the spruce and fire forest gap. The relationship between forest succession and vertical gradient was closely related to the relationship between forest succession procession and plant synusia under primary forests. Human activities could promote and postpone succession process. The results of expanding regeneration were often influenced by topography, vegetation and wind direction. 展开更多
关键词 Alpine and canyon region Forest succession Environmental gradients Forest gap Regeneration
The features of soil aggregation and its eco-environmental effects under different subalpine forests on the east slope of Gongga Mountain, China 被引量:3
作者 张保华 何毓蓉 +1 位作者 周红艺 程根伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第1期80-82,共3页
Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-1... Structural properties of forest soils have important hydro-ecological function and can influence the soil water-physical characters and soil erosion. The experimental soil samples were obtained in surface horizon (0-10 cm) from different subalpine forest types on east slope of Gongga Mountain in the upriver area of Yangtze River China in May 2002. The soil bulk density, porosity, stable infiltration rate, aggregate distribution and particle-size distribution were analyzed by the routine methods in room, and the features and effects on eco-environment of soil aggregation were studied. The results showed that the structure of soil under mixed mature forest is in the best condition and can clearly enhance the eco-environmental function of soil, and the soil structure under the clear-cutting forest is the worst, the others are ranked between them. The study results can offer a basic guidance for the eco-environmental construction in the upper reaches of Yangtze River. 展开更多
关键词 Soil aggregation Eco-environmental effects Subalpine forest Gongga Mountain China
The research on the highly efficient calculation method of 3-D frequency-domain Green function 被引量:1
作者 姚熊亮 孙士丽 +1 位作者 王诗平 杨树涛 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2009年第3期196-203,共8页
The traditional calculation method of frequency-domain Green function mainly utilizes series or asymptotic expansion to carry out numerical approximation, however, this method requires very careful zoning, thus the co... The traditional calculation method of frequency-domain Green function mainly utilizes series or asymptotic expansion to carry out numerical approximation, however, this method requires very careful zoning, thus the computing process is complex with many cycles, which has greatly affected the computing efficiency. To improve the computing efficiency, this paper introduces Gaussian integral to the numerical calculation of the frequency-domain Green function and its partial derivatives. It then compares the calculation result with that in existing references. The comparison results demonstrate that, on the basis of its sufficient accuracy, the method has greatly simplified the computing process, reduced the zoning and improved the computing efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 frequency-domain Green function numerical approximation Gaussian integral
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