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作者 钱振红 《中国食品》 2024年第19期161-161,共1页
众所周知,蒙古族过去属于游牧民族,游移不定的生活状态让蒙古族人对食物的要求很低,只需要“抗饿”“抗寒”即可,所以他们的饮食习惯偏“荤”。到了现代社会,蒙古族的人们虽不用再过游牧生活,但还是保留了祖先的饮食习惯,不仅变着花样... 众所周知,蒙古族过去属于游牧民族,游移不定的生活状态让蒙古族人对食物的要求很低,只需要“抗饿”“抗寒”即可,所以他们的饮食习惯偏“荤”。到了现代社会,蒙古族的人们虽不用再过游牧生活,但还是保留了祖先的饮食习惯,不仅变着花样“吃荤”,还发明出很多新的烹饪方法,其中就包括将面食“荤做”。这种做法简单说来就是在和面时加入牛(羊)油、鲜(酸)奶或是从鲜奶中提取的黄油,目的是为成品增香,这类美食有黄油卷子、奶酪饼、黄油饼、炸果条等。尤其是炸果条,醇香酥脆,饿时拿起一根塞进口中,咯嘣嘣嚼碎,顿时所有原材料的香味都被释放出来,舌头上的味蕾都欢快地跳起了舞蹈。 展开更多
关键词 饮食习惯 烹饪方法 果条 增香 游牧生活 蒙古族人 鲜奶 面食
新型复合果条质构特性测定参数的研究 被引量:4
作者 温靖 张友胜 +4 位作者 徐玉娟 肖更生 吴继军 唐道邦 李升锋 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期47-50,共4页
目的:使用质构仪测定复合果条的硬度和黏性,研究测试参数对测定结果的影响。方法:研究测试时探头速率、样本质量和原料搭配比例对复合果条硬度和黏性测定结果的影响。结果:测定时探头速率在30~120mm/min和240~480mm/min组内差异不显著... 目的:使用质构仪测定复合果条的硬度和黏性,研究测试参数对测定结果的影响。方法:研究测试时探头速率、样本质量和原料搭配比例对复合果条硬度和黏性测定结果的影响。结果:测定时探头速率在30~120mm/min和240~480mm/min组内差异不显著,但组间差异显著;样本质量对复合果条硬度和黏性的测定结果无显著影响;以原料不同搭配比例制作的复合果条对其质构有显著影响;在贮藏期分别为0、30和45d时,对果条硬度和黏性的测定结果均没有显著差异。结论:使用质构仪进行测定复合果条可以客观地反映产品硬度和黏性等质构特性的变化。 展开更多
关键词 复合果条 硬度 黏性 质构仪 测定参数
作者 李普越 《科学种养》 2008年第7期56-56,共1页
关键词 加工技术 果条 怪味 苹果加工 加工流程 保存期 消费者 成熟度
作者 孙旗 《农家之友》 2010年第5期48-48,共1页
用西瓜皮制作的果条色泽晶莹洁白、味甜酥脆,很受消费者欢迎。同时,也是使西瓜增值、增加瓜农收入的好方法。 (1)选料:选择新鲜、组织细密、中厚、含水量少的西瓜皮。
关键词 西瓜皮 加工技术 果条 消费者 含水量
《云南农业》 2008年第7期19-19,共1页
关键词 西瓜皮 加工技术 果条 消费者
作者 孙旗 《农技服务》 2006年第6期45-45,共1页
关键词 西瓜皮 加工技术 果条 消费者
番石榴果条加工工艺研究 被引量:4
作者 唐卿雁 杨怡 李永平 《食品工业》 北大核心 2013年第2期112-115,共4页
以野生番石榴为原料,研制酸甜可口,具有番石榴风味的果条产品。将番石榴打浆后,添加增稠剂、甜味剂以及柠檬酸等食品添加剂,然后通过加热浓缩、刮片、干燥和切条等工艺制作番石榴果条。在单因素试验和正交试验的基础上确定了增稠剂的最... 以野生番石榴为原料,研制酸甜可口,具有番石榴风味的果条产品。将番石榴打浆后,添加增稠剂、甜味剂以及柠檬酸等食品添加剂,然后通过加热浓缩、刮片、干燥和切条等工艺制作番石榴果条。在单因素试验和正交试验的基础上确定了增稠剂的最佳用量为琼脂粉0.7%,卡拉胶3.0%,魔芋粉0.5%;甜味剂的最佳用量为甘草素0.02%,木糖醇2.0%,麦芽糖浆3.0%和白砂糖5.0%;以产品的色泽、组织形态、滋味和口感等作为评价指标,确定了番石榴果条的最佳配方为甜味剂总量:柠檬酸:增稠剂总量=10:0.15:4。 展开更多
关键词 番石榴 果条 加工工艺 配方
无花果全果加工利用研究 被引量:2
作者 庄志发 杨福兰 +1 位作者 王金宁 柴艺秀 《山东林业科技》 2004年第4期13-14,共2页
将无花果鲜果或果干可食部分全部加工利用 ,取得浆汁作浑汁或清汁饮料 ,剩余浆渣作果条 ,加工成系列产品 ,杜绝废渣排放 ,保护环境 ,社会经济效益良好。
关键词 无花果 浑汁饮料 清汁饮料 果条 加工工艺
无花果全利用加工研究 被引量:2
作者 庄志发 杨福兰 陈敬坤 《山东食品发酵》 2002年第1期35-37,共3页
关键词 无花果 浑汁饮料 清汁饮料 果条 加工工艺 综合利用
创意席点 道不尽的时尚风情
作者 谢宇 《四川烹饪》 2008年第6期24-24,共1页
QQ卷 取元宵粉加入调成粉糊,上笼蒸熟后取出来制成面皮,改刀成小块后再分别抹上奶油,接着摆上水果条并包裹成条状,最后把每只都要切成两段装盘。
关键词 席点 创意 面皮 蒸熟 奶油 成条 果条 装盘
作者 施海涛 《饮食科学》 2013年第6期41-41,共1页
关键词 父亲 萝卜干 花生米 果条 咸菜 豆腐
作者 陶如意 谭俊杰 +1 位作者 王浩 刘赟 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第4期354-359,共6页
The sequential dispersing results of aerial cluster bomb are discussed. The ballistic model and the mod- el for impact point distribution of bullets are established. The main factors influencing impact point distribut... The sequential dispersing results of aerial cluster bomb are discussed. The ballistic model and the mod- el for impact point distribution of bullets are established. The main factors influencing impact point distribution are analyzed by numerical simulation. And the feasibility of improving distribution effect through sequential dis- persing is validated. Sequential dispersion and optimized airdrop parameters can help to achieve better battle effec- tiveness. 展开更多
关键词 aerial cluster bomb sequential dispersion exterior ballistic initial conditions of dispersing effect of distribution
Optimization of Chromatographic Conditions for Detecting Ellagic Acid in Pomegranate Peels Using HPLC Method 被引量:3
作者 夏小龙 彭蓉 +3 位作者 李树垠 李端阳 干霞 白琦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2400-2403,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to optimize the chromatographic conditions for detecting ellagic acid in pomegranate peels using HPLC method. [Method] By using 0.2 mg/ml ellagic acid standard solution, on the basis of si... [Objective] This study aimed to optimize the chromatographic conditions for detecting ellagic acid in pomegranate peels using HPLC method. [Method] By using 0.2 mg/ml ellagic acid standard solution, on the basis of single-factor experiment and orthogonal experiment, chromatographic conditions (mobile phase ratio, flow rate, col- umn temperature) for detecting ellagic acid using HPLC were optimized. Based on the optimal chromatographic conditions, the ellagic acid content in experimental pomegranate peels was determined. [Resull] The optimal chromatographic conditions for detecting ellagic acid in pomegranate peels using HPLC method are: 1.2% phos- phoric acid:acetonitrile=85:15, column temperature of 35 ℃, and flow rate of 1.0 ml/min. The linear regression equation of ellagic acid is: y=2.9e+0.6x+4.4e+5 (FF=9 999). Ac- cording to the standard addition recovery test, the average recovery rate of ellagic acid is 98.20%, and RSD is 0.60%. Under above optimized chromatographic condi- tions, ellagic acid can be well separated from other interfering components in pomegranate peels, with shorter peak time and ideal effect, which is convenient for the detection in production practices. [Conclusion] This study laid the foundation for detecting ellagic acid in pomegranate peels using HPLC method. 展开更多
关键词 Pomegranate peel Etlagic acid DETECTION HPLC
Study on the control of rice stripe disease with Bilken virusicide
作者 周辉 陈娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2007年第2期21-26,共6页
The paper reviewed the function mechanism of Bilken virusicide against rice stipe disease, and then introduced its control effects in field test as well as its application method.
关键词 BUken virusicide rice stripe disease control effect
Priority-sequence of mineral resources' development and utilization based on grey relational analysis method 被引量:3
作者 Wang Ying Zhang Chang Jiang Gaopeng 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期395-400,共6页
Generally, the sequence decision of the development and utilization of Chinese mineral resources is based on national and provincial overall plan of the mineral resources. Such plan usually cannot reflect the relative... Generally, the sequence decision of the development and utilization of Chinese mineral resources is based on national and provincial overall plan of the mineral resources. Such plan usually cannot reflect the relative size of the suitability of the development and utilization of mineral resources. To solve the problem, the paper has selected the gift condition, the market condition, the technological condition,socio-economic condition and environmental condition as the starting-points to analyze the influential factors of the priority-sequence of mineral resources' development and utilization. The above 5 conditions are further specified into 9 evaluative indicators to establish an evaluation indicator system. At last,we propose a decision model of the priority sequence based on grey relational analysis method, and figure out the observation objects by the suitability index of development. Finally, the mineral resources of a certain province in China were analyzed as an example. The calculation results indicate that silver(2.0057), coal(1.9955), zinc(1.9442), cement limestone(1.9077), solvent limestone(1.5624) and other minerals in the province are suitable for development and utilization. 展开更多
关键词 Mineral resources Development and utilization Priority-sequence Grey relational analysis method
Effects of different light conditions on repair of UV-B-induced damage in carpospores of Chondrus ocellatus Holm
作者 鞠青 肖慧 +1 位作者 王悠 唐学玺 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期664-678,共15页
We evaluated the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation and different light conditions on the repair of UV-B-induced damage in carpospores of Chondrus ocellatus Holm (Rhodophyta) in laboratory experiments. Carp... We evaluated the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation and different light conditions on the repair of UV-B-induced damage in carpospores of Chondrus ocellatus Holm (Rhodophyta) in laboratory experiments. Carpospores were treated daily with different doses of UV-B radiation for 48 days, when vertical branches had formed in all treatments; after each daily treatment, the carpospores were subjected to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), darkness, red light, or blue light during a 2-h repair stage. Carpospore diameters were measured every 4 days. We measured the growth and cellular contents of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), chlorophyll a, phycoerythrin, and UV-B-absorbing mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) in carpospores on Day 48. Low doses of UV-B radiation (36 and 72 J/m2) accelerated the growth of C. ocellatus. However, as the amount of UV-B radiation increased, the growth rate decreased and morphological changes occurred. UV-B radiation significant damaged DNA and photosynthetic pigments and induced three kind of MAAs, palythine, asterina-330, and shinorine. PAR conditions were best for repairing UV-B-induced damage. Darkness promoted the activity of the DNA dark- repair mechanism. Red light enhanced phycoerythrin synthesis but inhibited light repair of DNA. Although blue light, increased the activity of DNA photolyase, greatly improving remediation efficiency, the growth and development of C. ocellatus earpospores were slower than in other light treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Chondrus ocellatus Holm UV-B radiation blue light red light REPAIR
Quality of life and cost-effectiveness of combined therapy for reflux esophagitis 被引量:2
作者 姒健敏 王良静 +2 位作者 陈淑洁 赵岚 戴宁 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2003年第5期602-606,共5页
Objectiv e: To evaluate clinical,Quality of Life (QoL) and medical cost outcomes in pati ents with symptomatic reflux esophagitis (RE) receiving different ″triple c ombin ation therapy″ . Methods: A multicent... Objectiv e: To evaluate clinical,Quality of Life (QoL) and medical cost outcomes in pati ents with symptomatic reflux esophagitis (RE) receiving different ″triple c ombin ation therapy″ . Methods: A multicenter medical effectiveness trial conducte d in 10 hospitals of 5 regions in Zhejiang Province. 248 patient-volunteers were ass ig ned to 8 weeks of ″ triple combination therapy″ with Lansoprazole plus Cisapri de and Sucralfate or Ranitidine plus Cisapride and Sucralfate. Main outcomes asses sment included symptoms scale scores,RE severity,QoL at baseline and 8 weeks. Medical cost data were collected with cost analysis questionnaire. Results: (1)M ore Lansoprazole group patients noted RE symptoms resolution than Ranitidine gro up(92.3% vs 78.4%,P<0.01). There was no striking difference between two gro ups in RE healing rate (90.8% vs 82.9%, P>0.05). (2)RE significantly impaire d QoL of patients(P<0.001).Compared with Ranitidine group,QoL in Lansoprazole group had significant improvement (rate of ″good″ QoL 64.5% vs 45.6%,P<0.01). (3)T here w as close correlation between symptomic effectiveness and QoL rating scale in bot h the Lansoprazole and Ranitidine group(P<0.01,r=0.235 and 0.353 respec tively). There were no statistical difference of medical cost between the two groups ( P> 0.05). Conclusion: RE significantly impaired QoL of patients. ″Triple combinati o n therapies″ can significantly improve RE symptoms and QoL. Lansoprazole combin ation therapy was more cost-effective than Ranitidine combination group. 展开更多
关键词 Reflux esophagitis(RE) Quality of life Cost-effecti veness
Optimization of Extraction Technology of Ellagic Acid from Pomegranate Peels with Orthogonal Experiment 被引量:4
作者 干霞 陈亚楠 +3 位作者 余亮 朱柯成 曾星月 白琦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2404-2408,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal condition for extrac- tion of ellagic acid from pomegranate peels. [Method] With ellagic acid yield as an indicator, ultrasound extraction method was adopted to ... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal condition for extrac- tion of ellagic acid from pomegranate peels. [Method] With ellagic acid yield as an indicator, ultrasound extraction method was adopted to extract the ellagic acid from pomegranate peels, and the concentration of ellagic acid was measured by using ul- traviolet spectrophotometry; L9(34) orthogonal experiment was designed with four fac- tors at three levels, to investigate the effect of extraction temperature, extraction du- ration, solid-liquid ratio and ultrasound power on extraction rate of ellagic acid. [Re- sult] The optimal extraction condition for ellagic acid is extraction temperature of 30 ~C, solid-liquid ratio of 1:200, extraction duration of 20 min, and ultrasound power of 50 W. The relationship between primary and secondary factors affecting experimental indicators was solid-liquid ratio 〉 extraction duration 〉 ultrasound power 〉 extraction temperature. [Conclusion] Solid-liquid ratio has the maximum effect on extraction rate of ellagic acid. The ellagic acid extraction technology identified in this study is rea- sonable and feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Pomegranate peels ULTRASOUND Ellagic acid Extraction technology Or-thogonal experiment
Causal Stability Conditions for General Relativistic Spacetimes
作者 Ecaterina Marion Howard 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2012年第7期258-264,共7页
A brief overview of some open questions in general relativity with important consequences for causality theory is presented, aiming to a better understanding of the causal structure of the spacetime. Special attention... A brief overview of some open questions in general relativity with important consequences for causality theory is presented, aiming to a better understanding of the causal structure of the spacetime. Special attention is accorded to the problem of fundamental causal stability conditions. Several questions are raised and some of the potential consequences of recent results regarding the causality problem in general relativity are presented. A key question is whether causality violating regions are locally allowed. The new concept of almost stable causality is introduced; meanwhile, related conditions and criteria for the stability and almost stability of the causal structure are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Causality general relativity causal hierarchy causal stability spacetime topology global hyperbolicity chronology.
Selective aerobic oxidation of p-cresol with co-catalysts between metalloporphyrins and metal salts 被引量:1
作者 Yuanbin She Yao Fan +3 位作者 Lei Zhang Ying Xu Min Yu Haiyan Fu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1493-1498,共6页
A green and efficient method for the selective aerobic oxidation of p-cresol to p-hydroxybenzaldehyde catalyzed by co-catalysts between metalloporphyrins and metal salts was investigated and developed. The relationshi... A green and efficient method for the selective aerobic oxidation of p-cresol to p-hydroxybenzaldehyde catalyzed by co-catalysts between metalloporphyrins and metal salts was investigated and developed. The relationship between the synergistic catalytic effects and the composition as well as amount of co-catalysts was investigated. Moreover, the influence of different reaction conditions was studied in details. A high p-cresol conversion (〉99%) and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde selectivity (83%) were obtained using only 1.125 × 10- 5 mol T(p-CH3O)PPFe111Cl-Co(OAc)2 used under mild, optimized reaction conditions. A possible mechanism for the reaction was also proposed. This work would be meaningful and instructive for the further researches and applications of co-catalyst system on oxidation of cresols and could give some enlightenment on the selectively catalytic oxidation of the side-chain alkyls of aromatics. 展开更多
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