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作者 郭凯璐 陈宇峰 包建平 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第11期2082-2091,共10页
为研究生产中灌溉方式不科学造成果皮粗糙的问题,以5 a生主干形香梨为试验材料,在不同时期采用滴灌、沟灌、漫灌3种不同灌溉处理,通过调查香梨粗皮果发生量与发生部位;制作石蜡切片观察石细胞团形状和分布、计算石细胞团密度和直径及果... 为研究生产中灌溉方式不科学造成果皮粗糙的问题,以5 a生主干形香梨为试验材料,在不同时期采用滴灌、沟灌、漫灌3种不同灌溉处理,通过调查香梨粗皮果发生量与发生部位;制作石蜡切片观察石细胞团形状和分布、计算石细胞团密度和直径及果皮厚度;测量香梨的叶片含水量,比较其对香梨果皮发育的影响,筛选出1种可以促进果皮正常发育的灌溉时期和灌溉方式。结果表明,对其发生部位的影响中,不同灌溉处理后香梨树体内膛部分及粗度<1 cm的枝条上粗皮果发生量较大,短果枝及粗度>1 cm的枝条上粗皮果发生量较小,滴灌处理能够减少香梨树的粗皮果发生量。对果皮显微结构的影响中,随着果实的发育,石细胞团直径逐渐增加,滴灌处理后的石细胞团增加幅度较大,石细胞密度较小,漫灌处理后果皮的石细胞直径增加幅度较小,但石细胞密度较大,相较于沟灌和漫灌处理,滴灌处理的香梨果皮更薄。对叶片含水量的影响中,经过滴灌处理的香梨叶片含水量更高,漫灌处理的叶片含水量最低。通过隶属函数进行综合排名发现:在盛花期后、幼果发育期以及果实膨大期进行滴灌处理能够使果皮更光滑,石细胞团密度更低、直径更小,团间薄壁细胞排列更加整齐。 展开更多
关键词 香梨 灌溉时期 灌溉方式 果皮发育
作者 徐嘉娟 刘四黑 +4 位作者 杨冰 魏莹莹 朱亚艳 许杰 王港 《种子》 北大核心 2024年第6期12-20,共9页
生长素在植物生长发育过程中发挥重要调控作用,ARF和Aux/IAA是生长素介导的信号转导通路中的关键调节因子。果皮厚度直接影响油茶的经济产量,不同种质的油茶果皮厚度具有明显的分化,为进一步研究油茶果皮厚度调控机制,通过转录组学和生... 生长素在植物生长发育过程中发挥重要调控作用,ARF和Aux/IAA是生长素介导的信号转导通路中的关键调节因子。果皮厚度直接影响油茶的经济产量,不同种质的油茶果皮厚度具有明显的分化,为进一步研究油茶果皮厚度调控机制,通过转录组学和生物信息学系统分析油茶果皮转录组数据,筛选油茶果皮发育过程中可能存在相互作用的CoARF和CoIAA基因。结果表明,在油茶果皮转录组数据中共鉴定到19个CoARF和17个CoIAA基因,有10对CoARF-CoIAA(8个CoARF基因和6个CoIAA基因)的时空表达存在显著相关性,将其编码蛋白序列分别与拟南芥中的ARFs和IAAs构建系统进化树后发现,CoARF14、CoARF19和CoARF11与起转录抑制作用的AtARFS具有较近的亲缘关系。而CoARF6和CoARF10与起转录激活作用的AtARFS具有较近的亲缘关系。互作蛋白以拟南芥为参考进一步进行同源映射校验后,最终确定CoARF10-CoIAA5、CoARF6-CoIAA2和CoARF14-CoIAA12三对组合可能通过相互作用传递生长素信号参与调控油茶果皮发育。 展开更多
关键词 果皮发育 ARF AUX/IAA 互作筛选
荔枝果皮发育细胞学研究 被引量:6
作者 李建国 黄辉白 刘向东 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期23-28,共6页
以‘淮枝’荔枝为试材 ,对花前子房和花后果皮发育的解剖学特点进行了观察。荔枝果皮可划分为内、中、外 3层 ,外果皮由单层表皮细胞、龟裂片峰处表皮细胞上的角质、裂纹处表皮细胞上的薄壁细胞构成 ;中果皮是构建果皮的主体 ,由龟裂片... 以‘淮枝’荔枝为试材 ,对花前子房和花后果皮发育的解剖学特点进行了观察。荔枝果皮可划分为内、中、外 3层 ,外果皮由单层表皮细胞、龟裂片峰处表皮细胞上的角质、裂纹处表皮细胞上的薄壁细胞构成 ;中果皮是构建果皮的主体 ,由龟裂片峰下的厚壁组织、上中果皮和下中果皮构成 ;内果皮由薄壁未木栓化的皮层细胞构成。果皮的细胞分裂主要发生在开花前 ,花后不同部位的果皮细胞还有一定的分裂行为 ,但分裂的旺盛程度和停止时间有所不同 ,下中果皮停止早 ,约在花后 19d ,上中果皮其次 ,约在花后 32d ,内果皮和裂纹处外果皮最晚 ,约在花后 4 7d。细胞膨大规律总体呈“慢 -快 -慢”的S型。 展开更多
关键词 荔枝 果皮发育 细胞学 假种皮 细胞膨大规律 果皮构成
莲果皮发育及其结构的扫描电镜观察 被引量:6
作者 唐佩华 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 1988年第3期248-253,共6页
莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)的果皮由子房壁单独发育形成,可清晰地分出外果皮、中果皮和内果皮。在果皮基本组织中散生有维管束、分泌器和通气系统。通气系统由气孔、气道和气室组成。气孔在内、外表皮上都有,深陷于表皮下,形状特殊。... 莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)的果皮由子房壁单独发育形成,可清晰地分出外果皮、中果皮和内果皮。在果皮基本组织中散生有维管束、分泌器和通气系统。通气系统由气孔、气道和气室组成。气孔在内、外表皮上都有,深陷于表皮下,形状特殊。气道为裂生型,气室裂溶生型。气室内壁有孔与周围组织相通;气道、气室又与内、外表皮上的气孔相通,形成贯通果皮的通气网络。表皮上有多种分泌器,其分泌物的形态不同。乳汁管有节,分枝或不分枝。维管束木质部内有环纹和螺纹管胞和导管;韧皮部内有筛管、伴胞及内含物。在柱头下方的果皮上长一突起,果皮突起是莲的独特结构,是种子发育中起作用的呼吸器官。 展开更多
关键词 扫描电镜 果皮发育 精细结构 果皮突起 导管
Ultrastructure of Epidermis and Flesh of the Developing Apple Fruit 被引量:16
作者 彭宜本 张大鹏 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第8期794-802,共9页
The ultrastructure of the epidermis and flesh of apple ( Malus domestica Borkh cv. Red Fuji) fruit was systematically observed during the fruit development via transmission electron microscopy. The results showed t... The ultrastructure of the epidermis and flesh of apple ( Malus domestica Borkh cv. Red Fuji) fruit was systematically observed during the fruit development via transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that, in spite of the ultrastructural changes in many aspects of the developing fruit epidermal cells, it remained almost unchanged throughout the whole developmental process that the cytoplasm was filled with numerous endoplasmic reticula (ER). Most of these endoplasmic reticula were tube_like and rough_ER with enlarged cisterna from which many vesicles were produced. Some of the vesicles were shown to merge into vacuole. Some dynamic Golgi bodies were also found. All the ultrastructural characteristics showed that the epidermal cells have the features of excretory cells. The ultrastructure of the fruit flesh cells at the young fruit stage were shown to be metabolically active, characterized by the presence of numerous clustered plasmodesmata, cisterna enlarged_ and rough_ER filling the cytoplasm, plenty of vesicles and Golgi bodies, indicating their dynamic cellular transport function. Some giant_circular rough_ERs were found. All the ultrastructural features at this early developmental stage should be closely associated with the enlargement of the young fruit. At the rapid growing phase of the fruit the main changes were characterized by: the starch grain_filled amyloplasts, furcating of the single orifice of plasmodesmata, and the cytoplasm enrichment of both the Golgi body_formed vesicles and other vesicles. These features correspond well with those of a photoassimilate sink_cell. An ultrastructural degeneration phenomenon was observed at the fruit ripening stage, but the mitochondria and plasmalemma still remained intact, which might be related to the continuous development of fruit quality during the fruit ripening. 展开更多
玉环柚裂果内在原因分析初报 被引量:6
作者 章春泉 周今华 +1 位作者 胡传斌 陈玳清 《浙江柑桔》 北大核心 1995年第3期12-13,共2页
玉环柚裂果内在原因分析初报章春泉,周今华,胡传斌,陈玳清(浙江省科学院柑桔研究所317400)(浙江省玉环县文旦局)1不同类型玉环柚与裂果的关系玉环柚现分三种类型:梨形一般很少裂果或不裂果;高扁圆形和扁圆形占现栽种面... 玉环柚裂果内在原因分析初报章春泉,周今华,胡传斌,陈玳清(浙江省科学院柑桔研究所317400)(浙江省玉环县文旦局)1不同类型玉环柚与裂果的关系玉环柚现分三种类型:梨形一般很少裂果或不裂果;高扁圆形和扁圆形占现栽种面积99%,裂果率如“霜降”成熟期采... 展开更多
关键词 玉环柚 内在原因 中心柱 扁圆形 膨大速率 果实纵横径 果皮厚度 果形指数 果皮发育 裂果率
柑橘果实浮皮的研究与展望 被引量:3
作者 莫小荣 陈传武 胡承孝 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期136-143,共8页
浮皮是宽皮类柑橘常见生理性病害。基于国内外文献分析,指出柑橘浮皮果实具有果面粗糙,果皮发泡、粗厚、易腐烂,海绵层松散、塌陷、无序,果皮与果肉分离、空隙大的症状,果肉糖、酸含量低,囊瓣膜厚硬,汁胞失水硬化的品质特征,并从果实大... 浮皮是宽皮类柑橘常见生理性病害。基于国内外文献分析,指出柑橘浮皮果实具有果面粗糙,果皮发泡、粗厚、易腐烂,海绵层松散、塌陷、无序,果皮与果肉分离、空隙大的症状,果肉糖、酸含量低,囊瓣膜厚硬,汁胞失水硬化的品质特征,并从果实大小、成熟期、矿质营养、气候因素等方面阐述果实浮皮发生的条件,从细胞水平、生理水平及分子水平等方面揭示果实浮皮发生的机制。根据柑橘果实浮皮的“不同步发育”机制,提出亟需从源-库供应、竞争抑制和整体协调3个层面开展深入研究,力求通过“整体协调”与“靶向调节”破解柑橘果实浮皮难题。 展开更多
关键词 柑橘 浮皮 生理病害 品质特征 果皮不同步发育
Posterior gut development in Drosophila:a model system for identifying genes controlling epithelial morphogenesis 被引量:5
作者 LENGYEL JUDITH A XUE JUN LIU (Department of Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA USA, 90095-1606 USA) 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期273-284,共12页
The posterior gut of the Drosophila embryo, consisting of hindgut and Malpighian tubules, provides a simple,well-defined system where it is possible to use a genetic approach to define components essential for epithel... The posterior gut of the Drosophila embryo, consisting of hindgut and Malpighian tubules, provides a simple,well-defined system where it is possible to use a genetic approach to define components essential for epithelial morphogenesis.We review here the advantages of Drosophila as a model genetic organism, the morphogenesis of the epithelial structures of the posterior gut, and what is known about the genetic requirements to form these structures.In overview, primordia are patterned by expression of hierarchies of transcription factors; this leads to localized expression of cell signaling molecules, and finally, to the least understood step: modulation of cell adhesion and cell shape. We describe approaches to identify additional genes that are required for morphogenesis of these simple epithelia, particularly those that might play a structural role by affecting cell adhesion and cell shape. 展开更多
关键词 ORGANOGENESIS cell rearrangement convergent extension HINDGUT Malpighian tubule
Morphogenesis of Oil Palm Fruit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) in Mesocarp and Endocarp Development 被引量:1
作者 Hermine Bille Ngalle Joseph Martin Bell +3 位作者 Georges Franck Ngando Ebongue Lambert Nyobe Felix Chancelin Ngangnou Godswill Ntsefong Ntsomboh 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第2期153-158,共6页
This work aims to study the development of the pericarp of the fruit of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. var. dura. The thickness, the water and the oil contents of its tissues are evaluated every two weeks, from pollination t... This work aims to study the development of the pericarp of the fruit of Elaeis guineensis Jacq. var. dura. The thickness, the water and the oil contents of its tissues are evaluated every two weeks, from pollination to the maturity of the fruit. The development of the oil palm fruit takes 5.5 months. The endocarp reaches its maximum thickness at the 70th DPP (day post-pollination), with a water content of 72%. It then starts its dehydration, while sclerifying. It therefore isolates the seed at start and later protects it. The mesocarp is visible at anthesis and its water content is close to 92%. From the 100th DPP, it begins a continuous dehydration associated, from the 130th DPP, with an active lipids biosynthesis. Ultimately, the pericarp of the oil palm fruit fulfills both functions, namely to protect the seed by early sclerification of the endocarp and ensure the dissemination of the species by the high oil content of the mesocarp. A comparative anatomy of the pericarp tissues of the three genotypes.of E. guineensis Jacq., during the first three weeks of fruit development, will enhance the understanding of the primary effect of sh gene. 展开更多
关键词 Elaeis guineensis Jacq. FRUIT ENDOCARP MESOCARP development.
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