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汉语象声词的语义与标写形式 被引量:7
作者 赵爱武 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期104-108,共5页
从形与义的角度来看,记录象声词的字其偏旁与所指称对象之间有着密切关系。我们往往可以从其偏旁看出其指称对象,甚至感知其词汇意义。由于诸种因素的影响,象声词的标写形式存在着极大的"任意性"。象声词的不同标写形式在竞... 从形与义的角度来看,记录象声词的字其偏旁与所指称对象之间有着密切关系。我们往往可以从其偏旁看出其指称对象,甚至感知其词汇意义。由于诸种因素的影响,象声词的标写形式存在着极大的"任意性"。象声词的不同标写形式在竞争过程中,可能会在很长一段时间内同时并存,并在不断的发展过程中展开相互间的竞争,使用频率较高的形式往往就会逐渐凝固、保存下来,使用频率较低的形式可能逐渐失去生存的机会,或者只在某些方言中留存和使用。 展开更多
关键词 汉语 象声词 标写形式
作者 阚丽娜 《基础教育研究》 2002年第1期57-58,共2页
关键词 标写题名页 教育论文格式 署名 摘要 关键词
北京市城区地名标识语标写存在的问题及规制途径 被引量:7
作者 郭风岚 吴江菊 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期27-32,共6页
地名标识语是城市形象的窗口,其标写既要实用,又要科学规范,符合国际标准和国家标准。作为城市景观的重要组成部分,北京城区的地名标识语标写目前有待进一步标准化、规范化。根据实地考察及对部分外国人的调查与访谈,提出北京城区地名... 地名标识语是城市形象的窗口,其标写既要实用,又要科学规范,符合国际标准和国家标准。作为城市景观的重要组成部分,北京城区的地名标识语标写目前有待进一步标准化、规范化。根据实地考察及对部分外国人的调查与访谈,提出北京城区地名标识语的标写应坚持分级、分层、分类的管理原则,并依此设计了两种标写文本格式,即"汉字+全拼写"和"汉字+全拼写+括注英释"。其中,"汉字+全拼写"为标准格式,用于标写所有地名标识语;"汉字+全拼写+括注英释"为标准补充格式,主要用于部分地点类标识语标写,方便外国游人。 展开更多
关键词 北京城区 地名识语 标写 准格式 准补充格式
作者 尼玛桑姆 《故事家(下)》 2024年第2期157-159,共3页
随着新课程标准的深入实施,小学语文教学面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇。在新课标的引领下,促进学生语文素养的全面发展成为教育的核心目标。其中,阅读与写作作为语文教学不可或缺的两翼,其有效结合不仅能够提升学生的语言文字运用能力,... 随着新课程标准的深入实施,小学语文教学面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇。在新课标的引领下,促进学生语文素养的全面发展成为教育的核心目标。其中,阅读与写作作为语文教学不可或缺的两翼,其有效结合不仅能够提升学生的语言文字运用能力,还能深化其情感体验与思维品质。本文旨在探讨新课标背景下,小学语文教学中读写结合的教学策略,通过理论阐述与实践案例分析,以期实现学生语文素养的全面提升。 展开更多
关键词 新课小学语文读结合教学策略
作者 陈晓琴 《国家通用语言文字教学与研究》 2024年第4期22-25,共4页
随着国家对国家通用语言文字普及和推广的力度的不断加强,各高校对此也越来越重视,普通话训练逐渐成为了大多数高校的必修课程。这不仅是培养学生综合素质的重要举措,也是推动国家通用语言文字高质量发展,增强中华文化认同的重要一环。... 随着国家对国家通用语言文字普及和推广的力度的不断加强,各高校对此也越来越重视,普通话训练逐渐成为了大多数高校的必修课程。这不仅是培养学生综合素质的重要举措,也是推动国家通用语言文字高质量发展,增强中华文化认同的重要一环。“命题说话”作为普通话水平测试中的一个关键环节,在总评分中占据着相当重要的得分比例。然而,由于种种原因,这一环节往往成为多数学生不擅长且容易失分的领域。本篇文章先从考生在“命题说话”中主要的失分原因入手进行分析,在此基础上探讨“写、改、标、背、练”对“命题说话”的意义以及具体操作办法,从而帮助学生提高普通话水平测试成绩,以期为相关教师提供一些有益的参考和启示。 展开更多
关键词 命题说话 、改、、背、练 应用研究
对外汉语教学中儿化的标音问题 被引量:6
作者 徐越 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期124-128,共5页
《汉语拼音方案》中"原韵母+r"的儿化标音,在对外汉语教学中对留学生掌握儿化词有一定程度的影响。为此,分析了小学语文教科书中儿化不采用"原韵母+r"标写的原因,吸收了汉语方言研究中采用实际读音标写的优点,提出... 《汉语拼音方案》中"原韵母+r"的儿化标音,在对外汉语教学中对留学生掌握儿化词有一定程度的影响。为此,分析了小学语文教科书中儿化不采用"原韵母+r"标写的原因,吸收了汉语方言研究中采用实际读音标写的优点,提出了两种可互相补充的儿化标写方法,建议在对外汉语教学的初级阶段,儿化最好采用实际读音标写。 展开更多
关键词 对外汉语教学 儿化的音问题 “原韵母+r”标写 实际读音标写
《汉语拼音方案》应用调查分析 被引量:1
作者 刘一梦 《现代语文》 2021年第4期51-60,共10页
通过跨年龄层、跨学历层的3687份调查,可以发现,在中国人的网络交流中,拼音输入法占近90%的绝对优势,尤其是女性、年轻人以及曾就读城市小学、高学历的人,更偏爱使用拼音输入法。大学专业是否具有拼音方案理论知识与拼音使用量并无必然... 通过跨年龄层、跨学历层的3687份调查,可以发现,在中国人的网络交流中,拼音输入法占近90%的绝对优势,尤其是女性、年轻人以及曾就读城市小学、高学历的人,更偏爱使用拼音输入法。大学专业是否具有拼音方案理论知识与拼音使用量并无必然联系。同时,形成了与社会因素相关的拼音使用情况的差异。通过对省写规则和声调标写的考察,可以发现,女性省写规则的正确率要高于男性;硕士、博士的正确率要高于其他学历层次;具有中国语言文学专业背景的人的正确率略高于其他专业;曾就读省会及中心城市小学的人的正确率要高于乡村、县城小学。拼音使用的规范程度并未绝对按照行政层级——省会城市、地级市、县城、乡村的梯度排列。 展开更多
关键词 《汉语拼音方案》 规则 声调标写
作者 杨友田 《辽东学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1996年第3期14-17,3,共5页
关键词 改造与定制DOS系统 屏蔽命令接口 修改命令字 屏蔽外部通讯接口 屏蔽F5/F8旁路功能 硬盘保护 标写保护
作者 李刚 《吐鲁番学研究》 2013年第2期61-68,共8页
除了鄂尔浑河(Orhon)、叶尼塞河(Yenisey)之外,塔拉斯河(Talas)又是突厥文碑铭发现的重要流域之一,在该流域发现的并以其命名的突厥文碑铭共有13个。本文主要选取塔拉斯流域的Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号碑铭进行研究,并分别对这两个碑铭进行标写、转写... 除了鄂尔浑河(Orhon)、叶尼塞河(Yenisey)之外,塔拉斯河(Talas)又是突厥文碑铭发现的重要流域之一,在该流域发现的并以其命名的突厥文碑铭共有13个。本文主要选取塔拉斯流域的Ⅰ号和Ⅱ号碑铭进行研究,并分别对这两个碑铭进行标写、转写、汉译和注释。 展开更多
关键词 塔拉斯(Talas Ⅰ-Ⅱ)碑铭 标写 汉译 注释
作者 张震华 《渔业机械仪器》 1986年第3期35-36,共2页
关键词 渔船 计算机技术 管道 标写方法 计算方法
How to Write English Titles, Abstract and Key Words for Folklore Papers: Practice and Analysis
作者 马建忠 马伟 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第6期68-71,75,共5页
Folklore research entails field trips, serve as secondary role. Writing of title, abstract and while textual study and circumstantial investigation merely keywords for folklore papers differs from that of other types ... Folklore research entails field trips, serve as secondary role. Writing of title, abstract and while textual study and circumstantial investigation merely keywords for folklore papers differs from that of other types of articles. Proceeding from writing strategies and linguistic features, the authors intend to share their experience with fellow researchers. 展开更多
关键词 folklore research papers titles ABSTRACTS key words writing strategies linguistic features
Sensibility Analysis of the Brazilian Standards for Energy Efficiency Regarding the Variation of Internal Load Density in Office Buildings in Brazilian Bioclimatic Zones 1 and 7
作者 Mariane Pinto Brandalise Eduardo Grala da Cunha Larissa Cristina de Oliveira 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第1期22-36,共15页
The RTQ-C (Technical Requirements of Quality for the Energy Performance Level of Commercial Buildings) publication classified the buildings in five efficiency levels. In RTQ-C, the evaluation can be done with two me... The RTQ-C (Technical Requirements of Quality for the Energy Performance Level of Commercial Buildings) publication classified the buildings in five efficiency levels. In RTQ-C, the evaluation can be done with two methods: a prescriptive method and a simulation one. This paper aims to identify the sensibility of the prescriptive method RTQ-C regarding the variation of equipment internal load density in office buildings in bioclimatic Zones I and 7 of the Brazilian bioclimatic zoning. The research results show that the building with walls and roof configured to meet specific prerequisites for energy efficiency Levels B and C had a lower consumption than buildings that meet the prerequisites to Level A. The study also showed that buildings with high internal load density of equipment, maximum shape factor and high, with walls and roofs with higher thermal transmittance, have lower power consumption than constructions with an envelope with greater thermal resistance. The increase in internal load density causes an increase in the internal heat generated by the large amount of equipment. In buildings with higher thermal insulation (Level A), the internal heat is maintained in the environment, causing overheating and the need for an air conditioning system. 展开更多
关键词 RTQ-C internal load density office buildings energy modeling energy efficiency in buildings.
Some Reflections on the Titles of English Majors' B.A. Theses
作者 WANG Xiao-yan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1568-1572,共5页
English majors' B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) thesis writing is an important part and test of the students' four-year undergraduate education. It lays solid foundation for their future study and work. Yet serious proble... English majors' B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) thesis writing is an important part and test of the students' four-year undergraduate education. It lays solid foundation for their future study and work. Yet serious problems exist during the process. The author of the paper collects and analyzes the 289 titles of English majors' B.A. writing in the recent two years in Changchun University, China. The results of the analysis reveal that almost 40% of the titles are on literature every year and among them there are some similar titles. In view of this situation, the author first explores the reasons that caused those problems. One of the important reasons is that the increasing of the supervisors and reference materials cannot keep the pace of the expanding of students' numbers. The author, after that, makes some reflections on those problems, then proposes five practical supervising strategies, and makes some relevant suggestions for English major's thesis writing. Meanwhile some other related problems in thesis writing in China are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 titles English major B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) THESIS REFLECTIONS
Measuring Raters' Scoring Performance and Their Scoring Results in Terms of Writing Performance Measures 被引量:1
作者 陈慧媛 吴利敏 +4 位作者 王幼明 湛冰 洪耀花 刘岩 赵俊海 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2014年第1期3-20,128,共19页
This explorative study investigates 1) whether and how quantitative measures of writing can be applied in finding out about scoring raters' specific tendency in their scoring of EFL writing; 2) how the knowledge of... This explorative study investigates 1) whether and how quantitative measures of writing can be applied in finding out about scoring raters' specific tendency in their scoring of EFL writing; 2) how the knowledge of raters' tendency and scoring results would help verify the best way of combining raters' scores; and 3) how the prediction of the writing scores of EFL writing obtained by quantitative writing performance measures would match the real scores given by raters. Based on a tentative CAF framework of writing measures, raters' performance or tendency in their scoring was observed and certain patterns of similarities as well as differences were found among the raters. The resuks of multiple linear regressions indicate that all raters give prior attention to the aspect of accuracy in their scoring. Differences among raters are also obvious. When it comes to the combination of different raters' scores, the study also finds that weighted average is the best of the three ways of combining scores for this group of raters because it has yielded the best predicting scores than the "pure average". It is even slightly better than the results obtained by facet analysis in terms of some important indices such as R square and Durbin-Watson value. The matching of the predicted scores with the real scores is well over 50 percent. The results of the study are further discussed in relation to the application of wpm and the possible improvement of wpm framework. The methodological, theoretical and practical implications of the study have also been touched upon in the relevant part of the article. 展开更多
关键词 writing performance measures scoring of EFL writing rater performance predicted scores
Modeling Refractive Index Change in Writing Long-Period Fiber Gratings Using Mid-Infrared Laser Radiation
作者 Joāo M. E COELHO Marta C. NESPEREIRA Manuel ABREU José M. REBORD.AO 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第1期67-73,共7页
The research on the use of fiber sensors based on long-period fiber gratings inscribed by CO2 laser mid-infrared radiation has increased in the last years. In this paper, a set of analytical expressions are used to mo... The research on the use of fiber sensors based on long-period fiber gratings inscribed by CO2 laser mid-infrared radiation has increased in the last years. In this paper, a set of analytical expressions are used to model the interaction between laser radiation and an optical fiber and to determine the resulting refractive index change. Thermal and residual stress analysis is exemplified for a standard single mode fiber, demonstrating the capability of these models to point out the necessary parameters to achieve proper optical fiber devices based on long period fiber gratings. Experimental results are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Optical fiber sensors fiber gratings laser processing refractive index thermo-mechanical processes
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