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作者 张家琪 马莉 +1 位作者 赵臻霞 丛鹏伟 《中国标准化》 2024年第19期82-90,共9页
标准化水平是衡量企业核心竞争力的重要指标,客观、科学的标准实施效益评价对进一步做好标准化工作具有重大战略意义。本文针对大型公益企业标准实施效益量化难、单项标准贡献度分离难的问题,分析了技术标准产生效益的作用机理,提出了... 标准化水平是衡量企业核心竞争力的重要指标,客观、科学的标准实施效益评价对进一步做好标准化工作具有重大战略意义。本文针对大型公益企业标准实施效益量化难、单项标准贡献度分离难的问题,分析了技术标准产生效益的作用机理,提出了业务链条准确关联技术标准与实施效益、量化评估标准对业务的贡献度的“全链条价值分解法”,探讨了该方法的总体思路和评价框架,最后通过具体案例实现技术标准体系化实施效益评价和分析。实践结果表明该方法适用于大型公益性企业的技术标准体系化实施效益评价,填补了大型公益性企业在系统性评估标准实施效益方法上的空白。 展开更多
关键词 标准 实施效益 评价方法 技术标准体系化
浅析我国冷链标准体系化问题与对策 被引量:1
作者 龚雅雯 《价值工程》 2016年第29期97-99,共3页
文章先是概述中国冷链的发展近况,突出标准体系化的重要性,接着分析体系化建设的意义,根据中国近几年冷链标准体系化进程总结其中出现的问题并提出对策,最后援引海南开展的首批省级农产品流通服务标准化试点工作实例简略论述所列建议之... 文章先是概述中国冷链的发展近况,突出标准体系化的重要性,接着分析体系化建设的意义,根据中国近几年冷链标准体系化进程总结其中出现的问题并提出对策,最后援引海南开展的首批省级农产品流通服务标准化试点工作实例简略论述所列建议之实效性。 展开更多
关键词 冷链 标准体系化 实效性
作者 姜冠戎 万战翔 邱少林 《石油工业技术监督》 1999年第7期1-2,共2页
以“四跨”为特征的中国石油天然气集团公司(以下简称“集团公司”)的正式成立,标志着集团公司将作为一个真正的企业进入市场,而不再具有政府管理职能.企业是市场竞争的主体,集团公司不仅面临着国内的市场竞争,还面临与国际跨国石油公... 以“四跨”为特征的中国石油天然气集团公司(以下简称“集团公司”)的正式成立,标志着集团公司将作为一个真正的企业进入市场,而不再具有政府管理职能.企业是市场竞争的主体,集团公司不仅面临着国内的市场竞争,还面临与国际跨国石油公司的竞争.企业经营由生产型向生产效益型转变,提高经济效益是集团公司的根本目标之一. 展开更多
关键词 企业 标准体系 集团公司
高校“课程思政”体系化建设的标准 被引量:4
作者 朱秋 《教育教学论坛》 2020年第32期82-84,共3页
习近平总书记在2016年底全国高校思想政治工作会议上的重要讲话不仅明确了课程思政的基本含义和基本要求,也为推进高校课程思政体系化建设和教育教学创新指明了方向。加强课程思政体系化建设研究不仅具有理论意义,更具有现实意义。文章... 习近平总书记在2016年底全国高校思想政治工作会议上的重要讲话不仅明确了课程思政的基本含义和基本要求,也为推进高校课程思政体系化建设和教育教学创新指明了方向。加强课程思政体系化建设研究不仅具有理论意义,更具有现实意义。文章对高校“课程思政”体系化建设标准进行了研究,提出高校“课程思政”体系化建设的标准包括建设定位、课程建设、教师队伍、教学条件、质量管理、校风和学风建设等六个方面,并对每个方面的建设标准进行了具体阐述。 展开更多
关键词 高校 课程思政 体系建设标准
作者 张晓慧 《兰州教育学院学报》 2016年第12期156-159,162,共5页
公法与私法的概念,不是一成不变的,经历了从单纯的类型化的概念工具,到学科体系化的工具,再到包含价值取向内涵的法学术语这样几个阶段。通过梳理公私法概念的时代特征与演进特征,认识到应在变迁的需要、语境与传统中研究公私法问题。... 公法与私法的概念,不是一成不变的,经历了从单纯的类型化的概念工具,到学科体系化的工具,再到包含价值取向内涵的法学术语这样几个阶段。通过梳理公私法概念的时代特征与演进特征,认识到应在变迁的需要、语境与传统中研究公私法问题。文章进一步探讨了公私法二分问题上,我们的传统、我们所处的阶段和未来的走向。 展开更多
关键词 公法 私法 概念工具 体系标准 价值取向
中医护理标准体系构建研究 被引量:1
作者 刘继芬 万长秀 齐桂 《湖北中医杂志》 2011年第11期68-69,共2页
标准化是人类社会实践活动的一部分,几乎渗透到人类社会实践活动的一切领域[1]。在护理行业,标准化无疑成为了衡量现代护理实践水平的重要标志[2]。目前,随着人民生活水平的不断提高及思想观念的改变,大家逐渐意识到中医治疗及中医护理... 标准化是人类社会实践活动的一部分,几乎渗透到人类社会实践活动的一切领域[1]。在护理行业,标准化无疑成为了衡量现代护理实践水平的重要标志[2]。目前,随着人民生活水平的不断提高及思想观念的改变,大家逐渐意识到中医治疗及中医护理的优越性,中医及中医护理在世界各地得到了不断的发展,但中医护理作为中医发展不可或缺的一部分,长期以来缺乏一个统一标准体系的指导,这大大增加了中医护理的盲目性及不规范性,制约了中医护理的发展[3]。 展开更多
关键词 中医护理 标准体系化 研究
构建“质量标准化”体系 做大“提升茧品位”文章
作者 顾光银 庄桂香 丁宁 《丝绸》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第10期30-31,共2页
关键词 东台市 养蚕业 桑树品种 蚕用品种 小蚕饲养 “质量标准体系 桑园施肥
中国甲醇产业链现状分析及发展趋势 被引量:10
作者 薛金召 杨荣 +3 位作者 肖雪洋 马亚斌 汪希领 廖有贵 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期1-7,共7页
经历过高速增长期后,我国甲醇产能扩张趋于放缓,装置规模化和产业集中度明显提升;甲醇下游呈多元格局,传统消费领域甲醇需求趋于平稳增长,甲醇燃料渐成规模,甲醇制烯烃成为新兴的主力消费市场,甲醇制芳烃、甲醇制汽油、甲醇蛋白等高附... 经历过高速增长期后,我国甲醇产能扩张趋于放缓,装置规模化和产业集中度明显提升;甲醇下游呈多元格局,传统消费领域甲醇需求趋于平稳增长,甲醇燃料渐成规模,甲醇制烯烃成为新兴的主力消费市场,甲醇制芳烃、甲醇制汽油、甲醇蛋白等高附加值产品领域消费潜力凸显;大力发展甲醇产业,对于优化和调整我国石油化工产业结构、提高化工产品国际市场竞争力具有十分重要的意义。我国甲醇市场要保持平稳向好的发展态势,仍需延伸产业链条,发展有竞争力的衍生物产品,同时要加快甲醇下游衍生物标准化体系建设,推动先进技术产业示范进程。 展开更多
关键词 甲醇 产业链 供需状况 多元 标准体系化建设
我国甲醇新兴应用领域前景分析 被引量:4
作者 薛金召 汪希领 +1 位作者 王先锋 申明 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S1期144-151,共8页
介绍了我国甲醇市场的生产和消费情况以及下游产品的产业发展趋势。指出:经历过高速增长期后,我国甲醇产能扩张趋于放缓,装置规模化和产业集中度明显提升;甲醇下游呈多元格局,传统消费领域甲醇需求趋于平稳增长,甲醇燃料渐成规模,甲醇... 介绍了我国甲醇市场的生产和消费情况以及下游产品的产业发展趋势。指出:经历过高速增长期后,我国甲醇产能扩张趋于放缓,装置规模化和产业集中度明显提升;甲醇下游呈多元格局,传统消费领域甲醇需求趋于平稳增长,甲醇燃料渐成规模,甲醇制烯烃成为新兴的主力消费市场,甲醇制芳烃、甲醇制汽油、甲醇制聚碳酸酯、甲醇蛋白等高附加值产品领域消费潜力凸显;大力发展甲醇产业,对于优化和调整我国石油化工产业结构、提高化工产品国际市场竞争力具有十分重要的意义。最后指出,我国甲醇市场要保持平稳向好的发展态势,仍需延伸产业链条,发展有竞争力的衍生物产品,同时,要加快甲醇下游衍生物标准化体系建设,推动先进技术产业示范进程。 展开更多
关键词 甲醇产业链 供需状况 多元 标准体系化建设
作者 纪翠玲 池天河 +2 位作者 何建邦 毕建涛 杨帮会 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期114-116,共3页
中国可持续发展信息共享是我国为探索国家层次上信息共享的示范,旨在向政府部门与社会公众提供可持续发展各专题的数据与信息服务,数据仓库的建设是实现信息共享与服务的支撑和基础。本文首先通过数据提取、数据转化、数据清洗以及创建... 中国可持续发展信息共享是我国为探索国家层次上信息共享的示范,旨在向政府部门与社会公众提供可持续发展各专题的数据与信息服务,数据仓库的建设是实现信息共享与服务的支撑和基础。本文首先通过数据提取、数据转化、数据清洗以及创建元数据和数据字典等步骤,对多源异构的中国可持续发展数据进行了体系化扩展和标准化改造,为数据进入仓库奠定了基础。之后通过一套新颖的数据多维组织模式,即基于可持续发展信息分类与编码的数据组织、基于元数据和数据字典的数据组织、基于空间和时间的数据组织及面向数据集市的部门级数据组织这四种方式的综合应用,实现了海量可持续发展数据的组织和管理,建立了一个集中式的可持续发展数据仓库。最后介绍了数据仓库管理平台,并对基于该数据仓库的可持续发展数据共享和网络服务进行了展示。中国可持续发展数据仓库的建立为中国可持续发展信息共享和服务提供了良好数据基础,对国家级大型信息共享工程的建设具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国可持续发展信息共享 数据仓库 体系重组和标准改造 多维数据组织模式
Proper Management of Standardization to Promote the Development of Marine Environment Protection 被引量:2
作者 Wu Aina 《China Standardization》 2009年第6期6-15,共10页
Marine environment protection is an important aspect of environmental protection inChina.The role of standards in marine environment protection,the government's regulation ofthe marine environment,and supporting e... Marine environment protection is an important aspect of environmental protection inChina.The role of standards in marine environment protection,the government's regulation ofthe marine environment,and supporting economic and social development will become increasinglyprominent.This article outlines the circumstances and standardization of marine environmentprotection,construction of the standards system for marine environment protection andprospects for standardization of marine environment protection. 展开更多
关键词 marine environment protection standardization standards system
The Impact of Delay in Software-Defined Integrated Terrestrial-Satellite Networks 被引量:4
作者 Luca Boero Mario Marchese Fabio Patrone 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第8期11-21,共11页
Satellite communication networks have been evolving from standalone networks with ad-hoc infrastructures to possibly interconnected portions of a wider Future Internet architecture. Experts belonging to the fifth-gene... Satellite communication networks have been evolving from standalone networks with ad-hoc infrastructures to possibly interconnected portions of a wider Future Internet architecture. Experts belonging to the fifth-generation(5 G) standardization committees are considering satellites as a technology to integrate in the 5 G environment. Software Defined Networking(SDN) is one of the paradigms of the next generation of mobile and fixed communications. It can be employed to perform different control functionalities, such as routing, because it allows traffic flow identification based on different parameters and traffic flow management in a centralized way. A centralized set of controllers makes the decisions and sends the corresponding forwarding rules for each traffic flow to the involved intermediate nodes that practically forward data up to the destination. The time to perform this process in integrated terrestrial-satellite networks could be not negligible due to satellite link delays. The aim of this paper is to introduce an SDN-based terrestrial satellite network architecture and to estimate the mean time to deliver the data of a new traffic flow from the source to the destination including the time required to transfer SDN control actions. The practical effect is to identify the maximum performance than can be expected. 展开更多
关键词 Integrated terrestrial-satellite net-works software defined networking software defined satellite networks delay estimation
On the Establishment of Chinese Logistics4 Standardization System Form
作者 Hongjie Lan Yaoqiu Wang 《Chinese Business Review》 2004年第3期41-48,共8页
With the rapid development of logistics in China, logistics standardization is becoming more and more important, while the need for logistics standardization can't meet the current circumstance. This paper analyzes s... With the rapid development of logistics in China, logistics standardization is becoming more and more important, while the need for logistics standardization can't meet the current circumstance. This paper analyzes some typical points of view on how to build the logistics standardization form in China and brings out the new logistics standardization form that is suitable for the practice. In the end, the paper proposes some suggestions on Chinese logistics standardization. 展开更多
关键词 logistics standardization standard system form
Research on the Evaluation System of National Standardization
作者 Yang Feng Wang Jinyu 《China Standardization》 2010年第4期33-41,共9页
Standardization receives varied attention in different countries. Based on the Chinese national standardization status, this paper sets an evaluation system of national standardization on the principles of logic, comp... Standardization receives varied attention in different countries. Based on the Chinese national standardization status, this paper sets an evaluation system of national standardization on the principles of logic, comprehensiveness and operability, taking into account national standards and standardization activities. The evaluation system evaluates the national standardization development level through four aspects: standard development, standards implementation, standardization supporting measures, and participation in international standardization. This evaluation system provides a reasonable basis to evaluate the national standardization development level. The survey shows that if China wants to enhance its standardization development level, China needs to improve its standard development level, strengthen implication and application of standards, expand the standardization support measures and continuously improve the level of participation in international standardization. 展开更多
Overview about Standardization of Circular Economy in China
作者 Zhou Xiaoyan,Wang Rongqiang Xu Shengqiang the marketing department of Jiangsu Entry -Exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau the Textile Industry Products Testing Center of Jiangsu Entry-exit Inspection & Quarantine Bureau 《China Standardization》 2010年第5期3-9,共7页
This essay described Circular Economy Promotion Law in China and the achievements in the pilot standardization of circular economy, presented the role of circular economy standardization system construction in China a... This essay described Circular Economy Promotion Law in China and the achievements in the pilot standardization of circular economy, presented the role of circular economy standardization system construction in China and bright up some thoughts over the development of circular economy. 展开更多
关键词 Circular Economy Promotion Law standardization of circular economy pilot standardization system
Research and Application on IT Standards System of SGCC
作者 Yang Huafei Cui Hua Hu Quangui 《China Standardization》 2011年第4期55-58,共4页
The SG186 Project about the informatization for State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), mainly aims to build a "Vertical breakthrough, horizontal integration" platform of intbrmation integration at the enterprise ... The SG186 Project about the informatization for State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), mainly aims to build a "Vertical breakthrough, horizontal integration" platform of intbrmation integration at the enterprise level and to initially build a digitization power network and an informatization enterprise; informatization standards system is one of the significant guaranteeing factors to completely finish SG186 project as well as provides the basic condition for the entire adoption and integration of existing information systems. This article has analyzed the necessity for the establishment of inlbrmatization standards system in the first place with the brief introduction to the current research achievements of the standards system and the loop-locked Identification-Execution-Check (REC) application strategy. 展开更多
关键词 SG186 Project STANDARD standards system ofinformatization
Explorations on Energy Management System Standardization in Cement Industry
作者 李燕 王赓 任香贵 《China Standardization》 2014年第2期45-49,共5页
The energy-saving management of China's cement industry has gradually improved in recent years; however, cement industry still faces big pressure of facilitating energy conservation and emission reduction. Based o... The energy-saving management of China's cement industry has gradually improved in recent years; however, cement industry still faces big pressure of facilitating energy conservation and emission reduction. Based on the current development of cement industry, the paper summarizes and analyzes the application and promotion of energy management system(EnMS) standardization in cement industry, then gives a brief introduction to the implementation of related standards and at last explores the positive function of energy management system in enhancing enterprises' energy management and improving energy performance. 展开更多
关键词 cement industry energy management system (EnMS) energy performance
SGCC Smart Grid Standardization
作者 Zhang Dongxia Wang Yuhong 《China Standardization》 2011年第4期44-45,48,49,共4页
This paper introduces the progress of State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) in smart grid standardization, including the smart grid standards system, standards reversion and development, the role of standards syste... This paper introduces the progress of State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) in smart grid standardization, including the smart grid standards system, standards reversion and development, the role of standards system in smart grid demonstration projects, and the situation of SGCC participation in both domestic and international smart grid standardization work. 展开更多
关键词 Smart grid STANDARDIZATION Standards system
Standardization in Construction as a Tool to Reduce Cost of Housing for the Low-Income Families in Jordan
作者 Bilal Yasin Abdelmajeed Rjoub 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2017年第2期141-148,共8页
Providing a decent housing is a major challenge for governments and development authorities in Jordan and Arab countries. Nevertheless, the growing number of population falling under poverty put more demand on low cos... Providing a decent housing is a major challenge for governments and development authorities in Jordan and Arab countries. Nevertheless, the growing number of population falling under poverty put more demand on low cost housing options. The goal of the research was to find ways of rationalizing the cost and determine the appropriate standards and models that achieve an acceptable equation between cost and performance, and that during design and construction phases. The study follows the method of investigation and analysis to get factors that reduce the cost of the house construction for poor families by means of the concept of standardization in traditional (popular) buildings system. The research confirms that the traditional system has many advantages that could strengthen towards development a low-cost building system by applying the principles of standardization through architectural, structural and electro-mechanical considerations of design. Research recommends taking on studies for low cost building system through comprehensive analytical study of local building experiences. 展开更多
关键词 HOUSING structural system low cost.
我国行政行为司法审查标准之理性选择 被引量:13
作者 刘东亮 《法商研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第2期42-48,共7页
我国行政诉讼法确立的司法审查标准实际上是“正确性审查”标准,而不是“合法性审查”标准。“正确性审查”标准存在单一化、僵化和程序问题审查标准空洞化等弊端。重构我国行政行为司法审查标准,首先应当调整司法审查标准的方向,包括... 我国行政诉讼法确立的司法审查标准实际上是“正确性审查”标准,而不是“合法性审查”标准。“正确性审查”标准存在单一化、僵化和程序问题审查标准空洞化等弊端。重构我国行政行为司法审查标准,首先应当调整司法审查标准的方向,包括区分法律问题和事实问题、转变司法审查的强度和确定“正当程序”原则。同时,要建立以坚持合法性审查标准、确立合理性审查标准和正当程序审查标准为内容的三元化标准体系。 展开更多
关键词 司法审查标准 合法性审查 正确性审查 三元标准体系
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