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作者 杨世林 《重庆交通学院学报》 1998年第4期97-102,共6页
关键词 三峡工程 标界 测量 移民标界
清末中印边界东段察隅南界标界史实考 被引量:2
作者 吕昭义 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第3期1-7,共7页
清末,赵尔丰部属程凤翔率军进驻察隅,巩固边防,防堵英人北犯。考诸中外档案文献,程凤翔所部从1910年至1911年前后共进行了3次标界活动。标界的位置为传统的中国边界压必曲龚。标界活动内容一为树立大清龙帜;二建立界牌,上书"中华... 清末,赵尔丰部属程凤翔率军进驻察隅,巩固边防,防堵英人北犯。考诸中外档案文献,程凤翔所部从1910年至1911年前后共进行了3次标界活动。标界的位置为传统的中国边界压必曲龚。标界活动内容一为树立大清龙帜;二建立界牌,上书"中华帝国四川省边界之察隅南界"。程凤翔部除在压必曲龚外,还在杜莱河谷僜人地区也树立龙帜标示边界。赵尔丰、程凤翔所标示的边界与中印边界东段传统习惯线沿喜马拉雅山南侧坡脚的走向相符的,当时不仅中国方面遵循这一走向,英属印度,包括英属印度负责该区域边境的官员威廉森等人也承认这一走向。这再次表明,我国政府所主张的中印边界东段传统习惯线有坚实可靠的历史证据。 展开更多
关键词 清末 中印边境 东段标界
作者 朱受群 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1981年第2期26-32,共7页
郭沫若的小说,远不及他的诗歌、历史剧那样卓具成就,但产量仍颇丰饶,收入《沫若文集》第五卷的中短篇小说就有三十八篇。《一只手》虽然仅是其中一篇涂上了“献给新时代的小朋友”的童话色彩的作品,可意义却并不亚于他一九一九年发表的... 郭沫若的小说,远不及他的诗歌、历史剧那样卓具成就,但产量仍颇丰饶,收入《沫若文集》第五卷的中短篇小说就有三十八篇。《一只手》虽然仅是其中一篇涂上了“献给新时代的小朋友”的童话色彩的作品,可意义却并不亚于他一九一九年发表的第一篇小说《牧羊哀话》。在具有划时代意义的五四运动时,郭沫若创作了“借朝鲜为舞台,把排日的感情移到了朝鲜人的心里”的充满爱国反帝精神的《牧羊哀话》。如果说,这是他在小说创作方面崭露头角的成功之作的话,那么,他在参加北伐以后写出的第一篇热情地歌颂工人阶级的反抗和斗争精神的《一只手》,则是他在小说创作上的重大转机之作。 展开更多
关键词 一只手 小说情节 郭沫若研究 羊哀 中短篇小说 朝鲜人 标界 一九 斗争精神 “革命文学”
民国标界第一桩——民国元年察隅巡边标界史实考 被引量:2
作者 吕昭义 刘名望 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期111-119,181,共9页
民国元年中华民国特使会同察隅地方政府与驻军南下巡查边界,在压必曲龚建立中华民国界牌,彰显国界。这一界标是在西藏地方分离势力掀起"驱汉"狂潮围攻察隅之际,针对英国和英属印度推行"战略边界计划"侵占我国察隅... 民国元年中华民国特使会同察隅地方政府与驻军南下巡查边界,在压必曲龚建立中华民国界牌,彰显国界。这一界标是在西藏地方分离势力掀起"驱汉"狂潮围攻察隅之际,针对英国和英属印度推行"战略边界计划"侵占我国察隅等边境地区固有领土而树立的,标志着新建立的中华民国对中印传统边界线的继承,并向中外宣示了中华民国对察隅边境地区固有领土的主权。 展开更多
关键词 中印边界 民国 察隅 标界
Oriented Bounding Box Object Detection Model Based on Improved YOLOv8
作者 ZHAO Xin-kang SI Zhan-jun 《印刷与数字媒体技术研究》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期67-75,114,共10页
In the study of oriented bounding boxes(OBB)object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images,the problem of missed and wrong detection of small targets occurs because the targets are too small and have differ... In the study of oriented bounding boxes(OBB)object detection in high-resolution remote sensing images,the problem of missed and wrong detection of small targets occurs because the targets are too small and have different orientations.Existing OBB object detection for remote sensing images,although making good progress,mainly focuses on directional modeling,while less consideration is given to the size of the object as well as the problem of missed detection.In this study,a method based on improved YOLOv8 was proposed for detecting oriented objects in remote sensing images,which can improve the detection precision of oriented objects in remote sensing images.Firstly,the ResCBAMG module was innovatively designed,which could better extract channel and spatial correlation information.Secondly,the innovative top-down feature fusion layer network structure was proposed in conjunction with the Efficient Channel Attention(ECA)attention module,which helped to capture inter-local cross-channel interaction information appropriately.Finally,we introduced an innovative ResCBAMG module between the different C2f modules and detection heads of the bottom-up feature fusion layer.This innovative structure helped the model to better focus on the target area.The precision and robustness of oriented target detection were also improved.Experimental results on the DOTA-v1.5 dataset showed that the detection Precision,mAP@0.5,and mAP@0.5:0.95 metrics of the improved model are better compared to the original model.This improvement is effective in detecting small targets and complex scenes. 展开更多
关键词 Remote sensing image Oriented bounding boxes object detection Small target detection YOLOv8
《秘书工作》 1994年第3期27-28,共2页
一、问题的提出控制“文山”是转变作风、工作抓实的迫切需要。究竟怎样才算是控制住了“文山”?由于在控制“文山”上没有一个科学的界定标准,以致有的部门和单位在精简文件的过程中,机械地追求“今年比去年减少百分之多少”,单纯地压... 一、问题的提出控制“文山”是转变作风、工作抓实的迫切需要。究竟怎样才算是控制住了“文山”?由于在控制“文山”上没有一个科学的界定标准,以致有的部门和单位在精简文件的过程中,机械地追求“今年比去年减少百分之多少”,单纯地压缩文件的数量,这不仅使这项工作缺乏充分的合理性。 展开更多
关键词 压缩文件 标界 党的领导 综合值 秘书人员 文字量 综合评判 一切从实际出发 工作报告 指标体系
作者 高兴汉 张国桢 侯保兴 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 1991年第2期45-45,共1页
关键词 CT诊断 胰体尾 钩突 平扫 标界 角距 胰癌 十二指肠降段 胰体癌 胃囊
作者 王小力 《星海音乐学院学报》 2006年第3期45-47,共3页
20世纪初正是欧洲各种音乐流派争艳盛行的时期,极富争议性的巴托克第三、第四弦乐四重奏(1927、1928)的音乐风格,较集中反映了受到当时诸多音乐流派影响的巴托克在这一时期的创作思想和美学原则。作者赋予这一时期的大胆试验与创新精神... 20世纪初正是欧洲各种音乐流派争艳盛行的时期,极富争议性的巴托克第三、第四弦乐四重奏(1927、1928)的音乐风格,较集中反映了受到当时诸多音乐流派影响的巴托克在这一时期的创作思想和美学原则。作者赋予这一时期的大胆试验与创新精神在这两部作品里得到了较鲜明的体现。研究这两部作品,对于我们诠释巴托克后来更加成熟的和晚期作品具有重要意义。本文着重在曲式结构的创新方面对这两部作品进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 巴托克 弦乐四重奏 拱形曲式结构 轴心体系 黄金标界
略评二战期间的苏联对华政策 被引量:1
作者 黄世相 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1993年第1期84-89,共6页
关于第二次世界大战期间的中苏关系、国内外学术界一直存在着全面肯定或基本否定的观点。本文通过对第二次世界大战期间和战后所披露的大量史料的分析与研究,提出了以1941年4月13日签订的《苏日中立条约》为标界,在此约之前的苏联对华... 关于第二次世界大战期间的中苏关系、国内外学术界一直存在着全面肯定或基本否定的观点。本文通过对第二次世界大战期间和战后所披露的大量史料的分析与研究,提出了以1941年4月13日签订的《苏日中立条约》为标界,在此约之前的苏联对华政策遵循了国际主义原则,而在此约之后则逐步推行了一条大国沙文主义、民族利己主义的政策。二战期间的这种中苏关系直接影响到二战后中苏关系的曲折发展。 展开更多
关键词 国际主义原则 大国沙文主义 民族利己主义 标界
作者 张文 《语文知识》 2009年第2期80-84,共5页
关键词 韵律 音节标界限制规则
作者 张国栋 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1989年第1期62-62,共1页
鲁迅作为文学人才的标界,是《狂人日记》、《孔乙己》、《药》三篇白话小说的问世,所以我们把三篇之中最先写作的《狂人日记》(1918年4月)之前的时期,视为鲁迅成才的基础期,考察这一时期,具备了些什么内在因素,它们是怎样积累、发展和... 鲁迅作为文学人才的标界,是《狂人日记》、《孔乙己》、《药》三篇白话小说的问世,所以我们把三篇之中最先写作的《狂人日记》(1918年4月)之前的时期,视为鲁迅成才的基础期,考察这一时期,具备了些什么内在因素,它们是怎样积累、发展和形成的,不仅是研究鲁迅思想和创作的一个有意义的侧面,而且为人才学研究,提供了一位杰出人才内因的典型剖析,这对当今立志成才的人们是会有所启发的。鲁迅的成才内因,是一个由三种要素构成的整体结构: 首要的因素——爱国爱民终其一生鲁迅始终坚持“时时想到中国,想到将来”这个生活哲学。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅思想 《狂人日记》 《孔乙己》 白话小说 终其一生 《药》 生活哲学 人才学 标界 现代小说
作者 袁荻涌 《贵州文史丛刊》 1991年第2期89-90,88,共3页
林纾是我国近代历史上译介外国文学最有成绩的翻译家,他一生共译了西洋小说183种(包括未刊稿)。这些翻译小说在清末民初曾产生过极为广泛的影响。特别是《巴黎茶花女遗事》、《黑奴吁天录》、《块肉余生述》、《迦茵小传》等,曾风行一时... 林纾是我国近代历史上译介外国文学最有成绩的翻译家,他一生共译了西洋小说183种(包括未刊稿)。这些翻译小说在清末民初曾产生过极为广泛的影响。特别是《巴黎茶花女遗事》、《黑奴吁天录》、《块肉余生述》、《迦茵小传》等,曾风行一时,受到当时广大读者的欢迎。林纾的翻译活动,按钱钟书先生的观点,可以民国二年译完《离恨天》为标界,分为前后两期。前期的译作大多比较出色,译本出版时,林纾还往往写有序言或按语等。在这些简短的文字中。 展开更多
关键词 翻译小说 迦茵小传 中西文学 钱钟书先生 标界 外国文学 近代历史 未刊稿 离恨天 文化典籍
《办公室业务》 1996年第4期46-48,共3页
关键词 学术成果 秘书工作 《国家行政机关公文处理办法》 期刊 领导机关 标界 委办 公室
Generation of scale-free knowledge network with local world mechanism
作者 单海燕 王文平 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期545-548,共4页
In order to simulate the real growing process, a new type of knowledge network growth mechanism based on local world connectivity is constructed. By the mean-field method, theoretical prediction of the degree distribu... In order to simulate the real growing process, a new type of knowledge network growth mechanism based on local world connectivity is constructed. By the mean-field method, theoretical prediction of the degree distribution of the knowledge network is given, which is verified by Matlab simulations. When the new added node's local world size is very small, the degree distribution of the knowledge network approximately has the property of scale-free. When the new added node's local world size is not very small, the degree distribution transforms from pure power-law to the power-law with an exponential tailing. And the scale-free index increases as the number of new added edges decreases and the tunable parameters increase. Finally, comparisons of some knowledge indices in knowledge networks generated by the local world mechanism and the global mechanism are given. In the long run, compared with the global mechanism, the local world mechanism leads the average knowledge levels to slower growth and brings homogenous phenomena. 展开更多
关键词 knowledge network network structure SCALE-FREE local world mechanism
标签不合标准 食品不准上市
《中小企业管理与科技》 1994年第7期36-36,共1页
从国家信息中心获悉,今年7月份,我国将实施新的食品标签标准。据悉,新的食品标签标准是在旧标准的基础上重新修订的,旧标准只要求在标签上写出产品出厂厂家的地址即可,而新标签要求一律写出企业法人地址。关于中英文书写,要求中文字号... 从国家信息中心获悉,今年7月份,我国将实施新的食品标签标准。据悉,新的食品标签标准是在旧标准的基础上重新修订的,旧标准只要求在标签上写出产品出厂厂家的地址即可,而新标签要求一律写出企业法人地址。关于中英文书写,要求中文字号必须大于英文。新标签还规定,所有食品标签上必须写明保质期或保存期,或标明"在某年、月、日前食用"的字样。 展开更多
关键词 食品标签 英文书写 产品出厂 国家信息中心 标界
作者 王毅青 《招标与投标》 2016年第5期64-64,F0003,共2页
2016年3月17日,中国国际招标网社区网友7shaoguangfeng发起一个主题帖:“政府部门可以强制投标人开诚信证明吗?”引起大家关注。帖子详见:http://bbs.china bidding.com/read.php?tid=116863「主题帖」各位版主、标界高手:某县政... 2016年3月17日,中国国际招标网社区网友7shaoguangfeng发起一个主题帖:“政府部门可以强制投标人开诚信证明吗?”引起大家关注。帖子详见:http://bbs.china bidding.com/read.php?tid=116863「主题帖」各位版主、标界高手:某县政府开展诚信建设活动,要求投标人投标时必须出具某县诚信办开具的诚信证明,否则不许参加投标。 展开更多
关键词 投标人 中国国际招标网 招标投标活动 招标人 BIDDING 资格后审 标界 招标投标市场 http 招标代理
Multi-solution of Semilinear Elliptic Equation on R^N
作者 冯秀芳 郑驻军 +1 位作者 赵秀娥 郑君英 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第2期98-103,共6页
In this paper, we give a Z 2 index theory of generalized critical point. By this theory we get a sufficient condition on the existing result of a class functional, as an example we give a new result that the equa... In this paper, we give a Z 2 index theory of generalized critical point. By this theory we get a sufficient condition on the existing result of a class functional, as an example we give a new result that the equation-Δu+u=|u| p-1 u, x∈R N,(1)has infinite solutions. 展开更多
关键词 generalized critical point Z 2 index semilinear equation
Climatic Factors for Limiting Northward Distribution of Eight Temperate Tree Species in Eastern North America 被引量:3
作者 方精云 李莹 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期199-203,共5页
Eight temperate deciduous tree species, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharinum L., A. saccharum Marsh., Belluta alleghaniensis Britton., Fraxinus nigra Marsh., Quercus rubra L., Titia americana L., and Ulmus americana L. in e... Eight temperate deciduous tree species, Acer rubrum L., A. saccharinum L., A. saccharum Marsh., Belluta alleghaniensis Britton., Fraxinus nigra Marsh., Quercus rubra L., Titia americana L., and Ulmus americana L. in eastern North America, were selected to explore relationship between the northward distribution of temperate tree species and climatic factors. For each species, more than 30 sites at their north limits of distribution were obtained from their distribution maps, and 11 climatic indices at the north limits were computed. The standardized standard deviation (SD) method, which compares the magnitude of variance of climatic indices, was used to detect which climatic parameter was the most important for explaining northward distribution of these species. We presume that the climatic parameter that has the smallest variance at the north limit would be assigned as the dominant climatic factor for limiting the distribution of this species. The results derived from the standardized SD method indicated that the SD value of warmth index (WI) and/or annual biotemperature (ABT) were the smallest among the 11 climatic indices. Since both WI and ABT represent growing season temperature, it suggested that growing season temperature was the most important climatic factor for explaining the northward distribution of these temperate tree species. The relationships between several climatic indices, WI, coldness index (CI), annual precipitation (AP), annual range of temperature (ART) and humid/arid index were also analyzed. As a result, at the north limits of all these species, both WI and CI decreased with an increase of AP, and CI increased with an increase of ART. Besides growing season temperature, precipitation and climatic continentality also have influence on the northward distribution of the temperate trees in eastern North America. 展开更多
关键词 eastern North America northward limit of distribution climatic index growing season temperature precipitation standard deviation
Impact of triple antithrombotic therapy in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in real-world practice 被引量:6
作者 Yan YAN Xiao WANG +21 位作者 Jing-Yao FAN Shao-Ping NIE SerGio Raooseiras-Roubin Emad Abu-Assi Jose P Simao Henriques: Fabrizio D'Ascenzo Jorge Saucedo Jose R Gonzalez-Juanate Stephen B Wilton Wouter J Kikkert Ivan Nunez-Gil Albert Ariza-Sole Xian-Tao SONG Dimitrios Alexopoulos Christoph Liebetrau Tetsuma Kawaji Claudio Morettil Zenon Huczek Toshiharu Fujii Luis cL Correia Masa-aki Kawashiri Sasko Kedev 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第11期679-687,共9页
Objective The optimal antithrombotic regimen for patients on oral anticoagulation (OAC) after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains debated. This study sought to eval... Objective The optimal antithrombotic regimen for patients on oral anticoagulation (OAC) after acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) remains debated. This study sought to evaluate the efficacy and safety of OAC plus clopidogrel with or without aspirin in a real-world setting. Methods We retrospectively analyzed data from an international, multi-center registry be- tween 2003 and 2014 (n = 15,401). Patients with ACS and receiving OAC after PCI were screened. The composite primary endpoint was 1-year all-cause death, re-infarction, or severe bleeding. Results The final analysis enrolled 642 patients including 62 patients (9.7%) with OAC and clopidogrel (dual therapy), and 580 patients (90.3%) with the combination of aspirin, OAC and clopidogrel (triple therapy). Pa- tients on triple therapy were more often female and were more likely to have comorbidities. There was no significant difference regarding the primary end point between dual therapy with triple therapy patients [17.74% vs. 17.24%; unadjusted hazard ratio (HR): 1.035; 95% confi- dence interval (CI): 0.556-1.929; adjusted HR: 1.026; 95% CI: 0.544-1.937]. However, the re-infarction rate was significantly higher in dual therapy than triple therapy patients (14.52% vs. 5.34%; unadjusted HR: 2.807; 95% CI: 1.329-5.928; adjusted HR: 2.333; 95% CI: 1.078-5.047). In addition, there was no difference between two regimes in all-cause death and severe bleeding. Conclusions In real-life patients with ACS following PCI and with an indication of OAC, triple therapy was not associated with an increased rate of adverse out- comes compared to dual therapy. Moreover, it decreased risk of re-infarction and did not increase risk of severe bleeding. 展开更多
关键词 Acute coronary syndrome Oral anticoagulation OUTCOME Triple antithrombotic therapy
Nonlinear Elastic Constitutive Model of Soil-Structure Interfaces Under Relatively High Normal Stress 被引量:17
作者 ZHOU Guo-qing XIA Hong-chun +1 位作者 ZHAO Guang-si ZHOU Jie 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2007年第3期301-305,共5页
The shear characteristics of soil-structure interfaces with different roughness are studied systematically by us-ing the DRS-1 high normal stress and residual shear apparatus. The experimental results indicate that,un... The shear characteristics of soil-structure interfaces with different roughness are studied systematically by us-ing the DRS-1 high normal stress and residual shear apparatus. The experimental results indicate that,under a relatively high normal stress,normal stress and the coefficient of structural roughness are the most important factors affecting the mechanical interface characteristics. The relationship between shear stress and shear displacement of the soil-structure interface is a hyperbolic curve with high regression accuracy. Based on our experimental results,a nonlinear elastic con-stitutive model of the soil-structure interface under relatively high normal stress is established with a definite physical meaning for its parameters. The model can predict the strain hardening behavior of the soil during the shearing process. The results show an encouraging agreement with experimental data from direct shear tests. 展开更多
关键词 high normal stress standard medium sand INTERFACE strain hardening constitutive model
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