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Effects of Feeding Corn Stalks on Economic Indicators of Tenebrio molitor 被引量:3
作者 吉志新 温晓蕾 +6 位作者 王长青 余金咏 宋金昌 王哲 齐慧霞 胡振妍 李汉臣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第10期1513-1516,共4页
[Objective] The study aimed at reducing the economic cost in feeding Tenebrio molitor and improving the utilization ratio of corn stalks.[Method] The effects of different proportions of corn stalks on the weigh of Ten... [Objective] The study aimed at reducing the economic cost in feeding Tenebrio molitor and improving the utilization ratio of corn stalks.[Method] The effects of different proportions of corn stalks on the weigh of Tenebrio molitor and the contents of crude protein,crude fat,Ca,P,dry matter and crude ash in the half-dry matter of Tenebrio molitor had been studied in the laboratory.[Result] Compared with the recipes of all wheat bran and pure fine fodder,feeding Tenebrio molitor by applying 30%-60% of corn stalks could significantly improve the content of crude protein in the half-dry materials of Tenebrio molitor,but it was detrimental to the improvement in weight of Tenebrio molitor and the accumulation of crude fat.To be specific,the recipe V(50% of corn stalks + 50% of fine fodder) was beneficial to the accumulation of dry matter and crude ash.The recipe VII(70% of corn stalks + 30% of fine fodder) and the recipe VIII(70% of corn stalks treated with Guangda feed leaven + 30% of fine fodder) were beneficial to the accumulation of crude protein,Ca and P.There were differences among the influences of corn stalks in different treatments on the crude protein and other nutrition indicators of Tenebrio molitor.[Conclusion] Appropriately applying corn stalks can improve the accumulation of the crude protein,crude ash,dry matter,Ca and P of Tenebrio molitor but was detrimental to the growth and development of Tenebrio molitor and the accumulation of crude fat. 展开更多
关键词 Tenebrio molitor larvae Corn stalks Nutrition indicators
绿营视域下的帝国边疆——图解“营制总册”《云南标下元江营》 被引量:2
作者 刘星雨 《美术观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第12期51-54,共4页
清代"夷图"和"舆图"的研究之中,绿营"营制总册"这一类别一直以来都未得到足够关注,专题性的研究成果更为少见。因此,本文选取了收藏于美国国会图书馆的《云南标下元江营》为研究范例,从该本营制总册记录... 清代"夷图"和"舆图"的研究之中,绿营"营制总册"这一类别一直以来都未得到足够关注,专题性的研究成果更为少见。因此,本文选取了收藏于美国国会图书馆的《云南标下元江营》为研究范例,从该本营制总册记录的元江营营建背景的梳理、"夷图"与"舆图"内容的挖掘以及作者修撰心理的分析三个方面入手,希冀以一种新角度为此类"营制总册"的解读做出尝试,进而为探索少数民族图册研究开辟新路径。 展开更多
关键词 清代 制总册 《云南下元江
作者 陈金松 《新疆新闻界》 1993年第2期26-,34,共2页
人们撰写文章,不论是写人记事的记叙文,还是议事说理的论说文,都蕴含着作者的意图,都有一定的写作目的性:或是为了宣传某一种思想,或是为了表彰某一个人,或是为了介绍某一件事情,或是为了传播某一项经验,提倡什么、反对什么是十分鲜明... 人们撰写文章,不论是写人记事的记叙文,还是议事说理的论说文,都蕴含着作者的意图,都有一定的写作目的性:或是为了宣传某一种思想,或是为了表彰某一个人,或是为了介绍某一件事情,或是为了传播某一项经验,提倡什么、反对什么是十分鲜明的。作者在发表主张、阐明问题、反映现实生活过程中所表达出来的基本倾向或中心思想,就叫做主题。主题是一篇文章的“灵魂”、“统帅”,也是贯穿全文的一条红线。对一篇文章来说,无疑主题是最重要的。事实上,一篇文章质量的高低、价值的大小、作用的强弱,衡量的主要标尺是看文章主题如何?正确不正确,深刻不深刻,新颖不新颖,思想意义大不大,指导性强不强。其它的东西。 展开更多
关键词 思想意义 现实生活 告诉我 中所 第一汽车制造厂 标营 使人 企业集团公司 可从 书堂
作者 王纲 《文史杂志》 1990年第1期39-41,共3页
嘉庆二十一年(1816年)四月二十二日,成都满城传论着一件新闻:二十一日巳时,成都知府叶文馥嫁女,花轿行至准提阁地方,被一伙提标营兵丁拦截去路,并将花轿打烂。新娘被惊,轿夫等做鸟兽散。成都县地方官虽以传讯,但担心兵丁再度逞凶滋事,... 嘉庆二十一年(1816年)四月二十二日,成都满城传论着一件新闻:二十一日巳时,成都知府叶文馥嫁女,花轿行至准提阁地方,被一伙提标营兵丁拦截去路,并将花轿打烂。新娘被惊,轿夫等做鸟兽散。成都县地方官虽以传讯,但担心兵丁再度逞凶滋事,不敢录供详办,只得以取保回营处理了事。市民对此事却拍手称快,认为这些兵丁为他们出了一口恶气。原来叶文馥为人凶残,自担任成都知府以来,到处敲诈勒索,既酷又贪。平日审问案件,专用非刑,甚至常常当堂杖毙人命;徇私枉法,老百姓敢怒而不敢言。成都人民遂送给他一个绰号:“叶棒棒”,意即到处敲棒棒勒索也。叶文馥为官跋扈,目空一切。他甚至不把四川提督多隆武放在眼里。论官品、职位。 展开更多
关键词 文馥 多隆 准提阁 轿行 标营 徇私枉法 官品 江北厅 军机大臣
再谈病语 “红白喜事”
作者 张霭堂 《临沂师专学报》 1990年第3期105-106,共2页
"红白喜事"一语,近年来不但经常出现在人们的口头和书面语言中,而且还被收录在词典里,释曰.男女结婚是喜事,高寿的人病逝的丧事叫喜丧,统称红白喜事.有时也说红白事,泛指婚丧.这几个字组合在一起,乍看象个四字格成语,读来也... "红白喜事"一语,近年来不但经常出现在人们的口头和书面语言中,而且还被收录在词典里,释曰.男女结婚是喜事,高寿的人病逝的丧事叫喜丧,统称红白喜事.有时也说红白事,泛指婚丧.这几个字组合在一起,乍看象个四字格成语,读来也觉音调铿锵,但实际上却是一个地道的病语,不仅含义有悖我国古今习俗,而且在字面上也很难讲通. 展开更多
关键词 四字格 书面语言 古今字 赏银 无长物 七十古来稀 词书 组词 双音 标营
作者 刘文彦 刘志坚 +2 位作者 吕焰华 王涛 吴华 《湖北画报》 2015年第12期72-75,共4页
1911年10月10日夜的零星枪响,惊醒了清政府镇压下的芸芸众生,革命党人为首的仁人志士经过一夜奋战,迅速占领了武昌城。武昌首义拉开了辛亥革命的序幕,它将一个疲态尽露的大帝国摇晃得如泰山之崩。中国历史上的多次革命并未改变农业自然... 1911年10月10日夜的零星枪响,惊醒了清政府镇压下的芸芸众生,革命党人为首的仁人志士经过一夜奋战,迅速占领了武昌城。武昌首义拉开了辛亥革命的序幕,它将一个疲态尽露的大帝国摇晃得如泰山之崩。中国历史上的多次革命并未改变农业自然经济基础上的宗法专制的社会形态,唯由辛亥首义开其端绪的近代革命, 展开更多
关键词 武昌首义 武昌城 民军 历史节点 黎元洪 商会组织 标营 湖广总督 亡国灭种 帝制自为
作者 王慧骐 《华人时刊》 2017年第5期72-73,共2页
"魁龙珠"是一种茶。这茶别处没有,只有富春有。富春是扬州的一张老名片,由清光绪十一年(1885)设立的富春花局,到今天的饮服集团,整整132年的历史。而名闻遐迩的"魁龙珠"茶,则诞生于这家充满诗意和扬州风情的茶社里,至少让四五代... "魁龙珠"是一种茶。这茶别处没有,只有富春有。富春是扬州的一张老名片,由清光绪十一年(1885)设立的富春花局,到今天的饮服集团,整整132年的历史。而名闻遐迩的"魁龙珠"茶,则诞生于这家充满诗意和扬州风情的茶社里,至少让四五代人享过口福了。它实际上是一种特殊配方的复合茶。茶名里的三个字分别代表:安徽的魁针、浙江的龙井和富春花局自产的珠兰。 展开更多
关键词 徐颖 特殊配方 光绪十一年 北至 中国照相馆 主管单位 黄金首饰 标营 微小说 亨得利
栉风沐雨 砥砺前行——广西武鸣供电公司“十二五”时期发展纪实
作者 李燕华 陈明月 《广西电业》 2016年第1期14-15,共2页
宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。五年来,武鸣供电人扎扎实实筑基础,栉风沐雨辛苦奔走在一线,不顾艰险、攻坚克难,一步一个脚印,砥砺前行。广西武鸣供电公司经过五年的蜕变成长、奋发图强,企业经济效益势如破竹、节节攀升,企业形象焕然... 宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。五年来,武鸣供电人扎扎实实筑基础,栉风沐雨辛苦奔走在一线,不顾艰险、攻坚克难,一步一个脚印,砥砺前行。广西武鸣供电公司经过五年的蜕变成长、奋发图强,企业经济效益势如破竹、节节攀升,企业形象焕然一新、斐然升华,不仅实现了量变到质变的飞跃,更成为了为县域经济腾飞保驾护航的中坚力量。 展开更多
关键词 供电公司 供电人 标营 南环路 企业经济效益 企业形象 筑基础 南宁供电局 创先 机关党支部
作者 赵劲杨 梁旭 《广西城镇建设》 2014年第12期62-69,共8页
武鸣和南宁的直线距离很近,只有30多公里,这个距离远远小于南宁市区的直径距离。因而在行政规划上,武鸣撤县设区并入南宁的呼声在坊间传闻已久,直到2015年,南宁市经济和社会发展主要预期目标,明确发展县域经济,推动武鸣县撤县设区。人文... 武鸣和南宁的直线距离很近,只有30多公里,这个距离远远小于南宁市区的直径距离。因而在行政规划上,武鸣撤县设区并入南宁的呼声在坊间传闻已久,直到2015年,南宁市经济和社会发展主要预期目标,明确发展县域经济,推动武鸣县撤县设区。人文上,武鸣作为壮族发源地之一,壮语即以武鸣壮话为基础,因此讲壮话、桂柳话的武鸣和讲粤语的南宁属于完全不同的语言区域。 展开更多
关键词 壮话 行政规划 直线距离 卫星城镇 伊岭岩 标营 高峰林场 重要门户 经梧州 商业地产
Chemical Criteria to Assess Risk of Phosphorus Leaching from Urban Soils 被引量:19
作者 ZHANGGan-Lin W.BURGHARDT YANGJin-Ling 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期72-77,共6页
Soils from urban and suburban areas are normally enriched with phosphorus (P). Sixteen urban soils with a wide range of total P concentrations under typical urban land uses were sampled and analyzed for extractable P ... Soils from urban and suburban areas are normally enriched with phosphorus (P). Sixteen urban soils with a wide range of total P concentrations under typical urban land uses were sampled and analyzed for extractable P concentrations using water, sodium bicarbonate and citric acid. Meanwhile the soils were artificially leached in columns and P concentrations in the leachates were determined. With linear regression a two-stage linear relationship was found to exist between concentrations of P in the leachates … 展开更多
Effects of Water Quality on the Distribution of Chinese Giant Salamander(Andrias davidianus)in Guizhou Province,China 被引量:1
作者 Xue LI Jingcai LV +2 位作者 Shize LI Ning XU Gang WEI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1500-1504,共5页
13 water quality parameters were tested from 38 reaches of 34 counties in Guizhou where Chinese giant salamander(Andrias davidianus) distributed over the past 30 years. Dissolved oxygen and p H were found to be signif... 13 water quality parameters were tested from 38 reaches of 34 counties in Guizhou where Chinese giant salamander(Andrias davidianus) distributed over the past 30 years. Dissolved oxygen and p H were found to be significant determinants of the species distribution in recent years(P<0.05). There was no Chinese giant salamander distribution in the recent five years in rivers with dissolved solids of greater than 415 mg/L, conductivity of greater than 639 us/cm, salinity of greater than 0.31 ppt and total hardness of greater than 150 mg/L. Sensitive to environment, the Chinese giant salamander is an important indicator for environmental quality, so it could be used as one of the environmental indicator. Eutrophication, chemical fertilizer, pesticides and inorganic pollutants may be one of reasons driving wild CGS into extinction. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) Guizhou province Water quality factors
Methodology of Fashion Merchandising by Modularization Operation Management
作者 李俊 吴海燕 张渭源 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第2期56-58,共3页
Based on the requirements of applying information technology to reform the traditional fashion industry,the method of fashion merchandising management in some medium-sized enterprises is discussed. By analyzing the ac... Based on the requirements of applying information technology to reform the traditional fashion industry,the method of fashion merchandising management in some medium-sized enterprises is discussed. By analyzing the actual domestic fashion industry environment, ideal model that could quickly respond to the market's changes is proposed which includes naming brand, target-market position, circumstances analysis and popularity anticipation, brand concept and style setting, fashion design, fashion category component, and sale strategy. 展开更多
关键词 modularization operation management MERCHANDISING ideal model
The level of destination management in the South-Moravian Region
作者 Katerina Ryglova Ida Vajcnerova 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第3期37-42,共6页
Tourism is not only a significant tool of prosperity in well-known tourist destinations, but it is also an important potential development element in developing rural regions. In Czech Republic, the field of regional ... Tourism is not only a significant tool of prosperity in well-known tourist destinations, but it is also an important potential development element in developing rural regions. In Czech Republic, the field of regional development and managing destinations started to develop in the second half of the 1990s. Organizing tourism is in the phase of building and passes through natural development. Fierce competition between individual destinations imposes natural pressures on creating marketing managements of these destinations and such offer of products that perfectly come up to tourists' expectations. Together with increasing requirements, the demands on quality and well-prepared destinations within home tourism revive. In the final consequence, the level of destination management influences the increase in marketability and attendance in the region. The paper outlines the main theoretical basis, principles and tools of destination management, and subsequently it summarizes the results of the analysis, and conducted survey, the objective of which was to prove the functioning of these principles in practice. The practical verification of the functioning of destination management principles in Czech Republic has been conducted in the South-Moravian region (JMK) which is one of the most-often-visited regions in the country. The set targets have been reached not only by analysing available secondary data, but the techniques of depth interviews with experts in a destination management company have also been used, as well as the techniques of an orientation questionnaire survey among travel agencies and offices that should be one of the partners for a well-functioning destination management company. 展开更多
关键词 destination management tourism development PARTNERSHIP South-Moravian Region destination management company
The Effect of Word of Mouth in Customer Equity and Brand Equity
作者 Guillermo Armelini 《Chinese Business Review》 2011年第3期205-216,共12页
In this paper the author examines the extent to which word of mouth (WOM) impact on customer equity and brand equity, two of the most popular metrics of marketing productivity. WOM is the most ancient and effective ... In this paper the author examines the extent to which word of mouth (WOM) impact on customer equity and brand equity, two of the most popular metrics of marketing productivity. WOM is the most ancient and effective communication tool because its low cost affects the efficiency in the allocation of marketing resources. After an extensive literature review, the author proposes several propositions to be tested in the future concerning how WOM might affect each element of brand equity and customer equity. 展开更多
关键词 word of mouth marketing productivity brand equity customer equity
Enhance product development capabilities and standardized management of enterprise 被引量:1
作者 Qian Zhang Lixia Ren Zheng Wang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第9期116-118,共3页
Standardization is the fundamental guarantee of the enterprise to ensure product quality, and improve market competitiveness; an important means of increasing economic efficiency and improving enterprise management le... Standardization is the fundamental guarantee of the enterprise to ensure product quality, and improve market competitiveness; an important means of increasing economic efficiency and improving enterprise management level. Since the reform and opening, the adoption of international standards and foreign advanced standards as a major technical and economic policy and active promotion of it, has played a significant role in promoting economic development and improve our products competitive in the international market. Some of the industry increased awareness of the standardization in the fierce competition in the market, making the standardization as a competitive means to promote industrial upgrading and technological progress. 展开更多
关键词 standardized management ENTERPRISE MARKET
Iteration Linear Programming Method and Livestock Ration Optimization
作者 Zhang Yongying Wang Jihua Wang Suihua Liu Bo Zhang Weifeng 《Feed & Livestock》 2013年第4期26-32,共7页
Iterative linear programming methods are proposed for optimum balanced animal diet in this paper. According to "wooden bucket theory" of the nutritional balance, each nutrient in the feeding standard has equal impor... Iterative linear programming methods are proposed for optimum balanced animal diet in this paper. According to "wooden bucket theory" of the nutritional balance, each nutrient in the feeding standard has equal importance. It's unreasonable to use common goal programming to attach different weighted value to different nutritional parameters. This paper introduces an effective algorithm to deal with this kind of problem. When the permitting cost of livestock ration is given, we can design a ration formula with linear program-this is the first round. Then, according to the differences between the permitting cost and the formula cost gained in the first round, adjust the feeding standard and the feeding raw materials, and conduct the second round of linear programming for ration formula. If there is still a very big difference between the formula cost and the permitting cost, the third round will be taken, and so on. In this iteration course the formula cost gradually approaches the permitting cost. It is the key that the feeding standard and feeding raw materials are modified in each round. This method ensured the nutritive equilibrium with the formulation of least-cost ration. This is an especially important method when the primary goal of the optimization tool is to improve economic and nutritive efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 RATION FORMULATION nutrient requirements objective programming linear programming feeding standard raw material nutritive equilibrium
Study on the judgment model of dyeing and weaving corporation's core competence
作者 崔婷 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第6期871-874,共4页
On the basis of the dyeing and weaving corporations’ characters,this paper put forward the dimensionality and index system to analyze the core competence. This paper divided the core competence into three layers and ... On the basis of the dyeing and weaving corporations’ characters,this paper put forward the dimensionality and index system to analyze the core competence. This paper divided the core competence into three layers and gave out the Dimensional-Hierarchical structure of core competence through combining the analysis dimensionalities with the competence layers. The model was described to evaluate,analyze and judge the dyeing and weaving corporation’s competence. 展开更多
关键词 core competence dyeing and weaving EVALUATION judgement model
Approach for workflow modeling using π-calculus 被引量:5
作者 杨东 张申生 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 EI CSCD 2003年第6期643-650,共8页
As a variant of process algebra, π calculus can describe the interactions between evolving processes. By modeling activity as a process interacting with other processes through ports, this paper presents a new appro... As a variant of process algebra, π calculus can describe the interactions between evolving processes. By modeling activity as a process interacting with other processes through ports, this paper presents a new approach: representing workflow models using π calculus. As a result, the model can characterize the dynamic behaviors of the workflow process in terms of the LTS (Labeled Transition Semantics) semantics of π calculus. The main advantage of the workflow model's formal semantic is that it allows for verification of the model's properties, such as deadlock free and normal termination. Moreover, the equivalence of workflow models can be checked through weak bisimulation theorem in the π calculus, thus facilitating the optimization of business processes. 展开更多
关键词 Workflow modeling π calculus Business process modeling
Exploring Enterprise Performance Indicators Network: A Case Study of China Telecommunication Industry 被引量:1
作者 Shi Wenhua Du Yu Zhang Xiaohang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期153-163,共11页
Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may le... Perforrmnce indicators play some important roles in enterprise operation. Both researchers and managers have recently pointed out that the identification of correlation between different performmance indicators may lead to a better understanding of business. However, it is becoming more and more difficult to measure and analyze these indicators since the fast growing number of performance indicators and the complex relationships between them The existing categories failed to reflect these changes in an adequate way, and the quantitative analysis methods for identifying the characters of those pefformance indicators are still worthy of investigation. The main objective of this paper is to propose a practical methodology for managing and analyzing performance indicators in enterprises, which focuses on building up a performance indicator system and discovering the characters of those performance indicators by applying complex network methods. The empirical results of a telecommunieation enterprise show that the proposed method can be effective in understanding the correlations between performance indicators. 展开更多
关键词 performance indicator complex networks telecommunication industry
Integral evaluation of operating quality and the deciding of management strategy in productive coal mines 被引量:2
作者 赵景礼 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2004年第1期91-96,共6页
According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, presented an evaluation model of geology-technique-social conditions with a significant index system for the estimation of operating quality in productive c... According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, presented an evaluation model of geology-technique-social conditions with a significant index system for the estimation of operating quality in productive coal mines. In the given example, the evaluation result is used to decide management strategy of coal mine, which plays a guiding role in the production. 展开更多
关键词 productive coal mine evaluation model index system management strategy
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