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输入二维树冠轮廓生成三维树木的研究 被引量:1
作者 仲兰芬 王文忠 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第4期494-498,505,共6页
提出一种通过二维树冠轮廓生成三维树木的方法,用于自然界三维树木的计算机模拟.根据用户输入的二维树冠轮廓,按照枝条"倒生长"的方式生成三维树木.由用户输入二维轮廓线上的点推算三维轮廓面上的点,再以三维轮廓面上的点为... 提出一种通过二维树冠轮廓生成三维树木的方法,用于自然界三维树木的计算机模拟.根据用户输入的二维树冠轮廓,按照枝条"倒生长"的方式生成三维树木.由用户输入二维轮廓线上的点推算三维轮廓面上的点,再以三维轮廓面上的点为树枝开始生长点,以一定范围内的角度和最短生长长度为限制条件,寻找其在上级枝条的结束生长点,在开始生长点和结束生长点间绘制枝条.该方法输入简单,生成速度快,适合在大规模的场景中构造树木时使用. 展开更多
关键词 三维树木构造 二维树冠轮廓 三维树冠面 枝条生成
茶树丰产树冠的构成与塑造 被引量:3
作者 杨德庄 《福建农业》 2003年第6期21-21,共1页
栽培茶树的目的是获得高产优质的茶叶,树冠构成状况,影响着茶叶的产量和品质。合理修剪能塑成理想的树冠,有效地提高茶叶产量,增进茶叶品质,适应机械化作业,便于采摘和管理,提高劳动生产率。总结丰产区经验,这种茶树丰产树冠,必须达到... 栽培茶树的目的是获得高产优质的茶叶,树冠构成状况,影响着茶叶的产量和品质。合理修剪能塑成理想的树冠,有效地提高茶叶产量,增进茶叶品质,适应机械化作业,便于采摘和管理,提高劳动生产率。总结丰产区经验,这种茶树丰产树冠,必须达到如下目标。 一、分枝结构良好。分枝层次多而清楚,骨干枝粗壮而又分布均匀。 展开更多
关键词 树冠面 程度 茶树 生产枝
灌木型茶树的修剪技术 被引量:3
作者 杨晓芬 《科学种养》 2018年第1期23-24,共2页
关键词 定型修剪 整形修剪 衰老茶树 冬季休眠 灌木型茶树 重修剪 树冠面 修剪技术
Stem Respiration of a Larch (Larix gmelini) Plantation in Northeast China 被引量:11
作者 王文杰 杨逢建 +4 位作者 祖元刚 王慧梅 TAKAGI Kentaro SASA Kaichiro KOIKE Takayoshi 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第12期1387-1397,共11页
Stem respiration is an important part of the activity of a tree and is an important source of CO2 evolution from a forest ecosystem. Presently, no standard methods are available for the accurate estimation of total st... Stem respiration is an important part of the activity of a tree and is an important source of CO2 evolution from a forest ecosystem. Presently, no standard methods are available for the accurate estimation of total stem CO2 efflux from a forest. In the current study, a 33-year-old (by the year 2001) larch (Larix gmelini Rupr.) plantation was measured throughout 2001-2002 to analyze its monthly and seasonal patterns of stem respiration. Stem respiration rate was also measured at different heights, at different daily intervals and any variation in the larch plantation was recorded. The relationship between stem temperature, growth status and respiration rate was analyzed. Higher respiration rates were recorded in upper reaches of the larch tree throughout the season and these were affected partially by temperature difference. Midday depression was found in the diurnal changes in stem respiration. In the morning, but not in the afternoon, stem respiration was positively correlated with stem temperature. The reason for this variation may be attributed to water deficit, which was stronger in the afternoon. In the larch plantation, a maximum 7-fold variation in stem respiration was found. The growth status (such as mean growth rate of stem and canopy projection area) instead of stem temperature difference was positively correlated with this large variation. An S-model (sigmoid curve) or Power model shows the greatest regression of the field data. In the courses of seasonal and annual changes of stem respiration, peak values were observed in July of both years, but substantial interannual differences in magnitude were observed. An exponential model can clearly show this regression of the temperature-respiration relationship. In our results, Q(10) values ranged from 2.22 in 2001 to 3.53 in 2002. Therefore, estimation of total stem CO2 efflux only by a constant Q(10) value may give biased results. More parameters of growth status and water status should be considered for more accurate estimation. 展开更多
关键词 Larix gmelini stem respiration growth status growth rate canopy projection area Q(10)
作者 钱开信 《中国茶叶》 1984年第1期35-36,共2页
江西省铅山河口茶场于1941年冬播种的百亩双行条列式平地茶园,从1955年起,单产超百斤,1958年来,每年亩产干茶一直保持在250—400斤,近40年来,共产茶8000多担,每亩产茶80担以上。目前四十一龄茶园树势旺盛,采摘面为140厘米,覆盖度在80%... 江西省铅山河口茶场于1941年冬播种的百亩双行条列式平地茶园,从1955年起,单产超百斤,1958年来,每年亩产干茶一直保持在250—400斤,近40年来,共产茶8000多担,每亩产茶80担以上。目前四十一龄茶园树势旺盛,采摘面为140厘米,覆盖度在80%以上。此外,全场还有千亩采摘茶园连续10年亩产超过200斤。如此大面积的高龄茶园的稳产高产,在栽培上主要抓住了改土、施肥、更新复壮、防治病虫害等关键技术,从而延长了茶树的经济周期。 (一)改良土壤、提高肥力是持久丰产的基础河口茶场的土壤是粘性红壤,结构较差,开垦时用牛耕耙,深度为20~23厘米。因为种植前开垦深度较浅,解放前肥料(尤其是化肥)较缺,所以茶园基础差,在五十年代初茶叶单产不到100斤。1952年以后, 展开更多
关键词 稳产高产 行条 列式 茶苗 干茶 茶场 农场 茶树 采摘 定型修剪 树冠面 结节枝 鸡爪枝
作者 郭津伍 《农家之友》 1996年第2期14-14,共1页
为了促进茶树早萌芽,早开采,增加采摘批次,夺取春茶优质高产。早春茶园必须抓好如下措施。一、早修整树冠。常言道“惊蛰过,茶脱壳”,意思是到了3月份,气温回升,茶树复苏,茶芽开始萌发。因此,要在“蛰惊”至“春分”,春芽萌发前进行修... 为了促进茶树早萌芽,早开采,增加采摘批次,夺取春茶优质高产。早春茶园必须抓好如下措施。一、早修整树冠。常言道“惊蛰过,茶脱壳”,意思是到了3月份,气温回升,茶树复苏,茶芽开始萌发。因此,要在“蛰惊”至“春分”,春芽萌发前进行修剪。对投产茶园。 展开更多
关键词 茶园 茶树根 优质高产 萌发 开采 春茶 修剪方法 催芽肥 树冠面 管理措施
作者 连祥 汉芳 《风景名胜》 1996年第9期42-42,共1页
清明刚过,应友约到东湖踏青。时下梅已落,荷未开,料想无大观赏价值。然而,去过磨山茶园之后,所见所闻之感慨,自觉比赏梅观荷毫不逊色。那茶园三面傍水,一面靠山,方圆200余亩;茶树依坡就势,一簇簇,一排排,一片片,满目葱绿。正值采茶旺季... 清明刚过,应友约到东湖踏青。时下梅已落,荷未开,料想无大观赏价值。然而,去过磨山茶园之后,所见所闻之感慨,自觉比赏梅观荷毫不逊色。那茶园三面傍水,一面靠山,方圆200余亩;茶树依坡就势,一簇簇,一排排,一片片,满目葱绿。正值采茶旺季,茶园里有着数十名女工,红、粉、黄、蓝,姑娘鲜艳的服色点缀于丛绿之中,衬着那山、那水,远远望去,活像一幅硕大的水彩画。走进茶园细看,只见修剪不久的茶树冠面吐满一层柔嫩的新绿。姑娘们忙碌在茶里行间,灵巧而准确地采摘着片片叶芽,一把,又一把,背篓里很快有了堆积。我们在一旁看得眼热手痒,试着采摘,不一会儿就败下阵来——一位身穿咖啡色上装的姑娘见我们笨拙的样子,善意地笑了。她说,要摘那"一叶一芽"或"独芽"的才算合格,不能"胡子眉毛一把抓"。并且要眼疾手快,"照你这个采法,连饭钱都混不上哩!"后来才知道,这些姑娘是来自河南的临时采茶工,多数富有经验,最多的一天能采4公斤。离开茶园,来到东湖磨山园艺公司会客室。 展开更多
关键词 茶园 观赏价值 水彩画 树冠面 采茶 名茶 过磨 茶树 咖啡色 加工制
作者 夏家超 《老区建设》 2000年第9期48-,共1页
关键词 树冠面 茶树 管理措施
3种圆柏属植物叶片气孔特征对自然光强的响应 被引量:1
作者 宋晨慧 张有福 +2 位作者 王梦可 王露露 陈春艳 《广东农业科学》 CAS 2022年第4期28-34,共7页
【目的】光诱导的气孔开合是植物调节吸收CO_(2)和蒸腾作用的重要原因,探讨不同光环境下植物气孔特征有助于理解植物对环境的适应机制。【方法】以北方广泛栽培的具有异形叶特征的3种圆柏属植物为研究对象,应用NaClO法制片,对气孔特征... 【目的】光诱导的气孔开合是植物调节吸收CO_(2)和蒸腾作用的重要原因,探讨不同光环境下植物气孔特征有助于理解植物对环境的适应机制。【方法】以北方广泛栽培的具有异形叶特征的3种圆柏属植物为研究对象,应用NaClO法制片,对气孔特征进行观察与参数测定,分析同一生境下短期光照变化(日变化)与长期光照差异(树冠阴面和阳面)下叶片的气孔特征及其相关性。【结果】3种圆柏属植物叶有两种叶形,其中鳞形叶气孔分布在近轴面和两鳞形叶交界处的远轴面上,刺形叶气孔仅分布于近轴面且有两条明显的气孔带。日变化下3种圆柏属植物叶片保卫细胞宽度中午比早晨分别显著减小0.06%、0.09%、0.09%,气孔开度显著增大27.6%、24.3%、24.3%,且二者呈负相关,但中午保卫细胞长度和气孔密度与早晨无显著差异,表明3种植物主要通过保卫细胞宽度的收缩调节气孔开度以适应短期光照变化。【结论】3种圆柏属植物阳面叶片保卫细胞长度和宽度、气孔密度、气孔开度与阴面叶相应指标均存在显著差异,且前三者均与气孔开度具有显著相关,表明3种植物依赖于保卫细胞长度和宽度的伸缩来改变气孔开度和气孔密度,以适应长期光照差异。气孔特征可以较好地反映植物对长期和短期光照适应性的差异。 展开更多
关键词 圆柏属 气孔 光强 树冠阴阳 日变化
Thinning effects on walnut stem and crown diameter growth and fruiting in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan 被引量:2
作者 Jean-Pierre SORG Zora Lea URECH +1 位作者 Davlet MAMADZHAN0V Maik REHNUS 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第9期1558-1566,共9页
The walnut-fruit forests (Juglans regia L.) in southern Kyrgyzstan are considered to be biodiversity hotspots and of considerable economic and ecological importance to local populations. The fruiting ability and sta... The walnut-fruit forests (Juglans regia L.) in southern Kyrgyzstan are considered to be biodiversity hotspots and of considerable economic and ecological importance to local populations. The fruiting ability and stability of these forests are, however, decreasing because of infrequent silvicultural interventions and non-existent natural regeneration. Continuous inventories and walnut harvest measurements were carded out on 18 trial and control plots over the course of i3 year. Results showed that i) thinning had a positive influence on diameter at breast height (dbh) increase, ii) dbh growth and crown area increases are strongly and positively correlated, iii) large crowns enhanced the production of fruits, and iv) temperature conditions had a major influence on the production of fruits. The above-mentioned points are particularly relevant for young plantations but are also valid for relatively old plantations (〉 50 years). We conclude that regular thinning substantially improves diameter growth, fruit production and ability of trees to withstand wind and snow damage in both young stands and in older walnut-fruit forests. 展开更多
关键词 Juglans regia SILVICULTURE Orchardmanagement Fruit harvest Nut production
茶树冻害的预防和补救 被引量:2
作者 陈光发 《农民文摘》 2009年第1期30-31,共2页
关键词 茶树 受冻害 树冠面 喷灌系统 茶园 补救 预防措施 喷水 气温 防冻
The spatial scaling effect of the discrete-canopy effective leaf area index retrieved by remote sensing 被引量:5
作者 FAN WenJie GAI YingYing +1 位作者 XU XiRu YAN BinYan 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期1548-1554,共7页
The leaf area index(LAI) is a critical biophysical variable that describes canopy geometric structures and growth conditions.It is also an important input parameter for climate,energy and carbon cycle models.The scali... The leaf area index(LAI) is a critical biophysical variable that describes canopy geometric structures and growth conditions.It is also an important input parameter for climate,energy and carbon cycle models.The scaling effect of the LAI has always been of concern.Considering the effects of the clumping indices on the BRDF models of discrete canopies,an effective LAI is defined.The effective LAI has the same function of describing the leaf density as does the traditional LAI.Therefore,our study was based on the effective LAI.The spatial scaling effect of discrete canopies significantly differed from that of continuous canopies.Based on the directional second-derivative method of effective LAI retrieval,the mechanism responsible for the spatial scaling effect of the discrete-canopy LAI is discussed and a scaling transformation formula for the effective LAI is suggested in this paper.Theoretical analysis shows that the mean values of effective LAIs retrieved from high-resolution pixels were always equal to or larger than the effective LAIs retrieved from corresponding coarse-resolution pixels.Both the conclusions and the scaling transformation formula were validated with airborne hyperspectral remote sensing imagery obtained in Huailai County,Zhangjiakou,Hebei Province,China.The scaling transformation formula agreed well with the effective LAI retrieved from hyperspectral remote sensing imagery. 展开更多
关键词 The spatial scaling effect of the discrete-canopy effective leaf area index retrieved by remote sensing
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