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立足传统之根 汲取文化精髓——以“树山”传统文化在小学德育中的渗透为例
作者 府文娟 《教育界》 2024年第31期146-148,共3页
传统文化在小学德育中的渗透具有重要价值,其不仅能丰富德育教育资源,促使学生理解德育理论内涵,还能创设多元德育方式,便于开展德育实践。在以往的德育实践中,存在教育准备不够充分、渗透方式较为单调、实践活动不够多样、评价反馈较... 传统文化在小学德育中的渗透具有重要价值,其不仅能丰富德育教育资源,促使学生理解德育理论内涵,还能创设多元德育方式,便于开展德育实践。在以往的德育实践中,存在教育准备不够充分、渗透方式较为单调、实践活动不够多样、评价反馈较为缺乏等问题。文章基于这些方面的问题,通过运用实践探究法和经验总结法,以“树山”传统文化在小学德育中的渗透为例,提出传统文化在小学德育中的渗透策略,旨在有效渗透传统文化,提升小学德育成效。 展开更多
关键词 树山 传统文化 小学德育 德育渗透
生态、人文与自然景观有机耦合的苏州树山生态园规划设计 被引量:2
作者 严军 汪婷 任珂 《江苏林业科技》 2005年第6期29-32,共4页
关键词 树山生态园 生态 人文 景观 耦合
作者 蒋丽华 任怡 《太原城市职业技术学院学报》 2016年第1期143-145,共3页
文章在对苏州市通安镇树山村农产品(翠冠梨、云泉茶、杨梅、笋用竹)的产销现状充分评述的基础上,找出树山村农产品发展存在的问题,对存在的问题进行剖析,并从宏观、微观两方面着手寻求解决当下农产品流通过程中的一些矛盾的方法,有针对... 文章在对苏州市通安镇树山村农产品(翠冠梨、云泉茶、杨梅、笋用竹)的产销现状充分评述的基础上,找出树山村农产品发展存在的问题,对存在的问题进行剖析,并从宏观、微观两方面着手寻求解决当下农产品流通过程中的一些矛盾的方法,有针对性地提出发展建议,以期为树山农产品产业发展的规划提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 树山 农产品产销 现状 对策
作者 项永琴 赵伟 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2019年第3期17-20,共4页
英国国家图书馆所藏清人陈庆槐《借树山房诗草》稿本为孤本,借助全球汉籍合璧工程,其全文图像得以回归。此版本汇集张问陶、李鼎元、朱文治、冯培、邵葆祺等人的评点,呈现了友人们对于陈庆槐诗歌的称赏和批评,同时也有陈氏根据建议所做... 英国国家图书馆所藏清人陈庆槐《借树山房诗草》稿本为孤本,借助全球汉籍合璧工程,其全文图像得以回归。此版本汇集张问陶、李鼎元、朱文治、冯培、邵葆祺等人的评点,呈现了友人们对于陈庆槐诗歌的称赏和批评,同时也有陈氏根据建议所做的修改,具有珍贵而独特的文献价值。由友人的激赏中,可以看出陈庆槐诗歌兼具唐宋人之所长,风格独特,成就斐然。其诗歌内容广博,展示了舟山的风土人情,具有重要的史料价值。 展开更多
关键词 陈庆槐 《借树山房诗草》 稿本 英国国家图书馆
“新苏南模式”下新农村建设的思考——以苏州树山社区可持续发展之路为例 被引量:4
作者 黄梅婷 张云 《苏州科技学院学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期5-10,共6页
"新苏南模式"是苏南人民为促使城市与农村、人与自然、经济建设与环境保护、国内发展和对外开放协调发展而开拓出的一条可持续发展之路。树山在"新苏南模式"指导下,借鉴蒋巷、艳阳与旺山经验,以苏高新集团为投资主... "新苏南模式"是苏南人民为促使城市与农村、人与自然、经济建设与环境保护、国内发展和对外开放协调发展而开拓出的一条可持续发展之路。树山在"新苏南模式"指导下,借鉴蒋巷、艳阳与旺山经验,以苏高新集团为投资主体,以城市资本进行新农村建设,体现了构建环境友好型和谐社会,实现城乡协调发展的价值取向,致力于实现市场管经济发展、政府管社会发展的格局。在实践中也遇到了诸如资金回收压力大,旅游管理问题突出,旅游竞争力提升困难等问题,可以采取正确处理农企关系、充分争取政府支持、开辟多种收入渠道等措施予以应对。 展开更多
关键词 新苏南模式 树山模式 可持续发展
辽东半岛南部金州湾拉树山剖面寒武系苗岭统徐庄组核形石沉积特征 被引量:2
作者 肖梦晗 秦仁月 《东北石油大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期82-92,102,I0006,共13页
辽东半岛南部金州湾拉树山剖面寒武系苗岭统徐庄组顶部发育丰富的巨型泥晶核形石。基于野外描述和镜下观察资料,分析研究区核形石沉积特征及微观组构。结果表明:徐庄组产出的核形石与鲕粒共生且核形石灰岩与鲕粒灰岩具有明显分界,最典... 辽东半岛南部金州湾拉树山剖面寒武系苗岭统徐庄组顶部发育丰富的巨型泥晶核形石。基于野外描述和镜下观察资料,分析研究区核形石沉积特征及微观组构。结果表明:徐庄组产出的核形石与鲕粒共生且核形石灰岩与鲕粒灰岩具有明显分界,最典型的沉积特征为核形石的泥晶质组成和非纹层化结构,核形石内部致密泥晶中发育密集的丝状钙化蓝细菌鞘化石及不规则的窗格状组构;核形石可能形成于光合作用生物膜与“碱度发动机”和EPS紧密耦合的复杂的钙化作用,与以丝状钙化蓝细菌为主导的微生物膜沉积作用密切相关。核形石表现无纹层特征、白云石化现象及外来碎屑存在,可能形成于浅海正常浪基面附近的中高能水体环境。该结果为研究早古生代高能水体中微生物调节的沉淀作用形成碳酸盐颗粒提供典型实例。 展开更多
关键词 沉积特征 核形石 钙化蓝细菌 钙化作用 徐庄组 苗岭统 寒武系 树山剖面 辽东半岛
作者 韩树俊 《中国高新区》 2012年第1期140-140,共1页
关键词 《四季常做树山客》 散文 文学 韩树俊
作者 罗从坤 《现代苏州》 2012年第8期100-105,共6页
关键词 《六处树山情调地:咫尺梨花事悠悠》 散文 文学 罗从坤
作者 裘潇 《现代苏州》 2015年第35期84-87,共4页
已过大雪,虽然雪压冬林的景致还未出现,但已经开始忆起树山绿意萦绕处的梨花朵朵开。 树山的美,关乎山水,关乎吴地文化的悠韵,更关乎向往清幽的情怀。这是一处随时可以拥抱自然、寻找本真的处所,哪怕小憩片刻、数日,一隅所在,... 已过大雪,虽然雪压冬林的景致还未出现,但已经开始忆起树山绿意萦绕处的梨花朵朵开。 树山的美,关乎山水,关乎吴地文化的悠韵,更关乎向往清幽的情怀。这是一处随时可以拥抱自然、寻找本真的处所,哪怕小憩片刻、数日,一隅所在,足以安心。 展开更多
关键词 散文 文学作品 现代文学 《回味这一冬的树山 候下一季的梨花》
“旅游+”开启乡村旅游“4.0时代”——以树山为核心的全域旅游构建 被引量:3
作者 张道中 《旅游纵览(下半月)》 2017年第1期40-40,43,共2页
从"1.0时代"的观光旅游、"2.0时代"的休闲旅游到"3.0时代"的度假旅游,乡村旅游的发展如火如荼,德清莫干山、高淳慢城、无锡田园东方等优秀案例不断涌现,在竞争如此激烈的环境下,树山如何突围?"后美... 从"1.0时代"的观光旅游、"2.0时代"的休闲旅游到"3.0时代"的度假旅游,乡村旅游的发展如火如荼,德清莫干山、高淳慢城、无锡田园东方等优秀案例不断涌现,在竞争如此激烈的环境下,树山如何突围?"后美丽乡村"时代,树山应当何去何从? 展开更多
关键词 全域旅游 树山 民宿 目的地
作者 马士钧 杨福军 《中国石油企业》 2004年第1期95-99,共5页
在难忘的2003年,曾作为中油集团公司6个特困企业之一的吉林石油集团公司,取得了令人可喜的成果:总收入45.42亿元,同比增加0.52亿元;实现利润总额4541万元,同比增幅54.46%;偿还债务2.9亿元。 吉林石油集团公司董事长、总经理何树山带领... 在难忘的2003年,曾作为中油集团公司6个特困企业之一的吉林石油集团公司,取得了令人可喜的成果:总收入45.42亿元,同比增加0.52亿元;实现利润总额4541万元,同比增幅54.46%;偿还债务2.9亿元。 吉林石油集团公司董事长、总经理何树山带领一班人用有力的数字记录了这刚刚过去的业绩,用企业发展诠释了一个硬道理:企业必须追求效益,并努力使盈利最大。 展开更多
关键词 吉林石油集团 企业 企业管理 树山 总经理
EH-4电磁成像系统在公路隧道工程勘察中的应用研究 被引量:6
作者 罗建刚 苟海瑞 +3 位作者 金胜 魏文博 谢成良 刘强 《工程地球物理学报》 2016年第4期443-448,共6页
在隧道施工前期使用物探方法对工区地下构造情况进行探测,可以为隧道设计、施工提供依据。EH-4电磁成像系统是一种比较成熟的物探设备,已经得到了广泛的应用,首先通过该系统在大冬树山隧道工程勘察中的实际应用,介绍了利用该系统在野外... 在隧道施工前期使用物探方法对工区地下构造情况进行探测,可以为隧道设计、施工提供依据。EH-4电磁成像系统是一种比较成熟的物探设备,已经得到了广泛的应用,首先通过该系统在大冬树山隧道工程勘察中的实际应用,介绍了利用该系统在野外采集数据时的工作方法和注意事项;然后使用非线性共轭梯度法NLCG(Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient)对野外采集的数据进行了二维反演,并研究了地形因素对二维反演结果的影响。根据数据二维反演结果,确定了已知断裂的深部赋存状态,推测出了未知隐伏断裂的存在,同时判定工区地下局部富水性较强。综合分析该系统在本次隧道工程勘察中的应用效果良好,成功寻找出了断层破碎带、富水带等不良地质构造,可以为隧道设计、施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 EH-4电磁成像系统 非线性共轭梯度法 大冬树山隧道 断层破碎带 地形
Study on the Transferability of Camellia sinensis EST-SSRs in Theaceae Plant
作者 程小毛 陈自兰 王华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期198-200,216,共4页
[Objective] The research aimed to study the transferability of Camellia sinensis EST-SSRs in Theaceae plant.[Method] Seven pairs of EST-SSRs primers which derived from Camellia sinensis EST sequence were used to ampli... [Objective] The research aimed to study the transferability of Camellia sinensis EST-SSRs in Theaceae plant.[Method] Seven pairs of EST-SSRs primers which derived from Camellia sinensis EST sequence were used to amplify the nineteen materials of Theaceae plant.[Result] Five pairs in the seven pairs of EST-SSRs primers could effectively amplify the nineteen tested varieties,and the transferability rate was 71.43%.The amplification rate of Camellia retiacalate FengShanCha,Camellia japouica CaiXia and Camellia retiacalate JuBan was the highest.The amplification rate of Camellia synaptica Sealy and Adinandra sagonica var.wallichiana(oc)Ming was the lowest.Moreover,four pairs in the five pairs of primers which could effectively amplify showed the rich polymorphism whose difference was obvious in the tested materials.[Conclusion] SSR primers which were developed from Camellia sinensis genome had the higher transferability in the different genus and species of Theaceae plant,could be used in the comparative genome research and analysis mark research of Theaceae plant. 展开更多
关键词 Camellia sinensis EST-SSR Transferability Theaceae plant
作者 田樱 《国土绿化》 2004年第2期41-41,共1页
关键词 植物公园 新西兰 大洋洲 树山 奥克兰市 杜鹃花
Effect of water stress on N_2O emission rate of 5 tree species
作者 王淼 李秋荣 +1 位作者 肖冬梅 王长科 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期19-23,J001,共6页
The N2O emission rates, photosynthesis, respiration and stomatal conductance of the dominant tree species from broadleaf/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain were measured by simulated water stress with the closed ... The N2O emission rates, photosynthesis, respiration and stomatal conductance of the dominant tree species from broadleaf/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain were measured by simulated water stress with the closed bag-gas chromatography. A total of five species seedlings were involved in this study, i.e.,Pinus koraiensis Sieb. et Zucc,Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr,Juglans mandshurica Maxim,Tilia amurensis Rupr, andQuercus mongolica Fisch. ex Turcz.. The results showed that the stomatal conductance, net photosynthetic rate and N2O emission of leaves were significantly reduced under the water stress. The stoma in the leaves of trees is the main pathway of N2O emission. N2O emission in the trees mainly occurred during daytime. N2O emission rates were different in various tree specie seedlings at the same water status. In the same tree species, N2O emission rates decreased as the reduction of soil water contents. At different soil water contents (MW, LW) the N2O emission rates ofPinus koraiensis decreased by 34.43% and 100.6% of those in normal water condition, respectively. In broadleaf arbor decreased by 31.93% and 86.35%, respectively. Under different water stresses N2O emission rates in five tree species such asPinus koraiensis, Fraxinus mandshurica, Juglans mandshurica, Tilia amurensis, andQuercus mongolica were 38.22, 14.44, 33.02, 16.48 and 32.33 ngN2O·g?1DW·h?1, respectively. Keywords Trees - N2O emission rate - Soil water stress - broadleaf/Korean pine forest - Changbai Mountain CLC number S718.55 Document code A Foundation item: This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30271068), the grant of the Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZ-CX-SW-01-01B-10), and the Special Funds for Major State Basic Research Program of China (No. G1999043407)Biography: Wang Miao (1964-), male, associate professor in Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Science, Shenyang 110016, P. R. China.Responsible editor: Song Funan 展开更多
关键词 Trees N2O emission rate Soil water stress broadleaf/Korean pine forest Changbai Mountain
Responses of the seedlings of five dominant tree species in Changbai Mountain to soil water stress 被引量:1
作者 代力民 李秋荣 +1 位作者 王淼 姬兰柱 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第3期191-196,共6页
Soil water stress was studied on the potted seedlings of five dominant tree species (Pinus koraienes Sieb.et Zucc., Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim, Tilia amurensis Rupr. and Quercus mongolica Fi... Soil water stress was studied on the potted seedlings of five dominant tree species (Pinus koraienes Sieb.et Zucc., Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim, Tilia amurensis Rupr. and Quercus mongolica Fisch.ex Turcz) from the broadleaved/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain. Leaf growth, water transpiration and photosynthesis were compared for each species under three soil moisture conditions: 85%-100% (high water, CK), 65%-85% (Medium water, MW) and 45%-65% (low water, LW) of 37.4% water-holding capacity in field. The results showed that the characteristic of typical drought-resistance of the leaves is significantly developed. The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of Fraxinus mandshurica were higher in MW than those in CK. But for the other four species, the net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency in CK were lower than those in MW and LW. The transpiration rate responding to soil moistures varied from species to species. 展开更多
关键词 Water stress Net photosynthesis Transpiration rate Water use efficiency Broadleaf/Korean pine forest
Topographic Controls on Alpine Treeline Patterns on Changbai Mountain,China 被引量:4
作者 GUO Dan ZHANG Hong-yan +3 位作者 HOU Guang-lei ZHAO Jian-jun LIU De-ying GUO Xiao-yi 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期429-441,共13页
【Title】【Author】【Addresses】1 The control mechanisms of topography on alpine treeline pattern are critical to understanding treeline dynamics and future changes. These mechanisms have not been understood quite wel... 【Title】【Author】【Addresses】1 The control mechanisms of topography on alpine treeline pattern are critical to understanding treeline dynamics and future changes. These mechanisms have not been understood quite well enough because of increasing human disturbance and low data resolution. In this study, the relationship between the treeline pattern and topography was analyzed based on high spatial resolution remote sensing data and a digital elevation model in an area in Changbai Mountain with little human disturbance. Future treeline patterns were also predicted. The results showed that (a) aspects with high solar radiation and low snow cover have a high coverage rate of trees, (b) the peak coverage rate of trees switches from low slopes (〈5°) to medium slopes (5°~25°) as the elevation rises because of the extreme environment, (c) the coverage rate of trees is a function that depends on environmental factors controlled by topography, (d) the future treeline pattern is controlled by new temperature mechanisms, new environmental factors and the reallocation effect of topography. Our research implies that topography controls the treeline pattern and changes in the treeline pattern associated with global warming, due to the effect of global warming on environmental factors. This study may well explain the causes of heterogeneous changes in the treeline pattern in the horizontal direction as well as differences in treeline response to climate warming. 展开更多
关键词 ChangbaiMountain Alpine treeline pattern Remote sensing TOPOGRAPHY
Development-Conservation Dilemma in the Nilgiri Mountains of South India 被引量:1
作者 DharmalingamVENUGOPAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第1期74-80,共7页
The Nilgiri Mountains of south India isconsidered unique by anthropologists, geologists,climatologists, botanists as well as tourists. It hasremained a subject of constant study and researchover the last two centuries... The Nilgiri Mountains of south India isconsidered unique by anthropologists, geologists,climatologists, botanists as well as tourists. It hasremained a subject of constant study and researchover the last two centuries. Man-nature balance had continued undisturbed in the Nilgiris for thousandsof years until the early 19th century when it became a British colony attracting, in due course, variousdevelopmental activities. Subsequently, the Nilgirisand its popular hill stations emerged as favouriteplaces for the British population in India for rest and recuperation, game and for raising commercial plantations. In the process, the traditional indigenous crops were replaced by 揈nglish?vegetables and the natural forests gave way to commercial plantations of coffee, tea and other exotic species of trees. After Independence in 1947, the government of India accelerated the developmental process on thesame lines as during the colonial period leading to arapid growth of urbanisation and commercialplantations. Increasing pressure on land foragriculture and monoculture plantations displaced an alarmingly high proportion of natural forests andgrasslands leading to an extensive loss of biodiversity and turning the Nilgiris into a biodiversity 揾otspot? as identified by World Wildlife Fund, India (1995).Mindless development since the 1970s further tilted the scale precariously, pushing the hills to the brink of an ecological disaster. Nilgiris entered an anxious era of landslides, which have become more frequent and disastrous in recent decades. The 揜eport on the study of Landslides of November 1993 in Nilgiris District?observed that 搊ccurrence of land-slides in Nilgiris, particularly at the onset and during the north-east monsoons, is a ubiquitous, recurring, annual phenomenon? The colonists simultaneously developed the Nilgiris as a tourist resort for the English population. When independence came, the English were replaced by the Indian princely classes, politicians, capitalists and bureaucrats. After the 1970s, tourism became a mass industry for various reasons. Tourist arrivals increased exponentially to cross a million a year since 2000. However, without a proper plan to promote it on desired lines, the lop-sided and haphazard growth of tourism brought more harm than good to the hills. Alongside, unrelenting commercialization and immigration explosion with no corresponding improvements in infrastructures and amenities have begun to strain the carrying capacity of the hills, leading to water famine, pollution, urban congestion and marginalisation of the indigenous people. The Nilgiris is at the cross roads in the 21st century. Its development appears to have reached its limits with the predominant plantation economy collapsing and its tourism industry stagnating. Any further shifts in land use or cropping pattern appear economically unsound and ecologically catastrophic. Promotion of tourism again may prove counter productive unless there is a radical change in the focus and objectives of the industry in consonance with the overall priorities of the district. The Nilgiris is desperately looking for the best international practices to balance the needs of development and conservation. 展开更多
Responses of some landscape trees to the drought and high temperature events during 2006 and 2007 in Yamaguchi, Japan 被引量:3
作者 WANG Fei Haruhiko Yamamoto Yasuomi Ibaraki 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期254-260,共7页
Extreme weather events were analyzed based on the meteorological data from the year of 1967 to 2007 for Yamaguchi, Japan. The responses from landscape trees were also investigated mainly by the analysis of image pixel... Extreme weather events were analyzed based on the meteorological data from the year of 1967 to 2007 for Yamaguchi, Japan. The responses from landscape trees were also investigated mainly by the analysis of image pixel and spectral reflectance, Results show that after the dry, hot and windy summer in 2007, many landscape trees in Yamaguchi City tended to respond the extreme weather events by re- ducing their leaf surface area and receiving less radiation energy. Premature leaf discoloration or defoliation appeared on some landscape tree species and leaf necrosis occurred on tip and margin of many Kousa dogwood (Comus kousa) trees at unfavorable sites. Described by image pixel analysis method, the leaf necrotic area percentage (LNAP) of sampled dogwood trees averaged 41.6% and the sampled Sasanqua camellia (Camelia sasanqua) tree also showed fewer flowers in flower season of 2007 than that in 2006. By differential analysis of partial discolored crown, it presented a logistic differential equation of crown color for sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) trees. It suggested that the persistent higher temperature and lower precipitation could be injurious to the sensitive landscape trees at poor sites, even in relative humid area like Yamaguchi. 展开更多
关键词 extreme meteorological event drought and high temperature landscape tree image pixel analysis response
Response of seedlings of different tree species to elevated CO_2 in Changbai Mountain 被引量:1
作者 王淼 李秋荣 +1 位作者 代力民 姬兰柱 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期112-116,共5页
Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadlea... Eco-physiological responses of seedlings of eight species, Pinus koraiensis, Picea koraiensis, Larix olgensis, Populus ussuriensis, Betula platyphylla, Tilia amurensis, Traxinus mandshurica and Acer mono from broadleaved/Korean pine forest, to elevated CO2 were studied by using open-top chambers under natural sunlight in Changbai Mountain, China in two growing seasons (1998-1999). Two concentrations of CO2 were designed: elevated CO2 (700 祄olmol-1) and ambient CO2 (400 祄olmol-1). The study results showed that the height growth of the tree seedlings grown at elevated CO2 increased by about 10%-40% compared to those grown at ambient CO2. And the water using efficiency of seedlings also followed the same tendency. However, the responses of seedlings in transpiration and chlorophyll content to elevated CO2 varied with tree species. The broad-leaf tree species were more sensitive to the elevated CO2 than conifer tree species. All seedlings showed a photosynthetic acclimation to long-term elevated CO2. 展开更多
关键词 Elevated CO_2 Eco-physiological response Changbai Mountain
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