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《税务(辽宁)》 1998年第10期6-7,共2页
从现在到年底,还有100天时间。到8月末,全省工商税收累计完成1317亿元,比上年同期下降09%,减少12亿元,为今年计划25299亿元的52%,为增收目标25619亿元的514%。全省两税累计完成120... 从现在到年底,还有100天时间。到8月末,全省工商税收累计完成1317亿元,比上年同期下降09%,减少12亿元,为今年计划25299亿元的52%,为增收目标25619亿元的514%。全省两税累计完成120亿元,比上年同期下降42%,减少... 展开更多
关键词 抗洪精神 组织收入 努力完成 国税局 “两个确保” 税收增收 增收措施 国税系统 重点税源企业 树模
辽宁省国税局局长郑树模要求:恪尽职守 勇于奉献 全力组织收入
《税务(辽宁)》 1997年第12期3-3,共1页
辽宁省国税局局长郑树模要求恪尽职守勇于奉献全力组织收入今年以来,在省委、省政府和国家税务总局的正确领导下,全省各级国税机关认真学习贯彻十五大精神,坚持以组织收入为中心,不断加大征管、稽查和清欠力度,保证了前10个月... 辽宁省国税局局长郑树模要求恪尽职守勇于奉献全力组织收入今年以来,在省委、省政府和国家税务总局的正确领导下,全省各级国税机关认真学习贯彻十五大精神,坚持以组织收入为中心,不断加大征管、稽查和清欠力度,保证了前10个月税收收入的增长。在我省企业资金持续... 展开更多
关键词 组织收入 辽宁省 国税局 国税机关 税收收入 树模 收入情况 社会主义市场经济 欠税 税收计划
担起历史使命 负起时代重任──郑树模局长新春答本刊记者
作者 佟海燕 马丙柱 陈晓华 《税务(辽宁)》 1996年第2期1-,4,共2页
担起历史使命负起时代重任──郑树模局长新春答本刊记者1995年是辽宁国税组织税收收入最为艰辛的一年,请问郑局长,省国税系统是怎样渡过难关,较好实现收入任务的?1995年是"八五"计划的最后一年,也是全省国税系统全面开... 担起历史使命负起时代重任──郑树模局长新春答本刊记者1995年是辽宁国税组织税收收入最为艰辛的一年,请问郑局长,省国税系统是怎样渡过难关,较好实现收入任务的?1995年是"八五"计划的最后一年,也是全省国税系统全面开展工作的第一年、在国家税务总局和省... 展开更多
关键词 历史使命 国税机关 国税系统 增值税专用发票管理 组织收入 计算机稽查系统 税收工作 征收管理 树模 奋斗目标
《税务(辽宁)》 1999年第1期2-2,共1页
在刚刚过去的一年中,尤其在那令人难忘的最后60天里,我们全省广大国税干部以高度的政治责任感和强烈的革命事业心,发扬伟大抗洪精神,团结一心,顽强拼搏,走过了一条充满赤诚与奉献的艰辛之路。表现出崇高的爱国主义、集体主义和... 在刚刚过去的一年中,尤其在那令人难忘的最后60天里,我们全省广大国税干部以高度的政治责任感和强烈的革命事业心,发扬伟大抗洪精神,团结一心,顽强拼搏,走过了一条充满赤诚与奉献的艰辛之路。表现出崇高的爱国主义、集体主义和革命英雄主义精神,实现了确保税收新... 展开更多
关键词 国税干部 新世纪 国税局 “两个文明”建设 树模 党风廉政建设 惩治腐败 邓小平理论 党组 东南亚金融危机
《税务(辽宁)》 1998年第5期5-5,共1页
辽宁省国税局局长郑树模强调:要学习税法、宣传税法、维护税法从4月1日起,以“税收管理与依法治国”为主题的全国第七个税收宣传月活动就将在辽沈大地拉开帷幕。在这一个月里,全省国税系统叔叔阿姨们将和全省中小学的青少年朋友们... 辽宁省国税局局长郑树模强调:要学习税法、宣传税法、维护税法从4月1日起,以“税收管理与依法治国”为主题的全国第七个税收宣传月活动就将在辽沈大地拉开帷幕。在这一个月里,全省国税系统叔叔阿姨们将和全省中小学的青少年朋友们一起学习税法、宣传税法、维护税法,... 展开更多
关键词 辽宁省 税法 国税局 树模 护税 社会主义法治国家 财政收入 税收收入 社会主义市场经济体制 三峡水电站
清末黑龙江置省后的“新政”——兼评周树模经营江省政绩 被引量:1
作者 陈章范 《北方文物》 北大核心 1996年第1期73-77,共5页
在黑龙江发展史上,清末置省实为一大关键。这一重大改革过程自1907年始至1911年清政府垮台,虽时仅短短五年,然确在许多重大措施上,不但力矫前弊,且为后来相当长的一段时间内黑龙江省的致治奠定了基础,并提供了一定的经验。在这一过程中... 在黑龙江发展史上,清末置省实为一大关键。这一重大改革过程自1907年始至1911年清政府垮台,虽时仅短短五年,然确在许多重大措施上,不但力矫前弊,且为后来相当长的一段时间内黑龙江省的致治奠定了基础,并提供了一定的经验。在这一过程中,改革的主持者黑龙江省巡抚周树模亦以其独到的目光、强有力的措置和突出的政绩而泽及国家后人,以其拳拳忧国爱民之心,再次证明了“诸政得人而理”的哲言。 展开更多
关键词 黑龙江将军 “新政” 呼伦贝尔 树模 满洲里 黑龙江地区 清政府 黑龙江省 兵备道 移民实边
作者 康波 《北方文物》 1999年第3期80-83,90,共5页
关键词 树模 徐世昌 黑龙江省 宣统元年 移民实边 政治思想 松花江 河煤矿 指导思想 八月至十二月
作者 吕来福 《石油政工研究》 1995年第3期9-10,共2页
在企业内开展评选先进生产者和树立模范人物活动,目的是调动职工积极性,促进社会生产力发展,增加企业效益.如何使这项活动开展得扎实、富有成效,真正发挥出理想的作用,是我们应该认真研究的课题.目前评先树模活动的弊端对在特定历史时... 在企业内开展评选先进生产者和树立模范人物活动,目的是调动职工积极性,促进社会生产力发展,增加企业效益.如何使这项活动开展得扎实、富有成效,真正发挥出理想的作用,是我们应该认真研究的课题.目前评先树模活动的弊端对在特定历史时期形成、发展起来的评先树模活动,作为思想政治工作的一种方法,我们首先应该承认它在一定时期发挥过的积极作用.但是,我们也应同样正视这样一种客观事实,即传统的评先树模活动,近几年来,由于各种主客观因素的影响,使这项活动所包含的某些内容及其存在形式发生畸形的衍化,开展这项活动的效力和结果较之最初有所降低,甚至附带着活动的进行过程而产生了一些弊端.观其表现,大致有以下几种. 展开更多
关键词 树模 思想政治工作 先进人物典型 先进标准 先进生产者 调动职工积极性 评比方法 社会生产力发展 主客观因素 特定历史时期
作者 李颖 陈业斌 《微计算机信息》 2009年第15期251-253,共3页
提出基于层的方法来研究双环网络G(N;h)路由特性;给出基于层的路由策略;给出了双环网络G(N;h)直径等于其树型结构的最大层数的重要结论;研究了双环网络G(N;h)的最短路径问题,给出了0节点到其它任意节点的最短路径算法,并利用面向对象的J... 提出基于层的方法来研究双环网络G(N;h)路由特性;给出基于层的路由策略;给出了双环网络G(N;h)直径等于其树型结构的最大层数的重要结论;研究了双环网络G(N;h)的最短路径问题,给出了0节点到其它任意节点的最短路径算法,并利用面向对象的Java语言实现了这一算法. 展开更多
关键词 双环网络 最短路径 树模结构 最优路由
Use of the pilodyn for assessing wood properties in standing trees of Eucalyptus clones 被引量:3
作者 吴世军 徐建民 +4 位作者 李光友 RISTO Vuokko 陆钊华 李宝琦 王伟 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期68-72,I0003,共6页
The effectiveness of pilodyn was tested in evaluating wood basic density, outer wood density, heartwood density, and modulus of elasticity (MoE) at 22 four-year-old eucalyptus clones in Guangxi, China. Results indic... The effectiveness of pilodyn was tested in evaluating wood basic density, outer wood density, heartwood density, and modulus of elasticity (MoE) at 22 four-year-old eucalyptus clones in Guangxi, China. Results indicated that the mean value ranged from 9.44 to 15.41 mm for Pilodyn penetration, 0.3514 to 0.4913 g.cm^-3 for wood basic density, and 3.94 to 7.53 Giga Pascal (GPa) for MoE, respectively. There were significant differences (1% level) in pilodyn penetration between different treatments, different directions and among the clones. Generally strongly negative correlations were found between pilodyn penetration and wood properties, and the coefficients ranged from -0,433 to -0,755. Our results, together with other studies, suggest that the use of pilodyn for assessing wood density and MoE was confirmed as a possibility. 展开更多
关键词 CORRELATION EUCALYPTUS modulus of elasticity PILODYN wood density
Text categorization based on fuzzy classification rules tree 被引量:2
作者 郭玉琴 袁方 刘海博 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期339-342,共4页
To deal with the problem that arises when the conventional fuzzy class-association method applies repetitive scans of the classifier to classify new texts,which has low efficiency, a new approach based on the FCR-tree... To deal with the problem that arises when the conventional fuzzy class-association method applies repetitive scans of the classifier to classify new texts,which has low efficiency, a new approach based on the FCR-tree(fuzzy classification rules tree)for text categorization is proposed.The compactness of the FCR-tree saves significant space in storing a large set of rules when there are many repeated words in the rules.In comparison with classification rules,the fuzzy classification rules contain not only words,but also the fuzzy sets corresponding to the frequencies of words appearing in texts.Therefore,the construction of an FCR-tree and its structure are different from a CR-tree.To debase the difficulty of FCR-tree construction and rules retrieval,more k-FCR-trees are built.When classifying a new text,it is not necessary to search the paths of the sub-trees led by those words not appearing in this text,thus reducing the number of traveling rules.Experimental results show that the proposed approach obviously outperforms the conventional method in efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 text categorization fuzzy classification association rule classification rules tree fuzzy classification rules tree
关于齐齐哈尔市图书馆设立的年代 被引量:1
作者 王洪生 《图书馆建设》 1986年第1期43-45,共3页
一、过去的提法齐齐哈尔市图书馆是全国设立较早的公共图书馆之一。关于它设立的时间和地点,几十年来一直被认为是清宣统元年(1909)在西关外建修的藏书楼。例如:1、一九三八年(伪康德五年)该馆编印的《龙江省立齐齐哈尔图书馆概要》一... 一、过去的提法齐齐哈尔市图书馆是全国设立较早的公共图书馆之一。关于它设立的时间和地点,几十年来一直被认为是清宣统元年(1909)在西关外建修的藏书楼。例如:1、一九三八年(伪康德五年)该馆编印的《龙江省立齐齐哈尔图书馆概要》一书中说:“于清宣统元年就省城西关外临江设立藏书楼”。2、一九五四年八月原省文教厅文化处的《关于省文教厅移交书和文化事业移交书、黑龙江省图书馆发展情况》中说:“黑龙江开始有图书馆是在一九○九年(满清宣统元年)就城西门外临江建筑馆舍,初名藏书楼,由省通志局兼办”。 展开更多
关键词 图书馆 藏书楼 齐齐哈尔市 树模 学务处 程德全 西关 宣统元年 黑龙江 京沪
Single leaf area estimation models based on leaf weight of eucalyptus in southern China 被引量:8
作者 刁军 雷相东 +2 位作者 洪玲霞 戎建涛 石强 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期73-76,I0003,共5页
Leaf area is an important parameter for modeling tree growth and physiological processes of trees. The single young and mature leaf area estimation models of eucalyptus were developed based on leaf fresh weight. In to... Leaf area is an important parameter for modeling tree growth and physiological processes of trees. The single young and mature leaf area estimation models of eucalyptus were developed based on leaf fresh weight. In total, leaf area and leaf weight were measured from 455 fresh leaves of 25 trees of eucalyptus in southern China. The majority of the data (80%) were used for model calibration, and the remaining data (20%) were used for model validation. The linear, compound and power models were tested. Based on goodness of fit, prediction ability and residual performance, we found that linear and power models could best describe the relationship between leaf area and weight for young leaf and mature leaf, respectively. The study provides a simple and reliable method for estimating single-leaf area, which has a good potential in the functional- structural model of eucalyptus. 展开更多
关键词 EUCALYPTUS leaf area leaf weight allometric model
Fast FP-Growth for association rule mining 被引量:1
作者 杨明 杨萍 +1 位作者 吉根林 孙志挥 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期320-323,共4页
In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm, called FFP-Growth (shortfor fast FP-Growth) , to mine frequent itemsets. Similar to FP-Growth, FFP-Growth searches theFP-tree in the bottom-up order, but need not cons... In this paper, we propose an efficient algorithm, called FFP-Growth (shortfor fast FP-Growth) , to mine frequent itemsets. Similar to FP-Growth, FFP-Growth searches theFP-tree in the bottom-up order, but need not construct conditional pattern bases and sub-FP-trees,thus, saving a substantial amount of time and space, and the FP-tree created by it is much smallerthan that created by TD-FP-Growth, hence improving efficiency. At the same time, FFP-Growth can beeasily extended for reducing the search space as TD-FP-Growth (M) and TD-FP-Growth (C). Experimentalresults show that the algorithm of this paper is effective and efficient. 展开更多
关键词 data mining frequent itemsets association rules frequent pattern tree(FP-tree)
Mining condensed frequent subtree base
作者 王涛 卢炎生 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2006年第1期48-53,共6页
In frequent tree pattern mining, the number of frequent subtrees generated is often too large. To tackle this problem, the concept of condensed frequent subtree base is proposed. The base consists of the maximal frequ... In frequent tree pattern mining, the number of frequent subtrees generated is often too large. To tackle this problem, the concept of condensed frequent subtree base is proposed. The base consists of the maximal frequent subtrees for a series of support thresholds. It is a subset of frequent subtrees, and is used to approximate the support of arbitrary frequent subtrees with guaranteed maximal error bound. In addition, an algorithm is developed to mine such a condensed subtree base in a database of labeled rooted ordered trees. The algorithm adopts the way of fight-most extension to generate systematically all frequent rooted ordered subtrees. Several techniques are proposed to prune the branches that do not correspond to the maximal frequent subtrees. Heuristic techniques are used to arrange the order of computation so that relatively expensive computation is avoided as much as possible. Experimental results show that the size of the base is less than 10% of that of the complete set, and the algorithm outperforms the previous algorithms. 展开更多
关键词 data mining tree pattern condensed subtree base
Development of Fault Diagnosis System for Spacecraft Based on Fault Tree and G2 被引量:5
作者 纪常伟 荣吉利 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第4期444-448,共5页
Some ideas in the development of fault diagnosis system for spacecraft are introduced. Firstly, the architecture of spacecraft fault diagnosis is proposed hierarchically with four diagnosis frames, i.e., system level,... Some ideas in the development of fault diagnosis system for spacecraft are introduced. Firstly, the architecture of spacecraft fault diagnosis is proposed hierarchically with four diagnosis frames, i.e., system level, subsystem level, component level and element level. Secondly, a hierarchical diagnosis model is expressed with four layers, i.e., sensors layer, function layer, behavior layer and structure layer. These layers are used to work together to accomplish the fault alarm, diagnosis and localization. Thirdly, a fault-tree-oriented hybrid knowledge representation based on frame and generalized rule and its relevant reasoning strategy is put forward. Finally, a diagnosis case for spacecraft power system is exemplified combining the above with a powerful expert system development tool G2. 展开更多
关键词 spacecraft fault diagnosis fault tree hierarchical diagnosis model G2
Modular solution of dynamic multiple-phased systems 被引量:3
作者 莫毓昌 杨全胜 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第3期316-319,共4页
A new modular solution to the state explosion problem caused by the Markov-based modular solution of dynamic multiple-phased systems is proposed. First, the solution makes full use of the static parts of dynamic multi... A new modular solution to the state explosion problem caused by the Markov-based modular solution of dynamic multiple-phased systems is proposed. First, the solution makes full use of the static parts of dynamic multiple-phased systems and constructs cross-phase dynamic modules by combining the dynamic modules of phase fault trees. Secondly, the system binary decision diagram (BDD) from a modularized multiple- phased system (MPS)is generated by using variable ordering and BDD operations. The computational formulations of the BDD node event probability are derived for various node links and the system reliability results are figured out. Finally, a hypothetical multiple-phased system is given to demonstrate the advantages of the dynamic modular solution when the Markov state space and the size of the system BDD are reduced. 展开更多
关键词 binary decision diagram (BDD) dynamic fault tree Markov chain modular solution
作者 陈仁良 李明成 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2003年第2期165-171,共7页
A mathematical model of resin flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of the resin transfer molding (RTM) is developed based on the control volume/finite element method (CV/FEM). The effects of the heat tr... A mathematical model of resin flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of the resin transfer molding (RTM) is developed based on the control volume/finite element method (CV/FEM). The effects of the heat transfer and chemical reaction of the resin on the flow and temperature are considered. The numerical algorithm of the resin flow and temperature variation in the process of RTM are studied. Its accuracy and convergence are analyzed. The comparison of temperature variations between experimental results and model predictions is carried out for two RTM cases. Result shows that the model is efficient for evaluating the flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of RTM and there is a good coincidence between theory and experiment. 展开更多
关键词 resin transfer molding mathematical modeling numerical algorithm heat transfer
作者 丁贤 《上海人大月刊》 2004年第11期34-34,共1页
关键词 树模 《上海人大月刊》 上海 地方人民代表大会
New algorithm of mining frequent closed itemsets
作者 张亮 任永功 付玉 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第3期335-338,共4页
A new algorithm based on an FC-tree (frequent closed pattern tree) and a max-FCIA (maximal frequent closed itemsets algorithm) is presented, which is used to mine the frequent closed itemsets for solving memory an... A new algorithm based on an FC-tree (frequent closed pattern tree) and a max-FCIA (maximal frequent closed itemsets algorithm) is presented, which is used to mine the frequent closed itemsets for solving memory and time consuming problems. This algorithm maps the transaction database by using a Hash table,gets the support of all frequent itemsets through operating the Hash table and forms a lexicographic subset tree including the frequent itemsets.Efficient pruning methods are used to get the FC-tree including all the minimum frequent closed itemsets through processing the lexicographic subset tree.Finally,frequent closed itemsets are generated from minimum frequent closed itemsets.The experimental results show that the mapping transaction database is introduced in the algorithm to reduce time consumption and to improve the efficiency of the program.Furthermore,the effective pruning strategy restrains the number of candidates,which saves space.The results show that the algorithm is effective. 展开更多
关键词 frequent itemsets frequent closed itemsets minimum frequent closed itemsets maximal frequent closed itemsets frequent closed pattern tree
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