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西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium)栖息生态学 被引量:7
作者 龚小燕 黄太福 +3 位作者 吴涛 张佑祥 彭清忠 刘志霄 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第21期7549-7556,共8页
西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium)是典型的洞栖性蝙蝠,是我国的准特有种。近年,在湘西州境内的13个溶洞中记录到该蝠361只次,并对其栖点的空间分布、栖息姿势、体温、栖点温度及个体的安全性进行了观测。结果表明:其栖点主要集中在距离洞口2... 西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium)是典型的洞栖性蝙蝠,是我国的准特有种。近年,在湘西州境内的13个溶洞中记录到该蝠361只次,并对其栖点的空间分布、栖息姿势、体温、栖点温度及个体的安全性进行了观测。结果表明:其栖点主要集中在距离洞口200 m的范围之内,离地面的高度通常在2—6 m之间,约74%的个体采用腹部贴壁倒挂的姿势栖息;体温变化范围在3.57—20.25℃之间,个体体温均略高于其栖点温度,但两者之间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05)而不同月份之间的体温、栖点温度均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);仅60.1%的个体栖息在"安全性高"的栖点,栖息在"安全性中"和"安全性低"栖点的比例分别达22.7%和17.2%。加强对地方群众的宣传教育,增强民众对蝙蝠物种、生物多样性及洞穴资源的保护意识,减少人为因素对洞穴环境和蝙蝠种群的干扰与破坏,将有助于保护该珍稀物种。 展开更多
关键词 西南鼠耳蝠(Myotis altarium) 栖息生态 洞栖性蝙蝠 溶洞 翼手目
皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsoni)的栖息生态特征 被引量:5
作者 龚小燕 黄太福 +3 位作者 吴涛 张佑祥 彭清忠 刘志霄 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第15期5718-5724,共7页
皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsoni)是我国南方典型的洞栖食虫性蝙蝠,具有重要的生态意义。近年于湘西州及张家界市的25个溶洞中共记录到该蝠450只次,对其栖息生态特征(空间分布、姿势、体温、栖点温度和栖点安全性等)进行了较为系统的... 皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsoni)是我国南方典型的洞栖食虫性蝙蝠,具有重要的生态意义。近年于湘西州及张家界市的25个溶洞中共记录到该蝠450只次,对其栖息生态特征(空间分布、姿势、体温、栖点温度和栖点安全性等)进行了较为系统的观测。结果表明:该蝠的栖点主要集中分布于离洞口440 m之内的洞段(占99.3%),栖点高度通常介于2—10 m之间(84%),主要采取双足倒挂的姿势栖息于洞顶壁或侧壁,但单足倒挂的栖息姿势也较为常见(36.2%)。体温介于10.7—25.2℃,体温总是稍高于栖点温度,但两者之间无显著性差异(P>0.05),且两者呈线性正相关。约64%的栖点“安全性高”,而“安全性低”和“安全性中”的栖点分别占17.6%和18.4%。减少对洞穴的人为干扰是保护该物种的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 皮氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus pearsoni) 栖息生态 溶洞 翼手目(蝙蝠) 湘西州 张家界市
作者 伍丽艳 任伯凇 +3 位作者 吴涛 黄太福 龚小燕 刘志霄 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期5079-5088,共10页
中华菊头蝠(Rhinolophus sinicus)主要分布于我国境内,属于典型的洞栖食虫性蝙蝠,具有重要的研究意义与保护价值。近年,在湘西州境内的16个溶洞中对其栖息生态特征进行了观察,共记录到其个体12942只次,数据分析结果显示:该蝠是该区域溶... 中华菊头蝠(Rhinolophus sinicus)主要分布于我国境内,属于典型的洞栖食虫性蝙蝠,具有重要的研究意义与保护价值。近年,在湘西州境内的16个溶洞中对其栖息生态特征进行了观察,共记录到其个体12942只次,数据分析结果显示:该蝠是该区域溶洞中的居留型优势蝠种,具有集群冬眠的习性。每年的9月中下旬开始逐步聚群冬眠,翌年的3月底开始苏醒,其夏季的繁育场所非常隐蔽,通常位于人无法进入的洞段或人迹罕至的洞穴。总体上,其栖点主要集中于距洞口150—200 m(91.60%)的洞段,离地高度6—10 m(91.75%),多以“双足悬挂”的栖姿将身体悬空倒挂于洞道的顶壁。其体温与栖点温度之间不存在显著性差异(P>0.05),但具有明显的线性正相关关系(R;=0.8886)。其栖点安全性春夏季高,秋冬季中等偏低。中华菊头蝠作为该区域洞栖性蝙蝠的优势种,在维持洞穴生态系统的稳定中发挥着至关重要的作用,加强对洞穴生态系统中蝙蝠伞护性的研究有助于洞穴生态保护教育及对蝙蝠种群的保护实践。 展开更多
关键词 中华菊头蝠 栖息生态 洞栖性蝙蝠 生态保护 翼手目 溶洞 湘西州
新疆博格达山高山雪鸡栖息地生态学及迁栖规律的研究 被引量:3
作者 马力 崔大方 《新疆师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 1992年第1期70-74,共5页
关键词 高山雪鸡 栖息生态 迁栖规律
崎岖地形动植物栖息地生态环境遥感制图与应用 被引量:1
作者 黄文声 Janet Nichol 《地球信息科学》 CSCD 2008年第4期527-532,共6页
传统制图方法周期长、成本较高,影响了大面积精细动植物栖息地生态环境制图的生产。鉴此,本文采用IKONOS(VHR)图像对香港郊野公园崎岖地形的动植物栖息地生态环境制图进行了研究。由于香港植被的多样性,而且观察的动植物相互作用出现于... 传统制图方法周期长、成本较高,影响了大面积精细动植物栖息地生态环境制图的生产。鉴此,本文采用IKONOS(VHR)图像对香港郊野公园崎岖地形的动植物栖息地生态环境制图进行了研究。由于香港植被的多样性,而且观察的动植物相互作用出现于结构的层面,所以对动植物栖息地的分类应以结构为基础而非以植物为基础。本文利用图像处理技术,运用决策树之多层次地物导向分割分类(MOOSC)方法绘制九种动植物栖息地类型图。MOOSC方法和其他现有的几种分类方法相比,其分类精度高、成本低。 展开更多
关键词 动植物栖息生态环境制图 IKONOS 结构分类 图像分割
崇明东滩互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程生态效益探讨 被引量:3
作者 阮关心 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2012年第23期11799-11801,共3页
在回顾上海市崇明东滩互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程的基础上,分析了该工程对崇明东滩生态环境的生态效益。结果表明,互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程建设过程中主要对生态环境造成局部的和一定不可逆的不利影响;工程完... 在回顾上海市崇明东滩互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程的基础上,分析了该工程对崇明东滩生态环境的生态效益。结果表明,互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程建设过程中主要对生态环境造成局部的和一定不可逆的不利影响;工程完成后有助于消除建设工程中产生的不利影响,帮助改善东滩生态环境,解决互花米草入侵导致的生态问题;建议建设过程中及建设完成后均应注意采取措施减缓不利影响。 展开更多
关键词 崇明东滩 互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程 生态效益
如何在超大城市的中心绿地营造特色生态微栖息地景观?——以深圳中心公园为例 被引量:1
作者 钟兰 苏洪林 林石狮 《广东园林》 2022年第3期7-12,共6页
为探索如何在现有公园基础上构建特色生态微栖息地,以深圳中心公园特色动植物调查为基础,明确中心公园趣味生态资源,进一步梳理周边生态系统和整体植被基底、筛选特色动物服务对象、融合公园整体规划与景观,力求构建12个具有本地特色的... 为探索如何在现有公园基础上构建特色生态微栖息地,以深圳中心公园特色动植物调查为基础,明确中心公园趣味生态资源,进一步梳理周边生态系统和整体植被基底、筛选特色动物服务对象、融合公园整体规划与景观,力求构建12个具有本地特色的,超大城市中心绿地的动植物生态微栖息地,形成更多动物的觅食地、夜栖地乃至繁殖地,力求整体提升该区域的生物多样性,也利于形成城区内的生态“跳岛”和自然教育“网红”节点。 展开更多
关键词 城市绿地 生态栖息 构建策略 特色动物栖息
四川地震区大熊猫栖息地受损特征与灾后重建对策 被引量:2
作者 李晓齐 杨素香 +6 位作者 周珠丽 何飞 程力 贾程 刘千里 唐光 刘兴良 《四川林业科技》 2014年第1期68-72,共5页
关键词 四川地震区 大熊猫栖息 廊道生态恢复 栖息生态系统恢复技术 大熊猫人工食料竹基地建设技术 对策
基于HABITAT模型的生物栖息地评价——以泸沽湖宁蒗裂腹鱼为例 被引量:3
作者 黄炜 《环保科技》 2014年第5期37-42,51,共7页
裂腹鱼是中国西南部泸沽湖中特有的珍稀鱼类,模拟和研究裂腹鱼的栖息地环境对保护这种珍稀鱼类有着非常重要的意义。由于泸沽湖特殊的地理位置和旅游价值,其水质正遭受周边村落生活污水的持续污染,裂腹鱼的生存环境遭受严重的破坏。本... 裂腹鱼是中国西南部泸沽湖中特有的珍稀鱼类,模拟和研究裂腹鱼的栖息地环境对保护这种珍稀鱼类有着非常重要的意义。由于泸沽湖特殊的地理位置和旅游价值,其水质正遭受周边村落生活污水的持续污染,裂腹鱼的生存环境遭受严重的破坏。本文以宁蒗裂腹鱼为指示物种,结合水质模型预测的水质数据,利用基于HABITAT模型的生物栖息地评价方法,建立反映泸沽湖水质变化对泸沽湖宁蒗裂腹鱼生态栖息地环境影响程度的评价模型,研究结果和分析表明,当泸沽湖中水污染物浓度未超过裂腹鱼生存阈值时,裂腹鱼能够获得更多的营养物质,适宜的栖息地面积增大;当污染物浓度超过生存阈值时,将造成裂腹鱼中毒,甚至致死,不适宜的栖息地面积增加。 展开更多
关键词 水质因子 Habitat模型 生态栖息地评估
Habitat Utilization of the Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus) in the Non-breeding Period in Laojunshan Nature Reserve 被引量:10
作者 廖文波 李操 +1 位作者 胡锦矗 卢欣 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期172-178,共7页
The Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus ) requires successional broadleaf forest and their populations have declined as a result of fragmentation of endemic bird areas in subtropical forest in the mountai... The Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus ) requires successional broadleaf forest and their populations have declined as a result of fragmentation of endemic bird areas in subtropical forest in the mountains of southwestern China. In this paper, habitat utilization of the Sichuan Hill Partridge was studied in replanted broadleaf forests, in Laojunshan Nature Reserve of Sichuan, to determine the importance of habitat features, during the non-breeding period from November to December 2005. The Sichuan Hill Partridge utilized habitats within elevations of 1 000 to 1 600 m and with a south-facing slope of two to 15 degrees, close to road and forest edges. The birds preferred sites with smaller bamboo density, lower bamboo cover and snow cover and shrub cover was greater at used sites than at random sites. Principal components analysis indicated that food on the ground layer, topographic condition, concealment and temperature were the first four components of bird habitat selection, and the load of the first component was 29.407%. The findings indicated that the Sichuan Hill Partridge might face the well-documented trade-off between food resource and predation risk when utilizing habitat. We suggest that the conservation and restoration of successional broadleaf forest habitats will benefit the Sichuan Hill Partridge. 展开更多
关键词 Sichuan Hill Partridge (Arborophila rufipectus Ecological factors Non-breeding period Habitat utilization
A new species in the genus Coptotettix(Orthoptera: Tetrigidae: Tetriginae) from northern Thailand
作者 查岭生 文庭池 +1 位作者 Saranyaphat BOONMEE Prapassorn Damrongkool EUNGWANICHAYAPANT 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2016年第3期169-174,共6页
Coptotettix acutiangulus Zha sp. nov. from northern Thailand is described and illustrated with photographs. Morphological differences with a similar species C. annandalei are described in detail. C. acutiangulus Zha s... Coptotettix acutiangulus Zha sp. nov. from northern Thailand is described and illustrated with photographs. Morphological differences with a similar species C. annandalei are described in detail. C. acutiangulus Zha sp. nov. may be potentially distributed in Nepal. A brief discussion of the ecology and habitat of C. acutiangulus is given. 展开更多
关键词 TETRIGOIDEA ecology HABITAT pygmy grasshopper
城市河流景观管理浅析——从日本河流法中引发的思考 被引量:1
作者 任杰 刁艳 《建筑与环境》 2008年第6期153-155,共3页
在日本河流法案在1997年被修订,该法案包括环境层面的洪水控制以及水资源的发展。为了多重目标的实现,河道管理应该首先立足于当地的地质条件与经济条件。在本文的研究中,作者认为河流案观一定是具有多样功能的河流特征,河流管理也... 在日本河流法案在1997年被修订,该法案包括环境层面的洪水控制以及水资源的发展。为了多重目标的实现,河道管理应该首先立足于当地的地质条件与经济条件。在本文的研究中,作者认为河流案观一定是具有多样功能的河流特征,河流管理也同样应该是一种景观管理。这中间不仅仅是一种单向流动过程的规划、设计与施工,更重要的是形成螺线式的监测、评估和规划理想(适应性的管理模式)。这种措施的基础需要科学的评估与假说预测,同时也需要一种反复的思考。 展开更多
关键词 日本河流法 河流景观 栖息生态评估 适宜性管理
Seasonal Gametogenesis of Host Sea Anemone(Entacmaea quadricolor) Inhabiting Hong Kong Waters 被引量:1
作者 BI Ying ZHANG Bin +1 位作者 ZHANG Zhifeng QIU Jianwen 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第1期143-148,共6页
Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tr... Studying gonadal development of annual cycle can reveal the process of gametogenesis and reproductive period, and evaluate fertility and source utilization of a species. Host sea anemones are conspicuous members of tropical and subtropical reef ecosystems, but little is known about its biology including reproductive seasonality. Here we reported a one-year study on the gametogenesis and reproduction of host sea anemone(Entacmaea quadricolor) inhabiting Hong Kong waters. E. quadricolor tissues were sampled in 12 occasions from 5 m and 15 m depths of water, respectively. Histological sectioning of the tissues showed that E. quadricolor was dioecious, and populational ratio of female to male was 1:1.6. The gonadal development was asynchronous within an annual cycle, which included proliferating, growing, maturing, spawning, and resting stages. The spawning occurred between August and October when surface seawater temperature reached the annual maximum(28℃), suggesting that temperature is an important factor modulating the gonadal development and mature of E. quadricolor. 展开更多
关键词 Entacmae aquadricolor GONAD annual cycle HISTOLOGY seawater temperature
Spatiotemporal dynamics of ecological variation of waterbird habitats in Dongtan area of Chongming Island 被引量:5
作者 范学忠 张利权 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期485-496,共12页
Based on Landsat TM images, we explored the pattern of variation of suitable waterbird habitats from 1990 to 2008 in the Dongtan area of Chongming Island at the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth. By applying our highly... Based on Landsat TM images, we explored the pattern of variation of suitable waterbird habitats from 1990 to 2008 in the Dongtan area of Chongming Island at the Changjiang (Yangtze) River mouth. By applying our highly accurate indicator model (R=0.999, P<0.01), we quantified the variations of fluctuation intensity for local waterbird habitats during 1990-2008, and for the main waterbird groups (Anatidae, Charadriidae, Ardeidae and Laridae) from 2006 to 2008, to evaluate the impact of habitat quantity change on the waterbird habitat status and the population dynamics of the different waterbird groups. The results show that the aquaculture ponds (AP) and the Scirpus mariqueter zone (SMZ) underwent drastic habitat changes during certain periods (AP: 1997-2000, 2000-2003, 2005-2008; SMZ: 1997-2000), and the fluctuation intensity differed among habitat types in the order AP>SMZ>TSH (total suitable habitat)>BSA (bare mud flat and shallow water area). The abandonment of tracts of aquaculture ponds in Dongtan in mid-2006 brought about an intensive population fluctuation, caused by rapidly changing habitat with the population expanding to adjacent areas. At present, Anatidae and Ardeidae are threatened in the Dongtan area with declining populations because of their very "picky" habitat requirements (i.e., high reliance on AP). The Charadriidae experienced enormous population declines in the late 1990s, however, they have since recovered to normal levels as habitat change has stabilized. Our findings suggest that the current challenges for habitat management are the protection and stabilization of AP and SMZ habitats. 展开更多
关键词 WATERBIRD BIODIVERSITY habitat management population dynamics nature reserve Chongrning Island Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary
Dynamics of the Currents in the Strait of Khuran in the Persian Gulf 被引量:1
作者 N.H. Zaker P. Ghaffari +1 位作者 S. Jamshidi M. Nourian 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2011年第2期109-115,共7页
The Strait of Khuran is among the most important marine habitats in the Persian Gulf. It is the location of the largest Avicennia Marina mangroves along the Persian Gulf shoreline and is a major nursery region for the... The Strait of Khuran is among the most important marine habitats in the Persian Gulf. It is the location of the largest Avicennia Marina mangroves along the Persian Gulf shoreline and is a major nursery region for the fish and to breeding, wintering and migrant water birds. This paper presents dynamics of the currents in the Strait of Khuran using the current data collected by fixed current meters. The analysis of the data showed that the currents in the Strait of Khuran were highly dominated by tidal forcing with mixed semi diurnal behavior. The tidal currents were strong and reached to a maximum velocity of 123 cm/s in the spring tide. Tidal analysis showed that the tidal current constituents (M2, $2, N2, K1, O1) are dominant with M2 component as the major one. The tidal currents occurred basically along the strait. The results show a westward residual flow along the strait with an average of 5.6 cm/s during the study. The direction of the flow indicates that any pollution discharged into the industrial developing eastern part of the strait has the potential to affect the sensitive ecosystem in the western part. 展开更多
关键词 Strait of Khuran marine habitat tidal currents harmonic analysis.
The Lake of Domat AI-Jandal between Ambitions and Reality: An Ecological Study
作者 A.A. Bazzaz N.N. Al-Manea 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第5期32-41,共10页
A pioneer ecological research was carried out to assess the credence of Domat AI-Jandal Lake at AI-JoufProvince in KSA for natural habitats, aquatic lives, agricultural and tourism resorts purposes. The results showed... A pioneer ecological research was carried out to assess the credence of Domat AI-Jandal Lake at AI-JoufProvince in KSA for natural habitats, aquatic lives, agricultural and tourism resorts purposes. The results showed a poor inhabitant of aquatic birds i.e. yellow wagtail (Motacillaflava); Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus); shelduck (Tadorna tadorna); Squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides); Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus); the bolti (Tilapia nilti). Equally, only four plant species were predominant in the lake area i.e. synonym (Tamarix aucheriana), a large perennial grass Phragmites australis, Athel pine or tamrisk (Tamarix aphylla) and synonym Zygophyllum simplex. Twelve fishes failed to survive longer than 45 minutes while another 6 fishes survived only in tributary water. Student T-Test biostatics analysis regarding the concentrations of the Total Dissolved Salts (TDS) in designated three parts of the lake showed significantly higher (P〈0.01〈0.0001) than acceptable limits for human usage, aquatic and natural habitat and perhaps for agricultural purposes. Similarly, the pHs of the waters were significantly alkaline (pH 8.9) and Eutrification of the lake waters clearly stand inappropriate for irrigation unless treated. The domestic pollutants were scattered almost all over the beaches as well as within the lake itself denoting unsafe of the lake as neither for natural habitats nor for tourism unless further attention is given by the municipal of Al-Jouf 展开更多
关键词 Domat AI jandal ECOLOGY lake-tourism.
作者 谢僚 林凡钦 《艺术科技》 2021年第11期219-220,共2页
鸟类作为生态系统中的重要一环,对园林建设和生态氛围营造具有重要的作用。然而现代城市化建设影响了鸟类对原本栖息地的利用,屋顶花园具有营造城市生态栖息环境的潜力,可成为鸟类迁徙驻留的重要落脚地。本文以紫竹领世幼儿园为例,从植... 鸟类作为生态系统中的重要一环,对园林建设和生态氛围营造具有重要的作用。然而现代城市化建设影响了鸟类对原本栖息地的利用,屋顶花园具有营造城市生态栖息环境的潜力,可成为鸟类迁徙驻留的重要落脚地。本文以紫竹领世幼儿园为例,从植物、水源和栖息地等方面,研究引鸟型屋顶花园的设计,在景观规划设计上阐述屋顶花园如何吸引和保护鸟类,最后从园林养护和鸟类保护方面提出建造和管理鸟类生态栖息地时可能出现的问题,并对未来引鸟型屋顶花园的前景作出展望。 展开更多
关键词 引鸟型 屋顶花园 生态栖息 景观设计
Using Geospatial Information Systems in Analyzing Urbanization Impacts on Stream Habitats in Southern Mississippi Coastal Ecosystem
作者 E. Merem S. Yerramilli +6 位作者 C. Richardson J. Wesley T. Walker D. Foster J. Williams C. Romamo E Nwagboso 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第12期1624-1641,共18页
The proliferation of urban development with concentration in population and human-environment interaction has intensified around urban environments. This has resulted in the degradation of urban environments, overuse ... The proliferation of urban development with concentration in population and human-environment interaction has intensified around urban environments. This has resulted in the degradation of urban environments, overuse of natural resources and widespread pollution of ecosystems, The patterns of design initiatives continue to follow unsustainable path with impacts on stream ecosystems. Accordingly, the paper adopts geospatial information systems and sustainability principles for the identification and sequential mapping of stressors impeding natural systems in Southern Mississippi. The results not only reveal that the study area experienced some significant changes in its watershed environments, but the stream habitat ecosystem remains under stress. The recommendations for mitigating the problems range from policy considerations to the adoption of ecosystem approach. 展开更多
关键词 Geospatial information systems URBANIZATION ecological design ecosystem approach environmental degradation.
作者 杨晓慧 《经济技术协作信息》 2004年第16期40-40,共1页
在数学领域中,由一组点和联接着点的一组线所组成的图的问题的学科,称图论。它是离散数学中一个活跃的分支。图论方法是一种特定的方法:运用图论的有关概念,把所讨论的问题归结成图。吸收数学和现代科学的一种研究方法,形成算法,... 在数学领域中,由一组点和联接着点的一组线所组成的图的问题的学科,称图论。它是离散数学中一个活跃的分支。图论方法是一种特定的方法:运用图论的有关概念,把所讨论的问题归结成图。吸收数学和现代科学的一种研究方法,形成算法,可用计算机,选取最佳方案。图论的特点有:1. 展开更多
关键词 图论 离散数学 四色定理 生态学里栖息地重叠图 生物工程
Birds in rocky habitats of the Tatra Mountains (Carpathians): species diversity and multiple ecological relationships
作者 Michal CIACH Filip KOWALSKI 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期1078-1084,共7页
Rocky habitats are regarded as biodiversity hot-spots. Along with high species diversity, diverse ecological relationships can be observed in these habitats. Large groups of bird species use rocks in various ways: as... Rocky habitats are regarded as biodiversity hot-spots. Along with high species diversity, diverse ecological relationships can be observed in these habitats. Large groups of bird species use rocks in various ways: as perching/roosting sites, breeding or foraging habitats, information exchange sites, display arenas or as sources of minerals and water. Because of the inaccessibility of these environments, their role and importance to animals has been underestimated. We evaluated the use of rocky habitats by birds in the Tatra Mountains (49°13′N; 19°57′E, Carpathians, central Europe). Rocky habitats were used by 29 bird species, eight of which used cliffs directly (i.e. for nesting, foraging or resting). The number of species recorded as using cliffs was correlated with the surface area of the cliff face. A total of 2o forms of rocky habitat use were recorded, in five behavioural categories: vocalization, foraging, perching, flight and nesting. Prevailing behaviours were flying by a rock face, circling above the face, and vocalization on a tree/shrub growing next to a rock. Rocks provide a nesting habitat for specialized petrophilic species and permit the existence of numerous ecological relations between species and habitats. The results of this study show that rocky habitats support the diversity of ecological relationships. 展开更多
关键词 Bird community Rock CLIFF Mountains Alpine species Ecological relationships
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