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作者 王越明 《新课程研究(下旬)》 2007年第5期20-21,25,共3页
校本教科研与校本教研都是促进教师专业发展的有效途径,都是教师专业发展的客观要求,两者缺一不可。教科研与校本教研内涵不同,包括研究对象、研究方法、研究目的等都不尽相同,且不同教龄、不同类型、不同层次的教师其专业发展要求也不... 校本教科研与校本教研都是促进教师专业发展的有效途径,都是教师专业发展的客观要求,两者缺一不可。教科研与校本教研内涵不同,包括研究对象、研究方法、研究目的等都不尽相同,且不同教龄、不同类型、不同层次的教师其专业发展要求也不尽相同。因此,仅靠校本教研无法满足发展阶段、成熟阶段教师的专业发展需要,必须同时进行校本教科研。在校本教科研中一定要坚持校本性、科学性、人本性、导向性、可行性、互补性原则。 展开更多
关键词 校本教科研 校本教 师专业发展
作者 罗凯 刘娟芝 《山西农经》 2016年第18期79-79,81,共2页
农村中学开展历史校本教科研活动具有重要的意义,既是农村中学生学习的需要,也是农村历史教师专业化发展的需要,同时还是中学历史学科发展的需要。本文在论述农村中学历史校本教科研活动存在的问题的基础之上,提出了做好农村中学历史校... 农村中学开展历史校本教科研活动具有重要的意义,既是农村中学生学习的需要,也是农村历史教师专业化发展的需要,同时还是中学历史学科发展的需要。本文在论述农村中学历史校本教科研活动存在的问题的基础之上,提出了做好农村中学历史校本教科研活动的对策。 展开更多
关键词 农村中学 中学历史 校本教科研 问题 对策
作者 辛丽如 《中国电子商务》 2012年第3期160-160,共1页
【摘要髓着经济社会的发展,目前中等职业学校的教材很多跟不上时代的步伐,校本教材开发是中职教育发展的必然要求,本文从《电子商务基础》搀本教材雹发的原因和现状以及运用对象进行分析,进而阐述校本教材开发的思路,最后指出校本... 【摘要髓着经济社会的发展,目前中等职业学校的教材很多跟不上时代的步伐,校本教材开发是中职教育发展的必然要求,本文从《电子商务基础》搀本教材雹发的原因和现状以及运用对象进行分析,进而阐述校本教材开发的思路,最后指出校本教材开发存在的问题及解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 校本教 电子商务基础 中职
作者 杨惠华 《课程教材教学研究(小教研究)》 2013年第Z5期47-48,共2页
校本教研就是"以校为本的教研活动",就是坚持科学教育发展观,立足学校,以人为本,同伴互助,专家引领,达到促人发展,促质量提高的教研活动方式。那么怎样开展校本教研,怎样才能使所实施的教育教学方法和改进措施获得较高的成效... 校本教研就是"以校为本的教研活动",就是坚持科学教育发展观,立足学校,以人为本,同伴互助,专家引领,达到促人发展,促质量提高的教研活动方式。那么怎样开展校本教研,怎样才能使所实施的教育教学方法和改进措施获得较高的成效呢?一、深化认知,丰富教师的研究内涵就教师自身而言,要形成读书学习不断积累的好习惯,就应该积极主动通过各种途径进行广泛学习,特别是要学会利用网络,主动进行网上学习培训,开发丰富的网上资源,开阔视野、灵活思路。 展开更多
关键词 校本教研活动 网上学习 育发展观 学方法 同伴互助 读书学习 研工作 集体备课 校本教研制
作者 于晓莉 李洪兵 《中华活页文选(教师)》 2020年第12期101-103,共3页
面对新课改和农村中学教科研的现状,笔者提出在农村进行校本教科研的必要性,从理论基础及S学校的调查现状和原因分析,初步构建符合我校校情的"主题式"校本教科研模式。希望此研究能够有效推进农村中学教科研工作,引导教师学... 面对新课改和农村中学教科研的现状,笔者提出在农村进行校本教科研的必要性,从理论基础及S学校的调查现状和原因分析,初步构建符合我校校情的"主题式"校本教科研模式。希望此研究能够有效推进农村中学教科研工作,引导教师学会运用科研解决教研中的真问题,以及运用科研理论和方法解决教学中的活事例,引领教师向专业化方向发展。 展开更多
关键词 校本教科研 农村中学 实施策略
对中小学教师教科研现状与专业发展的思考 被引量:2
作者 何锋 《基础教育参考》 2016年第6期3-6,共4页
教育科研能力是新时期教师的必备素质,是促进教师专业发展的关键。但教师教科研方法及研究成果外化途径等仍存在着单一和层次较低的问题。通过创新校本教科研平台,创新课题研究机制,创新教师研训模式,创新教师评价体系,有利于促进... 教育科研能力是新时期教师的必备素质,是促进教师专业发展的关键。但教师教科研方法及研究成果外化途径等仍存在着单一和层次较低的问题。通过创新校本教科研平台,创新课题研究机制,创新教师研训模式,创新教师评价体系,有利于促进教师专业发展。 展开更多
关键词 科研 校本教科研 微型课题研究 师培训模式 师专业发展评价
作者 丁玉祥 《辽宁教育》 2013年第5X期22-24,共3页
关键词 校本课程开发 课程类型 国家课程 课程意识 学校特色 主题内容 当代课程 课程门类 课程理解 校本教
依托教科研工作 促进学校内涵发展
作者 汪拥军 《成才》 2019年第11期4-6,共3页
近年来,我校实施科研强校战略,始终坚持"创精品、抓精细、出精彩"的发展思路,以培育学生综合核心素养为目标,以课程建设与队伍建设为根本,积极开展各类教育科研活动,优化课堂教与学的方式,稳步推进教育教学改革,丰富育人内涵... 近年来,我校实施科研强校战略,始终坚持"创精品、抓精细、出精彩"的发展思路,以培育学生综合核心素养为目标,以课程建设与队伍建设为根本,积极开展各类教育科研活动,优化课堂教与学的方式,稳步推进教育教学改革,丰富育人内涵,提升办学品质。回顾这几年的学校发展,一个很重要的经验便是依托教育科研解决教育教学工作、学校管理中的重大和重要问题,从而促进了学校质量提升和内涵发展。 展开更多
关键词 学校内涵发展 科研工作 校本教科研 专业引领制度 与学方式 化学学科 备课组长 校本教
作者 谢蕾 《教育视界》 2021年第13期44-46,共3页
关键词 师共同体 组织架构 联动机制 校本教科研
变革教研活动,让“教-学-评一致性”思想落地生根 被引量:1
作者 周建国 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2013年第1期10-11,14,共3页
关键词 -学-评一致性” 校本教 过程观 意义 团队化
作者 王录 《基础教育参考》 2010年第6X期33-36,共4页
关键词 集体备课 备课过程 校本教研活动 课后反思 目标设计 方向性原则 备课组 专业思想 整体优化 校本教
“应用现代信息技术 培养学生学习能力”的实验研究 被引量:1
作者 陈可俪 危淑玲 +1 位作者 罗玛丽 邹森桦 《教育导刊(上半月)》 北大核心 2006年第8期29-30,共2页
关键词 现代信息技术 课题实验研究 培养学生 学习能力 求异思维 多媒体网络环境 个别化自主学习 课程标准 师生互动 建构主义 校本教科研制度
《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第14期97-97,共1页
编委会将依托教育媒体优势,全方位宣传、策划、包装,并向教育系统纵向推广北京科教创新书刊社教育图书中心是教师个性化出版孵化平台。自1998年以来,我们与多家知名出版社联手,为全国百余名校长、骨干教师量身定做数百部(套)优秀专著。... 编委会将依托教育媒体优势,全方位宣传、策划、包装,并向教育系统纵向推广北京科教创新书刊社教育图书中心是教师个性化出版孵化平台。自1998年以来,我们与多家知名出版社联手,为全国百余名校长、骨干教师量身定做数百部(套)优秀专著。应广大教育工作者要求,2015年教育图书中心继续征集优秀书稿,实行个性化自助出版,重点扶植有潜力的中青年教师。征集内容: 展开更多
关键词 中青年 图书中心 自助出版 创新 媒体优势 育工作者 育系统 通讯地址 联系方式 校本教
《考试(高考文科版)》 2015年第24期98-98,共1页
编委会将依托教育媒体优势,全方位宣传、策划、包装,并向教育系统纵向推广北京科教创新书刊社教育图书中心是教师个性化出版孵化平台。自1998年以来,我们与多家知名出版社联手,为全国百余名校长、骨干教师量身定做数百部(套)优秀专著。... 编委会将依托教育媒体优势,全方位宣传、策划、包装,并向教育系统纵向推广北京科教创新书刊社教育图书中心是教师个性化出版孵化平台。自1998年以来,我们与多家知名出版社联手,为全国百余名校长、骨干教师量身定做数百部(套)优秀专著。应广大教育工作者要求,2015年教育图书中心继续征集优秀书稿,实行个性化自助出版,重点扶植有潜力的中青年教师。 展开更多
关键词 中青年 自助出版 图书中心 创新 媒体优势 育工作者 育系统 通讯地址 联系方式 校本教
The Way of the Novice English Teachers' Professional Development in Secondary School
作者 YANG Manli 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期55-57,共3页
In the modern times, the professional development of teachers is a hot topic among the educational world. Facilitating the professional development of teachers is one of a most important way to improve the teachers' ... In the modern times, the professional development of teachers is a hot topic among the educational world. Facilitating the professional development of teachers is one of a most important way to improve the teachers' personalities. However, how to facilitate the professional development of the novice English teacher in the secondary school is still a big and headache problem in front of all education managers and all novice English teachers. For this reason, it has a huge practical significance to look for some ways to research the professional development of the novice English teachers in secondary school. The objective of this research is to promote the professional development of novice English teachers in secondary school through a wide range of ways. It also aims to promote the whole personalities of all English teachers and the whole English teaching qualities. This paper wiU research in how to promote and facilitate the professional development of the novice English teachers in secondary school from the parts of country, school and teachers. Specificly speaking, from the perspective of country, it contains the way of some short trains for novice teachers from superior educational department and some educational action research; From the perspective of the secondary school, it includes school-based in-service training, the exploitation of school-based curriculum and learning team; From the perspective of teacher themselves, it includes teaching reflection, observing other teachers' class and using micro-teaching to promote teachers' teaching skills. 展开更多
关键词 secondary school novice English teachers the professional development
Educating for Citizenship: A Case Study of Brazilians of Japanese Descendent in Public Schools in Japan
作者 Angela Aparecida Tsutsumi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第5期1164-1170,共7页
The current work presents a support tutoring program on the Japanese language applied to 12 newly arrived Brazilian students who moved to Japan after their parents migrated in order to work in electronic factories. Al... The current work presents a support tutoring program on the Japanese language applied to 12 newly arrived Brazilian students who moved to Japan after their parents migrated in order to work in electronic factories. All of them were not able to speak Japanese, even the greetings; during lunch time they also had to eat some types of food they had never had before. Certainly, it was a daily battle against the unknown as they interfaced between two very different cultures. This support tutoring program was implemented in a Japanese public school in Taiwa Town, Miyagi Prefecture, and it aimed to create an adequate environment that could provide a teaching-learning process in the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects to prepare the students to live in Japan, as well as to prepare them for their return to Brazil in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Brazilian students Japanese language heritage assistant language teacher
The Study on the personnel training mode based on the occupation ability development and excellence engineer training
作者 Chao-Wang Yongchun-Xie Xingqiang-Tan 《International English Education Research》 2014年第10期94-96,共3页
As the application undergraduate course colleges and universities, a distinctive talent training system must be formed to achieve the target of practical and innovative talents training, which needs to constantly expl... As the application undergraduate course colleges and universities, a distinctive talent training system must be formed to achieve the target of practical and innovative talents training, which needs to constantly explore and innovate teaching mode. In the paper, talent training model based on the occupation ability development and Excellence Engineer training has carried on the deep discussion and research, thorough study and research. 展开更多
关键词 management of teaching development of occupation ability excellence engineer training personnel training mode
Cross-Cultural Bioethics at an International University in Japan
作者 Nader Ghotbi Darryl Macer 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第5期362-369,共8页
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu city, Japan has a large body of students from well over 90 countries, especially from the Asia Pacific region, including Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese... Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Beppu city, Japan has a large body of students from well over 90 countries, especially from the Asia Pacific region, including Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and Indonesian students. To improve analytical thinking skills among college students, a course on "bioethics" was introduced and offered in two consecutive semesters to undergraduate students for which 245 students registered at each semester. The course was taught in the form of 14 lecture and discussion sessions, each for 95 minutes based on the content of A Cross-Cultural Introduction to Bioethics (2006) edited by Darryl Macer, and reviewed a wide variety of ethical and bioethical issues. In the next semester, the students received a similar teaching content that was rearranged to reflect the 15 universal principles of bioethics and human rights covered in the Bioethics Core Curriculum (2008). Case studies were also added to each unit of the Core Curriculum with the support of the UNESCO's Asia Pacific Regional Office, Bangkok (Case Studies for Bioethics 2010). To evaluate the results of teaching and to compare the achieved objectives between the two groups of students, a short questionnaire was given to all students who finished the course and took up the final written examination. In the whole, 454 students (225 in group I and 229 in group 2) completed the course and took the final examination and 427 (218 in group 1 and 209 in group 2) responded to the questionnaire which inquired into their interest in the discussion of bioethical issues: why they believed they were important, and what they had learned through them. The results of the questionnaire have been examined and compared to evaluate the success of "bioethics" in stimulating the interest and thinking ability of the students and enriching their experience of a cross-cultural discussion over bioethical issues using universal principles as general guidance. The result of this examination was so impressive that from 2011 bioethics has been formalized into the reformed curriculum of our international school. 展开更多
关键词 Asia Pacific region bioethics curriculum case study CROSS-CULTURAL JAPAN TEACHING
Triangulation Approach to Costing in Higher Education Institutions
作者 Panagiotis V. Papadeas 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第11期1431-1441,共11页
This study presents a triangulation approach to the investigation of costing possibilities in Greek higher education institutions. The historical data contained in the financial statements of universities provide the ... This study presents a triangulation approach to the investigation of costing possibilities in Greek higher education institutions. The historical data contained in the financial statements of universities provide the expenditures of the latter. These expenditures are then re-determined with the use of independent variables (Jacobian determinants), as well as with activity-based costing (ABC) and interviews, in order to obtain certainty of accuracy of the calculations and an indication of the cost of educational services, which can help determine magnitudes and improve the long-term planning of university resources. The above process can be used to create cost drivers and cost pools for the new financial burden of academic departments (cost centres) and to calculate the cost per student for each department. This information does not function at variance with or as a substitute for traditional accounting systems but in parallel (or supplementally), providing administrators with more comparative data and a clearer picture of a university's economic operations which will facilitate its decision planning. Thus, it can provide higher education institutions with a decision-making tool for the following tasks: (1) allocation of national and community funds to university departments; (2) financing of textbooks, food, and accommodation; and (3) determining the optimum number of new enrolments. 展开更多
关键词 allocation criteria academic departments cost drivers cost pools DECISION-MAKING
Analysis of Teaching Quality Monitoring in ISO9000 Quality Management System
作者 Qinde Mo 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期1-3,共3页
With the development of the times, all kinds of competition, higher education gradually grow into the community center from the margins of society; the quality of higher education is becoming a major issue of concern.... With the development of the times, all kinds of competition, higher education gradually grow into the community center from the margins of society; the quality of higher education is becoming a major issue of concern. Monitoring and protecting the quality of higher education is now the main topic of higher education reform and development. Quality is the lifeline of university development, improving the quality of teaching is the eternal theme of higher education, and undergraduate education is the main and basic higher education. Therefore, improving the quality of undergraduate teaching is essential to enhance the quality of teaching in Higher Education. 展开更多
关键词 Teaching Quality Monitoring ISO9000 Quality Management System
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