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作者 肖洁 王继军 +3 位作者 黄士忠 黄永春 陈志永 庞晶晶 《农业环境与发展》 2009年第5期66-68,90,共4页
关键词 农药残留标准样品 兽药残留标准样品 研制方法
固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱法鉴定火场残留物中油漆稀释剂 被引量:16
作者 邓震宇 鲁志宝 +1 位作者 范子琳 田桂花 《理化检验(化学分册)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期542-544,共3页
对采用固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱法从火场残留物样品中鉴定油漆稀释剂进行了研究。将火场残留物样品放入密闭的金属容器或塑料袋中,置于80℃烘箱加热20-30 min,在固相微萃取装置中用100μm聚二甲基硅氧烷纤维通过针头将密闭容器中的油... 对采用固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱法从火场残留物样品中鉴定油漆稀释剂进行了研究。将火场残留物样品放入密闭的金属容器或塑料袋中,置于80℃烘箱加热20-30 min,在固相微萃取装置中用100μm聚二甲基硅氧烷纤维通过针头将密闭容器中的油漆稀释剂成分(此时已成气态)吸附,吸附时间为5-10 min,然后将纤维插入气相色谱进样口中解析进样,解析时间为2 min,按照预定的条件进行气相色谱-质谱分析。对气相色谱-质谱谱图上所得的峰进行分析,并与同条件下获得的油漆稀释剂试验样品气相色谱-质谱谱图进行比较,从而对油漆稀释剂作出定性鉴定。 展开更多
关键词 气相色谱-质谱法 固相微萃取 火场残留样品 油漆稀释剂
作者 马飞翔 董丰收 +5 位作者 刘晓慧 吴小虎 潘兴鲁 郑永权 闫晓静 徐军 《农药学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1137-1146,共10页
为明确适用于植保无人飞机施药模式下农药残留试验的田间采样方法,本研究探究了最佳施药条件下Z字形法、棋盘法、对角线法及米字形法4种采样方法及不同采样点数下的雾滴密度分布情况,并对由采样方法引入的不确定度进行了评估。结果表明,... 为明确适用于植保无人飞机施药模式下农药残留试验的田间采样方法,本研究探究了最佳施药条件下Z字形法、棋盘法、对角线法及米字形法4种采样方法及不同采样点数下的雾滴密度分布情况,并对由采样方法引入的不确定度进行了评估。结果表明,T30型植保无人飞机的最佳作业参数为:飞行速度3 m/s,飞行高度为距作物冠层2 m,作业间距为5 m;植保无人飞机喷雾作业区域外围的喷雾沉积量对区域平均喷雾沉积量变动影响较大,因而其残留样品采集时应尽量避免从施药作业区域外围采集;为了增加植保无人飞机施药模式下田间样品采集的均匀性和代表性,建议采样点数应设置在18个点及以上,并可选用对角线法、棋盘法或Z字形法采样。 展开更多
关键词 植保无人飞机 作业参数 残留试验样品 采样方法 不确定度
作者 余磊 徐颖 《现代仪器》 2012年第6期91-92,90,共3页
本文总结热分析仪SDT-2960基线校正、重量校正、温度校正、DSC热流校正过程中常见问题,以及针对这些问题应该采取对应的措施,常见措施主要包括:高温清洗热电偶及托盘上的样品残留、处理样品皿和参比皿、保持气流出口畅通、高温除去炉内... 本文总结热分析仪SDT-2960基线校正、重量校正、温度校正、DSC热流校正过程中常见问题,以及针对这些问题应该采取对应的措施,常见措施主要包括:高温清洗热电偶及托盘上的样品残留、处理样品皿和参比皿、保持气流出口畅通、高温除去炉内冷凝的分解产物。 展开更多
关键词 热分析仪 解决方案 校正 样品残留
全自动固相萃取-气相色谱法测定水质中多氯联苯总量的研究 被引量:5
作者 何娟 《环境研究与监测》 2013年第4期19-22,共4页
区别于以往研究的PCB S单体含量,本文系统研究了全自动固相萃取-气相色谱测定饮用水中多氯联苯6个Aroclor系列总量的方法,以特征"指纹峰"为定性依据,用外标法定量。参照GB3838-2002,以确认区域水源水是否安全。重点研究并优... 区别于以往研究的PCB S单体含量,本文系统研究了全自动固相萃取-气相色谱测定饮用水中多氯联苯6个Aroclor系列总量的方法,以特征"指纹峰"为定性依据,用外标法定量。参照GB3838-2002,以确认区域水源水是否安全。重点研究并优化的固相萃取条件为:选择Bond Elut C18柱;水样体积1000mL;水样速率10mL/min;甲醇10mL;水样pH=2;氮吹干燥10min;洗脱溶剂为15mL二氯甲烷、15mL乙酸乙酯。各物质回收率与EPA508.1、525.2方法中所推荐的回收率相当。同时对样品瓶的多氯联苯残留进行回收测试,结果显示样品瓶壁吸附了约10%的标准样品PCBs。 展开更多
关键词 固相萃取 气相色谱 多氯联苯 样品残留
作者 莫征杰 田盼盼 +1 位作者 卓可强 董丹丹 《山东化工》 CAS 2021年第23期113-115,共3页
关键词 液体取样器 油箱 样品残留
Analysis Method for Pesticide Residues in Biological Matrices: Gas Chromatography-mass Spectrometry
作者 Franqois Xavier Nshimiyimana Abdellah E1 Abidi +4 位作者 Mohamed Fekhaoui Bouchaib Benbakhta Nezha Barakate Hind Hami Abdelmajid Soulaymani 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第6期489-495,共7页
Pesticides have done a great service to human, but their use is not safe for public health. Apart from pesticides acute toxicity, their chronic toxicity can cause various problems for human health. The objective of th... Pesticides have done a great service to human, but their use is not safe for public health. Apart from pesticides acute toxicity, their chronic toxicity can cause various problems for human health. The objective of this work was to validate a liquid-liquid extraction method, which allows a fairly reliable analysis of pesticides using gas chromatography-spectrometry mass (GC/MS) in toxicology laboratory at National Institute of hygiene, Rabat Morocco. The equipment required to perform these analyzes are the biological matrices (blood, gastric fluid), in which the authors have doped the Organophosphorus pesticides such as Chlorpyrifos, Dichlorvos and Organochlorine pesticide: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and Heptachlor. After extracting the mixture with toluene, the supernatant was collected after centrifugation and concentrated in a small volume of 1.5 mL and then analyzed in GC/MS. After analyzing, the authors found that the yields of each pesticide in samples are significant; respectively they represented 73.4% of Chlorpyrifos, 70.8% of Dichlorvos, 47.8% of DDT and 71.6% of Heptachlor. The blood has a strong link with the most pesticides, where it's important to use the GC/MS to identify these products. The extraction with toluene was effective, especially to OP, but it's also sensitive to OC. 展开更多
关键词 Validation methods organochlorine pesticides organophosphatus pesticides HEALTH GC/MS.
Assessment, Composition and Possible Source of Organochlorine Pesticides in Surface Soils from rmqi, China
作者 CHEN Min CHEN Li HUANG Ping 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期888-900,共13页
Twenty-eight surface soil samples from 5 functional zones (park, traffic roadside, business/residential area, rural area, and industrial area) of Uruimqi, China were collected and analyzed for the concentrations of ... Twenty-eight surface soil samples from 5 functional zones (park, traffic roadside, business/residential area, rural area, and industrial area) of Uruimqi, China were collected and analyzed for the concentrations of 14 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), such as 3 isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCHs) (α-HCH, β-HCH, and γ-HCH), 4 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) (p,p′-DDT and its metabolites p, p′-DDD (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane) and p,p′-DDE (1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chorophenyl)ethylene), and o, p′-DDT), and methoxychlor, aiming to survey the residue levels and compositions of these 14 OCPs, to identify possible sources of the OCPs, and to assess their potential risks to human health and the environment in surface soils of Ur/imqi. The concentrations ranged from non-detected to 30.86μg kg^-1 for HCHs (sum of α-, β-, and γ-HCH), from non-detected to 40.03 μg kg^-1 for DDTs (sum of p, p′-DDT, p, p′-DDD, p, p′-DDE, and o, p′-DDT), and from non-detected to 11.95 μg kg^-1 for methoxychlor. The total concentrations of the OCPs ranged from 16.40 to 84.86 μg kg^-1, with a mean of 41.89 ± 16.25 μg kg^-1. According to the measured concentrations and occurrence rates of the 14 OCPs, DDTs, HCHs, and methoxychlor were the most dominant compounds. Among the 5 functional zones, the total concentration of OCPs was in the order of rural area 〉 traffic roadside 〉 park 〉 business/residential area 〉 industrial area. The different compositions of DDTs and HCHs indicated that the residues of these compounds in most soil samples originated from historical application, besides slight recent introduction at some sampling sites. The results of Pearson correlation analysis showed that soil total organic carbon played an important role in the residue levels of HCHs, but such relationships were not found with DDTs or other OCPs. The soil quality of Uriimqi was classified as Class I based on the guidelines of the Chinese Environmental Quality Standard for Soil (GB15618-1995), indicating that the residue levels of OCPs have little risks to the environment and human health in the study area. 展开更多
关键词 dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) factor analysis hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) METHOXYCHLOR residue level risk soil quality
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