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作者 范敏楚 陶玉麟 《苏州医学杂志》 1997年第1期25-25,共1页
关键词 肌韧带 B超检查 诊断 外科治疗
作者 林孔华 《天风》 北大核心 2001年第8期14-14,共1页
耶稣在世界上的时候,时常面临各种各样的试探,有直接从魔鬼来的,如四十昼夜在旷野受魔鬼的试探;也有从人来的试探。经上说:“他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。”(来4:15) 路加福音的这段经文讲述的是耶稣所遭受的一次来... 耶稣在世界上的时候,时常面临各种各样的试探,有直接从魔鬼来的,如四十昼夜在旷野受魔鬼的试探;也有从人来的试探。经上说:“他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样,只是他没有犯罪。”(来4:15) 路加福音的这段经文讲述的是耶稣所遭受的一次来自人的试探。有一个律法师带着一个终极的问题来试探耶稣,他说:“夫子,我该作什么才可以承受永生?”。面对着这样直接又敏锐的问题。 展开更多
关键词 耶稣 玛利亚 律法 利未人 祭司 经文 魔鬼 世代 上帝 样直
对James Legge译《论语》中若干译文的看法 被引量:5
作者 谭文介 《湘潭大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1992年第3期73-75,共3页
汉译英或英译汉,都务必考虑不同民族的风俗习惯和两种语言的特殊规律。如汉语中无冠词,英语中却大量使用冠词。一个汉语句子可使用若干个动词,将其译成英语,只需一个动词,其余动词则用非谓语动词词组或介词词组表达,等等。由于两种语言... 汉译英或英译汉,都务必考虑不同民族的风俗习惯和两种语言的特殊规律。如汉语中无冠词,英语中却大量使用冠词。一个汉语句子可使用若干个动词,将其译成英语,只需一个动词,其余动词则用非谓语动词词组或介词词组表达,等等。由于两种语言的特殊规律、民族习惯、原著的历史背景和具体的语言环境等因素所产生的理解上的隔膜,致使在翻译中很难确切表达原文的真实含义,而逐字直译,有时会弄得风马牛不相及,因此,在此情况下,人们必须在理解原文的基础上,采用意译手段。 展开更多
关键词 译文 《论语》 逐字 意译手段 朽木 特殊规律 样直 确切表达 三件事 三省
谈诗歌语体运用色彩词的特点 被引量:1
作者 赵宁子 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 1995年第2期21-23,共3页
文学语体是以语言作为工具来反映社会现实生活的,作为文学语体的语言一般都要求应具有形象性,而在诸类文学语体分体中,诗歌语体尤其强调这一点。 诗歌语体的形象性要素不仅要求勾勒出事物的轮廓及其动态,而且还要表现出事物的色彩。
关键词 诗歌语体 色彩词 语言 形象性 黄巢 象征性 色彩描写 样直 变异 羊群
Prestack nonstationary deconvolution based on variable-step sampling in the radial trace domain 被引量:2
作者 李芳 王守东 +2 位作者 陈小宏 刘国昌 郑强 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期423-432,511,共11页
The conventional nonstationary convolutional model assumes that the seismic signal is recorded at normal incidence. Raw shot gathers are far from this assumption because of the effects of offsets. Because of such prob... The conventional nonstationary convolutional model assumes that the seismic signal is recorded at normal incidence. Raw shot gathers are far from this assumption because of the effects of offsets. Because of such problems, we propose a novel prestack nonstationary deconvolution approach. We introduce the radial trace (RT) transform to the nonstationary deconvolution, we estimate the nonstationary deconvolution factor with hyperbolic smoothing based on variable-step sampling (VSS) in the RT domain, and we obtain the high-resolution prestack nonstationary deconvolution data. The RT transform maps the shot record from the offset and traveltime coordinates to those of apparent velocity and traveltime. The ray paths of the traces in the RT better satisfy the assumptions of the convolutional model. The proposed method combines the advantages of stationary deconvolution and inverse Q filtering, without prior information for Q. The nonstationary deconvolution in the RT domain is more suitable than that in the space-time (XT) domain for prestack data because it is the generalized extension of normal incidence. Tests with synthetic and real data demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective in compensating for large-offset and deep data. 展开更多
关键词 Nonstationary deconvolution Variable-step sampling Radial trace transform Gabor transform Attenuation compensation
作者 徐玉如 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 1997年第4期37-37,共1页
赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,五彩缤纷的色彩构成了万紫千红的世界。作为客观现实反映的诗词,也离不开色彩同的运用。翻开诗集词集,可以发现无色不成诗,无彩不成词。虽然色彩词不能象绘画那样直观地再现色彩、但却可通过语言的描写,唤起人们的形象感... 赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,五彩缤纷的色彩构成了万紫千红的世界。作为客观现实反映的诗词,也离不开色彩同的运用。翻开诗集词集,可以发现无色不成诗,无彩不成词。虽然色彩词不能象绘画那样直观地再现色彩、但却可通过语言的描写,唤起人们的形象感,从而表达出不同的思想感情。认真分析古代诗词中色彩词的变化运用,有助于我们加深对古代诗词的赏析和理解。 恰当运用色彩词(如红、橙、黄等).可以产生不同的表达效果。如绿色,象征安逸、温柔;白色象征纯洁、高雅;黑色象征庄严、肃穆等。不同色彩的搭配,也可以产生不同的表达效果。俗话说:“红配蓝,惹人烦”,荆浩在《画论》中指出:“红间黄,秋叶堕;红间绿,花簇簇;青间紫,不如死;粉笼黄,胜增光。”色彩有冷有暖,色彩词的运用主要有以下几种情状: 1.运用冷色。冷色是指青、绿、紫、黑等亮度较低的颜色,给人的感觉是暗沉、朴素、沉静、含蓄、幽雅。 展开更多
关键词 色彩词 古代诗词 冷色 暖色 表达效果 等亮度 象征 人的感觉 样直 绿青
作者 沈清 《国际展望》 北大核心 1995年第5期22-24,共3页
卡拉奇郊区的繁忙的公路交通线旁,离贝·布托总理的私宅不远,竖着三座石碑,如同锐利的宝剑一样直刺无空,分别象征着巴基斯坦国的缔造者真纳为民族制定的三大目标:团结、信心和纪律。可是自去年12月以来,警察一直战战兢兢地守在纪念... 卡拉奇郊区的繁忙的公路交通线旁,离贝·布托总理的私宅不远,竖着三座石碑,如同锐利的宝剑一样直刺无空,分别象征着巴基斯坦国的缔造者真纳为民族制定的三大目标:团结、信心和纪律。可是自去年12月以来,警察一直战战兢兢地守在纪念碑周围的沙袋后面,因为暴力事件此起彼伏,有预谋的暗算、教会间的仇杀、党派间的清算和大街上的胡乱开枪混杂在一起,把城市拖到了血腥的战争的边缘,三大目标遭到了前所未有的践踏,仅在去年12月前半个月内,就有130余人丧生。 巴基斯坦军方起初也并不想加入这场纠葛,在经过30个月的徒劳的等待后,形势愈见恶化。 展开更多
关键词 卡拉奇 信德 人民党 巴基斯坦 军方 奇奇 枪手 党派 恐怖主义 样直
作者 盛媛 《经济研究参考》 1998年第45期29-30,共2页
职工持有本企业的股权,虽然有利于调动职工的积极性,有利于职工参与企业内部的民主管理,但是在现实中其存在着一定的局限性: 1.“内部人”利益与资本利益的矛盾。在股份合作制企业中,职工拥有本企业的股权,这将意味着外部制约相应减少... 职工持有本企业的股权,虽然有利于调动职工的积极性,有利于职工参与企业内部的民主管理,但是在现实中其存在着一定的局限性: 1.“内部人”利益与资本利益的矛盾。在股份合作制企业中,职工拥有本企业的股权,这将意味着外部制约相应减少甚至缺乏,资本所有者利益与职工的利益两者间的制衡关系将不复存在,取而代之的是职工内部的矛盾。这样直接导致的负面影响在收入分配、投资积累等决策问题上就表现为。 展开更多
关键词 五个问题 职工持股 股权 股份合作制企业 样直 内部人 资本利益 个人所得税 外部制约 制衡关系
作者 汤丽华 《六盘水师范学院学报》 1998年第1期61-64,共4页
“as”成语在英语学习中很常见,现就多年的学习积累并参照一些语法书和词典,归纳总结,以供参考。 1.as watchful as a hawk 象鹰一样地注视 The security men should be as watchful as a hawk against the activities of the guilts. ... “as”成语在英语学习中很常见,现就多年的学习积累并参照一些语法书和词典,归纳总结,以供参考。 1.as watchful as a hawk 象鹰一样地注视 The security men should be as watchful as a hawk against the activities of the guilts. 公安战士应该象鹰一样注视罪犯的行动。 2、be used as a door-mat 任人践踏(用作门前的脚垫) It’s intolerable to be used as a door-mat.被人践踏是不能容忍的。 展开更多
关键词 成语 WATCH 六盘水 样直 黑里透红 脚垫 社会科学版 明磊 NUMB 白兰地
作者 钱照平 《中学数学教学》 1996年第2期44-44,共1页
本文对第31届IMO一道试题进行讨论,得出了更加完整系统的解答,并通过对其逆命题的讨论,引伸出一个有趣的几何题.题 设圆的两弦AB、CD交于圆内一点E,在线段EB内部有一点M,然后过D、E、M作圆,再过E作该圆的切线交BC、AC于F、G,若AM:AB=t,
关键词 IMO试题 延长线 完整系统 圆的切线 样直 特殊情况 青阳县 逆命题 几何题 GMBF
作者 莫文新 《化工管理》 1996年第7期38-39,共2页
关键词 企业政工干部 劳动价值 基层政工干部 思想政治工作 员工 “实” 样直 思想问题 群众实践 表象化
作者 范捷 《经济工作导刊》 1995年第9期7-8,共2页
国有大中企业改革已经进行了几年,但举步维艰,并未取得突破性进展。究其原因,自然是多方面的。但其中作为企业的主管——各级政府的有关部门没有真正动起来,或者说动得很不够,是重要的原因。因此,启动政府有关部门的工作,是搞好国有大... 国有大中企业改革已经进行了几年,但举步维艰,并未取得突破性进展。究其原因,自然是多方面的。但其中作为企业的主管——各级政府的有关部门没有真正动起来,或者说动得很不够,是重要的原因。因此,启动政府有关部门的工作,是搞好国有大中企业改革关键性的一环。 一。 展开更多
关键词 国有大中企业 政府部门 正动 各级政府 国有企业改革 改革关键 有关部门 转变作风 管理科学 样直
作者 海岸 《外向经济》 1994年第5期48-48,共1页
关键词 国徽 样直 真善美 海岸 历史使命 胸怀 象征 天平
作者 鲁杰 《企业科技与发展》 1995年第7期30-30,共1页
关键词 洗衣机 洗的衣服 防磨损 磨损面 窗帘 样直 纱布
作者 黄邵川 申益群 《金融经济》 1997年第5期60-61,共0页
认识误区之一:无须担忧亏损。认为既然是国家政策性银行,就不怕亏损,在业务经营上不必象商业银行那样直接面对市场而苦心经营,表现在:对贷款投向的科学性把握不够,贷款投量的地区分割、平均分配的现象较为严重,集约化经营意识淡薄。 认... 认识误区之一:无须担忧亏损。认为既然是国家政策性银行,就不怕亏损,在业务经营上不必象商业银行那样直接面对市场而苦心经营,表现在:对贷款投向的科学性把握不够,贷款投量的地区分割、平均分配的现象较为严重,集约化经营意识淡薄。 认识误区之二,无须竞争。 展开更多
关键词 认识误区 政策性银行 农业政策性 县级农发行 政策性金融 样直 贴息 抵押 心经 建章建制
Detection of micrometastasis in peripheral blood by multi-sampling in patients with colorectal cancer 被引量:25
作者 Xi-WeiZhang Hong-YuYang PingFan LiYang Guo-YuChen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期436-438,共3页
AIM: To evaluate the reverse transcriptase-PCR assay and multiple sampling for detection of cytokeratin-positive cells in peripheral blood of colorectal carcinoma patients and to investigate the clinical significance ... AIM: To evaluate the reverse transcriptase-PCR assay and multiple sampling for detection of cytokeratin-positive cells in peripheral blood of colorectal carcinoma patients and to investigate the clinical significance of micrometastasis in peripheral blood.METHODS: The expression of CK20 mRNA by RT-PCR was investigated in bone marrow, portal vein and peripheral blood in 58 colorectal cancer patients and 12 controls without known cancer. The peripheral blood was sampled twice at intervals of 3 d before operation. All the patients were followed up for one year.RESULTS: There was no positive expression of CK20mRNA in 12 volunteers. The positive expression of CK20mRNA was 77.6% (45/58) in bone marrow, and that in portal vein was 74.1% (43/58) of colorectal carcinoma patients.The positive expression of CK20mRNA cells in peripheral blood rose from 44.8% (26/58) to 69.0% (40/58) (P<0.01).The total positivity of CK20mRNA expression in peripheral blood was similar to the positivity of CK20mRNA in bone marrow and portal vein. The positive rates became higher in later clinical stages than in early stages. The CK20mRNA positive patients had a higher relapse rate within one year than the CK20mRNA negative patients.CONCLUSION: Multiple blood sampling can increase the detection of tumor cells in peripheral blood by RT-PCR for CK20mRNA in colorectal carcinoma patients and it is as sensitive and specific as that of bone marrow and portal vein. This technique may be reliable and convenient to diagnose micrometastasis of colorectal carcinoma and has an important significance in determining the prognosis of cancer patients. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal Cancer CK20MRNA MICROMETASTASIS
Study on the Edge Effect of Orthopteran Community in Ningxia Helan Mountain
作者 贺海明 杨贵军 +1 位作者 何立荣 王新谱 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期113-116,145,共5页
[Objective] The study aimed to discuss the influences of edge effect on orthopteran community in east slope of Helan Mountain.[Method] Samples are collected by using sample zone method.The different species of orthopt... [Objective] The study aimed to discuss the influences of edge effect on orthopteran community in east slope of Helan Mountain.[Method] Samples are collected by using sample zone method.The different species of orthopterans in different habitats are recorded.[Result] The percentage of Oedipodidae,Catantopidae and Pamphgidae in total are 42.65%,29.15% and 12.76% respectively.From scattered grassland interior to edge and then to desert grassland,abundance increase in turn,but diversity in the edge is the highe... 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA Edge effect Diversity Scattered grassland-desert grassland Ecosystem Helan Mountain
Diversity and Geographical Pattern of Altitudinal Belts in the Hengduan Mountains in China 被引量:12
作者 YAO Yonghui ZHANG Baiping HAN Fang, PANG Yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第2期123-132,共10页
This paper analyses the diversity and spatial pattern of the altitudinal belts in the Hengduan Mountains in China. A total of 7 types of base belts and 26 types of altitudinal belts are identified in the study region.... This paper analyses the diversity and spatial pattern of the altitudinal belts in the Hengduan Mountains in China. A total of 7 types of base belts and 26 types of altitudinal belts are identified in the study region. The main altitudinal belt lines, such as forest line, the upper limit of dark coniferous forest and snow line, have similar latitudinal and longitudinal spatial patterns, namely, arched quadratic curve model with latitudes and concave quadratic curve model along longitudinal direction. These patterns can be together ealled as "Hyperbolic-paraboloid model", revealing the complexity and speciality of the environment and ecology in the study region. This result further validates the hypnosis of a common quadratic model for spatial pattern of mountain altitudinal belts proposed by the authors. The spatial pattern of altitudinal belts is closely related with moisture-related exposure effect in the Hengduan Mountains. Different combinations (spectra) of altitudinal belts and different base belt types appear in windward and leeward flanks and even in the same flanks of different ranges. This is closely related with the parallel mountain ranges of the Hengduan Mountains, which, at nearly right angle with the moving direction of prevailing moisture-laden air masses from west and east, hold up the warm and humid monsoon wind from moving into the core region and result in different moisture conditions in windward and leeward flanks. However, how to quantitatively describe the moisture-related exposure effect needs further study. In addition, the data quality and data accuracy at present also affect to some extent the result of quantitative modeling and should be improved with RS/GIS in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Hengduan Mountains Altitudinal belt spectra Exposure effect Quadratic model
Evidence for colorectal sarcomatoid carcinoma arising from tubulovillous adenoma 被引量:2
作者 Jeffrey K Lee Pradipta Ghosh +5 位作者 Valerie McWhorter Misty Payne Ryan Olson Mary L Krinsky Sonia Ramamoorthy John M Carethers 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第27期4389-4394,共6页
Sarcomatoid carcinomas of the colorectum are rare tu- mors that display both malignant epithelial and stromal components. Clinically, they are aggressive tumors with early metastasis. Due to their infrequent occurrenc... Sarcomatoid carcinomas of the colorectum are rare tu- mors that display both malignant epithelial and stromal components. Clinically, they are aggressive tumors with early metastasis. Due to their infrequent occurrence, the pathogenesis is poorly understood. We report a case of a 52-year-old woman who presented with a rectal mass and intermittent hematochezia. Superficial biopsies during colonoscopy revealed a tubulovillous adenoma with high-grade dysplasia. Endoscopic ultra- sonography confirmed an invasive nature of the mass, and deeper biopsies revealed the presence of neoplasm with mixed histological components. The surgically- excised specimen demonstrated the presence of poorly differentiated spindle cells underneath the tubulovillous adenoma and an intermediate stage of invasive adeno- carcinoma. Based on the histological appearance and immunohistochemical studies, a diagnosis of sarcoma- toid carcinoma was made. Only nine cases of sarcoma- toid carcinomas of the colorectum have been reported to date. As a result, the terminology and pathogenesis of sarcomatoid carcinoma remain speculative. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of co- existence of sarcomatoid carcinoma and invasive ad- enocarcinoma with tubulovillous adenoma; all stages represented within the same tumor. This observation supports the "monoclonal theory" of pathogenesis with an adenoma-sarcoma progression with or without an intermediate stage of carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Sarcomatoid carcinoma Tubulovillous adenoma ADENOCARCINOMA RECTUM CYTOKERATIN
Association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism with liver metastases of colorectal cancers positive for p53 overexpression 被引量:2
作者 Zhong-zheng ZHU Bing LIU +5 位作者 Ai-zhong WANG Hang-ruo JIA Xia-xiang JIN Xiang-lei HE Li-fang HOU Guan-shan ZHU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期847-852,共6页
Objective: To evaluate the association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism (R72P) and the risk ofcolorectal liver metastases. Methods: The p53 R72P genotype was identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fr... Objective: To evaluate the association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism (R72P) and the risk ofcolorectal liver metastases. Methods: The p53 R72P genotype was identified by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method in 78 consecutive colorectal cancer patients with liver metastases and 214 age- and sex-matched cases with nonmetastatic colorectal cancer. Results: The R allele of the p53 R72P polymorphism was more frequently found in metastatic cases than in nonmetastatic cases (P=0.075). Carriers of the 72R allele had a 2.25-fold (95% CI (confidence interval)=1.05-4.83) increased risk of liver metastases. On the stratification analysis, 72R-carrying genotype conferred a 3.46-fold (95% CI=1.02-11.72) and a 1.05-fold (95% CI=0.36-3.08) increased risk of liver metastases for p53 overexpression-positive and negative colorectal cancers, respectively. Conclusion: These results demonstrate for the first time that the 72R allele of the p53 polymorphism has an increased risk for liver metastases in colorectal cancers positive for p53 overexpression. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer P53 Genetic polymorphism Liver metastases OVEREXPRESSION
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