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基于防危核(壳)的安全关键硬实时系统响应时间的分析 被引量:3
作者 黎忠文 陈亮 熊光泽 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期647-652,共6页
基于响应时间的可调度分析是设计硬实时系统的基础.防危核(壳)是安全关键硬实时系统的一种新防危措施,现有的普适响应时间分析方法不能适用于这类系统.本文的贡献在于采用检测点时间冗余容错和优先级提升思想,通过分析内/外错误、隐/显... 基于响应时间的可调度分析是设计硬实时系统的基础.防危核(壳)是安全关键硬实时系统的一种新防危措施,现有的普适响应时间分析方法不能适用于这类系统.本文的贡献在于采用检测点时间冗余容错和优先级提升思想,通过分析内/外错误、隐/显错误,提出了一种合适的响应时间分析方法,从而为这类系统提供有效的离线可调度分析工具,同时也为这类系统设计了一种基于检测点的容错方案.本方法稍作修改也可为其它安全关键系统服务.最后通过仿真实验验证了本方法的有效性和优越性. 展开更多
关键词 (壳) 安全关键系统 容错 检测点 响应时间分析
作者 黎忠文 熊光泽 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期393-398,共6页
通过理想防危策略及其制定算法把防危策略的制定与一致性险证集为一体,从而解决防危策略与系统防危需求之间一致性问题;然后研究了以Z语言为桥梁,用数学证明来解决防危核与防危策略之间一致性证明的方法。以十字路口的交通控制为例,全... 通过理想防危策略及其制定算法把防危策略的制定与一致性险证集为一体,从而解决防危策略与系统防危需求之间一致性问题;然后研究了以Z语言为桥梁,用数学证明来解决防危核与防危策略之间一致性证明的方法。以十字路口的交通控制为例,全过程地实现和验证了所提出的思想和算法的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 理想防策略 安全系统
防危核技术在铁路微机联锁系统中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 郑建仙 黎忠文 陈亮 《铁路计算机应用》 2005年第6期13-15,共3页
防危核是针对“新安全危机”问题而提出来的一种系统防危新概念。探讨它在铁路微机联锁系统中应用的可行性及基于反射机制的实现方式;根据系统防危需求,重点研究基于防危核的系统的实时调度问题,提出了基于检测点机制并提升补任务优先... 防危核是针对“新安全危机”问题而提出来的一种系统防危新概念。探讨它在铁路微机联锁系统中应用的可行性及基于反射机制的实现方式;根据系统防危需求,重点研究基于防危核的系统的实时调度问题,提出了基于检测点机制并提升补任务优先级的方法,改进了现有的实时调度算法;最后通过仿真实验验证了本方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 联锁系统 反射 检测点 优先级
作者 许进 夏涛 +1 位作者 曾贤福 罗丽燕 《现代工业经济和信息化》 2017年第23期26-27,共2页
关键词 软件故障 列控车载设备 软件
安全关键系统的防危性技术研究 被引量:9
作者 杨仕平 熊光泽 桑楠 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期164-168,共5页
为设计高防危性的安全关键系统,阐述了安全关键系统防危性的本质含义。并从设计方面研究防危性的实现机制,其中重点研究了基于防危核的高防危保障技术。同时提出了基于反射式技术的编程语言棗Open C++的实现机制,为防危核的实现探索了... 为设计高防危性的安全关键系统,阐述了安全关键系统防危性的本质含义。并从设计方面研究防危性的实现机制,其中重点研究了基于防危核的高防危保障技术。同时提出了基于反射式技术的编程语言棗Open C++的实现机制,为防危核的实现探索了新的途径,也为安全关键系统探索了有效的防危新机制。 展开更多
关键词 安全关键系统 反射 可信性 OpenC++ 机制 软件
作者 杨霞 熊光泽 +1 位作者 袁继敏 刘锦德 《电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第S1期706-709,共4页
为保障安全关键系统的正常运行,防止由用户对安全关键设备的误操作引起的系统故障,该文提出了一种通用的安全关键系统防危体系结构和防危策略模型,并以核能发电控制系统为原型研究了一种基于有限自动机的防危策略设计技术,该技术可推广... 为保障安全关键系统的正常运行,防止由用户对安全关键设备的误操作引起的系统故障,该文提出了一种通用的安全关键系统防危体系结构和防危策略模型,并以核能发电控制系统为原型研究了一种基于有限自动机的防危策略设计技术,该技术可推广到其他任何安全关键系统设备中. 展开更多
关键词 安全关键系统 中间层 策略 有限状态机
作者 黎忠文 李乐民 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第S2期458-462,466,共6页
软件的大量应用使大型分布式控制系统面临严峻的防危考验,迫切需要新的防危技术。防危核就是应运而生的一种新防危保障技术。本文探讨了把防危核技术直接移用于大型分布式控制系统存在的困难,首次提出了建立分布式控制系统防危体系的设... 软件的大量应用使大型分布式控制系统面临严峻的防危考验,迫切需要新的防危技术。防危核就是应运而生的一种新防危保障技术。本文探讨了把防危核技术直接移用于大型分布式控制系统存在的困难,首次提出了建立分布式控制系统防危体系的设想,深入研究了防危体系应具有的特点和设计目标。在此基础上结合分布式控制系统的防危需求,提出了一种基于防危核技术的防危体系SSBSK,然后以交通灯指挥系统为对象建立了SSBSK,并验证了该SSBSK的可行性和有效性。 展开更多
关键词 分布式控制系统 体系 策略 安全
作者 李梅花 《东疆学刊》 CSSCI 2015年第3期108-110,共3页
2015年5月10日,由延边大学与南开大学共同主办、延边大学朝鲜半岛研究协同创新中心承办的"朝鲜半岛研究2015高峰论坛"在吉林省延吉市延边大学顺利举行。本次论坛以"东北亚和平安全机制的构建"为主题,旨在为东北亚... 2015年5月10日,由延边大学与南开大学共同主办、延边大学朝鲜半岛研究协同创新中心承办的"朝鲜半岛研究2015高峰论坛"在吉林省延吉市延边大学顺利举行。本次论坛以"东北亚和平安全机制的构建"为主题,旨在为东北亚各国学者和专家提供坦诚交流的学术平台,促进各方的相互理解,消解矛盾,凝聚共识,为东北亚和平、安全与发展提供积极而有建设性的意见和对策。来自中、韩、日、美。 展开更多
关键词 朝鲜半岛 会议综述 延边大学 学术平台 经济合作 研究中心 中国外交战略 命运共同体 新安全观 核危
基于多级关键度的高可信安全关键系统 被引量:2
作者 杨仕平 桑楠 +1 位作者 吴新勇 熊光泽 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期277-282,共6页
为增强安全关键系统的可信性,在分析高可信保障机制现状的基础上,提出了一种集成式的高可信保障体系结构。为防止不同关键度子系统间的有害干扰,在分析信息安全领域内多级安全保障机制的基础上,研究了不同关键度子系统相互作用时应遵守... 为增强安全关键系统的可信性,在分析高可信保障机制现状的基础上,提出了一种集成式的高可信保障体系结构。为防止不同关键度子系统间的有害干扰,在分析信息安全领域内多级安全保障机制的基础上,研究了不同关键度子系统相互作用时应遵守的防危访问控制规则。为实现该规则,采用了基于元对象的反射技术,并就如何使用反射技术实现不同关键度子系统间的可靠互动进行了详细讨论。最后,给出了实验结果,同时就该领域内的相关工作及发展方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 安全关键系统 多级关键度 反射技术 安全保障机制 信息安全 计算机安全
Population survey and conservation assessment of the globally threa- tened cheer pheasant (Catreus wallicht) in Jhelum Valley, Azad Kas- hmir, Pakistan 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Naeem AWAN Hassan ALI David Charles LEE 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期338-345,共8页
The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive esti... The cheer pheasant Catreus wallichi is a globally threatened species that inhabits the western Himalayas. Though it is well established that the species is threatened and its numbers declining, updated definitive estimates are lacking, so in 2011, we conducted a survey to assess the density, population size, and threats to the species in Jhelum valley, Azad Kashmir, which holds the largest known population of cheer pheasants in Pakistan. We conducted dawn call count surveys at 17 points clustered in three survey zones of the valley, 11 of which had earlier been used for a 2002-2003 survey of the birds. Over the course of our survey, 113 birds were recorded. Mean density of cheer pheasant in the valley was estimated at 11.8±6.47 pairs per km2, with significant differences in terms of both counts and estimated density of cheer were significantly different across the three survey zones, with the highest in the Chinari region and the lowest, that is the area with no recorded sightings of the pheasants, in Gari Doppata. The total breeding population of cheer pheasants is estimated to be some 2 490 pairs, though this does not consider the actual area of occupancy in the study area. On the whole, more cheer pheasants were recorded in this survey than from the same points in 2002-2003, indicating some success in population growth. Unfortunately, increasing human settlement, fires, livestock grazing, hunting, and the collection of non-timber forest products continue to threaten the population of cheer in the Jhelum valley. To mitigate these potential impacts, some degree of site protection should be required for the conservation of cheer pheasants in Pakistan, and more effective monitoring of the species is clearly needed. 展开更多
关键词 ABUNDANCE Habitat analysis Cheer Pheasant Jhelum valley Pakistan
Evaluation of SNPs in miR-196-a2, miR-27a and miR-146a as risk factors of colorectal cancer 被引量:6
作者 Renata Hezova Alena Kovarikova +8 位作者 Julie Bienertova-Vasku Milana Sachlova Martina Redova Anna Vasku Marek Svoboda Lenka Radova Igor Kiss Rostislav Vyzula Ondrej Slaby 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第22期2827-2831,共5页
AIM: To investigate whether selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miR-196a2, miR-27a and miR146a genes are associated with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC).METHODS: In order to investigate the effect of t... AIM: To investigate whether selected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in miR-196a2, miR-27a and miR146a genes are associated with sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC).METHODS: In order to investigate the effect of these SNPs in CRC, we performed a case-control study of 197 cases of sporadic CRC and 212 cancer-free controls originating from the Central-European Caucasian population using TaqMan Real-Time polymerase chain reaction and allelic discrimination analysis. RESULTS: The genotype and allele frequencies of SNPs were compared between the cases and the controls. None of the performed analysis showed any statistically significant results. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest a lack of association between rs11614913, rs895819 and rs2910164 and colorectal cancer risk in the Central-European Caucasian population, a population with an extremely high incidence of sporadic colorectal cancer. 展开更多
关键词 Association study Colorectal cancer MicroR-NA Single nucleotide polymorphism
Challenges for Indonesia in Embarking to Nuclear Power
作者 K. Huda B. Rohman A.N. Lasman 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第4期379-384,共6页
Indonesia has been planning to build Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) since the 1970's. Nevertheless, due to some problems the program is immaterialized so far. Recently, in anticipation of domestic energy crisis, nucle... Indonesia has been planning to build Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) since the 1970's. Nevertheless, due to some problems the program is immaterialized so far. Recently, in anticipation of domestic energy crisis, nuclear program is revitalized. In the current situation, nuclear program is facing various challenges, including public perception, political instability, brain drain of skilled people, governmental support, and international confidence. In coping with these challenges, several efforts have been done. For instance, to deals with public perception, BATAN is making continuous effort in convincing the public and the decision makers to be aware of the necessity of nuclear power. In line with such effort, several milestones of the nuclear power programme have also been achieved. One of the most important milestones is the enactment of Act No. 10/1997 on Nuclear Energy. The Act demands the establishment of independent regulatory body separated from promoting body. 展开更多
关键词 Brain drain public perception international confidence NIMBY (not in my backyard).
Upgrade to Nuclear Power Plant Krsko Internal Flooding Probabilistic Safety Analysis
作者 I. Vrbanic I. Basic R. Prosen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第1期35-42,共8页
The original internal flooding probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) study of Krsko Nuclear Power Plant (two-loop Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant of Westinghouse design) was performed in mid nineties and lim... The original internal flooding probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) study of Krsko Nuclear Power Plant (two-loop Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) plant of Westinghouse design) was performed in mid nineties and limited to reactor core damage risk (Level 1 PSA). In 2003, it was, together with other safety and hazard analyses, subject to the Periodic Safety Review (PSR). In the PSR, it was stated that methodological PSA approaches and guidelines have evoluted during the past decade and several observations were provided, concerning the area screening process, residual risk and treatment of plant damage states and risk from radioactivity releases (i.e., Level 2 PSA). In order to address the PSR observations, upgrade ofKrsko NPP internal flooding PSA was undertaken. The area screening process was revisited in order to cover the areas without automatic reactor trip equipment. The model was extended to Level 2. Residual risk was estimated at both Level 1 and Level 2, in terms of core damage frequency (CDF) and large early release frequency (LERF), respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Internal flooding hazard probabilistic safety analysis nuclear power plant.
Seismic design and analysis of nuclear power plant structures 被引量:2
作者 Pentti Varpasuo 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2013年第3期10-19,共10页
The seismic design and analysis of nuclear power plant (NPP) begin with the seismic hazard assessment and design ground motion development for the site. The following steps are needed for the seismic hazard assessment... The seismic design and analysis of nuclear power plant (NPP) begin with the seismic hazard assessment and design ground motion development for the site. The following steps are needed for the seismic hazard assessment and design ground motion development:a. the development of regional seismo-tectonic model with seismic source areas within 500 km radius centered to the site;b. the development of strong motion prediction equations; c. logic three development for taking into account uncertainties and seismic hazard quantification;d. the development of uniform hazard response spectra for ground motion at the site;e. simulation of acceleration time histories compatible with uniform hazard response spectra. The following phase two in seismic design of NPP structures is the analysis of structural response for the design ground motion. This second phase of the process consists of the following steps:a. development of structural models of the plant buildings;b. development of the soil model underneath the plant buildings for soilstructure interaction response analysis;c. determination of instructure response spectra for the plant buildings for the equipment response analysis. In the third phase of the seismic design and analysis the equipment is analyzed on the basis of in-structure response spectra. For this purpose the structural models of the mechanical components and piping in the plant are set up. In large 3D-structural models used today the heaviest equipment of the primary coolant circuit is included in the structural model of the reactor building. In the fourth phase the electrical equipment and automation and control equipment are seismically qualified with the aid of the in-structure spectra developed in the phase two using large three-axial shaking tables. For this purpose the smoothed envelope spectra for calculated in-structure spectra are constructed and acceleration time is fitted to these smoothed envelope spectra. 展开更多
关键词 seismic hazard assessment design ground motion development analysis of structural response
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