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核子空间样本选择方法的核最近邻凸包分类器 被引量:1
作者 周晓飞 姜文瀚 杨静宇 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第32期34-37,共4页
为了保证核最近邻凸包分类器有效地处理大训练集的应用问题,提出一种核子空间样本选择方法与该分类器相结合。核子空间样本选择方法是一个类内迭代算法,该算法在核空间里每次迭代选择一个距离选择集样本张成子空间最远的样本。在MIT-CBC... 为了保证核最近邻凸包分类器有效地处理大训练集的应用问题,提出一种核子空间样本选择方法与该分类器相结合。核子空间样本选择方法是一个类内迭代算法,该算法在核空间里每次迭代选择一个距离选择集样本张成子空间最远的样本。在MIT-CBCL人脸识别数据库的training-synthetic子库上的实验中,该方法不但可以取得100%的识别率,而且与未经选样的核最近邻凸包分类器相比,其执行速度要快许多。 展开更多
关键词 样本选择 凸包 核最近邻凸包分类 核子空间样本选择 模式识别 人脸识别
矩阵多项式的交与和的像空间及核子空间 被引量:3
作者 左可正 《徐州师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2008年第1期75-78,共4页
给出了同一个矩阵A的若干个多项式的像空间及核子空间的和与交的结构,得出了以下的结果:1)R(f1(A))∩R(f2(A))∩…∩R(fk(A))=R([f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)]);2)R(f1(A))+R(f2(A))+…+R(fk(A))=R((f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)));3)N(f1(A))∩N(f2(... 给出了同一个矩阵A的若干个多项式的像空间及核子空间的和与交的结构,得出了以下的结果:1)R(f1(A))∩R(f2(A))∩…∩R(fk(A))=R([f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)]);2)R(f1(A))+R(f2(A))+…+R(fk(A))=R((f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)));3)N(f1(A))∩N(f2(A))∩…∩N(fk(A))=N((f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)));4)N(f1(A))+N(f2(A))+…+N(fk(A))=N([f1(A),f2(A),…,fk(A)]).它们推广了蒋永泉、胡付高等的结果. 展开更多
关键词 空间 核子空间 和子空间 交子空间 矩阵的秩
作者 左可正 谢涛 《大学数学》 2011年第4期128-132,共5页
关键词 核子空间 值域 维数
作者 邓祖明 《电工技术(下半月)》 2015年第4期146-147,共2页
线性子空间法不足以描述实际雷达一维距离像复杂的非线性变化。苓文探讨基于非线性核子空间模式识别方法的分类机理,并把这种方法应用于雷达一维距离像识别中。由于雷达一维距离像敏感于目标姿态角,故讨论了各种训练样本数目情况下的... 线性子空间法不足以描述实际雷达一维距离像复杂的非线性变化。苓文探讨基于非线性核子空间模式识别方法的分类机理,并把这种方法应用于雷达一维距离像识别中。由于雷达一维距离像敏感于目标姿态角,故讨论了各种训练样本数目情况下的分类问题,并对实验结果给出了合理的解释。 展开更多
关键词 雷达一维距离像 线性子空间 非线性核子空间 目标姿态角
截断的壳模型核子对态空间中的基本矩阵元 被引量:1
作者 张战军 刘庸 桑建平 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1996年第4期412-417,共6页
关键词 壳模型 矩阵元 核子对态空间 原子核 唯象模型
特征有效提取的自适应核特征子空间方法 被引量:2
作者 张朝阳 田铮 《模式识别与人工智能》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期392-401,共10页
基于核的主成分分析(KPCA)方法能提取数据的非线性特征,但特征提取的效率却与训练样本集合的容量成反比.文中提出一种特征提取的自适应核特征子空间方法来快速有效地提取特征.该方法和KPCA方法在理论分析框架上是一致的,但通过自适应的... 基于核的主成分分析(KPCA)方法能提取数据的非线性特征,但特征提取的效率却与训练样本集合的容量成反比.文中提出一种特征提取的自适应核特征子空间方法来快速有效地提取特征.该方法和KPCA方法在理论分析框架上是一致的,但通过自适应的选取核子空间的张成向量,能在提高特征提取效率的同时不影响特征提取的精度.针对模拟数据和MNIST数据的实验结果表明文中方法优于经典KPCA方法和参考方法. 展开更多
关键词 核主成分分析(KPCA) 特征提取 核子空间 张成向量
作者 刘茂山 纪志成 +1 位作者 王艳 王建锋 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期2533-2544,共12页
针对线性块对角表达子空间聚类算法不能有效处理非线性视觉数据,以及常规的正则化器不能直接追求k块对角矩阵等缺点,提出了核块对角表达子空间聚类算法。将原始输入空间映射到线性可分的核希尔伯特空间,在该特征空间中进行谱聚类,同时... 针对线性块对角表达子空间聚类算法不能有效处理非线性视觉数据,以及常规的正则化器不能直接追求k块对角矩阵等缺点,提出了核块对角表达子空间聚类算法。将原始输入空间映射到线性可分的核希尔伯特空间,在该特征空间中进行谱聚类,同时给出了算法的收敛性分析,利用变量的强凸性和函数的有界性来验证目标函数单调递减和亲和力矩阵有界且收敛。与核稀疏子空间聚类、块对角表达子空间聚类等算法相比,结果表明:该算法在Extended Yale B,ORL(Olivetti Research Laboratory)和MVTec ITODD数据集上取得了较低的聚类误差和较高的归一化互信息。 展开更多
关键词 视觉数据 核子空间聚类 块对角表达 收敛性分析
融合核主成分分析和最小距离鉴别投影的人脸识别算法 被引量:8
作者 刘君 黄燕琪 熊邦书 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期221-225,234,共6页
针对人脸识别问题,在原有的最小距离鉴别投影算法的基础上,根据核主成分分析(KPCA)方法,提出一种新的融合核主成分分析和最小距离的鉴别投影算法。运用KPCA对高维样本空间进行降维,通过核技巧将样本映射到高维非线性空间,继而在降维后... 针对人脸识别问题,在原有的最小距离鉴别投影算法的基础上,根据核主成分分析(KPCA)方法,提出一种新的融合核主成分分析和最小距离的鉴别投影算法。运用KPCA对高维样本空间进行降维,通过核技巧将样本映射到高维非线性空间,继而在降维后的核子空间上通过鉴别投影方法计算其相应的投影矩阵,采用最近邻分类方法对样本进行分类并最终实现人脸识别。在ORL,FERET和YALE人脸库上的实验结果表明,该算法的识别率优于其他算法,可避免高维矩阵的计算复杂问题,同时定义的核子空间相似度权重也较好地保持了样本之间的近邻关系。 展开更多
关键词 主成分 核主成分 核子空间 鉴别投影 人脸识别 特征提取
集成特征选择的最优化支持向量机分类器模型研究 被引量:6
作者 赵宇 陈锐 刘蔚 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期177-182,215,共7页
考虑将特征选择集成到支持向量机分类器中,提出集成特征选择的最优化支持向量机分类器——FS-SDPSVM(Feature Selection in Semi-definite Program for Support Vector Machine)。该模型将每个特征分别在核空间中做特征映射,然后通过参... 考虑将特征选择集成到支持向量机分类器中,提出集成特征选择的最优化支持向量机分类器——FS-SDPSVM(Feature Selection in Semi-definite Program for Support Vector Machine)。该模型将每个特征分别在核空间中做特征映射,然后通过参数组合构成新的核矩阵,将特征选择过程与机器分类过程统一在一个优化目标下,同时达到特征选择与分类最优。在特征筛选方面,根据模型参数提出用于特征筛选的特征支持度和特征贡献度,通过控制二者的上下限可以在最优分类和最少特征之间灵活取舍。实证中分别将最优分类(FS-SDP-SVM1)和最少特征(FS-SDPSVM2)两类集成化特征选择算法与Relief-F、SFS、SBS算法在UCI机器学习数据和人造数据中进行对比实验。结果表明,提出的FS-SDP-SVM算法在保持较好泛化能力的基础上,在多数实验数据集中实现了最大分类准确率或最少特征数量;在人工数据中,该方法可以准确地选出真正的特征,去除噪声特征。 展开更多
关键词 特征选择 集成化方法 支持向量机分类器 特征核子空间 半正定规划
幂等矩阵的组合的可逆性(英文) 被引量:8
作者 左可正 谢涛 《数学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期285-288,共4页
本文研究了两个幂等矩阵P与Q的组合aP+bQ-cPQ-dQP-ePQP(其中a,b,c,d,e∈,a≠0,b≠0)的可逆性.利用P-Q的可逆性及幂等矩阵的性质,得到了aP+bQ-cPQ-dQP-ePQP可逆的一些充要条件.推广了J .J .Koliha和V.Rakoevi[1]及Zuo Kezheng[2]的结论.
关键词 幂等矩阵 直和 矩阵的秩 核子空间 非奇异性
秩幂等矩阵的特征 被引量:2
作者 谢涛 左可正 《黄石理工学院学报》 2007年第5期58-59,共2页
关键词 值域 核子空间 矩阵的秩 特征子空间
Energy Level Statistics of SO(5) Limit of Super-symmetry U(6/4) in Interacting Boson-Fermion Model
作者 BAI Hong-Bo ZHANG Jin-Fu ZHOU Xian-Rong 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第5X期897-900,共4页
We study the energy level statistics of the SO(5) limit of super-symmetry U(6/4) in odd-A nucleus using the interacting boson-fermion model. The nearest neighbor spacing distribution (NSD) and the spectral rigidity (... We study the energy level statistics of the SO(5) limit of super-symmetry U(6/4) in odd-A nucleus using the interacting boson-fermion model. The nearest neighbor spacing distribution (NSD) and the spectral rigidity (△3)are investigated, and the factors that affect the properties of level statistics are also discussed. The results show that the boson number N is a dominant factor. If N is small, both the interaction strengths of subgroups SOB(5) and SOBF(5)and the spin play important roles in the energy level statistics, however, along with the increase of N, the statistics distribution would tend to be in Poisson form. 展开更多
关键词 interacting boson-fermion model SO(5) limit of super-symmetry U(6/4) odd-A nucleus levelstatistics energy levels unfolding nearest neighbor spacing distribution spectral rigidity
The Largest Spatial Frame Quotient on Prequantale
作者 WANG Xue-qiang WANG Shun- qin 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期402-405,共4页
Prequantale quotient is defined in terms of prequantic nucleus, some equivalent propositions of which is obtained. Also, prequantale quotient is proved to coincide with the quotient object in PQuant up to isomorphism.... Prequantale quotient is defined in terms of prequantic nucleus, some equivalent propositions of which is obtained. Also, prequantale quotient is proved to coincide with the quotient object in PQuant up to isomorphism. At last, the concrete structure of the largest spatial frame quotient in TPQuant is given. 展开更多
关键词 prequantale NUCLEUS prequantale quotient
A short revisit to Kuo-Brown effective interactions 被引量:1
作者 WANG XiaoBao DONG GuoXiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期18-22,共5页
This paper is a short revisit to Kuo-Brown effective interaction derived from the Hamada-Johnston nucleon-nucleon potential, done by Gerry Brown and Tom Kuo. This effective interaction, derived in year 1966, is the fi... This paper is a short revisit to Kuo-Brown effective interaction derived from the Hamada-Johnston nucleon-nucleon potential, done by Gerry Brown and Tom Kuo. This effective interaction, derived in year 1966, is the first attempt to describe nuclear structure properties from the free nucleon-nucleon potential. Nowadays much progress has been achieved for the effective interactions in shell model. We would compare the effective interactions obtained in the 1966 paper with up-to-date shell-model interactions in sd-shell and pf-shell model space. Recent knowledge of effective interactions on nuclear structure, can also be traced in the KuoBrown effective interaction, i.e., the universal roles of central and tensor forces, which reminds us that such discovery should be noticed much earlier. 展开更多
关键词 shell model effective interactions tensor force
On the Equi-nuclearity of Roe Algebras of Metric Spaces
作者 Xiaoman CHEN Benyin FU Qin WANG 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期519-528,共10页
The authors define the equi-nuclearity of uniform Roe algebras of a family of metric spaces. For a discrete metric space X with bounded geometry which is covered by a family of subspaces {Xi}i=1^∞, if {C^*(Xi)}i=1... The authors define the equi-nuclearity of uniform Roe algebras of a family of metric spaces. For a discrete metric space X with bounded geometry which is covered by a family of subspaces {Xi}i=1^∞, if {C^*(Xi)}i=1^∞ are equi-nuclear and under some proper gluing conditions, it is proved that C*(X) is nuclear. Furthermore, it is claimed that in general, the coarse Roe algebra C^* (X) is not nuclear. 展开更多
关键词 Nuclear C^*-algebra Uniform Roe algebra Equi-nuclear uniform Roe algebra
Generalization errors of Laplacian regularized least squares regression 被引量:2
作者 CAO Ying CHEN DiRong 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 2012年第9期1859-1868,共10页
Semi-supervised learning is an emerging computational paradigm for machine learning,that aims to make better use of large amounts of inexpensive unlabeled data to improve the learning performance.While various methods... Semi-supervised learning is an emerging computational paradigm for machine learning,that aims to make better use of large amounts of inexpensive unlabeled data to improve the learning performance.While various methods have been proposed based on different intuitions,the crucial issue of generalization performance is still poorly understood.In this paper,we investigate the convergence property of the Laplacian regularized least squares regression,a semi-supervised learning algorithm based on manifold regularization.Moreover,the improvement of error bounds in terms of the number of labeled and unlabeled data is presented for the first time as far as we know.The convergence rate depends on the approximation property and the capacity of the reproducing kernel Hilbert space measured by covering numbers.Some new techniques are exploited for the analysis since an extra regularizer is introduced. 展开更多
关键词 semi-supervised learning graph Laplemian covering number learning rate
The HEPD particle detector of the CSES satellite mission for investigating seismo-associated perturbations of the Van Allen belts 被引量:6
作者 AMBROSI Giovanni BARTOCCI Simona +39 位作者 BASARA Laurent BATTISTON Roberto BURGER William J. CARFORA Luca CASTELLINI Guido CIPOLLONE Piero CONTI Livio CONTIN Andrea DE DONATO Cinzia DE SANTIS Cristian FOLLEGA Francesco M. GUANDALINI Cristina IONICA Maria IUPPA Roberto LAURENTI Giuliano LAZZIZZERA Ignazio LOLLI Mauro MANEA Christian MARCELLI Laura MASCIANTONIO Giuseppe MERGE Matteo OSTERIA Giuseppe PACINI Lorenzo PALMA Francesco PALMONARI Federico PANICO Beatrice PATRIZII Laura PERFETTO Francesco PICOZZA Piergiorgio POZZATO Michele PUEL Matteo RASHEVSKAYA Irina RICCI Ester RICCI Marco RICCIARINI Sergio Bruno SCOTTI Valentina SOTGIU Alessando SPARVOLI Roberta SPATARO Bruno VITALE Vincenzo 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期643-652,共10页
CSES(China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) is a mission developed by CNSA(Chinese National Space Administration) and ASI(Italian Space Agency), to investigate the near-Earth electromagnetic, plasma and particle envi... CSES(China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite) is a mission developed by CNSA(Chinese National Space Administration) and ASI(Italian Space Agency), to investigate the near-Earth electromagnetic, plasma and particle environment, for studying the seismo-associated disturbances in the ionosphere-magnetosphere transition zone. The anthropogenic and electromagnetic noise,as well as the natural non-seismic electromagnetic emissions is mainly due to tropospheric activity. In particular, the mission aims to confirming the existence of possible temporal correlations between the occurrence of earthquakes for medium and strong magnitude and the observation in space of electromagnetic perturbations, plasma variations and precipitation of bursts with highenergy charged particles from the inner Van Allen belt. In this framework, the high energy particle detector(HEPD) of the CSES mission has been developed by the Italian LIMADOU Collaboration. HEPD is an advanced detector based on a tower of scintillators and a silicon tracker that provides good energy and angular resolution and a wide angular acceptance, for electrons of 3–100 Me V, protons of 30–200 Me V and light nuclei up to the oxygen. CSES satellite has been launched on February 2^(nd), 2018 from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center(China). 展开更多
关键词 earthquake seismic-precursors particle detector Van Allen belts magnetosphere ionosphere space weather cosmic rays
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