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核酸反应性标本9例与对应ELISA、CLIA法检测HBV的关联分析 被引量:2
作者 范菲 《中国社区医师》 2020年第13期114-115,共2页
目的:分析核酸反应性标本和对应ELISA、CLIA法检测HBV的关联性。方法:选取2017年1月-2018年1月无偿献血者1000例,提供核酸检测,同时对核酸反应性标本提供CLIA法检测。结果:通过核酸检测出HBV DNA反应性标本9例,没有检测出HCV RNA及HIV ... 目的:分析核酸反应性标本和对应ELISA、CLIA法检测HBV的关联性。方法:选取2017年1月-2018年1月无偿献血者1000例,提供核酸检测,同时对核酸反应性标本提供CLIA法检测。结果:通过核酸检测出HBV DNA反应性标本9例,没有检测出HCV RNA及HIV RNA反应性标本,其中属于ELISA法阴性高值标本1例;9例核酸反应性标本对应CLIA法HBV两对半检测产生HBsAg(-)抗-HBc(+)2例,HBsAg(-)抗-HBc(+)抗-HBe(+)血清型6例,剩余无反应性1例,怀疑为窗口期标本。结论:对于无偿献血者血液开展核酸检测以及ELISA法检测存在互补性,核酸检测能够良好弥补ELISA法检测窗口期问题,核酸检测和ELISA法检测存在相同结果,将影响血液质量的ELISA法阴性高值标本淘汰,能够有效减少输血感染的出现风险。 展开更多
关键词 核酸反应性标本 ELISA法 CLIA法 HBV 关联
核酸检测反应性献血者归队方案探讨 被引量:6
作者 任亚娜 周国平 《临床输血与检验》 CAS 2021年第5期639-643,共5页
目的为减少血液报废,探讨可行的核酸检测反应性献血者归队方案。方法筛选2012年~2017年上海市血液中心无偿献血者中核酸反应性且其他血液筛查标志物无反应性的献血者,召回42人进入归队流程。通过血清学检测方法(酶联免疫吸附试验和化学... 目的为减少血液报废,探讨可行的核酸检测反应性献血者归队方案。方法筛选2012年~2017年上海市血液中心无偿献血者中核酸反应性且其他血液筛查标志物无反应性的献血者,召回42人进入归队流程。通过血清学检测方法(酶联免疫吸附试验和化学发光免疫分析法)和核酸检测方法进行归队检测标志物(HBV、HCV、HIV和TP)的检测,设计核酸反应性献血者归队流程。结果第一轮归队检测为酶联免疫吸附试验无反应性核酸检测反应性的15人;两者均为无反应性的27人。此27例再使用化学发光免疫分析法检测,其中9例为Anti-HBc、Anti-HBe两项都是反应性,14例为Anti-HBc反应性。第一轮检测Anti-HBc、Anti-HBe一项或两项反应性的献血者,第二轮检测仍为反应性,建议在第一轮永久屏蔽。4位献血者召回检测的所有项目均无反应性,建议可以回归献血者队伍。结论探讨了核酸检测反应性献血者归队方案的可行性,初步确定核酸反应性献血者归队判断规则。 展开更多
关键词 核酸反应性 献血者归队 归队方案
作者 李明睿 王婷 +2 位作者 陈志超 王婷婷 何晴 《中国输血杂志》 CAS 2024年第4期405-411,共7页
目的 了解血液筛查非重复反应性标本与隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染(OBI)标本间HBV血清学特征的相关性。方法 收集本科室2021年1月—2023年1月血液筛查ELISA结果均为阴性,仅NAT反应性的标本共144份,其中TMA法联检反应性标本92份,PCR法单人份... 目的 了解血液筛查非重复反应性标本与隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染(OBI)标本间HBV血清学特征的相关性。方法 收集本科室2021年1月—2023年1月血液筛查ELISA结果均为阴性,仅NAT反应性的标本共144份,其中TMA法联检反应性标本92份,PCR法单人份检测HBV DNA反应性标本52份。联检反应性标本补充TMA法鉴别检测和PCR法单人份检测,2种方法检测均无反应性的标本纳入NRR标本组,任1种方法检出HBV DNA反应性的标本纳入OBI标本组。对2组标本完成HBsAg、抗-HBs、HBeAg、抗-HBe、抗-HBc检测,分析NRR标本与OBI标本在血清学模式和阳性率上是否存在差异。结果 联检反应性标本补充检测均阴性标本53份,纳入NRR标本组。91份标本在任1种方法中检测出HBV DNA反应性,纳入OBI标本组。2组标本血清学检测均未检出HBsAg和HBeAg,抗-HBs检出率NRR标本组为64.15%,OBI标本组为47.25%;抗-HBc检出率NRR标本组为86.79%,OBI标本组为94.51%;抗-HBe检出率NRR标本组为35.85%,OBI标本组为52.75%。2组标本血清学模式:NRR标本组表现最多的模式为抗-HBs+、抗-HBc+(32.08%),OBI标本组表现最多的模式为抗-HBe+、抗-HBc+(37.36%)。结论 NRR标本与OBI标本在HBV血清学检测中的部分检测结果间存在差异,但NRR标本中较高的抗-HBc阳性率提示仍有较高的可能存在HBV感染风险。 展开更多
关键词 乙型肝炎病毒 核酸重复检测非反应 OBI HBV血清学阳
天津地区核酸检测重复无反应性献血者HBV感染指标分析 被引量:1
作者 李凤园 袁玉华 +2 位作者 潘彤 谢月娜 徐姗 《临床输血与检验》 CAS 2023年第3期395-400,共6页
目的使用不同类型的NAT法对HBsAg阴性的核酸检测重复无反应性(NRR)献血者样本进行检测,同时使用ELISA法对HBV DNA阳性样本进行相关标志物检测,确认HBV DNA阳性样本的血清学感染指标的模式,保障用血安全。方法使用TMA原理的单人份核酸检... 目的使用不同类型的NAT法对HBsAg阴性的核酸检测重复无反应性(NRR)献血者样本进行检测,同时使用ELISA法对HBV DNA阳性样本进行相关标志物检测,确认HBV DNA阳性样本的血清学感染指标的模式,保障用血安全。方法使用TMA原理的单人份核酸检测(ID-NAT)对82278例献血者样本进行检测后,总共收集60例NRR样本血浆,采用3种NAT方法对HBV DNA进行检测:方法①采用TMA原理的NAT法进行3次HBV DNA鉴别试验;方法②使用A、B不同的PCR试剂对HBV DNA进行检测;方法③使用Q-PCR对HBV DNA进行定量检测,得到3种方法的总阳性数及比率。使用ELISA法对确认HBV DNA阳性组进行血清学标志物检测,并与未确认HBV DNA阳性组进行比较,分析两组抗体和血清学组合模式阳性率有无差异。结果60例NRR样本,方法①检出HBV DNA阳性样本19例(31.67%,19/60),方法②检出HBV DNA阳性样本23例(38.33%,23/60),方法③检出HBV DNA阳性样本9例(15%,9/60)且病毒载量均较低。3种方法检测出感染HBV的NRR样本共32例(53.33%,32/60),其中仅方法①6例(18.758%,6/32)、仅方法②10例(31.25%,10/32)、仅方法③3例(9.37%,3/32)。确认组的HBcAb和阳性率高于未确认组,高达84.38%和9.38%,两组比较具有统计学差异。确认组HBcAb(+)且HBeAb(+)比率为6.25%而未确认组无此模式,所有抗体全阴性的组合模式确认组比率6.25%低于未确认组28.57%。结论多种类型的NAT法联合检测可以提高NRR样本中HBV DNA的检出率,NRR人群中确认HBV DNA阳性献血者感染标志物HBcAb阳性率、HBcAb(+)且HBeAb(+)比率均升高,所有抗体全阴性的组合模式比率降低。 展开更多
关键词 核酸检测重复无反应 HBV Q-PCR ELISA
开展血液病毒核酸集中化检测的效果分析 被引量:7
作者 刘东 李维 +2 位作者 秦伟斐 尹丹 毕蕾静 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2017年第10期1304-1305,1308,共3页
目的对血液病毒核酸检测(NAT)集中化在重庆市血液中心开展的效果进行分析。方法 2016年1-6月,对重庆市14家基层血站送往重庆市血液中心的32 137份集中化检测标本的运输、检测、信息系统建设方面等各个环节和关键控制点进行分析。结果在2... 目的对血液病毒核酸检测(NAT)集中化在重庆市血液中心开展的效果进行分析。方法 2016年1-6月,对重庆市14家基层血站送往重庆市血液中心的32 137份集中化检测标本的运输、检测、信息系统建设方面等各个环节和关键控制点进行分析。结果在2016年1-6月的32 137份重庆市集中化标本中,对55份标本进行了不同原因的拒收,基层血站标本的NAT单反应性率为5.1‰(164/32 137),同期重庆市血液中心为2.3‰(129/55 859),鉴别检出率基层血站为1.8‰(57/32 137),重庆市血液中心为0.6‰(35/55 859)。结论重庆市血液中心开展病毒核酸集中化检测的效果已逐步显现,基层血站检测实验室与血液中心血筛实验室在检测能力和水平上存在一定的差距,逐步提高集中化检测程度,有助于血液检测效率和血液安全的全面提升。 展开更多
关键词 病毒核酸检测 集中化检测 核酸反应 血液安全
作者 朱守兵 陆盈 +1 位作者 孙建杨 钦博 《病毒学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期837-842,共6页
研究联检反应性鉴别非反应性献血者(Non⁃discriminating reactive donation,NDRD)中隐匿性乙肝感染(Occult hepatitis⁃B virus infection,OBI)情况,对既往在绍兴地区献血的NDRD进行追踪,首先使用化学发光试验检测HBsAg,使用核酸检测技... 研究联检反应性鉴别非反应性献血者(Non⁃discriminating reactive donation,NDRD)中隐匿性乙肝感染(Occult hepatitis⁃B virus infection,OBI)情况,对既往在绍兴地区献血的NDRD进行追踪,首先使用化学发光试验检测HBsAg,使用核酸检测技术检测HBV DNA,首次追踪检测增加化学发光试验检测HBsAb,同时选取HBsAg阴性且HBV DNA也阴性合格献血者标本76份和确认为OBI的献血者标本52份作为对照检测HBsAb,经追踪检测HBsAg阴性且HBV DNA阳性的献血者判定为OBI,对不同人群血清中HBsAb阳性比例进行统计分析,对不同性别、不同年龄、不同学历、不同血清HBsAb浓度及不同追踪检测次数确定为OBI的情况进行统计分析。本次研究共追踪检测66人,其中经确认为OBI的12人,NDRD中OBI的比例18.18%,不同性别、不同学历的献血者确认为OBI的比例差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),不同年龄组的献血者确认为OBI的比例差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),HBsAg阴性且HBV DNA阴性合格献血者、NDRD和确认为OBI的献血者中HBsAb阳性的比例差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),NDRD中不同血清HBsAb浓度的献血者确认为OBI的比例差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),不同追踪检测次数组OBI检出比例有统计学差异(P<0.05)。NDRD中OBI的比例较高,年龄越大的NDRD确定为OBI比例越高,血清HBsAb浓度大于300IU/L的NDRD中未发现OBI,HBsAb浓度大于300IU/L可以用作NDRD归队和保留的指标,追踪检测5次及以上的NDRD确认为OBI的比例明显增高,为增加NDRD中OBI的检出率,可以增加核酸检测次数至5次及以上。 展开更多
关键词 核酸联检反应鉴别非反应 献血者 核酸检测 隐匿乙肝感染 HBsAb 检测次数
NOD2 and ATG16L1 polymorphisms affect monocyte responses in Crohn's disease 被引量:2
作者 Dylan M Glubb Richard B Gearry +5 位作者 Murray L Barclay Rebecca L Roberts John Pearson Jacqui I Keenan Judy McKenzie Robert W Bentley 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第23期2829-2837,共9页
AIM: TO assess whether polymorphisms in NOD2 and ATG16L1 affect cytokine responses and mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) survival in monocytes from Crohn's disease (CD) patients METHODS: Mon... AIM: TO assess whether polymorphisms in NOD2 and ATG16L1 affect cytokine responses and mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) survival in monocytes from Crohn's disease (CD) patients METHODS: Monocytes were isolated from peripheral blood of CD patients of known genotype for common single nucleotide polymorphisms of NOD2 and ATG16L1, Monocytes were challenged with MAP and bacterial per- sistence assessed at subsequent time-points. Cytokine responses were assayed using a Milliplex multi-analyte profiling assay for 13 cytokines. RESULTS: Monooltes heterozygous for a NOD2 polymorphism (R702W, P268S, or 1007fs) were more permissive for growth of MAP (P = 0.045) than those without. There was no effect of NOD2 genotype on subsequent cytokine expression. The T300A polymorphism of ATG16L1 did not affect growth of MAP in our model (P = 0.175), but did increase expression of cytokines interleukin (IL)-10 (P = 0.047) and IL-6 (P = 0.019). CONCLUSION: CD-associated polymorphisms affected the eliminaUon of MAP from ex v/vo monooltes (NOD2), or expression of certain oltokines (ATG16LI), implying independent but contributory roles in the pathogenesis of CD. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammatory bowel disease Mycobacteriumavium subspecies paratuberculosis CYTOKINE CARD15 Autophagy
IL28B polymorphisms associated with therapy response in Chilean chronic hepatitis C patients 被引量:13
作者 Mauricio Venegas Rodrigo A Villanueva +1 位作者 Katherine González Javier Brahm 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第31期3636-3639,共4页
AIM:To analyze the association of three IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms with response to therapy in Chilean patients infected with hepatitis C virus CV.METHODS:We studied two groups of patients with chronic CV i... AIM:To analyze the association of three IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms with response to therapy in Chilean patients infected with hepatitis C virus CV.METHODS:We studied two groups of patients with chronic CV infection genotype 1,under standard combined treatment with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin.One group consisted of 50 patients with sustained virological response,whereas the second group consisted of 49 null responders.In order to analyze the IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms rs12979860,rs12980275 and rs8099917,samples were used for polymerase chain reaction amplification,and the genotyping was performed by restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism.RESULTS:The IL28B rs12979860 CC,rs12980275 AA and rs8099917 TT genotypes were much more frequently found in patients with sustained virological response compared to null responders 38%,44% and 50% vs 2%,8.2% and 8.2%,respectively.These differences were highly significant in all three cases(P < 0.0001.CONCLUSION:The three IL28B polymorphisms studied are strongly associated with sustained virological response to therapy in Chilean patients with chronic CV genotype 1. 展开更多
关键词 IL28B Hepatitis C virus Chile Pegylated interferon RIBAVIRIN
Multidrug resistance protein 3 R652G may reduce susceptibility to idiopathic infant cholestasis 被引量:3
作者 xiu-Qi Chen Lin-Lin Wang Qing-Wen Shan Qing Tang Shu-Jun Lian 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第46期5855-5858,共4页
AIM:To evaluate the role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of idiopathic infant cholestasis.METHODS:We performed a case-control study,in-cluding 78 infants with idiopathic infant cholestasis and 113 healthy infan... AIM:To evaluate the role of genetic factors in the pathogenesis of idiopathic infant cholestasis.METHODS:We performed a case-control study,in-cluding 78 infants with idiopathic infant cholestasis and 113 healthy infants as controls.Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral venous blood leukocytes us-ing phenol chloroform methodology.Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the multidrug resistance protein 3(MDR3)R652G fragment,and products were sequenced using the ABI 3100 Sequencer.RESULTS:The R652G single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP)was significantly more frequent in healthy infants(allele frequency 8.0%)than in patients(allele frequency 2.60%)(P < 0.05),odds ratio,0.29;95% confidence interval,0.12-0.84.The conjugated bilirubin in patients with the AG genotype was significantly lower than in those with the AA genotype(44.70 ± 6.15 μmol/L vs 95.52 ± 5.93 μmol/L,P < 0.05).CONCLUSION:MDR3 R652G is negatively correlated with idiopathic infant cholestasis.Children with the R652G SNP in Guangxi of China may have reduced susceptibility to infant intrahepatic cholestasis. 展开更多
关键词 Multidrug resistance protein 3 Singlenucleotide polymorphisms R652G INFANT CHOLESTASIS
Genetic polymorphisms predict response to anti-tumor necrosis factor treatment in Crohn's disease 被引量:2
作者 Uri Netz Jane Victoria Carter +4 位作者 Maurice Robert Eichenberger Gerald Wayne Dryden Jianmin Pan Shesh Nath Rai Susan Galandiuk 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第27期4958-4967,共10页
To investigate genetic factors that might help define which Crohn’s disease (CD) patients are likely to benefit from anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. METHODSThis was a prospective cohort study. Patients were... To investigate genetic factors that might help define which Crohn’s disease (CD) patients are likely to benefit from anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy. METHODSThis was a prospective cohort study. Patients were recruited from a university digestive disease practice database. We included CD patients who received anti-TNF therapy, had available medical records (with information on treatment duration and efficacy) and who consented to participation. Patients with allergic reactions were excluded. Patients were grouped as ever-responders or non-responders. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood, and 7 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were assessed. The main outcome measure (following exposure to the drug) was response to therapy. The patient genotypes were assessed as the predictors of outcome. Possible confounders and effect modifiers included age, gender, race, and socioeconomic status disease, as well as disease characteristics (such as Montreal criteria). RESULTS121 patients were included. Twenty-one were non-responders, and 100 were ever-responders. Fas ligand SNP (rs763110) genotype frequencies, TNF gene -308 SNP (rs1800629) genotype frequencies, and their combination, were significantly different between groups on multivariable analysis controlling for Montreal disease behavior and perianal disease. The odds of a patient with a Fas ligand CC genotype being a non-responder were four-fold higher as compared to a TC or TT genotype (P = 0.009, OR = 4.30, 95%CI: 1.45-12.80). The presence of the A (minor) TNF gene -308 allele correlated with three-fold higher odds of being a non-responder (P = 0.049, OR = 2.88, 95%CI: 1.01-8.22). Patients with the combination of the Fas ligand CC genotype and the TNF -308 A allele had nearly five-fold higher odds of being a non-responder (P = 0.015, OR = 4.76, 95%CI: 1.35-16.77). No difference was seen for the remaining SNPs. CONCLUSIONThe Fas-ligand SNP and TNF gene -308 SNP are associated with anti-TNF treatment response in CD and may help select patients likely to benefit from therapy. 展开更多
关键词 Anti-tumor necrosis factor Fas ligand ANTIBODY RESPONSE Crohn’s disease Single nucleotide polymorphisms GENOTYPE Tumor necrosis factor gene
On-chip detection of a single nucleotide polymorphism without polymerase amplification
作者 Jinhee Han Matthew Tan +2 位作者 Lakshmana Sudheendra Robert H. Weiss Ian M. Kennedy 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期1302-1310,共9页
A nanoparticle-assembled photonic crystal (PC) array was used to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The assay platform with PC nanostructure enhanced the fluorescent signal from nanoparticle-hybridized D... A nanoparticle-assembled photonic crystal (PC) array was used to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP). The assay platform with PC nanostructure enhanced the fluorescent signal from nanoparticle-hybridized DNA complexes due to phase matching of excitation and emission. Nanoparticles coupled with probe DNA were trapped into nanowells in an array by using an electrophoretic particle entrapment system. The PC/DNA assay platform was able to identify a 1 base pair (bp) difference in synthesized nucleotide sequences that mimicked the mutation seen in a feline model of human autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKD) with a sensitivity of 0.9 fg/mL (50 aM)-sensitivity, which corresponds to 30 oligos/array. The reliability of the PC/DNA assay platform to detect SNP in a real sample was demonstrated by using genomic DNA (gDNA) extracted from the urine and blood of two PKD-wild type and three PKD positive cats. The standard curves for PKD positive (PKD+) and negative (PKD-) DNA were created using two feline-urine samples. An additional three urine samples were analyzed in a similar fashion and showed satisfactory agreement with the standard curve, confirming the presence of the mutation in affected urine. The limit of detection (LOD) was 0.005 ng/mL which corresponds to 6 fg per array for gDNA in urine and blood. The PC system demonstrated the ability to detect a number of genome equivalents for the PKD SNP that was very similar to the results reported with real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The favorable comparison with quantitative PCR suggests that the PC technology may find application well beyond the detection of the PKD SNP, into areas where a simple, cheap and portable nucleic acid analvsis is desirable. 展开更多
关键词 photonic crystal array single nucleotidepolymorphisms DNA polycystic kidney disease real time polymerasechain reaction (PCR)
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