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名废实存:元代格例法体系与中华法系之真实关系 被引量:2
作者 宋国华 《华东政法大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第4期31-47,共17页
元代的“条格”和“格例”都是元代法律的总称。但“条格”有广义和狭义之分,故在研究元代法律体系时,选取“格例”一词。元代的“格例法体系”是以“条格”和“断例”为主体,并包括其他法律形式的密切联系的整体。在中华法系从“律令... 元代的“条格”和“格例”都是元代法律的总称。但“条格”有广义和狭义之分,故在研究元代法律体系时,选取“格例”一词。元代的“格例法体系”是以“条格”和“断例”为主体,并包括其他法律形式的密切联系的整体。在中华法系从“律令法体系”到“律例法体系”的转变中,元代“格例法体系”的过渡作用表现在三个方面:一是从律典和令典的分立过渡到律例合编;二是“断例”这种法律形式进入法典;三是断例的形态为其续编提供了可能。元代法律属于中华法系发展中的一个重要部分,发挥了承前启后的作用。 展开更多
关键词 元代 格例法体系 中华法系 过渡作用
“典例法律体系”形成之前夜:元代“弃律用格例”及其法律史地位 被引量:2
作者 谢红星 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期136-147,共12页
在蒙古族法制传统的影响下,以及考虑到元代建立之初的特殊政治形势,元廷废弃了律令法典,同时编集条格和断例,将宋代以来各种法律形式按其内容整合为刑事和非刑事两大类,整体表现为"弃律用格例"的倾向。随着律令法典被废弃,判... 在蒙古族法制传统的影响下,以及考虑到元代建立之初的特殊政治形势,元廷废弃了律令法典,同时编集条格和断例,将宋代以来各种法律形式按其内容整合为刑事和非刑事两大类,整体表现为"弃律用格例"的倾向。随着律令法典被废弃,判例在元代的地位和作用达到顶峰,元代法律出现了强烈的"例化"的特点,这既是蒙古民族法制传统的延续,也是唐代后期以来古代中国法律体系整体发展趋势之结果。明清王朝恢复了法典传统,但其法律体系不再是"律令法律体系"的简单重复,而是一种典为纲、例为目,成文法与判例相混合、互为补充、相互转化的"典例法律体系",这一法律体系的形成及特点,与元代"弃律用格例"之下法律体系的变迁及特点有着密切联系。由此,元代成为明清"典例法律体系"形成之前夜,元代法律体系在中国法律史上据有承前启后的承接和中转地位,再次佐证了中华法律文化之整体性和连续性。 展开更多
关键词 格例 律令 律令法律体系 法律体系
弟文兄诠 华萼相辉——简论窦暨《述书赋》与窦蒙的《注》和《语例字格》 被引量:1
作者 尹天相 《渭南师范学院学报》 1992年第4期1-8,共8页
本文从三个方面论述了唐中叶著名书论家窦暨的《述书赋》和窦蒙为该赋所作《注》及《语例字格》:一是《述书赋》产生的时代背景和窦氏兄弟成书的概况;二是《述书赋》在书论史上的地位、成就和特色;三是窦蒙的《注》和《语例字格》的特... 本文从三个方面论述了唐中叶著名书论家窦暨的《述书赋》和窦蒙为该赋所作《注》及《语例字格》:一是《述书赋》产生的时代背景和窦氏兄弟成书的概况;二是《述书赋》在书论史上的地位、成就和特色;三是窦蒙的《注》和《语例字格》的特殊体例、美学价值和原赋的血肉关系。 展开更多
关键词 窦暨 窦蒙 《述书赋》 《注》 《语 赋体论文 书学史论
《英语教师》 2019年第17期159-159,共1页
一、论文结尾的引用文献格式样例1.专著、论文集主要责任者.出版年.题名:其他题名信息[文献类型标志].其他责任者.版本项(第一版不著录).出版地:出版者:引文页码[引用日期].示例如下:萨皮尔.1921/2001.语言论[M].陆卓元,译.北京:商务印... 一、论文结尾的引用文献格式样例1.专著、论文集主要责任者.出版年.题名:其他题名信息[文献类型标志].其他责任者.版本项(第一版不著录).出版地:出版者:引文页码[引用日期].示例如下:萨皮尔.1921/2001.语言论[M].陆卓元,译.北京:商务印书馆:186. 展开更多
关键词 引用文献 式样 论文
作者 郭嘉颖 《中国书法》 北大核心 2023年第12期76-86,共11页
摘 要:本文从窦蒙《〈述书赋〉语例字格》所建立的“格”这一审美原理出发,论证:正是盛唐朝廷美学的自觉化促使颜楷扬弃初唐提出的锥画沙笔法类型,而发展出雄健雍容的屋漏痕笔法。颜楷书风发展的旨趣及脉络,与《述书赋》的格法品鉴立场... 摘 要:本文从窦蒙《〈述书赋〉语例字格》所建立的“格”这一审美原理出发,论证:正是盛唐朝廷美学的自觉化促使颜楷扬弃初唐提出的锥画沙笔法类型,而发展出雄健雍容的屋漏痕笔法。颜楷书风发展的旨趣及脉络,与《述书赋》的格法品鉴立场保持了高度一致。 展开更多
关键词 颜真卿楷书 《〈述书赋〉语 朝廷美学 屋漏痕
知识论的当代发展:从一元辩护走向多元理解 被引量:6
作者 王荣江 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第4期36-41,48,共7页
“格梯尔反例”对知识三元定义提出质疑,引发英美知识论家对知识定义提出不同的修正,从而形成不同的学派和新分支。最重要的成果是阿文·戈德曼的“因果知识说”和罗伯·诺齐克的“虚拟条件知识说”;主流学派是坚持传统的单纯... “格梯尔反例”对知识三元定义提出质疑,引发英美知识论家对知识定义提出不同的修正,从而形成不同的学派和新分支。最重要的成果是阿文·戈德曼的“因果知识说”和罗伯·诺齐克的“虚拟条件知识说”;主流学派是坚持传统的单纯从内在意识寻求为知识作确证辩护的内在主义和越出心灵的内在意识寻求从信念与外部世界的联系中获得根据的外在主义;新分支有语境主义、德性知识论和社会知识论等。各派观点显示出当代知识论不再一味寻求对知识作确证无疑的辩护,而是在各种不同观点之间的辩论、交流和反思中寻求对知识的真实理解。 展开更多
关键词 知识论 一元辩护 多元理解 梯尔反 内在主义
Judgment of Aroma Types of Middle and Upper Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves Based on Stepwise Discriminant Analysis
作者 詹军 周芳芳 +5 位作者 董石飞 饶智 朱海滨 资文华 蒋美红 罗华元 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1550-1557,共8页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to establish mathematical models for judging the aroma types of middle and upper flue-cured tobacco leaves according to the contents and proportions of aroma compositions. [Method... [Objective] The aim of this study was to establish mathematical models for judging the aroma types of middle and upper flue-cured tobacco leaves according to the contents and proportions of aroma compositions. [Method] The aroma types of tobacco leaves were judged based on stepwise discriminant analysis, using 63 C3F and 65 B2F tobacco leaf samples from 13 tobacco producing regions in 11 provinces of China (Huili in Sichuan, Baokang in Hubei, Wulong in Chongqing, Lu- oyang in Henan, Zhucheng in Shandong, Wuyi Mountain in Fujian, Malong in Yun- nan, Chuxiong in Yunnan, Bijie in Guizhou, Liuyang in Hunan, Suiyang in Guizhou, Kaiyuan in Liaoning, Nanxiong in Guangdong) as calibration samples, and 67 aroma components as indices. And the Fisher discriminant functions were verified using 21 C3F and 19 B2F tobacco leaf samples. [Result] Variation coefficients of the propor- tions were lower than that of contents of most aroma components in middle and upper leaves of the samples, indicating that the proportions were more stable than contents of aroma components. The proportions of benzyl alcohol, solanone, β-dam- ascone, neophytadiene, farnesylacetone A, palmitic acid, thunbergol, methyl linole- nate and cembratriene-diol were all over 1% in both middle and upper leaves, al- though the dominant aroma components of the same aroma type varied between middle and upper leaves. Moreover, 11, 18, 7 and 11 aroma components were re- spectively introduced into the Fisher discriminant functions established based on the contents and proportions of middle and upper flue-cured tobacco leaves, which ex- hibited accuracy rates of 91.7%, 100%, 91.7% and 91.7% in the judgments of other tobacco leaf samples. The results revealed that the components those determined aroma types in middle leaves were obviously more than in upper leaves. In middle leaves, the accuracy rates of aroma type judgment could be improved by using the proportions rather than the contents of aroma components as indices. However, the functions based on the proportions and the contents of aroma components in upper leaves gave close accuracy rates. [Conclusion] The results of the study will provide references for identifying aroma types of flue-cured tobacco leaves in future work. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco leaves Middle leaves Upper leaves Aroma com- ponents Content PROPORTION Aroma type Discriminant analysis
读唐文随笔 被引量:1
作者 熊飞 《湖北科技学院学报》 1990年第3期29-34,共6页
《述书赋》作者与注者 《述书赋》上下篇,是唐代著名的书论著作。据唐张彦远《法书要录》,其赋并注是“前检校刑部员外郎窦泉撰,检校国子司业窦蒙注定。”张氏的著录,几成定论。但是,这个题署是大可怀疑的。
关键词 述书赋 怀素 窦蒙 书论 张彦远 僧怀素传 宣和书谱 朱关田 书法研究
Land Use Change and Anthropogenic Driving Forces:A Case Study in Yanhe River Basin 被引量:18
作者 SU Changhong FU Bojie +4 位作者 LU Yihe LU Nan ZENG Yuan HE Anna Halina LAMPARSKI 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期587-599,共13页
Human activities alter land use patterns and affect landscape sustainability. It is therefore very important to investigate the relationship between land use change and human activities. This study focuses on the dete... Human activities alter land use patterns and affect landscape sustainability. It is therefore very important to investigate the relationship between land use change and human activities. This study focuses on the detection of changing land use patterns in the Yanhe River Basin in northern Loess Plateau of China between 1995 and 2008. Landscape metrics were used to analyze the changing land use patterns and to explore the related anthropogenic driving forces. Results show that:1) Totally, 186 590 ha of croplands were converted into alternate land-use types (equivalent to 61.7% of the original cropland area). The majority of cropland areas were found to be converted into grassland and woodland areas (accounting for 55.9% and 4.9% respectively of the original cropland areas). 2) Both cropland and woodland demonstrated an increasing fragmentation tendency while grasslands showed a decreasing fragmentation tendency. 3) Multiple driving forces of land use change were thought to act together to changes in landscape metrics in the Yanhe River Basin. The anthropogenic driving forces were analyzed from four perspectives:ecological conservation policy, labor force transfer, industrial development, and rural settlement. The policy of the GfG (Grain for Green) project was the main driving factor which expedited the conversion from cropland to woodland and grassland. Industrial development was also found to affect land use change through the direct impact of economic activities such as oil exploration and agricultural production, or through indirect impacts such as the industrial structures readjustment. Labor force transfer from rural to urban areas was found to follow the industrial structure readjustment and further drove land use change from cropland to off-farm land use. Establishment of new tile-roofed houses instead of cave-type dwellings in rural settlements has helped to aggregate the original scattered land-use type of construction. 展开更多
关键词 land use landscape metrics anthropogenic driving force Grain for Green (GfG) policy Yanhe River Basin
Six Sigma in Service Organizations
作者 Maruf Hasan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第6期900-906,共7页
Six sigma was developed as a managing tool for the manufacturing industry to eliminate defects. However, it has received considerable attention over the last five years in service organizations. The paper will point o... Six sigma was developed as a managing tool for the manufacturing industry to eliminate defects. However, it has received considerable attention over the last five years in service organizations. The paper will point out the advantages of implementing six sigma in service organizations through case study analysis. Benefits and challenges of implementing six sigma in service organizations are indicated. 展开更多
Equality Testing for Soil Grid Unit Resolutions to Polygon Unit Scales with DNDC Modeling of Regional SOC Pools 被引量:2
作者 YU Dongsheng PAN Yue +4 位作者 ZHANG Haidong WANG Xiyang NI Yunlong ZHANG Liming SHI Xue-zheng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期552-568,共17页
Matching soil grid unit resolutions with polygon unit map scales is important to minimize the uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon(SOC) pool simulation due to their strong influences on the modeling.A series of... Matching soil grid unit resolutions with polygon unit map scales is important to minimize the uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon(SOC) pool simulation due to their strong influences on the modeling.A series of soil grid units at varying cell sizes was derived from soil polygon units at six map scales,namely,1:50 000(C5),1:200 000(D2),1:500 000(P5),1:1 000 000(N1),1:4 000 000(N4) and 1:14 000 000(N14),in the Taihu Region of China.Both soil unit formats were used for regional SOC pool simulation with a De Nitrification-DeC omposition(DNDC) process-based model,which spans the time period from 1982 to 2000 at the six map scales.Four indices,namely,soil type number(STN),area(AREA),average SOC density(ASOCD) and total SOC stocks(SOCS) of surface paddy soils that were simulated by the DNDC,were distinguished from all these soil polygon and grid units.Subjecting to the four index values(IV) from the parent polygon units,the variations in an index value(VIV,%) from the grid units were used to assess its dataset accuracy and redundancy,which reflects the uncertainty in the simulation of SOC pools.Optimal soil grid unit resolutions were generated and suggested for the DNDC simulation of regional SOC pools,matching their respective soil polygon unit map scales.With these optimal raster resolutions,the soil grid units datasets can have the same accuracy as their parent polygon units datasets without any redundancy,when VIV < 1% was assumed to be a criterion for all four indices.A quadratic curve regression model,namely,y = – 0.80 × 10^(–6)x^2 + 0.0228 x + 0.0211(R^2 = 0.9994,P < 0.05),and a power function model R? = 10.394?^(0.2153)(R^2 = 0.9759,P < 0.05) were revealed,which describe the relationship between the optimal soil grid unit resolution(y,km) and soil polygon unit map scale(1:10 000x),the ratio(R?,%) of the optimal soil grid size to average polygon patch size(?,km^2) and the ?,with the highest R^2 among different mathematical regressions,respectively.This knowledge may facilitate the grid partitioning of regions during the investigation and simulation of SOC pool dynamics at a certain map scale,and be referenced to other landscape polygon patches' mesh partition. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic carbon(SOC) soil grid unit resolutions soil polygon unit map scales DeNitrification-DeComposition(DNDC) model SOC pools
Decadence and Mass Culture: The Novel as a Panorama. The Case of Bruges-La-Morte
作者 Eduard Cairol 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期481-494,共14页
Today's idea of the so-called fin-de-sibcle is still somewhat inexact and incomplete. This lack of precision originates from a deeply rooted methodological approach which consists of considering the respective develo... Today's idea of the so-called fin-de-sibcle is still somewhat inexact and incomplete. This lack of precision originates from a deeply rooted methodological approach which consists of considering the respective developments of literature, art, and science in isolation, without paying attention to any interference or reciprocal contamination. This defective method also affects the overlaps and contacts between high culture and popular culture. Despite the progress made over recent years, there are few researchers who approach their objective with a real awareness of the complexity of a time period which saw the appearance of mass culture in the current sense and an unprecedented boom in scientific and technological development.1 To this end, the example of the great German philosopher Walter Benjamin and his studies on Paris during the 19th century----collected in the essays on the great French poet Charles Baudelaire and especially in the monumental and unfinished work The Arcades Project--is, without doubt, a model to follow. Taking the path suggested by Benjamin, this article sets out a revision of the novel Bruges-la-Morte (1892) by the Belgian writer Georges Rodenbach, considered one of the major exponents of thefin-de-sikcle decadence, which goes beyond the usual approach of a symbolist reading, by paying special attention to the frictions between literature and technology on one hand, and between literature and popular entertainment on the other. 展开更多
关键词 fin-de-sircle mass culture Walter Benjamin Georges Rodenbach Bruges-la-Morte SYMBOLISM DECADENCE literature and technology
Mediocracy or Politocracy? The Case of Social Media in Georgia
作者 Lia Tsuladze 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第10期659-669,共11页
The paper describes how the fields of politics and social media intertwine in Georgia and raises a question whether the politics governs media or the media govern politics in the Georgian reality. It is believed that ... The paper describes how the fields of politics and social media intertwine in Georgia and raises a question whether the politics governs media or the media govern politics in the Georgian reality. It is believed that in the conditions of the social media boom and the accompanying citizen journalism, the media possess a real potential to govern politics, and the scholars talk about the epoch of mediocracy that is the "colonization of politics by media logic". What about the Georgian reality? Based on the in-depth interviews with the media experts in Georgia, it has been revealed that in the Georgian reality we encounter the colonization of media, including the social media, by politics and not the other way around. However, this colonization is performed not in an aggressive way--via direct censorship, but in a "soft" manner, e.g., by coaxing the bloggers. According to the experts' narratives, the politicians in Georgia use their power to prevent the social media intrusion from the "front region" to the "back region", which is assessed as one of the main distinctions in the interaction of politics and media in Georgia vs. the Western democracies. The findings of the representative survey of the internet user segment nationwide resonate with the ones of in-depth interviews with the media experts. 展开更多
关键词 social media mediocracy Georgia CENSORSHIP SELF-CENSORSHIP
Calculation example of full cycle carbon emission of super deep foundation pit and carbon reduction measures
作者 Hexiang Hu Chaolai Li +3 位作者 Zhonghua Xu Yue Gui Ludan Zong Jingbin Shi 《Low-carbon Materials and Green Construction》 2023年第1期132-145,共14页
The determination of carbon emission from foundation pit engineering is a tough and complex project owing to its characteristics including large material consumption,short use time,difficult recycling and no operation... The determination of carbon emission from foundation pit engineering is a tough and complex project owing to its characteristics including large material consumption,short use time,difficult recycling and no operation stage.To overcome these limitations,the calculation boundary and calculation method for carbon emission of foundation pit project are defined in this paper,which is successfully applied in the carbon emission analysis of the actual engineering project,i.e.the construction of large-scale foundation pit of Kunming comprehensive transportation international hub.All the carbon emissions coresponding to four working stages including building materials production,building materials transportation,construction and demolition were calculated and anatomized.The results revealed that the content of CO_(2) released in the stage of building materials production accounts for 89.3%of the total carbon emission,which means the amount of building materials consumed in the engineering project is the crucial factor to control the carbon emission.Besides,two kinds of carbon reduction measures,i.e.optimization design of support scheme and recycling waste materials of internal support demolition,were explored by analyzing the proportion and average value of carbon emission from different sub project of the support structure.A pronounced effect of carbon reduction was achieved.Furthermore,both a fast calculation method of carbon emission factor of unit work volume and general carbon reduction measures are proposed in this paper,which could provide a reference and new viewpoint for the engineers and designers to calculate and analyze the carbon emission and to take effective carbon reduction measures. 展开更多
关键词 Foundation pit Carbon emission Calculation example Carbon reduction measures Fast calculation method
从唐人书评看唐代楷书的审美理想 被引量:2
作者 邓宝剑 《中华书画家》 2014年第1期96-99,共4页
清末民初以来,唐人楷法的影响日显微弱,这和碑学观念的蔚然成风有关。通过比较,包世臣、康有为认为唐代楷书已经古法丧失殆尽,不仅笔法无存,结构也无生气。包世臣说:"北碑字有定法,而出之自在,故多变态;唐人书无定势,而出之矜持,... 清末民初以来,唐人楷法的影响日显微弱,这和碑学观念的蔚然成风有关。通过比较,包世臣、康有为认为唐代楷书已经古法丧失殆尽,不仅笔法无存,结构也无生气。包世臣说:"北碑字有定法,而出之自在,故多变态;唐人书无定势,而出之矜持,故形板刻。"康有为说:"书有南、北朝,隶、楷、行、草,体变各极,奇伟婉丽,意态斯备,至矣!观斯止矣。至于有唐,虽设书学,士大夫讲之尤甚。然缵承陈、隋之余,缀其遗绪之一二,不复能变,专讲结构,几若算子。截鹤续凫,整齐过甚。欧、虞、褚、薛,笔法虽未尽亡,然浇淳散朴, 展开更多
关键词 虞世南 邓宝剑 欧阳询 《〈述书赋〉语 张怀瓘 《三十六法》 审美理想
作者 杜浩 《荣宝斋》 2015年第10期114-119,共6页
"一媚"是书法品评中一个非常重要的概念,其原本为"好"之意,又引申为"美"。窦蒙《语例字格》中解释为:"意居行外曰媚",意指生动活泼的气息表露在形态之外叫做"媚"。可见"媚"字本来的意思是好的,但时过境迁,自唐代开始"媚... "一媚"是书法品评中一个非常重要的概念,其原本为"好"之意,又引申为"美"。窦蒙《语例字格》中解释为:"意居行外曰媚",意指生动活泼的气息表露在形态之外叫做"媚"。可见"媚"字本来的意思是好的,但时过境迁,自唐代开始"媚"的含义发生了变化,有如"羲之俗书趋姿媚"的说法, 展开更多
关键词 颜真卿书法 概念分析 窦蒙 多宝塔碑 丁道护 东方朔画赞 何义门 登善 宋广平
作者 寻木 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第24期30-47,共18页
徜徉于湘江西畔的岳麓山,欣赏这里古木参天,山水一色的景致,无不心旷神怡。深壑林海之中,有"汉魏最初名胜,湖湘第一道场"之美誉的麓山寺便坐落于此。麓山寺始建于西晋泰始四年(268),为全国重点佛教寺院。常有文人逸士竞相携... 徜徉于湘江西畔的岳麓山,欣赏这里古木参天,山水一色的景致,无不心旷神怡。深壑林海之中,有"汉魏最初名胜,湖湘第一道场"之美誉的麓山寺便坐落于此。麓山寺始建于西晋泰始四年(268),为全国重点佛教寺院。常有文人逸士竞相携游于此,把酒临风,或赋诗,或作文。当年杜牧便留下了"停车坐爱枫林晚。 展开更多
关键词 麓山寺碑 把酒临风 佛教寺院 李邕 逸士 汉魏 书风 字势 霜叶红
作者 罗朝璨 《书法赏评》 2018年第6期6-12,共7页
'筋''骨''肉'是古代书论的一组常见概念,本义是生物体的物质组成部分,也能指代人体各部分;在此基础上亦引申作他义,经由两汉骨相之术、魏晋人物品藻进入书论,其意涵在历代书论中有着复杂的演化过程。盛唐时,张... '筋''骨''肉'是古代书论的一组常见概念,本义是生物体的物质组成部分,也能指代人体各部分;在此基础上亦引申作他义,经由两汉骨相之术、魏晋人物品藻进入书论,其意涵在历代书论中有着复杂的演化过程。盛唐时,张怀瓘和稍晚的窦蒙、窦臮兄弟大量使用'筋''骨''肉'论书,在认识汉魏六朝、初唐书论文献所见'筋''骨''肉'的基础上,辨析张怀瓘、窦氏兄弟对'筋''骨''肉'的运用,能够加深对这组常见概念的认识。 展开更多
关键词 张怀瓘 《述书赋》
作者 官波舟 《宝鸡社会科学》 2011年第1期40-41,共2页
对于《石鼓文》的出土年代,人们不论是"使用"、"习用"、"采用"、"套用",或者其它什么依据,都说是出土在唐"贞观"年间。余在多年对《石鼓文》的考证中,却发现这个出土年代是缺乏依据... 对于《石鼓文》的出土年代,人们不论是"使用"、"习用"、"采用"、"套用",或者其它什么依据,都说是出土在唐"贞观"年间。余在多年对《石鼓文》的考证中,却发现这个出土年代是缺乏依据的,是不值得信赖的。其原因如下:唐代书论家窦臮,字灵长。 展开更多
关键词 石鼓山 论家 灵长 唐太宗李世民 唐天宝 陈仓县 《兰亭序》 窦蒙 蹴踘
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