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振动格栅紊流及其应用综述 被引量:13
作者 闫静 唐洪武 +1 位作者 程年生 周宜林 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第12期1503-1509,1516,共8页
振动格栅紊流是一种无平均流动的特殊紊流,在一定范围内呈各向同性。这类紊流具有许多不同于明渠水流的特点,易于人工控制,可以研究与环境工程有关的水力学问题。本文回顾了近期振动格栅紊流及应用的主要研究成果,包括紊流结构的研究、... 振动格栅紊流是一种无平均流动的特殊紊流,在一定范围内呈各向同性。这类紊流具有许多不同于明渠水流的特点,易于人工控制,可以研究与环境工程有关的水力学问题。本文回顾了近期振动格栅紊流及应用的主要研究成果,包括紊流结构的研究、无平均流动的紊流条件下泥沙运动规律、气-液、固-液交界面处的质量转移等,侧重于介绍重要的实验结论及量测手段。针对前人研究的不足,提出了进一步的研究方法,并对振动格栅紊流的研究趋势进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 振动栅紊流 无平均流动 各向同性 研究综述
作者 龙天渝 杜梦楠 《重庆工商大学学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第4期84-88,共5页
为研究反应器内紊流脉动的水力环境对污水处理效果的影响,探讨反应器内的填料在振动条件下对污水传质效果的影响,试验采用自行设计、改进的振动格栅反应器对处理出水指标进行检测,经过一系列对比试验,结果表明:在水温环境为26℃、合适... 为研究反应器内紊流脉动的水力环境对污水处理效果的影响,探讨反应器内的填料在振动条件下对污水传质效果的影响,试验采用自行设计、改进的振动格栅反应器对处理出水指标进行检测,经过一系列对比试验,结果表明:在水温环境为26℃、合适溶解氧值的试验条件下,反应器达到最优处理效率的最佳振动周期为4 s,COD、TN和TP的去除效率分别可达72.9%、82.7%和54.55%。 展开更多
关键词 紊流脉动 振动 振动周期 传质
波浪水槽中振动格栅湍流特征的实验研究 被引量:5
作者 马洪余 戴德君 +1 位作者 乔方利 蒋暑民 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期12-19,共8页
在波浪水槽中采用格栅振动的方式产生湍流,研究振动格栅产生湍流的特征。本文开展了4类实验,调节测量点到格栅平均位置的距离、格栅振动频率、振动冲程,采用ADV测量水体中单点的脉动速度。实验结果显示,湍流强度在一定范围内随离格栅距... 在波浪水槽中采用格栅振动的方式产生湍流,研究振动格栅产生湍流的特征。本文开展了4类实验,调节测量点到格栅平均位置的距离、格栅振动频率、振动冲程,采用ADV测量水体中单点的脉动速度。实验结果显示,湍流强度在一定范围内随离格栅距离的增大而逐渐减小,随着振动频率的增大而呈幂指数增大,随着振动冲程的增大而呈幂指数增大。同时还比较了两个不同格栅产生湍流的不同。结果显示,在波浪水槽中,振动格栅产生湍流的强度还与格栅的长度尺寸有关,这与在水箱中振动格栅产生湍流的特征不同。 展开更多
关键词 波浪水槽 振动 湍流
作者 周杰生 《有色金属(选矿部分)》 CAS 北大核心 1991年第1期30-37,共8页
关键词 铜矿 矿仓 振动 设计
作者 王同生 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 1991年第5期6-6,共1页
关键词 采矿场 振动 放矿设备
作者 叶伟莹 戴秀士 《中国环保产业》 2015年第6期21-23,共3页
关键词 新型 振动 污水预处理 节能环保 设备
作者 王同生 《冶金矿山设计与建设》 1992年第1期16-18,共3页
关键词 振动 采场 出矿 生产线
离子型声子晶体中的长波光学性质 被引量:1
作者 陆延青 朱永元 +3 位作者 陈延峰 祝世宁 闵乃本 冯一军 《材料研究学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第1期65-68,共4页
提出了离子型声子晶体的概念,制备出一维离子型产子晶体材料,研究了一维离子型声子晶体中的超晶格振动与电磁波的耦合效应,将黄昆方程所预言的一系列长波光学行为,如:极化激元、红外吸收、介电异常等,从红外波段推广到微波波段,... 提出了离子型声子晶体的概念,制备出一维离子型产子晶体材料,研究了一维离子型声子晶体中的超晶格振动与电磁波的耦合效应,将黄昆方程所预言的一系列长波光学行为,如:极化激元、红外吸收、介电异常等,从红外波段推广到微波波段,并得到了实验验证。 展开更多
关键词 离子型声子晶体 介电体超晶 耦合效应 超晶格振动 电磁波 长波光学性质
紊动对黏性泥沙絮凝沉降影响的实验研究 被引量:14
作者 乔光全 张金凤 +2 位作者 张庆河 肖金龙 夏波 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期811-816,共6页
在圆柱形沉降筒中利用多层格栅产生近似各向同性紊流场,研究盐水和淡水中紊动对黏性泥沙絮凝沉降的影响,分析絮团粒径、体积含量和泥沙浓度变化.研究结果表明:在相同剪切率条件下,和在淡水中相比,盐水中黏性泥沙絮凝时间缩短,絮团粒径增... 在圆柱形沉降筒中利用多层格栅产生近似各向同性紊流场,研究盐水和淡水中紊动对黏性泥沙絮凝沉降的影响,分析絮团粒径、体积含量和泥沙浓度变化.研究结果表明:在相同剪切率条件下,和在淡水中相比,盐水中黏性泥沙絮凝时间缩短,絮团粒径增加,然而盐度对絮团体积含量影响并不明显;最大絮团粒径随着紊动剪切率的增加先增大后减少,最大絮团粒径对应的紊动剪切率在盐水中为20.8,s-1,淡水中为15.6,s-1;随着紊动剪切率的增加,水体中泥沙平衡浓度增大,达到平衡所需要的时间缩短. 展开更多
关键词 振动 紊动剪切 盐度 黏性泥沙 絮凝沉降 泥沙浓度
紊流脉动对生物膜法污水处理效果的影响 被引量:2
作者 龙天渝 贾黎明 杜梦楠 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期107-111,共5页
通过构建振动格栅生物反应器,模拟生物膜表面剪切流诱发的紊流脉动,研究紊流脉动速度对污水处理与氧气传质效果的影响。结果表明,与对照的静止格栅反应器相比,振动格栅反应器中的格栅低频振动所形成的紊流脉动能明显提高生物膜法污水处... 通过构建振动格栅生物反应器,模拟生物膜表面剪切流诱发的紊流脉动,研究紊流脉动速度对污水处理与氧气传质效果的影响。结果表明,与对照的静止格栅反应器相比,振动格栅反应器中的格栅低频振动所形成的紊流脉动能明显提高生物膜法污水处理的效果。当振动频率为0.25 Hz时,在HRT分别为3、2.5、2、1.5 h和气水体积比分别为4:1、5:1、6:1、7:1时,振动格栅反应器对COD、TN的平均去除率分别比对照组高13个、9.1个百分点;在曝气体积流量分别为50、100、200 L/h时,清水充氧水中DO的质量浓度比对照组高出超过10%。 展开更多
关键词 振动 紊流脉动 生物膜 污水处理 传质
紊流脉动对生物膜理化性质的影响 被引量:1
作者 龙天渝 郭莉莎 +1 位作者 贾黎明 罗超 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期14-20,共7页
在实际紊流中同时存在时均流速和脉动流速,为仅研究紊流脉动流速对生物膜理化性质的影响,设计时均流速为零、仅存在脉动流速的振动格栅生物膜反应器;采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术测定反应器在5个格栅振动频率下的二维紊流流速场,并计算载... 在实际紊流中同时存在时均流速和脉动流速,为仅研究紊流脉动流速对生物膜理化性质的影响,设计时均流速为零、仅存在脉动流速的振动格栅生物膜反应器;采用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术测定反应器在5个格栅振动频率下的二维紊流流速场,并计算载片处的有效紊流强度;针对不同的紊流脉动速度,对振动格栅反应器中生物膜的生物量、厚度、密度和其胞外聚合物(EPS)的组成成分进行测定与分析。结果表明:改变紊流脉动流速会使生物膜的理化性质发生变化,随着紊流脉动流速的增大,生物膜生物量和厚度先增加后减小,且均在有效紊流强度为1.92 cm/s时达到最大值;生物膜密度和EPS中蛋白质、多糖的质量分数却随紊流脉动流速的增大而增大,且蛋白质和多糖在紧密结合型EPS(TB-EPS)中的质量分数多于在松散结合型EPS(LB-EPS)中,而无论在LB-EPS、TB-EPS还是总-EPS中蛋白质的质量分数均多于多糖。研究成果可为生物膜反应器的设计与运行优化提供理论参考。 展开更多
关键词 紊流脉动 有效紊流强度 振动 生物膜 理化性质
New Way to Quantize Time-Dependent RLC Electric Circuit and Quantum Fluctuations
作者 梁麦林 袁兵 赵林 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2002年第1期8-11,共4页
According to the physical mechanism of the generation of the resistance or the electron phonon interaction, a new method is proposed to quantize the RLC electric circuit. Calculations show that the quantum fluctuatio... According to the physical mechanism of the generation of the resistance or the electron phonon interaction, a new method is proposed to quantize the RLC electric circuit. Calculations show that the quantum fluctuations under this new quantization are smaller than those by the traditional effective Hamiltonian method. And squeezed states can be generated if the inductance and capacity are time dependent. Meanwhile, the shortcoming of the traditional method that the electric charge and current will vanish in the long time limit is overcome. 展开更多
关键词 RLC electric circuit lattice oscillation quantum fluctuation squeezed state
Effects of Thermal Lattice Vibration on the Effective Potential of Weak-Coupling Bipolaron in a Quantum Dot 被引量:2
作者 Eerdunchaolu Wuyunqimuge +2 位作者 XIAO Xin HAN Chao XIN Wei 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期157-160,共4页
Based on the Huybrechts' linear-combination operator,effects of thermal lattice vibration on the effective potential of weak-coupling bipolaron in semiconductor quantum dots are studied by using the LLP variationa... Based on the Huybrechts' linear-combination operator,effects of thermal lattice vibration on the effective potential of weak-coupling bipolaron in semiconductor quantum dots are studied by using the LLP variational method and quantum statistical theory.The results show that the absolute value of the induced potential of the bipolaron increases with increasing the electron-phonon coupling strength,but decreases with increasing the temperature and the distance of electrons,respectively;the absolute value of the effective potential increases with increasing the radius of the quantum dot,electron-phonon coupling strength and the distance of electrons,respectively,but decreases with increasing the temperature;the temperature and electron-phonon interaction have the important influence on the formation and state properties of the bipolaron:the bipolarons in the bound state are closer and more stable when the electron-phonon coupling strength is larger or the temperature is lower;the confinement potential and coulomb repulsive potential between electrons are unfavorable to the formation of bipolarons in the bound state. 展开更多
关键词 quantum dot BIPOLARON induced potential effective potential thermal lattice vibration polaroneffects
An active temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating vibration sensor for high-temperature application 被引量:2
作者 CHEN Bao-jie JIA Ping-gang +4 位作者 QIAN Jiang FENG Fei HONG Ying-ping LIU Wen-yi XIONG Ji-jun 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2020年第4期397-404,共8页
An active temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating(FBG)vibration sensor with a constant section cantilever beam is proposed for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and vibration,and the sensor is verified b... An active temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating(FBG)vibration sensor with a constant section cantilever beam is proposed for the simultaneous measurement of temperature and vibration,and the sensor is verified by a temperature compensation feedback system.The high-temperature vibration sensor is composed of a quartz cantilever beam and a femtosecond Bragg grating.The feedback control demodulation system of active temperature compensation can adjust the laser wavelength to stabilize the grating offset point and realize simultaneous measurement of temperature and vibration.On this basis,the performance of the sensor is tested and analyzed within the range of 20-400℃by setting up a high-temperature vibration test system.The experimental results show that the sensitivity of the sensor is about 132.33 mV/g,and the nonlinearity is about 3.33%.The sensitivity between the laser wavelength and temperature is about 0.01307 nm/℃.In addition,the active temperature compensated fiber Bragg grating vibration sensor has the advantages of a simple structure,stable performance,easy demodulation and high sensitivity.Moreover,the sensor can achieve high temperature vibration signal monitoring and has good practical application value. 展开更多
关键词 fiber Bragg grating(FBG) vibration sensor active temperature compensation cantilever beam feedback control
作者 曾诗 龙天渝 罗超 《重庆大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期99-107,共9页
为研究紊流脉动对生物反应器运行的影响,针对时均速度为零的振动格栅反应器,构建气-液两相流模型并对其进行验证。借助Fluent软件对反应器中气和水的流动进行数值模拟,得出10种工况下紊流脉动强度与气含率、氧转移系数和雷诺应力的关系... 为研究紊流脉动对生物反应器运行的影响,针对时均速度为零的振动格栅反应器,构建气-液两相流模型并对其进行验证。借助Fluent软件对反应器中气和水的流动进行数值模拟,得出10种工况下紊流脉动强度与气含率、氧转移系数和雷诺应力的关系。结合实验测得的生物膜理化数据,分析紊流脉动强度对生物膜生长的影响。结果表明,增大紊流脉动可有效提高反应器内的气含率和氧转移系数,促进气液两相进行高效传质。对于本研究所用振动格栅生物反应器,当紊流强度q<2.7 cm/s时,生物膜厚度和密度随着紊流强度的增加而增加。当q>2.7 cm/s时,雷诺应力的作用显著,生物膜逐渐变薄变密。紊流强度q=3.4~4.8 cm/s时,生物膜生长和污染物去除效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 振动栅紊流 气含率 氧转移系数 雷诺应力 生物膜
The Phase Transition during Post Annealing
作者 S. T. Nakagawa 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2016年第2期1-9,共9页
We have studied why PA (post-annealing) takes a long time to restore damaged crystallinity, which corresponds to repeat 10 10 times of lattice vibrations. Using a MD (molecular dynamics) simulation, we monitored t... We have studied why PA (post-annealing) takes a long time to restore damaged crystallinity, which corresponds to repeat 10 10 times of lattice vibrations. Using a MD (molecular dynamics) simulation, we monitored the time-series of the LRO (long-range order) parameter as LRO pattern, in the case of a type IIa diamond, from the beginning of ion impact by a sub-keV N2 beam implantation to a few nanoseconds, i.e., close to the feasible time limit for MD simulations. Due to the ion impact, the LRO parameter changed gradually from "LRO = 1" (crystal) to "LRO = 0" (amorphous), showing the so-called critical slowing-down phenomenon. However, since PA was started the LRO pattern was not unique. The LRO patterns were grouped into more than three types of phases and the transition between them was also found. From the viewpoint of statistical dynamics, such chaotic variations in the LRO pattern may present that the system is a GCM (globally coupled map) of a complex system in a closed system. A GCM composed of coupled oscillators develops slowly to exhibit several different phases or ‘chaotic itinerancy' over time. Therefore, the long duration required for PA may be attributable to the nature of a complex system. 展开更多
关键词 Globally coupled map complex system applied statistics POST-ANNEALING ion implantation molecular dynamicssimulation long-range-order parameter.
The Statistical Distribution for 0-Deformed Crystal Lattice Vibration for Generic Atomic String
作者 Nguyen Thi Ha Loan 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第2期136-138,共3页
In this paper, a g-deformation of crystal lattice vibration for generic atomic string is suggested. The expression for energy spectrum depends on g-deformed parameter have been obtained. The statistical distribution o... In this paper, a g-deformation of crystal lattice vibration for generic atomic string is suggested. The expression for energy spectrum depends on g-deformed parameter have been obtained. The statistical distribution of g-deformed crystal lattice vibration is calculated and this result is very much different from there of q-deformed crystal lattice vibration. 展开更多
带斗门座起重机用除尘料斗的设计及选型 被引量:1
作者 申小强 《起重运输机械》 2022年第23期31-36,共6页
关键词 带斗门座起重机 除尘料斗 振动 锁风板 布袋除尘
A Novel Sensor for Detecting the Vibration 被引量:1
作者 WENG Jian hua (College of Electr.Eng.,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004,CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2003年第4期242-244,共3页
The micro-cantilever beam with a twin long period optic fiber grating sensitive to the strain and the vibration is designed to use as the sensor head.The micro-displacement of wavelength caused by strain or vibration ... The micro-cantilever beam with a twin long period optic fiber grating sensitive to the strain and the vibration is designed to use as the sensor head.The micro-displacement of wavelength caused by strain or vibration is amplified in the system.Special cladding material is used to eliminate the interference brougth about the temperature.The designing structure is enabled to detect the micro-information. 展开更多
关键词 Micro-cantilever beam Optic fiber grating Heterodyne detection
Dynamic analysis of new type elastic screen surface with multi degree of freedom and experimental validation 被引量:6
作者 宋宝成 刘初升 +1 位作者 彭利平 李珺 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期1334-1341,共8页
A feasible method was proposed to improve the vibration intensity of screen surface via application of a new type elastic screen surface with multi degree of freedom(NTESSMDF). In the NTESSMDF, the primary robs were c... A feasible method was proposed to improve the vibration intensity of screen surface via application of a new type elastic screen surface with multi degree of freedom(NTESSMDF). In the NTESSMDF, the primary robs were coupled to the main screen structure with ends embedded into the elastomers, and the secondary robs were attached to adjacent two primary robs with elastic bands. The dynamic model of vibrating screen with NTESSMDF was established based on Lagrange's equation and the equivalent stiffnesses of the elastomer and elastic band were calculated. According to numerical simulation using the 4th order Runge-Kutta method, the vibration intensity of screen surface can be enhanced substantially with an averaged acceleration amplitude increasing ratio of 72.36%. The primary robs and secondary robs vibrate inversely in steady state, which would result in the friability of materials and avoid stoppage. The experimental results validate the dynamic characteristics with acceleration amplitude rising by62.93% on average, which demonstrates the feasibility of NTESSMDF. 展开更多
关键词 vibrating screen elastic screen surface multi degree of freedom dynamic analysis mesh stoppage prevention
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