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明党参栽培生长影响因素研究进展 被引量:1
作者 胡琼 郑钰琴 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2015年第16期69-70,92,共3页
作为我国特有的珍稀濒危药用植物,明党参的栽培生长因子是研究热点。在此对明党参播种和组织培养2种繁殖方式及其生长过程中的影响因素进行了综述,重点就种子产量、质量、环境因子对种子萌发的影响以及光照、土壤性质对种苗生长的影响... 作为我国特有的珍稀濒危药用植物,明党参的栽培生长因子是研究热点。在此对明党参播种和组织培养2种繁殖方式及其生长过程中的影响因素进行了综述,重点就种子产量、质量、环境因子对种子萌发的影响以及光照、土壤性质对种苗生长的影响等内容进行了分析,以期为保护和人工繁殖利用提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 明党参 栽培生长 种繁 组织培养 影响因素
番茄营养液深液流无限生长型栽培 (Ⅲ)营养液的管理与调控 被引量:2
作者 宋卫堂 张树阁 黄之栋 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2003年第3期13-17,20,共6页
根据北京地区的水质特点和非常规栽培的特殊性 ,制定了在营养液深液流无限生长型栽培条件下使用的营养液配方。并根据番茄生长发育的不同时期和养分吸收特性 ,及时调整营养液的组成成分、浓度、酸碱度等 ,对营养液实行动态管理。栽培试... 根据北京地区的水质特点和非常规栽培的特殊性 ,制定了在营养液深液流无限生长型栽培条件下使用的营养液配方。并根据番茄生长发育的不同时期和养分吸收特性 ,及时调整营养液的组成成分、浓度、酸碱度等 ,对营养液实行动态管理。栽培试验结果表明 ,该配方中的各种营养成分 (氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等 )基本可以被番茄均衡地吸收 ,属于营养均衡的配方。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 营养液 液流 无限生长栽培 管理调控
番茄营养液深液流无限生长型栽培(Ⅱ)温室综合环境的管理与调控 被引量:3
作者 宋卫堂 张树阁 黄之栋 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2003年第2期10-15,共6页
研究了番茄在营养液深液流无限生长型栽培条件下的温室综合环境 (温度、湿度、光照等 )的调控过程和技术 ,总结了该栽培方式下的环境调控模式。试验结果表明 ,对温室温度、光照、湿度的管理和调控能够满足该栽培条件番茄生长对气候环境... 研究了番茄在营养液深液流无限生长型栽培条件下的温室综合环境 (温度、湿度、光照等 )的调控过程和技术 ,总结了该栽培方式下的环境调控模式。试验结果表明 ,对温室温度、光照、湿度的管理和调控能够满足该栽培条件番茄生长对气候环境的要求 ,能够保证番茄集中座果、集中采收的数量和时间。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 营养液 深液流无限生长栽培温室 环境管理 环境调控
番茄单株高产优质营养液栽培技术——番茄营养液深液流无限生长型栽培研究之一 被引量:2
作者 宋卫堂 张树阁中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院 黄之栋 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2003年第1期5-8,15,共5页
以营养液深液流为栽培方式 ,以无限生长型番茄为研究对象 ,应用植物的超越补偿原理 ,根据番茄生长发育不同时期对光照、温度、湿度等的不同要求 ,通过对温室综合环境的调节与控制 ,以及对番茄营养生长与生殖生长的控制与转化 ,经过 1年... 以营养液深液流为栽培方式 ,以无限生长型番茄为研究对象 ,应用植物的超越补偿原理 ,根据番茄生长发育不同时期对光照、温度、湿度等的不同要求 ,通过对温室综合环境的调节与控制 ,以及对番茄营养生长与生殖生长的控制与转化 ,经过 1年半的栽培试验 ,首次在国内实现了单株番茄结果超万个 ;对番茄果实的化验结果表明 ,试验栽培出的果实品质优良 ,营养丰富 ,硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐和有机磷的含量均低于国家绿色食品规定的标准。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 单株 营养液 栽培技术 营养液深液流 无限生长栽培
番茄营养液深液流无限生长型栽培(Ⅳ) 营养液动态液位法栽培番茄的试验研究 被引量:2
作者 宋卫堂 张树阁 黄之栋 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 2003年第4期92-95,共4页
经过对国内外水培技术中各自独具特色的增氧技术和方法的总结和分析 ,提出了营养液深液流栽培的动态液位增氧法 (DSS)。DSS利用了滴液法、液流法、露根法、湿气根法等几方面增氧的原理和方法。应用动态液位法栽培番茄的试验表明 ,动态... 经过对国内外水培技术中各自独具特色的增氧技术和方法的总结和分析 ,提出了营养液深液流栽培的动态液位增氧法 (DSS)。DSS利用了滴液法、液流法、露根法、湿气根法等几方面增氧的原理和方法。应用动态液位法栽培番茄的试验表明 ,动态液位法可以提高植株的相对生长率、加快叶片和节点的生长、增强根系的活力、促进根系的生长发育。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 营养液 无限生长栽培 动态液位法 试验 增氧技术 滴液法 液流法 露根法 湿气根法
作者 阳会兵 代英男 +1 位作者 马一学 杨俊兴 《激光生物学报》 CAS 2018年第2期183-190,共8页
本文以棉花早熟品种"JX0010"为实验材料,采用二次最优回归设计(311设计),研究了施氮量、种植密度、播种期对棉花干物质积累和分配的影响。结果表明:棉花单株营养器官与生殖器官干物质积累动态基本一致,符合"S"型曲... 本文以棉花早熟品种"JX0010"为实验材料,采用二次最优回归设计(311设计),研究了施氮量、种植密度、播种期对棉花干物质积累和分配的影响。结果表明:棉花单株营养器官与生殖器官干物质积累动态基本一致,符合"S"型曲线变化规律,生长前期积累速度缓慢,中期积累速度加快,后期干物质积累趋于平缓。种植密度是影响干物质积累的主要因子,施氮量次之,播种期影响最小。单株营养器官干物质积累随施氮量的增加、播种期的推迟出现先上升后下降的趋势,随密度的增加而下降;单株生殖器官干物质积累随施氮量增加而上升,随密度增加和播种期推迟而减少。各处理棉花群体干物质积累随着生育进程的推进而逐渐增加,以处理9群体干物质总量最大,达到20 640 kg/hm^2,比其他处理高15.74%-137.48%。 展开更多
关键词 耐迟播棉花品种 生长周期栽培 干物质积累 施氮量 种植密度 播种期
红富士苹果树生长特性及栽培技术 被引量:6
作者 刘霞 《现代农业科技》 2008年第16期54-54,58,共2页
关键词 红富士苹果 生长特性:栽培技术
黄金茶生长及栽培管理技术要点 被引量:1
作者 黄建锋 莫邦益 《乡村科技》 2016年第27期2-2,共1页
关键词 黄金茶 生长栽培 管理技术
四棱草属的引种及生长发育的观察 被引量:1
作者 张萃蓉 刘先齐 张遂申 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第4期318-322,共5页
对我国特有植物四棱草属(Schnabelia)的四棱草(S.oligophylla)和四齿四棱草(S.tetrodenta)进行引种栽培及生长发育的观察,首次发现2种植物的同一植株上,均有开花授粉型和闭花授粉型的二型... 对我国特有植物四棱草属(Schnabelia)的四棱草(S.oligophylla)和四齿四棱草(S.tetrodenta)进行引种栽培及生长发育的观察,首次发现2种植物的同一植株上,均有开花授粉型和闭花授粉型的二型花。还揭示该属植物的繁育方式;开花结实;生长发育及其与环境因子的关系。 展开更多
关键词 四棱草属 唇形科 引种 栽培生长 发育 分类
灰树花工厂化栽培适宜菌株筛选试验 被引量:4
作者 金宇昌 冯占 +3 位作者 李峙净 杨永凯 李贺文 杨瑞恒 《食用菌》 2020年第5期19-21,共3页
为筛选适合工厂化栽培的灰树花菌株,比较分析了H1、H2、H5、庆6四个灰树花菌株的菌丝生长速度、长势、栽培周期、子实体单产、子实体品质以及生物学转化率。结果表明:①菌丝生长阶段:菌株H1、H5菌丝生长势最好且生长速度较快;②出菇期:... 为筛选适合工厂化栽培的灰树花菌株,比较分析了H1、H2、H5、庆6四个灰树花菌株的菌丝生长速度、长势、栽培周期、子实体单产、子实体品质以及生物学转化率。结果表明:①菌丝生长阶段:菌株H1、H5菌丝生长势最好且生长速度较快;②出菇期:菌株H1出现原基时间(5 d)、子实体成熟时间(13 d)、栽培周期(43 d)均短于其他菌株;③子实体单产:H1的平均单产最高,较其他菌株平均高约13~18 g,差异显著;④生物学转化率:H1(39.67%)>庆1(36.26%)>H5(35.97%)>H2(34.97%);⑤子实体品质:H1的子实体品质较好,其次是菌株H5。H1菌株更适合工厂化栽培。 展开更多
关键词 灰树花工厂化栽培品种比较生长速度 生长周期比较试验
薏苡的高产栽培技术 被引量:2
作者 栾景贵 《农村实用科技信息》 2012年第5期19-19,共1页
关键词 高产栽培技术生长习性田间管理
赣北早春松花菜与西瓜套作高效栽培模式 被引量:2
作者 周庆幈 沈少华 +2 位作者 彭春风 袁倩 车品高 《浙江农业科学》 2018年第2期206-206,209,共2页
利用大棚等设施栽培早春松花菜,在花菜生长后期套种早熟西瓜,采用吊蔓立体高效栽培方法,设施时空利用率高。该栽培模式总收益18.922 5万元·hm-2。
关键词 利用大棚等设施栽培早春松花菜 在花菜生长后期套种早熟西瓜 采用吊蔓立体高效栽培方法 设施时空利用率高.该栽培模式总收益18.922 5万元·hm-2.
一种传统食用菌——平菇 被引量:10
作者 王建化 王萍 孙高飞 《农产品加工(下)》 2012年第5期140-141,共2页
关键词 平菇 栽培生长 营养价值
Dynamic Characteristics of Growth and Development of Xiangsha Taro in Jingjiang 被引量:2
作者 殷剑美 韩晓勇 +3 位作者 王立 张培通 郭文琦 李春宏 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期375-378,共4页
The growth and development of Jingjiang Taro [Colocasia esculenta(L.) Schott] were observed, laying foundation for highly-yielding cultivation technology system of Xiangsha taro. The results indicate that germinatio... The growth and development of Jingjiang Taro [Colocasia esculenta(L.) Schott] were observed, laying foundation for highly-yielding cultivation technology system of Xiangsha taro. The results indicate that germination of the second taro happened from 46 d after sprouting (7-8 leaves); the first taro began to expand, from 125 d after sprouting (12 leaves) when the the second taro was been formed; the third taro began to form from 141 to 150 d after sprouting (15-16 leaves). The fresh weight of the second and third taros quickly increased from the time of 15 leaves to harvest. Early September is a transformation term of Xiangsha taro from vegetative body dominant to corm growth dominant. 展开更多
关键词 Xiangsha taro in Jingjiang Growth and development Dynamic charac- teristics Cultivation technology
Comparative Study of Rice Morphogenesis with Different Cultivation Methods
作者 严定春 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第11期2424-2428,共5页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characte... [Objective] The aim of this study was to compare the morphological char- acteristics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) with different cultivation methods and investigate the dynamics of organ growth and development characteristics of different rice culti- vars. [Method] Based on continuous field observation and destructive sampling over a growing season, detailed organ morphological data were obtained including leaf length, node number, plant height, tiller number, leaf angle, leaf area and specific leaf weight, to compare organ morphological differences among 4 rice cultivars of Baidao (indica), Jinnanfeng (japonica), 9325 (japonica) and 9915 (japonica) with 3 cultivation methods of field planting in Weigang, pot planting in Weigang, and field planting in Jiangpu. [Result] Maximum leaf length of each node gradually increased at the early growth stage and decreased at the later growth stage, the relationship between maximum leaf length and node position can be described by the equations y=a,,-~ and y=ax+b; node number, growth duration, leaf length and plant height of pot planting rice in Weigang were smaller than that of the other two field planting meth- ods; the relationship between plant height and sunshine duration, plant height and GDD (growing degree days) can be described by the equation y=ax+b, 19.23 ℃.d of GDD (≥10 ≥-d) and 8.12 h of sunshine duration were required to increase 1 cm of plant height; plant height, tiller number, and leaf area of Baidao were higher than that of the other 3 laponica rice cultivars, but the specific leaf weight and leaf angle were smaller. [Conclusion] Comparison of morphological characteristic differ- ences among rice cultivars is an important way to select water-saving and drought- tolerant rice varieties. In this study, the experimental results can be integrated into a rice functional-architectural model to simulate rice organ growth dynamics in a three- dimensional space, thereby providing reference for selecting water-saving and drought-tolerant rice cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 RICE LEAF Plant height Tiller number Leaf angle
Effect of Different Calcium Levels on Growth,Yield and Fruit Quality of Tomatoes in Substrate Culture 被引量:6
作者 Jing FENG Ruiping LIU Hongyi LUO 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1704-1708,共5页
Tomato seedlings were grown in substrate culture with pots. The formulation of Holland Greenhouse Horticulture Research Institute was used(as CK) and the effects of different Ca concentrations(LCa, CK and HCa)on growt... Tomato seedlings were grown in substrate culture with pots. The formulation of Holland Greenhouse Horticulture Research Institute was used(as CK) and the effects of different Ca concentrations(LCa, CK and HCa)on growth, yield, and fruit quality(protein, Vitamin C, nitrates, organic acid and soluble sugar) of tomato were studied keeping concentrations of other nutrients unchanged in the nutrient solution. The results showed that parameters related to the growth of tomato(plant height and Stem diameter), changes of tomato yield per plant and quality of tomato fruits were the highest when the plants were grown at 20% Ca treatments. In the second study, increased EC concentrations of nutrient solution resulted in stronger plants with improved yields and quality. Four different concentration gradients of nutrient solution treatment were designed based on the results of the first research stage(EC=1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5 m S/cm, respectively). The single tomato plant had the highest production which is 2 268.994 g/plant, when the nutrient solution strength was at EC=1.5 m S cm, whereas they have the best fruit quality when the solution strength at EC 4.5 m S/cm. This suggests the need for wide popularization of the nutrient solution formula in large areas to improve the tomato production. 展开更多
关键词 CALCIUM Substrate culture Nutrient solution TOMATO
Effects of Powder Ridge Cultivation on Growth and Yield of Hunan Cassava 被引量:1
作者 Yong SONG Xuan LIN +2 位作者 Jinhui YANG Yuping DENG Xingyao XIONG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第3期359-362,374,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to explore a suitable cultivation approach for cassava in Hunan province. [Method] With SC9(Southern China 9) as test materials, the test included four treatment methods, as follows: control gr... [Objective] The aim was to explore a suitable cultivation approach for cassava in Hunan province. [Method] With SC9(Southern China 9) as test materials, the test included four treatment methods, as follows: control group by traditional cultivation with crops uncovered(CK), treatment 1 by traditional cultivation with mulch coverage, treatment 2 by powder ridge cultivation with crops uncovered, and treatment 3 by powder ridge cultivation with mulch coverage. Water and fertilizer managements were kept the same. [Result] Compared with traditional cultivation(CK), the treatment by powder ridge cultivation with mulch coverage performed better. Specifically, yield per unit area reached 44 790 kg/hm2, increasing by 86.38%(20 760 kg/hm2) than that of control; starch content grew by 17.24%. The cultivation method considerably improved cassava yield and quality. [Conclusion] Powder ridge cultivation with mulch coverage is a cultivation approach suitable for cassava in Hunan province. 展开更多
关键词 Powder ridge Mulch coverage CASSAVA Yield
Effect of Growing Media on Growth and Flowering of Different Hyacinth Cultivars (Hyacinthus orientalis L.)
作者 Yousif Ali Abdulrahman Sulaiman Mohammed Kako 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第10期1100-1108,共9页
A pot experiment has been conducted in Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry, Lath House of Horticultural Department, School of Plant Production, Duhok University during the growing season 2010-2011. The study consiste... A pot experiment has been conducted in Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry, Lath House of Horticultural Department, School of Plant Production, Duhok University during the growing season 2010-2011. The study consisted of testing the effects of four different growth media (Clay, Loam, Clay + sheep manure (1:1) and Loam + sheep manure (1:1) as volumetric rates on vegetative and flowering growth characters of five different cultivars of Hyacinths plant (Blue Giant, City of Haarlem, Jon Bos, Delf Blue and Fondante). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) of two factors in three replicates. Media mostly affected the parameters studied during the experiment. Early emergence (22.53 days) and flowering (73.13 days) was recorded in medium consisting of loam and sheep manure, while maximum plant height (19.75 cm), leaves number (6.13), leaf area (31.47 cm2) were recorded in clay medium. Maximum number of florets plant-l (31.93) and spike length (7.95 cm) were recorded in medium consist of clay and sheep manure. Maximum length of spike stem (9.61 cm) and total chlorophyll percentage (53.45%) were recorded for loam medium. Among the cultivars, some parameters showed significant variation. Early emergence (20.42 days), maximum plant height (20.35 cm), leaf area per plant (33.01 cm2) and length of spike stem (15.10 cm) were given by cv. Fondante. Maximum number of florets plantl (35.58) and spike lengths (8.63 cm) were recorded by cv. Blue Giant. High percentage of total chlorophyll (58.15%) was recorded in cv. Jon Bos.. 展开更多
关键词 Growing media BULBS CULTIVARS hyacinths (Hyacinthus orientalis L.).
Organic Cultivation of Lemon Ballm (Melissa officinalis) in Macedonia
《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第11期769-775,共7页
The possibility for perspective growing of medicinal, aromatic and spice plants, can be expected only if their cultivation is based on the principles of organic farming. The cultivation of this group of plants is usua... The possibility for perspective growing of medicinal, aromatic and spice plants, can be expected only if their cultivation is based on the principles of organic farming. The cultivation of this group of plants is usually associated with satisfactory yield level and raw materials with uniform quality. This paper contains the most important features of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis), and methods of cultivation. Data of two annual activities are presented and they are related with organic system of cultivation in the central part of Macedonia. The objective of this study is to analyze, determine and demonstrate the economic viability of lemon balm organic production with irrigation. In the first year, there were only two moving, yielding 500 kg/ha of above-ground plant dry mass. In the second year, there were three moving, yielding 6,775 kg/ha of above-ground plant dry mass. Economic analysis is proved that profitability in organically produced lemon balm is obtained in the second year of growing when the profit reached $6,150/ha. 展开更多
关键词 ORGANIC lemon balm YIELD pofitability.
Improvement of light uniformity by lighting arrangement for standardized crop production
作者 Lee Hwa-Soo Kwon Sook-Youn Lim Jae-Hyun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4311-4319,共9页
In a commercialized, fully artificial plant factory, artificial luminaire is arranged in a unified way using a general illumination theory, an actual measurement, or an empirical methodology. However, with these metho... In a commercialized, fully artificial plant factory, artificial luminaire is arranged in a unified way using a general illumination theory, an actual measurement, or an empirical methodology. However, with these methods, lightings are implemented without considering specific optical characteristics of lighting or material characteristics of each component that constructs a cultivation system, resulting in an amount of light that becomes irregular. The amount of lighting is closely related with the growth and quality of crops, and the deviation between points where cultivated crops are located causes quality difference in the produced crops, thus impairing the economic feasibility of a plant factory. In this regard, a simulation to figure out an optimum lighting layout was performed. Arrangements based on the spectrum distribution of light source and reflector materials were implemented to ascertain the distance between lighting and height of lighting and gather information in the pre-treatment process to improve the uniformity of light in the plant cultivation system. Improvement of around 15% in light uniformity is achieved compared with the existing system after the simulation is carried out. This result would reduce the deviation in crop growth to make uniform quality crop production possible. 展开更多
关键词 high-quality crop light uniformity improvement optimal lighting layout fully artificial plant factory Relux simulation
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