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作者 刘一帆 郭华瑜 《遗产与保护研究》 2019年第3期116-120,共5页
南京中山陵桂林石屋是一座兴建于民国时期,毁于侵华日军战火中的建筑遗址。由于建筑本身选址、形制极具特色,具有较高的艺术价值,又兼作南京保卫战东线战事中的焦点战场之一,因而具有建筑遗产与抗战遗产的双重内涵。文章通过揭示其于建... 南京中山陵桂林石屋是一座兴建于民国时期,毁于侵华日军战火中的建筑遗址。由于建筑本身选址、形制极具特色,具有较高的艺术价值,又兼作南京保卫战东线战事中的焦点战场之一,因而具有建筑遗产与抗战遗产的双重内涵。文章通过揭示其于建造之初,独特的用材及建筑特征,剖析抗战过程中被毁经历及现状遗迹,深入探究该建筑遗产的核心价值。并以此为例,尝试探索针对此类建筑遗产的保护目标、价值评估与保护策略。 展开更多
关键词 桂林石 抗战遗产 价值评估 保护策略
石屋访古 被引量:1
作者 薛力 《华中建筑》 2007年第12期124-125,共2页
关键词 桂林石 石刻 建筑设计 明故宫 紫金山
面向社会 深化利用服务
作者 周健民 《档案与建设》 北大核心 1994年第1期20-20,共1页
关键词 城建档案馆 城市建设 工作协作 城建部门 桂林石 桩基工程 工程桩基 社会影响 南京中央 永慕庐
作者 秦冬发 《中共桂林市委党校学报》 2017年第2期70-74,共5页
历史上,对于独秀山名称的由来,说法不一,甚至误读。世人所熟知的独秀山,其得名由来,一般认为源于颜延之的"未若独秀者,峨峨郛邑间"这两句诗。事实上,颜延之并没有给独秀山命名。第一个描写独秀山具有"独秀"审美特... 历史上,对于独秀山名称的由来,说法不一,甚至误读。世人所熟知的独秀山,其得名由来,一般认为源于颜延之的"未若独秀者,峨峨郛邑间"这两句诗。事实上,颜延之并没有给独秀山命名。第一个描写独秀山具有"独秀"审美特征的是唐代郑叔齐。应当说,独秀山迥异于桂林诸山的独有品质和审美特征,才是独秀山命名的真正由来。 展开更多
关键词 独秀山 擎天一柱 桂林石 桂林八景
《南京市人民政府公报》 2012年第4期6-11,共6页
二○一二年三月二十日宁政发[2012]67号各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:第四批南京市文物保护单位名单(117处,扩展项目3处)经市政府研究同意,现予公布。各区县、各相关部门要依照《中华人民共和国文物保护法》等法律法规要求... 二○一二年三月二十日宁政发[2012]67号各区县人民政府,市府各委办局,市各直属单位:第四批南京市文物保护单位名单(117处,扩展项目3处)经市政府研究同意,现予公布。各区县、各相关部门要依照《中华人民共和国文物保护法》等法律法规要求,贯彻"保护为主、抢救第一、合理利用、加强管理"的工作方针,采取切实措施做好文物保护单位的保护、管理和合理利用工作。 展开更多
关键词 文物保护单位 黄家村 工作方针 东山街道 直属单位 雨花台烈士陵园 委办局 明城墙 桂林石 淳溪镇
Phosphatic microspherules and their geobiological implications from the Frasnian-Famennian transition at the Yangdi section, Guilin, South China 被引量:2
作者 HUANG Cheng GONG YiMing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期943-956,共14页
Abundant perfectly-preserved phosphatic microspherules have been discovered across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition from the Yangdi section in Guilin, Guangxi, South China. They are mostly spherical or ellipt... Abundant perfectly-preserved phosphatic microspherules have been discovered across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition from the Yangdi section in Guilin, Guangxi, South China. They are mostly spherical or elliptical in shape and about 150 gin in diameter with smooth exterior surfaces. Each microspherule consistently possesses a small dimple on the surface. The internal texture of microspherules consists of concentric light-colored apatite and dark-colored organic matter bands alternating around a central core. Conodonts have also been found preserved together with phosphatic microspherules in the same horizon, and the abundance of the former is obviously higher than that of the latter. Laser Raman spectral studies show close similarities in spectral patterns between the outer shells of phosphatic microspherules and the blade of the conodont genus Palmatolepis sp., as well as between the microspherule nucleus and the platform of the same conodont genus. Furthermore, the statistical results and geochemical data demonstrate that the elevated abundance of phosphatic microspherules roughly coincides with the blooms of bacteria and algae, but is later than the sharp increase of oceanic nutrients. The phosphatic microspherules are inter- preted here to be the 'otoliths' secreted by conodont animals based on the compositional similarities between phosphatic mi- crospherules and conodonts and their interrelated abundances. In addition, an analogous study reveals morphological and tex- tural similarities between fish otoliths and phosphatic microspherules. The formation of phosphatic microspherules is probably related to seawater eutrophication. We speculate that the explosive growth of bacteria and algae is probably caused by the en- richment of nutrients that is most likely associated with the increase of terrestrial inputs, submarine hydrothermal activities or the upwelling anoxic bottom waters in the late Devonian, which would stimulate the conodont animals to secrete phosphatic microspherules--the 'otoliths' of conodont animals. This study reveals the coupling relationship between organisms and envi- ronments from the perspective of phosphatic microspherules and provides new evidence for the cause of faunal crisis during the Late Devonian F-F transition. 展开更多
关键词 microspherules conodont animal otoliths EUTROPHICATION DEVONIAN F-F South China
Geochemistry and origin of tektites from Guilin of Guangxi,Guangdong and Hainan 被引量:1
作者 LIN Su GUAN YunBin HSU WeiBiao 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期349-358,共10页
Six tektites from Guilin of Guangxi, Hainan, and Guangdong were analyzed for the abundances of major elements and 27 trace elements. All samples are splash-form tektites and have SiO2 contents ranging from 73.1wt% to ... Six tektites from Guilin of Guangxi, Hainan, and Guangdong were analyzed for the abundances of major elements and 27 trace elements. All samples are splash-form tektites and have SiO2 contents ranging from 73.1wt% to 76.0wt% (74.6wt% on average). The chemical compositions, except Cr and Ni, of tektites from different areas, are similar. Guangdong tektite shows enrichments of Ni and Cr contents by a factor of 3, and has slightly higher MgO and FeO than Hainan and Guilin tektites. It indicates that the tektites were formed by mixing several target rocks. The major and trace element concentrations of southern China tektites closely resemble previously reported data for average splash-form and Muong Nong-type indochinites, indicating that they have the same source. (La/Lu)CI (7.99), Zr/Hf (35.45 on average), Ba/Rb (3.59 on average), and the rare earth element (REE) contents of tektites are similar to those of typical post Archean upper crustal rocks. This study suggests that the best fit for the target source of southern China tektites could be a combination of 41% shale, 2% sandstone, 20% greywacke, and 37% quartzite. 展开更多
关键词 TEKTITES southern China Australasian source rock Post-Archean sedimentary rock
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