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圣保罗案文的基本要点 被引量:2
作者 陈迎 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 2007年第3期177-182,共6页
2006年8月,BASIC项目的巴西课题组推出了一个后京都国际气候制度的全面设计方案,简称圣保罗案文。概括介绍了该案文的设计思路和基本要点,包括全球中长期目标、附件Ⅰ和非附件Ⅰ国家的不同义务、市场机制、适应问题、技术研发和转让,以... 2006年8月,BASIC项目的巴西课题组推出了一个后京都国际气候制度的全面设计方案,简称圣保罗案文。概括介绍了该案文的设计思路和基本要点,包括全球中长期目标、附件Ⅰ和非附件Ⅰ国家的不同义务、市场机制、适应问题、技术研发和转让,以及议定书的审评和遵约机制等。在此基础上,简要比较了圣保罗案文与巴西案文的不同特点,客观评价了圣保罗案文在政治阻力和技术难度上存在的内在缺陷。 展开更多
关键词 圣保罗案文 后京都谈判 国际气候制度
“南海行为准则”案文磋商演变、现状及我对策思考 被引量:5
作者 瞿俊锋 成汉平 《亚太安全与海洋研究》 2018年第5期74-83,共10页
东盟自1967年成立以来,一直尽可能地规避他国对其内部团结与发展的影响,保持和不断塑造自身的独立性。始于20世纪70年代中期的南海问题,给东盟自身发展提出了新的挑战,特别是随着1991年我国与东盟开始正式对话及柬埔寨问题最终得到和平... 东盟自1967年成立以来,一直尽可能地规避他国对其内部团结与发展的影响,保持和不断塑造自身的独立性。始于20世纪70年代中期的南海问题,给东盟自身发展提出了新的挑战,特别是随着1991年我国与东盟开始正式对话及柬埔寨问题最终得到和平解决之后,南海问题凸显为制约我国—东盟关系进一步发展的关键变量。从2002年《南海各方行为宣言》的签署,到2017年"南海行为准则"框架协议的达成,正是我国和东盟共同付出的努力。2018年3月开始,中国和东盟将开始逐步启动有关"准则"的案文磋商,但鉴于地缘政治的复杂性,这一过程注定将是异常艰巨的。本文通过回顾并对比《宣言》与"准则"达成的历史进程,分析"准则"案文磋商过程中将面临的种种挑战与考验,并在这一基础上提出合理的对策思考。 展开更多
关键词 中国 东盟 “南海行为准则”案文磋商 南海各方行为宣言
多哈回合服务贸易谈判:最新主席案文简析 被引量:3
作者 张蔚蔚 《世界贸易组织动态与研究(上海对外贸易学院学报)》 2008年第7期16-18,共3页
关键词 多哈回合 服务贸易 谈判 主席案文
人权国际司法保护及其限度——基于对“蒂默诉荷兰”案的反思 被引量:1
作者 邓华 《南京大学法律评论》 CSSCI 2016年第1期360-372,共13页
联合国人权事务委员会新近处理的“蒂默诉荷兰”案,不仅涉及到这样一个核心问题:具有准司法性质的人权条约机构,委员会出具的意见究竟能在多大程度上产生拘束力?而且触及一个更深层的命题:人权国际保护是否正在呈现出一种司法化的... 联合国人权事务委员会新近处理的“蒂默诉荷兰”案,不仅涉及到这样一个核心问题:具有准司法性质的人权条约机构,委员会出具的意见究竟能在多大程度上产生拘束力?而且触及一个更深层的命题:人权国际保护是否正在呈现出一种司法化的趋势,人权国际司法保护的空间究竟能有多大,限度又是在哪里?“二战”结束以来,全球层面国际人权条约监督实施机制和区域层面人权司法保护体系日益发展,人权国际保护机制在属性和运作上呈现出从纯粹政治属性到司法或准司法、类司法属性要素逐渐增多的某种迹象,人权国际保护蕴含着一定程度走向司法化的趋势及命题。但同时,源自于人权国际司法保护的艰巨性以及国家主权、大国政治、世界格局的复杂性,人权观念的差异性,国际司法机制本身的局限性,人权国际保护的多元性和补充性等因素,人权国际司法保护面对着极大的挑战与局限,构成了人权国际保护司法化的限度。随着全球化、国际法治和全球治理的兴起,人类命运一致性与人类文明共融性的凸显,以及人类精神、认知和学习能力的不断突破和国际合作机制的日益成熟,人权国际司法保护将可能走得更远,对此中国也将应当考虑如何参与其中和应对挑战。 展开更多
关键词 人权国际司法保护 限度 人权条约机构 个人来“蒂默诉荷兰”
作者 孟磊 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第5期104-107,共4页
在中国文学发展史上,"案件"与"文学"二因素的联系由来已久,围绕着"案件"这一主题,基于题材承续这一发展传统,从早期神话故事中的简短案件记录到历史典籍中的断案故事,再到公案小说、侦探小说,"以案... 在中国文学发展史上,"案件"与"文学"二因素的联系由来已久,围绕着"案件"这一主题,基于题材承续这一发展传统,从早期神话故事中的简短案件记录到历史典籍中的断案故事,再到公案小说、侦探小说,"以案入文"的文学传统在文类更迭与题材承续中逐渐形成,并以谱系化的发展模式长久传承。在这一传承过程中,其早期发展产生的小说审美取向、主题表现、断案依据等方面的矛盾与错位,在基于雅俗流变的演化趋势下,不断进行着自我修复与整合。 展开更多
关键词 故事 小说 侦探小说
作者 陈文佳 鲍文 《文化创新比较研究》 2023年第16期154-160,共7页
当今中国国内的跨境电子商务发展趋势比较良好,后疫情时代我国的对外贸易发展也需要跨境电子商务平台。目前,它已成为公司发展的有效途径,因此跨境电子商务平台中公司及其商品的英译质量就显得非常关键,其优劣直接影响到中国企业产品在... 当今中国国内的跨境电子商务发展趋势比较良好,后疫情时代我国的对外贸易发展也需要跨境电子商务平台。目前,它已成为公司发展的有效途径,因此跨境电子商务平台中公司及其商品的英译质量就显得非常关键,其优劣直接影响到中国企业产品在海外推广的效果。目的论为跨境电商平台的英译工作提出了翻译规范,有助于达到为预期受众群体客户服务的目的。该文基于目的论视角,对Alibaba等跨境平台外宣文本的翻译进行研究,分别从跨境电商平台极为重要的两部分“关键词”和“企业简介”入手,探究翻译策略,并提出更正意见,以期达到更好的宣传效果。 展开更多
关键词 目的论 翻译 跨境电商平台 产品外宣 关键词 流量
作者 雷蒙 《WTO经济导刊》 2007年第8期71-71,共1页
关键词 多哈回合谈判 着陆前景 四方会谈 案文
WTO谈判规则的反思与改革 被引量:4
作者 孙龑 《湖北经济学院学报》 2017年第2期121-127,共7页
WTO多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,直接原因是WTO缺乏完善的谈判规则。实践中依靠"绿屋会议"、"主席案文"等非正式惯例构建共识的方式存在严重问题,违背了WTO成员驱动以及规则导向的原则。深层次原因是多边贸易体制的谈判... WTO多哈回合谈判陷入僵局,直接原因是WTO缺乏完善的谈判规则。实践中依靠"绿屋会议"、"主席案文"等非正式惯例构建共识的方式存在严重问题,违背了WTO成员驱动以及规则导向的原则。深层次原因是多边贸易体制的谈判模式转入"一揽子承诺"后,"绿屋会议"、"主席案文"等程序已经不能适应新的形势,需要以规则化为方向进行变革。 展开更多
关键词 世界贸易组织 决策机制 谈判规则 绿屋会议 主席案文
BBNJ国际协定下的争端解决机制问题探析 被引量:14
作者 施余兵 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期12-26,共15页
目前关于在《联合国海洋法公约》下缔结一份有法律拘束力的国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性(BBNJ)国际协定的立法进程已经进入到关键阶段,如何设计争端解决程序已成为各国在谈判中争论的焦点。现有的关于争端解决机制的提案主要有... 目前关于在《联合国海洋法公约》下缔结一份有法律拘束力的国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性(BBNJ)国际协定的立法进程已经进入到关键阶段,如何设计争端解决程序已成为各国在谈判中争论的焦点。现有的关于争端解决机制的提案主要有六类。判定这些提案优劣至少可以有四大标准,即遵循国际法上的国家同意原则、确保解决争端的“成本效益性”、“不损害”现有的文书、框架和机构,以及保持相关国家之间利益的平衡。运用这些标准来对现有提案进行评析可以发现,现有提案中除了有关“技术性争端”和“临时措施”的争端解决机制基本符合研提的主要标准外,其他提案均面临一些法律障碍或挑战而有待进一步完善。建议对“零案文草案”第55条进行完善,一方面增加涉及“技术性争端”和“临时措施”的条款,另一方面通过限定《联合国海洋法公约》第十五部分第二节“导致有拘束力裁判的强制程序”的适用来更好地体现国家同意原则。 展开更多
关键词 国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性 争端解决机制 “零案文 国家同意 “不损害”原则
作者 陈原 陈丹 董庆宽 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2009年第4期301-305,共5页
Tag key encapsulation mechanism (Tag-KEM)/data encapsulation mechanism (DEM) is a hybrid framework proposed in 2005. Tag-t(EM is one of its parts by using public-key encryption (PKE) technique to encapsulate a ... Tag key encapsulation mechanism (Tag-KEM)/data encapsulation mechanism (DEM) is a hybrid framework proposed in 2005. Tag-t(EM is one of its parts by using public-key encryption (PKE) technique to encapsulate a symmetric key. In hybrid encryptions, the long-raessage PKE is not desired due to its slow operation. A general method is presented for constructing Tag-KEM schemes with short-message PKEs. The chosen ciphertext security is proved in the random oracle model. In the method, the treatment of the tag part brings no additional ciphertext redundancy. Among all the methods for constructing Tag-KEM, the method is the first one without any validity checking on the tag part, thus showing that the Tag-KEM/DEM framework is superior to KEM+DEM one. 展开更多
关键词 information security public-key encryption chosen ciphertext security Tag-KEM scheme
作者 吴慧 郭文慧 《语言研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期100-104,共5页
商承祚《殷虚文字类编》是甲骨文?草创时期?一部比较完备的甲骨文字典。?祚案?部分是全书的精蕴及其创新所在,整理、分析《殷虚文字类编》?祚案?语,对整理?草创?时期的甲骨文研究,挖掘《殷虚文字类编》价值和商承祚的汉字学思想,把甲骨... 商承祚《殷虚文字类编》是甲骨文?草创时期?一部比较完备的甲骨文字典。?祚案?部分是全书的精蕴及其创新所在,整理、分析《殷虚文字类编》?祚案?语,对整理?草创?时期的甲骨文研究,挖掘《殷虚文字类编》价值和商承祚的汉字学思想,把甲骨文字典研究引向深入有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 商承祚 《殷虚字类编》
Cultural Literacy and World Literature: A Case Study 被引量:1
作者 Catherine Miskow 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期938-943,共6页
How much more can be gained from a piece of World Literature when the reader is semiotically literate in the culture that produced the work? What are the implications of introducing the element of cultural literacy i... How much more can be gained from a piece of World Literature when the reader is semiotically literate in the culture that produced the work? What are the implications of introducing the element of cultural literacy into the teaching of world literature, and how might culturally contextualizing the narrative enhance the reading experience for those who may not be familiar with the national culture that produced the work? This paper examines these questions using as a case study The Tale of Genji (n.d.), a novel from llth century Japan and "La Troisi6me Jeunesse de Madame Prune" (1905), a French text set in Japan at the turn of the 20th century. Using examples taken from each writer's text, the author will show how a knowledge of both the target culture and the time period in which the work was produced can serve as a critical tool for analyzing the text; the former text shall be used to argue for an integration of a cultural anthropology element into the teaching of world literature, while the latter example shall be used to argue for the importance of contextualizing a text within its historical creation period. In concluding, the author shall examine the ways in which including an element of cultural literacy can lead to a truly interdisciplinary, trans-national, and trans-linguistic understanding of a particular literary text. 展开更多
关键词 French literature Pierre Loti The Tale of Genji comparative literature Russo-Japanese War Japaneseculture cultural literacy
Review on the Development of Western and Eastern Garment Pattern Design Technique 被引量:1
作者 王朝晖 Edward Newton +1 位作者 吴镜波 张渭源 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第5期112-117,共6页
Due to different cultural and historical background, the technology in Western and Eastern pattern design is inherently different. Along with the development of technology, garment pattern design technique is making p... Due to different cultural and historical background, the technology in Western and Eastern pattern design is inherently different. Along with the development of technology, garment pattern design technique is making progress towards high effectiveness and accuracy. Many researchers proposed different alternative methodologies to improve the current pattern making processes. This article examines the development of Western and Eastern garment pattern design technique. The main objective of this article is to provide a thorough review and hence a better understanding to those researchers who made contribution on developing pattern design technique and continue their work in the future. 展开更多
关键词 garment pattern design Western clothing Eastern clothing DRAPING DRAFTING ADAPTATION
A test sequence generation method of zone controller based on timed automata 被引量:4
作者 SONG Shuang CHEN Yue-dong 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第3期266-276,共11页
In order to solve the problem of artificial generation and low efficiency of test sequences for zone controller (ZC), a model-based automatic generation method of test sequence is proposed. Firstly, the timed automata... In order to solve the problem of artificial generation and low efficiency of test sequences for zone controller (ZC), a model-based automatic generation method of test sequence is proposed. Firstly, the timed automata model is established based on function analysis of the zone controller, and the correctness of the model is verified by UPPAAL. Then by parsing the timed automata model files, state information and transition conditions can be extracted to generate test case sets. Finally, according to the serialization conditions of test cases, the test cases are serialized into test sequences by using the improved depth first search algorithm. A case, the ZC controls the train running within its jurisdiction, shows that the method is correct and can effectively improve the efficiency of test sequence generation. 展开更多
关键词 test sequence zone controller (ZC) timed automata model file parsing case serialization
Analysis on Cultural and Aesthetic Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Patterns
作者 Bi Hailong 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第1期66-67,共2页
China traditional patterns are of various kinds,and the performance of the content is also very rich.In the development of traditional pattern evolvement process,it experienced a plurality of historical period change,... China traditional patterns are of various kinds,and the performance of the content is also very rich.In the development of traditional pattern evolvement process,it experienced a plurality of historical period change,and it has a certain period of time the representative style, so the traditional patterns have more cultural meaning.We can say that development track Of traditional pattern have a close relationship with the Chinese history and culture ,which reflects the aesthetic characteristics of different cultural background of each period.In this paper, from the analysis of Chinese traditional patterns of aesthetic characteristics in different periods,it researches the cultural meaning of traditional patterns. 展开更多
关键词 traditional patterns CULTURE aesthetic characteristics
作者 宋洪民 《学语文》 2001年第2期48-48,共1页
关键词 杜牧 《阿房官赋》 “鼎铛玉石 金块珠砾” 注释 语序 意动用法
Commemorative Sculpture and Ceremonial Behaviors in the Public Sphere: Cyprus as a Case Study
作者 Vicky Karaiskou 《Sociology Study》 2013年第12期920-932,共13页
This paper focuses on the symbolic power exercised through the memorials in the Republic of Cyprus. Public sculpture is almost exclusively memorial sculpture and it reflects the predominant values of the national iden... This paper focuses on the symbolic power exercised through the memorials in the Republic of Cyprus. Public sculpture is almost exclusively memorial sculpture and it reflects the predominant values of the national identity. This paper constitutes the first analysis of current historical and cultural perceptions in the southern part of the island through these visual representations and the ceremonial behaviors they generate. Characteristic cases of memorials presented here prove that commemoration in the Republic of Cyprus is inextricably linked to location which is either associated with an actual event of death, or draws power from its relation to culturally symbolic institutional buildings. The memorials illustrate the blending of private and public sphere and, respectively, private and social identity of the deceased. They prove that the affinities between heroism and sanctity within the Greek cultural milieu have imbued the social subconscious and impacted significantly on the collective recollections and the national narratives. This paper focuses on the aesthetics of the memorials which, due to their affinities with tombs in Greek and Cypriot cemeteries, lack affirmative hope, healing and closure of the trauma. On the contrary, they persist in portraying victimhood as a state of being. 展开更多
关键词 MEMORIALS COMMEMORATION Cyprus cultural identities public rituals
Preliminary Remarks on Transmission and Communication in Ancient Greece: A Case Study in Mediology
作者 lwona Wiezel 《Sociology Study》 2012年第10期797-804,共8页
The scope of this paper lies primarily on the recognition of what Debray called transmission and communication, however, in this article exclusively with regard to the Ancient Greek literature and culture. Transmissio... The scope of this paper lies primarily on the recognition of what Debray called transmission and communication, however, in this article exclusively with regard to the Ancient Greek literature and culture. Transmission understood as the process in which "agencies and human actors transmit the ideas in historical and diachronic order" and communication implying the "synchronic interchange by linguistic impact between senders and receivers" are presented as two paths in which cultural messages are introduced and transmitted by means of "literary production". Early Greek literature, which was based on the oral performance and mirrored the language in its prototypical form, seemed to be the main source of information for the reconstruction of the two above processes. In the proposed model, the new understanding of the media introduced by Debray plays the most important role, because in the theory of "cultural transmission", the medium can be not only "a symbolic process, a social code, a material device" but also a human being. Therefore, on the basis of this theory, mediology can be described as the way of 4M: message, medium, milieu, and mediation. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSMISSION COMMUNICATION Ancient Greek literature and culture mediology MEDIA
Dam-break Flood Simulation under Various Likely Scenarios and Mapping Using GIS:Case of a Proposed Dam on River Yamuna,India 被引量:6
作者 Mahendra S.LODHI Devendra K.AGRAWAL 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期214-220,共7页
The precision modeling of dam break floods can lead to formulation of proper emergency action plan to minimize flood impacts within the economic lifetime of the assets.Application of GIS techniques in integration with... The precision modeling of dam break floods can lead to formulation of proper emergency action plan to minimize flood impacts within the economic lifetime of the assets.Application of GIS techniques in integration with hydrological modeling for mapping of the flood inundated areas can play a momentous role in further minimizing the risk and likely damages.In the present study,dam break analysis using DAMBRK model was performed under various likely scenarios.Probable Maximum Flood (PMF)calculated for a return period of 1000 years using deterministic approach was adopted for dam break analysis of the proposed dam under various combinations of breach dimensions.The available downstream river cross-sections data sets were used as input in the model to generate the downstream flood profile.Dam break flow depths generated by the DAMBRK model under various combinations of structural failure are subsequently plotted on Digital Elevation Model(DEM)of the downstream of dam site to map the likely affected area.The simulation results reveals that in one particular case the flood without dam may be more intense if a rainfall of significant intensity takes place. 展开更多
关键词 Dam break analysis DAMBRK GIS Flood mapping HYDROPOWER INDIA
The African Cultural Worldview and the Concept of Conflict Resolution through Yoruba-French Proverbs: A Case Study of Olaoye Abioye's Translated Proverbs in Le Preux chasseur dans la forOt infestOe de dOmons
作者 Priye E. Iyalla-Amadi 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期403-411,共9页
The African cultural universe is quite replete with vivid imagery and condensed wisdom of the ways of man and nature gleaned over the years. Gerontocracy, governance by the elderly, an adopted mode of government by mo... The African cultural universe is quite replete with vivid imagery and condensed wisdom of the ways of man and nature gleaned over the years. Gerontocracy, governance by the elderly, an adopted mode of government by most African communities, mostly has its wisdom reflected in proverbs. Proverbs then become an administrative tool to resolve conflict among warring parties, communities or persons. In this paper, one of the objectives is to showcase instances of proverbs serving as tools for conflict resolution in D.O. Fagunwa's Yoruba novel entitled Ogboju Ode Ninu Igbo IrunmQl~, which Abioye (1989) has translated as Le preux chasseur dans la for^t infest^e de demons (The Forest of a Thousand Demons). Another objective is to study the translational strategies employed by Abioye to successfully translate the rich cultural African worldview encapsulated in Yoruba proverbs into French, a non-African language. 展开更多
关键词 African cultural worldview conflict resolution Yoruba-French proverbs translational strategies
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