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秦简“识劫(女冤)案”发微 被引量:15
作者 王彦辉 《古代文明》 CSSCI 2015年第1期74-83,113-114,共10页
"识劫(女冤)案"当为秦南郡属县上谳的恐猲案。涉案人大夫沛的户籍属民籍,家赀接近"大家"水平,家庭经济类型可视为南郡地区乡里豪民多种经营模式的典型。沛免其奴婢为庶人,免故隶"识"为"私属",... "识劫(女冤)案"当为秦南郡属县上谳的恐猲案。涉案人大夫沛的户籍属民籍,家赀接近"大家"水平,家庭经济类型可视为南郡地区乡里豪民多种经营模式的典型。沛免其奴婢为庶人,免故隶"识"为"私属",是当时主人主动放免奴婢的鲜活个案。在被放免之后"占家赀",证明财产登记制度的上限不会晚于战国末年;放出的贷款需要占赀,可证货币亦在财产登记之列。案件中涉及的"单"是以宗族血缘为基础,以里为单位组织起来的一种民间组织。这种原生态的"单"与东汉时期形形色色的"单"在组织方式与结社目的上并不一致,故还不足据以否定历史上的"单"从血缘到地缘的演进路径。 展开更多
关键词 劫(女冤) 户籍登记 财产登记 私属
唐鉴的哲学思想浅论——兼评《国朝学案小识》 被引量:1
作者 李世阳 郑培国 《沧桑》 2012年第3期56-58,共3页
唐鉴在哲学上崇尚程朱理学,反对心学和经学。在其代表作《国朝学案小识》中,他将程朱理学的道统谱系分为传道者、翼道者和守道者三类,分别进行陈述和评价。在嘉道年间风靡的考据学风下,唐鉴力求从程朱理学中开掘出新意来,以为经世救国... 唐鉴在哲学上崇尚程朱理学,反对心学和经学。在其代表作《国朝学案小识》中,他将程朱理学的道统谱系分为传道者、翼道者和守道者三类,分别进行陈述和评价。在嘉道年间风靡的考据学风下,唐鉴力求从程朱理学中开掘出新意来,以为经世救国所用。在他的影响下,咸同年间朝野出现了一批理学名儒和治世能臣。 展开更多
关键词 唐鉴 程朱理学 《国朝学 经世
《学案小识》与《四库全书总目》关系考 被引量:1
作者 曾志平 《人文论丛》 2019年第1期114-123,共10页
《四库全书总目》(本文简称《总目》)是唐鉴《学案小识·经学学案》的主要史源。唐鉴基本保留了《总目》经部清代正目的人物框架,同时,他有意从《总目》存目中遴选宋学家入传,另外,他又在多方面删改《总目》扬汉抑宋的文字。他经过... 《四库全书总目》(本文简称《总目》)是唐鉴《学案小识·经学学案》的主要史源。唐鉴基本保留了《总目》经部清代正目的人物框架,同时,他有意从《总目》存目中遴选宋学家入传,另外,他又在多方面删改《总目》扬汉抑宋的文字。他经过精心部署,《经学学案》扬宋抑汉的学术宗旨与《总目》背道而驰。虽然《经学学案》的学术宗旨没有得到认可,但它仍作为史料被后世使用。 展开更多
关键词 唐鉴 《学 《经学学 《四库全书总目》 四库学
陈宝箴遗文 被引量:1
作者 许全胜 柳岳梅 《近代中国》 2001年第1期213-261,共49页
义宁陈氏之学,为当今学术界热点问题。近代陈氏之学实应自陈三立(散原)之父、陈衡恪(师曾)、寅恪之祖——陈宝箴(右铭)先生始。先生于光绪二十一年(1895)八月至二十四年(1898)八月抚湘三载,整饬吏治,兴办工商,创立学堂,罗致人才,厉行维... 义宁陈氏之学,为当今学术界热点问题。近代陈氏之学实应自陈三立(散原)之父、陈衡恪(师曾)、寅恪之祖——陈宝箴(右铭)先生始。先生于光绪二十一年(1895)八月至二十四年(1898)八月抚湘三载,整饬吏治,兴办工商,创立学堂,罗致人才,厉行维新,湖南风气为之大变,影响深远,彪炳史册。先生遗文未见编集,遑论探析。今值先生逝世百年之际,特将上海图书馆所藏部分遗文整理刊布,以资纪念。随文酌加案识,聊备学者参考,尚祈纠谬补苴于不逮焉耳。 展开更多
关键词 遗文 随文 吏治 先生 学堂 整理者 案识 探析
《学案小识》与《儒林传稿》 被引量:5
作者 戚学民 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期82-96,共15页
唐鉴《学案小识》的某些传记曾利用阮元《儒林传稿》的文字,并在此基础上进行了针锋相对的增删和改订,编织了一个以程朱理学为中心的清代学术史论述。唐鉴重写清代学术史,有与阮元等人的汉学论述争夺正统的用心。《学案小识》和《儒林... 唐鉴《学案小识》的某些传记曾利用阮元《儒林传稿》的文字,并在此基础上进行了针锋相对的增删和改订,编织了一个以程朱理学为中心的清代学术史论述。唐鉴重写清代学术史,有与阮元等人的汉学论述争夺正统的用心。《学案小识》和《儒林传稿》的关系说明前者的学术史价值尚有开掘的空间,显示了后者对晚清以来的学术史论著的影响,也揭示了晚清学术的某种复杂生态和内在机理。 展开更多
关键词 唐鉴 儒林传稿 阮元
作者 车冬梅 刘欣 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期65-69,共5页
程朱陆王之辨是晚清理学的一个重要组成部分,其源于宋明时期的朱陆、朱王之辨,至晚清时期,理学家延续了这一学术思辨活动。其中以唐鉴的《国朝学案小识》、刘廷诏的《理学宗传辨正》以及罗泽南的《姚江学辨》为主体。从此三者入手,可窥... 程朱陆王之辨是晚清理学的一个重要组成部分,其源于宋明时期的朱陆、朱王之辨,至晚清时期,理学家延续了这一学术思辨活动。其中以唐鉴的《国朝学案小识》、刘廷诏的《理学宗传辨正》以及罗泽南的《姚江学辨》为主体。从此三者入手,可窥晚清理学学术思想中程朱陆王之辨之概况。 展开更多
关键词 程朱陆王之辨 《国朝学 《理学宗传辨正》 《姚江学辨》
论祁寯藻与晚清理学:以同治朝修国史《循吏传》为中心 被引量:1
作者 阎昱昊 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期165-175,共11页
程朱理学在晚清的复兴久为学界关注,如倭仁等代表性人物已得到许多讨论。但是,理学复兴仍有复杂面相值得开掘,存在着时势、人事和制度等多种因素的交互。晚清其他朝廷重臣与理学复兴的关系不可忽视,如祁寯藻同治初年位居帝师,其施政作... 程朱理学在晚清的复兴久为学界关注,如倭仁等代表性人物已得到许多讨论。但是,理学复兴仍有复杂面相值得开掘,存在着时势、人事和制度等多种因素的交互。晚清其他朝廷重臣与理学复兴的关系不可忽视,如祁寯藻同治初年位居帝师,其施政作为有倡导理学之意。他于同治二年上奏澄清吏治,请求清廷纂修国史《循吏传》,并影响到该传的写作。祁氏影响下的国史《循吏传》取材理学著作《学案小识》,表彰具有理学思想背景的地方官员,体现出祁寯藻倡导理学的用心。祁氏学兼汉宋,同治初在朝与倭仁等理学名臣多有交往,呼应清廷上下推动理学的时势,以修史为举措,希望用理学振兴地方吏治。祁寯藻奏请纂修国史《循吏传》一事,提供了理解晚清理学复兴在实际政治层面运作的具体例证。 展开更多
关键词 祁寯藻 理学 清史《循吏传》 《学
清代理学探析 被引量:3
作者 吴雁南 《重庆师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1984年第4期68-78,共11页
清代虽有汉学的“复兴”,但理学仍有一定的地位。从它本身的发展看,清初数十年间,曾出现了一些具有真知灼见的志士仁人,他们修正宋明理学,趋向求实致用,在学术史上自有其光辉的一页;乾嘉时期,汉学兴起,如日中天,理学遂日渐衰落;及道光以... 清代虽有汉学的“复兴”,但理学仍有一定的地位。从它本身的发展看,清初数十年间,曾出现了一些具有真知灼见的志士仁人,他们修正宋明理学,趋向求实致用,在学术史上自有其光辉的一页;乾嘉时期,汉学兴起,如日中天,理学遂日渐衰落;及道光以后,理学呈现了迥光返照的状态,但亦有个别有识之土主张学习西方,挽救危亡,为振兴中华而奔走呼号。从总的看,理学作为一门学术,已逐渐面临它的尽头。 展开更多
关键词 乾嘉时期 陆王学派 镇压太平天国 《劝学篇》 国朝学 朱子 孙承泽 劝学篇 翰林院编修 倭仁
作者 Kai Caihong Yu Nenghai Chen Yuzhong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第1期1-9,共9页
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) optimization in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) is a challenging issue because of some unique characteristics of MANETs. In this paper,a new end-to-end mechanism based on multiple m... Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) optimization in Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs) is a challenging issue because of some unique characteristics of MANETs. In this paper,a new end-to-end mechanism based on multiple metrics measurement is proposed to improve TCP performance in MANETs. Multi-metric Measurement based Enhancement of TCP (MME-TCP) designs the metrics and the identification algorithm according to the characteristics of MANETs and the experiment results. Furthermore,these metrics are measured at the sender node to reduce the overhead of control information over networks. Simulation results show that MME-TCP mechanism achieves a significant performance improvement over standard TCP in MANETs. 展开更多
关键词 Ad hoc networks Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Network states End-to-end metrics Identification algorithms
Recognition of suspicious behavior using case-based reasoning 被引量:2
作者 夏利民 杨宝娟 涂宏斌 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期241-250,共10页
A novel method case-based reasoning was proposed for suspicious behavior recognition. The method is composed of three departs: human behavior decomposition, human behavior case representation and case-based reasoning.... A novel method case-based reasoning was proposed for suspicious behavior recognition. The method is composed of three departs: human behavior decomposition, human behavior case representation and case-based reasoning. The new approach was proposed to decompose behavior into sub-behaviors that are easier to recognize using a saliency-based visual attention model. New representation of behavior was introduced, in which the sub-behavior and the associated time characteristic of sub-behavior were used to represent behavior case. In the process of case-based reasoning, apart from considering the similarity of basic sub-behaviors,order factor was proposed to measure the similarity of a time order among the sub-behaviors and span factor was used to measure the similarity of duration time of each sub-behavior, which makes the similarity calculations more rational and comprehensive.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with other related works and can run in real-time for the recognition of suspicious behaviors. 展开更多
关键词 visual attention mode case-based reasoning suspicious behavior order factor span factor
Experimental Damage Identification Using Modified Mode Shape Difference
作者 Ahmed A. Elshafey H. Marzouk M. R. Haddara 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2011年第2期150-155,共6页
An experimental program was undertaken to test the feasibility to detect the occurrence of structural damage using a modified mode shape difference technique. The vibration response of a steel beam fixed at one end an... An experimental program was undertaken to test the feasibility to detect the occurrence of structural damage using a modified mode shape difference technique. The vibration response of a steel beam fixed at one end and hinged at the other was obtained for the intact and damage conditions. Modal analysis was performed to extract the frequencies and mode shapes. The method shows a good potential in detection of occurrence and location of damage. 展开更多
关键词 mode shape damage detection damage location modal analysis
作者 Liu Shuisheng Shen Yuanlong 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第6期748-752,共5页
In Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) modulation systems, the well-known technique to overcome the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI)/Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) caused by the inadequate Cyclic Prefix (CP) length is to use a... In Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) modulation systems, the well-known technique to overcome the Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI)/Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) caused by the inadequate Cyclic Prefix (CP) length is to use a Time-Domain Equalizer (TDE) at the receiver front-end. An algorithm used to calculate the coefficients of the optimal shortening Time Domain Equalizer (TDE) was given by Melsa. However, this algorithm requires that the length of the TDE must be smaller than or equal to the memory length of the target impulse response. This paper modifies this algorithm and makes it not only fit for calculating the coefficients of the TDE with arbitrary length, but also have a much less computational time. 展开更多
关键词 Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) Time Domain Equalization (TDE) Cyclic Prefix (CP) Channel shortening
Regional-scale Identification of Three-dimensional Pattern of Vegetation Landscapes 被引量:1
作者 SUN Ranhao ZHANG Baiping CHEN Liding 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第1期104-112,共9页
The altitudinal pattern of vegetation is usually identified by field surveys,however,these can only provide discrete data on a local mountain.Few studies identifying and analyzing the altitudinal vegetation pattern on... The altitudinal pattern of vegetation is usually identified by field surveys,however,these can only provide discrete data on a local mountain.Few studies identifying and analyzing the altitudinal vegetation pattern on a regional scale are available.This study selected central Inner Mongolia as the study area,presented a method for extracting vegetation patterns in altitudinal and horizontal directions.The data included a vegetation map at a 1∶1 000 000 scale and a digital elevation model at a 1∶250 000 scale.The three-dimensional vegetation pattern indicated the distribution probability for each vegetation type and the transition zones between different vegetation landscapes.From low to high elevations,there were five vegetation types in the southern mountain flanks,including the montane steppe,broad-leaved forest,coniferous mixed forest,montane dwarf-scrub and sub-alpine shrub-meadow.Correspondingly,only four vegetation types were found in the northern flanks,except for the montane steppe.This study could provide a general model for understanding the complexity and diversity of mountain environment and landscape. 展开更多
关键词 landscape pattern vegetation pattern altitudinal zone landscape identification mountain landscape
作者 凌文超 《简帛研究》 CSSCI 2018年第2期144-152,共9页
嶽麓書院藏秦簡"識劫[女冤]案"中提到的"訾税",是依據編户訾産臨時徵收的財産税,應與短時期内財政需求急劇增加有關。秦律對於私下債款計入家訾缺乏明確規定,債權人可以通過放弃債款,豁免匿訾税之罪。秦訾税主要針... 嶽麓書院藏秦簡"識劫[女冤]案"中提到的"訾税",是依據編户訾産臨時徵收的財産税,應與短時期内財政需求急劇增加有關。秦律對於私下債款計入家訾缺乏明確規定,債權人可以通過放弃債款,豁免匿訾税之罪。秦訾税主要針對的是方便清查的訾産。雖然秦代因賦役、貲罰徵繳等的需要,經常對編户訾産進行調查,但是,從户籍等文書中未見"户訾"記録等情形來看,秦代尚未全面對編户民户訾進行法定常規的清查、登記,與此相關的"訾税"不可能是常税,而應當是臨時税。 展开更多
关键词 識劫[女冤] 訾税 户訾調查 臨時税
Towards a Collaborative Learning Environment Through ICT: A Case Study
作者 Suryani Atan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第1期53-57,共5页
This paper expounds how the possibility of collaboration and construction of knowledge being put into practice in a group of ICT (information and communication technologies)-based teaching and learning programmes fo... This paper expounds how the possibility of collaboration and construction of knowledge being put into practice in a group of ICT (information and communication technologies)-based teaching and learning programmes for Mother Tongue languages, collectively known as 10'CMT. 10'CMT, which is initiated by the ETD (Educational Technology Division) of MOE (Ministry of Education) Singapore, embodies a focus on the development of relevant pedagogy by which web-based technologies are embedded in meaningful learning activities in the classroom. Through a case study of a primary school in Singapore, this paper exemplifies how 10'CMT has the ability to promote collective knowledge and, by doing so, essentially supporting the growth of the individual student's knowledge. It draws on the students' engagement in peer editing, peer evaluation, peer interaction, and feedback with self-reflective practices through the affordances of an array of online tools. This paper will also discuss how the 10'CMT approach promotes the ability to respond flexibly to complex problems, to communicate effectively, to manage information, to work in teams, to use technology, and to produce new knowledge which are deemed to be crucial competencies for 21 st century. 展开更多
关键词 collaborative learning mother tongue language ICT (information and communicationtechnologies)-based lesson STUDENT-CENTRED
From Knowledge to Wisdom: The Case of a Micro-financing Network
作者 Nouha Taifi Khaddouj Gharbi 《Chinese Business Review》 2016年第9期407-423,共17页
As one of the most important and strategic actors of sustainable development, the micro-financing (MF) organizations are continuously adopting new strategic methods of collaboration for the success of their micro-fi... As one of the most important and strategic actors of sustainable development, the micro-financing (MF) organizations are continuously adopting new strategic methods of collaboration for the success of their micro-financing missions. The paper presents the case of a newly established network of MF organizations created for the strategic objective of not only collaboration but for optimizing inter-organizational knowledge sharing systems for the micro-financing services. The purpose of the paper is to show the method used for the creation of this network, the mechanisms for its management, and the dynamisms and success factor,~ leading to its continuous development. The findings are derived from an interview with one of its most strategic founders, and material is provided by the network, and a questionnaire is administered to the members of the network. The results imply theoretical implications to innovation management and organizational development and change since the source of the creation of this network is innovative, and for the competencies of the founders and their awareness of the importance of change lead to the creation of this network. And the results also lead to managerial implications in the micro-financing sector through the provision of a unique excellent command example to follow. 展开更多
关键词 micro-financing inter-organizational collaboration NETWORKS strategic communities
作者 周莺 奚文华 +1 位作者 邱海嵊 朱铭 《Medical Bulletin of Shanghai Jiaotong University》 CAS 2010年第2期106-110,F0003,共6页
Objective To describe the CT features of abdominal Castleman's disease(CD)in adolescent.Methods Abdomen CT of four adolescents ranging in age from 7 years to 17 years diagnosed as abdominal region CD were reviewed... Objective To describe the CT features of abdominal Castleman's disease(CD)in adolescent.Methods Abdomen CT of four adolescents ranging in age from 7 years to 17 years diagnosed as abdominal region CD were reviewed.One case was retroperitoneal CD;one case was lesser omentum CD;and the other two cases were mesenteric CD.Three of four cases underwent post enhancement,and one case was only done no contrast CT as the reason of media hypersusceptibility.One case underwent needle biopsy.Three cases were removed by surgical resection.Results Isolated or multiple well-defined homogenous masses with homogenously enhanced after underwent enhancement was the common finding in these four cases.Conclusion Recognition of the CT features and highlights the histological specimen of CD is helpful to diagnose CD. 展开更多
关键词 Castleman's disease Angio follicular hyperplasia abdomen adolescent computed tomography
The Manuscript Drafting Journey of a NNE Scientific Writer: An Ethnographic Case Study
作者 Yi-Huey Guo 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1580-1589,共10页
Given that there is a dramatic increase of the English manuscript submission rate of doctoral students, yet little research effort is devoted to this line, the author investigates the manuscript drafting strategies of... Given that there is a dramatic increase of the English manuscript submission rate of doctoral students, yet little research effort is devoted to this line, the author investigates the manuscript drafting strategies of one Taiwan Residents hydraulics major doctoral student, who was required by his department to have international publications for the qualifications for the degree. The study employs Ken Hyland's social constructionist approach to disciplinary writing and follows an ethnographic research method for the collection/analysis of the data. The results show that the participating student, in order to establish a professional persona for the heightening of manuscript acceptance possibility, followed some prescribed procedures such as citing higher potential journals, adhering to the expert model, and formulizing the research procedures/results. A conflicting rhetorical structure of literature review writing and the favor of doing applied research for publication purpose were also found in his writing. The author addresses the implicated meanings of these writing attempts and concludes that a "short-sighted operation" of writing attempts may undermine the value of a research. This study contributes to international scientific research communities' understanding of this group of writers' disciplinary knowledge construction and writing for publication. 展开更多
关键词 scientific writing English for specific purposes writing for publication
The Problematic Build-pollution and Its Architectural Impact beyond the Architectural Uprising in Jordan (Case Study: Housing & Commercial Buildings of Amman City)
作者 Matrouk Mohammad 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第8期982-992,共11页
By the adoption of architecture as a means for communication and discourse between the architect and the recipient, yet current arguments took the conscious of local architect away from the uniqueness and the concerns... By the adoption of architecture as a means for communication and discourse between the architect and the recipient, yet current arguments took the conscious of local architect away from the uniqueness and the concerns of the society, as well. It also dominated its creative and educational capabilities through making him distracted in formal non-rational overestimated compositions without dealing with the concerns and needs of the society and sympathize with its affection that led to the appearance of an intellectual crisis resulted from the loss of design strategy in the current trends among some Jordanian architects. As such, not only substantial amount of the leading architectural intellect had deteriorated to formal practices but also it took another approach, becoming incomplete intellectual isolation practicing an overestimated architecture that satisfies free markets requirements which appeared along with the globalization economy. This study attempts to comparatively investigate the variation in some architectural practices as a methodology based on design readings of the previous issues which were characterized of architectural uniqueness and current issues that lack of the existing intellectual references. 展开更多
关键词 Built pollution RECIPIENT globalization distinguished architects residential buildings commercial buildings.
Semiotic knowledge toward heritage product in tourism industry: A case of Terengganu 被引量:1
作者 Muhamad Abi Sofian Bin Abdul Halim Wan Asri Bin Wan Ab Aziz Azman Bin Che Mat 《Chinese Business Review》 2009年第2期9-18,共10页
In order to provide an appropriate context for the current state of the heritage product in tourism industry, semiotic knowledge become an important role to know deeply the identity, philosophy, and also the meaning o... In order to provide an appropriate context for the current state of the heritage product in tourism industry, semiotic knowledge become an important role to know deeply the identity, philosophy, and also the meaning of behind the actual product. Scott (2000) stresses the requirement of aesthetic and semiotic content in a creative product, instead of creativity. But, how many of retailers and salespersons in heritage product believe the semiotic as knowledge to present the product and opportunities in their selling? According to Kotler (2000) a good personal selling will provide a detailed explanation or demonstration of the product. The message can be varied by the salesperson to fit the motivations and interests or each prospective customer. So, the purpose of this paper is to closely examine the level of awareness among retailers and salesperson toward the important of semiotic knowledge as part of strategic persuasion in a selling process. This survey study will develop a sample among retailers and salesperson in Kuala Terengganu as a respondent who give the feedback to fulfill the research questions. 展开更多
关键词 semiotic heritage product personal selling PERSUASION TOURISM
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