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作者 常旭 《档案天地》 2014年第S1期149-151,共3页
城建档案分类大纲的修订工作,只是城建档案众多工作中的一小部分。但在这项工作中,除了要对档案分类、分类大纲的概念进行研究,还需深入馆藏,充分了解馆藏结构。目前,新一轮的分类大纲修订工作已进入尾声,本文希望能够将此项工作作为切... 城建档案分类大纲的修订工作,只是城建档案众多工作中的一小部分。但在这项工作中,除了要对档案分类、分类大纲的概念进行研究,还需深入馆藏,充分了解馆藏结构。目前,新一轮的分类大纲修订工作已进入尾声,本文希望能够将此项工作作为切入点,深入挖掘、由点及面,全面探究近年来城建档案资源的发展变化。一、北京市城建档案馆现有馆藏概况截止至"十二五"中期,我馆馆藏档案资源总量达64万余卷。其中工程竣工档案50万余卷。 展开更多
关键词 档案分类大纲 城建档案 市城建档案 工程竣工档案 工程档案 档案接收 规划许可证 档案内容 档案资
作者 刘芙蓉 《科技创新导报》 2021年第26期130-132,共3页
人力资源档案信息化管理是开展人力资源管理工作的基础,能提高档案服务水平,促进人力资源开发,是新时期人才战略的需要。通过分析人力资源档案信息化管理中存在的问题,笔者认为应强化人力资源档案管理的信息化意识,建立健全档案信息化... 人力资源档案信息化管理是开展人力资源管理工作的基础,能提高档案服务水平,促进人力资源开发,是新时期人才战略的需要。通过分析人力资源档案信息化管理中存在的问题,笔者认为应强化人力资源档案管理的信息化意识,建立健全档案信息化管理制度,强化人力资源档案信息化管理平台建设,建立部门人力资源档案管理中心,提高档案管理人员的职业素质,发挥人力资源档案的应有作用。 展开更多
关键词 人力档案 档案管理 信息化管理 信息技术
作者 贾庆良 《武汉商业服务学院学报》 2003年第4期48-50,共3页
关键词 社会档案意识 社会性观念 档案价值 宣传 窗口效应 档案资询服务 调研工作
Examination of Archival Data for Inhomogeneities and Determination of Climate Change in North America
作者 William A. van Wijngaarden 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第11期776-783,共8页
Numerous articles have examined archival weather observations and attributed climate changes on time scales ranging from centuries to decades and in one case even days to human activity. This article gives examples sh... Numerous articles have examined archival weather observations and attributed climate changes on time scales ranging from centuries to decades and in one case even days to human activity. This article gives examples showing how climate variability and sudden changes in instruments affect trend determination. In particular, surface temperature and water vapor pressure trends in North America during 1948-2010 are discussed. Over 1/4 billion hourly observations taken at 309 stations, were first carefully examined for inhomogeneities. Positive and negative steps, for both temperature and water vapor pressure were found to not be evenly distributed in time. Inclusion of such data in a trend analysis would overstate decadal changes in temperature and water vapor. Time series free of such discontinuities show a statistically significant warming has primarily affected the western Arctic, Canadian prairies and the Midwestern U.S. during winter. Increases in water vapor pressure are most pronounced in summer in the eastern U.S. The decadal water vapor pressure trends are somewhat smaller than found in other studies that examined data for far shorter time periods. The claim of a change in the DTR (diurnal temperature range) during the 3 day flight ban following Sept. 11, 2011, is not substantiated. The observed change in the DTR was likely caused by a reduction in cloudiness during the flight ban. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change INHOMOGENEITIES TEMPERATURE humidity trends diurnal temperature range.
论民间档案在传统文化保护中的实际应用——以广东东莞沙田镇为例 被引量:1
作者 冯金兰 《广东档案》 2014年第5期42-44,共3页
民间档案记录的内容较多是一些人民生活中的细节,但正是因为这些细节内容可以很好地从多侧面多角度展现出民间百姓的生活画卷,重现历史的侧影,把握时代变迁,我们可以从中发掘解析历史、文艺、知识等多方面内容,甚至可以使失传的民俗与... 民间档案记录的内容较多是一些人民生活中的细节,但正是因为这些细节内容可以很好地从多侧面多角度展现出民间百姓的生活画卷,重现历史的侧影,把握时代变迁,我们可以从中发掘解析历史、文艺、知识等多方面内容,甚至可以使失传的民俗与传统得以重现于世。本文试以广东东莞沙田疍家传统文化的成功开发为例, 展开更多
关键词 沙田镇 生活画卷 传统文化保护 档案管理模式 档案记录 旧时代 档案征集 档案资 劳动生活 档案资
Sport, Democracy, and the Americanization of Italian Americans
《History Research》 2012年第5期349-354,共6页
More than 4,000,000 immigrants traveled from Italy to the United States between 1880 and 1924. Most were peasants, largely illiterate, and with no sense of an Italian identity as their ancestral home had only been lib... More than 4,000,000 immigrants traveled from Italy to the United States between 1880 and 1924. Most were peasants, largely illiterate, and with no sense of an Italian identity as their ancestral home had only been liberated from centuries of foreign rule in 1861. This study utilizes primary and secondary documents, as well as archival sources and interviews to determine the role of sport in the transition to an Italian identity, and then an American identity within the assimilation process. Second generation youth adopted American sport forms, and some became national heroes in contrast to the stereotype of Italian gangsters. By the 1950s Italians had become icons of popular culture, yet negative stereotypes persisted and assimilation remained fragmented. 展开更多
Dusk of the "Sole deli'Avvenire" for Labour Party? Italian Ambassador Tommaso Gallarati Scotti Face to British Elections of October 1951
作者 Gianluca Borzoni 《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期773-780,共8页
General elections held in October 1951 can be considered as a milestone in British political history, and from an international point of view, the return to power of Conservatives after the defeats of 1945 and 1950 re... General elections held in October 1951 can be considered as a milestone in British political history, and from an international point of view, the return to power of Conservatives after the defeats of 1945 and 1950 represents an event of considerable relevance. Based on Italian archival sources, this paper analyses Tommaso Gallarati Scotti's (Italian ambassador to the UK) view during the electoral campaign, as a part of a diplomatic action aimed at resuming the traditional Anglo-Italian friendship brutally interrupted on June 10, 1940, at the time of fascist "stab in the back": a hard task to accomplish, even after the resumption of full diplomatic relations between Rome and London, in 1947. 展开更多
关键词 Italian foreign policy ambassador Gallarati Scotti 1951 British election Labour political crisis
The analysis of the development and utilization of personnel archive information resources
作者 He Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第5期84-85,共2页
Navigated by the forces of the market economy mechanism, the development and utilization of human resources is key to guaranteeing the operation of public institutions .The personnel archive is a record of one's main... Navigated by the forces of the market economy mechanism, the development and utilization of human resources is key to guaranteeing the operation of public institutions .The personnel archive is a record of one's main experiences and performances, thus playing a vital role in the process of developing talents .This article mainly make an analysis of the main role and status of personnel archive information and the main means and contents of talents development. 展开更多
关键词 the information resources of personnel archive DEVELOPMENT utilization.
The Relevance of Sports to the Development of Education in Nigeria, 1904 Till Date
作者 Hannah Okediji 《History Research》 2015年第3期188-196,共9页
Sporting activities have been part of the culture, customs and natural living of man; they have direct relationship with plans, purposes and goals of human beings. Sports have existed with education since primitive ti... Sporting activities have been part of the culture, customs and natural living of man; they have direct relationship with plans, purposes and goals of human beings. Sports have existed with education since primitive times, when man developed skills like hunting, handling of weapons, tests of strength, endurance and courage. This paper examines the relevance of sporting activities to the development of education in Nigeria, since colonial era- 1904 till date. Sports like football, soccer, badminton, handball, volleyball, tennis, swimming and athletics have corroborated teaching and learning activities at all levels of education be it informal, formal and non formal education in Nigeria. Historical research methodology in education was used to carry out and analyze data for this paper using archival materials and oral interviews as primary sources while textbooks, journals and internet materials were used as secondary sources. The main focuses of the paper are" to examine the concepts of sports an6 education, the place of sports in the educational policy and curriculum in Nigeria, advantages of sports to education and nation building, challenges of sports in education and offer suggestions for the improvement of sports and education in Nigeria. The findings of the study revealed that; sports was formally introduced into educational curriculum in Nigeria as physical education in 1904 by the British administration, sports promotes physical health and fitness, recreational activities, relaxation prestige, economic status, identifies talents, abilities, impart skills, encourage socio-cultural relationship which enhances unity among the populace. The forum to benefit from sports usually come at grassroots, school inter-house sports, and inter-schools competitions and association forum. Challenges of sports include inadequate funding, mismanagement of funds, lack of integrity, inadequate personnel, dwindling infrastructural and sporting facilities, inadequate training and medical facilities. It is recommended that, if all the above challenges are properly addressed, sporting activities will project Nigerian education more for overall development both nationally and internationally. 展开更多
《广东档案》 2009年第5期12-14,共3页
2004年,南海区档案馆率先创建成为首批广东省示范档案馆。近几年,特别是2008年,南海区档案馆人不满足于现状,没有抱住拥有的"光环"止步不前,而是百尺竿头更进一步,紧紧把住南海区被列入中共中央深入学习实践科学发展观试点单... 2004年,南海区档案馆率先创建成为首批广东省示范档案馆。近几年,特别是2008年,南海区档案馆人不满足于现状,没有抱住拥有的"光环"止步不前,而是百尺竿头更进一步,紧紧把住南海区被列入中共中央深入学习实践科学发展观试点单位这个机遇,进一步解放思想。 展开更多
关键词 档案 档案馆工作 止步不前 解放思想 一级档案 现行文件 进馆 社会发展环境 档案资 档案资
配合文化名市建设 开创档案馆新型功能 被引量:1
作者 王丛 《广东档案》 2005年第3期34-35,共2页
当前,各级档案馆面临的一个重要课题,就是如何配合文化大省文化名市的建设,抓住机遇,挖掘历史文化遗产,开创档案馆的新型功能,打造档案馆的全新形象。为贯彻落实省委、省政府关于建立文化大省的重大部署,肇庆市委、市政府提出了"... 当前,各级档案馆面临的一个重要课题,就是如何配合文化大省文化名市的建设,抓住机遇,挖掘历史文化遗产,开创档案馆的新型功能,打造档案馆的全新形象。为贯彻落实省委、省政府关于建立文化大省的重大部署,肇庆市委、市政府提出了"建设文化名市"的发展战略,并开展了"创砚都"、"2004肇庆·中国端砚文化节"等一系列活动。重视文化、发展文化已成为肇庆实现新轮跨越发展的重要经验,而肇庆建设文化名市,为档案馆新型功能的拓展提供了一次极好机遇和有利条件。为此,引发了笔者的一些思考。 展开更多
关键词 发展战略 声像档案 次极 档案编研工作 国民文化素质 未来城市 声像技术 档案事业 知识竞赛 档案资
作者 林凤 《才智》 2008年第23期227-227,共1页
关键词 档案利用 数据统计 信息反馈工作 档案事业 管理档案 被动服务 保管期限 查阅档案 开发利用 档案资
作者 伍艳娜 《广东档案》 2004年第1期31-33,共3页
在我国著名侨乡——台山市的西南海滨,有一个神秘的梦幻的地方,这里随处可见身穿东南亚各国的绚丽服饰的居民及其不同国度的生活风俗;随处可闻东南亚各国的历史和他乡的故事,这就是"不用离疆去寻梦,只须咫只游海侨"。海侨前身... 在我国著名侨乡——台山市的西南海滨,有一个神秘的梦幻的地方,这里随处可见身穿东南亚各国的绚丽服饰的居民及其不同国度的生活风俗;随处可闻东南亚各国的历史和他乡的故事,这就是"不用离疆去寻梦,只须咫只游海侨"。海侨前身是1963年由国务院为安置回归的难侨而兴办的华侨农场,归侨分别来自印尼、越南、马来西亚、缅甸、新加坡、菲律宾、印度、柬埔寨、老挝、文莱等13个国家和地区,故有小小联合国之称。 展开更多
关键词 寻梦 华侨农场 家庭博物馆 家庭档案 档案工作 家庭建档 养在深闺人未识 旅游项目 档案展览 档案资
《天地丹青》画展在岭南画派纪念馆举行 著名画家黄志坚先生的夫人向荔湾区档案馆与岭南画派纪念馆捐赠画作
《广东档案》 2008年第1期9-9,共1页
本刊讯2007年12月21日,荔湾区档案馆与岭南画派纪念馆、广东省档案学会、中共荔湾区委宣传部联合举办的《天地丹青》——黄志坚作品展在岭南画派纪念馆开幕了,广东省档案局副局长、广东省档案学会会长李士智、岭南画派纪念馆馆长陈永锵... 本刊讯2007年12月21日,荔湾区档案馆与岭南画派纪念馆、广东省档案学会、中共荔湾区委宣传部联合举办的《天地丹青》——黄志坚作品展在岭南画派纪念馆开幕了,广东省档案局副局长、广东省档案学会会长李士智、岭南画派纪念馆馆长陈永锵、广东省美术家协会副主席潘家俊、广东美术馆馆长王璜生、广州画院院长方土。 展开更多
关键词 岭南画派纪念馆 档案 档案学会 荔湾 陈永锵 美术馆馆长 艺术人生 档案征集 画院副院长 档案资
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