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基于多功能加载系统的全机械式桩基模型试验装置研发 被引量:4
作者 任连伟 杨权威 +3 位作者 詹俊峰 顾红伟 彭怀风 张敏霞 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期519-524,共6页
在借鉴国内外学者关于桩基模型试验装置研究经验的基础上,自主研发了基于多功能加载系统的全机械式桩基模型试验装置,该装置可实现抗压、抗拔、水平桩基模型试验的加载。其桩基模型试验系统主要由模型槽、加载系统、测量系统等组成,模... 在借鉴国内外学者关于桩基模型试验装置研究经验的基础上,自主研发了基于多功能加载系统的全机械式桩基模型试验装置,该装置可实现抗压、抗拔、水平桩基模型试验的加载。其桩基模型试验系统主要由模型槽、加载系统、测量系统等组成,模型槽全机械连接,可根据试验需求设置不同的长、宽、高;全自动加载系统可实现每级荷载的稳压要求,并且电脑自动控制和采集,试验的精确性和可靠性大幅度提高;全自动加载系统具有两向或三向同时加载的功能,可模拟桩基在不同工况下的承载性能。采用该装置进行了Y形桩抗压、抗拔、水平单桩模型试验,验证了该试验装置和加载系统的可行性和可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 桩基模型试验装置 全机械式连接 全自动加载 Y形
桩基模型基础地基动力参数测试应用分析 被引量:12
作者 张开伟 聂庆科 +1 位作者 王亮 刘庆宇 《工程地球物理学报》 2018年第6期817-825,共9页
针对实际工程桩基存在的明置与埋置基础两种使用工况,利用电磁激振器对实际工程项目PHC预制管桩试桩及预制方桩试桩分别进行桩基竖向、水平回转向及扭转向稳态强迫振动试验,通过桩基振动动力特性测试,了解单桩的抗压刚度、桩基抗剪和抗... 针对实际工程桩基存在的明置与埋置基础两种使用工况,利用电磁激振器对实际工程项目PHC预制管桩试桩及预制方桩试桩分别进行桩基竖向、水平回转向及扭转向稳态强迫振动试验,通过桩基振动动力特性测试,了解单桩的抗压刚度、桩基抗剪和抗扭刚度系数、桩基竖向和水平回转向第一振型以及扭转向的阻尼比、桩基竖向和水平回转向以及扭转向的参振总质量、模型桩基与工程桩基的动参数换算要求。实际两种桩型模型基础地基动力特性参数测试成果显示,桩基模型基础在埋置工况下其动力特性参数数值都大于明置工况下对应的试验参数数值,桩基模型基础的第一振型共振频率竖向振动最大,水平回转向与扭转向接近,块体参振质量略大于基础本身质量,数据显示基础模型周围的土体也参与了振动,土体的参振质量在计算中不可忽略,土体的参振质量也会影响到地基动刚度的计算。 展开更多
关键词 桩基模型 强迫振动测试 明置 埋置 幅频响应曲线 参振质量
作者 S.Hassini R.D.Woods 张德祥 《土工基础》 1992年第A10期51-55,共5页
在竖直或水平力作用下,在相同的填料中,有典型问距的群桩的总刚度通常小于各单桩分离时的刚度之和。这种现象是由桩—土一桩的相互作用产生的。用少量的间接帽盖模型钢群桩作的动力试验得出的资料可以考察间距和位移幅度对群桩动力性状... 在竖直或水平力作用下,在相同的填料中,有典型问距的群桩的总刚度通常小于各单桩分离时的刚度之和。这种现象是由桩—土一桩的相互作用产生的。用少量的间接帽盖模型钢群桩作的动力试验得出的资料可以考察间距和位移幅度对群桩动力性状的影响。结果发现:间距的影响是主要的。在实际的限制条件之外没有相互作用。坯观察到非线性反应并作了说明。 展开更多
关键词 桩基模型 动力试验
桩基动力学模型参数反演识别方法 被引量:1
作者 雷正保 邢欢 孙汉正 《长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第1期87-94,共8页
针对桩基模型参数存在不确定性的问题,提出一种桩基模型参数反演识别方法。以测点和敲击点作为噪声因素,综合考虑模型中不同测点和敲击工况下加速度响应对反演结果的影响,利用多信息融合方法将多个评分值融合成唯一的参数反演识别目标... 针对桩基模型参数存在不确定性的问题,提出一种桩基模型参数反演识别方法。以测点和敲击点作为噪声因素,综合考虑模型中不同测点和敲击工况下加速度响应对反演结果的影响,利用多信息融合方法将多个评分值融合成唯一的参数反演识别目标响应值。研究结果表明:利用本研究方法得到的反演曲线与仿真曲线拟合良好。本研究为桩基模型参数反演识别提供了一定的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 反演识别方法 桩基模型 一致性评分法 稳健性设计 多元响应
基于虚拟仪器的桩基动力学模型参数识别系统 被引量:1
作者 雷正保 李梦尝 《长沙理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第3期16-23,共8页
为了快捷、准确地获取桩基横向动力学模型的参数,通过建立桩基激振理论模型,并求解得到桩基测点加速度响应的理论结果;利用激振方法,用加速度传感器获取桩基测点加速度响应的试验结果;通过计算桩基测点加速度响应理论结果和试验结果的... 为了快捷、准确地获取桩基横向动力学模型的参数,通过建立桩基激振理论模型,并求解得到桩基测点加速度响应的理论结果;利用激振方法,用加速度传感器获取桩基测点加速度响应的试验结果;通过计算桩基测点加速度响应理论结果和试验结果的动态时间弯曲(dynamic time warping,DTW)距离的均方根,将问题转换为目标函数的寻优问题;利用遗传算法进行桩基模型参数的寻优;为解决参数识别过程中复杂数据的运算问题,实现工程实用化,通过COM组件实现MATLAB与LabVIEW混合编程,开发出一套桩基模型参数智能识别系统软件。最后,通过算例说明本研究方法是有效的,且具有工程实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟仪器 桩基模型 参数识别 混合编程 遗传算法
非饱和土桩基模型试验装置 被引量:1
作者 郭爱国 孔令伟 《科技开发动态》 2005年第5期49-49,共1页
该专利是一种非饱和土桩基模型试验装置。该装置由上盖和底座可以拆卸的压力容器组成。上盖安装一用于传递荷载的活塞杆和活塞套以及一个用于施加气压或排气的阀门;底座中心被加工出一个与高进气值陶瓷板匹配的凹槽,凹槽内可以根据要... 该专利是一种非饱和土桩基模型试验装置。该装置由上盖和底座可以拆卸的压力容器组成。上盖安装一用于传递荷载的活塞杆和活塞套以及一个用于施加气压或排气的阀门;底座中心被加工出一个与高进气值陶瓷板匹配的凹槽,凹槽内可以根据要求安装不同进气值的高进气值陶瓷板,凹槽底开有用于排除气泡的螺旋形槽。这样就可以在试验中方便地控制土样的基质吸力,实现非饱和土体中模型桩的承载性能测试。 展开更多
关键词 非饱和土桩基模型 压力容器 活塞杆 活塞套 承载性能
作者 刘佳俊 陈思佳 +1 位作者 宋晓冰 张子墨 《噪声与振动控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期259-266,共8页
为了更合理预测采用桩基的大块式基础的动力特性,建立桩基仿真模型并与桩-土动力试验相互验证,对组合桩基模型与大块式基础模型进行有限元数值分析,同时参考设计院所使用以弹簧单元模拟桩基的方式,建立数值模型并进行分析,探讨不同的桩... 为了更合理预测采用桩基的大块式基础的动力特性,建立桩基仿真模型并与桩-土动力试验相互验证,对组合桩基模型与大块式基础模型进行有限元数值分析,同时参考设计院所使用以弹簧单元模拟桩基的方式,建立数值模型并进行分析,探讨不同的桩基模拟方式对大块式基础动力特性的影响。研究结果表明:使用弹簧单元模拟桩基的方式忽略桩土质量、阻尼的影响,会造成大块式基础振型缺失、自振频率整体偏大、强迫振动响应被放大;使用桩基仿真模型更能反映大块式基础动力特性但计算成本增加。上述结论可为采用桩基的大块式基础动力特性研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 振动与波 大块式 仿真模型 有限元数值分析 强迫振动响应 弹簧单元
作者 陈勇 《城市道桥与防洪》 2024年第6期249-253,共5页
针对层状异性流变地层中桩基长时沉降位移预测计算难题,基于荷载传递模式、Poyting-Thomson模型和土体一维虚拟结构等效模型,建立了该类地层中桩基承载模式判别以及桩基服役全过程长时沉降位移的理论预测方法。研究了稳定蠕变地层桩基... 针对层状异性流变地层中桩基长时沉降位移预测计算难题,基于荷载传递模式、Poyting-Thomson模型和土体一维虚拟结构等效模型,建立了该类地层中桩基承载模式判别以及桩基服役全过程长时沉降位移的理论预测方法。研究了稳定蠕变地层桩基承载模式演变及其沉降位移时效特性。结果表明:摩擦承载状态下桩基沉降呈现瞬态弹性;土体的层状异性特型导致桩体压缩变形具有明显的台阶突变;摩擦+桩端共同承载时,桩基总体位移等于桩体形变位移和桩端沉降位移的叠加,具有显著时效特性并随时间逐步趋于稳定。 展开更多
关键词 层状异性地层 稳定蠕变 虚拟柱状结构 位移叠加模型 黏弹性理论解
竖向地震影响高铁桥梁-桩基系统地震响应分析 被引量:1
作者 陈令坤 徐定超 +3 位作者 张楠 张鸣 王琨 费康 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期1440-1447,共8页
为研究竖向地震效应对铁路桥梁地震响应的影响,本文利用p-y曲线、t-z曲线和q-z曲线建立土-桩基非线性模型,采用双线性模型模拟桥墩及桩基础的滞回特性,建立高速铁路桥梁-土-桩基多跨简支梁桥体系模型,计算其弹塑性地震响应,分析竖向地... 为研究竖向地震效应对铁路桥梁地震响应的影响,本文利用p-y曲线、t-z曲线和q-z曲线建立土-桩基非线性模型,采用双线性模型模拟桥墩及桩基础的滞回特性,建立高速铁路桥梁-土-桩基多跨简支梁桥体系模型,计算其弹塑性地震响应,分析竖向地震对桥梁的弹塑性地震响应的影响。研究结果表明:相比水平地震,竖向地震在更高的频段上影响桥梁地震响应,高阶振型对竖向振动影响较大;近断层地震较大的竖向分量相比远场地震造成更大的滞回变形,并通过其频谱特性影响桥梁地震响应。 展开更多
关键词 近断层地震 竖向地震 高铁列车 土体非线性 桥梁-土-桩基模型 土-相互作用 P-Y曲线 非线性分析 地震响应
作者 孙文坚 丁小彬 任续锋 《公路交通技术》 2023年第5期153-160,168,共9页
为研究下伏溶洞对其上方桩基承载力的影响,以广州市白云机场北某道路工程为依托,采用PFC^(2D)颗粒流软件,建立灰岩地层下桩基+溶洞离散元模型,研究下伏溶洞的径长、顶板厚度、溶洞形态与溶洞偏桩位移对其上方桩基承载力的影响。结果表明... 为研究下伏溶洞对其上方桩基承载力的影响,以广州市白云机场北某道路工程为依托,采用PFC^(2D)颗粒流软件,建立灰岩地层下桩基+溶洞离散元模型,研究下伏溶洞的径长、顶板厚度、溶洞形态与溶洞偏桩位移对其上方桩基承载力的影响。结果表明:1)在桩基下伏单溶洞的情况下,增加溶洞径长、洞高或洞宽均会降低桩基极限承载力;2)相较洞高,洞宽对桩基承载力的影响更加显著;3)增大溶洞顶板厚度会提高桩基极限承载力;4)当偏桩位移超过6倍桩径时,基本可忽略其对桩基承载力的影响。该研究结果可供类似工程设计参考。 展开更多
关键词 离散元 数值模拟 溶洞模型 承载力
砂土中单桩承载特性室内试验分析 被引量:3
作者 邹圣锋 张贵川 +2 位作者 韩毅 汪时机 汪川 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期160-166,共7页
针对不同砂性地质条件和工况,通过室内模型试验,研究了砂土中桩基的承载力性状.研究表明:砂土在自重条件下发生自密实,并将影响到室内模型基桩的承载性能,承载力随砂土密度的增大有增长的趋势;试验孔道位置和贯入深度的改变诱发极限承... 针对不同砂性地质条件和工况,通过室内模型试验,研究了砂土中桩基的承载力性状.研究表明:砂土在自重条件下发生自密实,并将影响到室内模型基桩的承载性能,承载力随砂土密度的增大有增长的趋势;试验孔道位置和贯入深度的改变诱发极限承载力值发生改变,模型桩承载曲线表现出明显的边界效应和深度效应;贯桩速度的增大也引起模型桩极限承载值的相应增加.模型试验结果可以定性分析砂土中桩基的承载特性,为桩基设计提供指导. 展开更多
关键词 室内试验 模型 CPT 承载力
作者 周标 丁小彬 任续锋 《科技通报》 2023年第8期55-61,共7页
研究桩基荷载作用下的溶洞稳定性对建筑工程有着重要的意义。本文以广州市白云机场北某项目为依托,利用PFC2D颗粒流软件,建立灰岩地层下桩基溶洞离散元模型,研究串珠溶洞的溶洞距离、串珠溶洞下方溶洞径长和桩基贯穿溶洞嵌岩深度3个不... 研究桩基荷载作用下的溶洞稳定性对建筑工程有着重要的意义。本文以广州市白云机场北某项目为依托,利用PFC2D颗粒流软件,建立灰岩地层下桩基溶洞离散元模型,研究串珠溶洞的溶洞距离、串珠溶洞下方溶洞径长和桩基贯穿溶洞嵌岩深度3个不同影响因素对桩基承载力的影响。主要结论如下:(1)在桩基下伏双溶洞情况下,溶洞间距的增加会提高桩基极限承载力,当溶洞距离超过6倍桩径,增加溶洞间距对桩基承载力基本无影响;(2)在桩基下伏双溶洞情况下,下方溶洞径长的增大会降低桩基极限承载力,当下方溶洞径长超过6倍桩径时,增加下方溶洞径长对桩基承载力基本无影响;(3)对于桩基贯穿溶洞,当嵌岩深度大于桩体径长时,此桩基的极限承载力接近于无溶洞情况下的桩基承载力,提高嵌岩深度对桩基承载力几乎基本无影响。 展开更多
关键词 离散元 数值模拟 溶洞模型 稳定性分析
Numerical modeling of tidal current of LNG terminal in Caofeidian,Bohai Sea 被引量:1
作者 廖鹏 张玮 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期108-112,共5页
In order to reasonably simulate tidal currents around small structures such as piles in a large-scale model domain, a 2-D hydrodynamic integrated model for Bohai Sea is established with the finite element method. The ... In order to reasonably simulate tidal currents around small structures such as piles in a large-scale model domain, a 2-D hydrodynamic integrated model for Bohai Sea is established with the finite element method. The grid can be discretionarily refined as a non-structure triangle or quadrilateral so that piers can be treated as one or several impermeable elements with an area of 20 to 30 km^2 in a model domain over 85 700 km^2. The computational results of tidal levels and horizontal velocities are in good agreement with the field data. Based on the computed results by the model, the layout of an open 105 DWT liquefied natural gas (LNG)terminal in Caofeidian, Bohal Sea is effectively and reasonably optimized. It can be concluded that the model is suitable and reasonable for direct simulation of tidal currents around small structures in projects. 展开更多
关键词 tidal current numerical model PIER Bohai Sea
作者 刘爽 卢红前 束加庆 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第A01期162-166,共5页
目前,在冷却塔设计过程中,桩基础的计算方法往往是将其简化为“等效天然地基模型”,并将与之相接的冷却塔环基简化为一维的梁单元模型来进行计算.但此种简化对环基内力的影响有多大,相关的研究还鲜有成果.基于上述问题,应用有限元软件... 目前,在冷却塔设计过程中,桩基础的计算方法往往是将其简化为“等效天然地基模型”,并将与之相接的冷却塔环基简化为一维的梁单元模型来进行计算.但此种简化对环基内力的影响有多大,相关的研究还鲜有成果.基于上述问题,应用有限元软件对桩基础冷却塔结构进行分析,并根据“实际桩基模型”的计算结果,采用数值优化方法,建立了一种数值优化模型,进而确定了与“实际桩基模型”相一致的“等效天然地基模型”,并根据两种模型的计算结果,分析了两种模型中环基受力的差异,为冷却塔的设计分析提供一定的参考. 展开更多
关键词 冷却塔 实际桩基模型 等效天然地模型
A computational method for post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation considering soil creep effect 被引量:12
作者 冯胜洋 魏丽敏 +1 位作者 何重阳 何群 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期2921-2927,共7页
Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using th... Based on reasonable assumptions that simplified the calculational model,a simple and practical method was proposed to calculate the post-construction settlement of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation by using the Mesri creep model to describe the soil characteristics and the Mindlin-Geddes method considering pile diameter to calculate the vertical additional stress of pile bottom.A program named CPPS was designed for this method to calculate the post-construction settlement of a high-speed railway bridge pile foundation.The result indicates that the post-construction settlement in 100 years meets the requirements of the engineering specifications,and in the first two decades,the post-construction settlement is about 80% of its total settlement,while the settlement in the rest eighty years tends to be stable.Compared with the measured settlement after laying railway tracks,the calculational result is closed to that of the measured,and the results are conservative with a high computational accuracy.It is noted that the method can be used to calculate the post-construction settlement for the preliminary design of high-speed railway bridge pile foundation. 展开更多
关键词 high-speed railway bridge pile foundation post-construction settlement Mesri creep model simplified computational method
Model test on vertical bearing capacity of X-section concrete pile raft foundation in silica sand 被引量:3
作者 XU Lai PENG Yu +1 位作者 DING Xuan-ming LIU Jia-yi 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第6期1861-1869,共9页
To reveal the bearing capacity of the X-section concrete piles pile raft foundation in silica sand,a series of vertical load tests are carried out.The X-section concrete piles are compared with circular section pile w... To reveal the bearing capacity of the X-section concrete piles pile raft foundation in silica sand,a series of vertical load tests are carried out.The X-section concrete piles are compared with circular section pile with the same section area.The load−settlement curves,axial force and skin friction,strain on concave and convex edge of the pile,pile-sand stress ratio,distributions of side and tip resistance are presented.The results show that bearing capacity of the X section concrete pile raft foundation is much larger than that of the circular pile raft foundation.Besides,compared with the circular pile,the peak axial force of X-section piles under raft is deeper and smaller while the neutral point of X-section concrete pile is deeper.Moreover,the strain on the concave edge is much larger than that on the convex edge of the pile,and the convex edge has more potential in bearing capacity as the vertical load increases.The X-section pile has higher pile-sand stress ratios and load-sharing between side resistance and tip resistance.Above all,the X-section concrete pile can significantly increase the bearing capacity of pile-raft foundations in silica sand. 展开更多
关键词 X-section pile pile raft foundation model test neutral point pile-soil stress ratio
Vertical vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock 被引量:3
作者 崔春义 张石平 +1 位作者 杨刚 李晓飞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第1期220-232,共13页
An axisymmetrical analytical solution is developed to investigate the vertical time-harmonic vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock. The soil is described by porous medi... An axisymmetrical analytical solution is developed to investigate the vertical time-harmonic vibration of a floating pile in a saturated viscoelastic soil layer overlaying bedrock. The soil is described by porous medium model established by Boer, while the pile is described by a beam vibration theory. By using separation theory of differential operator and variables to solve the dynamic governing equations for the soil, the fundamental solutions for the soil reactions on side and bottom of the pile are obtained. The dynamic impedance of the pile head is then derived by solving the vibration equation for the pile according to the compatibility condition between the pile and the soil. The proposed model is validated by comparing special cases of our model with the existing results. Numerical examples are presented to analyze the vibration characteristics of the pile. 展开更多
关键词 floating pile vertical vibration saturated viscoelastic soil Boer's porous medium model separation theory
A new approach for time effect analysis of settlement for single pile based on virtual soil-pile model 被引量:9
作者 吴文兵 王奎华 +1 位作者 张智卿 CHIN Jian Leo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第9期2656-2662,共7页
A new approach is proposed to analyze the settlement behavior for single pile embedded in layered soils. Firstly, soil layers surrounding pile shaft are simulated by using distributed Voigt model, and finite soil laye... A new approach is proposed to analyze the settlement behavior for single pile embedded in layered soils. Firstly, soil layers surrounding pile shaft are simulated by using distributed Voigt model, and finite soil layers under the pile end are assumed to be virtual soil-pile whose cross-section area is the same as that of the pile shaft. Then, by means of Laplace transform and impedance function transfer method to solve the static equilibrium equation of pile, the analytical solution of the displacement impedance fimction at the pile head is derived. Furthermore, the analytical solution of the settlement at the head of single pile is theoretically derived by virtue of convolution theorem. Based on these solutions, the influences of parameters of soil-pile system on the settlement behavior for single pile are analyzed. Also, comparison of the load-settlement response for two well-instrumented field tests in multilayered soils is given to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed approach. It can be noted that the presented solution can be used to calculate the settlement of single pile for the preliminary design of pile foundation. 展开更多
关键词 SETTLEMENT time effect single pile virtual soil-pile model layered soil VISCOELASTICITY distributed Voigt model
Longitudinal dynamic response of pile in layered soil based on virtual soil pile model 被引量:9
作者 吴文兵 王奎华 +1 位作者 马少俊 CHIN Jian Leo 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1999-2007,共9页
Taking the effect of finite soil layers below pile end into account,the longitudinal dynamic response of pile undergoing dynamic loading in layered soil was theoretically investigated.Firstly,finite soil layers below ... Taking the effect of finite soil layers below pile end into account,the longitudinal dynamic response of pile undergoing dynamic loading in layered soil was theoretically investigated.Firstly,finite soil layers below pile end are modeled as virtual soil pile whose cross-section area is the same as that of the pile and the soil layers surrounding the pile are described by the plane strain model.Then,by virtue of Laplace transform and impedance function transfer method,the analytical solution of longitudinal dynamic response at the pile head in frequency domain is yielded.Also,the semi-analytical solution in time domain undergoing half-cycle sine pulse at the pile head is obtained by means of inverse Laplace transform.Based on these solutions,a parametric study is conducted to analyze emphatically the effects of parameters of soil below pile end on velocity admittance and reflected wave signals at the pile head.Additionally,a comparison with other models with different supporting conditions from soil below pile end is performed to verify the model presented. 展开更多
关键词 soil-pile dynamic interaction virtual soil pile layered soil longitudinal vibration velocity admittance reflected wavesignal
Settlement monitoring system of pile-group foundation
作者 陈志坚 张宁宁 张雄文 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2122-2130,共9页
In order to realize information construction on settlement of pile-group foundation of Sutong Bridge, the monitoring instruments of high-precision micro-pressure sensor and hydrostatic leveling and settlement profiler... In order to realize information construction on settlement of pile-group foundation of Sutong Bridge, the monitoring instruments of high-precision micro-pressure sensor and hydrostatic leveling and settlement profiler were integrated synthetically. A set of practical multi-scale monitoring system on settlement of super-large pile-group foundation in deep water was put forward. The reliable settlement results are obtained by means of multi-sensor data fusion. Finite element model of pile-group foundation is established. By analysis of finite element simulated calculation of pile-group foundation, rules of settlement and uneven settlement obtained by monitoring and calculation results are coincident and the absolute error of settlement between them is 4.7 mm. The research shows that it is reasonable and feasible to monitor settlement of pile-group foundation with the system, and it can provide a method for the same type pile-group foundation in deep water. 展开更多
关键词 pile-group foundation SETTLEMENT monitoring system multi-sensor data fusion
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