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作者 田仲初 邢锴 +3 位作者 蔡岳 谭建平 许斌林 朱林 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期1-6,18,共7页
目前工程上对于钢桁梁桥起拱问题的研究主要针对N式桁架节间,但K式钢桁梁桥节间的预拱度设置尚未有统一的计算方法。为解决K式节间的起拱问题,基于分阶段成形结构力学平衡方程,将节间的相对预拱度作为输入,推导得出各杆件伸缩量的数学... 目前工程上对于钢桁梁桥起拱问题的研究主要针对N式桁架节间,但K式钢桁梁桥节间的预拱度设置尚未有统一的计算方法。为解决K式节间的起拱问题,基于分阶段成形结构力学平衡方程,将节间的相对预拱度作为输入,推导得出各杆件伸缩量的数学表达式;针对下承式钢桁梁桥预拱度设置特点,进一步得出同时伸缩下斜腹杆与竖腹杆、同时伸缩下斜腹杆与上弦杆、同时伸缩上弦杆与上下斜腹杆共3种情况下的杆件伸缩公式,并借助实桥数据计算和几何试算进行验证。研究结果表明:该方法实用可行,充分验证了钢桁梁K式节间的无应力状态起拱为纯几何起拱,起拱过程不会产生附加内力和起拱支座反力。 展开更多
关键词 梁桥工程 钢桁梁桥 K式桁架 预拱度曲线 无应力状态起拱法
作者 赵元庆 王继宽 《门窗》 2024年第18期175-177,共3页
市政梁桥作为城市交通网络的重要组成部分,其建设质量直接关系到城市交通的安全与效率。随着城市化进程的加快,梁桥建设项目的数量和规模不断增加,对施工过程中的质量控制和安全管理提出了更高要求。有效的质量控制可以确保桥梁结构的... 市政梁桥作为城市交通网络的重要组成部分,其建设质量直接关系到城市交通的安全与效率。随着城市化进程的加快,梁桥建设项目的数量和规模不断增加,对施工过程中的质量控制和安全管理提出了更高要求。有效的质量控制可以确保桥梁结构的稳定性和耐久性,而严格的安全管理则是保障施工人员生命安全和工程顺利进行的前提。 展开更多
关键词 市政梁桥工程 施工过程 质量控制 安全管理 措施
作者 王凯 《现代工程科技》 2024年第2期13-16,共4页
挂篮悬臂法与支架法现浇两种施工工艺在连续梁桥工程中具有特定应用价值。为更好地应用这两种施工工艺,对其流程及特点进行了梳理。在此基础上,结合实例,对挂篮悬臂法以及支架法现浇两种施工工艺在连续梁桥工程中的实施要素展开分析,对... 挂篮悬臂法与支架法现浇两种施工工艺在连续梁桥工程中具有特定应用价值。为更好地应用这两种施工工艺,对其流程及特点进行了梳理。在此基础上,结合实例,对挂篮悬臂法以及支架法现浇两种施工工艺在连续梁桥工程中的实施要素展开分析,对施工过程中需要重点避免的问题(如弹性形变等)及问题发生后的解决方式等开展探究,助力高质量完成连续梁桥工程施工。 展开更多
关键词 连续梁桥工程 挂篮悬臂法 支架法现浇 弹性形变
作者 吴圣文 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2023年第8期122-125,共4页
伴随着我国经济社会的深入发展,各类梁桥建筑工程项目不断增多,道路工程项目建设是与我国居民日常生活息息相关的重要项目,道路梁桥工程建设能够为相应的居民提供便捷的交通服务,也是我国相应地区拉动经济发展的重要纽带,近些年,满堂支... 伴随着我国经济社会的深入发展,各类梁桥建筑工程项目不断增多,道路工程项目建设是与我国居民日常生活息息相关的重要项目,道路梁桥工程建设能够为相应的居民提供便捷的交通服务,也是我国相应地区拉动经济发展的重要纽带,近些年,满堂支架现浇连续梁桥施工技术在道桥项目施工中的应用不断广泛,满堂支架现浇连续梁桥施工技术能够很好地减小梁桥项目建设过程中人力、财力投入大等问题。同时,现浇梁连续施工技术能够省去大量的吊装作业流程,提升梁桥工程整体质量。因此,本文在分析了现阶段我国梁桥工程发展现状的基础上,分析了现浇梁连续梁桥施工技术过程中存在的问题,并就项目开展实际梳理了相应的作业流程,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 梁桥工程 满堂支架 现浇连续梁桥
PC箱梁桥不均匀收缩控制技术研究 被引量:4
作者 黄海东 侯旭 《重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期1-8,共8页
混凝土箱梁截面不均匀收缩对结构长期行为影响显著,但目前尚无有效控制方法。从混凝土干燥收缩变形机理出发,针对大跨度PC箱梁桥长期收缩变形特征,提出一种通过结构表面设置封闭涂层的收缩变形控制新思路,实现PC箱梁桥长期不均匀收缩变... 混凝土箱梁截面不均匀收缩对结构长期行为影响显著,但目前尚无有效控制方法。从混凝土干燥收缩变形机理出发,针对大跨度PC箱梁桥长期收缩变形特征,提出一种通过结构表面设置封闭涂层的收缩变形控制新思路,实现PC箱梁桥长期不均匀收缩变形控制。模型试验验证了该方法的合理性及可靠性,试验中综合考虑结构外形尺寸、混凝土水灰比及封闭涂层方式等因素。以江津长江大桥为例,开展了封闭涂层试设计,并进行了环境湿度、涂装时间等参数敏感性分析。分析结果表明:通过在箱梁表面设置封闭涂层可以有效降低结构干燥收缩变形、控制结构收缩挠曲变形方向。 展开更多
关键词 梁桥工程 混凝土箱梁桥 封闭涂层 不均匀收缩 长期结构行为 收缩变形控制
大跨预应力砼箱型连续梁桥病害成因分析与加固关键技术 被引量:1
作者 胡玉芬 徐绍婷 刘辉 《江西公路科技》 2015年第3期18-21,共4页
近年来,大跨度预应力混凝土梁桥在公路桥梁中得到了广泛应用,但是在已建成的大跨径预应力混凝土桥梁中,普遍出现箱梁纵向、横向开裂、腹板斜向开裂及跨中下挠等病害缺陷。本文以G206国道石港大桥维修加固工程为背景,针对其主要病害... 近年来,大跨度预应力混凝土梁桥在公路桥梁中得到了广泛应用,但是在已建成的大跨径预应力混凝土桥梁中,普遍出现箱梁纵向、横向开裂、腹板斜向开裂及跨中下挠等病害缺陷。本文以G206国道石港大桥维修加固工程为背景,针对其主要病害特点进行成因分析,提出合理的加固方案。实践证明,加固效果良好,可供同类型桥梁加固参考。 展开更多
关键词 梁桥工程 连续梁桥 结构病害 成因分析 加固对策
作者 陈宇 《建材与装饰》 2020年第10期232-233,共2页
结合桥梁结构的受力情况,根据桥梁设计理念,探究主梁截面的设计方法,对钢结构材质的连续梁桥展开施工技术分析。本文以位于Bekasi境内的2号特大桥作为案例,该桥梁梁体结构属于钢构连续梁,计划采用挂篮悬臂浇筑法完成施工,通过对0#节段... 结合桥梁结构的受力情况,根据桥梁设计理念,探究主梁截面的设计方法,对钢结构材质的连续梁桥展开施工技术分析。本文以位于Bekasi境内的2号特大桥作为案例,该桥梁梁体结构属于钢构连续梁,计划采用挂篮悬臂浇筑法完成施工,通过对0#节段施工、悬臂节段、边跨现浇段施工技术的探讨,阐述该工程的具体施工技术。 展开更多
关键词 连续刚构桥 梁桥工程 施工技术
支座高度和横向约束对连续梁桥抗震性能的影响研究 被引量:1
作者 李程华 胡兵华 《江西科学》 2008年第1期133-139,共7页
关键词 桥梁工程连续梁桥 支座高度 横向约束条件 抗震性能
随机车流下公路钢桥疲劳可靠度分析 被引量:3
作者 肖新辉 鲁乃唯 刘扬 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期1777-1783,共7页
为了建立车载下公路钢桥疲劳应力概率模型,将典型疲劳车辆改进为随机车流模型,提出基于响应面法(RSM)的随机车流下钢桥疲劳应力概率分析方法.建立考虑随机车流参数的疲劳损伤功能函数,分析交通量和车重增长对疲劳可靠度的影响.研究结果... 为了建立车载下公路钢桥疲劳应力概率模型,将典型疲劳车辆改进为随机车流模型,提出基于响应面法(RSM)的随机车流下钢桥疲劳应力概率分析方法.建立考虑随机车流参数的疲劳损伤功能函数,分析交通量和车重增长对疲劳可靠度的影响.研究结果表明,基于RSM的有限元模型替代方法可以高效地分析随机车流下钢桥的疲劳应力;车重和交通量的增长对桥梁的疲劳可靠度有较大的影响,在交通量增长系数达到3%或车重增长系数达到0.4%时,某钢箱梁桥在设计基准期内的可靠指标低于目标可靠指标.随机车流模型在桥梁疲劳应力概率分析与可靠度评估中具有较好的适用性. 展开更多
关键词 梁桥工程 疲劳可靠度 随机车流 响应面法(RSM) 交通量
Comprehensive evaluation method for superstructures of prestressed concrete girder bridges 被引量:3
作者 黄侨 林阳子 任远 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第1期64-68,共5页
A multi-level evaluation model for the superstructure of a damaged prestressed concrete girder or beam bridge is established, and the evaluation indices of the model as well as the rating standards are defined. A norm... A multi-level evaluation model for the superstructure of a damaged prestressed concrete girder or beam bridge is established, and the evaluation indices of the model as well as the rating standards are defined. A normal relative function about the evaluation indices of each element is developed to calculate the relative degree, and for each element there are no sub-level elements. When evaluating the elements in the sub-item level or the index level of the model, the weights of elements pertain to one adopted element, taking into account their degrees of deterioration. Since the relative degrees and structure evaluation scales on the damage conditions are applied to characterize the superstructure of damaged prestressed concrete girder bridges, this method can evaluate the prestressed structure in detail, and the evaluation results agree with the Code for Maintenance of Highway Bridges and Culvers (JTG Hll--2004 ). Finally, a bridge in Jilin province is taken as an example, using the method developed to evaluate its damage conditions, which gives an effective way for bridge engineering. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering comprehensive evaluation analytic hierarchy process(AHP) method relative degree weight modification
桥梁施工控制的内容及方法分析 被引量:1
作者 崔兆云 《中国新技术新产品》 2012年第3期100-100,共1页
关键词 梁桥工程 施工控制 影响因素 内容 方法
作者 陈建兰 黄乐平 《山西建筑》 2005年第11期111-112,共2页
关键词 基础 地下室 现场施工 裂缝
Calculation method of ship collision force on bridge using artificial neural network 被引量:4
作者 Wei FAN Wan-cheng YUAN Qi-wu FAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期614-623,共10页
Ship collision on bridge is a dynamic process featured by high nonlinearity and instantaneity. Calculating ship-bridge collision force typically involves either the use of design-specification-stipulated equivalent st... Ship collision on bridge is a dynamic process featured by high nonlinearity and instantaneity. Calculating ship-bridge collision force typically involves either the use of design-specification-stipulated equivalent static load, or the use of finite element method (FEM) which is more time-consuming and requires supercomputing resources. In this paper, we proposed an alternative approach that combines FEM with artificial neural network (ANN). The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) employed for calculating the impact force in consideration of ship-bridge collision mechanics. With ship velocity and mass as the input vectors and ship collision force as the output vector, the neural networks for different network parameters are trained by the learning samples obtained from finite element simulation results. The error analyses of the learning and testing samples show that the proposed RBFNN is accurate enough to calculate ship-bridge collision force. The input-output relationship obtained by the RBFNN is essentially consistent with the typical empirical formulae. Finally, a special toolbox is developed for calculation efficiency in application using MATLAB software. 展开更多
关键词 Ship-bridge collision force Finite element method (FEM) Artificial neural network (ANN) Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN)
Structural safety monitoring for Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge 被引量:6
作者 黄方林 何旭辉 +1 位作者 陈政清 曾储惠 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2004年第3期332-335,共4页
In order to evaluate objectively and accurately the integrity, safety and operating conditions in real time for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a large structural safety monitoring system was described. The monitori... In order to evaluate objectively and accurately the integrity, safety and operating conditions in real time for the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, a large structural safety monitoring system was described. The monitoring system is composed of three parts: sensor system, signal sampling and processing system, and safety monitoring and assessment system. Combining theoretical analysis with measured data analysis, main monitoring contents and layout of measuring points were determined. The vibration response monitoring was significantly investigated. The main contents of safety monitoring on vibration response monitoring are vibration of the main body of the Nanjing Yangtze river bridge, collision avoidance of the bridge piers, vibration of girders on high piers for the bridge approach and earthquake. As a field laboratory, the safety monitorying system also provides information to investigate the unknown and indeterminate problems on bridge structures and specific environment around bridges. 展开更多
关键词 structural safety monitoring Nanjing Yangtze river bridge safety monitoring system vibration (response)
Dynamic analysis and modal test of long-span cable-stayed bridge based on ambient excitation 被引量:3
作者 陈常松 颜东煌 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第1期135-139,共5页
To study the stiffness distribution of girder and the method to identify modal parameters of cable-stayed bridge, a simplified dynamical finite element method model named three beams model was established for the gird... To study the stiffness distribution of girder and the method to identify modal parameters of cable-stayed bridge, a simplified dynamical finite element method model named three beams model was established for the girder with double ribs. Based on the simplified model four stiffness formulae were deduced according to Hamilton principle. These formulae reflect well the contribution of the flexural, shearing, free torsion and restricted torsion deformation, respectively. An identification method about modal parameters was put forward by combining method of peak value and power spectral density according to modal test under ambient excitation. The dynamic finite element method analysis and modal test were carried out in a long-span concrete cable-stayed bridge. The results show that the errors of frequencies between theoretical analysis and test results are less than 10% mostly, and the most important modal parameters for cable-stayed bridge are determined to be the longitudinal floating mode, the first vertical flexural mode and the first torsional mode, which demonstrate that the method of stiffness distribution for three beams model is accurate and method to identify modal parameters is effective under ambient excitation modal test. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering cable-stayed bridge dynamic finite element method ambient excitation modal test
Design of Bridge Expansion Joints with Perforated Dowels Under Impact Loading 被引量:3
作者 YODA Teruhiko AYASHI Mamiko 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第5期340-343,共4页
The expansion joints are expected to have movement capacity, bearing capacity for static and dynamic loading, water-tightness, low noise emission and traffic safety. In particular, the failure due to impact loading is... The expansion joints are expected to have movement capacity, bearing capacity for static and dynamic loading, water-tightness, low noise emission and traffic safety. In particular, the failure due to impact loading is the main reason for the observed damages. The problem of dynamic behavior of the expansion joints is so complex that we shall focus our attention on the impact factor for vehicle load that is governed by traffic impact. In order to overcome this difficulty, the cantilever-toothed aluminum joint (finger joint) is one of the promising joints under impact loading. In this study, from the viewpoint of design methodology, numerical studies for impact behavior were conducted for aluminum alloy expansion joints with perforated dowels. The design impact factor for the expansion joints with the perforated dowels against traffic impact loading was examined by using numerical simulations. 展开更多
关键词 bridge expansion joints traffic impact loading perforated dowel
Experimental analysis of additional aerodynamic effects caused by wind-driven rain on bridge main girder 被引量:1
作者 LEI Xu SHEN Lian +3 位作者 CHEN Zheng-qing NIU Hua-wei WEI Cheng-long ZHANG Xue-wen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第8期2743-2756,共14页
To study the additional aerodynamic effect on a bridge girder under the action of wind-driven rain, the rainfall similarity considering raindrop impact and surface water is first given. Then, the dynamic characteristi... To study the additional aerodynamic effect on a bridge girder under the action of wind-driven rain, the rainfall similarity considering raindrop impact and surface water is first given. Then, the dynamic characteristics and the process of vortex and flutter generation of the segment models under different rain intensities and angles of attack are tested by considering several typical main girder sections as examples. The test results indicate that the start and end wind speeds,interval length and number of vortex vibrations remain unchanged when it is raining, rainfall will reduce the windinduced vortex response. When test rain intensity is large, the decrease of amplitude is obvious. However, after considering the rain intensity similarity in this study, all of actual maximum rain intensities after conversion approach the domestic extreme rain intensity of approximately 709 mm/h. It can be observed that rainfall has a limited influence on the dynamic characteristics of the structure and vortex vibration response. When the test rain intensity is 120 mm/h, the critical wind speed of the model flutter increases by 20%-30%. However, after considering the rain intensity similarity ratio, the influence of rainfall on the wind-induced flutter instability of the bridge girder may be ignored. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering main girder wind-driven rain similarity law aerodynamic effect
Forms and Aesthetics of Bridges 被引量:14
作者 Man-Chung Tang 《Engineering》 2018年第2期103-112,共10页
The objective of a bridge design is to produce a safe bridge that is elegant and satisfies all functionality requirements, at a cost that is acceptable to the owner. A successful bridge design must be natural, simple,... The objective of a bridge design is to produce a safe bridge that is elegant and satisfies all functionality requirements, at a cost that is acceptable to the owner. A successful bridge design must be natural, simple, original, and harmonious with its surroundings. Aesthetics is not an additional consideration in the design of a bridge, but is rather an integral part of bridge design. Both the structural configuration and the aesthetics of a bridge must be considered together during the conceptual design stage. To achieve such a task, the bridge design engineer must have a good understanding of structural theory and bridge aesthetics. 展开更多
关键词 FORM AESTHETICS BRIDGE Concept Design Environment
Evaluation method research on prestressed concrete bridges
作者 黄侨 林阳子 任远 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期155-159,共5页
Considering the construction features of prestressed concrete bridge, the comprehensive evaluation method about the bridge damage conditions are studied. Particular attentions are paid on establishing a muhilevel eval... Considering the construction features of prestressed concrete bridge, the comprehensive evaluation method about the bridge damage conditions are studied. Particular attentions are paid on establishing a muhilevel evaluation model for damaged prestressed concrete bridge, and the evaluation indices of the model as well as the rating standards are defined in the model. A normal relative function about the evaluation indices of each element is developed to calculate the relative degree, and for each element which is no sub-level elements. When evaluating the elements in sub-item level or index level of the model, the weights of elements that are pertained to one element are adopted, taking account of their deterioration degree. At the same time, the dam- age conditions of bridge are characterized by relative degree, element evaluation scale and structural technology mark of bridge, so it agrees with Code for Maintenance of Highway Bridges and Culvers. 展开更多
关键词 prestressed concrete bridge EVALUATION AHP analytic hierarchy process relational degree weight modify
Study on structural system of Sutong Bridge
作者 Zhang Xigang Pei Minshan +2 位作者 Yuan Hong Xu Liping Zhu Bin 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2009年第1期12-17,共6页
Sutong Bridge,whose layout is [(100+100+300)+1 088 +(300+100+100)] m,marks the largest span of cable-stayed bridges in the world.The complex natural condition at the bridge site and the strict requirements for resista... Sutong Bridge,whose layout is [(100+100+300)+1 088 +(300+100+100)] m,marks the largest span of cable-stayed bridges in the world.The complex natural condition at the bridge site and the strict requirements for resistance of wind and seismic action make it crucial to choose a favorable structural system to assure the function and safety of the bridge.The comparison among several optional structural systems for Sutong Bridge is illustrated.After detailed analysis is carried out for viscous damper and hydraulic buffer,super liquid viscous damper with additional displacement limitation is designed for the first application in bridge engineering.The parameters for the damper is analyzed and studied and the dampers are installed successfully after quality tests. 展开更多
关键词 cable-stayed bridge structural system DAMPER damper parameter displacement restraint
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