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借墨还魂 梅国云“笔外意象”浅论
作者 林森 《收藏与投资》 2015年第2期90-95,共6页
"笔外意象":时代的产物梅国云自创的"笔外意象"是入世的——即使他用的"笔外意象"方式创作了很多与禅佛相关的作品——他总是愿意把自己的思考融入到作品当中,试图影响世道人心。梅国云多次笑言"笔... "笔外意象":时代的产物梅国云自创的"笔外意象"是入世的——即使他用的"笔外意象"方式创作了很多与禅佛相关的作品——他总是愿意把自己的思考融入到作品当中,试图影响世道人心。梅国云多次笑言"笔外意象"诞生有偶然性,纯粹是玩出来的东西,是自媒体、互联网这些时代的波浪,把他的作品推广、扩散开来。"笔外意象"开始在微博上产生影响的时候,作为一个近距离的观察者,我就隐约意识到他对笔墨的独特理解、运用和阐释,或许会对"笔墨" 展开更多
关键词 梅国 世道人心 就隐 听雨 建筑陶瓷 审美意义 韵悠悠 军旅作家 腾讯 茫茫人海
作者 李国君 邓卉 杨春华 《人事天地》 2016年第6期42-44,共3页
人物简介:梅国雄,1975年8月生,湖北省黄冈市黄梅县人。2002年4月博士毕业于河海大学岩土工程国家重点学科,2003年4月至2004年4月香港理工大学RA,2004年6月至2007年6月南京水利科学研究院在职博士后,2014年12月至2016年1月多伦多大学高... 人物简介:梅国雄,1975年8月生,湖北省黄冈市黄梅县人。2002年4月博士毕业于河海大学岩土工程国家重点学科,2003年4月至2004年4月香港理工大学RA,2004年6月至2007年6月南京水利科学研究院在职博士后,2014年12月至2016年1月多伦多大学高级访问教授。 展开更多
关键词 梅国 岩土工程 土木建筑工程 多伦多大学 湖北省黄冈市 人物简介 长江学者 南京工业大学 博士毕业 岩土力学
作者 杨建虎 《共产党人》 2015年第1期55-55,共1页
作品点评申玉梅的国画创作以山水为主,继承了中国山水画的传统,讲究画的神韵意境,以简洁飘逸的笔法给欣赏者带来精神上的享受。她笔下的那些雄厚的山、苍茫的旷野、奔腾不息的流水、自然生长出来的树,都代表了自然界的生命意象。山水画... 作品点评申玉梅的国画创作以山水为主,继承了中国山水画的传统,讲究画的神韵意境,以简洁飘逸的笔法给欣赏者带来精神上的享受。她笔下的那些雄厚的山、苍茫的旷野、奔腾不息的流水、自然生长出来的树,都代表了自然界的生命意象。山水画讲究层次和着色,更讲究虚实结合,《秋岭揽翠图》色彩鲜明,气势非凡,这与她多年来练就的笔墨功夫息息相关。申玉梅通过笔墨语言表现秋天山岭的多彩、深幽,在“方寸之间见气象万千”,冷静中蕴含热烈,热烈中蕴含冷静。中国古代画论中既强调多样性又强调统一性,多样性即反对平铺直叙,反对景物雷同。申玉梅的山水画中的山岭、树木、花草力求新、奇、怪、险,让人感受山峰的雄健和缥缈,感到山重水复、深邃莫测。而且画中“虚”的部分处理得很好,墨色和谐统一,使画的意境更为深远。申玉梅的画注重山水精神的营构与表现,其画风庄重严谨、朴厚雄浑,构图高远细腻,立体感强。 展开更多
关键词 笔墨语言 国画创作 中国古代画论 作品点评 画中 色彩鲜明 梅国 山水精神 方寸之间 使人
作者 朱学梅 《共产党人》 2016年第2期55-55,共1页
作品点评初识朱学梅,是在她和朋友举办的一次画展中,感到其为人朴实、真诚,内心沉静而柔美。在她的心中,有着对艺术执着的追求与探索。她的国画作品以花鸟画为主,灵动飘逸,意境深幽。其作品主题突出,虚、实、冷、暖,浓、淡、干、湿疏密... 作品点评初识朱学梅,是在她和朋友举办的一次画展中,感到其为人朴实、真诚,内心沉静而柔美。在她的心中,有着对艺术执着的追求与探索。她的国画作品以花鸟画为主,灵动飘逸,意境深幽。其作品主题突出,虚、实、冷、暖,浓、淡、干、湿疏密有致,色彩艳而不俗,画面整体浓墨重彩,静美柔和,具有传统的厚重层叠之美,又不失现代感。 展开更多
关键词 疏密有致 王晋元 吴昌硕 心灵家园 静美 现代感 作品点评 梅国 作品主题 审美意趣
最古的人 最潮的人——也谈梅国云的“笔外意象”
作者 马良 《现代青年》 2017年第12期107-112,共6页
梅国云简历梅国云,江苏兴化人,海南省作协专职副主席,海南省文学院院长,双福字创造师,当代实验艺术探索者。创立笔外意象概念,并以此概念指导艺术创作,每幅作品都有着难以置信的想象和构思,在腾讯微博曾创造单幅作品2000万阅读纪录,网... 梅国云简历梅国云,江苏兴化人,海南省作协专职副主席,海南省文学院院长,双福字创造师,当代实验艺术探索者。创立笔外意象概念,并以此概念指导艺术创作,每幅作品都有着难以置信的想象和构思,在腾讯微博曾创造单幅作品2000万阅读纪录,网友对作品解读量难以计数,目前已跨界到陶瓷、刺绣、紫砂壶、砚台、翡翠等物品上。 展开更多
关键词 梅国 意象 文学院院长 专职副主席 江苏兴化 砂壶 腾讯 刺绣 作品解读 韩少功
教育部 江西省人民政府签署协议共建江西师范大学 校长梅国平就学校实现省部共建接受记者采访
《当代江西》 2012年第11期65-66,共2页
记者:作为一所地方师范大学,江西师范大学以什么吸引到教育部决定与江西省人民政府共建?梅国平:江西师范大学能够成为全国第二所省部共建的地方师范大学,是省部关心支持、学校积极争取和各方共同努力的结果。我校能够成为省部共建高校,... 记者:作为一所地方师范大学,江西师范大学以什么吸引到教育部决定与江西省人民政府共建?梅国平:江西师范大学能够成为全国第二所省部共建的地方师范大学,是省部关心支持、学校积极争取和各方共同努力的结果。我校能够成为省部共建高校,我认为主要有五个方面的原因。一是有辉煌的办学历史。学校前身国立中正大学与当时的国立中央大学、国立中山大学并称"民国三中",是民国期间享誉全国的顶级学府,有着深厚的历史底蕴。在1953年全国院系调整时,学校为全国高等教育作出了重大牺牲。 展开更多
关键词 江西师范大学 省部 院系调整 梅国 国立中央大学 中正大学 历史底蕴 一所 教育交流 国务院台办
作者 陈俊愉 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第S2期7-8,共2页
关键词 蜡梅 中国梅花 协会 上海世博会 花卉 配合 大规模 原名 分会 周年
作者 梅国娇 李进华 《图书馆研究》 1991年第3期47-47,共1页
关键词 安远县 集体投资 农村文化阵地 捐书 梅国
作者 吴羽 《陶瓷研究》 2016年第1期16-17,共2页
关键词 金猴 上海世纪公园 陶瓷设计 上海梅 艺术指导 陶瓷研究 梅国 周国桢 芬芳馥郁 小上海
作者 石光弘 《统一论坛》 2000年第5期63-,共1页
关键词 黄埔军校同学会 日至 梅国
作者 叶小洪 《时代潮》 2004年第15期44-45,共2页
为了帮助一位入伍不久的新兵找到他失散19年的母亲,辽宁省开原市驻军某部团长、政委发动全团官兵友爱相助。近万封寻亲求助信、公函发向官兵各自家乡的武装部及公安部门,一场全团大寻亲的悲壮场景以排山倒海之势在全国各地展开。终于,... 为了帮助一位入伍不久的新兵找到他失散19年的母亲,辽宁省开原市驻军某部团长、政委发动全团官兵友爱相助。近万封寻亲求助信、公函发向官兵各自家乡的武装部及公安部门,一场全团大寻亲的悲壮场景以排山倒海之势在全国各地展开。终于,这对经历无数坎坷的患难母子迎来了19年后的重逢。 展开更多
关键词 求助信 梅国 连指导员 罗兴 战友情 李志雄 当兵去 河北省保定市 季全 河北保定
Epidemiological Analysis of Syphilis in China From 1985 to 2000 被引量:2
作者 龚向东 张国成 +4 位作者 叶顺章 张君炎 邵长庚 梁国钧 俞进 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2001年第1期1-6,共6页
Objectives: To understand trends and epidemiological featuresof syphilis over the recent years in China and provide a scien-tific basis for developing prevention strategies. Methods: From 1985 to 2000, syphilis case-r... Objectives: To understand trends and epidemiological featuresof syphilis over the recent years in China and provide a scien-tific basis for developing prevention strategies. Methods: From 1985 to 2000, syphilis case-reporting datacollected from all provinces, autonomous regions and munici-palities were analyzed by applying epidemiological methods. Results: (1) Epidemic trends: syphilis incidence has steadilyrisen in China from 1985 to 2000, especially after 1993, when itassumed an exponential growth pattern. 80,406 cases of syphi-lis were reported in the country in 1999, which was almost 40times the number reported in 1993. During the period of1993-1999, the annual average growth of the syphilis incidencerate was 83.55%. Perhaps due to a recent national law en-forcement campaign, the number of reported syphilis casesdropped slightly in 2000. (2) Geographical distribution: Syphi-lis spread from coastal, 'open' cities (especially some cities inFujian province) to inland urban areas, then to rural areas.Regions with a high incidence rate of syphilis in China were theMinjiang, Yangtze, and Zhujiang River Deltas, Beijing andTianjin municipalities, and Northeast China. There was a sig-nificant difference of syphilis incidence rates and growth ratesbetween these areas. A serious epidemic occurred in some ar-eas, with an incidence rate reaching over 200 cases out of100,000. (3) Population distribution: the ratio of male and fe-male cases gradually changed from 1.57:1 in 1993 to 1.02:1 in2000. The rate was the highest in the 20-29 age group and thelowest in 10-14 age group. A great difference existed in preva-lence between different population groups and different areas,and some areas with serious epidemics had high prevalencerates even amoung the general population. (4) Clinical stage ofsyphilis: Primary and secondary syphilis cases have beendominating with a percentage of 90% of all syphilis cases. Pri-mary syphilis was the most common in males and secondarysyphilis in females. Secondary and latent syphilis cases in fe-males were more than in males. (5) The congenital syphilisincidence has increased dramatically. Two cases were reportedin 1991 and 468 cases in 2000. Conclusion: The syphilis epidemic in China became muchmore severe between 1985 and 2000, and such increasingtrends deserve our serious attention. 展开更多
Clinical Value of the Fluorescent Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction in the Diagnosis of Primary Syphilis
作者 朱慧兰 曾序春 +2 位作者 叶兴东 武明昌 曾仁山 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2005年第1期21-23,共3页
Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) in the diagnosis of primary syphilis. Methods: 68 swab specimens were collected from patients suspected of i... Objective: To evaluate the clinical value of fluorescent quantitative polymerase chain reaction (FQ-PCR) in the diagnosis of primary syphilis. Methods: 68 swab specimens were collected from patients suspected of infecttion with primary syphilis attending two STD clinics (Guangzhou Institute of Dermatovenerology and the First People's Hospital of Guangzhou city), from September 1998 to December 2000. Analysis: by FQ-PCR, darkfield microscopy (D-F) for Treponema pallidum (TP), and serologic testing for syphilis (STS). Results: Of 68 patients, 30 (44.12%) were positive for TP by QF-PCR assay, 19 (27.94%) were positive for TP by D-F, 33 (48.53%) were positive for TP-IgG antibody by RPR, and 42 (61.76%) were positive for TP-IgG antibody by TPHA. There are significant differences in detection between D-F and TPHA (P〈0.05), but there is no difference with RPR (P〉0.1). Conclusion: This data shows that QF-PCR is a convenient, reliable and rapid method for diagnosis of primary syphilis, and may be an effective clinical assay in the detection of TP. 展开更多
关键词 primary syphilis DIAGNOSIS fluorescentquantitative polymerase chain reaction
Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Syphilis in China
作者 邵长庚 韩国柱 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2005年第1期50-56,共7页
Syphilis is a focal point in prevention and control of STDs. Syplhilis now presents different epidemiological and clinical features to the past, and the syphilis epidemic is not serious as previously - late syphilis a... Syphilis is a focal point in prevention and control of STDs. Syplhilis now presents different epidemiological and clinical features to the past, and the syphilis epidemic is not serious as previously - late syphilis and congenital syphilis being relatively rare in the whole country. The clinical features of skin lesions in primary and secondary syphilis have not changed substantially but the proportion of various types of lesions is different to the past. As syphilis has not been present in China for more than 15 years, some young medical workers have no experience in the diagnosis and treatment of this disease. They often misdiagnose or miss diagnosis. These medical workers need better knowledge and treatment skills. In order to control syphilis as soon as possible through early diagnosis and treatment, this article gives an introduction to this issue for colleagues by way of a comparison of the past status and the present. 展开更多
关键词 SYPHILIS EPIDEMIC Clinical manifestation Prevention and cure
Dynamics of settling participate matter during typhoon Muifa in Heini Bay,China
作者 刘晓 黄海军 +2 位作者 严立文 刘艳霞 马立杰 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期210-221,共12页
Settling particulate matter(SPM) is widely used to describe the sedimentary environment.We have investigated here the SPM collected with a time-series sediment trap in the Heini Bay,Weihai,Shandong Peninsula,China,dur... Settling particulate matter(SPM) is widely used to describe the sedimentary environment.We have investigated here the SPM collected with a time-series sediment trap in the Heini Bay,Weihai,Shandong Peninsula,China,during the super typhoon Muifa(August 2011,maximum wind speed 55 m/s).Meteorological and hydrological parameters were measured for 18 days.By analyzing the particle flux,grain size,and loss-on-ignition(organic matter content) of SPM we found dramatic changes in these parameters,induced by typhoon Muifa for about 6 days.With the arrival of typhoon,the daily SPM fluxes increased sharply to the maximum at 76.4 g/(m^2·d) on the first day and this increase is about 9 times of the normal value,and after 6 days the SPM decreased to the normal value gradually.Other parameters,such as grain size of SPM and organic matter also experienced similar changes.Using these SPM parameters,we divided the settling progress by cluster analysis into three phases:strong(for 3 days),weak(for 3 days),and zero typhoon impact. 展开更多
关键词 settling particulate matter (SPM) TYPHOON sediment trap SPM flux Heini Bay
Re-Discussion on East Asian Meiyu Rainy Season
作者 Lü Jun-Mei JU Jian-Hua TAO Shi-Yan 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2013年第5期279-283,共5页
In this paper,the synoptic-climatology of Meiyn in East Asia is discussed.It is proposed that the location of the rain band of Meiyu is stable from the viewpoint of climatology,even though the active (wet) and break... In this paper,the synoptic-climatology of Meiyn in East Asia is discussed.It is proposed that the location of the rain band of Meiyu is stable from the viewpoint of climatology,even though the active (wet) and break (dry) Meiyu are influenced by synoptic systems.The duration and the onset and retreat dates of Meiyu exhibit tremendous interannual variabilities,and thus,they are almost unpredictable in seasonal climate prediction.The Meiyu has been used as a synoptic concept and applied to the operational forecast for many decades by meteorological agencies in East Asian countries.As a result,the prediction of the onset and retreat dates of Meiyu has become an important operational work for meteorological services.This has also misled the public's and scientists' attention.The northward propagation of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) surge associated with the intraseasonal oscillation is closely related to the active and break Meiyu.The activities and propagation of the EASM surge modulate the active/break Meiyu that cause concentrative severe precipitation processes and floods or droughts; hence,the authors suggest changing the current forecasting methodology of Meiyu.It is more meaningful from the scientific as well as application viewpoints to establish the monitoring and forecasting of the EASM surge to replace the current operational forecast of Meiyu after the seasonal progress enters the climatological Meiyu period in a year. 展开更多
关键词 Meiyu rainy season CLIMATOLOGY monsoon surge intraseasonal oscillation
Petrologic composition model of the upper crust in Bohai Bay basin,China,based on Lamé impedances 被引量:1
作者 张唽 Loui sa L.H.Tsang +1 位作者 王仰华 赵兵 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第4期327-336,393,394,共12页
Seismic attributes, such as P- and S-wave velocity, Poisson's ratio, and acoustic impedances, all generally can be used for distinguishing different rock types. The nonuniqueness can be largely reduced using Lame imp... Seismic attributes, such as P- and S-wave velocity, Poisson's ratio, and acoustic impedances, all generally can be used for distinguishing different rock types. The nonuniqueness can be largely reduced using Lame impedances instead of acoustic impedances as additional constraints. We have followed this method to constitute a petrologic composition model of the upper crust in the Bohai Bay basin, China. We briefly review the seismic parameters used for discrimination of rock types and focus our attention on the sensitivity of different combinations of parameters to determine the composition of materials. Corrections for pressure and temperature are performed in order to compare elastic wave velocities and densities measured at room temperature and surface pressure in laboratory with those for representative rock parameters. In a second step, we find the rock classes in the tested area by contrasting known data to laboratory measurements on a variety of rock samples extracted in the area. The basic field data are P-wave velocity values collected along a seismic profile conducted in the Bozhong Depression. The different rock types belonging to a particular rock class are finally constrained by the seismic velocities, Poisson's ratio, density, acoustic impedance, and Lame imoedance related to the topmost 10 km of the Bohai Bav crust. 展开更多
关键词 seismic velocity Poisson's ratio acoustic and Lam6 impedances Bohai Bay
Coral Bleaching in Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park after Tropical Storm Rina in October 2011
作者 Norman Quinn Barbara L. Kojis 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第11期784-789,共6页
Extensive bleaching of Montastrea annularis spp. group and several other scleractinian taxa occurred on the reefs within the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park of Cozumel, Mexico, after the passage of Hurricane/Tropic... Extensive bleaching of Montastrea annularis spp. group and several other scleractinian taxa occurred on the reefs within the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park of Cozumel, Mexico, after the passage of Hurricane/Tropical Storm Rina. We conducted six drift dives at five different dive sites (-13 h of scuba diving) and photographed a variety of reefs scenes at depths of 10-28 m. Bleaching was noted at depths of 10-40 m in a variety of scleractinian species, including M. annularis species group, especially M. faveolata and Siderastrea siderea. Considering that local dive guides had not observed bleaching prior to the storm and the sea surface temperature did not exceed the local bleaching threshold, it is probable that the extensive rainfall associated with Hurricane/Tropical Storm Rina lowered salinity sufficiently via subsurface freshwater springs to cause bleaching in susceptible species. This suggests the need to monitor not only subsurface sea temperature but also subsurface salinity in localities where freshwater springs occur adjacent to or within coral reefs. 展开更多
关键词 Hurricanes coral damage marine protected area coral bleaching SALINITY Yucatan.
作者 肖保江 《人民之友》 2016年第8期30-31,共2页
涟源市三届人大常委会对城区"两河"治理的持续监督和全力呵护,让涟源的"母亲河"重现生机和灵气。7月的一天,一个风和日丽的日子。笔者缓步来到蓝溪桥上,只见涟水河清波荡漾,小孩在河中嬉戏玩闹,老人在河边纳凉聊天... 涟源市三届人大常委会对城区"两河"治理的持续监督和全力呵护,让涟源的"母亲河"重现生机和灵气。7月的一天,一个风和日丽的日子。笔者缓步来到蓝溪桥上,只见涟水河清波荡漾,小孩在河中嬉戏玩闹,老人在河边纳凉聊天,呈现一派温馨和谐的景象。曾经一度被污染的涟水河又恢复了往日的生机。这一切得益于涟源市三届人大常委会对城区"两河"治理的持续监督,强力推动和全力呵护。"母亲河"告急,人大代表心忧涟源城区蓝田是一座有着数百年历史的古镇, 展开更多
关键词 涟水 蓝溪 河中 六届人大常委 工作报告 梅国 臭水沟 人民公园 水污染治理 预算经费
作者 李作明 杨晓波 刘德武 《婚姻与家庭(婚姻情感版)》 2004年第8期34-36,共3页
关键词 求助信 梅国 父子俩 罗兴 战友情 山西大同 当地派出所 户籍科 小伙伴 户口迁移
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