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当代非虚构写作的生活记忆与生态情感——以《爱,遗落在森林和草地》为例 被引量:2
作者 王丙珍 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第3期13-17,共5页
当代非虚构写作是基于作家自身的人生经历、审美体验、生活记忆、家园意识、生态伦理和情感的生命书写,规避人与自然环境二元对立的思维模式与立场,扬弃人类中心主义或生态中心主义的一元观,以生存、生活、生命、生态、爱为核心,彰显作... 当代非虚构写作是基于作家自身的人生经历、审美体验、生活记忆、家园意识、生态伦理和情感的生命书写,规避人与自然环境二元对立的思维模式与立场,扬弃人类中心主义或生态中心主义的一元观,以生存、生活、生命、生态、爱为核心,彰显作家的非虚构文学观和生态审美理想,追求真善美共存的生态伦理价值。结合黑龙江本土作家田犁的诗歌与散文集《爱,遗落在森林和草地》,阐释当代非虚构写作的文化生态语境,生活记忆的空间叙事、生态情感和生命书写,凸显创意写作在山村和城市的环境问题、保护生态的责任及审美救赎层面的文化功能与社会价值。 展开更多
关键词 非虚构写作 生活记忆 生态情感 审美救赎 《爱 遗落在森林草地
新疆天山西部巩乃斯河谷积雪与森林/草地覆盖条件下季节冻土特征分析 被引量:6
作者 张飞云 郭玲鹏 +1 位作者 郝建盛 杨涛 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期316-323,共8页
不同的覆盖条件下,季节冻土的特征会存在差异。为了分析积雪与森林/草地覆盖条件下季节冻土的特征,在新疆天山西部巩乃斯河上游的中国科学院天山积雪雪崩研究站的实验场地监测了森林-积雪,草地-积雪,以及草地覆盖条件下季节冻土的冻结深... 不同的覆盖条件下,季节冻土的特征会存在差异。为了分析积雪与森林/草地覆盖条件下季节冻土的特征,在新疆天山西部巩乃斯河上游的中国科学院天山积雪雪崩研究站的实验场地监测了森林-积雪,草地-积雪,以及草地覆盖条件下季节冻土的冻结深度,并对有无积雪覆盖条件下季节冻土发育过程中的土壤温度和土壤含水量进行了跟踪测量。结果表明:森林-积雪覆盖条件下季节冻土的冻结深度最浅,草地-积雪覆盖条件下次之,草地覆盖条件下最深。积雪的存在可以改变季节冻土的冻结深度,还会影响土壤温度和土壤含水量变化。在季节冻土的发育阶段,积雪的隔热作用使得有积雪覆盖条件下土壤温度和土壤含水量较高;在积雪消融阶段,由于积雪融水的补给,土壤含水量也相应地增加,积雪消失后由于蒸发的存在导致土壤含水量减少。 展开更多
关键词 森林/草地 积雪 季节冻土 巩乃斯河谷 新疆天山
渭北黄土高原刺槐林—草地景观界面土壤水分影响域及其动态变化规律研究 被引量:10
作者 张永 宋西德 +2 位作者 叶彦辉 曾德慧 尤文忠 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期133-137,共5页
对渭北黄土高原刺槐林—草地景观界面土壤水分影响域及其时空动态变化规律进行了研究。采用移动窗口法分析得出刺槐林—草地景观界面土壤水分影响域为林内4 m到林外12 m之间,宽度16 m,为渐变型界面,由此可将刺槐林—草地景观划分为3个... 对渭北黄土高原刺槐林—草地景观界面土壤水分影响域及其时空动态变化规律进行了研究。采用移动窗口法分析得出刺槐林—草地景观界面土壤水分影响域为林内4 m到林外12 m之间,宽度16 m,为渐变型界面,由此可将刺槐林—草地景观划分为3个区域:草地区、界面区和刺槐林区。经典统计分析表明,历经3个区域,不同层次的土壤水分在水平方向上随着水平距离梯度的变化表现出不同的上升或下降的趋势,在界面区域土壤含水量变化最为显著。基于标准差和变异系数两个指标,可将草地和林地区域土壤剖面水分垂直变化划分为4层,界面区域划分为3层。3个区域土壤含水量的季节变化表现为基本一致的“高-低-高”规律,可以划分为3个时期,4~5月中旬为土壤水分贮存期,6~7月中旬为土壤水分消耗期,8~10月中旬土壤水分恢复期。水分在时间和空间上的这种变化主要受植被类型、根系分布、降水资源再分配的影响。 展开更多
关键词 森林-草地 景观界面 界面影响域 移动窗口法
以林长制为引领 严惩毁林毁草行为
作者 矫松原 《国土绿化》 2024年第9期8-8,共1页
以林长制为核心,全面强化森林和草原资源的保护工作,是推进生态文明建设、实现美丽中国目标的关键举措。9月24日,国家林草局召开“全面加强森林和草原资源保护”新闻发布会,详细介绍了国家林草局充分发挥林长制统领作用、全面强化林草... 以林长制为核心,全面强化森林和草原资源的保护工作,是推进生态文明建设、实现美丽中国目标的关键举措。9月24日,国家林草局召开“全面加强森林和草原资源保护”新闻发布会,详细介绍了国家林草局充分发挥林长制统领作用、全面强化林草资源保护管理的有关情况,并通报了今年第三批破坏森林和草地的典型案例。 展开更多
关键词 草原资源 关键举措 生态文明建设 林长制 林草 全面强化 新闻发布会 森林草地
深入推进退耕还林 拓宽绿水青山转化金山银山的路径
作者 任天阳 《中国林业产业》 2024年第5期31-33,共3页
本研究旨在探讨退耕还林项目与生态经济发展之间的相互作用,评估退耕还林对生态经济发展的影响,并提出有效的协调机制以解决存在的问题和挑战。近年来,随着全球生态环境问题的日益严峻,退耕还林作为一种生态恢复和土地管理的重要策略,... 本研究旨在探讨退耕还林项目与生态经济发展之间的相互作用,评估退耕还林对生态经济发展的影响,并提出有效的协调机制以解决存在的问题和挑战。近年来,随着全球生态环境问题的日益严峻,退耕还林作为一种生态恢复和土地管理的重要策略,已在多个国家得到广泛实施。该政策旨在通过恢复森林和草地,改善生态系统服务,促进生物多样性的保护,并应对气候变化。退耕还林项目的实施不仅涉及生态环境的改善,还深刻影响着地区的经济结构和社区居民的生活方式。因此,研究退耕还林与生态经济发展的相互作用,对于制定有效的政策和实现可持续发展具有重要的理论和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 全球生态环境 生态系统服务 生态经济发展 生态恢复 森林草地 退耕还林 协调机制 实现可持续发展
黄土丘陵区林草景观界面雨后土壤水分空间变异规律 被引量:24
作者 尤文忠 曾德慧 +3 位作者 刘明国 宋西德 叶彦辉 张永 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第9期1591-1596,共6页
对黄土丘陵区刺槐林-草地景观界面上雨后土壤表层(0~10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)水分的空间变异规律进行了研究.经典统计学分析表明,草地两层的土壤含水量分别高于林地;林草界面两层的土壤含水量均为弱变异程度,并具有明显的生态梯度.... 对黄土丘陵区刺槐林-草地景观界面上雨后土壤表层(0~10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)水分的空间变异规律进行了研究.经典统计学分析表明,草地两层的土壤含水量分别高于林地;林草界面两层的土壤含水量均为弱变异程度,并具有明显的生态梯度.移动窗口法分析表明,林草界面对土壤表层和亚表层的水分影响范围为边界两侧4 m、3 m,影响域分别为8 m、6 m.地统计学分析表明,草地两层土壤含水量空间分布均表现为纯块金效应,林地两层均可拟合成线性模型,而林草界面两层均可拟合成球状模型;林草界面土壤表层、亚表层水分空间依赖性和空间自相关较强,其空间结构异质性明显高于林地和草地.克立格制图描述的林草界面土壤水分的空间分布格局为从边界处向两侧的一定距离范围内,土壤含水量呈条带状分布,而在较远的距离,水分的空间分布呈现出几个明显的斑块状. 展开更多
关键词 森林-草地界面 土壤水分 地统计学 分布格局
黄土丘陵区林草景观界面土壤养分分布特征和空间变异性研究 被引量:13
作者 叶彦辉 宋西德 +4 位作者 张永 刘莉丽 曾德慧 尤文忠 赵阿妮 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期1-6,共6页
通过对泾河流域林草景观界面的土壤养分测定,分析比较界面中养分的分布特征及空间变异性。结果表明:该流域内的土壤养分分布不平衡,除钾素含量(22.977~25.183 g.k-g1)富足外,其他养分含量都很低;林地内养分含量高于草地(有机质含量高16... 通过对泾河流域林草景观界面的土壤养分测定,分析比较界面中养分的分布特征及空间变异性。结果表明:该流域内的土壤养分分布不平衡,除钾素含量(22.977~25.183 g.k-g1)富足外,其他养分含量都很低;林地内养分含量高于草地(有机质含量高16.310%;水解氮含量高19.570%),在界面上养分变化较大,林内和草地内养分变化较小;界面上养分时空差异不明显,而层次之间差异显著。无论是林地还是草地,土壤各养分的变化是确定性变异和随机性变异共同作用的结果,且确定性的变化规律往往控制一定范围内土壤养分的变化和分布。 展开更多
关键词 森林-草地界面 土壤养分 空间变异 黄土丘陵区
Vegetation landscape structure and dynamics in sandy forest-steppe ecotone
作者 邹春静 韩士杰 +1 位作者 徐文铎 李道棠 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第4期303-306,共4页
Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, land... Sandy forest-steppe ecotone in Baiyinaobao Natural Reserve of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China is one of the special landscape types in forest-steppe vegetation zone in China. Vegetation landscape types, landscape patches, and patch size were measured by the field investigation, forest photograph, and airscape. The structure of landscape patches in sandy forest-steppe ecotone, including composition structure, and size structure, was studied and the dynamics and transformation of landscape patches were analyzed. The data obtained in this study could provide theoretical basis for the research on vegetation landscape in forest-steppe ecotones and other vegetation types. 展开更多
关键词 Vegetation landscape STRUCTURE DYNAMICS Sandy forest STEPPE ECOTONE
作者 王沅 《世界农业》 1987年第12期38-40,共3页
联邦德国是一个被称为“绿色王国”的国家。整个国土面积中林地占30%,农业用地占56%,就是说全国有86%土地被绿色植物覆盖着。在这56%的农业地中,其中耕地占60%,永久性草地占38%,葡萄园占1%,果园、苗圃等占工%。但是这个“绿色... 联邦德国是一个被称为“绿色王国”的国家。整个国土面积中林地占30%,农业用地占56%,就是说全国有86%土地被绿色植物覆盖着。在这56%的农业地中,其中耕地占60%,永久性草地占38%,葡萄园占1%,果园、苗圃等占工%。但是这个“绿色国家”近几十年来却深为环境污染所苦恼。污染主要来自以下两个方面: 展开更多
关键词 联邦德国 农业环境 农场 永久性草地 人工更新 森林草地 树种结构 农业生态环境 畜牧业 农业生态平衡
Soil N Pools and Transformation Rates Under Different Land Uses in a Subalpine Forest-Grassland Ecotone 被引量:19
作者 SUNGeng WUNing LUOPeng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期52-58,共7页
Soil nitrogen pools (NP), denitrification (DN), gross nitrification (GN), N2O and CO2 flux rates with their responses to temperature increases were determined under five different land uses and managements in a subalp... Soil nitrogen pools (NP), denitrification (DN), gross nitrification (GN), N2O and CO2 flux rates with their responses to temperature increases were determined under five different land uses and managements in a subalpine forest-grassland ecotone of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Land uses consisted of 1) sparse woodland, 2) shrub-land, 3) natural pasture, 4)fenced pasture, and 5) tilled pasture mimicking a gradient degenerating ecosystem under grazing impacts. The NO3--N content was higher than the NH4+-N content. Comparing tilled pasture with fenced pasture showed that higher intensive management (tillage) led to a significant decrease of soil organic matter (SOM) (P < 0.05) in the soils, which was in contrast to the significant increases (P <0.05) of DN, GN, N2O and CO2 flux rates. GN (excluding tilled pasture) and CO2 flux rates increased with a temperature rise, but DN and N2O flux rates normally reached their maximum values at 12-14 ℃ with tilled pasture (the highest management intensity) being very sensitive to temperature increases. There was a difference between net nitrification and GN, with GN being a betterindicator of soil nitrification. 展开更多
关键词 DENITRIFICATION gross nitrification land use subalpine forest-grassland ecotone Tibetan Plateau
Soil Carbon Stock and Flux in Plantation Forest and Grassland Ecosystems in Loess Plateau, China 被引量:3
作者 HU Chanjuan LIU Guohua +3 位作者 FU Bojie CHEN Liding LYU Yihe GUO Lei 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期423-435,共13页
Carbon sequestration occurs when cultivated soils are re-vegetated. In the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation forest and grassland were the two main vegetation typ... Carbon sequestration occurs when cultivated soils are re-vegetated. In the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China, black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation forest and grassland were the two main vegetation types used to mitigate soil and water loss after cultivation abandonment. The purpose of this study was to compare the soil carbon stock and flux of these two types of vegetation which restored for 25 years. The experiment was conducted in Yangjuangou catchment in Yah'an City, Shaanxi Province, China. Two adjacent slopes were chosen for this study. Six sample sites were spaced every 35-45 m from summit to toe slope along the hill slope, and each sample site contained three sampling plots. Soil organic carbon and related physicochemical properties in the surface soil layer (0-10 cm and 10-20 cm) were measured based on soil sampling and laboratory analysis, and the soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and environmental factors were measured in the same sample sites simultaneously. Results indicated that in general, a higher soil carbon stock was found in the black locust plantation forest than that in grassland throughout the hill slope. Meanwhile, significant differences in the soil carbon stock were observed between these two vegetation types in the upper slope at soil depth 0-10 cm and lower slope at soil depth 10-20 cm. The average daily values of the soil CO2 emissions were 1.27 μmol/(m2·s) and 1.39 μmol/(m2·s) for forest and grassland, respectively. The soil carbon flux in forest covered areas was higher in spring and less variation was detected between different seasons, while the highest carbon flux was found in grassland in summer, which was about three times higher than that in autumn and spring. From the carbon sequestration point of view, black locust plantation forest on hill slopes might be better than grassland because of a higher soil carbon stock and lower carbon flux. 展开更多
关键词 soil organic carbon soil carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions vegetation restoration Loess Plateau
Ecological Consequences of Land Use Change: Forest Structure and Regeneration across the Forest-grassland Ecotone in Mountain Pastures in Nepal 被引量:1
作者 Lila Nath SHARMA Ole Reidar VETAAS +1 位作者 Ram Prasad CHAUDHARY Inger Elisabeth MREN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第4期838-849,共12页
The ecotone, the spatial transition zone between two vegetation communities, is claimed to have more species than the adjoining communities. However, empirical studies do not always confirm higher richness at the ecot... The ecotone, the spatial transition zone between two vegetation communities, is claimed to have more species than the adjoining communities. However, empirical studies do not always confirm higher richness at the ecotone. The ecotone position and structure are dynamic over time and space and it is driven by the changes in climate, land use or their interaction. In this context, we assessed the forest- grassland ecotone of temperate mountains in central Nepal by i) comparing species composition and richness across the ecotone, ii) analyzing if the forestgrassland ecotone is shifting towards the grassland center by colonizing them with trees, and iii) discussing the consequence of changed disturbance regime in the dynamics of this ecotone and the surrounding grasslands. We analyzed vegetation data sampled from belt transects laid across the forest- grassland ecotone in semi-natural grassland patches. Vegetation data consisting of species richness and composition, and size structure and regeneration of the two most dominant tree species, namely Rhododendron arboreum and Abies spectabilis, from the transects, were used to analyze the trend of the forest-grassland ecotone. Forest and grasslands were different in terms of floristic composition and diversity. Vascular plant speciesrichness linearly increased while moving from forest interior to grassland center. Spatial pattern of tree size structure and regeneration infers that forest boundary is advancing towards the grasslands at the expense of the grassland area, and tree establishment in the grasslands is part of a suceessional process. Temporally, tree establishment in grasslands started following the gradual decline in disturbance. We argue that local processes in terms of changed land use may best explain the phenomenon of ecotone shift and consequent forest expansion in these grasslands. We underpin the need for further research on the mechanism, rate and spatial extent of ecotone shift by using advaneed tools to understand the process indepth. 展开更多
关键词 Ecotone shift Grasslands Forest Landuse change RHODODENDRON
作者 黎风 李英 黎溪 《山西林业》 1998年第3期31-32,共2页
关键词 先秦时期 中条山 黄河中游 山西 史念海 林草 森林资源 春秋战国 森林草地 历史时期
作者 路石 《天津教育》 1998年第Z1期80-80,共1页
许多去过美国的朋友回来都说,最令人欣赏的是遍布城乡的草坪。不管你走到哪儿,只要是空旷的地方,必造绿地、树林。城郊那些高尔夫球场,远望像片片绿洲,近看则修剪得如张张地毯。就连以摩天大楼林立闻名世界的纽约曼哈顿,也有“中... 许多去过美国的朋友回来都说,最令人欣赏的是遍布城乡的草坪。不管你走到哪儿,只要是空旷的地方,必造绿地、树林。城郊那些高尔夫球场,远望像片片绿洲,近看则修剪得如张张地毯。就连以摩天大楼林立闻名世界的纽约曼哈顿,也有“中心公园”绿地,被称作“曼哈顿的肺”... 展开更多
关键词 草坪 高尔夫球场 曼哈顿 草木花卉 禁止入内 空气洁净 森林草地 防治病虫害 法规约束 生活情趣
作者 王琨武 《陕西教育(教学)》 1995年第9期32-32,共1页
关键词 语文练习题 课文内容 《落花生》 骨骼化石 《观潮》 森林草地 正确读音 读书笔记 电冰箱 高尚品质
Forest encroachment in Eastern European forest-steppes at a decadal time scale
作者 LászlóErdős GáborÓnodi +7 位作者 Csaba Tölgyesi György Kröel-Dulay Zoltán Bátori Eszter Aradi Péter Török Khanh Vu Ho Indri Puspitasari LászlóKörmöczi 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期205-216,共12页
In the Eurasian forest-steppe,with increasing aridity,the balance between naturally co-existing forest and grassland patches is expected to shift towards grassland dominance in the long run,although feedback mechanism... In the Eurasian forest-steppe,with increasing aridity,the balance between naturally co-existing forest and grassland patches is expected to shift towards grassland dominance in the long run,although feedback mechanisms and changes in land-use may alter this process.In this study,we compared old and recent aerial photographs of Hungarian forest-steppes to find out whether and how the forest proportion and the number of forest patches change at the decadal time scale.The percentage area covered by forest significantly increased in all study sites.The observed forest encroachment may be a legacy from earlier land-use:due to ceased or reduced grazing pressure,forests are invading grasslands until the potential forest cover allowed by climate and soil is reached.The number of forest patches significantly increased at one site(Fülöpháza),while it decreased at two sites(Bugac and Orgovány)and showed no significant change at the fourth site(Tázlár).This indicates that forest encroachment can happen at least in two different ways:through the emergence of new forest patches in the grassland,and through the extension and coalescence of already existing forest patches.Though the present work revealed increasing tree cover at a decadal time scale,the dynamic process should be monitored in the future to see how the vegetation reacts to further aridification.This could help devise a conservation strategy,as the woody/non-woody balance has a profound influence on basic ecosystem properties. 展开更多
关键词 forest-grassland dynamics grazing semi-open ecosystems tree-grass ecosystems woody-herbaceous ecosystems
艾蒿群落生物量初步研究 被引量:21
作者 朱志诚 贾东林 岳明 《中国草地》 CSCD 1997年第5期6-13,共8页
研究了陕北黄土高原森林区和森林草原地带分布面积广、在植物群落演替过程中具明显地位的茭蒿群落的生物量,测定了地上和地下生物量的季节和地带性变化。结果表明,茭蒿群落生物量季节变化明显,8月中旬地下生物量达峰值(1388.... 研究了陕北黄土高原森林区和森林草原地带分布面积广、在植物群落演替过程中具明显地位的茭蒿群落的生物量,测定了地上和地下生物量的季节和地带性变化。结果表明,茭蒿群落生物量季节变化明显,8月中旬地下生物量达峰值(1388.57g/m2),地上生物量峰值出现在9月中旬(234.05g/m2)。 展开更多
关键词 森林草地 艾蒿群落 群落 生物量 动态
中国能源碳足迹生态压力变动的因素分解研究 被引量:11
作者 张清 郑丹 许宪硕 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期41-46,共6页
文中在相关能源碳足迹研究的基础上,提出了能源碳足迹生态压力(EPICF)的概念,并对1996-2010年中国能源碳足迹生态压力的动态变化进行了定量分析,结果显示,中国EPICF从0.97hm2/hm2增加到1.96hm2/hm2,增加了2.021倍,现有森林和草地的面积... 文中在相关能源碳足迹研究的基础上,提出了能源碳足迹生态压力(EPICF)的概念,并对1996-2010年中国能源碳足迹生态压力的动态变化进行了定量分析,结果显示,中国EPICF从0.97hm2/hm2增加到1.96hm2/hm2,增加了2.021倍,现有森林和草地的面积不能够满足日益增加的能源碳足迹。之后,利用LMDI法对其进行因素分解,结果表明,森林和草地的人口压力、能源结构和能源强度3个因素对EPICF的增加起到抑制的作用,经济发展因素起到促进的作用。其中,能源强度因素对EPICF下降的贡献值和贡献率最大,其次是森林和草地的人口压力因素。在影响EPICF变化的诸多因素中,经济因素的促进作用超过其它的抑制因素,经济发展带来的生态压力问题将更加严峻。 展开更多
关键词 碳足迹 能源碳足迹生态压力 LMDI法 森林草地
Diffusivity Models and Greenhouse Gases Fluxes from a Forest,Pasture,Grassland and Corn Field in Northern Hokkaido,Japan 被引量:1
作者 N.V.NKONGOLO R.HATANO V.KAKEMBO 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期747-760,共14页
Information on the most influential factors determining gas flux from soils is needed in predictive models for greenhouse gases emissions. We conducted an intensive soil and air sampling along a 2 000 m transect exten... Information on the most influential factors determining gas flux from soils is needed in predictive models for greenhouse gases emissions. We conducted an intensive soil and air sampling along a 2 000 m transect extending from a forest, pasture, grassland and corn field in Shizunai, Hokkaido (Japan), measured CO2, CH4, N20 and NO fluxes and calculated soil bulk density (Pb), air-filled porosity (fa) and total porosity (Ф). Using diffusivity models based on either fa alone or on a combination of fa and 4, we predicted two pore space indices: the relative gas diffusion coefficient (Ds/Do) and the pore tortuosity factor (T). The relationships between pore space indices (Ds/Do and T) and C02, CH4, N2O and NO fluxes were also studied. Results showed that the grassland had the highest Pb while fa and Ф were the highest in the forest. CO2, CH4, N20 and NO fluxes were the highest in the grassland while N20 dominated in the corn field. Few correlations existed between fa, Ф, Pb and gases fluxes while all models predicted that Ds/Do and T significantly correlated with CO2 and CH4 with correlation coefficient (r) ranging from 0.20 to 0.80. Overall, diffusivity models based on fa alone gave higher Ds/Do, lower τ, and higher R2 and better explained the relationship between pore space indices (Ds/Do and τ) and gases fluxes. Inclusion of Ds/Do and τ in predictive models will improve our understanding of the dynamics of greenhouse gas fluxes from soils. Ds/Do and τ can be easily obtained by measurements of soil air and water and existing diffusivity models. 展开更多
关键词 air-filled porosity gas diffusion coefficient pore space indices pore tortuosity factor soil bulk density
绿色植物对人的益处 被引量:2
作者 戈力 《中国病毒病杂志》 CAS 2002年第4期224-224,共1页
当人们走进茂密的森林和草地的绿色环境中,立刻感到空气清新、心情舒畅、情绪兴奋,这是因为绿色植物在生长过程中进行光合作用时,吸收大量二氧化碳,放出氧气,同时又有大量的负离子存在的缘故。 据调查测算,1公顷阔叶林每天能吸收二氧化... 当人们走进茂密的森林和草地的绿色环境中,立刻感到空气清新、心情舒畅、情绪兴奋,这是因为绿色植物在生长过程中进行光合作用时,吸收大量二氧化碳,放出氧气,同时又有大量的负离子存在的缘故。 据调查测算,1公顷阔叶林每天能吸收二氧化碳1t,放出氧730 kg。一个成年人每天需要0.75 kg氧,呼出1 kg二氧化碳,大约需要10 m^2绿地提供氧气。 展开更多
关键词 绿色植物 氧化碳 绿色环境 光合作用 中枢神经系统 生长过程 森林草地 成年人 负离子 阔叶林
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