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培育植保生态文化 促进可持续农业发展 被引量:5
作者 张福山 徐学荣 +1 位作者 林奇英 谢联辉 《福建农林大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第2期64-66,114,共4页
关键词 植物保护 生态文化 植保生态文化 可持续农业
谈植保生态工程技术在绿色食品生产中的应用 被引量:2
作者 冯圣东 赵绪生 +1 位作者 杨志新 赵俊肖 《河北农业大学学报(农林教育版)》 2004年第3期81-84,共4页
关键词 农药污染 绿色食品生产 植保生态工程技术
政府在植保生态经济系统中的职能 被引量:1
作者 徐学荣 《农业网络信息》 2006年第9期91-94,共4页
本文提出了植保生态经济系统这一新概念,并阐述了植保生态经济系统及其三个子系统的构成,认定了植保生态经济系统中的纯公共物品、准公共物品和私人物品;论述了政府为植保生态经济系统提供公共物品、制定和完善市场规则、整顿市场秩序... 本文提出了植保生态经济系统这一新概念,并阐述了植保生态经济系统及其三个子系统的构成,认定了植保生态经济系统中的纯公共物品、准公共物品和私人物品;论述了政府为植保生态经济系统提供公共物品、制定和完善市场规则、整顿市场秩序、培育社会化植保技术服务市场的职能;阐明了政府矫正植保经济活动负外部性的方法、途径、手段和措施;论述了引入市场机制建立植保技术推广体系的必要性和做法。 展开更多
关键词 植保生态经济系统 公共物品 外部性 政府职能
沼肥在农业植保生态系统中的应用探讨 被引量:4
作者 邢念城 刘佳丰 《科技促进发展》 2011年第S1期161-161,共1页
关键词 沼肥 有机肥 无机肥 植保生态
论沼肥在农业植保生态系统中的作用 被引量:6
作者 王晗 《现代农业科技》 2009年第3期147-147,149,共2页
关键词 沼肥 植保生态 有机肥 无机肥
论沼肥在农业植保生态系统中的作用 被引量:4
作者 苏雯 王晗 《农业科技通讯》 2013年第10期164-166,共3页
忽视有机肥,偏施化肥是影响农业植保的因素之一。从五个方面阐述了沼肥在培肥地力和植保生态系统中的作用,指出沼气的普及和推广,既解决了农村生活用能不足,又改善了农业植保生态环境。沼气的利用已从单纯的生活领域扩展到生产领域。通... 忽视有机肥,偏施化肥是影响农业植保的因素之一。从五个方面阐述了沼肥在培肥地力和植保生态系统中的作用,指出沼气的普及和推广,既解决了农村生活用能不足,又改善了农业植保生态环境。沼气的利用已从单纯的生活领域扩展到生产领域。通过采取沼气肥和化肥相结合的方针及文明生态村的三年试验,更进一步证明了沼气的发展与应用将加速我国农业植保宏伟目标的实现。 展开更多
关键词 沼肥(沼渣沼液) 植保生态 有机肥 无机肥
沼肥在农业植保生态系统中发挥的作用 被引量:6
作者 石红平 《吉林农业》 2019年第3期66-66,共1页
随着我国农业建设的不断发展,人们也意识到了生态环境建设的重要性,建设完善的农业植保生态系统已经成为我国农业建设的工作重点。沼肥在农业植保生态系统中起到了连接环境与植物的桥梁作用,对农业植保生态系统的形成有着极为重要的意义... 随着我国农业建设的不断发展,人们也意识到了生态环境建设的重要性,建设完善的农业植保生态系统已经成为我国农业建设的工作重点。沼肥在农业植保生态系统中起到了连接环境与植物的桥梁作用,对农业植保生态系统的形成有着极为重要的意义,需要继续在我国的农村大力进行推广。 展开更多
关键词 沼肥 农业植保生态系统 影响 作用
作者 石玉玲 《南方农机》 2024年第12期104-107,共4页
为了探索生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用效果和潜力,本研究采用了生物控制、智能监测系统、纳米技术和精准农业等创新方法。通过对比研究分析,发现这些技术能显著提高小麦和玉米的抗病性和生产效率。特别是纳米技术在提高农药和... 为了探索生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用效果和潜力,本研究采用了生物控制、智能监测系统、纳米技术和精准农业等创新方法。通过对比研究分析,发现这些技术能显著提高小麦和玉米的抗病性和生产效率。特别是纳米技术在提高农药和肥料使用效率方面表现出巨大潜力,而精准农业技术优化了资源利用,减少了对环境的负面影响。结果表明,综合应用这些技术可以有效提升作物产量和质量,减少对环境的影响。建议在小麦和玉米的种植过程中广泛采用这些技术,并对农业工作者进行必要的培训,以提高其对新技术的理解和适应能力。这些技术可在全球范围内推广,尤其是在小麦和玉米的主要种植区。 展开更多
关键词 生态植保 生物控制 智能监测 纳米技术 精准农业
西山西有机旱作绿色生态植保技术的集成应用 被引量:1
作者 王丽英 张东霞 +3 位作者 郑卫锋 尹祥杰 刘一景 胡浩 《中国农业综合开发》 2023年第4期56-57,共2页
为大力推广有机旱作条件下主要粮果病虫害绿色生态植保技术的集成应用,山西省通过建立示范基地和优化集成运用整套具有山西特色的生态植保绿色防控技术体系等措施,为绿色生态植保技术集成创新平台的创建打下了坚实的基础,强有力推动山... 为大力推广有机旱作条件下主要粮果病虫害绿色生态植保技术的集成应用,山西省通过建立示范基地和优化集成运用整套具有山西特色的生态植保绿色防控技术体系等措施,为绿色生态植保技术集成创新平台的创建打下了坚实的基础,强有力推动山西省有机旱作农业的高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 有机旱作 粮果病虫害 绿色生态植保技术 集成应用
沼肥在农业植保生态系统中的作用 被引量:3
作者 常云燕 《北京农业(下旬刊)》 2012年第3期35-36,共2页
关键词 沼肥 植保生态 有机肥 无机肥
生态农业发展中对植保新技术的推广分析 被引量:7
作者 王少平 王玉珏 《农业开发与装备》 2021年第2期108-109,共2页
针对生态农业发展过程中,对农业生产技术方面的需求进行了简要探讨,重点就生态植保做出分析,指出当前生态植保是一项系统性的工程,要实现农业生产与生态环境的可持续发展,必须要推广应用生态植保技术体系中的技术手段,但因为一些因素影... 针对生态农业发展过程中,对农业生产技术方面的需求进行了简要探讨,重点就生态植保做出分析,指出当前生态植保是一项系统性的工程,要实现农业生产与生态环境的可持续发展,必须要推广应用生态植保技术体系中的技术手段,但因为一些因素影响,导致植保技术推广应用过程中存在低效甚至无效的情况,如此,应当围绕生态农业发展态势,和现代农业的进程,需求推广方式方法的创新,以求将相对完整的生态植保技术传授给农户,进而促使农业生产水平的提升,并保证生态环境尽量不受农业资源的影响。 展开更多
关键词 生态农业 生态植保 技术推广
作者 王旋 《吉林蔬菜》 2022年第2期158-159,共2页
本研究旨在探索生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用研究。通过回顾生态植保技术现状和出现的问题,提出相应解决策略。这些策略实施将有助于推动生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用研究取得更好效果,为农业可持续发展提供科学支持... 本研究旨在探索生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用研究。通过回顾生态植保技术现状和出现的问题,提出相应解决策略。这些策略实施将有助于推动生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中的应用研究取得更好效果,为农业可持续发展提供科学支持。生态植保技术在小麦和玉米种植中具有巨大潜力,通过进一步研究和创新,可以实现农业可持续发展,保障粮食安全,保护环境,造福人民。 展开更多
关键词 生态植保技术 小麦 玉米 生物防治
小议沼肥特性及其在农业植保的应用 被引量:1
作者 王志国 《黑龙江科技信息》 2010年第33期262-262,共1页
关键词 沼肥 植保生态 有机肥 无机肥
“三植保”浅议 被引量:2
作者 马祁 王绍宁 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 2000年第6期241-243,共3页
关键词 植物保护 “三植保 持续植保 生态植保 植保调控
城市园林绿化病虫害防治存在的问题和建议 被引量:18
作者 鄂海霞 赵金霞 《宁夏农林科技》 2007年第3期70-71,共2页
以石嘴山地区为例阐述了城市园林绿化病虫害防治中存在的主要问题,提出生态防治的观念,即以城市园林绿化可持续发展为目标,通过严把检疫环节,加强栽培管理,采取以物理防治和生物防治为主、化学防治为辅、多种措施相结合的综合防治措施,... 以石嘴山地区为例阐述了城市园林绿化病虫害防治中存在的主要问题,提出生态防治的观念,即以城市园林绿化可持续发展为目标,通过严把检疫环节,加强栽培管理,采取以物理防治和生物防治为主、化学防治为辅、多种措施相结合的综合防治措施,积极进行生态植保,逐步建立一个和谐、稳定、相对平衡的生态型城市。 展开更多
关键词 园林病虫害 综合防治 生态植保
Study on Original Ecological Tridimensional Slope Vegetation 被引量:2
作者 YAN Zhi-xin REN Zhi-hua +2 位作者 YAN Chang-ming JIANG Ping WANG Hou-yu 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期932-939,共8页
No matter from the perspective of slope protection, landscape effect and construction cost, or from the perspective of ecological benefit, the development of original ecological tridimensional vegetation has become th... No matter from the perspective of slope protection, landscape effect and construction cost, or from the perspective of ecological benefit, the development of original ecological tridimensional vegetation has become the inevitable trend for slope vegetation in pursuit of protecting ecological condition, decreasing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance and beautifying environment of slope. The concept of original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is proposed in this paper, and the original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is studied through theoretical analysis and experiments. Specifically, the mechanical effect of slope vegetation in reinforcing the cohesion and shear strength of soil mass is firstly discussed, and then experiments are performed to study the water interception and containing function of slope under various vegetation conditions. Moreover, the relation between soil moisture and cohesion, the relation between root distribution density and cohesion, and the relation between root distribution density and soil shear strength are also studied based on experiments.Finally, based on field observation, the soil erosion states of slope under various vegetation conditions are comparatively studied. It is found that the original ecological tridimensional slope, which combines grass,shrub and tree, can generate comprehensive slope protection effects, and hence strengthen the slope protection ability and bring multiple slope protection benefits. Thereby, the theoretical foundation for developing original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is established. 展开更多
关键词 Original ecology Tridimensional slope Slope vegetation
Vegetation Composition and Structure of Some NeotropicaMountain Grasslands in Brazil 被引量:4
作者 LE STRADIC Soizig BUISSON Elise FERNANDES G.Wilson 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期864-877,共14页
The description and understanding of plant communities is fundamental for the implementation of conservation or restoration programs, especially when these communities are highly threatened and need to be restored.Cam... The description and understanding of plant communities is fundamental for the implementation of conservation or restoration programs, especially when these communities are highly threatened and need to be restored.Campos rupestres, some Neotropical mountain grasslands located in central Brazil and part of the Cerrado biome(covering 2 million km2) host unique plant communities, currently threatened by quarrying and mining.The grassy matrix of campos rupestres, has long been considered a rich mosaic under the control of local topography and the nature of substrate, but this affirmation has not been well studied.We analyzed whether plant communities varied in relation to edaphic factors within the stony substrate and the sandy substrate of this grassy matrix.We selected 5 sites where occur both grasslands on stony substrate and on sandy substrate, and we carried out vegetation surveys and soil analyses.We counted 222 plant species within our communities, among which38.6% are exclusively found on campos rupestres.Our results show that both soil-types are strongly acidic, nutrient poor and exhibit a seasonal variation.Phosphorus increases and p H and organic carbon decrease during the dry season.Stony soils areslightly richer in nutrients than sandy soils and differences in soil granulometry and composition have led to the formation of distinct plant communities.Some species are confined to either one or the other grassland-type, which makes the plant composition of each community unique.Variations in edaphic factors generate heterogeneous grasslands favorable to a high plant diversity.Conservation programs and restoration actions have to maintain or recreate this heterogeneity.The presence of distinct plant communities implies that different strategies might be adopted to improve the restoration of these ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY Campos rupestres Herbaceous community Rupestrian grassland Edaphic factor Serra do Cipó
Effects of climate change on potential habitats of the cold temperate coniferous forest in Yunnan province, southwestern China 被引量:5
作者 LIWang-jun PENG Ming-chun +7 位作者 Motoki HIGA Nobuyuki TANAKA Tetsuya MATSUI Cindy Q. TANG OU Xiao-kun ZHOU Rui-wu WANG Chong-yun YAN Hai-zhong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第8期1411-1422,共12页
We built a classification tree (CT) model to estimate climatic factors controlling the cold temperate coniferous forest (CTCF) distributions in Yunnan province and to predict its potential habitats under the curre... We built a classification tree (CT) model to estimate climatic factors controlling the cold temperate coniferous forest (CTCF) distributions in Yunnan province and to predict its potential habitats under the current and future climates, using seven climate change scenarios, projected over the years of 2070-2099. The accurate CT model on CTCFs showed that minimum temperature of coldest month (TMW) was the overwhelmingly potent factor among the six climate variables. The areas of TMW〈-4.05 were suitable habitats of CTCF, and the areas of -1.35 〈 TMW were non-habitats, where temperate conifer and broad-leaved mixed forests (TCBLFs) were distribute in lower elevation, bordering on the CTCF. Dominant species of Abies, Picea, and Larix in the CTCFs, are more tolerant to winter coldness than Tsuga and broad-leaved trees including deciduous broad-leaved Acer and Betula, evergreen broad- leaved Cyclobalanopsis and Lithocarpus in TCBLFs. Winter coldness may actually limit the cool-side distributions of TCBLFs in the areas between -1.35℃ and -4.05℃, and the warm-side distributions of CTCFs may be controlled by competition to the species of TCBLFs. Under future climate scenarios, the vulnerable area, where current potential (suitable + marginal) habitats (80,749 km^2) shift to non-habitats, was predicted to decrease to 55.91% (45,053 km^2) of the current area. Inferring from the current vegetation distribution pattern, TCBLFs will replace declining CTCFs. Vulnerable areas predicted by models are important in determining priority of ecosystem conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Classification tree Climate scenarios Vulnerable area ABIES PICEA LARIX Evergreenbroad-leaved tree ALOS remote-sensing images
作者 和德宝 《科技与企业》 2014年第3期215-215,217,共2页
关键词 园林绿化 病虫害 综合防治 生态植保
Uses of Invasive Alien Plant Species in Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh
作者 Md.Parvez Rana Fahima Akhter 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期380-385,共6页
An exploratory survey was conducted on the uses and role of invasive alien species(IAS) to local livelihoods in the Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary in the northeastern hilly region of Bangladesh.Vegetation was sampled... An exploratory survey was conducted on the uses and role of invasive alien species(IAS) to local livelihoods in the Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary in the northeastern hilly region of Bangladesh.Vegetation was sampled in 50 quadrates,each 10 m×10 m,and 25 line transects,each 50 m×20 m,through a combination of random and systematic sampling.Group discussions were also arranged with fifty local inhabitants(17 % of the total inhabitants) to learn the various uses of IAS.A total of 17 alien plant species belonging to 10 different families,of which Leguminosae constitutes the highest number(5 species),include tree(53%) followed by herb(12%),shrub(12%) and others(weed,climber and palm).The majority of the identified species were found to be used for fuel,followed by timber production,medicinal or curative uses,fodder,and many others.In addition to providing various forest products,alien tree species planted in forest plantation help provide many vital ecosystem services such as soil amelioration through nitrogen fixation.It is true that the alien species have some negative impacts on local ecosystems,and not all of them are harmful.Therefore,a national programme must be initiated to distinguish the harmful from the harmless species and to identify the uses and impacts of the former and latter. 展开更多
关键词 Invasive alien species BIODIVERSITY Livelihoods Rema-Kalenga Wildlife sanctuary BANGLADESH
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