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杜马斯法快速测定植物作物中氮含量 被引量:2
作者 苏丽梅 韦晓艳 +4 位作者 梁引连 覃小红 卢美良 陆益 刘守廷 《现代科学仪器》 2018年第5期50-53,共4页
采用杜马斯法快速测定植物作物中氮含量,不需对样品进行消解与前处理,不需任何试剂,检测过程不会对环境造成任何污染,只需将植物作物样品粉碎均匀后,称样直接燃烧测定,从称样到测定给出含量结果,一般只需4-6min时间,实现了真正意义上的... 采用杜马斯法快速测定植物作物中氮含量,不需对样品进行消解与前处理,不需任何试剂,检测过程不会对环境造成任何污染,只需将植物作物样品粉碎均匀后,称样直接燃烧测定,从称样到测定给出含量结果,一般只需4-6min时间,实现了真正意义上的快速测定。作者选用两个国家一级标准物质茶叶(GBW10016)和柑橘叶(GBW10020),用该方法测定其氮含量,测定结果与标准值吻合很好,各称取10个平行样品进行重复性的测定,其相对标准偏差分别为1.95%,1.51%,取得非常满意的效果。 展开更多
关键词 杜马斯法 植物作物
寄主植物及猎物对杂食性天敌烟盲蝽若虫存活和发育的影响 被引量:1
作者 田艳丽 杨亦心 +2 位作者 章雨璐 王晓伟 刘银泉 《中国生物防治学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期542-549,共8页
杂食性昆虫烟盲蝽是多种害虫的重要捕食性天敌,它在猎物缺乏时可通过取食一些植物维持生存。因此,了解烟盲蝽在不同植物上的生物学特性以及有无猎物对其生物学特性的影响,是利用烟盲蝽创建储蓄植物系统开展害虫生物防治的基础。本研究... 杂食性昆虫烟盲蝽是多种害虫的重要捕食性天敌,它在猎物缺乏时可通过取食一些植物维持生存。因此,了解烟盲蝽在不同植物上的生物学特性以及有无猎物对其生物学特性的影响,是利用烟盲蝽创建储蓄植物系统开展害虫生物防治的基础。本研究通过室内离体叶片添加或不添加猎物烟粉虱、以及整株植物饲喂若虫的方法,测试了烟盲蝽在芝麻、香雪球和荞麦3种蜜源植物以及棉花和小白菜两种作物上的存活、发育及性比。结果表明,无猎物时,烟盲蝽若虫在芝麻和小白菜离体叶片上能发育至成虫,成虫获得率分别是85.2%和80.0%,若虫发育历期分别为15.0d和19.2d,但在荞麦、香雪球、棉花离体叶片和清水对照上分别只发育至4龄、3龄、3龄和2龄。添加猎物时,烟盲蝽若虫在5种植物离体叶片上都能发育至成虫,其中在芝麻上的若虫期最短,为11.8d,成虫获得率最高,为83.3%。烟盲蝽若虫在几种整株植物上的存活和发育与离体叶片上的结果相似,即只能在芝麻和小白菜上发育至成虫,成虫获得率分别为93.3%和66.7%。所有测试条件下饲养的烟盲蝽雌性比都在0.6左右,且雌、雄虫的若虫发育历期差异不显著。最后讨论了利用烟盲蝽这一重要杂食性天敌创建储蓄植物系统实施害虫生物防治的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 蜜源植物 储蓄植物系统 作物寄主植物 猎物可用性 生物防治
作物野生近缘植物保护与可持续利用 被引量:3
作者 王金朋 李吉宁 索梦曦 《中国野生植物资源》 CSCD 2023年第3期15-20,共6页
作物与人类文明的传承和发扬密不可分。世界人口和人均需求量的持续增加导致植物资源的供需失衡。作物自身相对较低的遗传多样性是影响产量和品质的主要因素。作物野生近缘植物在生境中积累了多种基因型,并在应对环境变化时形成了多种... 作物与人类文明的传承和发扬密不可分。世界人口和人均需求量的持续增加导致植物资源的供需失衡。作物自身相对较低的遗传多样性是影响产量和品质的主要因素。作物野生近缘植物在生境中积累了多种基因型,并在应对环境变化时形成了多种表现型,是作物种质保护和品种改良的重要遗传资源。但随着生境破坏以及全球气候变化等不确定因素的持续影响,使得作物野生近缘植物的存活和繁殖质量受到了严重威胁,必须采取有效的措施进行保护。本文总结了国内外对作物野生近缘植物保护工作所取得的进展,应对我国在保护中存在的问题提出相应的改良建议。最后以国内代表性作物为例,对其保护与利用情况进行了讨论. 展开更多
关键词 作物野生近缘植物 原生境保护 易地保护 保护建议
我国作物野生近缘植物保护工作近20年的成就与展望 被引量:11
作者 乔卫华 张宏斌 +8 位作者 郑晓明 陈宝雄 陈彦清 李垚奎 程云连 张丽芳 方沩 孙玉芳 杨庆文 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1329-1336,共8页
1999-2019年,农业农村部科技教育司组织农业环保机构、大专院校和科研单位共同开展了作物野生近缘植物调查收集、原生境保护、监测预警和信息系统构建等工作,取得的主要成就包括:(1)按照《农业野生植物调查技术规范》,开展了80个作物野... 1999-2019年,农业农村部科技教育司组织农业环保机构、大专院校和科研单位共同开展了作物野生近缘植物调查收集、原生境保护、监测预警和信息系统构建等工作,取得的主要成就包括:(1)按照《农业野生植物调查技术规范》,开展了80个作物野生近缘植物物种的全国性调查,发现了野生兰花、野生茶等珍稀物种的新分布区;(2)查清了60个重要作物野生近缘植物物种的分布状况及资源现状,抢救性收集并异位保存种质资源44737份,建立了可共享、可追溯、可监测的作物野生近缘植物GPS/GIS信息平台;(3)以保护生物学研究和原生境保护技术研发为基础,指导建设原生境保护点(区)205个,并通过对15个原生境保护点动态监测数据分析,建立了原生境保护点监测预警技术体系。然而,我国作物野生近缘植物资源调查不全面、抢救性收集不系统、保护点监测覆盖面低、保护点管理技术匮乏等问题突出。因此,未来在加强调查收集的同时,重点将在监测预警的基础上提升原生境保护点管理技术水平,做到每类植物一套技术、每个保护点一套方案,因点施策,使原生境保护由增加数量向提高质量转变。 展开更多
关键词 作物野生近缘植物 调查收集 保护
旱坡地“作物-植物篱”系统能流特征研究 被引量:5
作者 陈一兵 林超文 +1 位作者 黄晶晶 李占斌 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期171-175,178,共6页
通过连续2年的定位试验,对坡度为8-20°的旱坡地“作物-植物篱”系统能流特征如能结构、能效率进行了研究,结果表明:①“作物-植物篱”系统产出能和输入能的数量和结构的变化主要受到植物篱子系统类型的影响。与大面积旱坡地传统农... 通过连续2年的定位试验,对坡度为8-20°的旱坡地“作物-植物篱”系统能流特征如能结构、能效率进行了研究,结果表明:①“作物-植物篱”系统产出能和输入能的数量和结构的变化主要受到植物篱子系统类型的影响。与大面积旱坡地传统农作物生产系统如“小麦/花生(或玉米)/甘薯”比较:由于果树、草本等植物篱的冠层及根系在形态和空间分布上与作物的异质性,形成了对光、热、水、土、肥等资源的连续、多层次的利用,因此能有效提高系统的光能利用率、人工输入能效率,耕地单位面积总产出能也会增加,坡度越大,相对增幅亦越大;由于能极显著减少无机能施入量,这有利于降低化肥农药使用量,减少对环境的污染和破坏。②“作物-果树类植物篱”系统输入能总量和有机能输入量大幅度增加,因此有利于优化输入能结构,促进坡地生态系统良性循环和集约高效农业发展。③“作物-草本植物篱”系统人工辅助能的输入量大幅度下降,由于它所需投入能少,有机能耗和无机能耗均低,人工输入能效率很高而生物产量也较高,并且它们提高了与其间作的其他作物的能量产投比,因此提升了整个系统能量产投比率;由于保水固土的生态功能显著,使它能在四川广大山地、丘陵区退耕还林还草工程中发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 旱坡地 作物-植物篱”系统 能结构 能效率
植物纤维性废弃农作物的微波裂解技术研究进展 被引量:5
作者 李若慧 张天东 +1 位作者 黄秉策 程艳玲 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第18期7926-7928,共3页
关键词 植物纤维性废弃农作物 微波 裂解技术
黄土高原坡耕地植物篱-作物复合系统土壤理化性质研究 被引量:4
作者 许建晶 刘家鹤 +4 位作者 罗珠珠 陈英 蔡立群 张仁陟 谢军红 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期100-108,共9页
【目的】为了筛选黄土高原坡耕地适宜的植物篱.【方法】在陇中黄土高原典型雨养农业区坡耕地布设田间试验,并设置裸坡休闲(F)、小麦单作(W)、小麦/甘草(W/L)、小麦/菘蓝(W/I)和小麦/苜蓿(W/A)5个处理,研究植物篱-作物复合系统土壤理化... 【目的】为了筛选黄土高原坡耕地适宜的植物篱.【方法】在陇中黄土高原典型雨养农业区坡耕地布设田间试验,并设置裸坡休闲(F)、小麦单作(W)、小麦/甘草(W/L)、小麦/菘蓝(W/I)和小麦/苜蓿(W/A)5个处理,研究植物篱-作物复合系统土壤理化性质的变化.【结果】植物篱-作物复合系统降低了土壤容重,增大了耕层0~10cm以下土壤总孔隙度和非毛管孔隙度,W/L和W/A最为显著,>0.25mm土壤水稳性团聚体含量远低于机械稳定性团聚体含量,说明黄绵土团聚体稳定性总体较低,极易在水作用下泡散.植物篱间作可提高表层土壤总有机碳(TOC)和易氧化有机碳(ROOC)含量,各处理的ROOC/TOC为40%~50%,且随土层深度增加而降低,说明表层土壤有机碳活性高,而深层土壤有机碳相对稳定更利于固定.植物篱间作使0~50cm土层贮水能力提高,体现为小麦/苜蓿土壤贮水能力最强,说明植物篱间作具有较好的水源涵养功能.【结论】从涵养水源角度出发,建议在大部分坡地实施小麦-苜蓿间作. 展开更多
关键词 黄土高原 坡耕地 植物篱-作物复合系统 土壤物理性质
黄土高原坡耕地植物篱-作物间作系统水分利用特征研究 被引量:2
作者 刘家鹤 牛伊宁 +3 位作者 罗珠珠 蔡立群 张仁陟 谢军红 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期111-119,共9页
利用陇中黄土高原典型雨养农业区坡耕地布设田间试验,设置5个处理:裸坡休闲(F)、小麦单作(W)、小麦/甘草(W/L)、小麦/菘蓝(W/I)和小麦/苜蓿(W/A)。通过探讨植物篱-作物间作系统的小麦产量表现及其土壤水分利用特性,明确不同植物篱-作物... 利用陇中黄土高原典型雨养农业区坡耕地布设田间试验,设置5个处理:裸坡休闲(F)、小麦单作(W)、小麦/甘草(W/L)、小麦/菘蓝(W/I)和小麦/苜蓿(W/A)。通过探讨植物篱-作物间作系统的小麦产量表现及其土壤水分利用特性,明确不同植物篱-作物复合系统土壤耗水特征及影响机制,以期为黄土高原坡耕地适宜植物篱的筛选提供理论依据。结果表明:小麦生育期和休闲期0~200cm土壤剖面含水量较低,基本接近作物有效水分下限(crop lower limit,CLL)。植物篱-作物间作能够起到积蓄降水的作用,但主要体现在耕层0~30cm土壤,且以小麦/苜蓿处理效果最佳。不同处理棵间蒸发量和蒸发占总耗水量的比重有一定的差异,其中小麦/甘草处理耗水量最高(250.98mm),裸坡休闲总蒸发量较大(197.30mm)。裸坡处理棵间蒸发占耗水量的比例高达80%以上,主要表现为土壤蒸发,而小麦/甘草主要表现为作物蒸腾,说明植物篱-作物复合系统可一定程度有效降低棵间蒸发量和蒸发占总耗水量的比重,增加作物蒸腾量。不同间作系统小麦耗水量与单作耗水量并无差异,但其产量提高了60.00%~83.55%,进而明显提高了小麦水分利用效率。 展开更多
关键词 黄土高原 植物篱-作物间作系统 水分利用效率 棵间蒸发量
中国四川旱坡地植物篱农作系统能流特征(英文) 被引量:3
作者 陈一兵 林超文 +1 位作者 黄晶晶 涂仕华 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期960-968,共9页
关于农业生态系统能流特征的研究很多,但关于植物篱农作系统能流特征的研究很少。在四川盆地雨养丘陵农区,2/3的耕地土壤侵蚀严重,为了控制土壤侵蚀和提高耕地生产力,该区域大量栽种了植物篱。该研究通过了解作物与植物篱之间的能流交... 关于农业生态系统能流特征的研究很多,但关于植物篱农作系统能流特征的研究很少。在四川盆地雨养丘陵农区,2/3的耕地土壤侵蚀严重,为了控制土壤侵蚀和提高耕地生产力,该区域大量栽种了植物篱。该研究通过了解作物与植物篱之间的能流交付作用,通过系统能量投入水平提高与结构优化,建立环境友好的农作系统,最终实现坡地农业的可持续。通过两年田间小区试验,详细记录所有劳力投入、化肥投入、农药投入、农事管理活动以及落叶的数量并折算为标准能量单位。作物收获后所有生物产量的能量根据其各部分的转换值折算为标准能量。系统能流特征及效率通过统计分析完成。通过研究主要获得了以下3个结论:1)"作物-植物篱"系统产出能和输入能的数量和结构变化主要受植物篱子系统类型的影响。与大面积旱坡地传统农作物生产系统比较,植物篱农作系统能有效提高系统光能利用率、人工输入能效率,耕地单位面积总产出能也会增加,坡度越大,相对增幅亦越大;由于能极显著减少无机能施入量,这有利于降低化肥农药使用量,减少对环境的污染和破坏。2)"作物-果树类植物篱"系统输入能总量和有机能输入量大幅度增加,因此有利于优化输入能结构,促进坡地生态系统良性循环和集约高效农业发展。3)"作物-草本植物篱"系统人工辅助能的输入量大幅度下降,由于它所需投入能少,有机能耗和无机能耗均低,人工输入能效率很高而生物产量也较高,并且它们提高了与其间作的其它作物的能量产投比,因此提升了整个系统能量产投比率;由于保水固土的生态功能显著,使它能在四川广大山地、丘陵区退耕还林还草工程中发挥重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 旱坡地 作物-植物篱”系统 能结构 能效率
征服沙尘暴的神奇植物——美国滨藜 被引量:11
作者 李梅 《农业环境与发展》 2002年第4期4-4,共1页
关键词 沙尘暴 形态特征 生物特征 植物作物 美国滨藜
多年生粮食作物研究现状 被引量:3
作者 陈璨 阮先乐 +1 位作者 常云霞 陈龙 《生物学教学》 2012年第8期2-4,共3页
本文介绍了多年生作物较一年生作物在应对未来人类食物安全和生态环境安全方面的优势,概述了传统的直接驯化、远缘杂交育种方法结合分子标记辅助选择、基因组原位杂交、胚拯救等现代生物技术在多年生作物育种上的应用情况及取得的进展... 本文介绍了多年生作物较一年生作物在应对未来人类食物安全和生态环境安全方面的优势,概述了传统的直接驯化、远缘杂交育种方法结合分子标记辅助选择、基因组原位杂交、胚拯救等现代生物技术在多年生作物育种上的应用情况及取得的进展,并展望了多年生作物的研究及应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 多年生作物植物育种 可持续农业
从斯里兰卡佩拉登尼亚大学农学院的植物学教学看我国植物学教学的改革方向 被引量:2
作者 周云龙 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1999年第4期97-100,共4页
关键词 作物植物 斯里兰卡 教学改革 植物 中国
作者 王思绮 杜宇 +4 位作者 周剑 邓宗汉 刘冰洋 李旻 雷屈文 《植物检疫》 北大核心 2020年第6期61-66,共6页
本文对缅甸佤邦和第四特区罂粟12种主要替代作物上的线虫发生情况进行了调查。调查发现植物寄生线虫共有27种/属,包括5种根结属(Meloidogyne)线虫、5种短体属(Pratylenchus)线虫。调查发现玉米、花生、甘蔗、水稻、茶树、小红米、旱稻... 本文对缅甸佤邦和第四特区罂粟12种主要替代作物上的线虫发生情况进行了调查。调查发现植物寄生线虫共有27种/属,包括5种根结属(Meloidogyne)线虫、5种短体属(Pratylenchus)线虫。调查发现玉米、花生、甘蔗、水稻、茶树、小红米、旱稻谷和香蕉等8种作物被寄生线虫复合侵染,其中具有经济重要性的根结属线虫和短体属线虫发生较多;在具有检疫意义的线虫中,南方根结线虫在所调查的地域和寄主上分布最为广泛和普遍,玉米短体线虫次之。调查发现在缅甸的地理分布新纪录植物寄生线虫共有8种。 展开更多
关键词 缅甸 罂粟 替代种植物作物 植物寄生线虫 调查
A Comparative Study on Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency Between Clonal and Non_clonal Plant Species Along the Northeast China Transect (NECT) 被引量:30
作者 蒋高明 董鸣 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第8期855-863,共9页
Net photosynthesis ( P n ), transpiration ( E ), stomatal conductance ( g s) and water use efficiency (WUE) of more than 218 species belonging to two different reproductive functional types, i.e. clonal (115 ... Net photosynthesis ( P n ), transpiration ( E ), stomatal conductance ( g s) and water use efficiency (WUE) of more than 218 species belonging to two different reproductive functional types, i.e. clonal (115 species) and non_clonal species (103 species), along the 1 670 km Northeast China Transect (NECT) were analyzed. The results showed that P n and WUE appeared to be lower in the east and west ends of NECT, with peaks in the middle. Transpiration was found to be higher in the west end, where most temperate desert species were distributed. On the same site, most clonal species showed higher P n and related physiological variables than non_clonal species. For different growth forms over NECT, e.g. forest trees, shrubs and grasses, meadow steppe shrubs and grasses, typical steppe shrubs and grasses, the meadow steppe and typical steppe grasses, showed higher values of physiological variables than the forest or the desert species. But for the two reproductive plant functional types (PFTs), clonal species had higher physiological variables, with averages of 22%, 15%, 23% and 14% higher than the non_clonal ones for P n , E, g s, and WUE, respectively. Such differences indicated that clonal species might have advantages over non_clonal species in utilizing environmental resources such as light, CO 2, and especially water. 展开更多
关键词 PHOTOSYNTHESIS clonal species non_clonal species forest STEPPE warm desert Northeast China Transect
Study on the Allelopathic Effects of Alien Invasive Species Cenchrus echinatus on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Solanaceae Crops
作者 马婉捷 缪绅裕 +4 位作者 陶文琴 许镇健 王厚麟 陈健辉 黄丽宜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期885-889,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the potential ecological dam- ages of alien invasive species Cenchrus echinatus. [Method] By using seed germi- nation method, the effects of different concentrations of C. e... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the potential ecological dam- ages of alien invasive species Cenchrus echinatus. [Method] By using seed germi- nation method, the effects of different concentrations of C. echinatus aqueous extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of three Solanaceae crops were investigated. [Result] After incubated for 5 d, no significant differences were observed in germination speed indices of Lycopersicum esculentum seeds between aqueous extract groups and control groups; germination speed indices of Solarium melongena seeds were significantly reduced with the increasing concentration of Cenchrus echinatus aqueous extracts; however, Capsicum frutescens seeds in various groups were not germinated. After incubated for 7 d, root lengths of Lycopersicum esculentum seedlings were inhibited with the increasing concentration of Cenchrus echinatus aqueous extracts, while stem lengths and comprehensive allelopathic effects were promoted; germination rates of Solanum melongena seeds in various groups were all significantly lower than control groups; root length, stem length and comprehen- sive allelopathic effects in higher concentration groups were inhibited; germination rates of Capsicum frutescens seeds were significantly inhibited, and those in the highest concentration group were not generated. After incubated for 14 d, all indica- tors of Solanum melongena were significantly inhibited; various indicators of Capsicum frutescens in the highest concentration group were significantly inhibited. [Conclusion] The sensitivity of three Solanaceae crops to Cenchrus echinatus aqueous extracts presented an overall order of Solanum melongena 〉 Capsicum frutescens 〉 Lycopersicum esculentum, suggesting that Cenchrus echinatus can to some extent inhibit the growth of several crops, which should be strictly prevented and controlled in agricultural production. 展开更多
关键词 Cenchrus echinatus Allelopathic effect Alien invasive plant SOLANACEAE CROPS
Genomic selection methods for crop improvement:Current status and prospects 被引量:16
作者 Xin Wang Yang Xu +1 位作者 Zhongli Hu Chenwu Xu 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期330-340,共11页
With marker and phenotype information from observed populations, genomic selection (GS) can be used to establish associations between markers and phenotypes. It aims to use genome-wide markers to estimate the effect... With marker and phenotype information from observed populations, genomic selection (GS) can be used to establish associations between markers and phenotypes. It aims to use genome-wide markers to estimate the effects of all loci and thereby predict the genetic values of untested populations, so as to achieve more comprehensive and reliable selection and to accelerate genetic progress in crop breeding. GS models usually face the problem that the number of markers is much higher than the number of phenotypic observations. To overcome this issue and improve prediction accuracy, many models and algorithms, including GBLUP, Bayes, and machine learning have been employed for GS. As hot issues in GS research, the estimation of non-additive genetic effects and the combined analysis of multiple traits or multiple environments are also important for improving the accuracy of prediction. In recent years, crop breeding has taken advantage of the development of GS. The principles and characteristics of current popular GS methods and research progress in hese methods for crop improvement are reviewed in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Genomic selection PREDICTION ACCURACY CROP
Use of Sorghum Crops for in Situ Phytoremediation of Polluted Soils 被引量:10
作者 V. R. Angelova R. V. Ivanova V. A. Delibaltova K. I. Ivanov 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第5期693-702,共10页
There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum va... There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum varieties (technical sorghtan, sugar sorghum, sudan grass and grain sorghnm), as well as to ascertain the possibilities for their growth in soils contaminated with heavy metals and their application for phytoremediation purposes. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.1 and 15.0 kin) from the source of pollution-the Non-Ferrous Metal Works near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. On reaching commercial ripeness, the crops were gathered and the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in their different parts-roots, stems, leaves and gains-were determined through dry mineralization. To determine the heavy metal content in the samples, ICP was used. A clearly distinguished trend exists which describes the accumulation of heavy metals within the vegetative and reproductive organs of the studied crops. Sudan grass and technical sorghum accumulated larger heavy metal quantities compared to sugar sorghum and grain sorghum, as the majority of the heavy metals was retained by the roots and a very small amount was translocated to epigeous parts. The depots for accumulation were in the following order: roots 〉 leaves 〉 stems 〉 grains. The studied crops can be related to metal-tolerant crops and can be cultivated on softs which are of low, medium or high contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium, as they do not exhibit a tendency of accumulating these elements in grains at levels above the maximum permissible concentrations for fodder. The selective accumulation of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the roots and the possibility to remove the root-remains makes technical sorghum, sugar sorghum and Sudan grass extremely suitable for phytoremediation purposes. The possible use of grains for animal food guarantees the economic expedience upon the selection of these crops. 展开更多
A study on the bioenergy crop production function of land use in China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Kun YU Yao +1 位作者 BAO Chun-hong WANG Tao 《Ecological Economy》 2010年第4期407-414,共8页
Based on the analysis of the bioenergy crop production function of land use,combined with the status quo of Chinese land use,the cultivation of energy plants and the bioenergy crop production function of land use had ... Based on the analysis of the bioenergy crop production function of land use,combined with the status quo of Chinese land use,the cultivation of energy plants and the bioenergy crop production function of land use had been analyzes and discusses in this paper.Results show that there were a lot of unused lands and marginal lands which can be planted bioenergy crops to perform the bioenergy crop production function of land use with great potentials;and currently there were no food production problems.Therefore,it was very important for China to emphasize bioenergy crops planting in order to fully use land resources in our country,moderate the energy crisis and increase peasants' income. 展开更多
关键词 Land use Bioenergy crop production function of land use BIOENERGY Bioenergy crops Increase of peasants' income
Phytoremediation of Cd Contaminated Soil through Certain Weed and Crop Species 被引量:2
作者 E. Fotiadis P. C. Lolas 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期811-817,共7页
Phytoremediation is a relatively new approach in remediating ecosystems contaminated by ecotoxic pollutants such as herbicides or heavy metals and especially cadmium (Cd). Certain indicators of phytoremediation, as ... Phytoremediation is a relatively new approach in remediating ecosystems contaminated by ecotoxic pollutants such as herbicides or heavy metals and especially cadmium (Cd). Certain indicators of phytoremediation, as plant growth, tolerance to Cd, and uptake, transfer factor (TF) and percent removal of Cd, were studied for 11 crops and 8 weed species in soil with varying levels of Cd (0-240 mg Cd kg" soil) under controlled environment. Cadmium accumulated mainly in roots (51%-86%, depending on the species), while a 14%-49% was transferred to shoots (except for four species) the concentration being positively related to Cd level in soil. Highest concentration in the above ground plant part was measured in sugarbeets (41-101 mg Cd kg-1 DW) followed by Bromus sterilis (75), Eruca sativa (32-82), Cichorium intibus (35-80), and maize (60 mg Cd kgl). Based on the results it is concluded that sugarbeets, maize, C. intibus, B. sterilis, E. sativa, Apium graveolens, and Vicia sativa seem to have a potential in remediating Cd contaminated soils. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOREMEDIATION cadmium (Cd) crop plants WEEDS transfer factor.
Bio-Economic Strategy to Combat Non-Point Pollution in China 被引量:6
作者 B. DAVIDSON R.E.WHITE 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第2期156-163,共8页
While non-point pollution from agriculture has become an increasingly serious problem in China, some progress has been made in studying the causal biophysical processes. However, few studies have assessed the economic... While non-point pollution from agriculture has become an increasingly serious problem in China, some progress has been made in studying the causal biophysical processes. However, few studies have assessed the economic consequences of non-point pollution in China or the policy options that could be employed to combat it. In this work a sustainable strategy to control non-point pollution from crop production, which involved taxing excessive inputs of irrigation water and fertilizer, was proposed. The approach taken to assess these measures combined biophysical and economic models,having a trade-off between economic returns and an improved environment. A proven and practical spatially referenced water and nutrient management model was used to determine the quantities of excessive irrigation water and fertilizer for specific soil and land use. Also, a set of indicators were proposed for evaluating the effects of agricultural economic output and agricultural practices on the environment. 展开更多
关键词 crop production integrated biophysical-economic model non-point pollution policy instrument sustainable strategy
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