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植物器官大小相关基因研究进展(英文) 被引量:1
作者 黄琼林 何瑞 +1 位作者 詹若挺 陈蔚文 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期577-586,共10页
器官大小是植物形态的一个重要特征,而且具有严格的种属特异性。植物器官大小虽然受到外在的环境因素(如光照、营养等)的影响,但它是由内在特有的细胞数目和细胞大小决定的。许多基因能通过转录调节、蛋白合成、激素调节或松弛细胞壁等... 器官大小是植物形态的一个重要特征,而且具有严格的种属特异性。植物器官大小虽然受到外在的环境因素(如光照、营养等)的影响,但它是由内在特有的细胞数目和细胞大小决定的。许多基因能通过转录调节、蛋白合成、激素调节或松弛细胞壁等途径作用于植物细胞繁殖和/或细胞扩张,它们的过表达或缺失表达能改变植物器官大小和加快植物生长。尽管如此,这些基因是通过相对独立的途径起作用,在植物中难以阐明一个相对整合的器官大小基因调控网络,这也是亟待解决的问题。目前,一些与器官大小相关的基因已经应用于农作物育种,并培育出显著增大的农作物品种,这也证实了利用器官大小基因进行植物品种选育的可行性。因此,通过研究药用植物器官大小的基因,在分子水平上有目的地调控器官的大小和形态,是缓解当前许多药用植物面临的资源紧缺、枯竭、濒危困境的可考虑途径之一。 展开更多
关键词 植物器官大小 基因 细胞增殖 细胞扩张
水蓼花大小在花序和个体上的变化及其与数量权衡关系研究 被引量:7
作者 操国兴 李燕 刘欣 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期307-310,328,共5页
探讨一年生植物水蓼花大小在花序上和个体上的变化及花大小与花数量的权衡关系。在54株植物个体上随机选取一花序,在花序的基部、中部和顶部各选取1~2朵花,花大小(生物量)以基部最大(0.851mg),顶部最小(0.715mg),可能是由结构效应引起... 探讨一年生植物水蓼花大小在花序上和个体上的变化及花大小与花数量的权衡关系。在54株植物个体上随机选取一花序,在花序的基部、中部和顶部各选取1~2朵花,花大小(生物量)以基部最大(0.851mg),顶部最小(0.715mg),可能是由结构效应引起的。在每个体上随机采集4~20朵花,以其均值表示植物个体的花大小,花大小不随植物个体大小变化而变化。花朵展示和总花数均随个体增大而增加。在控制植物个体大小(地上部分营养器官生物量)后,没有发现花朵展示或花数量与花大小之间的权衡关系,表明个体资源水平的差异可能掩盖了花数量与大小间的权衡关系。 展开更多
关键词 水蓼 大小 花数量 植物大小 权衡
4D CTA评价慢性B型主动脉夹层病人胸主动脉结构的变化 被引量:9
作者 T.F.Weber M.K.Ganten +4 位作者 D.Bckler P.Geisbüsch A.Kopp-Schneider H.U.Kauczor 范丽 《国际医学放射学杂志》 2009年第2期200-201,共2页
关键词 CT 血管成像 主动脉夹层 血管内主动脉修复 植物大小
拟南芥突变体sus40-1D的遗传分析与候选基因鉴定 被引量:1
作者 邳瑞雪 杜亮 +2 位作者 李娜 栾维江 李云海 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期63-68,共6页
植物器官的大小调控是一个重要的生物学过程,直接影响农作物产量。目前对于植物器官大小调控的研究集中在转录调控、激素信号通路及蛋白质合成与修饰等多个水平和途径,但具体的分子机制并不是很清晰。李云海实验室前期研究发现了一个器... 植物器官的大小调控是一个重要的生物学过程,直接影响农作物产量。目前对于植物器官大小调控的研究集中在转录调控、激素信号通路及蛋白质合成与修饰等多个水平和途径,但具体的分子机制并不是很清晰。李云海实验室前期研究发现了一个器官大小的关键调控基因UBIQUITIN SPECIFIC PROTEASE 15(UBP15)/SUPPRESSOR2 OF DA1(SOD2)。sod2-1突变体由于UBP15基因缺失导致器官变小。UBP15作为DA1的底物,其蛋白稳定性受DA1的调节,但其下游通路并不清楚。为了进一步了解UBP15调控器官大小的分子机制,通过EMS诱变筛选分离得到了sod2-1的抑制突变体sus40-1D。sus40-1D sod2-1突变体与sod2-1植株相比,子叶、花瓣和种子面积显著增大。遗传分析表明sus40-1D为显性突变。基因组重测序及连锁分析鉴定出2个与sus40-1D紧密连锁的候选基因:At1g05820和At1g08470。At1g05820的突变发生在内含子区域,而At1g08470的突变发生在外显子区。本研究发现了一个调控器官大小的突变体sus40-1D,对该突变体的进一步研究将有助于解析植物器官大小的调控机制。 展开更多
关键词 植物器官大小 基因鉴定 遗传分析 UBP15 sus40-1D
内蒙古草原不同基因组大小植物对氮水添加的响应 被引量:1
作者 赵芳媛 魏存争 +1 位作者 吕晓涛 韩兴国 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期2675-2681,共7页
被子植物基因组大小的种间差异巨大,约为2400倍.基因组大小与植物从细胞核到个体水平的一系列性状密切相关,进而影响植物对环境变化的响应.作为水分和养分共同限制的生态系统,内蒙古草原植物群落对氮素、水分有效性变化的响应具有明显... 被子植物基因组大小的种间差异巨大,约为2400倍.基因组大小与植物从细胞核到个体水平的一系列性状密切相关,进而影响植物对环境变化的响应.作为水分和养分共同限制的生态系统,内蒙古草原植物群落对氮素、水分有效性变化的响应具有明显的种间差异,这种差异可能与种间基因组大小不同有关.本研究利用流式细胞术测定了内蒙古典型草原水分、氮素添加实验平台植物的基因组大小,研究了不同基因组大小植物地上净初级生产力(ANPP)和物种丰富度对水分、氮素添加及其交互作用的响应.结果表明:基因组大小显著影响了不同植物ANPP对水分的响应,小基因组植物ANPP对氮水添加响应更敏感,加水和氮水共同添加显著增加了小基因组植物ANPP,而大基因组植物ANPP对所有处理响应均不显著.加氮对大小基因组植物ANPP都无显著影响.大小基因组植物的物种丰富度对氮水添加的响应也均不显著.基因组大小影响内蒙古草原不同植物ANPP对水分增加的响应.作为植物细胞核水平上十分稳定且种间差异巨大的物种性状,将基因组大小引入生态学研究将对全球变化背景下生态系统结构与功能变化研究起到重要作用. 展开更多
关键词 植物基因组大小 氮沉降 干旱 典型草原
新疆山地森林乔木和草地草本植物个体大小分布特征 被引量:6
作者 李利平 安尼瓦尔.买买提 +2 位作者 努尔巴依.阿布都沙力克 努尔佳玛丽.沙尔巴依 万华伟 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1202-1212,共11页
个体大小是植物重要的特征之一,目前其受环境因子的影响还不十分清楚。基于样地实际调查数据,我们分析了新疆山地森林乔木和草地草本植物个体大小的特征(统称为乔木和草本,分别以平均胸径和平均株高表示),并在物种和区域尺度,分析了其... 个体大小是植物重要的特征之一,目前其受环境因子的影响还不十分清楚。基于样地实际调查数据,我们分析了新疆山地森林乔木和草地草本植物个体大小的特征(统称为乔木和草本,分别以平均胸径和平均株高表示),并在物种和区域尺度,分析了其与分布区特征和植物多样性的关系。研究发现:(1)在物种尺度上,森林植被中乔木物种的个体大小与其分布区特征正相关,即分布范围较广的乔木倾向于个体更大;草地植被中草本植物的特征与此类似;(2)在区域尺度上,乔木平均个体越大,区域植物平均分布区越小,反之亦然;草本植物的平均个体大小与区域植物分布区特征无显著相关性;(3)在区域尺度上,森林乔木和草地草本植物的个体大小与植物多样性均呈正相关关系,即森林乔木和草地草本植物平均个体较大时,其区域多样性更高。 展开更多
关键词 植物个体大小 植物分布区 物种尺度 区域尺度 植物多样性 新疆
作者 许再富 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期225-229,共5页
我国建设国家植物园体系所提出的“统筹就地保护与迁地保护相结合的原则”是进一步推动《生物多样性公约》在我国实施的一个重要新举措。这需要国家植物园对其不同功能植物栽培保存种群大小的统筹协调,需要与我国其他植物园的濒危植物... 我国建设国家植物园体系所提出的“统筹就地保护与迁地保护相结合的原则”是进一步推动《生物多样性公约》在我国实施的一个重要新举措。这需要国家植物园对其不同功能植物栽培保存种群大小的统筹协调,需要与我国其他植物园的濒危植物迁地保护统筹协调并注重统筹提升我国植物迁地保护的有效性等。此外,由于我国一些植物园与国际顶级植物园几乎都是同步开展受严重威胁的濒危植物迁地保护及其科学研究,所取得的成果各有千秋,而且在保护的有效性上都存在着或多或少的问题,所以“国家植物园将对标世界顶级植物园”的提法是值得商榷的,我们的做法应是“他山之石,可以攻玉”。 展开更多
关键词 国家植物 体系建设 植物保存的种群大小 与其他植物园统筹协调 迁地保护有效性提升
EIN2通过控制细胞膨大抑制器官过度生长 被引量:1
作者 冯关萍 刘刚 《井冈山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第5期52-55,共4页
植物器官大小受到严格的遗传调控,器官是由细胞组成的,特定器官中细胞的数目和细胞的体积是决定其大小的两个基本因素。EIN2通过参与乙烯信号传导,在植物发育和抗逆等过程中发挥重要作用,然而其在植物器官生长调控方面的功能以及其作用... 植物器官大小受到严格的遗传调控,器官是由细胞组成的,特定器官中细胞的数目和细胞的体积是决定其大小的两个基本因素。EIN2通过参与乙烯信号传导,在植物发育和抗逆等过程中发挥重要作用,然而其在植物器官生长调控方面的功能以及其作用的细胞学基础还不清楚。以拟南芥ein2-1突变体为材料,研究其在植物生长发育特别是细胞膨大过程中的调控作用。研究发现ein2-1突变体的器官与野生型对照相比显著增大,经细胞学观察表明该器官增大是由于器官中细胞的体积明显增大所造成的。研究结果表明EIN2通过控制细胞膨大可以抑制器官的过度生长。 展开更多
关键词 植物器官大小 EIN2 ein2-1 细胞膨大
A bio-optical inversion model to retrieve absorption contributions and phytoplankton size structure from total minus water spectral absorption using genetic algorithm 被引量:2
作者 林俊芳 曹文熙 +5 位作者 周雯 胡水波 王桂芬 孙兆华 许占堂 宋庆君 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期970-978,共9页
We propose a bio-optical inversion model that retrieves the absorption contributions of phytoplankton and colored detrital matter(CDM),as well as the phytoplankton size classes(PSCs),from total minus water absorption ... We propose a bio-optical inversion model that retrieves the absorption contributions of phytoplankton and colored detrital matter(CDM),as well as the phytoplankton size classes(PSCs),from total minus water absorption spectra.The model is based on three-component separation of phytoplankton size structure and a genetic algorithm.The model performance was tested on two independent datasets(the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Dataset(NOMAD) and the northern South China Sea(NSCS) dataset).The relationships between the estimated and measured values were strongly linear,especially for aCDM(412),and the Root Mean Square Error(RMSE) of the CDM exponential slope(SCDM) was relatively low.Next,the inversion model was directly applied to in-situ total minus water absorption spectra determined by an underwater meter during a cruise in September 2008,to retrieve the phytoplankton size structure in the seawater.By comparing the measured and retrieved chlorophyll a concentrations,we demonstrated that total and size-specific chlorophyll a concentrations could be retrieved by the model with relatively high accuracy.Finally,we applied the bio-optical inversion model to investigate changes in phytoplankton size structure induced by an anti-cyclonic eddy in the NSCS. 展开更多
关键词 INVERSION phytoplankton size classes absorption coefficients genetic algorithm
Investigation of Variability in Seed Size on Seedling Establishment of Buchholzia coriacea Engler
作者 A. O. Akinyele A. O. Adegeye 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第4期566-572,共7页
Investigation was carried out on the significance of seed size on morphological traits in seedlings of Buchholzia eoriaeea Engler, a medicinal plant in Southwestern Nigeria. Three size classes-large (seeds 〉 40 g),... Investigation was carried out on the significance of seed size on morphological traits in seedlings of Buchholzia eoriaeea Engler, a medicinal plant in Southwestern Nigeria. Three size classes-large (seeds 〉 40 g), medium (seeds between 25 and 40 g) and small (seed 〈 25 g) were used. Ninety uniformly growing seedlings from each size class were assessed for shoot height, number of leaves, collar diameter, leaf area and biomass production for six months. Seed size showed significant effect on height growth, collar diameter and number of leaves (P 〈 0.05). Seedlings from large seed size class had the best height and collar diameter (45.3 cm, 8.7 mm). Seeds of large and medium seed size classes had overall means of 15.6 and 15.5 leaves/seedling respectively. Leaf dry weight, stem dry weight and root biomass in seedlings from the three seed size classes were significantly different at P 〈 0.05 with the highest mean values for leaf dry weight, stem dry weight and root biomass recorded by seedlings from the large seed size class. The results showed that seed size has great influence on seedling growth when they are young. With availability of sufficient nutrient and light, effect of seed size on seedling growth and development could disappear as seedlings attain maturity. 展开更多
关键词 Buchholzia coriacea medicinal plant morphological traits seed size.
Influence of Cropping Systems on Soil Properties in Semi-arid Conditions of Setif, Algeria
作者 Abdelhamid Mekhlouf Noureddine Rouag +3 位作者 Rabah Boukhadra Selma Chenni Mohamed Fenni Mahfoud Makhlouf 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2013年第8期653-658,共6页
The effects of two culture systems, conventional and no-till combined the previous crop (lentil and wheat) on soil properties were studied in the experimental site of the station Technical Institute for Field Crops ... The effects of two culture systems, conventional and no-till combined the previous crop (lentil and wheat) on soil properties were studied in the experimental site of the station Technical Institute for Field Crops (ITGC) Setif (Algeria) during the crop year 2011/2012. The results indicate that the no-till system affects positively the variables of soil properties and the organic matter has a rate of 2.89% compared to 2.44% in conventional tillage. If the conventional system has an infiltration of moisture relatively higher than that observed for no-till throughout the cycle, the no-tillage is distinguished by a higher storage of moisture at the end of cycle wheat cultivation. The results also indicate that the density (1.44 g/cm), permeability (22.79 cm/h) and soil compaction (12.51 kg/cm) in no-till were significantly higher compared to conventional tillage 1.35 g/cm, 14.13 cm/h, 7.40 kg/cm, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Conventional tillage no-ill preceding crop bulk density INFILTRATION COMPACTION organic matter.
Contamination of Harvested Organs in Root Crops Grown on Chlordecone-Polluted Soils
作者 Y. M. CABIDOCHE M. LESUEUR-JANNOYER 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第4期562-571,共10页
Chlordecone, one of the most persistent organochlorine pesticides, was applied between 1972 and 1993 in banana fields in the French West Indies, which results in long-term pollution of soils and contamination of water... Chlordecone, one of the most persistent organochlorine pesticides, was applied between 1972 and 1993 in banana fields in the French West Indies, which results in long-term pollution of soils and contamination of waters, aquatic biota, and crops. As human exposure to chlordecone is mainly due to food contamination, early research was focused on chlordecone transfer to crops. Field trials were conducted to investigate chlordecone contamination of yam, sweet potato, turnip, and radish grown on a Ferralic Nitisol polluted by chlordecone. We also carried out trials on yam, courgette, and tomato under greenhouse conditions with homogenized Andosol and Nitisol, polluted by chlordecone to various extents. Our results indicated that i) all tubers were contaminated in accordance with the chlordecone content of the soils; ii) the plant contamination capacity of the Nitisol was greater than that of the Andosol; and iii) whatever the soil type, tuber contamination was related to the soil volumetric content of dissolved chlordecone. Nevertheless, no tubers showed sufficient chlordecone uptake for efficient soil decontamination by means of plant extraction. Soil contact accounted for most of the root crop contamination, which was inversely proportional to the tuber size. Internal transfer might also increase root crop contamination when the root central cylinder contained raw sap flow, as in the case of turnip or radish. Courgette fruits showed high contamination without soil contact. Thus, further research is needed to explore the pattern of both below- and aboveground plant chlordecone contamination and assess the hypothesis of its correlation with sap flow. Finally, we used our results to build a decisionmaking tool for farmers, relating soil pollution with the maximal contamination of the harvested organs to predict crop contamination and thus assisting farmers in making crop choices at planting in order to conform with the European Union's regulations. 展开更多
关键词 crop contamination FRUIT organochlorine pesticide soil pollution tuberbidoche. Y. M. and Lesueur-Jannover. M. 2012. Contamination of harvested organs in
The gap in research on polyploidization between plants and vertebrates:model systems and strategic challenges 被引量:1
作者 Jing Chai Yuebo Su +4 位作者 Feng Huang Shaojun Liu Min Tao Robert W.Murphy Jing Luo 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第17期1471-1478,共8页
Polyploidization via whole-genome duplications (WGD) is a common phenomenon in organisms. However, investigations into this phenomenon differ greatly between plants and animals. Recent research on polyploid plants i... Polyploidization via whole-genome duplications (WGD) is a common phenomenon in organisms. However, investigations into this phenomenon differ greatly between plants and animals. Recent research on polyploid plants illustrates the immediate changes that follow WGDs and the mechanisms behind in both genetic and epigenetic consequences. Unfortunately, equivalent questions remain to be explored in animals. Enlightened by botanical research, the study of polyploidization in vertebrates involves the identification of model animals and the establishment of strategies. Here we review and compare the research on plants and vertebrates while considering intrageneric or intraspecific variation in genome size. Suitable research methods on recently established poly- ploidy systems could provide important clues for under- standing what happens after WGDs in vertebrates. The approach yields insights into survival and the rarity of polyploidization in vertebrates. The species of Carassius and the allopolyploid system of goldfish × common carp hybridization appear to be suitable models for unraveling the evolution and adaptation of polyploid vertebrates. 展开更多
关键词 POLYPLOIDIZATION Recurrent WGD events Genome size variation Next-generation sequencing
Edge influence on herbaceous plant species,diversity and soil properties in sparse oak forest fragments in Iran
作者 Gelareh Valadi Javad Eshaghi Rad +2 位作者 Yahia Khodakarami Mostafa Nemati Peykani Karen A.Harper 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期413-424,共12页
Forest edges have been well studied in temperate and tropical forests,but less so in open canopy forests.We investigated edge influence on plant species diversity and soil properties in sparse oak forest fragments.Dat... Forest edges have been well studied in temperate and tropical forests,but less so in open canopy forests.We investigated edge influence on plant species diversity and soil properties in sparse oak forest fragments.Data were collected along three transects from the edge to the interior of three small(under 10 ha)and three large(over 10 ha)oak forest fragments in Kermanshah Province,Iran.We measured herbaceous plants(<0.5 m in height)and soil attributes at 0(forest edge),25,50,100 and 150 m.We quantified species diversity using the Shannon index,used rarefaction to compare species richness between two different sizes of fragments and applied non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination to investigate the variation in species composition.We estimated the distance of edge influence using randomization tests.Generalized linear mixed models with post-hoc Tukey’s HSD tests were used to assess the effects of distance from edge and fragment size on diversity and soil properties.We found greater species richness,diversity and evenness at the edge of both small and large fragments and lower nitrogen and organic carbon at the edge compared to the interior of large fragments,with most changes within 50 m of the edge.Species composition,organic carbon and total nitrogen were significantly different between small and large fragments.Our findings of significant edge influence on herbaceous plants and soil properties in these sparse forests provide a significant contribution to the literature on edges,especially in relation to herbaceous plants. 展开更多
关键词 edge influence Zagros forest large fragments Quercus brantii small fragments
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