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白水江自然保护区植被区系特征分析 被引量:18
作者 孙国钧 冯虎元 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第2期92-97,共6页
分析了白水江自然保护区植被区系特征.其结果是:该区系具明显的温带性质;起源古老,具有第三纪亚热带亚高山森林植物区系在第四纪冰期前的历史联系及冰期后的分化特征;地理成分复杂,替代过渡现象明显.同时用主成分分析(P.C.... 分析了白水江自然保护区植被区系特征.其结果是:该区系具明显的温带性质;起源古老,具有第三纪亚热带亚高山森林植物区系在第四纪冰期前的历史联系及冰期后的分化特征;地理成分复杂,替代过渡现象明显.同时用主成分分析(P.C.A.)和信息聚类分析(I.C.A.)方法对本区系与国内其它13个具有代表性地区的种子植物区系进行了比较分析,将14个地区可分为5组.实践证明。 展开更多
关键词 白水江 主成分分析 自然保护 植被区系
作者 吴勇 苏智先 《生命科学研究》 CAS CSCD 2005年第2期156-162,共7页
四川九顶山东坡地形复杂,降水丰沛,孕育了丰富植物物种.在野外样带调查的基础上,分析了九顶山种子植物区系组成和各分布类型在海拔梯度上的分布规律.九顶山种子植物区系组成中,北温带属占优势(27.8%),其次是泛热带属(14.2%)和东亚属(13.... 四川九顶山东坡地形复杂,降水丰沛,孕育了丰富植物物种.在野外样带调查的基础上,分析了九顶山种子植物区系组成和各分布类型在海拔梯度上的分布规律.九顶山种子植物区系组成中,北温带属占优势(27.8%),其次是泛热带属(14.2%)和东亚属(13.0%).北温带属的垂直分布与海拔升高为正相关关系,而其他的分布类型一般局限在一定海拔范围内,并不连续. 展开更多
关键词 九顶山 种子植被区系 垂直演替
秦皇岛植被概况及植被区系 被引量:2
作者 曾宪锋 《唐山师专学报》 1998年第5期48-49,共2页
秦皇岛市在河北省东北部,位于北纬39°23′~40°37′,东经118°34′~119°52′之间,是河北省省辖市,为全国对外开放及沿海港口城市之一。东与辽宁省建昌、绥中县交界,西与乐亭、滦南、滦县、迁安、迁西毗邻,北同承德... 秦皇岛市在河北省东北部,位于北纬39°23′~40°37′,东经118°34′~119°52′之间,是河北省省辖市,为全国对外开放及沿海港口城市之一。东与辽宁省建昌、绥中县交界,西与乐亭、滦南、滦县、迁安、迁西毗邻,北同承德地区宽城县接壤。管辖海港区、北戴河区、山海关区及昌黎、抚宁、卢龙、青龙4县。全市总面积7,746公里。 在暖温带半湿润大陆气候条件下,秦皇岛市的地带性植被类型为暖温带落叶阔叶林,并有温性针叶林分布。 展开更多
关键词 植被区系 秦皇岛市 落叶灌丛 灌草丛
呼兰河口湿地自然保护区植物区系研究 被引量:7
作者 程旭 《防护林科技》 2013年第8期14-17,19,共5页
通过对呼兰河口湿地自然保护区内植被区系进行的研究,结果表明:以禾本科、莎草科的中生、湿生、沼生及水生植物为优势的草甸、沼泽、水生植被类型是该区的主要类型;群落结构与生态系统组成相对森林简单,植物种类也较森林少,共计70科,244... 通过对呼兰河口湿地自然保护区内植被区系进行的研究,结果表明:以禾本科、莎草科的中生、湿生、沼生及水生植物为优势的草甸、沼泽、水生植被类型是该区的主要类型;群落结构与生态系统组成相对森林简单,植物种类也较森林少,共计70科,244属,465种,其植物种类约占黑龙江省植物种类的28.28%左右;种子植物区系成分东北植物区系占第一位,华北植物区系占第二位,东北平原亚区占第三位,少许大兴安岭植物区和东蒙古草原亚区种类;该区属的地理分布区类型以温带成分占优势,世界广布种亦占有较大比重。其优势植物是中生的禾本科植物小叶章、湿生的莎草科植物修氏苔草及沼生的禾本科植物芦苇、莎草科植物毛果苔草、漂筏苔草等,形成了独具特色的草本湿地。 展开更多
关键词 呼兰河口湿地自然保护 植被区系 植被类型
敦煌及马鬃山地区植物生活型及其海拔梯度特征 被引量:2
作者 罗凤敏 辛智鸣 +4 位作者 高君亮 李永华 董雪 段瑞兵 李新乐 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期31-39,共9页
【目的】研究敦煌及马鬃山地区植被区系祖成、植物生活型及其对海拔梯度的响应,阐明植物群落生活型特征及其对气候生境的反映,为区域植物多样性保护及垂直格局研究提供理论依据和科学基础。【方法】在植物群落调查基础上,采用Raunkiaer... 【目的】研究敦煌及马鬃山地区植被区系祖成、植物生活型及其对海拔梯度的响应,阐明植物群落生活型特征及其对气候生境的反映,为区域植物多样性保护及垂直格局研究提供理论依据和科学基础。【方法】在植物群落调查基础上,采用Raunkiaer生活型分类系统,统计敦煌及马鬃山地区维管束植物的生活型,编制生活型谱,并分析不同海拔梯度的植物生活型组成。【结果】1)研究区共记录217种植物,隶属34科122属,占中国干旱区总科数的41.46%,占全国总科数的10.09%。其中,裸子植物1科1属3种,双子叶植物28科96属175种,单子叶植物5科25属38种。2)研究区植物生活型主要以地上芽植物为主,占33.18%,在地上芽植物型的4个亚类群中,以半灌木地上芽植物最多;生活型大小序列为:地上芽植物型>地面芽植物型>一年生植物型>地下芽植物型>高位芽植物型。3)地上芽生活型物种在各海拔梯度都占重要地位,占研究区全部生活型物种的59.15%,随海拔升高呈先增后降的趋势,在海拔1700 m处达到最大值;地面芽植物生活型也表现为随海拔升高而先增后降的趋势;高位芽植物生活型和地下芽植物生活型所占比例很小;一年生植物在整个海拔范围内占10.00%以下,随海拔升高波动不大。【结论】敦煌及马鬃山地区地带性植被以灌木或半灌木建群的植被占优势,主要分布于1000~3000 m海拔内。群落生活型以地上芽植物和地面芽植物为主,并呈随海拔升高而先增后降的单峰分布格局。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌 马鬃山 植被区系组成 植物群落 植物生活型 海拔梯度
阿尔金山北麓野骆驼生境植被调查研究 被引量:1
作者 吴鹏 辉朝茂 +1 位作者 薛亚东 李迪强 《林业调查规划》 2014年第3期58-62,共5页
阿尔金山北麓是野生双峰驼的主要分布地区之一,在该地区野生双峰驼的生境内设立样线样方,对野生双峰驼生境内沙漠植被组成、地理区系和群落多样性等特征进行调查分析。结果表明,该地区的沙漠植物较为稀少,有9科17属17种植物,植物区系倾... 阿尔金山北麓是野生双峰驼的主要分布地区之一,在该地区野生双峰驼的生境内设立样线样方,对野生双峰驼生境内沙漠植被组成、地理区系和群落多样性等特征进行调查分析。结果表明,该地区的沙漠植物较为稀少,有9科17属17种植物,植物区系倾向于集中在少数大科和单种属内,优势科属的组成较少;该地区植物科的地理分布型有3种,属有5种地理分布型和2个变型,总体植物区系的温带性质较为明显,并呈现了与古地中海成分的相关性;该地区的植物群落物种组成稀少,结构单一,群落多样性指数较低,这与荒漠植物生境的严酷性有密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔金山北麓 野生双峰驼 植被区系 地理成分 群落物种多样性 群落结构
新疆艾比湖流域植物区系研究 被引量:9
作者 孔琼英 努尔巴依.阿布都沙力克 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第11期175-179,共5页
艾比湖流域目前生态环境问题很严重,突出表现在:盐尘暴天气增多、艾比湖湖面缩小、沙漠化、生物多样性降低、水资源利用不合理、水体污染等。这些对天山北坡经济带会产生威胁,所以对艾比湖流域进行生物多样性研究有重大意义,是非常必需... 艾比湖流域目前生态环境问题很严重,突出表现在:盐尘暴天气增多、艾比湖湖面缩小、沙漠化、生物多样性降低、水资源利用不合理、水体污染等。这些对天山北坡经济带会产生威胁,所以对艾比湖流域进行生物多样性研究有重大意义,是非常必需的。对此我们在艾比湖流域进行野外调查,并整理和鉴定植物标本,艾比湖流域共有高等植物1178种,隶属79科440属,其中蕨类植物7科,9属,15种,裸子植物3科,4属,7种,被子植物69科,427属,1156种,其中有2个特有种:艾比湖桦(Betula ebinuricum),艾比湖沙拐枣(Calligonum ebi-nuricumIvanova)。对艾比湖流域的植被进行了地理区系成分分析,结果表明:艾比湖流域治污区系成分复杂,分属于20个类型,以中亚成分、欧亚成分和北温带成分占优势,表明新疆种子植物区系特征与本地区所处的气候带、地理位置及其地史变迁是一致的。这可为艾比湖流域生物多样性研究、生物资源的合理开发和流域生态环境治理提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 艾比湖流域 植被区系 地理成分
A Scheme of Vegetation Classification of Taiwan, China 被引量:2
作者 宋永昌 徐国士 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第8期883-895,共13页
The complexity of natural conditions leads to the complexity of vegetation types of Taiwan of China, which has both tropical and cold-temperate vegetation types, and could be depicted as the vegetation miniature of Ch... The complexity of natural conditions leads to the complexity of vegetation types of Taiwan of China, which has both tropical and cold-temperate vegetation types, and could be depicted as the vegetation miniature of China or even for the world. The physiognomic-floristic principle was adopted for the vegetation classification of Taiwan. The units of rank from top to bottom are: class of vegetation-type, order of vegetation-type, vegetation-type, alliance group, alliance and association. The high-rank units (class, order and vegetation-type) are classified by ecological physiognomy, while the median and lower units by the species composition of community. At the same time the role of dominant species and character species will also be considered. The dominant species are the major factor concerned with the median ranks (alliance group, and alliance) because they are the chief components of community, additionally their remarkable appearance is easy to identify; the character species (or diagnostic species) are for relatively low ranks (association) because they will clearly show the interspecies relation-ship and the characteristics of community. According to this principle, vegetation of Taiwan is classi-fied into five classes of vegetation-types (forests, thickets, herbaceous vegetation, rock fields vegetation, swamps and aquatic vegetation), 29 orders of vegetation-types (cold-temperate needle-leaved forests, cool-temperate needle-leaved forests, warm-temperate needle-leaved forests, warm needle-leaved forests, deciduous broad-leaved forests, mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forests, evergreen mossy forests, evergreen sclerophyllous forests, evergreen broad-leaved forests, tropical rain forests, tropical monsoon forests, coastal forests, warm bamboo forests, evergreen needle-leaved thickets, sclerophyllous thickets, deciduous broad-leaved thickets, evergreen broad-leaved thickets, xerothermic thorn-succulent thickets, bamboo thickets, meadows, sparse shrub grasslands, savannahic grasslands, sparse scree communities, chasmophytic vegetation, woody swamps, herbaceous swamps, moss bogs, fresh water aquatic vegetation, salt water aquatic vegetation) and 53 vegetation-types. The main alliances of each vegetation-type are described. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation classification physiognomic-floristic principal physiognomic approach dominance-types Braun-Blanquet approach TAIWAN
精河林场灯诱昆虫种类和地老虎类发生动态监测 被引量:1
作者 玛丽亚·坎吉别克 哈迪拉·哈里亚仁 多力肯·拜山巴依 《新疆林业》 2015年第2期40-41,共2页
精河林场属中亚山地植被区系,在林场境内生长的主要乔木树种为云杉,几乎为纯林,仅在河谷等个别地段有少许杨树及桦木。因本区缺乏前山带,受艾比湖干旱气候的影响,气候干旱,针叶林下限上升到海拔2 100 m以上,垂直带600 m左右。林下木分... 精河林场属中亚山地植被区系,在林场境内生长的主要乔木树种为云杉,几乎为纯林,仅在河谷等个别地段有少许杨树及桦木。因本区缺乏前山带,受艾比湖干旱气候的影响,气候干旱,针叶林下限上升到海拔2 100 m以上,垂直带600 m左右。林下木分布极少,不少林分几乎无林下木。随着社会的发展,环境的变化,林业有害生物对林业发展已经构成了致命的威胁。 展开更多
关键词 动态监测 昆虫种类 林场 精河 地老虎 灯诱 林业发展 植被区系
作者 于哲 任建武 《国土绿化》 2017年第9期46-47,共2页
桓仁县位于辽宁省东北部边缘,地处长白与华北两大植被区系过渡带",八山、一水、一分田"是这里的真实写照。多年来,桓仁县从实际出发,利用当地丰富的森林资源优势,大力发展林下经济,不仅加速了退耕还林进程,林蛙、黑木耳、山参也逐渐... 桓仁县位于辽宁省东北部边缘,地处长白与华北两大植被区系过渡带",八山、一水、一分田"是这里的真实写照。多年来,桓仁县从实际出发,利用当地丰富的森林资源优势,大力发展林下经济,不仅加速了退耕还林进程,林蛙、黑木耳、山参也逐渐形成一系列具有地方特色的产业链,被当地誉为发展林下经济的"三宝",成为林农脱贫致富的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 脱贫致富 桓仁县 林农 植被区系 资源优势 退耕还林 地方特色 东北部
Effect of Different Vegetation Systems on Soil Erosion and Soil Nutrients in Red Soil Region of Southeastern China 被引量:57
作者 S. KUMAR 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期121-128,共8页
The effect of different vegetation systems including bamboo plantation (BP), forest ecosystem (CF),citrus orchard (Ctr) and farmland (FL) on erosion and nutrients of red soil were investigated in hilly region of south... The effect of different vegetation systems including bamboo plantation (BP), forest ecosystem (CF),citrus orchard (Ctr) and farmland (FL) on erosion and nutrients of red soil were investigated in hilly region of southeastern China to find effective control measures for soil erosion. The results showed that all the vegetation systems could significantly reduce soil erosion and nutrient losses compared to bare land (Br).The ability of different vegetation systems to conserve soil and water was in the order of Ctr > BP > CF > FL > Br. Vegetation could also improve soil fertility. The soil organic matter, total N and total P contents were much higher in all the vegetation systems than in bare land, especially for the top soils. Vegetation systems improved soil physical properties remarkably. Compared to the bare land, soil organic matter, TP,TK and available K, especially soil microbial biomass C, N and P, increased under all the vegetation covers.However, they were still much lower than expected, thus these biological measurements are still needed to be carried out continuously. 展开更多
关键词 microbial biomass NUTRIENTS red soil soil erosion vegetation systems
A Systems Approach for Analyzing Vegetative and Soil Degradation in Arnigad Micro-watershed of Indian Himalayan Region
作者 Mohit Gera Prem L.Sankhayan Ole Hofstad 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第4期315-326,共12页
This study analyzes the vegetative and soil degradation,measured as biomass and soil loss,for Arnigad micro-watershed located in Indian Himalayan state of Uttarakhand,in systems framework by using dynamic linear progr... This study analyzes the vegetative and soil degradation,measured as biomass and soil loss,for Arnigad micro-watershed located in Indian Himalayan state of Uttarakhand,in systems framework by using dynamic linear programming bio-economic model.The focus is at investigating the effects of alternate policy regimes,i.e.,introduction of improved energy sources for cooking along with substitution of existing local livestock breeds with improved breed,reduction in human population growth and introduction of high yielding varieties of main crops including paddy,maize and wheat.The model horizon extended over a period of 25 years,i.e.,from 2006 to 2030.It was found that the model scenario incorporating increased use of improved energy sources along with substitution of local cows by improved cows could be the most effective policy option in reducing vegetative and soil degradation.The vegetative biomass density declined to 19.76% compared to 35.24% in the BASE scenario and soil erosion loss was also lowered by 29.13%.Also,the reduction of population growth rate to half of the BASE scenario led to minor improvements in degradation.Introduction of high yielding varieties of main crops slightly increased vegetative degradation but reduced soil loss(8.35%) with respect to the BASE scenario.Such a phenomenon could be explained in terms of changed crop mix resulting in reduced amount of crop by-products requiring increased lopping of tree branches for animal fodder.The policy option of the increased use of improved energy sources along with substitution of improved breed of cows resulted in 9.58% higher income.Introduction of high yielding varieties of crops led to 1.92% increase in income,but the income decreased by 1.25 % when population growth was reduced to half.The usefulness of the model lies in analyzing the systems behavior in its entirety where the results can predict the possible direction of change as a result of manipulation in alternate economic regimes. 展开更多
关键词 Bio-economic model Dynamic linearprogramming Improved energy sources Vegetativeand soil degradation Soil erosion Indian Himalayanregion
Influences of the interannual variability of vegetation LAI on surface temperature
作者 ZHU Jia-Wen ZENG Xiao-Dong 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2016年第4期292-297,共6页
The influences of interannual variability of vegetation LAI on surface temperature are investigated via two ensemble simulations, applying the Community Earth System Model. The interannual LAI, derived from Global Inv... The influences of interannual variability of vegetation LAI on surface temperature are investigated via two ensemble simulations, applying the Community Earth System Model. The interannual LAI, derived from Global Inventory Modeling and Mapping Studies NDVI for the period 1982-2011, and its associated climatological LAI, are used in the two ensemble simulations, respectively.The results show that the signals of the influences, represented as ensemble-mean differences, are generally weaker than the noises of the atmospheric variability, represented as one standard deviation of the ensemble differences. Spatially, the signals are stronger over the tropics compared with the mid-high latitudes. Such stronger signals are contributed by the significant linearity between LAI and surface temperature, which is mainly caused via the influences of LAI on evapotranspiration.The maximum amplitudes of the influences on the interannual variability of surface temperature are high and thus deserve full consideration. However, the mean magnitudes of influences are small because of the small changes in the amplitudes of LAI. This work only investigates the influences of the interannual variability of LAI and does not consider interannual changes in other vegetation characteristics, such as canopy height and fractional cover. Further work involving dynamic vegetation models may be needed to investigate the influences of vegetation variability. 展开更多
关键词 Interannual variability leaf area index surfacetemperature
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