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作者 赵筑川 周焯家 《贵州医药》 CAS 1997年第1期57-57,共1页
关键词 骨折 椎弓骨折 X线 CT 牵引 石膏
作者 李洪伟 王红心 龚维成 《徐州医学院学报》 CAS 1999年第5期421-422,共2页
关键词 椎弓骨折 诊断 治疗
作者 刘建华 李艳玲 +2 位作者 黄迪 雷宾 许兰 《广西医学》 CAS 2006年第12期1998-1999,共2页
关键词 护理并发症 椎弓骨折 固定治疗 加压螺钉 手术复位内固定 下关节突 位置
作者 黄巍峰 沈茂荣 +3 位作者 黄科 谢军 易海文 杨渊 《广西医科大学学报》 CAS 2009年第2期293-294,共2页
目的:探讨应用椎弓根加压螺钉固定技术治疗颈2双侧椎弓骨折(Hangman骨折)的可行性及临床疗效。方法:2003年5月至2005年2月应用颈后路经颈2椎弓根螺钉固定术治疗Hangman骨折6例,观察术后固定效果、植骨融合率及颈椎活动度。结果:6例病人... 目的:探讨应用椎弓根加压螺钉固定技术治疗颈2双侧椎弓骨折(Hangman骨折)的可行性及临床疗效。方法:2003年5月至2005年2月应用颈后路经颈2椎弓根螺钉固定术治疗Hangman骨折6例,观察术后固定效果、植骨融合率及颈椎活动度。结果:6例病人术中术后均无神经及血管损伤等并发症,术后上颈椎即刻获得稳定,经5~18个月随访,全部病人均获得骨性愈合,螺钉无松动、退出及断裂,颈椎活动基本恢复正常。结论:颈2椎弓根加压螺钉固定技术是治疗Hangman骨折的安全有效的内固定方法。 展开更多
关键词 加压螺钉固定术 颈2椎弓骨折
作者 闫化合 《医学理论与实践》 2002年第7期764-765,共2页
目的:论述腰枕和性激素等药物治疗老年椎弓骨折的机理。方法:利用与对照组比较来说明腰枕和性激素等药物的治疗效果。结果:腰枕能改善腰骶棘肌的反射痉挛,恢复正常的腰椎生理弯曲,使骨折端自然复位;性激素改善骨质疏松,促进骨折愈合。结... 目的:论述腰枕和性激素等药物治疗老年椎弓骨折的机理。方法:利用与对照组比较来说明腰枕和性激素等药物的治疗效果。结果:腰枕能改善腰骶棘肌的反射痉挛,恢复正常的腰椎生理弯曲,使骨折端自然复位;性激素改善骨质疏松,促进骨折愈合。结论:腰枕和性激素等药物适宜治疗老年椎弓骨折效果良好,可缩短传统治疗时间。 展开更多
关键词 治疗 椎弓骨折 腰枕 性激素
作者 李丽 《家庭护士(下旬)》 2007年第1期24-25,共2页
C2椎弓骨折伴C2,C3失稳或脱位,称为Hang-man骨折。双侧枢椎椎弓断裂后,其后部结构与椎体分离,无法采用后路固定融合术进行治疗。2003年5月-2005年11月,我们采用Axis和Vertex系统经C2,C3椎弓根固定治疗22例不稳定性Hang-man骨折,... C2椎弓骨折伴C2,C3失稳或脱位,称为Hang-man骨折。双侧枢椎椎弓断裂后,其后部结构与椎体分离,无法采用后路固定融合术进行治疗。2003年5月-2005年11月,我们采用Axis和Vertex系统经C2,C3椎弓根固定治疗22例不稳定性Hang-man骨折,疗效满意,现将护理体会报道如下。 展开更多
关键词 HANGMAN骨折 固定治疗 不稳定性 护理 VERTEX 固定融合术 椎弓骨折
X线平片、CT、MRI在脊椎骨折诊断中的对照分析 被引量:3
作者 马德智 李文强 李保生 《右江医学》 2005年第3期264-265,共2页
目的探讨X线平片、CT、MRI对脊椎骨折不同的诊断价值。方法收集30例脊椎外伤骨折的X线、CT、MRI资料,分别对检出椎体骨折及椎弓骨折、骨折片移位、椎管容积改变、脊柱曲度改变显示情况、椎旁软组织肿胀显示情况、脊髓损伤显示情况、韧... 目的探讨X线平片、CT、MRI对脊椎骨折不同的诊断价值。方法收集30例脊椎外伤骨折的X线、CT、MRI资料,分别对检出椎体骨折及椎弓骨折、骨折片移位、椎管容积改变、脊柱曲度改变显示情况、椎旁软组织肿胀显示情况、脊髓损伤显示情况、韧带损伤显示情况等进行分析。结果X线平片对脊柱曲度改变的显示较CT、MRI均好;CT对显示椎体骨折线和骨折片的移位、椎弓骨折优于X线平片和MRI;MRI对显示脊髓损伤、韧带损伤、椎体挫伤比X线平片和CT好。结论X线平片、CT、MRI对显示脊椎外伤骨折各有优缺点,多种方法结合能达到相互弥补不足的目的。 展开更多
关键词 X线平片 MRI CT 对照分析 骨折诊断 外伤骨折 椎弓骨折 脊柱曲度 脊髓损伤 韧带损伤 软组织肿胀 诊断价值 骨折 骨折 管容积 骨折 显示 骨折线 优缺点 结合能 移位
骨盆带牵引和加垫法治疗屈曲型胸腰椎骨折——附58例报告 被引量:1
作者 肖季全 王建 《交通医学》 1994年第1X期73-73,共1页
近五年来,我们应用骨盆带牵引和加垫法治疗屈曲型胸腰椎骨折58例,取得满意效果,现报告如下。 临床资料 一、一般资料:本组男55例,女3例,年龄17~61岁,平均年龄38岁,受累椎体在T~L<sub>4</sub>,以T<sub>12</sub&... 近五年来,我们应用骨盆带牵引和加垫法治疗屈曲型胸腰椎骨折58例,取得满意效果,现报告如下。 临床资料 一、一般资料:本组男55例,女3例,年龄17~61岁,平均年龄38岁,受累椎体在T~L<sub>4</sub>,以T<sub>12</sub>L<sub>1</sub>占77%,椎体压缩Ⅱ°者42例,伴椎弓骨折者20例,椎体滑脱Ⅰ°者12例,不全截瘫者8例。 二、治疗方法:仰卧硬板床,头低足高位即床脚垫高15~25cm不等,用骨盆带牵引,其重量10~15公斤,为持续进行。一般牵引多在伤后开始,及时采用市售海绵加垫5~15公分不等(压实后)于伤椎部位,要求海绵长15~20cm且和躯体等宽,多采用逐渐垫高的方法,使病人有个适应过程。 展开更多
关键词 胸腰骨折 骨盆带 屈曲型 加垫 体滑脱 椎弓骨折 体压缩性骨折 后突畸形 适应过程 卧硬板床
作者 王传宝 郭秀丽 廖光军 《实用医学杂志》 CAS 2006年第4期387-387,共1页
关键词 HANGMAN骨折 保守治疗 钢板螺钉固定 神经症状 间盘破裂 上颈不稳 椎弓骨折 损伤 前脱位 融合术
作者 傅新鸣 《中国法医学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第5期312-312,共1页
关键词 法医临床学 椎弓骨折 因果关系 鉴定分析 法医学 异常 案例资料 骑自行车 医疗费
作者 林孝文 《世界中医骨科杂志》 2005年第2期184-184,共1页
关键词 滑脱症 针刀医学 结合治疗 整脊术 中医 椎弓骨折 假性滑脱 关节退变 真性滑脱 体移位
作者 荣树 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2009年第9期795-795,共1页
第五阶段压缩伸展型下颈椎损伤(CES5)是双侧椎弓骨折伴骨折的椎体在下位椎体上向前完全脱位,前后方软组织均断裂,这种损伤造成全部脊髓损伤的概率很高,无神经症状者少见。笔者于2007年4月收治1例无神经症状的第五阶段压缩伸展型下颈... 第五阶段压缩伸展型下颈椎损伤(CES5)是双侧椎弓骨折伴骨折的椎体在下位椎体上向前完全脱位,前后方软组织均断裂,这种损伤造成全部脊髓损伤的概率很高,无神经症状者少见。笔者于2007年4月收治1例无神经症状的第五阶段压缩伸展型下颈椎损伤。现报告如下。 展开更多
关键词 下颈损伤 无神经症状 伸展 椎弓骨折 完全脱位 脊髓损伤 软组织
Hangman骨折后路钉-棒系统复位植骨内固定术失败一例 被引量:3
作者 唐建华 刘晓岚 +2 位作者 刘社庭 谭震 张金明 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2010年第7期651-652,共2页
枢椎双侧椎弓骨折(Hangman骨折)是l临床上比较常见的病例,多见于交通事故、跳水员及井下作业人员。由于临床上还没有统一的命名及分类方法,以致对枢椎侧弓骨折没有标准的治疗策略。目前此类手术治疗风险及难度高,治疗比较棘手。但... 枢椎双侧椎弓骨折(Hangman骨折)是l临床上比较常见的病例,多见于交通事故、跳水员及井下作业人员。由于临床上还没有统一的命名及分类方法,以致对枢椎侧弓骨折没有标准的治疗策略。目前此类手术治疗风险及难度高,治疗比较棘手。但手术治疗的目的是减压、复位及提供稳定。笔者2009年10月收治1例Hangman骨折(EffendiⅡ型。滑脱型)内固定失败患者。 展开更多
关键词 双侧椎弓骨折 后路 内固定
Percutaneous pedicle screw fixation through the pedicle of fractured vertebra in the treatment of type A thoracolumbar fractures using Sextant system: an analysis of 38 cases 被引量:54
作者 王洪伟 李长青 +3 位作者 周跃 张正丰 王建 初同伟 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2010年第3期137-145,共9页
Objective: To prospectively evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation through the pedicle of fractured vertebra in the treatment of type A thoracolumbar fractures using ... Objective: To prospectively evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of the percutaneous pedicle screw fixation through the pedicle of fractured vertebra in the treatment of type A thoracolumbar fractures using Sextant system in the retrospective non-randomized case-control study. Methods: Atotal of 38 consecutive non-randomized patients with type A thoracolumbar fractures, which had been stabilized posteriorly from December 2006 to March 2009, were examined retrospectively more than 9 months after surgery. Twenty-one patients had been treated conventionally with open pedicle screw fixation (OPSF) and 17 patients received minimally invasive treatment with Sextant percutaneous pedicle screw fixation (SPPSF). As a method of evaluation, the incision size, the intraoperation and post- operative volume of blood loss, operation time, postoperative hospital stay, blood transfusion, the radiological assessment of the sagittal Cobb's angle, vertebral body angle and vertebral body height were recorded and compared. Results: All patients were followed up for 8-24 months (average 11.6 months). There were significant differences in the incision size, surgical blood loss, surgical draining Joss, operation time, hospital stay after operation, blood transfusion, the proportion of antalgic supplement and postoperative incisional VAS between the two groups (P〈0.05). Mean preoperative kyphotic deformity was 16.0° and improved by 9.3° after surgery in OPSF group, but 15.2° and 10.3° respectively in SPPSF group. Mean preoperative angle of the fractured vertebral body was 15.9°and improved by 7.9° after surgery in OPSF group, but 14.9° and 6.6° respectively in SPPSF group. Mean anterior vertebral body height (% of normal) was 67.3% before surgery and 95.8% after surgery, but 69.1% and 90.1% respectively in SPPSF group. Mean posterior vertebral body height (% of normal) was 93.3% before surgery and 99.5% after surgery, but 88.9% and 93.3% respectively in SPPSF group. Among the patients whose 9-month follow-up films were available, 3.0° ofkyphosis correction was lost in OPSF group, but 3.2° in SPPSF group. And 1.0°of the angle of the fractured vertebral body correction was lost in OPSF group, but 1.5°in SPPSF group. Then 3.0% of the anterior vertebral body height correction was lost in OPSF group, but 2.2% in SPPSF group. And 3.0% of the posterior vertebral body height correction was lost in OPSF group, but 2.5% in SPPSF group. The sagittal Cobb's angle, vertebral body angle and anterior height of the fractured vertebra were all significantly different in each group before and after operation (P〈0.05). There were no significant differences in the postoperative sagittal Cobb's angle, vertebral body angle and the improvement of the vertebral body height and the kyphotic deformity correction between OPSF and SPPSF groups (P〉0.05), but there was significant difference in the postoperative anterior height of the fractured vertebra between the two groups (P〈0.05). Conclusion: The percutaneous pedicle screw fixation through the pedicle of fractured vertebra using Sextant system is a good minimally-invasive surgical therapeutic choice for patients with type A thoracolumbar fracture except for that the SPPSF has a little insufficiency in resuming the anterior height of the fractured vertebra compared with OPSF. 展开更多
关键词 Fractures bone Thoracic vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae Bone screws
Screw placement of pedicle of vertebral arch-pay great attention to segmental differences of the pedicle 被引量:5
作者 殷渠东 郑祖根 +1 位作者 董启榕 唐平 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2002年第5期311-315,共5页
Objective: To investigate appropriate ways for screw placement of pedicle of vertebral arch in the horizontal plane. Methods: Fifteen preserved thoracolumbar spine specimens (T 11 L 5) were used and divided into three... Objective: To investigate appropriate ways for screw placement of pedicle of vertebral arch in the horizontal plane. Methods: Fifteen preserved thoracolumbar spine specimens (T 11 L 5) were used and divided into three groups at random. Firstly four anatomic parameters indicating screw positions in the horizontal plane were measured. Secondly the methods of Roy camille, Magerl, and authors’segmental differences were used to place successively the screws of the pedicles with 5 mm, 6 mm, and 7 mm in diameter. Coincidences between the drilling point, drilling direction and pedicle axis, and ruptures of the pedicle as well as the length of the screw in the vertebral body were observed. Results: Four anatomic parameters at various segments showed significant differences (P < 0.05 ). The drilling point by the Roy camille’s method deviated medial to pedicle axis in most segments, and its drilling direction did not coincide well with most E angles of the pedicles. The drilling point by Magerl’s method coincided relatively well with pedicle axis in lumbar vertebrae, but there were still some differences between its drilling direction and E angles of the pedicles. The method of segmental differences coincided the best with the pedicle axis. The lengths of screw in the vertebra were relatively long by both Magerl and segmental difference methods. When 5 mm diametral screw was used by the three methods, the rupture rate was very low. When 6 mm and 7 mm diametral screws were placed, the rupture rate was accordingly increased. Of the three methods, Roy camilles method showed a relatively high rupture rate, while the method of segmental differences a comparatively low rupture rate. Various degrees of rupture of the pedicle of vertebral arch were found at the juncture of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae when 6 mm or 7 mm diametral screws was used by any screw placement method. In contrast, the rupture was seldom seen at the lower lumbar vertebrae when 7 mm diametral screws were used.Conclusions: The segmental difference method is proved to have the anatomic safety and screw biomechanical stability. It is appropriate to choose different diametral screws, different drilling points and directions according to different segments of the vertebra. 展开更多
关键词 SPINE Lumbar vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae Bone screws
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