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不同成熟度的椒果对辣椒种子孕性影响的研究 被引量:6
作者 杨红 姜虹 +1 位作者 余文忠 詹永发 《种子》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期64-65,共2页
有关辣椒种子采收对其孕性影响的研究较少。种子生产中椒果采收随意性大,对辣椒种子质量带来一定影响。以遵椒2号为材料,设置辣椒的7个不同成熟度椒果处理进行种子孕性研究。结果表明,不同成熟度椒果处理的种子孕性差异显著,其中90%红... 有关辣椒种子采收对其孕性影响的研究较少。种子生产中椒果采收随意性大,对辣椒种子质量带来一定影响。以遵椒2号为材料,设置辣椒的7个不同成熟度椒果处理进行种子孕性研究。结果表明,不同成熟度椒果处理的种子孕性差异显著,其中90%红色果辣椒种子的发芽势和发芽率与其它分级相比较高,种子发芽过程中感菌率也较低。 展开更多
关键词 椒果 成熟度 种子孕性
作者 邹学校 杨莎 +3 位作者 戴雄泽 朱凡 徐昊 远方 《中国蔬菜》 北大核心 2024年第7期1-5,共5页
樟树港辣椒已有200多年的栽培历史。本文重点介绍了樟树港辣椒嫩果尖椒的来源,高口感品质形成的机理,产业发展历史和存在问题。针对嫩果尖椒产业存在的问题,育成能满足不同市场需求的高品质嫩果尖椒新品种,研发高口感品质嫩果尖椒高产... 樟树港辣椒已有200多年的栽培历史。本文重点介绍了樟树港辣椒嫩果尖椒的来源,高口感品质形成的机理,产业发展历史和存在问题。针对嫩果尖椒产业存在的问题,育成能满足不同市场需求的高品质嫩果尖椒新品种,研发高口感品质嫩果尖椒高产栽培的技术,并迅速在全国推广。高口感品质嫩果尖椒迅速畅销全国,实现了周年均衡供应。樟树港辣椒由地方品牌提升为全国知名高端品牌,实现樟树港辣椒高口感品质嫩果尖椒向“樟树港辣椒”品牌高口感品质嫩果尖椒的飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 樟树港辣 高口感品质 产业 育种与栽培
作者 邹学校 杨莎 +3 位作者 戴雄泽 朱凡 徐昊 远方 《长江蔬菜》 2024年第14期1-5,共5页
经过10多年的研究,对1345份辣椒种质资源的口感品质进行了鉴定评价,发现湖南栽培的外果皮薄、果肉中等偏薄鲜食牛角椒在嫩果期所结辣椒果实(以下简称嫩果尖椒),具有外果皮薄、纤维素含量低、无渣,有特殊清香味,口感好的特点,是辣椒中的... 经过10多年的研究,对1345份辣椒种质资源的口感品质进行了鉴定评价,发现湖南栽培的外果皮薄、果肉中等偏薄鲜食牛角椒在嫩果期所结辣椒果实(以下简称嫩果尖椒),具有外果皮薄、纤维素含量低、无渣,有特殊清香味,口感好的特点,是辣椒中的珍品,有商品成熟果和生理成熟果没有的良好口感,樟树港辣椒是湘阴县樟树港地方品种,是上述牛角椒高口感品质嫩果尖椒代表品种之一;薄皮泡椒、薄皮线椒和螺丝椒在成熟前期口感品质相对较好,其他类型的辣椒在嫩果期都不适宜食用。确定了嫩果尖椒新品种适宜种植的区域。在全国各地采取不同的栽培方式种植,都能生产出高口感品质嫩果尖椒,实现了嫩果尖椒周年均衡供应,但口感品质以长江中下游地区春提早设施栽培的最好。 展开更多
关键词 樟树港辣 高口感品质 栽培方式 优势产区 产业化技术
作者 王文静 丁明 成金丽 《新疆农业科技》 2023年第1期27-29,共3页
本实验通过对6个螺丝辣椒品种不同挂果层的椒果性状差异进行研究,结果表明:椒果的性状表现与其挂果层不同存在很大的差异,有的性状表现还随着挂果层的推后而发生规律性变化。因此,全面和深入了解掌握不同挂果层的椒果性状变化规律,有助... 本实验通过对6个螺丝辣椒品种不同挂果层的椒果性状差异进行研究,结果表明:椒果的性状表现与其挂果层不同存在很大的差异,有的性状表现还随着挂果层的推后而发生规律性变化。因此,全面和深入了解掌握不同挂果层的椒果性状变化规律,有助于优化辣椒栽培管理,为提高各台椒果的产量及质量提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 螺丝辣 椒果 性状
作者 张丹 陈锐 +3 位作者 韩爱玲 梁芳芳 王运星 李红岗 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第10期156-160,共5页
“优美518”是以稳定的牛角椒自交系ND16-3为母本,以日本引进的大果型粗牛角椒TS8为父本进行杂交选育出的性状稳定一致的大果型牛角椒新品种。该品种植株长势健壮,株高65 cm,株幅60 cm,第一花序平均着生12~13节,果亮绿皮,早熟、大果型... “优美518”是以稳定的牛角椒自交系ND16-3为母本,以日本引进的大果型粗牛角椒TS8为父本进行杂交选育出的性状稳定一致的大果型牛角椒新品种。该品种植株长势健壮,株高65 cm,株幅60 cm,第一花序平均着生12~13节,果亮绿皮,早熟、大果型牛角椒,果实纵径26 cm,果实横径6.45 cm,果肉厚0.38 cm,心室数3个。植株集中坐果力强,平均单果质量125 g,667 m^(2)平均产量3125.45 kg,较对照平均增产10.75%。果实中维生素C含量806.0 mg·kg^(-1),辣椒素含量8.5 mg·kg^(-1)。抗炭疽病和疫病,中抗病毒病。适合河南各地早春、江苏、山西、陕西、山东、安徽、辽宁、湖北、河北、新疆等地区种植。2019年5月通过农业农村部非主要农作物登记,编号为GDP辣椒(2019410150)。 展开更多
关键词 型牛角 “优美518” 新品种 选育
作者 相鲁闽 《中国民族民间医药》 1998年第6期6-7,共2页
畲族散居于闽西地区的深山里,畲族在长期的生产实践中摸索出一套医治疾病的方法,诸如雄果椒糊剂应用于截疟,疗效肯定,现总结如下: 1 临床资料 接诊调查对象为1989年2月至1997年12月我科门诊住院病例,共30例。
关键词 糊剂 疟疾 敷脐疗法
作者 马文全 桑爱云 《农业科技通讯》 2018年第5期187-190,共4页
通过调查取样分析,选择了在安阳市内黄县3个有代表性的大棚,次生盐渍化危害严重的大棚,开展施用海藻肥改良剂试验,在每个大棚里一半土壤施入改良剂、一半未施,种植当地主栽蔬菜品种大果型泡椒安椒108。病害调查、对比测产结果显示,在改... 通过调查取样分析,选择了在安阳市内黄县3个有代表性的大棚,次生盐渍化危害严重的大棚,开展施用海藻肥改良剂试验,在每个大棚里一半土壤施入改良剂、一半未施,种植当地主栽蔬菜品种大果型泡椒安椒108。病害调查、对比测产结果显示,在改良后的土壤上的辣椒生理性病害得到了有效的控制,可以正常生长;产量也比未改良的有相应的提高,总产量提高最高为17.54%、最低为16.44%。 展开更多
关键词 设施农业 次生盐渍化土壤 修复 型泡108 产量
作者 陆彬 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)农业科学》 2023年第4期88-90,共3页
为探索尿素硝酸铵溶液(UAN)在南疆地区移栽色素辣椒上的应用效果以及施肥科学用量,于2022年在喀什地区疏勒县进行移栽色素辣椒用肥小区试验,跟踪调查UAN在移栽色素辣椒开花结椒期间的营养生长、生殖生长数据,以及对比常规尿素在相同因... 为探索尿素硝酸铵溶液(UAN)在南疆地区移栽色素辣椒上的应用效果以及施肥科学用量,于2022年在喀什地区疏勒县进行移栽色素辣椒用肥小区试验,跟踪调查UAN在移栽色素辣椒开花结椒期间的营养生长、生殖生长数据,以及对比常规尿素在相同因素处理下数据。结果表明:UAN氮肥当季利用率高于尿素,UAN多态氮源相较尿素更利于辣椒开花结椒,UAN在无底肥移栽色素辣椒大量开花结椒期科学用量为5 kg/667 m2左右。 展开更多
关键词 尿素硝酸铵溶液 移栽色素辣 椒果脱落量
《安徽农业》 2002年第6期22-22,共1页
关键词 黄皮多抗大 九号 抗性 生长习性
不同锌肥对朝天椒产量和品质的影响 被引量:9
作者 李美玲 皇飞 +2 位作者 郭振升 田伟 张慎举 《陕西农业科学》 2018年第5期30-33,共4页
采用田间小区试验,在潜在缺锌的石灰性土壤上,研究了喷施硫酸锌、EDTA螯合锌、柠檬酸螯合锌、糖醇锌对簇生朝天椒产量和品质的影响。结果表明:朝天椒叶面喷施锌肥增产效果显著,增产率为6.02%~12.42%。增产幅度糖醇锌最高,柠檬酸螯合锌... 采用田间小区试验,在潜在缺锌的石灰性土壤上,研究了喷施硫酸锌、EDTA螯合锌、柠檬酸螯合锌、糖醇锌对簇生朝天椒产量和品质的影响。结果表明:朝天椒叶面喷施锌肥增产效果显著,增产率为6.02%~12.42%。增产幅度糖醇锌最高,柠檬酸螯合锌次之。喷施锌肥可显著提高朝天椒果实品质:锌含量提高46.96%~68.28%,Vc含量提高10.36%~16.34%,辣椒素含量提高12.83%~25.18%,干物质含量4.23%~7.33%。果实品质提高的幅度,糖醇锌最高,柠檬酸螯合锌次之。综上所述,朝天椒叶面喷施锌肥应选用糖醇锌和柠檬酸螯合锌。 展开更多
关键词 朝天 锌肥 产量 朝天品质 椒果锌含量
出口型干制羊角椒应有的品种特性 被引量:2
作者 徐明振 朱伯良 +2 位作者 刘乐昌 候玉杰 曲广平 《辣椒杂志》 2004年第1期17-17,共1页
关键词 出口型干制羊角 品种特性 株型 干商品 收获 生理成熟 椒果 失水速度 色泽 抗病性
Graft Compatibility of Scotch Bonnet (Capsicum chinense Jacq) with Selected Salt-Tolerant Solanaceous 被引量:1
作者 Lilieth Ives Richard Brathwaite +3 位作者 Gregor Barclay Wendy Ann Isaac Clare Bowen-O'Connor Isaac ekele 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期81-92,共12页
In recent years, grafting to improve salt-tolerance of vegetables has been studied extensively. The rootstock species, Solanum melongena cv Black Beauty, Solanum lycopersicum cv Akash and Solanum nigrum (bitter gumma... In recent years, grafting to improve salt-tolerance of vegetables has been studied extensively. The rootstock species, Solanum melongena cv Black Beauty, Solanum lycopersicum cv Akash and Solanum nigrum (bitter gumma), reportedly salt-tolerant, were evaluated for their graft compatibility with Capsicum chinense cv Scotch Bonnet. Grafted and non-grafted plants were grown for three weeks under greenhouse conditions. Graft compatibility was determined by the regeneration of vascular bundles across the graft interface and vegetative growth parameters. The results showed that the highest survival percentage (100%) was obtained in the Scotch Bonnet/Black Beauty heterografts and the lowest (16%) was obtained in the Scotch Bonnet/bitter gumma heterografts. Vascular regeneration across the graft interface was seen in Scotch Bonnet autografts and heterografts with Black Beauty. Graft incompatibility observed in heterografts on Akash and bitter gumma rootstocks could be attributed to the presence of a necrotic layer at the graft interface. In conclusion, progressive scion growth and development and the regeneration of vascular bundles across the graft interface are effective in determining graft compatibility between Scotch Bonnet and selected solanceous species. This suggests that Scotch Bonnet can be cultivated under saline growing condition. 展开更多
关键词 GRAFTING Capsicum chinense compatibility solanaceous rootstocks.
Effect of Plant Hormones on Callus Induction from Fruit and Seedling Explants of Chilli Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
作者 E1 Kaaby Ekhlas Abdulkareem jasim +3 位作者 A1-Ajeel Saadon. Abdulhadi A1 Hattab Zahra Noori 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第1期18-26,共9页
This experiment was conducted to optimize the culture conditions to induce calli from chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) local cultivar. The mature seeds were surface sterilized for one min with 70% Ethanol followed... This experiment was conducted to optimize the culture conditions to induce calli from chilli pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) local cultivar. The mature seeds were surface sterilized for one min with 70% Ethanol followed by 20 min with (0%, 2%, 4% or 6%) NaOCI and were germinated on MS medium with 2 mg/L GA3. Seedlings and mature fruits were used as explants source. The placenta, pericarp, hypocotyls, cotyledonal leaves, shoot tips and roots were cultured on MS media supplemented with Kinetin (0.0 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L) and IAA (0.0 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L) in different combinations or NAA or 2,4-D (0.0 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, 2.0 mg/L, 4.0 mg/L). Callus fresh weight was recorded after 4 weeks in culture. The results showed that the best sterilizing method was with 70% Ethanol followed by 20 mints with (4% or 6%) NaOCI, however 6% NaOCI reduced seed's viability. Callus was induced from all explants cultured on MS media supplemented with IAA and Kinetin except the placenta and the pericarp. The results showed that the hypocotyls surpass all other explants in the mean callus fresh weight which was 160.58 mg compared with 147.81 mg, 134.95 mg, and 122.33 mg for cotyledonal leaves, shoot tips and roots respectively. Moreover the analysis of the interaction between the growth regulators and the explants showed that 2 mg/L IAA and Kinetin had significant effect on callus mean fresh weight which was (309.74, 339.14, 358.48, and 284.64) mg for the shoot tips, cotyledonal leaves, hypocotyls and roots, respectively. On the other hand, 2 mg/L 2,4-D or NAA was the best concentration for callus induction from the placenta and the pericarp. The pericarp gave a mean fresh weight of 276.90 mg in the presence of 2,4-D compared with 253.60 mg for the placenta. Moreover the pericarps gave significantly higher fresh weight than the placenta with an average of 210.3mg and 184.9 mg respectively in the presence of 2 mg/L NAA. In conclusion the best sterilization method of chilli pepper seeds is by 70% ethanol for one minute followed by 20 min in 4% (NaOCI). The best explants for callus induction only is the Hypocotyls grown on MS medium supplemented with 2 mg/L oflAA and Kinetin under the conditions of the current experiment. 展开更多
关键词 Fresh weight IAA NAA 2 4-D KINETIN periearp root hypoeotyls cotyledonal leaves shoot tips.
Predicting Pepper Fruit Yield Based on Temperature and Solar Radiation
作者 Eviatar Ityel Lior Avraham +1 位作者 Hana Alon Rivka Offenbach 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2014年第5期360-367,共8页
Two separate experiments were conducted in bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in order to evaluate the effects of temperature and radiation on fruit yield. The results of the temperature experiment were integrated into... Two separate experiments were conducted in bell pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in order to evaluate the effects of temperature and radiation on fruit yield. The results of the temperature experiment were integrated into the radiation experiment to give an overall empirical model for potential pepper fruit yield grown in greenhouse. In the temperature experiment, pepper plants were planted during the summer time of Israel in the Arava region in a commercial, one hectare greenhouse, equipped with a cooling wet-mat system. Eleven plots were assigned along the 80 m down the row from the wet mat. Air seasonal temperatures were affected by the distance from the wet-mat and linearly increased at the rate of 0.036 ℃/m, while relative humidity was not affected. Fruit yield dropped from 19.4 kg/m at a distance of 20 m, to 13.1 kg/m2 at 80 m away from the wet-mat, respectively. Yield regression decreased linearly with increased temperature at -11%/℃. In the radiation experiment, during the summer time of Israel in the Western Negev region, three sweet pepper varieties were grown under six radiation treatments, which accumulated to the following relative global radiation fractions (lint/lout): 0.72, 0.61, 0.46, 0.38, 0.32 and 0.21 from outside radiation. The three varieties did not differ in their response to radiation. The seasonal temperature normalized yield response to radiation quantity at 21 ℃ (Y21) yielded a linear regression formula with a slope of 7.6 × 10^-3 kg/m^2/MJ. The multiplicative model of temperature and radiation on fruit yield was found to predict well the potential fruit yield for various locations and seasons in Israel. 展开更多
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