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旧中国期货业发展概析 被引量:1
作者 陈爱华 《云南财经大学学报》 1996年第2期64-66,共3页
旧中国期货业发展概析陈爱华一、旧中国期货业的产生与发展旧中国的期货业是从北宋王安石变法时推行"青苗法"开始的,但因当时商品经济发展缓慢,期货业未能得到发展。十九世纪中叶,由于资本主义对中国经济的渗透,加速了旧中国自然... 旧中国期货业发展概析陈爱华一、旧中国期货业的产生与发展旧中国的期货业是从北宋王安石变法时推行"青苗法"开始的,但因当时商品经济发展缓慢,期货业未能得到发展。十九世纪中叶,由于资本主义对中国经济的渗透,加速了旧中国自然经济的解体,也为民族工业的发展创造... 展开更多
关键词 期货交易所 期货业 旧中国 金融期货交易 期货市场 证券交易所 北洋政府 国民政府 政府监管 概析
作者 高佩川 《科技信息》 2011年第36期61-62,共2页
节能减排、低碳经济已成为发展之主流,液压挖掘机负载状况变化较大,液压系统的效率变化也非常大,存在各种形式的能量损失。本文简述了液压挖掘机能量损失的各种形式,并在此基础上,介绍了液压挖掘机各种节能控制技术,以期为液压挖掘机节... 节能减排、低碳经济已成为发展之主流,液压挖掘机负载状况变化较大,液压系统的效率变化也非常大,存在各种形式的能量损失。本文简述了液压挖掘机能量损失的各种形式,并在此基础上,介绍了液压挖掘机各种节能控制技术,以期为液压挖掘机节能技术的深入研究提供参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 液压挖掘机 能量损失 节能技术 概析
作者 张统钰 《机械工业标准化》 1994年第1期9-14,共6页
关键词 紧固件 标准 概析
作者 曹暇 《科技信息》 2010年第29期128-128,共1页
剪纸艺术的美感是独特的。不仅仅是因为使用材料工具的简单和制作程序的单纯,而是因此从中获得的自娱自乐和展示美感认知的快感在吸引人们为此乐此不彼。民间剪纸是劳动人民为了满足自身精神生活的需要而创造,并在他们自己当中应用和流... 剪纸艺术的美感是独特的。不仅仅是因为使用材料工具的简单和制作程序的单纯,而是因此从中获得的自娱自乐和展示美感认知的快感在吸引人们为此乐此不彼。民间剪纸是劳动人民为了满足自身精神生活的需要而创造,并在他们自己当中应用和流传的一种艺术样式。 展开更多
关键词 剪纸 艺术美感 概析
辽代西京的文化教育发展概析 被引量:2
作者 王耀贵 《山西大同大学学报(自然科学版)》 1996年第2期20-21,共2页
辽初大同为云州,也是大同军节度使所在地;辽兴宗重熙十三年(公元1044年),改云州为西京.辽西京道共辖府一:大同;节度州六:丰、云内、奉圣.蔚、应、朔;刺史州八;弘、德、宁边、归化、可汗、儒、武、东胜;另有天德军节度史、金肃州、河清军... 辽初大同为云州,也是大同军节度使所在地;辽兴宗重熙十三年(公元1044年),改云州为西京.辽西京道共辖府一:大同;节度州六:丰、云内、奉圣.蔚、应、朔;刺史州八;弘、德、宁边、归化、可汗、儒、武、东胜;另有天德军节度史、金肃州、河清军等.辖境包括今大同、朔州二市及河北省、内蒙古自治区部分地区,其辖区范围与北魏平城京畿大体相当.辽于西京置留守司、计司、都总管府等行,“辽既建都,用为重地,非亲王不得主之、”(1)可见其重要性.西京不仅是当时的政治、经济和军事中心之一,在文学艺术方面,也颇有建树,成为辽代的文化教育中心之一.本文试就辽代西京的文化教育发展情况作一简短的概括和分析.一、辽代西京国子监和其他教育机构我国封建时代最高的管理机关叫国子监,有的朝代兼为最高学府.辽于西京设国于监,这在西京历史上具有重要意义,这是继北魏之后,在这一地区再次设置的国家最高学府.《山西通志》(清)记载;辽西京国子监在大同府治东南.张起岩《崇文堂记》云:“云中在辽为陪都,学即辽国子监,宏敞静深冠他所.”(2)西京国子监的设立,对于西京的文化教育事业的发展无疑会起到极大的推动作用,培养了一批人才. 展开更多
关键词 文化教育中心 辽代文学 虞仲文 国子监 西京大同 军节度使 最高学府 内蒙古自治区 中国传统文化 概析
作者 陈复援 陈钢 《浙江财税与会计》 1994年第9期39-40,共2页
温岭市106家外商投资企业,总投资规模8389万美元,发展了水产冻品、制衣绣品、塑胶化工、皮革鞋业、机电轻工、房地产开发等业,给全市外向型经济增添了活力。 回顾前一阶段情况,存在的问题是:1.批准挂牌的多,实际投产的少。2.摊子铺得大... 温岭市106家外商投资企业,总投资规模8389万美元,发展了水产冻品、制衣绣品、塑胶化工、皮革鞋业、机电轻工、房地产开发等业,给全市外向型经济增添了活力。 回顾前一阶段情况,存在的问题是:1.批准挂牌的多,实际投产的少。2.摊子铺得大,资本不到位。3.亏损面大,效益低下。4.管理水平低,财务混乱。5.真外资、假外资鱼目混珠,真合资、假合资难辨真伪。 产生上述问题的原因有诸多因素,概括起来,一是争赶时尚,急于求成。把发展外商投资企业的多少,视为本地区经济腾飞的一种标志,也作为政绩考核的重要标准。以致疏忽于可行性研究,有的有名无实,有的受骗上当。二是利用外资,以享受政策优惠。 展开更多
关键词 外商投资企业 可行性研究 利用外资 概析 房地产开发 国有企业 人员素质 总投资规模 政策优惠 财务混乱
作者 张明映 王建华 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1993年第1期16-21,共6页
本文从分析当代人口产业结构入手,具体考察了西宁市人口产业结构在解放后几个不同阶段的发展变化趋势及其特点,认为当前西宁市人口产业结构所显现的“金字塔型”不合理结构,是与西宁的落后的社会生产力和商品、市场经济的不发达密切相... 本文从分析当代人口产业结构入手,具体考察了西宁市人口产业结构在解放后几个不同阶段的发展变化趋势及其特点,认为当前西宁市人口产业结构所显现的“金字塔型”不合理结构,是与西宁的落后的社会生产力和商品、市场经济的不发达密切相联的。而要加速西宁市人口产业结构的合理转化,就必须大力发展社会主义的市场经济,这也是实现西宁市经济现代化发展的必要条件。 展开更多
关键词 人口产业结构 第二产业 人口比重 鼓型 西宁市 概析 第三产业比重 倒金字塔 在业人口 产业结构类型
作者 李庆祥 金春吉 《东疆学刊》 1992年第1期13-15,共3页
批评性谈话,在学校的思想政治工作中,是一种辅助性的,但又是常用的、十分重要的教育手段.它从否定方面告诉学生,什么是错的,为什么是错的,会产生哪些不良的后果,从而提高学生的道德认识,激发学生的道德情感,坚定学生的道德意志,指出学... 批评性谈话,在学校的思想政治工作中,是一种辅助性的,但又是常用的、十分重要的教育手段.它从否定方面告诉学生,什么是错的,为什么是错的,会产生哪些不良的后果,从而提高学生的道德认识,激发学生的道德情感,坚定学生的道德意志,指出学生道德行为的正确方向.良好的批评性谈话,对学生思想品德的提高,学业的长进,人才健康的成长,都有着特别重要的意义. 展开更多
关键词 批评性 概析 教师 说理教育 反批评 广众 否定方面 大庭 心理效应 心理状态
作者 杨敬东 《人事与人才》 1998年第8期6-8,共2页
五、湘籍院士的地域分布 湘籍院士按出生时所在地域的辖属统计,共分布在全省13个地州市。湘籍院士在全省地域分布如下:
关键词 中国工程院院士 人才群体 中南工业大学 地域分布 国防科技大学 学部委员 概析 博士生导师 当选为 冶金学家
作者 杨敬东 《人事与人才》 1998年第7期15-16,共2页
众所周知,自近代以来,三湘大地上崛起了引起世界瞩目的政治家、军事家和文学家的三大人才群体。当下,还有一个世人鲜知的湖南第四大人才群体,这就是湖南院士群体。 一、湖南院士,又一个湖湘人才群体 一提起湖南院士,人们就会想到当下在... 众所周知,自近代以来,三湘大地上崛起了引起世界瞩目的政治家、军事家和文学家的三大人才群体。当下,还有一个世人鲜知的湖南第四大人才群体,这就是湖南院士群体。 一、湖南院士,又一个湖湘人才群体 一提起湖南院士,人们就会想到当下在湘的十多位院士,这似乎还形成不了人才群体。但是。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院院士 人才群体 中国工程院院士 土家族 少数民族 学部委员 医学微生物学 哲学社会科学 粉末冶金 概析
作者 骆正林 《报林求索》 2001年第6期15-16,共2页
关键词 报刊 竞争手段 概析 内容创新 市场定位
A novel refined dynamic model of high-speed maglev train-bridge coupled system for random vibration and running safety assessment
作者 MAO Jian-feng LI Dao-hang +3 位作者 YU Zhi-wu CAI Wen-feng GUO Wei ZHANG Guang-wen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2532-2544,共13页
Running safety assessment and tracking irregularity parametric sensitivity analysis of high-speed maglev train-bridge system are of great concern,especially need perfect refinement models in which all properties can b... Running safety assessment and tracking irregularity parametric sensitivity analysis of high-speed maglev train-bridge system are of great concern,especially need perfect refinement models in which all properties can be well characterized based on various stochastic excitations.A three-dimensional refined spatial random vibration analysis model of high-speed maglev train-bridge coupled system is established in this paper,in which multi-source uncertainty excitation can be considered simultaneously,and the probability density evolution method(PDEM)is adopted to reveal the system-specific uncertainty dynamic characteristic.The motion equation of the maglev vehicle model is composed of multi-rigid bodies with a total 210-degrees of freedom for each vehicle,and a refined electromagnetic force-air gap model is used to account for the interaction and coupling effect between the moving train and track beam bridges,which are directly established by using finite element method.The model is proven to be applicable by comparing with Monte Carlo simulation.By applying the proposed stochastic framework to the high maglev line,the random dynamic responses of maglev vehicles running on the bridges are studied for running safety and stability assessment.Moreover,the effects of track irregularity wavelength range under different amplitude and running speeds on the coupled system are investigated.The results show that the augmentation of train speed will move backward the sensitive wavelength interval,and track irregularity amplitude influences the response remarkably in the sensitive interval. 展开更多
关键词 maglev train-bridge interaction electromagnetic force-air gap model stochastic dynamic analysis running safety assessment probability density evolution method
Feasibility assessment of LID concept for stormwater management in China through SWOT analysis 被引量:2
作者 丁年 李子富 +3 位作者 周晓琴 胡爱兵 白晓凤 Nazim Uddin Sayed Mohammad 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第2期225-229,共5页
The strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats SWOT analysis method is applied to assess the feasibility of traditional stormwater management and low impact development LID in China.The results show that tradition... The strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats SWOT analysis method is applied to assess the feasibility of traditional stormwater management and low impact development LID in China.The results show that traditional stormwater management has many disadvantages e.g.only stormwater collection and discharge or flooding peak-flow regulation is taken into consideration but lack of many important functions such as on-site infiltration non-point pollution control ecological treatment etc.Meanwhile as a new stormwater management concept the LID system has many advantages e.g.LID can not only control rainwater quantity but also effectively prevent non-point pollution. Moreover LID is easy for implementation and cost effective and operation and management can also be done easily.LID has attracted more and more attention from governmental authorities at different levels and the majority of practitioners. Therefore LID has bright prospects for wide applications in China. 展开更多
关键词 stormwater management low impact development LID CONCEPT strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats SWOT analysis
Reliability analysis of piles constructed on slopes under laterally loading 被引量:3
作者 蒋冲 李天斌 +5 位作者 周科平 陈兆 陈力 周子龙 刘霖 沙策 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第7期1955-1964,共10页
Response surface method is used to study the reliability analysis of laterally loaded piles in sloping ground. A development load-displacement (p-y) curve for laterally loaded pile response in sloping ground is used... Response surface method is used to study the reliability analysis of laterally loaded piles in sloping ground. A development load-displacement (p-y) curve for laterally loaded pile response in sloping ground is used to model the pile-soil system, both the pile head displacement and the maximum bending moment of the piles are used as the performance criteria in this study. The reliability analysis method of the laterally loaded pile in sloping ground under the pile head displacement and the maximum bending moment failure modes is proposed, which is in good agreement with the Monte Carlo method. The influences on the probability index of failure by a number of parameters are discussed. It is shown that the variability of pile head displacement increases with the increase in the coefficients of variation of ultimate bearing capacity factor (Npu), secant elastic modulus at 50%(E50) and level load (H). A negative correlation between Npu and non-dimensional factor (λ) leads to less spread out probability density function (PDF) of the pile head displacement;in contrast, a positive correlation between Npu andλgives a great variation in the PDF of pile head displacement. As for bearing capacity factor on ground surface (Npo) and λ, both negative and positive correlations between them give a great variation in the PDF of pile head displacement, and a negative correlation will obviously increase the variability of the response. 展开更多
关键词 laterally loaded pile response surface method PROBABILITY reliability analysis
Research on the Current Status, Paths and Countermeasures of Family Farm Development in China——Investigation and Analysis of Hubei Province 被引量:2
作者 曾靖 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2188-2192,共5页
The Chinese family farm is the most important new micro subject in the construction and development of modern agriculture in China. The investigation and analysis of the actual situation of Hubei Province showed that ... The Chinese family farm is the most important new micro subject in the construction and development of modern agriculture in China. The investigation and analysis of the actual situation of Hubei Province showed that since the implementation of the household contract management system in rural areas, the family farm has followed the track of gradual development, breakthrough development and normal standardization development. In order to promote the family farm to develop rapidly, orderly and healthily, work must be well done to land circulation, scale management, financial support, financial subsidy, cultivation of leading talents and professional farmers, and providing all-round services. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese family farm Hubei Province Development overview Typical analysis Path design
《东疆学刊》 1992年第4期79-80,共2页
关键词 总目录 1992年 狐小说 悍妇形象 对话艺术 概析 中国近代知识分子 变异特征 书刊采购 高校图
作者 高亚东 张曾錩 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2006年第2期102-107,共6页
Damping faults in a helicopter rotor hub are diagnosed by using vibration signals from the fuselage. Faults include the defective lag damper and raspings in its flap and feathering hinges. Experiments on the diagnosis... Damping faults in a helicopter rotor hub are diagnosed by using vibration signals from the fuselage. Faults include the defective lag damper and raspings in its flap and feathering hinges. Experiments on the diagnosis of three faults are carried out on a rotor test rig with the chosen fault each time. Fuselage vibration signals from specified locations are measured and analyzed by the fast Fourier transform in the frequency domain. It is demonstrated that fuselage vibration frequency spectra induced by three faults are different from each other. The probabilistic neural network (PNN) is adopted to detect three faults. Results show that it is feasible to diagnose three faults only using fuselage vibration data. 展开更多
关键词 helicopter rotor fault diagnosis DAMPING frequency domain analysis probabilistic neural network(PNN)
作者 严刚 周丽 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2011年第3期231-239,共9页
A two-step method is proposed for detection and identification of invisible impact damage in composite structure under temperature changes using Lamb waves.First,a statistical outlier analysis is employed to distingui... A two-step method is proposed for detection and identification of invisible impact damage in composite structure under temperature changes using Lamb waves.First,a statistical outlier analysis is employed to distinguish whether the changes of Lamb wave signals are induced by damage within a monitoring area or are only affected by temperature changes.Damage indices are defined after the Lamb wave signals are processed by Fourier transform,and a Monte Carlo procedure is used to obtain the damage threshold value for the damage indices at the undamaged state.If the damage indices in the operation state exceed the threshold value,the presence of damage is determined.Then,a probabilistic damage imaging algorithm displaying probabilities of the presence of damage within the monitoring area is adopted to fuse information collected from multiple actuator-sensor paths to identify the location of damage.Damage indices under damaged state are used to generate the diagnostic image.Experimental study on a stiffened composite panel with random temperature changes is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 structural health monitoring composite structure Lamb wave statistical outlier analysis probabilistic damage imaging temperature changes
User-oriented web search based on PLSA
作者 于芳 陈冬玲 +2 位作者 王大玲 于戈 鲍玉斌 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第3期347-351,共5页
In order to solve the problem that current search engines provide query-oriented searches rather than user-oriented ones, and that this improper orientation leads to the search engines' inability to meet the personal... In order to solve the problem that current search engines provide query-oriented searches rather than user-oriented ones, and that this improper orientation leads to the search engines' inability to meet the personalized requirements of users, a novel method based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) is proposed to convert query-oriented web search to user-oriented web search. First, a user profile represented as a user' s topics of interest vector is created by analyzing the user' s click through data based on PLSA, then the user' s queries are mapped into categories based on the user' s preferences, and finally the result list is re-ranked according to the user' s interests based on the new proposed method named user-oriented PageRank (UOPR). Experiments on real life datasets show that the user-oriented search system that adopts PLSA takes considerable consideration of user preferences and better satisfies a user' s personalized information needs. 展开更多
关键词 user-oriented search underlying search intention probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) user profile topics of interest
Application of Integration of Spatial Statistical Analysis with GIS to Regional Economic Analysis 被引量:12
作者 CHENFei DUDaosheng 《Geo-Spatial Information Science》 2004年第4期262-267,共6页
This paper summarizes a few spatial statistical analysis methods for to measuring spatial autocorrelation and spatial association, discusses the criteria for the identification of spatial association by the use of glo... This paper summarizes a few spatial statistical analysis methods for to measuring spatial autocorrelation and spatial association, discusses the criteria for the identification of spatial association by the use of global Moran Coefficient, Local Moran and Local Geary. Furthermore, a user-friendly statistical module, combining spatial statistical analysis methods with GIS visual techniques, is developed in Arcview using Avenue. An example is also given to show the usefulness of this module in identifying and quantifying the underlying spatial association patterns between economic units. 展开更多
关键词 spatial statistical analysis spatial autocorrelation spatial association regional economic analys
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