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作者 郭凌华 谢旭军 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2004年第26期19-21,共3页
俗话说″三分长相七分打扮″,一件印刷精美的印刷品具备了三分长相的资质,再经过印后加工的打扮,可以结合印刷的效果,形成精致可人的造型.可见印后加工在塑造印刷品形象中起到了重要作用.而模切在诸多印后加工手段中的作用显得更为突出... 俗话说″三分长相七分打扮″,一件印刷精美的印刷品具备了三分长相的资质,再经过印后加工的打扮,可以结合印刷的效果,形成精致可人的造型.可见印后加工在塑造印刷品形象中起到了重要作用.而模切在诸多印后加工手段中的作用显得更为突出其使印刷品表面既产生变形(压痕),又产生裂变(模切).本文以SLA-230链式全自动卷膜封口机(主要机构如图1、图2所示)为例,介绍模切技术在果冻杯膜加工中的应用供同行借鉴. 展开更多
关键词 果冻杯膜 模切加工 印后加工 塑造印刷品
热熔胶型标签材料模切加工问题解析 被引量:2
作者 和平 《标签技术》 2013年第1期40-42,共3页
由于初黏性好,热熔胶一直是不干胶标签材料最经济、最理想的选择。但由于传统热熔胶型标签材料自身的理化特性不利于模切加工,并且目前在现有文献中也没有很好的解决方法。因此,如何使热熔胶型标签材料的使用性能更好,已成为标签行业一... 由于初黏性好,热熔胶一直是不干胶标签材料最经济、最理想的选择。但由于传统热熔胶型标签材料自身的理化特性不利于模切加工,并且目前在现有文献中也没有很好的解决方法。因此,如何使热熔胶型标签材料的使用性能更好,已成为标签行业一直为之努力的方向。有人曾试图通过改变热熔胶配方来改善材料的具体模切情况,可是模切性能改善了, 展开更多
关键词 不干胶标签 模切加工 热熔胶 材料 解析 理化特性 使用性能 性能改善
作者 强永胜 《印刷技术》 2009年第4期55-57,共3页
对于不干胶标签生产来说,模切工序十分重要。所谓模切就是利用模切刀版将不干胶标签材料切割成需要形状的工艺。多数模切工艺都是对不干胶标签材料进行半切穿,即只切穿不干胶标签材料的面材和胶黏剂层,而不切穿底纸。目前常用的不干... 对于不干胶标签生产来说,模切工序十分重要。所谓模切就是利用模切刀版将不干胶标签材料切割成需要形状的工艺。多数模切工艺都是对不干胶标签材料进行半切穿,即只切穿不干胶标签材料的面材和胶黏剂层,而不切穿底纸。目前常用的不干胶标签模切方式有平压平模切和圆压圆模切两种。其中平压平模切可以连线加工,也可离线加工,而圆压圆模切则为连线加工。本文将介绍不干胶标签在模切加工过程中的一些常见问题和解决方法。 展开更多
关键词 不干胶标签 模切加工 圆压圆 平压平 解析 工艺 线加工 加工过程
作者 孟庆杰 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2002年第F09期53-55,共3页
关键词 设备 模切加工 纸制品 包装
作者 陈永常 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2003年第30期37-39,共3页
折叠纸盒作为商品外包装,既要保证商品的运输安全,又要起到美化商品,提高商品附加值、促进商品销售的作用,因此要求折叠纸盒不仅要具有足够的强度,良好的图案装潢设计.而且要有优良的表面印刷质量和模切加工质量。本文就折叠纸盒印刷、... 折叠纸盒作为商品外包装,既要保证商品的运输安全,又要起到美化商品,提高商品附加值、促进商品销售的作用,因此要求折叠纸盒不仅要具有足够的强度,良好的图案装潢设计.而且要有优良的表面印刷质量和模切加工质量。本文就折叠纸盒印刷、模切加工技术的现状和发展趋势进行分析。 展开更多
关键词 折叠纸盒印刷 模切加工技术 发展趋势 印刷方式 联机
数字模切技术携手传统模切——让技术成就艺术 被引量:2
作者 于帆帆 《今日印刷》 2018年第3期37-40,共4页
模切技术是一种印刷品成型加工技术,是使印刷品获得其使用性能的关键技术之一,在提升印刷品附加值方面起到重要的作用。近年来,市场对印刷包装产品的需求从基本的使用性能发展到对结构、造型、艺术性的要求,同时也对印刷企业模切加工的... 模切技术是一种印刷品成型加工技术,是使印刷品获得其使用性能的关键技术之一,在提升印刷品附加值方面起到重要的作用。近年来,市场对印刷包装产品的需求从基本的使用性能发展到对结构、造型、艺术性的要求,同时也对印刷企业模切加工的速度、加工精度、工作效率、生产成本等方面带来更多挑战。 展开更多
关键词 技术 艺术性 成型加工技术 使用性能 印刷品 包装产品 模切加工 印刷企业
《丝网印刷》 2006年第2期52-52,共1页
关键词 喷绘机 装置 联机 株式会社 模切加工 高速度
作者 宋柯.德尔乐 《广东印刷》 1999年第3期41-42,共2页
模切中的困难一般彩盒生产商都面对以下的模切问题: ◆换版准备时间长◆套准不良◆模切不良。
关键词 印刷 模切加工 工具 程序
《丝网印刷》 2006年第5期55-55,共1页
日本米玛奇株式会社最新推出联带模切装置的喷绘机。该机是高速度、高质量画面的喷绘机与模切机相结合的联机装置。该机可喷绘标签、封印图案、商标,喷绘的同时即可进行模切加工。大大节省了时间,提高了工作效率。该装置的特点是喷绘... 日本米玛奇株式会社最新推出联带模切装置的喷绘机。该机是高速度、高质量画面的喷绘机与模切机相结合的联机装置。该机可喷绘标签、封印图案、商标,喷绘的同时即可进行模切加工。大大节省了时间,提高了工作效率。该装置的特点是喷绘机与模切机联机工作时,可以调节喷绘画面的速度与模切速度;可以脱机作业,单独进行喷绘或单独进行模切;采用数字计算控制装置,可连续模切单数或连续模切双数。 展开更多
关键词 控制装置 喷绘机 联机 高速度 株式会社 模切加工 工作效率 数字计算 工作时
作者 潘杰 马静君 肖颖 《出版与印刷》 2012年第1期30-31,42,共3页
正海绵胶条是模切生产中常使用的一种材料。在模切压痕工艺质量控制中,模切板海绵胶条的选用与粘结十分重要。当钢刀和钢线安装完毕后,为防止模切刀在模压过程中粘住纸张,保证走纸顺畅,需要在钢刀两侧粘贴海绵胶条。海绵胶条在模切压痕... 正海绵胶条是模切生产中常使用的一种材料。在模切压痕工艺质量控制中,模切板海绵胶条的选用与粘结十分重要。当钢刀和钢线安装完毕后,为防止模切刀在模压过程中粘住纸张,保证走纸顺畅,需要在钢刀两侧粘贴海绵胶条。海绵胶条在模切压痕工艺中起着反弹废边、定位瓦楞纸箱、协调模切压痕、保护连接点、均衡压力等重要作用,它直接影响了模切操作时的速度以及模切产品的质量。 展开更多
关键词 印后加工 模切加工 海绵胶条
作者 胡志敏 《印刷技术》 北大核心 2003年第24期33-35,共3页
瓦楞纸箱在现代产品包装中扮演着越来越重要的角色,因其独特的材料结构机理、特有的包装效果和经济实惠而备受欢迎,无论在国内还是在国外,瓦楞纸箱都是包装领域的佼佼者,同时由于纸包装无污染,符合环保要求,成本低,也备受商家青睐。毋... 瓦楞纸箱在现代产品包装中扮演着越来越重要的角色,因其独特的材料结构机理、特有的包装效果和经济实惠而备受欢迎,无论在国内还是在国外,瓦楞纸箱都是包装领域的佼佼者,同时由于纸包装无污染,符合环保要求,成本低,也备受商家青睐。毋庸质疑,商品经济的繁荣、市场竞争的激烈使得瓦楞纸箱成为营销与宣传商品的重要手段,开始越来越被包装用户与消费者所重视。瓦楞纸箱的成型加工作为瓦楞纸箱生产过程中的一个重要环节,也理所当然成为厂家所关注和事先必须解决的问题,比如:成型方式如何选择?对模切刀片和模切版、底胶垫和反弹胶有何技术要求?在模切过程中会遇到哪些问题,该如何解决?本期"一线出击"秉承《印刷技术》杂志的一贯传统,深入报道瓦楞纸箱成型加工中所遇到的种种问题,通过专家和同行的现身说法来解答您所面临的棘手问题。参与本次一线出击的嘉宾有:鸿业器材有限公司林常春先生、陆向前先生,浙江上峰集团公司钟云方先生,亚洲(上海)纸业有限公司钱路铭先生,希望这些专业人士的独到见解能给您以启发和帮助。 展开更多
关键词 瓦楞纸箱 成型加工 包装材料 模切加工 开槽加工
海德堡SM 52印刷机
《印刷技术》 2005年第12期144-144,共1页
荣获2004年GATF技术大奖的速霸SM52配置有连线模切单元.可完成20英寸活件的加工.最高速度15万张/小时,适合小幅面的商业印刷市场。其模切单元可完成多种介质的纵切压痕和打孔等工艺的加工。其技术创新在于连线组合了胶印技术和模切... 荣获2004年GATF技术大奖的速霸SM52配置有连线模切单元.可完成20英寸活件的加工.最高速度15万张/小时,适合小幅面的商业印刷市场。其模切单元可完成多种介质的纵切压痕和打孔等工艺的加工。其技术创新在于连线组合了胶印技术和模切加工,实现了模切滚筒的远程控制,可根据纸张厚度对其进行相应的设置和调整。 展开更多
关键词 海德堡 印刷机 2004年 最高速度 20英寸 SM52 TF技术 印刷市场 多种介质 模切加工 胶印技术 技术创新 远程控制 纸张厚度 单元 连线 活件 速霸 幅面
Development of analysis model for geometric error in turning processes 被引量:1
作者 LEE Mun-jae LEE Choon-man 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第3期711-717,共7页
A finite element model was established for analyzing the geometric errors in turning operations and a two-step analyzing process was proposed. In the first analyzing step, the cutting force and the cutting heat for th... A finite element model was established for analyzing the geometric errors in turning operations and a two-step analyzing process was proposed. In the first analyzing step, the cutting force and the cutting heat for the cutting conditions were obtained using the AdvantEdge. Also, the deformation of a workpiece was estimated in the second step using the ANSYS. The deformation was analyzed for a 150 mm-long workpiece at three different measuring points, such as 10, 70 and 130 mm from a reference point, and the amounts of the deformation were compared through experiments. /n the results of the comparison and analysis, the values obtained from these comparison and analysis represent similar tendencies. Also, it is verified that their geometric errors increase with the increase in temperature. In addition, regarding the factors that affect the deformation of a workpiecc, it can be seen that the geometric error in the lathe is about 15%, the error caused by the cutting force is about 10%, and the deformation caused by the heat is about 75%. 展开更多
关键词 geometric error machining accuracy finite element analysis TURNING cutting force cutting temperature
Study on geometric models of non-numerically controlled machining revolving cutter with constant pitch 被引量:1
作者 韩成顺 尚元江 +2 位作者 王景贺 唐余勇 董申 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第4期356-360,共5页
This paper presents a new approach of designing the revolving cutter with constant pitch, and provides geometric models. The corresponding models in the non-numerically controlled manufacturing, such as designing the ... This paper presents a new approach of designing the revolving cutter with constant pitch, and provides geometric models. The corresponding models in the non-numerically controlled manufacturing, such as designing the helical groove, grinding wheel, relative feeding motion, and calculating the helical angle of the cutting edge, are introduced. The examples are given to testify that the design approach is simple and readily realized in machining the revolving cutter with constant pitch. The effective design and manufacture method provides general references for non-NC machining revolving cutter with constant pitch and reducing the equipments input. 展开更多
关键词 revolving cutter constant pitch non-numerically controlled machining geometric model
Numerical Controlled Two Optical Paths CO_2 Laser Die-Cutting Technology 被引量:1
作者 王萌 刘铁根 +2 位作者 霍晓飞 许宝忠 张国顺 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2010年第4期284-288,共5页
A CO2 laser die-cutting system, which does not need die board any more, is a new technique for manufac-turing packing box. Two optical paths, the galvanometer scanning system and the flying optical system, are used to... A CO2 laser die-cutting system, which does not need die board any more, is a new technique for manufac-turing packing box. Two optical paths, the galvanometer scanning system and the flying optical system, are used to satisfy different processing needs. The scanning system is composed of galvanometer scanning mirrors and F-θ lens. And the flying optical system is driven by two servo motors. This paper presents the software and hardware design of the laser die-cutting system, the difference between the two optical paths, as well as the relationship among the cutting speed, thickness of wrapping paper and laser power. The cutting speed and thickness of wrapping paper are linearly increased by the incremental laser power, while the cutting speed is hyperbolically decreased by the incremental thickness of wrapping paper when the laser power is constant. The amount of incision is reduced by 20% and the processing time by 40% when tested by a low power RF CO2 laser die-cutting system using the optimized program. This tech- nique is also used for the reference of other rapid laser processing systems. 展开更多
关键词 laser manufacturing technique laser die-cutting galvanometer scanning system flying optical system
Modeling of Transient Thermal Conditions in Cutting
作者 T. Augspurger F. Klocke +3 位作者 B. Dobbeler M. Brockmann S. Gierlings A. Lima 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2017年第3期113-119,共7页
The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality ... The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality of the work piece. This in particular applies for manufacturing processes like milling, drilling and turning for high-value turbomachinery components like impellers, combustion engines and compressors of the aerospace and automotive industry as well as energy generation, which play a major role in modern societies. However, numerous analytical and experimental efforts have been conducted in order to understand the thermal conditions in metal cutting, yet many questions still prevail. Most models are based on a stationary point of view and do not include time dependent effects like in intensity and distribution varying heat sources, varying engagement conditions and progressive tool wear. In order to cover such transient physics an analytical approach based on Green's functions for the solution of the partial differential equations of unsteady heat conduction in solids is used to model entire transient temperature fields. The validation of the model is carried out in orthogonal cutting experiments not only punctually but also for entire temperature fields. For these experiments an integrated measurement of prevailing cutting force and temperature fields in the tool and the chip by means of high-speed thermography were applied. The thermal images were analyzed with regard to thermodynamic energy balancing in order to derive the heat partition between tool, chips and workpiece. The thus calculated heat flow into the tool was subsequently used in order to analytically model the transient volumetric temperature fields in the tool. The described methodology enables the modeling of the transient thermal state in the cutting zone and particular in the tool, which is directly linked to phenomena like tool wear and workpiece surface modifications. 展开更多
关键词 Metal cutting infrared thermography heat sources transient temperature fields model based on Green's functions.
作者 孙健法 晁红风 《印刷杂志》 2003年第4期106-109,共4页
关键词 烟标 压痕 卷烟包装 压痕加工 纸盒 成型
Chip Formation in Micro-cutting
作者 Franqois Ducobu Edouard Rivi~re-Lorph~vre Enrico Filippi 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2013年第7期441-448,共8页
The miniaturisation context leads to the rise of micro-machining processes. Micro-milling is one of the most flexible and fast of them. Although it is based on the same principles as macro-cutting, it is not a simple ... The miniaturisation context leads to the rise of micro-machining processes. Micro-milling is one of the most flexible and fast of them. Although it is based on the same principles as macro-cutting, it is not a simple scaling-down of it. This down-sizing involves new phenomena in the chip formation, such as the minimum chip thickness below which no chip is formed. This paper presents a review of the current state of the art in this field from an experimental and a numerical point of view. A 2D finite element model is then developed to study the influence of the depth of cut on the chip formation. After the model validation in macro-cutting, it highlights the phenomena reported in literature and allows to perform a minimum chip thickness estimation. 展开更多
关键词 Chip formation MICRO-CUTTING minimum chip thickness orthogonal cutting saw-toothed chip Ti6AI4V.
作者 关国平 《出口商品包装(纸箱纸盒)》 2002年第5期58-59,共2页
由纸品加工的东西几乎遍及世界的每一个角落,纸制品涵盖了包括标签、垫版、信封、折盒、药盒等在内的几乎每一件东西。无论制造什么纸品,有一道工序是必不可少的——切割。那么您渴望简化切割刀具的订购工作吗?其核心便是保持纸品加... 由纸品加工的东西几乎遍及世界的每一个角落,纸制品涵盖了包括标签、垫版、信封、折盒、药盒等在内的几乎每一件东西。无论制造什么纸品,有一道工序是必不可少的——切割。那么您渴望简化切割刀具的订购工作吗?其核心便是保持纸品加工商(以下简称加工商)与刀模制造商(以下简称制模商)之间的良好沟通,因为模切加工的产品在性能及形状要求方面千变万化。 展开更多
关键词 纸品加工 割工艺 模切加工 割材料 刀具选择 板规格 机器规格
MD simulation of nanometric cutting of copper with and without water lubrication 被引量:5
作者 CHEN YunHui HAN Huang +1 位作者 FANG FengZhou HU XiaoTang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第6期1154-1159,共6页
Three-dimensional molecular dynamics(MD)simulation was carried out to understand the mechanism of water lubrication in nanometric cutting.The water-lubricated cutting was compared with the dry cutting process in terms... Three-dimensional molecular dynamics(MD)simulation was carried out to understand the mechanism of water lubrication in nanometric cutting.The water-lubricated cutting was compared with the dry cutting process in terms of lattice deformation,cutting force,heat and pressure distribution,and machined surface integrity.It was found that water molecules effectively reduce the friction between the tool and workpiece,the heat in the cutting zone and the pressure being generated on the tool surface,thus leading to prolonged tool life.Water molecules also enlarged the pressure-affected area,which decreased the roughness of the machined surface. 展开更多
关键词 molecular dynamics cutting tools
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